Invesigacion de Cristalesen Internet

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  • 7/24/2019 Invesigacion de Cristalesen Internet


    Mayo Clinic Proceedings recently found that more than 40% of the established,

    conventional medical practices that were examined were found to be ineffective

    or harmful.That conventional medical practices are often NOT subject to

    controlled studies before theyre adopted for widespread use

    biomagnetic field, dominant oscillary rate, crystal lattice, entrainment,


    dellibrio cristal conection:

    los cristales y otras piedras poreciosas, soin matrices por las cuales los codigos

    cristalinos pe las conciencias personales y planetarias son conectadas con las

    dimesionessuperiors de la luz de una manera amplifcada y choreente.

    Son las puntas cristalizadas de uns espectro interdimensional de matrices cristalinasq se originana en planos superiores de las octavas celeswtsialesw superiores

    SAIRVE !E "I#S A $%&AVAS S'(ERI$RES, !E "A )A&ERIA A" ES(IRI&', A "A


  • 7/24/2019 Invesigacion de Cristalesen Internet


    )I&$S A&I*'$S

    Nearly every ancient culture has revered Quartz. The ancients believed Quartz was

    actually water from the heavens that was frozen into eternal ice by the gods. In fact,

    the word "crystal" derives from the Greek word "krystallos" meaning "ice". ceanic

    and !ustralian shamans soke of Quartz as "a stone of light broken off from the

    celestial throne".

    The !borigines used the crystals to invoke rain, as did certain Native !merican tribes.

    In !ustralian !boriginal mythology, Quartz is the most common substance

    identified with their mystical substance called "maban". #aban is said to be the

    material from which wise men $called karad%is& obtain their magickal owers. 'uringinitiation ceremonies, maban is siritually "inserted" into the body of the arentice by

    the karad%i.

    The !ustralian sky god, 'aramulun, was long ortrayed through art and sculture as

    having a mouth full of Quartz, a huge hallus, and carrying a stone a(e.

    In the creation myths of the ancient )aanese it was believed that Quartz materialized

    through the breath of the venerated *hite 'ragon. !s such, Quartz was regarded as the

    erfect %ewel and came to symbolize erfection or the ursuit thereof. Quartz graced

    their temles and was also found throughout the temles of the ancient +hinese,

    #ayans, !ztecs, and many other earlier civilizations situated around the globe.

    %+I&A)AI S&$E

    !ice estar en el shamal y es atravez de ella que se mantiene la -recuencia de luz de

    la tierra

    a travez de ella cayo le /er Reich0

    $m mani padme hum signifca litermanlente1 la gema esta ene l lot, perosignifcar2a1nuestro ser,el cristal y la saidur2a son indivisles

    %RIS&A"ES S$1 A*E"ES 3'E %AR*A "$S )ESA4E S$ 5RE'E%IAS !E "$S


    6 chamanes oce7nicos y de Australia dien que los cristales son agua celestial


  • 7/24/2019 Invesigacion de Cristalesen Internet


    8 los griegos tami9n

    / mietos chinos dicen que el cielo qrea como una cuela con stalactitas y q cayeron

    %RIS&A"ES 5A)$S$$S1:

    ; &he lac< Stone o- cyelles; El omphalos de de=os; &he palladyum o- troy

    Eran consideradas pr-etas

    "A A&'RA"E>A %RIS&A"IA3 !E" SER +')A$1

    ?iocristales luiquidos en las c9lulas

    ; )ae wan ho1 Organisms are so dramatically coherent at the molecular level that they appearto be crystallineThere is a dynamic, liquid crystalline continuum of connective tissues and

    extracellular matrix linking directly into the equally liquid crystalline cytoplasm in the interior of

    every single cell in the body. Liquid crystallinity gives organisms their characteristic flexibility,

    exquisite sensitivity and responsiveness, thus optimiing the rapid, noiseless intercommunication

    that enables the organism to function as a coherent, coordinated !hole. The organism is

    coherent beyond our !ildest dreams. "very part is in communication !ith every other part

    through the dynamic, tunable, responsive liquid crystalline medium that pervades the !hole

    body, from organs and tissues to the interior of every cell.#

    %ristales en nuestro A!1 es un he@7gono

    ; "os cristales y el adn amos emiten luz ao presiBn


    Water The Link to Hyperspace

  • 7/24/2019 Invesigacion de Cristalesen Internet


    Although the H2O molecule itself seems fairly simple,

    water is far more complex than its chemical formula seems to indicate. Water enjoys a very special

    position in the grand design, and its notorious for reelling against all existing models and

    comparisons when viewed on par with the other elements of the periodic tale. !hemically, waterexhiits a wide range of properties exceptional in "ature, among these, thermal #ualities essential for

    iological life, such as a large heat capacity, high thermal conductivity and a high latent heat of

    evaporation among many, many others.

    $ore significant in the context of this theory however, is the fact

    that water has a uni#ue tetrahedralmolecular configuration and is thermodynamically inversed% its the

    only element expanding when cooled and contracting when heated. &hese properties ma'e the

    element of water harmonically tuned to the geometry of hyperspace, providing a lin' closing the feed(

    ac' loop of expansion and contraction, a lin' etween entropic and negentropic forces in the

    universe. On a molecular level water is highly cohesive% the hydrogen atoms of one molecule easily

    attracts the oxygen atoms of surrounding molecules, therey organi)ing itself into crystal(li'e grids

    which are ale to store or transduce virational information. *eing the exact geometry of the vacuum,

    the crystalline structure of water functions as a perfect conduit for coherent information exchange

    etween hyperspace and iological systems. Haramein suggests this tetrahedral configuration

    produce a spin function in the structure of space, which forms a resonance lin' to the fluid dynamics

    of the water molecules. &hrough this resonance, coherent information revererates through its

    construct, propagating negentropic processes into the material form + processes that move towards

    higher states of order and complexity, mirroring the harmonic fre#uencies of the vacuum geometry, a

    mechanism possily crucial to uphold the complexity of the "A

  • 7/24/2019 Invesigacion de Cristalesen Internet


    &he source of consciousness does not originate within the ody or the rain, ut is rather a #uality of

    the topology of space(time itself, of the fundamental dynamics and function of an information

    processing lac'(hole(universe. As such the iological ody is more li'e a transceiver of

    consciousness, and not its originating source. &o find the conduit of consciousness then, we must

    again loo' to the crystalline geometry of water within the human form.