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  • 7/29/2019 Resums / Abstracts - MONOGRFIC VICENT ANDRS ESTELLS


    313Resums / Abstracts


    Llus Calvo i Jordi Valls. A mamar, tots els versos: Estells ditde nou

    Vicent Andrs Estells s un autor que aglutin molts poetes en unde sol: lavantguardista, el tradicional, el poltic, el popular, el cul-te, lintimista, laspre i lefusiu. Aquesta complexitat s abordada en

    larticle, en qu es destrien alguns dels trets ms caracterstics de laseva potica i algunes de les influncies rellevants que nhan marcatla creaci. Estells opt, al llarg de la seva trajectria, per una poesiacantelluda i combativa, enfront de laperfecci o de la moderaci ex-pressiva.

    Llus Calvo and Jordi Valls. Come, lines, and suckle: Estellsrestated

    Vicent Andrs Estells is several poets rolled into one: he is

    ground-breaking and traditional, political, popular, cultivated, in-timist, harsh and effusive. This article examines his complexity, sin-gling out some of the most salient traits of his poetics and some ofthe most relevant influences that shaped it. Estells opted throughouthis career for asperity and combativeness in preference toperfectionor expressive moderation.

    Francesc Parcerisas. La paradoxa del tot. Una lectura de Vicent

    Andrs Estells

    Larticle reflexiona sobre la capacitat paradoxal estellesiana dedir-ho tot, doferir una descripci de tots els elements del mn: desdel mn natural, o el mn moral, al mn ms individual i al ms p-blic (poltic). Estells escriu per rebellar-se, arreplega els elementsdispersos i vulgars dun mn desfet per alar-los a una nova catego-ria. La mirada no t un punt de partida personal apriorstic i prvia-ment establert: Estells escriu per descobrir. El vmit de la llengua

    que existeix en la poesia de Vicent Andrs Estells no hi s perqu s.

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    s una riquesa que salva taxonmicament. No partem duna tica,per hi arribem. Ning no ens hi ha condut, noms ens han donat elselements per descobrir-la tots sols. Jutjada avui amb una ms granperspectiva, la seua poesia ha de ser analitzada com un fenomen li-terari que ens serveix per parlar duna poca, duna mena devolucien la mirada (o en la manera de mirar) de la nostra cultura.

    Francesc Parcerisas. The paradox of everything. An interpretation

    of Vicent Andrs Estells

    The article reects on Estells paradoxical ability to sayeverything, to describe every facet of the world - from the naturalto the moral world and from the most individual to the most public(political) world. He writes to rebel, gathering up the scattered,vulgar elements of a world that has disintegrated and raising them toa higher level. He has no a priori, ready-made viewpoint: he writesin order to discover. The linguistic vomit found in his poetry is notthere by chance: it is preserving a source of taxonomical wealth.

    We do not start out from an ethical stance but we reach one; no oneguides us there, we are given the means to discover it ourselves.Now that his poetry can be judged in a broader perspective, it mustbe analysed as a literary phenomenon that enables us to discuss anera, as an evolution, so to speak, in the gaze that our culture castson the world.

    Llus Roda. Vicent Andrs Estells: un poeta universal

    Llus Roda sost que Vicent Andrs Estells (1924 1993) s unpoeta de talla universal. Roda assenyala detalladament quina part dela vasta obra dEstells permet justificar aquesta afirmaci. Tambassenyala Primera soledadcom un llibre clau. El lector pot contras-tar-ne objectivament els fonaments i, si fa el cas, compartir-ne lopi-ni. Roda tamb ens ofereix el resultat de la seua investigaci en re-laci al corpus estellesi i en fa una proposta prctica necessria dedelimitaci de gran utilitat per a qualsevol lector.

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    Llus Roda. Vicent Andrs Estells: a universal poet

    Llus Roda argues that Vicent Andrs Estells (1924 1993) isa poet of universal stature and makes a detailed review of the partof his vast output that bears out this assertion. He also points to thekey importance ofPrimera soledad. The reader can assess the foun-dations of his opinions objectively and, if appropriate, share them.Roda also offers the results of his research into Estells corpus andformulates a practical and necessary proposal for delimiting it which

    readers will find of great use.

    Pere Ballart. Entre lpica i la lrica: La narrativitat de Vicent

    Andrs Estells

    Larticle vol destacar la singularitat de lestil dEstells demos-trant com la seva poesia busca una conjunci del ms caractersticde la poesia lrica la immediatesa, la visi epifnica, la celebraci

    mitjanant el llenguatge amb el ms genu del gnere narratiu: lin-ventari de la realitat, la multiplicitat del subjecte i, sobretot, el sentit(personal i histric) de la temporalitat. De manera que en el conflictesempre productiu entre krnos i kairs s on el poeta valenci trobaexpressi a la seva ambici dexplicar una realitat que integra el poe-ta en el collectiu al qual pertany i que voluntriament representa.

    Pere Ballart.Between epic and lyric: the narrativity of Vicent An-

    drs Estells

    The aim of this article is to underline the singularity of Estellsstyle by showing how his poetry seeks to blend the most characteris-tic features of lyric poetry immediacy, epiphanic vision, celebra-tion through language with the most genuine traits of narrative:the inventory of reality, the multiplicity of subject, and above all the(personal and historical) sense of temporality. Thus it is the ever fertileclash between kronos and kairos that enables the Valencian poet to ful-fil his ambition: that of explaining a reality that integrates the poet into

    the collectivity he belongs to and whose voluntary representative he is.

    Resums / Abstracts

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    Enric Bou. Vicent Andrs Estells, o latenci a linfraordinari.

    En aquest article es proposa una (re)lectura de la poesia de VicentAndrs Estells des dels textos, bo i destacant lmfasi que posa elpoeta en la realitat quotidiana. En especial minteressa parar lorellaals aspectes ms nfims de la realitat que poblen la poesia dEstells.La poesia dEstells s travessada dun profund vitalisme, amb aten-ci a temes com la mort, lamor, lamistat, el carpe diem, laureamediocritas, els menjars, la ptria, lescriptura. La lectura es plante-

    ja a partir de dos conceptes, el dinfraordinari (Georges Perec), sa dir, el soroll del fons de la vida, all que sembla invisible, per ques la substncia essencial de la vida quotidiana. I el duna definicimagmtica del llenguatge que devem a Yves Bonnefoy.

    Enric Bou. Vicent Andrs Estells, or attention to the infra-ordinary.

    This article proposes a text-based (re)reading of Vicent AndrsEstells poetry which highlights the stress he lays on everyday life.

    I wish to pay attention first and foremost to the apparently minor as-pects of reality that inhabit his poetry. His work is permeated by aprofound sense of vitality and deals with topics that include death,love, friendship, carpe diem, aurea mediocritas, food, homelandand writing. Two concepts underlie this re-reading: one is GeorgesPerecs notion of the infra-ordinary, meaning lifes backgroundnoise, those apparently invisible things that are the substance ofeveryday life; the other is Yves Bonnefoys magmatic definition of


    Jaume Perez Montaner.De Garcilaso a Ausis March: sobre al-

    guns dels primers poemes de Vicent Andrs Estells

    Lautor tracta algunes de les caracterstiques de la poesia dEste-lls, en especial la barreja de llenguatge planer i quotidi amb els re-cursos habituals de la poesia universal. Seguint laproximaci crticade Harold Bloom sobre la influncia potica i la lectura equivocada,

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    estableix tres crisis literries que han modelat la seua poesia mitjan-ant el pensament metonmic, lhiperblic i el transumptiu: una crisidelecci, una crisi dafirmaci i una crisi didentificaci. El text secentra tant en alguns dels seus poemes escrits en espanyol com enel primer perode de la seua poesia en catal, aproximadament entre1945 i 1958, quan Estells publica algunes de les obres ms impor-tants, com el Primer llibre de les glogues,LHotel Pars iLa clauque obri tots els panys.

    Jaume Perez Montaner. From Garcilaso to Ausis March: on

    some of Vicent Andrs Estells first poems.

    The author deals with some of the characteristics of Estellspoetry, notably the way he blends down-to-earth, everyday lan-guage with the usual resources of universal poetry. Adopting HaroldBlooms critical approach based on poetic influence and literarymisreading, he identifies three main literary crises that have shapedEstells poetry by means of metonymic, hyperbolic and transump-tive thinking: a crisis of choice, a crisis of affirmation, and a crisisof identification. The article is primarily concerned with some of thepoems Estells wrote in Spanish and with his first period of Catalanpoetry, between approximately 1945 and 1958. It was during theseyears that some of his most important works were published, amongthem Primer llibre de les glogues,Hotel Pars and La clau queobri tots els panys.

    Andreu Galan. Nadie puede saber lo que esto significa

    Davant ladmiraci que sovint ha despertat Coral romput en lacrtica i els lectors dEstells, shi oposa el silenci i, sobretot, la des-coneixena sobre Primera soledad, un llibre immediatament ante-rior a lescriptura de Coral romputi que presenta gran nombre depunts en com amb aquest. En el present article sanalitzen algunesdaquestes semblances, aix com les particularitats de Primera sole-daden relaci amb la resta de lobra estellesiana.

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    Andreu Galan. Nobody can know what this means

    The admiration which Estells Coral romput has frequentlyelicited from critics and readers alike contrasts with the silence, andespecially the ignorance, that surrounds Primera soledad, a bookwhich is akin to it in many ways and was written immediately be-fore it. This article analyses a few of these similarities and considersthe distinctive traits ofPrimera soledadwithin Estells output as awhole.

    Antoni Ferrer. Vicent Andrs Estells: el substrat religis de Pri-mera soledad

    Aquest treball pretn escatir la consistncia i densitat teol-giques del substrat religis que impregna bona part de la lrica deVicent Andrs Estells tal com va quedar reflectit, in nuce, sobretoten lnic poemari que el de Burjassot va escriure en castell. Amb

    aquest propsit, lautor hi aplica, com a contrast, pressupsits i crite-ris manllevats de la teologia del Logos i de la gnosi cristiana estu-diats pel professor A. Andreu Rodrigo, aix com elements i intu-cions de lesttica teolgica elaborats per autors com Hans Kng iHans U. Von Balthasar.

    Antoni Ferrer. Vicent Andrs Estells: the religious substratum inPrimera Soledad

    This article aims to clarify the theological consistency and dens-ity of the religious substratum that lies beneath much of Vicent An-drs Estells lyric poetry, as primarily reflected, in nuce, in the onlycollection of poems he wrote in Spanish. The author achieves this bycounterposing the poets works to certain assumptions and criteriaborrowed from the theology of the Logos and Christian gnosis asstudied by Professor A. Andreu Rodrigo and to elements and in-tuitions from theological aesthetics contributed by authors such asHans Kng and Hans U. Von Balthasar.

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    Vicent Salvador. Paraula potica i cultura de la mort en VicentAndrs Estells

    Al llarg dels anys la poesia d Estells tracta el tema de la mort demanera reiterada i ho fa des de perspectives diferents. Duna banda,hi ha els morts collectius de la guerra i de la postguerra. Duna altrabanda, hi ha la mort com a fenomen individual, en un itinerari que vades de concepcions ms metafsiques o explcitament religioses fins auna visi ms laica que focalitza imatges molt concretes com ara el tat.

    Primera soledadocupa un lloc crucial en aquest itinerari. Es tracta dunpoemari escrit en castell arran de la mort de la seua primera filla detres mesos, que va romandre indit durant tres dcades i que mostra elresultat duna experincia traumtica elaborada poticament i que se-gurament va determinar canvis substancials en la potica estellesiana.

    Vicent Salvador.Poetic discourse and the culture of death in Vi-cent Andrs Estells

    Over the years the poetry of Vicent Andrs Estells dealt repeat-edly with the subject of death from different viewpoints. He refers,on the one hand, to the mass deaths caused by the Spanish Civil Warand the post-war executions, and on the other to death as an indi-vidual phenomenon. These latter references make up an itinerarythat leads from metaphysical and explicitly religious conceptions toa more secular view focussing on such specific images as the cof-fin. Primera soledad (First loneliness) constitutes a milestonealong this itinerary. Written in Spanish in the wake of the death of his

    first daughter at the age of three months, it remained unpublished forthree decades and gives expression, in poetic form, to the result of atraumatic experience. It also unquestionably brought about substan-tial changes in Estells poetics.

    Amador Calvo i Ramon. Jocs intertextuals i interdisciplinarietat

    en lobra potica de Vicent Andrs Estells

    Aquest article pretn fer una sntesi de tot all que contribueix enles ficcions potiques de Vicent Andrs Estells a situar al centre del

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    seu programa potic les interaccions autorials a partir de les princi-pals tcniques intertextuals utilitzades per lautor, o mitjanant totun referencial literari o artstic, explcit o implcit, sviament evo-cat a partir del qual sestableixen daltres relacions que, al capdavall,donen una visi interdisciplinria i descompartimentada de lobradart en tant que patrimoni hum.

    Amador Calvo i Ramon.Intertextual games and interdisciplinarityin the poetic works of Vicent Andrs Estells.

    The aim of this article is to synthesize everything in the poeticfiction of Vicent Andrs Estells which helps place interactions be-tween authors at the hub of his poetical endeavour through the useof intertextual techniques. Estells skilfully evokes an entire liter-ary and artistic frame of reference, both explicit and implicit, on thebasis of which other relationships are established which ultimatelygive rise to an interdisciplinary, decompartmentalized vision of thework of art as part of the human heritage.

    Ferran Ferrando Meli.A propsit dels clssics a Horacianes

    Lautor de larticle troba exemplar el treball intertextual realitzatper Amador Calvo en la tesi doctoral sobre Estells, tot i que no con-sidera que la dimensi referencial, pel que fa aHoracianes, es puguireduir a una denncia de la repressi franquista. Per aix, proposauna aproximaci que permet entendre la dimensi intertextual i es-

    ttica com una eina de posicionament en els camps literari i poltic.Ferran Ferrando Meli.About the Classics in Horacianes

    The author of this article considers Amador Calvos doctoralthesis on Estells as a model of intertextual analysis but does not be-lieve that the referential dimension ofHoracianes can be confinedto denunciation of the repression perpetrated by the Franco regime.Accordingly, he suggests an approach that makes it possible to viewthe intertextual and aesthetic dimension as a tool for taking position

    in the literary and political fields.

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    Dominic Keown. Erudici, visceralitat i experincia comuna: lesHoracianes i Lexili dOvidi de Vicent Andrs Estells.

    Un dels apartats mes impressionants de lobra de Vicent AndrsEstells s, sens dubte, el seu recurs a les fonts clssiques de la lite-ratura i loriginalssima invenci duna simbiosi biopotica entre laseva prpia persona i lexperincia vital descriptors de lpoca llati-na. Amb referncia a lesHoracianes iLexili dOvidi, aquest articlees proposa danalitzar la mecnica daquesta construcci amb tota la

    seva intensitat evocadora mitjanant la referncia als plantejamentspsicolgics de Klein, Anna Freud i Kristeva per tal doferir una visique reala la centralitat del burjassoter al cor internacional de la cre-ativitat contempornia.

    Dominic Keown.Erudition, viscerality and shared experience: Ho-racianes andLexili dOvidi by Vicent Andrs Estells

    One of the most impressive aspects of the work of Vicent Andrs

    Estells is unquestionably his use of Classical literary sources andhis highly original invention of a bio-poetic symbiosis between him-self and the living experience of the authors of Ancient Rome. Thisarticle concerns itself withHoracianes andLexili dOvidi and seeksto analyse, through references to the psychological theories of Klein,Anna Freud and Kristeva, how this intensely evocative symbiosis isbuilt up. The aim is to offer a vision that substantiates the core pos-ition of Estells within international contemporary creation.

    Jordi Oviedo. Us dir els noms que duien el canelobre encs....

    Els noms propis en els documents dels anys 50 i 60 a larxiu Vicent

    Andrs Estells.

    Larticle analitza la presncia de noms propis als documents delsanys 50 i 60 de larxiu Vicent Andrs Estells. Aquest treball s elresultat de les fases prvies per a ledici crtica de les obres del poe-ta de Burjassot. Es pretn mostrar la riquesa i la varietat daquestes

    referncies que assenyalen la imatge dun escriptor amb amplis co-

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    neixements literaris i tamb de tipus enciclopdic, els quals incorpo-ra i assimila a la seua obra de manera particular. Tamb sha volgutdestacar la presncia constant de certs noms a ms de les incorpora-cions que es produeixen en els anys 60. Aix mateix, sha observatla barreja de referents cultes i referents populars, prpia del poeta ialhora periodista. Finalment, un nom ser el ms destacat i ocuparun espai central: Isabel, la seua esposa.

    Jordi Oviedo. Ill tell you the names that bore the lighted candela-

    bra.... Proper nouns in documents from the fifties and sixties in theVicent Andrs Estells archive.

    This article studies the presence of proper nouns in documentsfrom the fifties and sixties in the Vicent Andrs Estells archive andis the upshot of previous research for the critical edition of the poetsworks. The aim is to show that these rich and varied references pointto a writer with extensive literary and general knowledge, which isincorporated and assimilated into his work in a distinctive manner.

    The article also lays stress on the constant presence of certain names,aside from those added in the sixties, and comments on the mixtureof literary and popular references which is indicative of a poet whowas also a journalist. Finally, one name occupies a central and espe-cially privileged position: that of Isabel, his wife.

    Daniel P. Grau.Estells en angls: nights that make the night or a

    shot in the darkUna de les maneres danalitzar la recepci internacional dun

    autor s comprovar la quantitat i la qualitat de les traduccions dela seva obra. En aquest article, sestudia la contribuci en llenguaanglesa feta pel professor, traductor i poeta nord-americ David H.Rosenthal amb ledici de lantologiaNights That Make the Night.

    Daniel P. Grau.Estells in English: Nights that make the night, ora shot in the dark

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    One way of assessing the way an author has been received world-wide is to examine the quantity and quality of the translations of hiswork. This article studies the contribution made by the Americanprofessor, translator and poet David H. Rosenthal, who publishedthe anthology in English entitledNights that Make the Night.

    Ernest Farrs Junyent.En deute amb Estells

    A la dcada dels noranta vam assistir a laparici de noves veuspotiques en llengua catalana que shan consolidat amb el temps icontinuen actives avui en dia. Es tractava de poetes nascuts a finalsdels anys seixanta i principis dels setanta que mostraven en els seusprimers treballs fortes influncies de Vinyoli, Ferrater, Pavese oBaudelaire entre daltres, si b en molts casos es feia ben visible unainequvoca fascinaci per Vicent Andrs Estells, qui precisamentva morir el 1993. Transcorregudes gaireb dues dcades, hem par-lat amb alguns daquests joves poetes sobre lempremta dEstells,

    i comprovem que tant la seva obra com la seva figura van ser dallms importants en la configuraci de les seves, aleshores, incipientsvocacions potiques.

    Ernest Farrs Junyent.Indebted to Estells

    The 1990s witnessed the appearance of new Catalan-language poetswho have since become established and remain active today. The rstworks of these poets, born in the late 1960s and early 1970s, revealed

    the strong inuence of Vinyoli, Ferrater, Pavese and Baudelaire, amongothers. Often, however, an unequivocal fascination for Vicent AndrsEstells who died in 1993 was also clearly visible. Nearly twodecades later we spoke to some of these young poets about Estellsimprint and discovered that both he and his work played a crucial rolein shaping their then incipient poetic vocations.

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    Eduard Carmona. Vicent Andrs Estells, el pare que cal matar.

    Els poetes haurien de ser sincers amb la recerca i el compromsque comporta lactivitat creativa. Haurien dabandonar la simpleimitaci sense cap objectiu ms que el perfeccionament de la pr-pia imitaci. Vicent Andrs Estells crea un llenguatge nou, ambunes imatges emprades de manera quasi indita fins aleshores. Ho faduna forma potent i que deixa empremta. Tant s aix, que de la poe-sia que utilitza un llenguatge i unes imatges de manera semblant en

    diem estellesiana, i podem parlar dun abans i dun desprs. Aquestscops de puny a la taula que la nostra poesia rep de tant en tant ensperjudiquen si els lectors-poetes no sn capaos de crear a partirdaquest punt i, per contra, noms aspiren a arribar-hi. Si volem feravanar la nostra poesia, hem de canviar aix. O no escriure.

    Eduard Carmona. Vicent Andrs Estells, the father who has to bekilled.

    Poets should be sincere about the research and commitment thatcreative activity calls for. They should renounce mere imitationwhich aims solely to perfect the imitation itself. Vicent Andrs Es-Es-tells created a new language and used images in way that was virtu-created a new language and used images in way that was virtu-ally unknown at the time. He did this in a powerful manner which leftan imprint. Hence the fact that we now refer to poetry in which lan-guage and images are put to similar use asEstellesian poetry, for heundoubtedly marked a watershed. The occasional admonitions whichour poetry receives are harmful ifpoet-readers aspire merely to reach

    this point instead of taking it as the departure point for their works. Ifwe want our poetry to progress, we must change this. Or refrain fromwriting.