The Best Colombian Cities

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LAS MEJORES CIUDADES DE COLOMBIAMedellin (Antioquia)La Capital de la Montaa: Bella y Pujante Medellin, digna de admirar, sus hermosas mujeres contrastan divinamente con su urbanismo y sus calles de primera categora es la ciudad mas pujante del pas con grandes reconocimientos a nivel mundial, es una ciudad ejemplar y tierra de progreso y pujanza paisa Bogota D.CGrande, Urbe y Cosmopolita Bogota, la ciudad mas importante nuestra hermosa capital digna de serlo, esta gran ciudad es una de las mas importantes del continente, es nuestra gran urbe, la ciudad donde las oportunidades existen, Fra pero amaa dora Bogota... Cali (Valle del Cauca)Cali es Cali lo dems es loma: La capital valle caucana, nuestra 3 ciudad en importancia en todo su esplendor, la inmensidad de esta linda ciudad, el sabor que se siente rumbear en ella, es una ciudad linda, progresista, sus lindas mujeres hacen de esta una maravillosa ciudad Bucaramanga (Santander)La Ciudad Bonita: la linda ciudad de Bucaramanga nos deleita con su modernidad y crecimiento a grandes pasos, la belleza de sus calles y edificios nos muestran una gran urbe digna de ser importante para nuestro pas Pereira (Risaralda)Querendona, Morena y Trasnochadora Perla del Otun, la bella ciudad de Pereira con sus grandes proyectos de grandes ciudades, su rumbas y sus hermosas mujeres hacen de esta una de las importantes ciudades del pas, su ubicacin estratgica y su desarrollo nos muestran una urbe moderna y hermosaCartagena (Bolvar)La Heroica y mgica Cartagena de Indias, es nuestro patrimonio y nuestra ciudad en el mundo, su historia, sus noches, sus playas son cosas que todo colombiano debe conocer antes de morir, esta bella ciudad es de las ms lindas del continente y del mundo, Cartagena es nica.Barranquilla (Atlntico)Curramba la Bella: la calurosa pero amaa dora arenosa, con sus bellas mujeres y su prosperidad de ciudad en pleno crecimiento, siendo el puerto martimo ms importantes de Colombia, es nuestra 4 ciudad reconocida por sus carnavales y sus lindas eminenciasManizales (Caldas)Manizales del alma, la linda ciudad de Manizales con sus ferias y lindas mujeres nos enamoran, su imponente catedral que se levanta entra la hermosa ciudad hacen de esta con una panormica increble, los nevados que la rodean, Que linda es Manizales... Santa Marta (Magdalena)La bella Santa Marta llena de historia y bellos paisajes, la ciudad ms antigua de nuestro pas sus lindas playas y calles, la historia que se siente en esta ciudad son nuestro patrimonio, el rodadero donde contrasta la modernidad y la naturaleza hacen de esta un destino vacacional en nuestro pasBEST CITIES OF COLOMBIAMedellin ( Antioquia)The Capital of the Mountain : Beauty and Pujante Medellin , worthy of admiration , beautiful women contrasted nicely with its urban streets and first class is the most powerful city in the country with major awards worldwide , is an exemplary city and land of progress and strength paisaBogota D.C.Great, and cosmopolitan Bogota Urbe , more importantly our beautiful capital city worthy of being, this great city is one of the most important of the continent , it is our great city , the city where opportunities exist, but rigs dora Cold Bogota ...Cali (Valle del Cauca)Cali is Cali else is loma : The Capital Cauca valley , our three most important city in all its splendor , the vastness of this beautiful city , the taste that feels partying in it, is a beautiful city , progressive, its beautiful women do this a wonderful cityBucaramanga ( Santander)The City Beautiful : the beautiful city of Bucaramanga delights us with its modernity and growing by leaps and bounds , the beauty of its streets and buildings show a large city worthy to be important to our countryPereira ( Risaralda )Potion , Morena and night owl Otun Pearl , the beautiful city of Pereira with large projects in large cities , its rumbas and beautiful women make this one of the important cities of the country, its strategic location and its development show a modern city and beautifulCartagena (Bolvar )The Heroic and magical Cartagena de Indias, is our heritage and our city in the world, its history, its nights , the beaches are things that all Colombians should know before you die , this beautiful city is the most beautiful on the continent and the world Cartagena is One .Barranquilla (Atlntico)Curramba Beauty : the warm sandy dora rigs but with stunning women and prosperity booming city , the most important seaport in Colombia , is our 4- city renowned for its carnival and its beautiful eminencesManizales ( Caldas)Soul Manizales , Manizales cute with their shows and we love beautiful women , its imposing cathedral that rises enters the beautiful city make this with a panoramic , the mountains that surround it, Manizales 's cute ...Santa Marta (Magdalena )The beautiful Santa Marta full of history and beautiful scenery , the oldest city in our country its beautiful beaches and streets , the story felt in this city are our heritage, which contrasts rodadero modernity and nature make this a destination holiday in Spain

Hello to all,

my name is lorena side, i like today speak to them of ibague my natal city, here born and grow, ibague is a city small but full of big and beautiful landscapes, for and for knowing with great quantity of fauna and flora and with an extensive territory, with beautiful tourist sites and peoples that surround it and that also are interesting to know, nearby one finds melgar a tourist site where many are going to enjoy his vacations or weekends, and this way since this one we find great quantity of small but beautiful peoples

Best Colombian cityPrincipio del formularioIn Bogota you can visit the Gold Museum, Bolivar Square, Botanical Garden, Monserrate, the Simon Bolivar Park, the park third millennium, jaime park Duke, the Salt Cathedral, and good lots to see, also is sightseeing tours can be made as to those interested in the religious culture of the city of Bogota, this tour shows important churches and shrines that have religious, historical value and an interesting cultural wealth. The time it will take to make this tour is half day. It is advisable to be accompanied by a guide or someone who knows the city well as the Shrine of the Divine Child is located in the south of the city and is difficult to get there. The sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe least two hours by car! You can not miss the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Fallen Monserrate and the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Church of San Francisco de Asis or also the area of Barrio La Candelaria is the heart of the history of the city and place of tradition and conservation. Its steep streets, balconies adorned with colorful flowers and large houses with courtyards, porches and interior battery invite you to visit it and make memories of its colonial past.Hi everyone, my name is DanielaI'm going to talk about Cartagena, the place where i'm living right now.Cartagena is a dream city for lovers, with mornings of sunshine and beautiful sunsets.Cartagena is a historical patrimony that has beautiful old buildings and the walls of our independence.The historic center of cartagena is the soul of this city,you can explore the Castle of San Felipe, do a tour of ancient churches or swim and float in a mud volcano.We have some beautiful beaches and islands near, Isla Baru, Islas del Rosario, Playa Blanca.The gastronomy of cartagena is awesome, sweet, spicy, with so much different flavors for any taste.It is a beautiful city with awesome people, food, beaches, sun, parties, surf and so much fun.Final del formulario