Example of an English class Mtra. Martha Lorena Obermeier Pérez September, 2012

Mtra. Martha Lorena Obermeier Pérez September, 2012

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Page 1: Mtra. Martha Lorena Obermeier Pérez September, 2012

Example of an English class

Mtra. Martha Lorena Obermeier PérezSeptember, 2012

Page 2: Mtra. Martha Lorena Obermeier Pérez September, 2012

Este material fue diseñado para impartir la asesoría de la materia Introducción a la didáctica de las lenguas. En el tema 1 de la cuarta unidad, los alumnos diseñarán un lesson plan basándose en el formato presentado por la autora de contenido. El formato presenta las etapas de la clase de manera sintetizada. El presente material es un ejemplo de un lesson plan diseñado para impartir una clase, siguiendo las etapas y considerando los aspectos importantes para el diseño de clase.


Page 3: Mtra. Martha Lorena Obermeier Pérez September, 2012

El ejemplo que se proporciona en la materia es un lesson plan sencillo. En este material, se presentan las etapas y lo que se planea realizar en la clase. El diseño del presente material ilustra de manera práctica las etapas de la clase, las actividades que se realizarán y los materiales que se utilizarán, así como la tecnología necesaria. Además, al inicio se incluyen los datos que deben considerarse para el diseño de un lesson plan, mismos que faltaban en los materiales elaborados por la autora en contenido de la unidad académica.


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3 minutes Warm up

5 minutes Presentation stage

25 minutes Practice stage

15 minutes Production/post stage

5 minutes Feedback/homework

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Topic: Technology Level: upper intermediate (7th. level) Grammar: simple past and future. Skills: speaking, grammar and reading. Sub-skills: listening. Students age: young adults, 20 years old

average. Length of the class: 50-55 minutes.

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Scenario: classroom. Materials: dvd player, board, textbook, markers. Competence: I. Aplica y domina el idioma inglés según el

nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para el conocimiento de las lenguas extranjeras.

Comprende material auditivo activa y efectivamente. Se expresa de manera clara y sencilla en el lenguaje

oral y escrito. Comprende textos en inglés activa y efectivamente Identifica de manera crítica fuentes de literatura


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Students guess the word, by filling in the spaces the proper letters to come up with the word (technology).


3 minutes: Warm up

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Teacher (T) writes on the board the following question: How often do you use technology?

T asks ss to imagine a world without technology or computers, how could life be at school, at home or at the office. Several answers are given by the ss.

5 minutes: Presentation stage

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T plays a video about life in past times and ss answer exercise 4 of the video section with the information obtained.

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T asks ss to describe how is life nowadays and to make comparisons with the information presented in the video.

Ex. Given: teachers used to have mixed-gender groups.

T asks ss: What would happen if computers or technology disappeared? How life would change at school, work, home, traveling, communications.

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T asks the whole group to check the grammar section on page 67 and answer the exercises A to C. T checks the answers randomly.

25 minutes: Practice stage

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T asks ss to read the text in page 69: The global Village and answer exercises A and B. T checks the answers randomly.

15 minutes: Production/post stage

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Discussion: T asks ss the following questions. How computers and technology will change in the future? What the advantages and disadvantages could be?

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T asks ss to visit the following link: http://www2.cambridge.org/interchangearcade/launch.do?activityID=369&level=3&unit=10&type=Cup_drag_and_drop&stage=2 and answer the exercises Predicting the future with will and Refering to time in the past as a piece of homework.

5 minutes: Feedback/Homework

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Richards, J., J. Hull & S. Proctor (2005) Interchange 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cambridge University Press. (2012) http://www2.cambridge.org/interchangearcade/main.do

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