La proteína dietética aumenta el calcio urinario

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  • 8/17/2019 La proteína dietética aumenta el calcio urinario


    Issues and O pinions in nutrition

    T he v iews e xp re sse d in th is se ctio n a re th ose o f t he a uth ors a nd n ot n ec essa rily th ose o f t he E dito r, th e E dito ria l B oa rd o f T he

    J ou rn al , o r th e Americ an In stitu te o fNu tritio n. R e ad ers a re in vite d to re sp on d to th es e e ss ay s b y L et te rs to th e Edit or, s o th at T he

    Jo urn al c an se rv e a s a fo rum fo r th e d isc ussio n o f t he se to pic s.

    Dietary Protein Increases urinary Calcium


    School o f A ll ied Heal th Profes sions and Department o f Nutr it ional Sciences The Universi ty o f

    Connecticut Storrs CT 06269-4017

    An increase in dietary protein has been shown by

    several investigators to increase urinary losses of cal

    cium , resulting in negative calcium balance (1-7). This

    has been review ed in detail by Yuen et al. (8). However,

    Spencer and colleagues have observed that a high pro

    tein diet has little effect on urinary calcium excretion,

    and they attributed this to the phosphorus content of

    the diet (9-11). Recently, they concluded that com

    m only used complex proteins, which have a high phos

    phorus content, do not cause urinary calcium loss in

    adult hum ans (12). B ecause excess urinary calcium and

    negative calcium balance are thought to result in an

    increased risk for osteoporosis and nephrolithiasis, it is

    im portant to address this discrepancy of opinion. This

    paper w ill summarize the available data in adults regard

    ing the effects of dietary protein, calcium , and phospho

    rus on calcium balance. From the available literature,

    we conclude that at calcium and phosphorus intakes









    10 0



    o o








    100 200 300 400

    Die taryrotei n0/d

    5 6

    FIGUR Rela tionship b etw een p ro te in in ta ke and u ri

    nary calcium . Each point represents the m ean of a group of

    subjects from one o f t he 16 stu dies cited in the text. T he data

    re pre se nt 1 54 adu lt ma le a nd female s ub je cts .

    typically consum ed by the American adult, increases in

    dietary protein do increase urinary calcium , resulting in

    a shift of calcium balance in a negative direction.

    F igu re summarizes sep arate h um an stu dies an d

    illustrates the relationship betw een dietary protein in

    take and urinary calcium excretion in 154 adult subjects(1-7, 9, 10, 13-19). The protein was supplied as wheat

    gluten, beef, m ilk, egg, soy, lactalbum in or casein in the

    form of purified proteins or m ixed foods. Study periods

    lasted from 12 to 60 d. A t protein intakes below 200 g/d

    the relationship between dietary protein and urinary

    calcium is liner (r = 0.67) such that for each 50-g incre

    ment of dietary protein an extra 60 mg of urinary cal

    cium is lost.

    T he relationsh ip betw een dieta ry pro tein a nd u rinary

    calcium has also been well documented in rat models

    (20-24) and in dairy cows (25). Hypercalciuria from

    excessive dietary protein increases the risk of renal

    calcium oxalate stones (26-31).

    The renal response of humans to dietary protein is

    rapid; that is, hypercalciuria is observed within 2 to 4 h

    after protein ingestion (32). In hum ans, the calciuria

    does not dim inish in long-term experimental periods

    lasting from 45 to 60 d (1, 4, 7). The mechanism by

    w hich dietary protein influences urinary calcium prob

    ably involves several factors. D ietary protein clearly

    increases the glomerular filtration rate and thus the

    filtered calcium load (4-7, 14, 15, 17, 33). In addition,

    the renal fractional reabsorption of calcium is de pressed

    by a higher protein diet compared to one with a lower

    protein content (4, 5, 7 , 15, 17, 32). The change in

    reabsorption has been attributed to the sulfur and acid

    load from th e protein (5,17,34,3 5) o r the hyperinsu line-

    m ic effect of protein (36).

    The protein-induced increase in urinary calcium re

    sults in negative calcium balance. Figure 2 illustrates

    calcium balance data from 13 separate hum an studies

    in which dietary protein was m anipulated in 104 adults

    0 02 2-3 166 /9 0 3 .0 0 ©1 990 Ame rica n In stitu te o f N utritio n. R ece iv ed 1 3 J an uary 1 98 9. /. à ‘u tà .120:134-136.

    13 4

  • 8/17/2019 La proteína dietética aumenta el calcio urinario



    13 5

    100-50-X e

    o —50j-100-o °-150--20 0--O ift

    -, © o



    D D

    AA aDO Bli

    0A D

    aA A


    0.4 0.6 0 .8 1

    Dieta r y C a a

    1.2 1.4

    F IGURE Rel ati on sh ip of pr otei n and cal ci um i ntak es to

    calcium retention. E ach point represents the m ean of a group

    of subjects f rom the 13 studies cited in the tex t. T he data

    re presen t 1 04 ad ult m ale an d f em ale su bjects. Pro tein in tak es

    are as follow s: 25-74 g/d (open circles), 75-124 g/d (stars),

    12 5-1 74 g /d (o pen b ox es) and >1 75 g /d (o pen trian gles).

    (1-7, 10, 14-16, 19). A t low protein intak es (25-74 g/d),

    calcium balance is close to equilibrium at calcium in

    tak es betw een 500 and 1400 m g/d. For healthy indiv id

    uals w eighing less than 91/k g, the R DA for protein is

    included in this low protein range. A t the ty pical

    calcium intak e for adults in W estern populations (400-

    1300 m g/d) (37), protein intak es higher than 75 g/d tend

    to result in negativ e calcium balance. Figure 2, how ev er,

    does not address the issue of phosphorus intak e.

    F igu r e 3 illu st r at es ca lciu m b a la n ce d a ta a s a fu n ct ion

    of phosphorus intak e from the sam e 13 studies repre

    sented in Fig ure 2. A t the ty pical am o unts of phosph orus

    consum ed by adults (0.8-1.5 g/d) (37), calcium balance

    does appear to be largely dependent on protein intak e.

    W e k now that phosphorus clearly decreases urinary

    calcium losses (6 , 18) either b y increasing parathy roid

    horm one sy nthesis (38) or m ore directly by af fecting

    calcium tubular reabsorption (39). S pencer and col

    leagues hav e conclu ded that increasing dietary protein

    from com monly consum ed com plex proteins also in

    creases dietary phosphorus, w hich negates the urinary

    calcium losses (9-12). T hese conclusions w ere based on

    studies in w hich the addition of red m eat or dairy

    products failed to af fect urinary calcium . A lthough in

    creased dietary phosphorus can clearly blunt the

    hy percalciuretic response to protein and im prov e cal

    cium balance, Figure 3 rev eals that the ability to restore

    calcium balance to equilibrium is not clear.

    For ex am ple, Hegsted et al. (6) m easured calcium

    balance in adults at tw o lev els of protein (50 and 150 g)

    and phosphorus (1010 and 2525 m g) intak e. A t both

    lev els of protein intak e, phosphorus reduced urinary

    calcium losses by approx im ately 40% and shif ted cal

    cium balance in the positiv e direction. Y e t, calcium

    balance w as still negativ e (-25 m g/d) w ith the high




    -150--200-17 5 g /d (op en trian gles).

    protein, high pho sphorus diet and urinary hy drox yprol-

    ine w as higher, suggesting an increase in bone rà © sorp

    tion (6, 19). In addition, there are other ex am ples in

    w hich a protein and phosphorus load giv en as anim al

    f lesh w ere associated w ith sm all but signif icant in

    creases in urinary calcium losses (26, 28, 40).

    In sum m ary , strong ev idence link s the intak e of com

    m only consum ed dietary proteins to urinary calcium

    and calcium balance at ty pical lev els of dietary calcium

    and phosphorus. W h en there is an abundance of dietary

    calcium and p hosphorus (as w ith a lib eral intak e of dairy

    pro ducts), the d ependence of calciu m balance on dietary

    pro tein is less pron ounced (19). A t protein intak es abov e

    the R DA , m ore calcium is lost in the urine, so calcium

    balances tend to be n egativ e.


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