Vive la Historia Live the History PARADOR DE SANTO DOMINGO Fue el propio Santo Domingo el que construyó este edificio hace casi mil años para atender a enfermos y peregrinos. Su determinación por mantener y mejorar la vieja calzada romana o la construcción de un puente sobre el río Oja le convirtieron en un personaje clave en el camino de peregrinación que iba hasta Compostela. El parador es la adaptación del antiguo Hospital de Peregrinos situado frente a la catedral. En 1965, y dada la importancia turística del Camino de Santiago, se decidió reaprovechar el viejo edificio que se encontraba en pésimo estado de conservación ya que desde 1840 había perdido su función y estaba parcelado y empleado en varios usos, algunos incluso como cuadras o cochiqueras. El edificio actual ha tratado de recuperar su aspecto original limpiando la estructura de las falsas divisiones que se habían hecho a lo largo de los siglos. La gran actuación se realizó sobre el patio central que pasó a ser un punto fundamental del edificio cubriéndolo con una vidriera moderna de hormigón y vidrio armado que contrasta con la piedra y el carácter vetusto del edificio. Con la rehabilitación los arcos y muros de sillería del hospital medieval quedaron al descubierto, creando un espacio para salón-vestíbulo que recuerda su origen medieval. Se restauró igualmente la escalera abierta a este salón, que conduce a las habitaciones y se limpió y rehabilitó una vieja cuadra conservando su vieja viguería de madera para destinarla a comedor. Frente a este edificio y para atender una necesaria ampliación de habitaciones se adquirió un inmueble en la plaza de la catedral que se adaptó de acuerdo al estilo de las edificaciones antiguas de la ciudad. The Parador is the adaptation of the former Pilgrims’ Hospital located opposite the cathedral. In 1965, given the touristic importance of the Way of Santiago, it was decided to again take advantage of the old building which was in a sad state of conservation as, since 1840, it had lost its function and was employed in several uses, even as stables or pigsties. The present building has endeavoured to recover its original aspect with the cleaning of the structure of the false partitions which had been made over the centuries. The main work was on the central patio central which became a fundamental point in the building: It was covered with a window made of concrete and wired glass which contrasts with the stone and the ancient character of the building. With the rehabilitation, the ashlar arches and walls of the medieval hospital were revealed, creating an area for a hallway-lounge which brings its medieval origin to mind. The stairway opening onto this lounge and leading to the bedrooms was restored. An old stable was cleaned and rehabilitated, conserving its old wooden beams, and assigned as a dinning-room. Opposite this building, in order to attend to a necessary increase in the number of bedrooms, a property was acquired in the square of the cathedral and adapted in accordance with the style of the old buildings of the city. It was Santo Domingo himself who constructed this building almost a thousand years ago in order to attend to the ill and pilgrims. His determination to maintain and improve the old Roman road and the construction of a bridge over the River Oja transformed him into a key personage in the way of pilgrimage which went to Compostela.

PARADOR DE SANTO DOMINGO obispo y teólogo Fray Bernardo de Fresneda (1510-1577) fue un infl uyente franciscano de gran importancia para la villa de Santo Domingo al que muchos han

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  • Vive la Historia Live the HistoryPARADOR DE SANTO


    Fue el propio Santo Domingo el que construy este edifi cio hace casi mil aos para atender a enfermos y peregrinos. Su determinacin por mantener y mejorar la vieja calzada romana o la construccin de un puente sobre el ro Oja le convirtieron en un personaje clave en el camino de peregrinacin que iba hasta Compostela.

    El parador es la adaptacin del antiguo Hospital de Peregrinos situado frente a la catedral. En 1965, y dada la importancia turstica del Camino de Santiago, se decidi reaprovechar el viejo edifi cio que se encontraba en psimo estado de conservacin ya que desde 1840 haba perdido su funcin y estaba parcelado y empleado en varios usos, algunos incluso como cuadras o cochiqueras. El edifi cio actual ha tratado de recuperar su aspecto original limpiando la estructura de las falsas divisiones que se haban hecho a lo largo de los siglos. La gran actuacin se realiz sobre el patio central que pas a ser un punto fundamental del edifi cio cubrindolo con una vidriera moderna de hormign y vidrio armado que contrasta con la piedra y el carcter vetusto del edifi cio. Con la rehabilitacin los arcos y muros de sillera del hospital medieval quedaron al descubierto, creando un espacio para saln-vestbulo que recuerda su origen medieval. Se restaur igualmente la escalera abierta a este saln, que conduce a las habitaciones y se limpi y rehabilit una vieja cuadra conservando su vieja viguera de madera para destinarla a comedor. Frente a este edifi cio y para atender una necesaria ampliacin de habitaciones se adquiri un inmueble en la plaza de la catedral que se adapt de acuerdo al estilo de las edifi caciones antiguas de la ciudad.

    The Parador is the adaptation of the former Pilgrims Hospital located opposite the cathedral. In 1965, given the touristic importance of the Way of Santiago, it was decided to again take advantage of the old building which was in a sad state of conservation as, since 1840, it had lost its function and was employed in several uses, even as stables or pigsties. The present building has endeavoured to recover its original aspect with the cleaning of the structure of the false partitions which had been made over the centuries. The main work was on the central patio central which became a fundamental point in the building: It was covered with a window made of concrete and wired glass which contrasts with the stone and the ancient character of the building. With the rehabilitation, the ashlar arches and walls of the medieval hospital were revealed, creating an area for a hallway-lounge which brings its medieval origin to mind. The stairway opening onto this lounge and leading to the bedrooms was restored. An old stable was cleaned and rehabilitated, conserving its old wooden beams, and assigned as a dinning-room. Opposite this building, in order to attend to a necessary increase in the number of bedrooms, a property was acquired in the square of the cathedral and adapted in accordance with the style of the old buildings of the city.

    It was Santo Domingo himself who constructed this building almost a thousand years ago in order to attend to the ill and pilgrims. His determination to maintain and improve the old Roman road and the construction of a bridge over the River Oja transformed him into a key personage in the way of pilgrimage which went to Compostela.

  • El obispo y telogo Fray Bernardo de Fresneda (1510-1577) fue un infl uyente franciscano de gran importancia para la villa de Santo Domingo al que muchos han visto como inspirador de la universidad riojana al proyectar un colegio universitario en la ciudad. Formado en Alcal y amigo del cardenal Cisneros, lleg a ser confesor real de Felipe II y acompaante del rey en importantes viajes diplomticos, as como testigo del inicio de las obras del monasterio de El Escorial, bendiciendo la primera piedra que se puso en 1563. Fray Bernardo fue tambin obispo de Cuenca y Zaragoza y miembro del consejo para la reforma de las rdenes religiosas espaolas en el siglo XVI, un cargo de la mxima confi anza del rey. Infl uido por el carcter humanista de Cisneros y tratando de emularlo coste personalmente el Colegio Universitario de San Buenaventura (que fi nalmente no se lleg a construir) y dot esplndidamente al convento de Santa Mara Madre de Dios (o de San Francisco) donde mand construir su propia capilla funeraria pero, sobre todo, dej en herencia a la catedral su magnfi ca biblioteca, parte de la cual an se conserva.

    The Bishop and Theologian, Fray Bernardo de Fresneda (1510-1577) was an infl uential Franciscan of great importance for the town of Santo Domingo. Many have seen him as the inspirer of the University of La Rioja as he planned a University College in the city. Trained in Alcal and a friend of Cardinal Cisneros, he became the Royal Confessor of Felipe II and accompanied the king on important diplomatic journeys. He was also a witness to the commencement of the work on the Monastery of El Escorial, blessing the fi rst stone which was laid in 1563. Fray Bernardo was also the Bishop of Cuenca and Zaragoza, as well as a member of the Council for the Reform of the Spanish Religious Orders in the XVI century, a post of the maximum trust of the king. Infl uenced by the humanist character of Cisneros and in an endeavour to emulate him, he personally paid for the University College of San Buenaventura (which fi nally was not built) and he splendidly endowed the convent of Santa Mara Madre de Dios (or San Francisco) where he ordered his own funerary chapel to be built. However, above all, he bequeathed his magnifi cent library to the Cathedral and part of it is still conserved.



    Categora: Hospital de peregrinosFecha: 1965Arquitecto: Manuel Sainz de Vicua

    Category: Pilgrims HospitalDate: 1965Architect: Manuel Sainz de Vicua

    PARADOR BERNARDO DE FRESNEDADesde 2007 funciona este nuevo parador, complementario del de Santo Domingo y ubicado en un ala del antiguo convento de San Francisco, construido por Fray Bernardo, de quien toma el nombre. De l destaca la cpula con doble crucera de madera de 30 metros que cubre el antiguo patio de novicios, hoy adaptado como restaurante.

    PARADOR BERNARDO DE FRESNEDASince 2007, this new Parador, complementary to that of Santo Domingo and located in a wing of the former convent of San Francisco, built by Fray Bernardo, whose name it bears. Outstanding here is the ribbed, 30 metre, wooden dome which covers the former patio of novices, which today has been adapted as a restaurant.


    Santo Domingo de la Calzada y su catedral. Santo Domingo de la Calzada and its cathedral

    Njera y Santa Mara la Real. Njera and Santa Mara la Real

    San Milln de la Cogolla (Monasterios de Suso y Yuso). San Milln de la Cogolla (Monasteries of Suso and Yuso)