Redacció Saint Patricks

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  • 8/19/2019 Redacció Saint Patricks



    Dear Mitsuki,I know this summer you're gonna travel to Ireland for Saint Patrick's day, and I wanna

    show you some traditional things that you should know:

    St. Patrick is one of the most famous patron saints of Ireland: ccording to the legend, he

    brought Christianity to the island, made the shamrock fashiona!le and reed Ireland rom

    snakes! "he holiday marks St! Patrick"s death and it's religious holiday in Ireland for over

    #$%% years.

    ctually, according to !iologists, there #ere ne$er any snakes in Ireland. "he diplomatic

    e&planation is that the snakes are a metaphor for paganism that was forced out !y St.


    St. Patrick is not actually an Irishman named Patrick, the Irish patron saint was actually

    ritish. ccording to the legend, he #as sold into sla$ery in Ireland #hen he #as a

    teenager, !ecame religious, escaped !ack to (ngland, !ecame an ordained priest

    named Patrick and started converting all of the Irish )eltic pagans to )hristianity.

    "his patron saint used shamrocks to e%&lain the holy trinity (od) Son and *oly S&irit+ to

    the Irish. Some )elts !elieved that each leaf of the clover has a meaning, so Saint Patrick

    started to teach in churches, schools and monasteries and made the clover popular in


    ,n this day all it's green, as far as the eye can see * from hair to clothes and even food.

    agels, pancakes, and even !eer * if you can put green food coloring in it, it will !eserved on St. Patrick+s Day.

    I love this green festivity, and I thing that i you aren't religious it doesn't mean a thing,

    'cause in my school we also cele!rate this festivity, and my school is a secular school, so

    don't you worry a!out this. In my school we play traditional Irish music and we eat green

    cake... h, yes- It was delicious.

    It's a very nice festivity and I hope you enoy it-See you soon/

    Alba Rui- Torres