AN ARIZONA NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Roman Catholic Church Santa Catalina 14380 N Oracle Rd. Tucson, AZ 85739-9599 PHONE: 520-825-9611 U FAX: 520-825-9866 EMAIL: [email protected] PASTOR: Fr. Larry Sanders, C.Ss.R. A SSISTING : Fr. Paul Coury, C.Ss.R. Fr. Charles Wehrley, C.Ss.R. Fr. Greg Wiest, C.Ss.R. Fr. Peter Connolly, C.Ss.R. D EACONS : Deacon Bill Krueger Deacon Alfonso De La Riva Deacon Joe LaFleur Deacon Flavio Sanchez PASTORAL CENTER HOURS Monday—Thursday 9 AM—4 PM Closed for Lunch 12—12:30 PM MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 4 PM Sunday 7, 9 AM and 5 PM 11 AM Bilingual Tuesday—Friday, 8 AM CHAPEL Monday - Friday 8 AM - 3 PM use side entrance EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Wednesday 8:45-11 AM The Rosary Every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m. Every Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Reconciliation Every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m. and Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. Anointing of the Sick Every 3rd Thursday after 8 a.m. Mass.

Santa Catalinasantacatalinaparish.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/SCCC-Bulletin-1... · llamado de Dios, por ... Después de una cuidadosa comparación, hemos escogido un programa

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Roman Catholic Church Santa Catalina

1 4 3 8 0 N O r a c l e R d . T u c s o n , A Z 8 5 7 3 9 - 9 5 9 9

P H O N E : 5 2 0 - 8 2 5 - 9 6 1 1 U F A X : 5 2 0 - 8 2 5 - 9 8 6 6

E M A I L : o f f i c e @ s a n t a c a t a l i n a p a r i s h . o r g

P A S T O R : Fr. Larry Sanders, C.Ss.R.

A S S I S T I N G : Fr. Paul Coury, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Charles Wehrley, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Greg Wiest, C.Ss.R.

Fr. Peter Connolly, C.Ss.R.

D E A C O N S : Deacon Bill Krueger

Deacon Alfonso De La Riva Deacon Joe LaFleur

Deacon Flavio Sanchez


Monday—Thursday 9 AM—4 PM

Closed for Lunch 12—12:30 PM



7, 9 AM and 5 PM 11 AM Bilingual

Tuesday—Friday, 8 AM

CHAPEL Monday - Friday

8 AM - 3 PM use side entrance


8:45-11 AM

The Rosary Every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m.

Every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.


Every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m. and Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.

Anointing of the Sick

Every 3rd Thursday after 8 a.m. Mass.

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Chuck Beck

Dorothy Bentz

Chris Cathcart

Kathy Curran

Richard Damiano

Lance Dickson

Christina Dowell

Doug & Gail Fredericks

Roz & Richard Halmos

Deacon Bill Krueger

Patricia Lillie

Walter Mc Culloch

Joseph McGowan

Peggy Melville

Pam Melville

Sharon Minten

Claudia O'Sullivan

Ginny Pergantis

Terrell Portes

Angelita Ramierz

Celina Sandoval

Beth-Ann Santos

Thomas B. Smith

Angelo Villani

Rick Wells

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As members of God’s Faith Community at

Santa Catalina Catholic Parish, we commit our lives to

being the voice, hands, and spirit of

Christ, as our way of

Parish Staff can be reached at 520-825-9611 plus extension # Pastor - Fr. Larry Sanders, C.Ss.R., x100 Deacon Alfonso De La Riva, x100 Deacon William Krueger - x100 Deacon Flavio Sanchez - x100 Deacon Joe LaFleur - x100 Receptionist/Parish Registration - Venus Arnold, x100 Director of Finance - Margaret Yonkovich, x102 Office Manager - Susan Budrow, x103 C.A.R.E. Ministry Director - Judy Rossman, x104 Liturgy Director/R.C.I.A. - Stacy Pincus, x105 Weekend Mass Coordinator - Gerry Dugan, x105 Hispanic Ministry Director - Maria Luisa De La Riva, x106 Religious Education Director - Carol Padilla, x107 Youth Ministry Director - Lupita Parra, x108Young Adult/Family Ministry Director - Pilar Dougall, x109 Human Concerns Director - Sr. Jean Mariani, x110 Music Director - Alex Navas, x100 Maintenance Supervisor - Tomas Nieves, x100

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



Como miembros de Dios en la

comunidad de fe de la Parroquia Católica

de Santa Catalina, Comprometemos

nuestras vidas para ser la voz, manos, y el Espíritu de Cristo, como una manera de

continuar con el llamado de Dios, por

If you wish to add or remove a name from the prayer list, please call the Pastoral Center office at 825-9611. In order to ensure an updated prayer list, names will be listed for two months and then removed.

Weekend of January 15 and 16, 2017

Direct debit is available, please call 520-825-9611 (x103) to set up automatic donations.

Weekly Month to Date Year to Date

Actual Offertory $18,356 $5,037 $514,489

Budgeted Offertory $19,542 $58,626 $56,218

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Calling all Santa Catalina Volunteers…

We, the staff of Santa Catalina, would like to thank you for all

that you do for our parish. Please plan on joining us for a:



10-11:30 AM

PARISH HALL We look forward to seeing you there!

Please RSVP by February 6,

if you will attend. You may contact Venus

at 825-9611 or [email protected]

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NEW OFFERTORY ENVELOPE PROGRAM This year you will notice that we will not have the offertory envelopes in the Nar-thex. After careful comparison, we have chosen a new offering envelope program with Our Sunday Visitor in which offertory envelopes will be mailed to your home on a bi-monthly basis. The first offertory envelope will begin March 1, 2017. The pro-gram offers our office a better means of address corrections, new parishioner start-up, and communication with our office. Each time your envelopes arrive, please ver-ify contact information and notify the office of any changes. Your parishioner num-ber will remain the same. Should you have any questions, please contact Venus or Susan 825-9611.

UN PROGRAMA NUEVO PARA LOS SOBRES DE OFRENDAS Este año ustedes se darán cuenta que no tendremos los sobres de contribución en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Después de una cuidadosa comparación, hemos escogido un programa nuevo para los sobres de las ofrendas con la compañia Our Sunday Visitor y con la cual los sobres de las ofrendas serán enviados a su casa cada dos meses basicamente. Los primeros sobres llegarán al principio de Marzo 1ro. El programa le ofrece a nuestra oficina una major corrección de su dirección, nuevos filigreses, y la comunicación con nuestra oficina. Cada vez que le lleguen sus sobres, por favor verifique cualquier cambio de su información llamando a la oficina. El número de su sobre seguirá igual. Si tiene cualquier pregunta, comuniquece con Venus ó Susan al 825-9611.

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Let us remember those from our parish family who

have died recently and returned to the Lord. We give thanks for their lives and offer comfort to their families.

Recordemos a todos aquellos de nuestra familia parroquial quienes reciente-

mente han muerto y han re-gresado al Señor. Damos gra-cias por sus vidas y ofrecemos consuelo a sus familias.

George Delaume, December 19

Tom Izdorski, December 29

Michael Moore, January 2

Jean Alness, January 7

Robert Hernandez, January 14

HAND CARVED IN BETHLEHEM AFTER ALL THE MASSES ON FEBRUARY 18 AND 19 Please stop by the patio and visit with Ayman Khair who represents about 140 Christian families from Bethlehem. These families have been dependent upon sales of their hand carved religious articles to tourists of the Holy Land. Due to the conflict in the Middle East, the tourism has been cut off. In order to survive, they have turned to Christian communities in the United States to purchase their articles. These hand-carved religious items are beyond description. Carved of wood from the sacred Olive tree, this work-manship has been traditional for these families for hun-dreds of years. It is hoped that through the efforts of Mr. Khair that these families have a little income and are able to stay living in the Holy Land. Thank you in advance for your support.

MANUALIDADES HECHAS EN BELÉN DESPUÉS DE TODAS LAS MISAS EN FEBRERO 18 Y 19. Por favor páre en el Patio y visite a Ayman Khair quien representa como a 140 familias Crisitianas de Belén. Estas familias han estado dependiendo sobre las ventas de sus escultras religiosas hechas a mano para los turistas en Tierra Santa. Devido al conflicto en el Medio Este, el turis-mo está paralizado. Y para que ellos puedan sobrevivir, ellos se han dirigido a las Comunidades Cristianas en los Estados Unidos para que compren sus artículos. Estos artículos religiosos hechos a mano no tienen manera de describirse. Labradas con madera de los árboles de olivos sagrados, este trabajo de los hombres, ha sido una tradición para estas familias por cientos de años. Este es el deseo, que por medio del Señor Khair estas familias tengan un poquito de entrada y de esta manera sea posible que se queden a vivir en Tierra Santa. Les agradecemos de antemano por su apoyo. J a n u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 1 7

Join Father Larry for his Bring Your Own Lunch Bible Study.

He meets with parishioners on Wednesday afternoons at 12 p.m. in the Catalina Room for lunch and discussion of the upcoming Sunday’s Mass readings.

Fr. Larry invites everyone to come for prayer and reflection.


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Llamando a todos los Voluntarios de

Santa Catalina… Nosotros, el personal de Santa

Catalina, deseamos agradecerle por todo lo que hacen por nues-tra parroquia. Por favor, hagan planes para compañarnos al :




!Esperamos poder verlos a todos ah!

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Por favor, confírmenos su asistencia.

Puede llamar a Venus al 825-9611 ó

[email protected].

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FAMILY HOCKEY NIGHT Saturday, January 28 7 PM AT THE TUCSON CONVENTION CENTER A great opportunity for fellowship while enjoying an evening of hockey with the Tucson Roadrunners! All are welcome to participate.

PARISH GAME NIGHT Saturday, February 4 5-8 PM, PARISH HALL Everyone is welcome to gather in the Parish Hall for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship.

FOOD DRIVE Sat. and Sun., February 4 and 5 Bring non-perishable foods and help those in need.

JUST COFFEE Sat. & Sun., February 4 and 5 After all Masses Assorted flavors only $10 per pound.

VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION BRUCH Saturday, February 11 10-11:30 AM, Parish Hall All volunteers are invited for a morning of appreciation by the staff of Santa Catalina.

PARISH BREAKFAST Sunday, February 19 7:30 AM-12:30 PM Everyone is invited to gather in the Parish Hall for scrumptious food and fellowship.

SCCC Schedule of Events

= Mass Intention

Saturday, January 21 9 AM-12 PM — Quinceañeras Classes, Cholla Room 3:30-3:45 PM — Reconciliation, Church 4 PM Mass — Fr. Peter Connolly For the Chisari Family (d) — Carol Smith

Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14 — Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9 — Mark 3:20-21

Sunday, January 22 7 AM Mass — Fr. Peter Connolly For Richard (Dick) Murphy (d) — Paul and Mary Darcy 7:30 AM - 12 PM — Parish Pancake Breakfast, Parish Hall 9 AM Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest For Betty Shepherd (d) — the Former Masters of Michigan District #2 10-11 AM — Breaking Open the Word, Cholla Room 11 AM Bilingual Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest For the intentions of the Parish 5 PM Mass—Fr. Jim Modeen For Clancy Culp (d) — the Hospitality Ministers 6-8 PM — Life Teen, Parish Hall

Isaiah 8:23-9:3 — Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14 — 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17 — Matthew 4:12-23

Monday, January 23 10 AM-1 PM — St. Vincent de Paul, Marian Room 5-7 PM — Spanish Choir Rehearsal, Church 6-8 PM — Spanish Prayer Group, Cholla Room 6:30-8 PM — Saints in Film with Dr. Halligan, Saguaro Room 7-8:30 PM — Welcome Home Catholics, Mesquite Room

Hebrews 5:1-10 — Psalm 110:1-4 — Mark 2:18-22

Tuesday, January 24 8 AM Mass — Fr. Peter Connolly For Guadalupe Valdivia (d) — Augustine Valdivia 11 AM-12 PM — Big Book Scholars-AA Group, Mesquite Room 2-3 PM — YogaFaith, Catalina Room 6:30-8:30 PM — Stations of the Cross Practice, Church 7-8:30 PM — Men’s Prayer Group, Saguaro Room

Hebrews 6:10-20 — Psalm 111:1-2, 4-5, 9-10 — Mark 2:23-28

Wednesday, January 25 8 AM Mass — Fr. Bob Brazaskas For Robert Rocha (d) — Augustine Valdivia 8:45-11 AM — Eucharistic Adoration, Church 10 AM-12 PM — Synoptic Gospel Parallels, Saguaro Room 10 AM-1 PM — St. Vincent de Paul, Marian Room 2-3 PM — Finance Council Meeting, Conference Room

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Every First/Third Tuesday, 1-3:30 PM Cholla Room Learn new art skills. No talent required. Bring a friend. Call Mary at 825-0500.

Every Third Tuesday, 9-10:30 AM Saguaro Room Prayer and study group promoting the Divine Mercy message.

Every Second Wednesday, 10-11 AM Cholla Room All are welcome to join us. Stop by and learn how you can sew simple dresses for girls around the world! Call Geri Conser at 520-505-6107.

Every third Thursday from 2-3 PM Everyone is invited to attend.

Every first Monday from 1-2 PM Catalina Room Bring your knitting needles and crochet hooks, yarn is provided.

Every First Thursday, 11 AM-12 PM, Mesquite Room All single women are invited to attend this planning meeting.

Every First Thursday, 1-2:30 PM Saguaro Room Everyone is invited to attend.

Every Monday, 6-8 PM Cholla Room All are welcome to join us for prayer and music.

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Saturday, January 28 9 AM-12 PM — Quinceañeras Classes, Cholla Room 3:30-3:45 PM — Reconciliation, Church 4 PM Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley For Don Huber (d) — Sydnie

Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14 — Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9 — Mark 3:20-21

Sunday, January 29 7 AM Mass — Fr. Larry For James H. McAuley (d) — Mr. and Mrs. G. Thorstad 9 AM Mass — Fr. Larry For Joanne Kennedy 10-11 AM — Breaking Open the Word, Cholla Room 11 AM Bilingual Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley For Jeanette Culhane (d) — Chris and Camy Culhane 5 PM Mass—Fr. Charlie Wehrely For the intentions of the Parish 6-8 PM — Life Teen, Parish Hall

Isaiah 8:23-9:3 — Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14 — 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17 — Matthew 4:12-23


8 AM Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest For Joann Kay (d) — Don and Marian Orton 9-11 AM — Guadalupanos Board Meeting, Saguaro Room

Hebrews 8:6-13 — Psalm 85:8, 10-14 — Mark 3:13-19

Thursday, January 26 8 AM Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley For Dan Campbell (d) — Mary Campbell 4-5:30 PM — Al Anon Meeting, Marian Room 7-8:30 PM — AA Meeting, Marian Room

Hebrews 7:25-8:6 — Psalm 40:7-10, 17 — Mark 3:7-12

Wednesday, January 25, con’t. 4-5:30 PM — Religious Education (Grades K-5), Meet in Parish Hall 5:30-6:30 PM — Children’s Choir, Church 6-8:30 PM — Foundation Class, Mesquite Room 6-8:30 PM — Teen Meeting, Ocotillo Room 6-8:30 PM — Confirmation Class, Cholla Room 6:30-8 PM — Religious Education (Grades 6-8), Meet in the Parish Hall 6:30-8 PM — English Choir (9 AM) Rehearsal, Church 7-8:30 PM — RCIA Meeting, Catalina Room

Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17 — Psalm 110:1-4 — Mark 3:1-6

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This 6-week course will use material from Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister. Sr. Karen will offer input and discussion opportunities for the class to explore the Ten Command-ments as an adventure in human growth. Participants will think deeply about the mor-al fibers of our society and how the Com-mandments call us to transformation. Sr. Joan and has received numerous honors for her work on behalf of peace, human rights, women's issues, and Church renewal.

The $3 course fee can be paid in class any time during the course. Please call the parish office to register by February 6 so materials can be prepared. The weekly topics are:

February 9: Prologue and 1st Commandment February 16: 2nd and 3rd Commandments February 23: 4th and 5th Commandments March 2: 6th and 7th Commandments March 9: 8th and 9th Commandments March 16: 10th Commandment and Epilogue

FILM SERIES – SAINTS OF THE 20TH CENTURY MONDAY EVENINGS — JANUARY 23, 30, FEBRUARY 13, MARCH 13, 20 AND 27 — 6:30-8 PM IN THE SAGUARO ROOM Dr. John Halligan continues his film series on Saints of the 20th Centu-ry. Topics for discussion will include: Is holiness for everyone? Is sanctity “One size fits all?” Are there any saints who are not priests, sisters, or broth-ers? What is the “spiritual” life?

Upcoming movies will include John XXIII: The Real Pope and Saint, The Padre on Horseback, and Maria Goretti. Seating is limited. For more information about this series, please call 825-9611.

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THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS PART I BY DR. JOHN HALLIGAN WEDNESDAY MORNINGS THROUGH MARCH 15 10 AM - 12 PM This study will examine the three Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke simultaneously by reading them in parallel. This strong parallelism among the three gospels in content, arrangement, and specific lan-guage is widely attributed to literary interdependence. The question of the precise nature of their literary relationship—the "synoptic prob-lem"—has been a topic of lively debate for centuries and has been de-scribed as "the most fascinating literary enigma of all time."

The longstanding majority view favors the Marcan priority, in which both Matthew and Luke have made direct use of the Gos-pel of Mark as a source, and further holds that Matthew and Luke also drew from an additional hypothetical document, called Q. It is strongly recommended that you use Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.’s Gospel Paral-lels: A Synopsis of the First Three Gospels available both new and used at Amazon.


2 PM, CHOLLA AND OCOTILLO Lou Touchette (our own Loopin' Lou) will speak to us about the amazing Pocket Talker, an assistive listening device that can help us hear better at home, in the car, in small groups, and at lectures. Everyone is welcome.

For more info contact Joan Eddy at 520-825-8630 or [email protected].

At once they left their nets and followed him.

- Matthew 4:20 Ellos inmediatamente dejaron las redes y lo siguieron.

- Mateo 4:20

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Lupita Parra, Director of Youth Ministry - 825-9611, x108 - [email protected]

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SALÓN PARROQUIAL Join us for an evening of

food, fun, and laughter!

¡Acompañenos para una noche de comida, diversión

y carcajadas! Hosted by the Spirit of Motherhood.

This is a free will offering event.

Your donations are greatly appreciated!

Patrocinado por el Grupo de Spirit of Motherhood.

Este es un evento de donaciones. Su donación es grandemente apreciada.




7 TIPS TO PRAY MORE THIS YEAR BY Rachel Penate This article is an excerpt from the LifeTeen.com web blog. Please visit http://lifeteen.com/blog/7-tips-to-pray-more-this-year/ to view this blog in its entirety.

It is when we get to know Our Lord in prayer that we realize all that He has done and is doing for us. It is in conversation with Him that we understand prayer to be less about changing God’s mind, and more about changing our hearts.

So, this year, if you are to pick any resolution I hope that it is a resolution to grow in your relationship with God. And, in the spirit of that, here is a simple list of ways to improve your prayer life…

1. Take time to identify why you pray. Begin by identifying why it is that you pray. Simple as that. When you take time to recognize why you do something, it holds more meaning, and when it holds more meaning for you, it’s more likely you’ll follow through and actually do it!

2. Keep a list of prayer intentions for yourself and others. Put this list in a place you will see it every day. Pick it up and read through the list, stop-ping to ask God to answer each of these intentions according to His will.

3. Pray whenever you’re alone. …wherever you are, God is always available. Even though you may be alone, God hears you and desires to converse with you. A particularly great place to pray is in the car. Try dedicating the time you are alone in the car to prayer.

4. Seek out places of prayer. You wouldn’t take out your phone and watch the Walking Dead during Mass, so why would you even try to pray while distracted at home? Seek out an Adoration Chapel or quiet church nearby. Sometimes, we need to take ourselves out of a distracting environment in order to be able to focus in on prayer.

5. Dedicate the first 15 minutes to prayer when you get home from school or work. Before you check your Instagram feed or turn on the TV, sit down in a quiet place and converse with God about your day.

6. Take time to just be silent. Simple as that. Be silent. Think about who God is, what He has done for you, how much He loves you… just be still, and sit in His presence (Psalm 46:10).

7. Don’t make up excuses. Every time you’re tempted to make up an ex-cuse not to pray, say a Hail Mary and ask Our Lady to intercede for you and help you find time to pray.

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One of God’s main jobs is making people. The other is listening to prayers. God is busy, so don’t waste God’s time asking for something your parents said “No” to. Jesus is God’s Son. He was good and kind, performing miracles and

teaching people who didn’t want to learn about God. They got tired of Jesus and crucified him. Jesus asked God to forgive them and God said OK. God said Jesus didn’t have to go on the road anymore, but could stay in heaven and help his Dad (God) out. You can pray any time because one of them’s always on duty. Always go to Mass on Sunday because it makes God happy. It’s good to know God’s always around when you’re scared of the dark or big kids. You shouldn’t just always think of what God can do for you. God put me here so it’s up to me to figure out what I can do for God.


Uno de los trabajos más importantes de Dios es hacer personas. El otro trabajo importante es escuchar las oraciones. Dios está bien ocupado, así es que no le hagas perder el tiempo pidiéndole algo a lo cual tus padres ya han dicho que “no”. Jesús es el Hijo de Dios. Él era bueno y amable, hacía milagros y enseñaba a las personas que no querían aprender nada acerca de Dios. Se cansaron de Jesús y lo crucificaron. Jesús le pidió a Dios que los perdonara y Dios dijo O.K. Dios también dijo que Jesús no tenía que andar más por la tierra y que se podía quedar en el cielo ayudando a su Papá (Dios). Tú puedes rezar en todo momento porque uno de ellos siempre está de turno para escucharte. Siempre ve a Misa los domingos porque eso hace feliz a Dios. Es bueno que sepas que Dios siempre está bien cerca cuando tienes miedo de la oscuridad o de otros niños más grandes que tú. No debes pensar solamente en lo que Dios puede hacer por ti, sino en lo que puedes hacer por Dios. La decisión es toda tuya.

Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

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San Vicente de Paul prove compasión y apoyo a indi-viduos en necesidad, sin im-portarles raza, origen, o religión. Las horas de oficina son Lunes y Miércoles de 10am a 1pm, en el Salón Par-roquial. Para más información, por favor llame al, 825-8288.

Immaculate Heart School invites poten-tial new students and

their families to Welcome Wednesday on February 1, from 6-7 p.m. Tour the cam-pus—Learn about scholarship opportunities—Meet the Immac-ulate Heart community.

IHS is located near the corner of Magee and Oracle Roads at 410 E. Magee Road and the middle school is located at 425 E. Magee Road. For more in-

person. For more information , please call 469-7835 or visit our website at stmarkov.com.

Bosnia: Crossroads of History and Culture Travel Program – March 18-28, 2017. Offered by The University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES). Price is $2800 for a single room or $3000 for double-occupancy and in-cludes accommodations for 10 nights in 4 or 5-star hotels all breakfasts, most lunches and dinners, scholar escort and guides, admission to sched-uled events, agency fees, pri-vate mini-bus within Bosnia/Croatia, Tips for guides and drivers, Registration/university fees. For more info and itinerary visit www.cmes. arizona.edu/outreach/community/bosnia2017.

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formation, please call 297-6672 or visit www.ihschool.org. Come see how accessible and affordable Catholic education can be! Serving Tucson chil-dren since 1930!

St. Mark Catholic Church Concert Series — Composers like Sarah Kroger are highly regarded in our faith as lead-ers in their fields. Sarah is pas-sionate about delivering the message "that we are fearfully and wonderfully made"....that even in the midst of chaos, confusion, pain, suffering and sin, we can always find hope in Jesus. Sarah Kroger will perform 'This is My Story' on Sunday, February 12 at 3 PM. Tickets may be purchased at the door or the Parish Office. Suggested donation is $20 per

Al-Anon and AA meetings are held at Santa Catalina by

the respective sponsoring or-ganizations. If you or someone you know is interested in an Al-Anon meeting, join us every Thursday in the Parish Hall at 4 p.m. For details, call Robin at 818-1177. AA meet-ings are also held on Thursday in the Parish Hall at 7 p.m. For more information on AA meetings, call Art at 825-5218.

St. Vincent de Paul provides compassion and support to indi-

viduals in need, regardless of race, origin, or religion. Their office hours are Monday and Wednesday, 10am-1pm, in the Parish Hall. For more infor-mation, please call 825-8288.

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DAN SIEVERDINGAssociate BrokerParishioner

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ANNUAL PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY RAFFLE AFTER ALL MASSES JANUARY 21/22 AND JANUARY 28/29 Our Prayer Shawl Ministry will be hosting a raffle after all Masses on the weekends of January 21 and 22 and Janu-ary 28 and 29. Raffle items include five handmade items.

TICKETS ARE 3 FOR $5 OR 6 FOR $10 Our Prayer Shawl Ministry offers its shawls freely to those who request one. The raffle proceeds will be used to buy yarn and labels for the shawls made. Last year we provided the parish with baptismal capes and stoles, prayer shawls, plus caps and scarfs for the Sr. Jose’s Women’s Shelter. Please support this great ministry. Thanks to Linda Messiner, Fannie di Paolo, and Evelyn Silver for making these unique items.



Nuestro Ministerio de Cobijitas de Oración, tendrá una una rifa después de todas la Misas de los fines de

Semana de Enero 21 y 22 y Enero 28 y 29. Incluyendo en las rifas 5 articulos hechos a mano.

LOS BOLETOS SON 3 POR $5 Ó 6 FOR $10 Nuestro Ministerio de Cobijitas las ofrece gratuitamente

para todos aquellos que las pidan. La ganancia de las rifas se usará para comprar más estambre material y

etiquetas para las cobijas hechas. El año pasado donamos las estólas y las capitas para los bautismos

celebrados aqui en nuestra Iglesia, cobijitas y bufandas para el albergue Sr. Jose para mujeres desamparadas.

Por favor apoye éste gran Ministerio. Muchas gracias a Linda Messinner, Fannie di Paolo, y Evelyn Silver por

hacer estas piesas tan exclusivas.