Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mission: We are a dynamic and welcoming Catholic community, cooperating with Gods grace for the salvation of souls, serving those in need, and spreading the Good News of Jesus and His Love. Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Misión: somos una comunidad católica dinámica y acogedora, cooperando con la gracia de Dios para la salvación de las almas, sirviendo a aque- llos en necesidad, y compartiendo la Buena Nueva de Jesús y Su amor. Masses/Misas Monday: 5:30p.m. Tuesday: 5:30p.m. Wednesday: 12:10p.m. Thursday/jueves: 5:30p.m. (Spanish / en epañol) Friday: 5:30p.m. Saturday/sábado: (Vigil) 6:00p.m. (Spanish / en español), 7:30p.m. Sunday: 8:30a.m. , 10:30a.m. & 2p.m. (Bilingual) Church Address/dirección 921 N. Merriwether St. Clovis, N.M. 88101 Phone/teléfono: (575)763-6947 Fax: (575)762-5557 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.sacredheartclovis.com facebook: www.facebook.com/sacredheartclovis Food Pantry/Despensa: 2nd & 4th Saturday/2˚ y 4˚ sábado: 9:00a.m.– 10:00a.m. June 21st, 2020 / 21 de junio, 2020 Father’s Day Día de los Padres Confession Times/ Confesiones Mon.- Thurs./lunes - Jueves 30 minutes prior to Mass/ 30 minutos antes de la Misa Friday/viernes: 4:30p.m. Saturday/sábado: 3:30p.m. Eucharistic Adoration/ Adoración del Santísimo Every Friday from 7:00a.m. to 5:10p.m. Cada viernes de 7:00a.m. a 5:10p.m. Pastoral Team Pastor: Rev. Fr. Michael Niemczak Deacons: Rev. Mr. Juan A. Rodríguez Rev. Mr. Michael Rowley

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

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Page 1: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mission: We are a dynamic and welcoming Catholic community,

cooperating with God’s grace for the salvation of souls, serving those in

need, and spreading the Good News of Jesus and His Love.

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Misión: somos una comunidad católica dinámica y acogedora, cooperando

con la gracia de Dios para la salvación de las almas, sirviendo a aque-

llos en necesidad, y compartiendo la Buena Nueva de Jesús y Su amor.

Masses/Misas Monday: 5:30p.m.

Tuesday: 5:30p.m.

Wednesday: 12:10p.m.

Thursday/jueves: 5:30p.m.

(Spanish / en epañol)

Friday: 5:30p.m.

Saturday/sábado: (Vigil) 6:00p.m. (Spanish / en español),


Sunday: 8:30a.m. , 10:30a.m. &

2p.m. (Bilingual)

Church Address/dirección 921 N. Merriwether St.

Clovis, N.M. 88101

Phone/teléfono: (575)763-6947

Fax: (575)762-5557

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Website: www.sacredheartclovis.com

facebook: www.facebook.com/sacredheartclovis

Food Pantry/Despensa:

2nd & 4th Saturday/2 ̊y 4 ̊sábado:

9:00a.m.– 10:00a.m.

June 21st, 2020 / 21 de junio, 2020 Father’s Day

Día de los Padres Confession Times/

Confesiones Mon.- Thurs./lunes - Jueves

30 minutes prior to Mass/

30 minutos antes de la Misa

Friday/viernes: 4:30p.m.

Saturday/sábado: 3:30p.m.

Eucharistic Adoration/

Adoración del Santísimo

Every Friday from 7:00a.m. to 5:10p.m.

Cada viernes de 7:00a.m. a 5:10p.m.

Pastoral Team Pastor: Rev. Fr. Michael Niemczak

Deacons: Rev. Mr. Juan A. Rodríguez

Rev. Mr. Michael Rowley

Page 2: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Día de los Padres Father’s Day June 21st, 2020

Joseph, the Father of God By Michelle Arnold, 2013, Catholic.com

Protestants need not worry about Catholics worshipping Christ’s

mother and the saints. It’s taken us some 2,000 years to figure out four

dogmatic truths about the Blessed Virgin Mary—that she is the Moth-

er of God, a perpetual Virgin, immaculately conceived, and assumed

into heaven. With her husband St. Joseph, we haven’t even reached

first base. I sometimes think that many Catholics have shifted any dis-

comfort they might have with the ramifications of God choosing to be

born into a human family away from Mary and onto Joseph.

“Everything that went wrong had to have been Joseph’s fault! Poor

Joseph,” goes a common Catholic cry, evidently not realizing that

“mistakes” is not a synonym for “sins.” The Virgin Mary could have

gotten back late from her many errands of mercy in the village of Naz-

areth and not had a piping hot dinner on the table for her men when

they came home from a hard day’s work. Jesus could have incorrectly

measured a wooden beam for a project Joseph was working on and

thrown off a whole day’s work. Neither Mary nor Jesus would have

sinned in making those kind of mistakes, but they still might have

needed to apologize to Joseph, husband and father.

“Hold on a minute!” you might be saying. “What is this about Joseph being Jesus’ father? Didn’t you for-

get to qualify that with the word foster? Or perhaps you really meant to call Joseph Jesus’ guardian?”

It must be noted that calling Joseph Jesus’ “foster father” or “guardian” has an honorable Catholic pedi-

gree. Bl. John Paul II, as but one example, called Joseph “Guardian of the Redeemer” (the Latin is Redemptoris

Custos, which could also be translated as “Custodian of the Redeemer”) in his apostolic exhortation “on the per-

son and mission of Saint Joseph in the life of Christ and the Church.” The terms are used in an effort to protect the

dogmatic truth that Jesus Christ ultimately has no earthly origin—first and foremost, he is the divine Son of God

the Father; he is a divine person, not a human person (a man, yes, but not a human person).

Nonetheless, denying Joseph human fatherhood does a disservice to him and makes vulnerable an im-

portant piece of our understanding of the person and mission of Christ himself in the Church.

For if St. Joseph is merely a stepfather, a foster father, a guardian, or a caretaker, then he did not adopt Je-

sus and therefore is not Jesus’ legal father. If Joseph is not Jesus’ legal father, then he could not have handed on to

Jesus his own Davidic heritage. Whether or not Mary was a member of the House of David (she probably was), it

was Joseph’s adoption of Jesus that gave Jesus legitimacy, that gave him Joseph’s family, that made Jesus the Son

of David. By the laws of the time, Jesus’ Davidic heritage could be passed to him only by a son of David. If Jo-

seph was not truly Jesus’ father, as Jesus’ own Mother said that Joseph was (cf. Luke 2:48), then Jesus was not tru-

ly the Son of David. The great genealogies in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke that link Jesus to King David

(Matt. 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38) would then be no more than legal fiction.

But that’s not all. If there is just one point at which Christianity is distinct from all other revealed religions,

it is in the Christian understanding of divine filiation, by which we understand that Christ became man so that we

might share in the divine life of the Trinity:

Page 3: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Día de los Padres Father’s Day June 21st, 2020


“The Word became flesh to make us “partakers of

the divine nature”: “For this is why the Word became man,

and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by

entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving

divine sonship, might become a son of God.” “For the Son

of God became man so that we might become God.” “The

only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his

divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might

make men gods” (CCC 460).

Or, as John put it more simply in his first epistle,

“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be

called children of God; and so we are” (1 John 3:1).

Let’s suppose for a minute that Joseph’s human fa-

therhood of Jesus is nothing more than a sham God used to

make the Holy Family look respectable to their neighbors in

Nazareth. Let’s suppose that Joseph was no more than the

man in the corner of the stable, given tidbits of responsibility here and there but never really a husband or father.

If that’s the case, then perhaps we should start to wonder what adoption means in the Christian economy. Is it a

real adoption that makes us God’s children, or is it another legal fiction?

In The Great Heresies, Hilaire Belloc once defined heresy as “the dislocation of some complete and self-

supporting scheme by the introduction of a novel denial of some essential part therein.” We see most readily that

the affirmation of the Blessed Virgin’s Motherhood of God is of utmost importance to Christian orthodoxy. I be-

lieve we need to begin to make a similar case for the fatherhood of St. Joseph.

Joseph is visited by the messenger as “Mary’s spouse,” as the one who in due time must give this name to

the Son to be born of the Virgin of Nazareth who is married to him. It is to Joseph, then, that the messenger turns,

entrusting to him the responsibilities of an earthly father with regard to Mary’s Son (Bl. John Paul II, Guardian of

the Redeemer 3).

Prayer to St. Joseph: To the Most Loving of Fathers Oh St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in

you all my interests and desires.

Oh St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your divine son all

spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord; so that having engaged here below your heavenly

power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.

Oh St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach

while he reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me, and ask him to

return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us.


Page 4: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Día de los Padres Father’s Day June 21st, 2020

San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017

“Quien no hallare maestro que le enseñe oración, tome este glorioso santo por maestro y no errará en el

camino” — Sta. Teresa de Ávila refiriéndose a San José

San José, esposo de María y padre adoptivo de Jesús, es el modelo de la paternidad. Su fe y obediencia a

Dios inspiraron su devoción por su familia. A medida que nos preparamos para celebrar el Día del Padre el 18 de

junio, podría ser útil estudiar su ejemplo en “Siete deberes de un padre católico”, donde el autor Randy Hain des-

taca atributos que sirven como una guía útil.

Rendirse ante Dios

Ser un hombre de oración

Comprende tu verdadera vocación

Invierte tiempo en tu familia

Sé valiente

Practica el despego material

Amar a nuestras esposas

“Miremos el inspirador ejemplo de San José, Santo patrono de los padres de familia, de los trabajadores y

de la Iglesia, por su obediencia, humildad, abnegación, coraje y el amor que les mostró a María y Jesús. Si pode-

mos emular a San José, aunque sea un poco cada día, estaremos cerca de convertirnos en el hombre y padre que

debemos ser” Hain escribió.

El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II destacó a San José para explicar la comprensión católica de la paternidad en

su exhortación apostólica de 1989: Redemptoris Custos (Custodio del Redentor: Sobre la Figura y la Misión de

San José en la Vida de Cristo y de la Iglesia).

“Encomendándonos, por tanto, a la pro-

tección de (San José) a quien Dios mismo

‘confió la custodia de sus tesoros más preciosos

y más grandes’, aprendamos al mismo tiempo de

él a servir a la ‘economía de la salvación’. Que

San José sea para todos un maestro singular en el

servir a la misión salvífica de Cristo, tarea que en

la Iglesia compete a todos y a cada uno: a los es-

posos y a los padres, a quienes viven del trabajo

de sus manos o de cualquier otro trabajo, a las

personas llamadas a la vida contemplativa, así

como a las llamadas al apostolado” (Redemptoris

Custos, Núm. 32).

La importancia de la presencia de San

José en la vida de Jesús nos recuerda cuán impor-

tante son los papás en nuestras vidas. Lo si-

guiente ofrece una variedad de recursos para ayu-

darle a celebrar a los papás en su vida el Día del


Page 5: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Día de los Padres Father’s Day June 21st, 2020

We would like to offer our congratulations to all our boys, girls and adults who will be receiving

our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the very first time on Saturday, June 27th at 11:00a.m. in

English. This is a defining moment in your lives and will bring you to a more personal rela-

tionship with Jesus. God bless you all; we are proud of you!

Queremos dar felicidades a todos los niños y

adultos que van a recibir nuestro Señor, Jesucristo

para la primera vez sábado, 27 de junio a las

6:00p.m. en español. Este es una momento muy

decisivo en sus vidas que lo llevará mas cerca a

Jesucristo. Que Dios te bendigan; estamos orgu-

llosos de ustedes.

Special Thanks! We would like to offer a special thanks to Paul and Madeline Hettinga for donating over 200 gallons of

milk to the Sacred Heart food pantry. We would also like to thank our director of the Sacred Heart Food

Pantry, Rosie Buchan, assistant director Nora Quiñones and volunteers Becky Beekman, Yvonne Gools-

by, Mandi and Rebecca Bernal and Phil and Marylou Johnston for assisting with unloading!

Page 6: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Día de los Padres Father’s Day June 21st, 2020

Weekly Readings Monday, June 22nd:

2KGS 17:5-8,13-15A,18 PS 60:3,4-5,12-13 MT 7:1-5

Tuesday, June 23rd:

2KGS 19:9B-11,14-21,31-35A,36 PS 48:2-3AB,3CD-4,10-11 MT 7:6,12-14

Wednesday, June 24th:Nativity of St. John the Baptist

IS 49:1-6 PS 139:1B-3,13-14AB,14C-15 ACTS 13:22-26 LK 1:57-66,80

Thursday, June 25th:

2KGS 24:8-17 PS 79:1B-2,3-5,8,9 MT 7:21-29

Friday, June 26th:

2KGS 25:1-12 PS 137:1-2,3,4-5,6 MT 8:1-4

Saturday, June 27th:

LAM 2:2,10-14,18-19 PS 74:1B-2,3-5,6-7,20-21 MT 8:5-17

Sunday, June 28th: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2KGS 4:8-11,14-16A PS 89:2-3,16-17,18-19 ROM 6:3-4,8-11 MT 10:37-42

January 1st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

May 24th - Ascension of our Lord

August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 1st - All Saints Day

December 8th - Immaculate Conception

December 25th - Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ


Days of



Sacred Heart

Prayer Warriors!

If you or someone you know

is in need of prayer, please

contact Mary Shockley (575)

799-6402. She will place that

individual that is in need of prayer into a circle of

prayer. Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church will then

pray for those individuals to Almighty God. This is a

wonderful ministry and privilege for us to be able to

pray for you.

Signing in to FORMED is easier than ever! Visit

formed.org and sign in using our zip code, 88101. This is

all that you need to enjoy excellent Catholic content for

your spiritual growth and that of your families!

Monday June 22nd, 2020

5:30PM George and Pepa Mendez

Tuesday June 23rd, 2020

5:30PM C.W. Rathbun, †Micaela Caro

Wednesday June 24th, 2020

12:10PM End to the coronavirus, abortion,

slave trade and sex trafficking

Thursday June 25th, 2020

5:30PM Pope Francis, all Bishops, Priests

And Deacons

Friday June 26th, 2020

5:30PM Healing of the U.S.A.

Saturday June 27th, 2020

6:00PM Mary McWilliams (Healing),

†Joyce Nelson, †Jean Kaplan

7:30PM †Jan Lasetter,

Fr. Carlos Chavez (Healing),

Becky Loveday (Healing)

Sunday June 28th, 2020

8:30AM †Barbara & †Christopher

Timmons, †Lexi Black

10:30AM †Wiesia Lambert, Omar Aragones,

Maria & Ernesto Aragones (25th Anniversary)

2:00PM †Wladek Lambert,

Helen Hopczynski

Page 7: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón · 2020. 6. 21. · San José es modelo para esposos, papás Por Diócesis de Little Rock.org, 2017 “Quien no hallare maestro

Día de los Padres Father’s Day June 21st, 2020

Remember folks, NO CASH will be accepted! Ensure your contributions are

done so by check or money order. Also remember that the amount of the

contribution is not as important as participating!

¡Recuérdense, NO EFECTIVO! Solo aceptamos cheques o giro postal.

También recuérdense que participación es más importante que el tamaño de

su contribución.

Archdiocesan Goal / Objetivo Arquidiocesana- $3,000,000

Parish Goal / Objetivo Parroquial - $34,500.00

Total Pledged / Total Comprometida - $25,048.00

Total Paid / Total Pagado - $19,923.00

Shortfall / Déficit - $9,452.00

Registered Families / Familias registradas - 1,322

Tithes and Offerings June 14th, 2020 Envelopes $5,095.00

Loose $6,707.00

Needy $1,049.00

The food pantry operates each 2nd and 4th Saturday of

the month at 9:00a.m. in an effort to help the less fortunate

of God’s children in our community. Thanks be to God, our

Food Pantry is now the largest in Eastern New Mexico! An-

yone interested in volunteering, please come at 8:30AM or

call Rosie Buchan at 575-309-5040 for further information.

We are only providing commodities outside of the gym.

This drive-thru system will be in effect until further notice.

The Food Pantry is in need of the following items:

Crackers, pasta noodles, spaghetti sauce, kids drinks,

oatmeal, and jelly/jam.

Many thanks to all those who donate their time and goods

to this wonderful ministry!!!

“For I was hungry and you

gave me food, I was thirsty

and you gave me drink, a

stranger and you welcomed

me” Matthew 25:35

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, You who solve all problems,

light all roads so that I can attain my

goal. You who vie me the divine gift to

forgive and forget all evil against me

and in all instances of my life are with

me, I want, in this short prayer: to thank

you for all things and confirm once

again that I never want to be separated

form you, even, and in spirt of, all mate-

rial illusion. I wish to be with you in

eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy

toward me and mine.