Ingles y cromatografia.docx

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  • 7/27/2019 Ingles y cromatografia.docx


    Science News:

    The SDSS-III collaboration, involving the IAC, publishes the largest three-

    dimensional map of the universe. Accessible to everyone online, contains

    information on hundreds of thousands of distant galaxies and help to learn more

    about the mysterious dark matter and dark energy.

    Mars explorer 'Curiosity' has begun shipping its first high-resolution images of the

    surface of Mars and views of the plain on which rested on Sunday. NASA released

    images on your website.

    The first experiments pointing to the existence of the Higgs boson occurred many

    months before the historic and public announcement of its discovery. Researchers

    have waited LHC results with "5 sigma" statistical significance for the news. New

    results have increased the degree of certainty to the 5.9 sigma.

    Researchers from CSIC (Spain) and the University of Saarbrcken (Germany)

    have revealed the role of two molecules in iron transport in plants, according to an

    article published in the journal The Plant Cell. This is the nicotianamina and citrate,

    which participate in the distribution of metal micronutrient through the plant


    The powerful particle accelerator LHC is now European common source of news.

    Many ambitious experiments at the LHC are the only way by which to perform.

    Among the issues explored include some of the conditions prevailing in the

    universe just moments after being created, the production of forms of matter never

    before obtained in such experiments, and theories that go far beyond standard


  • 7/27/2019 Ingles y cromatografia.docx



    La cromatografa de fluidos supercrticos (SFC) es una tcnica hbrida entre la

    cromatografa de gases (GC) y la HPLC, que combina lo mejor de ambas tcnicas.Esta tcnica es importante porque permite la separacin de mezclas en las que no

    es adecuada la aplicacin de la GC ni de la HPLC. En concreto, se aplica a

    compuestos no voltiles o trmicamente inestables que no pueden ser separados

    mediante GC, o aquellos que contienen grupos funcionales que imposibilitan su

    deteccin en HPLC.

    Debida a las caractersticas de la fase mvil (alta presin y temperatura) se

    emplean equipos parecidos a los de HPLC, con varias diferencias:

    El empleo de un horno termosttico para poder controlar con precisin la

    temperatura de la fase mvil.

    El uso de un restrictor, empleado para poder mantener por una parte la presin en

    el interior de la columna y por otra parte permitir la bajada de la presin a la salida

    para que el fluido supercrtico (SF en adelante) pase al estado gaseoso y pueda

    ser detectado adecuadamente el analito.

    La SFC se aplica a una gran variedad de compuestos, entre los que podemos citar

    drogas, alimentos, herbicidas, tensioactivos, polmeros y aditivos para stos,

    impelentes, explosivos o combustibles fsiles.
