TW yO U iilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli« ...TliA'liUuue f« . 'Anlbit^te!'MI dm and Bal ' Iniui m . (« :FaiiotioQ;-'Fia ^ ' .-Petw'mrte-'tod#: . ’^BfadW'hWirt’th# loKnn aad opt: tUoa of'tkt satbricllt mlBti. unlw ______ tht tori toti i trifct It MKltil br thtl I.'hiU.U.Uii’dtttn^BMloa sT Pw dinf,H»rdlBi;-.8«ii?(cr \V*t«on.. I« ............. flltB«-atcl»^ loMy Ititr# loiif Ml . ftr«Be*,i»>ih.lh#«xtciill»o,- ,-. •. .' 'TbrpmMtal btltlru a' itrloui cr tlt'laptadi Ualeu optntloBi trt n toatd^lBuntdlaUly In lUe hird coi mlaa^';W«uon.dtelirtd. ' ’ Tiit:hiit'iUp towiri-*elwrt:wi; bs muJt'ia (ha* ttnalt, fat dKUr« . vllh'prmtilBtloa'of « bill authorii . ias tbe prMMcDl’lb u tum t tOBlr( onprosocuoa;-' , .•m t prttldtal'-lt'hoptful tbal utlltm tal laajr-bt wrnnittd lodir. . .WaUoa.iildisddliif.tbit'Kaaarrh - 'istnl'vuinM'touBd, tht ^rtildto w u pr«Dtr»d lo p rtu Imnitdtaul ' 'fQr' ItcUUUoa tir coairttlv .8*lrar*'oti'rti)ro*di I* not-coaitd • •r^'brithr pmldtal.ii bt ’ki nt< Mlt(T u o]Mr«tlotl;or thtf hard cm ’ mlBii,\W«iiMdecUrtd. A«lioaaloB. ImntdlUtI] ' ' ’' \M8HtaaT0N\ Aai *8-riani fo 'ttdtnU:op*nUoa ,ot ttt«' intliraclt ' nm«i (Ad nJtreidi thal fall to tunc '/ ’lloa,-btnTbttn nmpltltd br Prtal idtBtHwdlOK uidihla idTlttn, It va "madtiknora-lodar M-lho anthracll aad'rtllroid ttrlkta apptattd bopt • ,lttilr’ .dt*dJoci»d. A'fl^al'tffort »lll1>t nadi lo brla: ' aboat pttM ID'thl .hard tciil' flttdi 'If-ttiU (a»i;8tDator.Ca{amtBi.-tflt , . a'poaftrtim.irlUi’lba'prMldial aali I'dotnv'Cuunlu Illd, aaolhw mtuar ' >(of>i(]Araor(||^^m^.plM ' thi.lalWuoV'k Ua'B^ '';W b lu |(rlB«'th4 prnldaat>li« po» .,«r to Uka>mibi'llBU ■wilb bUatot iittfirltr to optrala tbl -'catlro a n ttm ' a l ‘o n t. Umo,.CnmblDi ■-•madolllnotra... .'OCoiI>nf«^ Vlnt‘ '^ ; .Flnt ot all.Uie coal carrrlat nil .'iroadi.Uut'^lall'to tukoD'noald b. .‘:taktn:onr:UBdtr tlit.platui CwaailBi itattd.' A tlir Ibal olhtr roadi. iboV' ’ ln( atiM ot bnaUnc dova. would b* ■’takaa onr.'bt \ k .Thi'ioibraclio.'atrika'hu’Ml ofi . iiasaisi'&isi'saffi . r:tbrtaMUD|:«diul ipKtda(.t)ili^la' ? itr, .irliIU,ll' Htaia UprebabW ,(bai ’ \ , v'lb*;rtllm U .vlll i^>abl(i't<>:banau . ,iV' Ftpw.liaoi^-iii pbiladtlpbla wlUi . /Word£mlboprMUtatielb«laadtri • ^ o{ iba'.UnlM .MlBa' Worken aad tbt ■Q . ;i»^pirae««..optnton:-'.'-. . ->11 I B 't b e 'r t l i ^ Mriitt; Ibo.atiltndi ' . . .of the ibsp «orktn< Itadan aad lb( :■ . jrdlt-hatda” ail)onll•lft«'falt^o^d.^x^• ' >csUna ..ladtealM;<ardtlarmlitaltoB - to •.-.I'lfllbtjl 'ottt to>.,qalah,v/.-\.v ' ‘ ,H M»a&wbtli.'Bsdir,iptclal a t r ^ t a t .-Ubt boasi « u lanM^rllr laid'uldt, , i»a'»iasa»a5 '\ d t t eptratm. m';tiotlJI*^tit» toda^ ‘ b/. lha.TOm»d/|>wii;ot tlw'fof^ni* ; •Bta^a,thr«». to mb;^ ae^ .'i ■ "l.Ttfiiii)t() taakV'ur ijdanatal,* . (a mBaHable qoIekiBlac ot^biialaeu : . l^roKKbMt tb*Dalttd:SUlat;.rorbM MtM'Cbleaco,-8taUla; FortUnd^ fefeffiisas: vfjm ataMiM’banfttt Ht Mid ibaVUs . '{*>MUi^:topaBltt which daal_Ua btH: ,, '■ .:'«™V^"rK'rbV'iyuC' IN B i&rdCoal on Monday Strike Endi liH iiF S i'E ifiiiB fod- ____ ^ . tltpa iV ’' •• 1• •• DPtr- :,L08'AKaa£a'Aus..!(--<VlMu Bleti lion (or tb t kltB,'*.wai Iht war thta. Prico lodar dttcrlbtd tbt TjrdJel c i?5P •tanW 'W bitinuriiittr'awiuiitft .lB.‘ him .and ttalitr>tour othtrt on al 'cofl. cbaritt-ln an'iodlcUntni In eonntc . lion vllb'tht isgltwool ffluktd raU , Price aald that bt wonld rcntlo a , r». Uag kltaila.and cbKt klaa omcla coar: of tbe Paclllo dontla of tba orjtnlu T tion.' •«ni ' .rSutV 'foar a< rbolil o(l(ct,'’,b' ar^ Jtcbirtd, «]rwant‘l( nsdcniiood Ihl 0^ . ' '.btlilan wlU'noA tolcrait lawlttintti Birol o t w kind."'-. . . Ths Jnry rcndtr«I Iht Ttrdkt whlcl al I rtltu td tht klahtmen aClcr'a lilll; jaj^_ jTt^ Ibrtt b^un of ^elual dtllbtra Idem "'Fortoi'ali'diu.'J. lUtd oC Hallr tUl>: «ood u ld bttwesn IS and 20 ^lloU wtre lakta. bul ihat the Jurr wai gitd. Dneilcallr .Bir««d al ibt ouuiart oi Ibt Ttrdlet of bot lulltr.on atirir al coal ‘b t count*.' ‘ .lom . ..Pprmtr, dritnd Goblin WllUin B itir, Cob“™ *•''* ‘odarj___ . T an< pltuttl wliir tht rtrdlei ----- wbleh;U-w!ial l.laiaw ll'wonld'be.' I for ’Cotnm'uldilhat.'bli.’oftlclal con aclta atdlon rllb (bo ktan bad btta itTtr unc- td..aad that'ha would rttum to At' rtal« lanta, Oa.. la about lea da;t to'rtiumi vat Ibt pntctlcrof law. >cUt . All Are Tbt'» kltunth wtrt frtyi htn ' • lodar followlns'thtir acquittal hr I iriaj juir abDrtlr.afttt 9 o'clock lut alibi «tu- oa.all'coonu of tbt Indlctmtal cbari' ttin ta t> * a u lt i^llb Inlthl' Id, commli Illd mardtr, kldotplar aad Ikitt Inprli' n u t oamtat'la coaaKilen: with tbt lati*' wb^ mai^td'nJd April tt- , . ri^ ' ntu Owe D iicropa^ Okiyjod by low: ':;0rud-Jm 7 Iti.tlw,Boeo^.oi . Bjlo ti'; in Poitiiad,- la oW -..QnbmiatoTial flontirt In’ Uii |d. Sl; ^ poRirUND,' u u miaatloD of tbt » U Ortioa.prinarr >tb« tttclloatVconmUOB ‘;eaaivrtiUM*r, tiESiSEEl^ rof oo;iiM9.WL,,,rv|U:.‘-''.v:i: tba i'Mli*- rentult. o l-ul. pfednd wai lh((.-r«oJtrot/eoBt«^^f6nwff':flDT. irlUi ereor Bta OlwKlfor.npabllaa cio* lin didau.far. ioriraer br. (AitIm.IUII tha bt Mariba(itd;i:ra9irtnP.la.Uii'C0B- itll. .■'Tbe’-‘rMeval';'<boved'.cnT* J : dMim^ndei'ift:tbecbt«kliig;o{ bali lau In tbt. proelBef. icwrdla* to ibe Indlctmeat.' .N(i.^eharitai,wtM> laad* to ifi[»l.:bUiir'. tltcUoa onicUlt la ' • lhe prtod.rbat:Snkt{fk.wu,tiur(^ *d'.wIUi':VirmBi;'B»|!»el-.';«ais.-eor- **S^uatnt 'o t ' ’cotMaltlt«;TO ^ iarwaitM''."6y-'TtinB(finttrifi -Ju ehilraaa ot th* wyr.flatBci'cor^n* M l. TWIN;FALLS;-ID CHUIHEU PttASCE COM * '' iiatr.v 0.1 IIOCK \riiiLi! , • 0.1 P1UCTIC8; w nu PAHli.Aut U,~Tht eriiljtr .‘ .l'‘ranc*,>}3,000 loot itruck u 1 ■ rock and wmt. down, Ib CO Utt 2 C of -water In llit bay of (Jultmroa -----; The .wbott crtwr 7000 was 'rticuttl' tztDi Ihrtt aloktn I who art (^liltntTiecordlni lo . adrlcti rtctlrml biro at 3 p. III. Tbt Utdlltrrenean aqnadruii IIA WBI tDnitd la'urgei prafllct U I whtn tb* m ac* hli'a rork In IU 4 d«ss«mu' pauace. liirsrd __ .lurtl* aod uak. Adnllral 8a> rff )un baa sol rtporied in r loai fl of lire u rtL . , ' -V T b e Bar of. Qulboron U Wfl Bllti aouthtait of Urtci and about 400 aiilea from'’tbe port of 8t..Ka»ire. •, J;*; Tlit Franco waa Mnipluled * . _byj:»ncB'Ja:JBflftJJU-fll.a. '“ « cotl '.of S.«6.000 uoundi nl»r|. iBK. ' She waa, a aiiltr tblp ot .‘Ibt Jtan Dan: Iho'Corkti and ' -Iht T lril. waa S<i test InaR nw BBd b td ’i aptcd of »,« knou . 'Iclal ptr bour. : niu- , ...... i llflllf liE ii con- . , -------- ” t- ]kcent: DencmUo i^den'tlk . Nominoe'Dtelorei'That Ap p6tatmflnt •'of I'Sww Would Bedetm 8UiliitioD;'U’W a>ai '|ljl ''.to Act^We.toM AiUed DobU nmll ' ■ " ’ . ■ \ . «ll! ' LONDON, Aug. !S-Aniirlea muil a c t'10 iiT t the aatloBi et ctntnl £uropt .froto complttt dlMoluUoa . Jamit M. Cox dtclared In a itiltoiBl butd upon bll obtirratlou cn Ibt coBtlntnt.* . i;;.U«MveomniBdtd~ ibat— Htrbtrl i Hoovtr 'ihbujd bt (iMlgakltd br tb< ' Unlltd 8Utu to rt»tMtal ibal coua- Bnropii , ■ ' ICQjTcdnTtrtd'a m ntagi from Cbaij > ' cilIorWlrth'or OtrtaaBr lo thoptopli ' ot Ihl Unlltd Stalta glren lo him ddr< -ffni1«riiwpJ|VlT n«p1lp Th« rnMi sta n laUtwU \ btritlf la Buropt'i affain, wllbln.rn ,1 T jtr lUort lliie. all In Otrmanr^M ^ allr,t>i^ceRlral Eurbpt U ''(^t iiri'Ibtri. are Uirte'reaiou wbr ll,U,uptdIiat'for AmtrIe»;to ■V Uke.a hiad In Earopein'irfitn.v ; of . l-PriMnt'eoodIUblii‘a(fordinopt porlvalljr:io^rttU«:dlitftu, ' i>- ~»>-Buropenfljt:bilrebablllUttdiu tha protldt'a mirkil.for AmtrleiD prod* ucu.',i;‘‘- ; - ' - • • i. . ■ • • ' ; !fi-It':ih«;»orld'i'dibion aro pt^ U a n i ;d .'ir ^ io s of](fas famoui. N<w I I s s irg4bU-«lloTair»!.b«re.ii,;'' , ' -'V; w- j)w ;’daull|.’ 'dt^the;dMlh .of (be roUai (nU'.ybtei eteapadt* In. lifli .‘VAtlonien’ vantt''-aid *wiuba.''wjia fri itt^d-'bSio^iateac«l,td lO'dir^^ld i^'-v ilv-.OB'WayrBail.,' £ Si.oijwid^« 6^^SdvSouw^ i*j. rtW;la;;Kiy,;'yort:MBad*r.:f;;-,, V;i M 'M S)AHO, SATURDAY, AI ^ i S i Bii i In' . ; '■ • )■ Sflveral Memben fif 8anat« Fore DeUj tTntU.Tl^r Havo Obaud IS to£xamlna; lt; wm Ooms U| ' nionday; Seoator Ellent Abou ,d Hudinj[ Ideal. >t WA6HINGT0N. D, C.. Aug.'!6.- d Wllh action on' the (ual anii.ptotl R Itcrlds bill, dtlartd In Ibo itaatt I- ntwaioToi .were .mult la congr«i> todar (0 BoTtrn.-illltrlbotlon am _ iBTt tbl ooaioffltn from fnll {[recti of ’ lb» tbriilthed ihorliw. Immtdlalel lituanct ot rtguUilnr . almllar (d-tboie during Ibe war- . IncludlsgMlgbtlma ntgliii end {utl . leai'dara-tlo ioniorre tht 'projfni mtagri anpplr. wai profldtd 'In i • roto^uilon l^ w d u ^ d I n 't h t hnn»< •' MB, illcblgan; • , Appolntmtal.'of a national (utl ' dUiribuior wlib otriclal powtn Ic . riguUta ibirihlpneot 'ot ill coal talarlog la.lnlt^U lt edmmerct dur* Ing'tbt eDtrgtncr. Wll urged tn^ a If. bill prHtattd’/b r ntpreitnutlrt V Wlaatow, chairman^ qt ibt bouie la- A Weair KU.ffajft. "V '-A- waie-.italafaectpublo-lo Iht - eoal ,nlain -wouJd. bi dxtd br a , ftdtnl coaqI u I oo and tbi optraton U u cofflpelltd lo ;«coipt' It. (tfflporarilr undtr a bill Introductd lodtr' br id RIeklnida'i'-blll' proTldt* tor ip- polnlptai'of.a.'commlMlon of four bu'latnibtn 'with‘.powtn lo (orce rf ' optol8g.'orrco*t:nlnH oo aar wags ' bull-'Ibat''wo(ild' RlTi'.ibt nlno »1 = .2 Tbe'eom'inliilen could aUo^dlrocl i,Bt dlitrlbutloii'''of' coal In 'lo u n u tt '[ha eonintteerr.^ U in b tn could- dnw - }7,B0« a r t i r ta d wonld i t m u loaf OM - Oppttiuia ITn»pK*M. - ■'WA81IINQT0N, IX a ^ ’Aug. sL. Vaupicted..dppo«llloB .(o' tbo (^im* Bilm'.'.blll. which, wonld control' pp>^ (Iletriag la/Fuel,'-forcid dtlar .ln n- ^ portlag th f mwiura out-of thi iia- I. BU'.'iDiiniati., eoBRBimTWuiuiiiifi ]> todar., , , .On.obJeeUoBi from m i n i otm- i'li bth:'pliai'to' rtport thi blH'oa Ibi a iiaiU',floor,:lodar wtre•abaadoned aad'cbuldentloa‘will go onr ualll '' Moadar. " " .'rrwifBi-'iiidi'Ffebt;. I-' ,1 etnalor. Pomonai, Obto, ltd, ibt al,: oblHtlonlo rtportlnc. Ihi’.blil'ualil f non Unit bad btto..tfrta'to,itudr the: powtri. l t 'gniau tbt 'lnlinUlo oonnaki eommliiloB is HUblltblBg prioriiy'*n4' embargOM aad^ la tIUi- ,:h irtbuUnt ceaL' • Ko lUggwlIm .TOptclia* pnrclm- *. Inc or.iiIllBC of eoal br ibt gortm* ? i meat'.la Beeorduee-:with''PmId*al >:> IUhllaR^,aMiagi’io''oagnf^.wu '•It ^ t or otrend aaUa'amiadmiDt to ib#-.blll..-; . : ■■-■v-.-'- l^.An'tanofflcUlpell .of..ths.'toniit* ■ii> (ii'ibdwtd.tbst.lfagicoaitaiu'wai ’ : g ta in llr^ ' »ir6r,'of tbi -blll.tV ,is| ; Uunwblli-lbe.itaalar.wiatialitad; litJ wUb. ’dUcnu^dn ;o(.;,tba'.Xorah’,bm in eniUag a eoalaialoa lo,tBmtiglti { tbo:««l lo'dBitrr;Av;;,i. >..• >-'.j j' W .^'.:.'-'i;y',,pm,'ofJK«ii DIU '-,‘, v:!V; iB; -'..lAidertbe-Btv-VlBilow bilC'wmcli «!•! (u l dlitributor whoM 'ordtn ngard; i ' i be';,biektd:;ot wiih'’.Mt«f»i PW*ltIti clr t»<rarbr.'n(oilat‘'cah-'li'.wbleb.;.to Ul, :':<n»rraiaasWIui4<(>4aBoairotdr^« Ml faDvii;.eaaaure«^oommllli*»imM n l nM .'teU ’tbl«:'aH«riiodB)lo.ieaaiUtr fl; (bl .blN'aod'probabljr.wotija J9|J»:.a 5^1 (awnbltTiportonattoaltbter^oa- ^ diy; PUat w tn madtifor biTlar il ','i arav^ntfgliMr'ibi'irMirol'^Kvttn y ,wUeIr.i'»'wipt.,Uiai-aT*a'i7«iUM*fi AILI AUGUST 26.-1922.. .. . HM'OLX.IIOI'ULAH IlEDATK . ItKl'UpDUlXO O.V tlKUi:.\1) , . miEllB TITANH IJlUI'l'LLU _ kiii;epoht, in.. Aug. : t - . n On tho hlitorlQ ground whero 1\ .81 r » n ago Abraham Uncoln I 1 mtt ind rai/iulibcd In debatii lu .b it cItrer'Biid popuUr. rival . . lor tho Unltod Slain leunliir- ' Iblp. moro lliin tO.COO penplv. r gathered today to oilrbrato L Ibt uRDlrenarr of ttint mciiiur- r abit cTenl. • ' On thU famoH occmlun DougUa aUted tlial tie wa« op- pQltil lo lilt Ulaioluilon of ttis . Uolon undtr anr circumitaiirra 'orce wblle Lincoln itoltd - Ihal lim couniry could not. Ml>n l.iir anoe aiare and liatt fret. , tjb At on Ihe pccdiloa of lho. ' Llncotii-Dcuglu ilebats •>(’ bout XI^S. cbamploni ot thd rrimt.. llran and dtmocrnllc pany Bgnin were ibe principal!.' _ : __ Unlltd._8l«tn^B«iaior_.l’fll_ Harrlion 'Of, Mlialiilppl, roii- •e^ . reitnitd ,Uio denocrailc inny totl- and.Karl C. fichuyllr, of l).-ii- Date, Vcr. re|ire>entcd the repulill- [KM cant. Uolh addrctied llte anil crowd,. iR E W i ifOlilM Ihe' --------- -- '" r « : ' Kline Oalied Jobn B e r ^ , Acto .t« hig'home, AccoMd.Him 0 '*"■ : Agjaultintr WUe; ..dhaUongeti lonr and'KlUed Him re* Ig'OIaini; rags ' '• . nlno , — * . EliOBWATEn. N. J.,, Aug. JC- , Oeorgt P. aine. motion •picluro, d rMt rtctor. todiy waa lo lUgt a re-lak ut* ot tbft n il, IKe drama Mi which bi kilted Jobn Dtrgtn, wltli police ni loag acton nnd a p K U to n ,; .' tinflu:i..Fo(.l U*.pl.aur*,'iindlo'.liil um- nlghl.,.',, , , i ; ' I ' M . • I'ro*. :;Cllai^winud lo ibow*(bi.police, n - iltp br iltp'.bow be auaiaAn»d;Dtr- a refolm'dael in.a ncaai'rooai.np' tm- lU ln 'dBd‘-bbw the man^nurBtd on Ibl blm 'ind irlH ip kill .bM i i Ihtr ntd faloualed I h i'tliT w : He wasted to laUl dtmonitraid'bw 'In l b i : eainlnK Mrni!gl«.'Derijea..w»n 1(101'.;..: ,';D«rttn-*ai (ound blttillnc', lo the (ht l i m t a (IW blocM from Ollbi'i boffli. gill He wir.carrltd to a pollca iutioti, uar whtri' hi dled,Juit< afUr ^.biTlai lala itrawltd oa a aboet of ptpir, "0*orf* [iBg Cline'Ulltd a a " ' v- ' ■■• IU. '.jPo^lce’raifatd (o' Cllat*i'h'oil»t;iBd Ibtre (dnad blm'coiaforilDi bll wife; la*. H* lold.tKem'aitory.ot bor'bU wlto ^ Uia(ttied..tbi(.llertea;bl4:kauolttd mt: monid<bfi)t*(>(iiti(h*npl4tk44abd Z with: (beta a* a Murt nlliV.JB'BtiS ; J gta Jo a; dotl and. pro*ic(ir»wo,.n- rol<r«n.^It,Wu.hlaldt«>(b|]r,;weaU ribool It out" Ib a Arkutd^ioom upr »>*• iUIni/vrmto.hU/»tU«:aad;biKbrolh- '^1 iN willed below." ilowtTBMiocord^ lag.to.Cline, BtneaitnAid-oa'hlm ,*•; .ithlW Ibty t^krert ,<pjir6kehla«' ;tbi “Id riwa and liM lltd’Wi'riB.-Ci:.'^ ’ ' ■•i ■«» i,Be#im,-1riott«de<l 'ftf"-lB6'Jl*tliulnf. ;«P iiraM«7'iUnt*r*dr-ti/^tb«':iin*t ^ i;iiU4ifiM0'atiir.tui,ABmamsc*. Ml lo.fl|bt>aida*l:eTarjKa.'imlt.lo lfn.lcilB»:wu atuokadiiodajr br tlM M fjOMrte'UBdon, drirer'.otjthi uk. fm ^S g J I lIG M i 1J t National . Editorial '/ Shows That Serious ai_ Earts-'of-Country;-; Ir eluded in Survey. ,0 H.v. KDW.MII \Viiiii:r rnntiiii' nml liicli jir —4 of liilntniiKuiH coni iis m —mui |i . per wnt. . , TliN' in inilienti'il in ii Mirv. Diiil.v Tiiiic.s ill'liii'Kii I'ilii'H ri'|n III pi^'lil of tlit'KO I'ilifH rrti jiri'ilid. II' f|ijnliju—Mime ri'|>urlii II ; c'ertiiiiityexixt« in niic-i'ity (I’ili y a HcriniiS xlinrlai,'i'-*('>n<'iii.ii'>t'. I ■ Orlcntw, ^ . Kclnll iirice ini'ri'awii livrrjii; ‘ n vaiKfJ, at'ui it. Mick i.Lncr« «» . I rcucl. iifttrly tivice thnt fiBnrr- , Tlie _imitl. ..f lli..M-™U^^^^^^^ WASHINCITON'. Aug,. 20-A rcio- ''— sjiS'S- IMIi! il, «iiuW iii':O oniiiit,it;Lut,pb. "■ : U liidV m '^iiuiV i V o & Ii :Si • «d' | rlt« i :wAH»moN.''.^;‘4;-Au!g.',s«,- lon A.uaialinoui'‘caaitat'agntBtat re- I..1, itricUngJdtb^(6’'«ttBh»'.boaut bill >m< if u r .f tP. k-'iUda'^il^ w u adopt*d !f^, f>SHb«.M aW 'W :;-:v 'r,.; ' ISS i'.Tbli. ^ll-'iiot.'pinirtnt-'aiicUMloB itr^ bf:puugi.,ot'ilrlka JtgUlailoa, bul tb* flll'ntreir prohibit aiiy itnllar (rom lo*i)(liiroio're;tbab\« wlnutwoa W -jmVdniBlilo’ilio'bllli ^ j-J('rU lucp*et*d:'(hU",'wtll.force a Bid ib fi-<mV'tll•^'bdnu^.'tiy-tuaidar..; u t I ’.'VAfiiftNOTON, D., C- Aug. i S 8Unlptd<d ;lhtb acliea by anthiBile , jBronaitlon' Iblt PntldtBl Hardlag lu. .ml?T»l6'tbe'.bonui .bjll,-bicktn !? ^'tbi'tataibre today nllltd a nail Til rri»«;'.u .>laln', enough rirtei 'to .n oy'»trio»r*-^«i»--'., • ' ; (' l.;At>i iiaoffieiat;,poll. 4iowtMr,';indl- u w d .ib a tll »oi«i-fl»*. taoro tbaa 1^. nwde^^gbt iutuia iha'pntldut. W {irrMtnft•raUIBl•Wn:•'■^TbU,'pUn,itbl MES OLD V o i t . n n - N o . m . tti um 'Association .. Examination lUS Condition . Exists in All ;-All-:;Parts-of-Nation&Jni— Ull) . m: ■riiii-iiiiv. • ■ .■ I jirii'i's arc iir Miini for lli<”iiinj<lrily cl |ii;lirs nrr ulroail.v iii).iiiorc'tlinii SO nrvry .....Ic h.v SK.\ f^i-rvii'o for llio ' ' ri'|iii’i«'iifiiiivi> of KDfl cmi cniuljtiotlii. - rrtail liiMli’ri nml fiid onmiriiviioiicn irlitiK rmniiu- ulrcnily ’ |irovnlllii){. Iltll , I’ilihliiiruli).' Only four, ill) nnt c'gjii^l ti, ('(iliimlin*, Kiiiiiiiw City mnl New ‘riiui' II Illli 'III tliv M vitiif) can-.. a* Cliii'atio, Sl,- l.mii, nml Qlcvcland , ’ r r- .ir n l» m t 1<}1> |-fr'.Tiit,; . ! 111..’. I'ffc'cl .III liniiwlioldcr* will «ro«- .li...f,ffllhiiiil iviiilcr. reliiil^ra My.‘; oua la uMfi in aomt oitenl.. but oil , . ', at%r«K?ia.X'.;: “ I niueh dlHertace o t . oplnloB-.aaioBjr retillen |t to poulbl*'*horti|t aid' ’ , " bigbtr price* atxl’wlsltr. ' ,H -. {! - ciadmuU-miuiaJaoiu-.-.totap'.,tiQil;4 lodir'. eolt*’ • |l ''l # ^ l l . « " « ^ 0B. 'Bt ,-pJ igalBti IU0'oq-^rU':t.'5,i^:i^.'4--^ f)'. ntRibaw,‘ot'(bl>a|iliiaMe>^ I • merce fuel commlltit, U f f w r i V . bt ,Bo tetnlBe'lhU','wta(ir;M«‘itIilt-:.x [V I I wlib la April'l 'iBpplr,i(il;'47WW:^^ 11 torn lold-for. trom.l7.tS.-lo )T Jn ,'^ '' ildewatk dillury;> .-Cblcig^K to p p ly i,^ It coanBed'ilo-a\(tWj.blr>dtaUri{7;^, ! onrof U'rardaieaaTMU«ii^Bo(<:&;|$> Ob- badrj.i-pennd.,P(iWtOTlainilKeSl.-^k . Mott dialen'*xptel~«i’(UBla«.'BUt.$^ Ex- wlnttr,'wiih' priaa' fronl’ '|S;,tO'l|lk^'S i J , * (on blgbtrUBiii'ln»A.prifA.:.:-,rf!v;M (“ it'liU M - V jN W lS ii& S eat: of ib*'.WilUei;Coi)f^pi«ay*BWa^^ i ' raimbtr.,o{ tbi UUiutL'Jur3to.ti}t»a , liutlOB, .cqniRUilM,i'pjSjI^jja^^ mttHo.coal.famlM'wllli | i r ^ , ^ ^ : . ; « . bigbtr tbia.; Iboat.^'of^UttLi-Tii^PwJ Ultnmlnooi-cotl U\4U0tedt,at3M(B'^ .L. m to'»lS.a-,ioa;;.M';b|BlBii'f^;^ (oftbf btif.gridiiMuWAliriq.ffiK-^ Ihori''ll' aoQ*- aralllb)Ky,»^lUteJc,^ lan^’a. fimlBi!ll,'Ia«*rUblili''6n^'v^ .' (lii’goNrataiai'i'ptaa'.et.Ydlitrlbt^)^ lion 'lo®-. cold'war* , coota. ibiil f|U iA cm ivfs , . in.*xptcted:(i]..iBnp,.'’i)ifanipM eJ;in ' ; lupplr lij*xp*tl*d',lo.Jaor*Ma‘irU h .^ , irn:titida.;v,. Utmsbl«-TA.r. csal> Bbanfcti'-:WI»IW 1...:. ak^hlA^prleetl^lr•'^lbXB•ett<^.Bnt^f^ atle' wlnltrj Cdil (o^ dtffl«iUs>'eeain^^u Itag tIOD ' U'atm liinot'ktViiJi-A.^l^n^ ;tn u.ilrttait-n-oij^rtPlfJirfria^c^^ laal .' S u t i l i i t 'n m - 21lgb«vprjMi.l^i«gp^^ tbo p i .

TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

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Page 1: TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

TWy O U iilE B; NUMDBR ]2l:

Federal H Control c

U^ess ^

■ ' ■ ,P ^ d M j; ;^ d .H U ;A d v l i« . . .T liA 'liU u u e f «. 'A n lb it^ te ! 'M Idm and Bal ' I n i u i m . ( « :FaiiotioQ;-'Fia

' . - P e tw 'm r te - 'to d # :

■. ’^BfadW 'hW irt’th# loKnn aad opt:

tUoa of'tkt satbricllt mlBti. unlw______ tht to r i to ti i trifct It MKltil br thtl

I.'hiU.U.Uii’dtttn^BMloa sT P w dinf,H»rdlBi;-.8«ii?(cr \V*t«on.. I«

............. flltB«-atcl»^ loMy I titr# loiif Ml. ftr«Be*,i»>ih.lh#«xtciill»o,- ,-. •.

. ' 'T brpm M tal b tltlru a' itrloui cr tlt 'la p ta d i Ualeu optntloBi t r t n toatd^lBuntdlaUly In lUe hird coi mlaa^';W«uon.dtelirtd. '’ T iit:h iit'iU p towiri-*elwrt:wi; bs muJt'ia (ha* ttnalt, fat dKUr«

• . vllh'prmtilBtloa'of « bill authorii . ias tbe prMMcDl’lb u tum t tOBlr(

o n p r o s o c u o a ; - ' , . • m t prttldtal'-lt'hoptful tbal u tlltm ta l laajr-bt wrnnittd lodir.

. .W aU oa.iildisddliif.tbit'K aaarrh - 'istn l'vu inM 'touB d, th t ^rtildto

w u pr«Dtr»d lo p rtu Imnitdtaul ' 'fQr' ItcUUUoa tir coairttlv •

.8*lrar*'oti'rti)ro*di I* not-coaitd • • r ^ 'b r i t h r pm ld ta l.ii bt ’ki nt<

Mlt(T u o]Mr«tlotl;or thtf hard cm ’ mlBii,\W«iiMdecUrtd. A«lioaaloB.


' ' ’ ' \M 8HtaaT0N\ A ai *8-rian i fo 'ttdtnU:op*nUoa ,ot ttt«' intliraclt

' nm«i (Ad nJtreidi thal fall to tunc ' / ’lloa,-btnTbttn nmpltltd br Prtal

idtBtHwdlOK uidihla idTlttn, It va "madtiknora-lodar M-lho anthracll aad'rtllroid ttrlkta apptattd bopt

• , l t t i l r ’.dt*dJoci»d.A'fl^al'tffort »lll1>t nad i lo brla:

' aboat pttM ID'thl .hard tciil' flttdi 'If-ttiU (a»i;8tDator.Ca{amtBi.-tflt

, . a 'poaftrtim .irlUi’lba'prMldial aali

I'dotnv'Cuunlu Illd, aaolhw m tuar ' > ( o f > i ( ] A r a o r ( | |^ ^ m ^ .p lM

' thi.lalW uoV'k U a'B ^

'' ;W b lu |(rlB«'th4 prnldaat>li« po» .,«r to Uka>m ibi'llBU ■wilb bUatot iit tf irltr to optrala tbl -'catlro an ttm ' a l ‘ on t. Umo,.CnmblDi ■-•madolllnotra...

.'O C oiI> nf«^ V lnt‘ '; .F ln t ot all.Uie coal carrrlat n il

.'iroadi.Uut'^lall'to tukoD 'noald b. .‘:taktn:onr:UBdtr tlit.platui CwaailBi

ita ttd .' A tlir Ibal olhtr roadi. iboV' ’ ln( atiM ot bnaUnc dova. would b* ■ ’takaa o n r . 'b t •

\ k .Thi'ioibraclio.'atrika 'hu’Ml ofi

■ . iiasaisi'&isi'saffi. r:tbrtaMUD|:«diul ipK tda(.t)ili^la'

? itr, .irliIU,ll' Htaia UprebabW ,(bai ’ \ , v 'lb* ;rtllm U .vlll i^>abl(i't<>:banau

. ,iV' F tpw .liao i^-iii pbiladtlpbla wlUi . /W ord£m lboprM U tatielb« laad tri

• o{ iba'.UnlM .MlBa' Worken aad tbt ■Q . ;i»^pirae««..optnton:-'.'-. .

->11 I B 't b e 'r t l i ^ Mriitt; Ibo.atiltndi ' . . .of the ibsp «orktn< Itadan aad lb(

:■ . jrdlt-hatda” ail)onll•lft«'falt^o^d.^x^• ' >csUna ..ladtealM;<ardtlarmlitaltoB - to

•.-.I'lfllbtjl 'ottt to>.,qalah,v/.-\.v ' ‘ ,H M»a&wbtli.'Bsdir,iptclal a t r ^ t a t

.-U b t boasi « u lanM ^rllr laid'uldt,

, i»a'»iasa»a5

' \ d t t ep tratm . m ';tiotlJI*^tit» toda^ ‘ b/. lha.TOm»d/|>wii;ot tlw'fof^ni* ; •Bta^a, thr«». to mb;^ a e^

.'i ■ "l.Ttfiiii)t() taakV 'ur ijdanatal,*

. (a mBaHable qoIekiBlac ot^biialaeu : . l^roKKbMt tb*Dalttd:SUlat;.rorbM

MtM'Cbleaco,-8taUla; FortUnd^

fe fe ff iisa s :

vfjm ataM iM ’banfttt Ht Mid ibaVUs . '{*>MUi^:topaBltt which daal_Ua btH:

, , '■ .:'«™ V ^"rK 'rbV 'iyuC '

IN Bi&rdCoal on Monday Strike Endi

l i H i i FS i ' E i f i i i B

fod- ____ .tltpa i V ’' •• 1 • ••DPtr- :,L 08 'A K aa£a'A us..!(--<V lM u Bleti lion (or tbt kltB,'*.wai Iht war thta. Prico lodar dttcrlbtd tbt TjrdJel c i?5P •tanW 'W b itin u riiittr 'aw iu iitf t .lB.‘ him .and ttalitr>tour othtrt on al

'cofl. cbaritt-ln an'iodlcUntni In eonntc . lion v llb 'tht isgltwool ffluktd raU

, Price aald that bt wonld rcntlo a , r». Uag kltaila.and cbKt klaa omcla coar: of tbe Paclllo dontla of tba orjtnluT tion.'

•«ni ' .rS u tV 'fo a r a< rbolil o(l(ct,'’,b'a r^ Jtcbirtd, «]rwant‘l( nsdcniiood Ihl0 . ' '.btlilan wlU'noA tolcrait lawlttinttiBirol o t w kind."'-. • ■ .

. Ths Jnry rcndtr«I Iht Ttrdkt whlclal I r tltu td tht klahtmen aClcr'a lilll;jaj^_ jTt^ Ibrtt b^un of ^elual dtllbtra

Idem " 'F o rto i 'a li'd iu .'J . lUtd oC Hallr tUl>: «ood u ld bttwesn IS and 20 ^lloU

wtre lakta. bul ihat the Jurr wai gitd. Dneilcallr .Bir««d al ibt ouuiart oi

Ibt Ttrdlet of bot lulltr.on a tirir al coal ‘b t count*.' ‘.lom . ..Pprmtr, dritnd Goblin WllUin Biti r , Cob“™ *•''* ‘odarj___

. T an< p ltu ttl wliir tht rtrdlei----- wbleh;U-w!ial l.laiaw ll'wonld'be.'I for ’Cotnm 'uldilhat.'bli.’oftlclal con aclta atdlon rllb (bo ktan bad btta itTtr unc- td..aad that'ha would rttum to At' rtal« lanta, Oa.. la about lea da;t to'rtiumi vat Ibt pntctlcrof law.

>cUt . All AreT b t '» k ltu n th w trt frtyi htn

' • lodar followlns'thtir acquittal hr I iriaj ju ir abDrtlr.afttt 9 o'clock lu t alibi «tu- oa.all'coonu of tbt Indlctmtal cbari' t t i n ta t> * a u lt i^llb Inlthl' Id, commli Illd mardtr, kldotplar aad Ikitt Inprli' n u t oamtat'la coaaKilen: with tbt lati*'

w b^ mai^td 'nJd April t t - , .

ri 'n tu O w e D i i c r o p a ^ Okiyjod by low: ':;0 r u d - J m 7 I ti.tlw ,B o eo ^ .o i

. B j l o t i ' ; in P o itiia d ,- la oW -..QnbmiatoTial flontirt In’ Uii

| d .

S l ; poRirUND,'u u miaatloD of tbt » U Ortioa.prinarr >tb« tttclloatVconmUOB ‘;eaaivrtiUM*r,

t iE S iS E E l^ro f oo;iiM 9.W L,,,rv|U:.‘-''.v:i: tba i'Mli*- rentult. o l- u l . pfednd wai

lh((.-r«oJtrot/eoBt«^^f6nwff':flDT. irlUi ereor Bta OlwKlfor.npabllaa cio* l i n didau.far. io r irae r br. (AitIm.IUII tha bt Mariba(itd;i:ra9irtnP.la.Uii'C0B-

i tl l . .■'Tbe’-‘rMeval';'<boved'.cnT* J : dMim^ndei'ift:tbecbt«kliig;o{ bali

lau In tbt. proelBef. icwrdla* to ibe Indlctmeat.' .N(i.^eharitai,wtM> laad*

to if i[» l.:bU iir '. tltcUoa onicUlt la ' • lhe prtod.rbat:Snkt{fk.w u,tiur(^


**S^ u a t n t ' o t ' ’cotMaltlt«;TO


iarwaitM''."6y-'TtinB(finttrifi - J u ehilraaa ot th* wyr.flatBci'cor^n*

nlll «g? ;


CHUIHEU PttASCE COM *''iiatr.v 0.1 IIOCK \riiiLi!

, • 0.1 P1UCTIC8; w n u

PA H li.A ut U,~Tht eriiljtr . ‘ .l'‘ranc*,>}3,000 loot itruck u

1 ■ rock and wmt. down, Ib CO Utt2 C of -water In llit bay of (Jultmroa

-----; The .wbott crtw r 7000 was'r ticu ttl ' tztDi Ihrtt aloktn

I who art (^liltntTiecordlni lo . adrlcti rtctlrml biro at 3 p. III.

Tbt Utdlltrrenean aqnadruii IIA WBI tD n itd la 'u rgei prafllct U I whtn tb* m a c* hli'a rork In IU 4 d«ss«m u' pauace. liirsrd _ _ .lurtl* aod uak . Adnllral 8a>

r f f )un baa sol rtporied in r loai f l of lire u rtL . , '

-VTbe Bar of. Qulboron U Wfl B llti aouthtait of Urtci and about 400 aiilea from'’tbe port of 8t..Ka»ire. •,

J ;* ; Tlit Franco waa Mnipluled * . _by j:»ncB 'Ja :JB flftJJU -fll .a . ■'“ « cotl '.of S.«6.000 uoundi nl»r|.

iBK. ' She waa, a aiiltr tblp ot .‘Ibt Jtan Dan: Iho'Corkti and ' -Iht T lr il . waa S<i test InaR

n w BBd b td ’i aptcd of »,« knou . 'Iclal ptr bour. : niu- , . . . . . .

i l l f l l l f

l i E i icon- . , --------

” t- ] k c e n t : D encm U o i^ d e n ' t lk . N o m in o e 'D te lo re i'T h a t Ap

p6tatmflnt •'of I ' S w w Would Bedetm 8UiliitioD;'U’W a > a i

' |l jl ''.to A ct^W e.toM AiUed DobU nmll ' ■ " ’ . ■ \ .« ll! ' LONDON, Aug. !S-Aniirlea muil

a c t '10 iiT t the aatloBi e t ctntnl ’ £uropt .froto complttt dlMoluUoa

. Jamit M. Cox dtclared In a itiltoiB l b u td upon bll obtirratlou cn Ibt

■ coBtlntnt.* • . ■i;;.U«MveomniBdtd~ ibat— Htrbtrl

i Hoovtr 'ihbujd bt (iMlgakltd br tb< ' Unlltd 8U tu to rt»tM tal ibal coua-

Bnropii, ■' ICQjTcdnTtrtd'a m ntagi from Cbaij

>' cilIorWlrth'or OtrtaaBr lo thoptopli ' ot Ihl Unlltd Stalta glren lo him ddr<

-ffni1«riiwpJ|VlT n«p1lp Th« rnMi

s ta n laUtwU \ btritlf la Buropt'i affain, wllbln.rn , 1 T jtr lUort lliie. all In Otrmanr^M ^ allr,t>i^ceRlral Eurbpt U

' ' ( ^ t i i r i 'Ib t r i . are Uirte'reaiou wbr ll,U ,up td Iia t'fo r AmtrIe»;to

■V Uke.a hiad In E aropein 'irfitn.v ; of . l-PriMnt'eoodIUblii‘a(fordinopt

porlvalljr:io^rttU«:dlitftu, ' i>- ~»>-Buropenfljt:bilrebablllUttdiu

tha protldt'a mirkil.for AmtrleiD prod* ucu.',i;‘‘- ; - ' - • • i. . ■ • •

' ; !fi-It':ih«;»orld 'i'd ib ion aro p t^

U an i;d .'ir^ io s of](fas famoui. N<w

I I s sirg4bU-«lloTair»!.b«re.ii,;'' , ' -'V; w - j ) w ;’daull|.’'dt^the;dM lh .o f (be

roUai (nU'.ybtei eteapadt* In. lifli

.‘VAtlonien’ vantt''-aid *wiuba.''wjia

fri itt^d-'bS io^iateac«l,td lO'dir^^ld

i^ '-v ilv-.OB'WayrBail.,'

£ S i.o ijw id^« 6 ^SdvSouw^i*j. rtW;la;;Kiy,;'yort:MBad*r.:f;;-,, V;i


^ i S

i Bi i iIn' . ; ■ '■ •

)■ Sflveral Memben fif 8anat« Fore D eU j tTntU.Tl^r Havo Obaud

IS to£xam lna ; l t ; w m Ooms U| ' nionday; Seoator Ellent Abou

,d H udinj[ Ideal.

>t WA6HINGT0N. D, C.. Aug.'!6.- d Wllh action on' the (ual anii.ptotl R Itcrlds bill, dtlartd In Ibo itaatt I - ntwaioToi .were .mult la congr«i>

todar (0 BoTtrn.-illltrlbotlon am _ iBTt tbl ooaioffltn from fnll {[recti

of ’ lb» tbriilthed ihorliw. Immtdlalel lituanct ot rtguUilnr

. almllar (d -tboie during Ibe war-

. IncludlsgMlgbtlma ntgliii end {utl . leai'dara-tlo ioniorre th t 'projfni

mtagri anpplr. wai profldtd 'In i • roto^uilon l^w du^d In 'th t hnn»<

•' MB, illcblgan; •, Appolntmtal.'of a national (utl ' dUiribuior wlib otriclal powtn Ic

. riguUta ibirihlpneot 'o t i l l coal talarlog la .ln lt^U lt edmmerct dur* Ing'tbt eDtrgtncr. Wll urged tn a

I f . bill prH tattd’/ b r n tpreitnutlrt V Wlaatow, chairman^ qt ibt bouie la-

A W eair KU.ffajft." V '-A- waie-.italafaectpublo-lo Iht

- eoal ,n la in -wouJd. bi dxtd br a , f td tn l coaqIu Ioo and tb i optraton

U u cofflpelltd lo ;«coipt' It. (tfflporarilr undtr a bill Introductd lodtr' br

i dRIeklnida'i'-blll' proTldt* tor ip-

polnlptai'of.a.'commlMlon of four b u 'la tn ib tn 'w ith ‘.powtn lo (orce r f

' optol8g.'orrco*t:nlnH oo aar wags ' bull-'Ibat''w o(ild ' RlTi'.ibt nlno

» 1 = . 2Tbe'eom'inliilen could aUo^dlrocl

i,Bt dlitrlbutloii'''of' coal In 'lo u n u tt '[ha eonintteerr.^ U in b tn could- dnw

- }7,B0« a r t i r tad wonld i t m u loaf

OM - Oppttiuia ITn»pK*M. - ■'WA81IINQT0N, IX a ^ ’Aug.

sL. Vaupicted..dppo«llloB .(o' tbo ( im* Bilm'.'.blll. which, wonld control' pp> (Iletriag la/Fuel,'-forcid dtlar .ln n -

^ portlag th f mwiura out-of thi iia- I. BU'.'iDiiniati., eoBRBimTWuiuiiiifi

]> todar., , ,.On.obJeeUoBi from m i n i otm-

i'li b th :'p lia i'to ' rtport thi blH'oa Ibi a iiaiU ',floor,:lodar wtre•abaadoned

aad'cbuldentloa‘ will go o n r ualll ' ' Moadar.

" " . 'rrw ifB i- 'iiid i'F feb t;.I-' ,1 etnalor. Pomonai, Obto, ltd, ibt al,: oblHtlonlo rtportlnc. Ihi’.blil'ualil

f n o n Unit bad b tto ..tfrta 'to ,itudr the: powtri. l t 'gniau tbt 'lnlinUlo o onnaki eommliiloB is HUblltblBg prioriiy'*n4' embargOM aad^ la tIUi-

,:h irtbuUnt ceaL'• Ko lUggwlIm .TOptclia* pnrclm-

* . Inc or.iiIllBC of eoal br ibt gortm* ? i meat'.la Beeorduee-:with''PmId*al >:> IUhllaR ^,aM iagi’io ''oagnf^ .w u '•It ^ t or otrend aaUa'amiadmiDt to

ib#-.blll..-; . : ■■-■v-.-'- l^.An'tanofflcUlpell .of..ths.'toniit*

■ii> (ii'ibdw td.tbst.lfagicoaita iu 'w ai ’ : g t a in l l r ^ ' »ir6r,'of tb i -blll.tV • ,is| ; Uunwblli-lbe.itaalar.wiatialitad; litJ wUb. ’dUcnu^dn ;o(.;,tba'.Xorah’,bm i n eniUag a eoalaialoa lo,tBm tiglti { tbo:««l lo'dBitrr;Av;;,i. >..• > -'.j j' W .^'.:.'-'i;y',,pm,'ofJK«ii DIU '-,‘, v:!V; iB; -'..lAidertbe-Btv-VlBilow bilC'wmcli

«!•! ( u l dlitributor whoM 'ordtn ngard;

i ' i be';,biektd:;ot wiih'’.Mt«f»i PW*ltIti

clr t»<rarbr.'n(oilat‘'cah-'li'.wbleb.;.to

Ul, :':<n»rraiaasWIui4<(>4aBoairotdr^« Ml faDvii;.eaaaure«^oommllli*»imM n l nM .'teU ’tbl«:'aH«riiodB)lo.ieaaiUtr fl; (bl .blN'aod'probabljr.wotija J9|J»:.a 5 1 (aw nbltT iportonattoaltb ter^oa- ^ diy; PUat w tn madtifor biTlar il

','i arav^ntfgliM r'ibi'irM irol'^Kvttn y ,wUeIr.i'»'wipt.,Uiai-aT*a'i7«iUM*fi

AILIAUGUST 26.-1922.. ..


, . m iEllB TITANH IJlUI'l'LLU

_ kiii;epoht, in.. Aug. : t - . n On tho hlitorlQ ground whero 1 \ .81 r » n ago Abraham Uncoln I 1 m tt ind rai/iulibcd In debatii l u .b i t cItrer'Biid popuUr. rival

. . lor tho Unltod Slain leunliir- ' Iblp. moro lliin tO.COO penplv.

r gathered today to oilrbrato L Ibt uRDlrenarr of ttint mciiiur- r abit cTenl. •' On thU famoH occmlun

DougUa aUted tlial tie wa« op- pQltil lo lilt Ulaioluilon of ttis

. Uolon undtr anr circumitaiirra 'orce wblle Lincoln itoltd - Ihal lim

couniry could not. Ml>n l.iir anoe aiare and liatt fret., tjb At on Ihe pccdiloa of lho.

' Llncotii-Dcuglu ilebats •>(’ bout XI S. cbamploni ot thd rrimt..

llran and dtmocrnllc pany Bgnin were ibe principal!.'

_ :__ U nlltd._8l«tn^B«iaior_.l’fll_Harrlion 'Of, Mlialiilppl, roii-

• e ^ . reitnitd ,Uio denocrailc inny totl- and.Karl C. fichuyllr, of l).-ii- Date, Vcr. re|ire>entcd the repulill- [KM cant. Uolh addrctied llte anil crowd,.

i R E W iifOlilMIhe' --------- -- ' "

r « : 'Kline Oalied Jobn B e r ^ , Acto

. t« hig'home, AccoMd.Him 0 '*"■ : Agjaultintr WUe; ..dhaUongeti

lonr and'K lUed Himre* Ig'OIaini;

rags ' '• .nlno • ■ , — * .

EliOBWATEn. N. J.,, Aug. JC- , Oeorgt P. aine. motion • picluro, d

rMt rtctor. todiy waa lo lU gt a re-lak ut* ot tbft n i l , IKe drama Mi which bi

kilted Jobn Dtrgtn, wltli police ni loag acton nnd a p K U t o n , ; .'

tinflu:i..Fo(.l U*.pl.aur*,'iindlo'.liil um- nlghl.,.',, , , i ; ' I ' M . • I'ro*. :;Cllai^winud lo ibow*(bi.police, n - iltp br iltp'.bow be auaiaAn»d;Dtr-

a refolm 'dael in.a ncaai'rooai.np' tm- lU ln 'dBd‘-bbw the man^nurBtd on Ibl blm 'ind irlH ip kill .bM i i Ihtr ntd faloualed Ih i't liT w : He wasted to laUl dtm onitraid'bw 'In lb i : eainlnK

Mrni!gl«.'Derijea..w»n 1(101'.;..: ,';D«rttn-*ai (ound blttillnc', lo the

(ht l im t a (IW blocM from Ollbi'i boffli. gill He wir.carrltd to a pollca iutioti, uar whtri' h i dled,Juit< afUr ^.biTlai lala itrawltd oa a aboet of ptpir, "0*orf* [iBg Cline'Ulltd a a " ' v- ' ■■ • IU. '.jPo^lce’raifatd (o' Cllat*i'h'oil»t;iBd

Ibtre (dnad blm'coiaforilDi b ll wife; la*. H* lold.tKem'aitory.ot bor'bU wlto ^ U ia(ttied..tbi(.llertea;bl4:kauolttd

mt: monid<bfi)t*(>(iiti(h*npl4tk44abd Z with: (beta a* a Murt nlliV.JB'BtiS

; J gta Jo a; dotl and. pro*ic(ir»wo,.n- rol<r«n.^It,Wu.hlaldt«>(b|]r,;weaU ribool It out" Ib a Arkutd^ioom upr

»>*• iUIni/vrmto.hU/»tU«:aad;biKbrolh- '^1 iN willed below." ilowtTBMiocord^

lag.to.Cline, BtneaitnA id-oa'hlm ,*•; .ithlW Ibty t^krert ,<pjir6kehla«' ;tb i “Id riwa and liM lltd’Wi'riB.-Ci:.'^ ’ ' ■•i ■«» i,Be#im,-1riott«de<l 'ftf"-lB6'Jl*tliulnf. ;«P iiraM «7'iU nt*r*dr-ti/^ tb« ':iin*t

^ i;iiU 4ifiM 0'atiir.tui,ABm am sc*. Ml lo.fl|b t>aida*l:eTarjKa.'imlt.lo lfn.lcilB»:wu atuokadiiodajr b r tlM

M fjOMrte'UBdon, drirer'.otjthi u k .

fm^ S gJI l I G M

i 1 Jt N a t io n a l . E d i to r i a l ' /

S h o w s T h a t S e r io u s ai_ — E a r t s - 'o f - C o u n t r y ; - ; Ir e lu d e d in S u rv e y .

,0 H.v. KDW.MII\Viiiii:r rnntiiii' nml liicli jir

—4 of liilntniiKuiH coni iis m —mui |i . per wnt. . ,

TliN' in inilienti'il in ii Mirv. Diiil.v Tiiiic.s ill'liii'Kii I'ilii'H ri'|n

III pi 'lil of tlit'KO I'ilifH rrti jiri'ilid. II' f|ijnliju—Mime ri'|>urlii

I I ; c'ertiiiiityexixt« in niic-i'ity (I’ili y a HcriniiS xlinrlai,'i'-*('>n<'iii.ii'>t'.I ■ Orlcntw, .

Kclnll iirice ini'ri'awii livrrjii; ‘ n vaiKfJ, at'ui it. Mick i.Lncr« «». I rcucl. iifttrly tivice thnt f iB nrr-

, Tlie _imitl. ..f lli..M-™U ^^ ^ ^

WASHINCITON'. Aug,. 20-A rcio-

' '— s j iS 'S -

IMIi!i l , « i iu W ii i ':O o n i i i i t , i t ;L u t ,p b . " ■ : U l i i d V m '^ i i u i V i V o & I i

:Si •

« d ' | rlt«

i :w A H »m oN .''.^ ;‘4;-A u!g.',s«,- lon A.uaialinoui'‘caa ita t 'agn tB ta t re- I..1, itricUngJdtb^(6’'«ttBh»'.boaut bill >m< i f u r . f tP. k-'iUda'^il^ w u adopt*d !f^, f> S H b « .M a W 'W :;-:v 'r , . ; ' ISS i'.Tbli. ^ll-'iiot.'pinirtnt-'aiicUMloB itr^ b f:p u u g i.,o t'ilr lk a JtgUlailoa, bul tb* f lll 'n tr e ir prohibit aiiy itn llar (rom

lo* i)(liiroio 're;tbab\« w lnutwoa W -jm V dniB lilo ’ilio'bllli

^ j-J('rU lucp*et*d:'(hU",'wtll.force a Bid ib f i-<mV'tll•^'bdnu^.'tiy-tuaidar..;

u t I ’.'VAfiiftNOTON, D., C- Aug. i S 8Unlptd<d ;lhtb acliea by anthiBile , jBronaitlon' Iblt PntldtBl Hardlag lu . .m l?T »l6 'tbe '.bonui .bjll,-bicktn ! ? ^ 'tb i 'ta ta ib re today n llltd a nail Til rri»«;'.u .> la ln ', enough rirtei 'to. n oy'»trio»r*-^«i»--'., • ' ; ( '

l.;At>i iiaoffieiat;,poll. 4iowtMr,';indl- u w d .ib a t l l »oi«i-fl»*. taoro tbaa

1 . n w d e ^ ^ g b t iu tu ia iha 'pn tldu t.

W {irrMtnft•raUIBl•Wn:•'■^TbU,'pUn,itbl

MESOLD V o i t . n n - N o . m .

t t iu m'A s s o c ia t io n .. E x a m in a t io n

lUS C o n d it io n . E x is ts i n A l l ; - A l l - : ;P a r t s - o f - N a t io n & J n i—

Ull) .m: ■riiii-iiiiv. • ■ .■I jirii'i's arc iir Miini for lli<” iiinj<lrily cl |ii;lirs nrr ulroail.v iii).iiiorc'tlinii SO

nrvry .....Ic h.v SK.\ f i-rvii'o for llio ' 'ri'|iii’i«'iifiiiivi> of KDfl cmi cniuljtiotlii. - rrtail liiMli’ri nml fiid onmiriiviioiicn irlitiK rmniiu- ulrcnily ’ |irovnlllii){. Iltll , I’ilihliiiruli).' Only four, ill) nnt c'gjii^l ■ ti, ('(iliimlin*, Kiiiiiiiw City mnl New

‘riiui' II Illli 'III tliv M vitiif) can-.. a* Cliii'atio, Sl,- l.mii, nml Qlcvcland , ’ r r- .irn l» m t 1<}1> |- fr '.T ii t ,; . !111..’. I'ffc'cl .III liniiwlioldcr* will «ro«- . l i . . .f ,f f l lh i i i i l iviiilcr. reliiil^ra M y.‘;

oua la uMfi in aomt oitenl.. but oil ,

. ', at%r«K?ia.X'.;:“ I niueh dlHertace o t . oplnloB-.aaioBjr

retillen | t to poulbl*'*horti|t aid ' ’ , " bigbtr price* atxl’wlsltr. ' ,H -. {! -

ciadmuU-miuiaJaoiu-.-.totap'.,tiQil;4“ lodir'. eolt*’ • |l ' 'l# ^ l l .« " « ^ 0B. 'Bt ,-pJ

igalBti IU 0 'o q -^ rU ':t . '5 ,i^ : i^ . '4 - -^ f ) ' . ntRibaw,‘ot'(bl>a|iliiaMe>^I • merce fuel commlltit, U f f w r iV . bt ,Bo tetnlBe'lhU','wta(ir;M«‘itIilt-:.x

[VI I wlib l a A pril'l 'iBpplr,i(il;'47WW:^^ 1 1 torn lold-for. trom.l7.tS.-lo ) T J n , '^ ' ' ildewatk dillury;> .-Cblcig^K topp ly i,^

It coanBed'ilo-a\(tW j.blr>dtaUri{7;^, ! onro f U'rardaieaaTMU«ii^Bo(<:&;|$>

Ob- badrj.i-pennd.,P(iW tOTlainilKeSl.-^k . Mott dialen'*xptel~«i’(UBla«.'BUt.$^

Ex- wlnttr,'wiih' priaa ' fronl’'|S;,tO 'l|lk^'S i J , * (on blgbtrUBiii'ln»A.prifA.:.:-,rf!v;M(“ i t ' l i U M - V j N W l S i i & Seat: of ib*'.W ilUei;C oi)f^pi«ay*B W a^^ i ' raimbtr.,o{ tbi U U iu tL 'Ju r3 to .ti} t» a

, liutlOB, .cqniR U ilM ,i'p jS jI^jja^^mttHo.coal.famlM'wllli | i r ^ , ^ ^ : . ; «

. bigbtr tbia.; Iboat.^'of^UttLi-Tii^PwJ Ultnmlnooi-cotl U \4U 0tedt,at3M (B '^

.L. m to'»lS.a-,ioa;;.M ';b|BlBii'f^;^ ( o f tb f b tif.gridiiM uW A liriq .ffiK -^ Ihori' 'l l ' aoQ*- aralllb)K y,»^lUteJc,^lan^’a. fim lB i!ll,'Ia«*rU blili''6n^'v^

.' (lii’goNrataiai'i'ptaa'.et.Ydlitrlbt^)^ lion 'lo®-.

cold'war* , coota. ibiil f |U iA c m iv fs, . in.*xptcted:(i]..iBnp,.'’i) ifan ip M eJ;in ' ; lupplr lij*xp*tl*d',lo.Jaor*Ma‘i r U h .^

, irn:titida.;v,.Utmsbl«-TA.r. csal> Bbanfcti'-:WI»IW

1...:. ak^hlA^prleetl^lr•'^lbXB•ett<^.Bnt^f^ atle' w lnltrj Cdil (o^ dtffl« iU s> 'eeain^^u Itag tIOD' U 'atm l i in o t 'k tV i iJ i- A .^ l^ n ^ ;tn u . i l r t t a i t - n - o i j ^ r t P l f J i r f r i a ^ c ^ ^ laal .' S u t i l i i t 'n m -

2 1 lgb«vp rjM i.l^ i«gp^ ^


p i .

Page 2: TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

H O J I T W p

s o im S• " M n. 0 . T. Bunce, Bodcty Ed

In ftrn il Ilincf-Crn'wa' frt.ii .!«•• Uuru / Il|bl(ull)r cDttrUlnKi ■ nninbrr u( liU '

(rlcuili. nunr of whom wlll kiv»o Iti the'UHt tsw wreki lur riillcise. al ail , 'V ' lBfonn»l.d»nclnjt party lieM at hi* homa. : : : tk trsih aunav norlli. Krl* , .

■ iliy areslBj- ■. Punch 1TBII nerreil Irom 'the iiorrh

■ 10 iha nierry.m»Vm ilir.HiRhom th . , *TColii|t. Al R late hour rtfrrihnirnu ‘ w*rf « rr« l tha sue*)* b; lhe lioiC. raolhfT.-A ipecUl ntneUmnld rtMM ? ")*, bjr Arthur J. J’w rer. Jr.. mldnl to Uia 5 ‘

• •imJi.mtnt oflhc CKBlnir. ' •InrllatloM wrre liiiteil to Mbini <)r„|,{

Helps Trouidile. HoreBc* Dttnlon. .„,i , WIliM Ktel,< Ulllan Und, Kaln Dukr, Omlh^VouDir., Manlift'' Andrown, jndud

■ H»tth.tfOBi(l(lle, Mirmrel. Ilcabe, jm,(, ^ T M tm re l 'S c l l lc / , Helen McKlnner, ci.no

Holat Jfalderman. Rdiin / ’arroK aa'(■ Ueti>ra, Fr»il IUII. DuiHh-Swlni. Jo« L J „ Satrar. Jobn Amabiirr. lUinlall Vic- 7],^^

■ ' . torr. Duane itcrlc, Arlhur Peavar. iIkdHi Wallen 8«lin, John McMartln and Ted h,. . .

. Tvlor. , . , \ , Tclon

' .' .Mlu McDo h M liaoorr'd-On I'r!- wore: d ax 'tln . £. a: Waliara cnlertalned Illir-f

’ lhl faoBie luc it o( her ■(■ler, Mr*.' McCliiJoha-Or*Juini. dv rln tjhe 'itimmir. Tknn

.Tha MiJr h ll >lo<ran predonilnaltd honaatnMhalhoiuu (lacontloni, llnlldn CHI’ of Uo

' iwork'd^IlM d r tr rellow «are u^ed on Sth.'tV^ilttachMni Ubla .anA' Iha center- tl iu I

r . p l^w u'R lx tflod lnn laah& drellow Inton., -^ilaliiai.'A 'color ichema of rillow Wllllo

' : « t i e*lTltd:pui In.the'm«nu.'.I)rldRa ami lltrat bU red.arie'r 'the luncheon.-lha . ’

..DoobrMTKslreilithi.inifK priw tnd ' KbI<■ ' Id^;. Uonard^,Bmlth won (ba prlia McKh: for high »coffc,;The noeaM wara.Mlii aHerm

" - ' I S B B i-^ -M S T E R ®

' , t > n g

}v.{C«ellatied n a n O u r'tu t luuel, Carh .Astoar>Kilcrt’ up at liliim .u^

' •*'^DiaB-i«u hear whal heM iar SJij •"What/parlleuUrlrr

' rrhal It waa Qurlir’a idfa to drag • V lha pond." . „ h.

^Obl-0h,.l.aarr-jnnwaarathar.'• txelied aptn. "Ten in«an thal ha't ~iy

. . hidden •omtthlBRihw*? Som* (ali*' elua whlcb . ha wajvti lha'poUe* 10 .] ,

'■ f lndr-'. ’ • OB# I• . hep« M.” eald A n to n r ^ ta t ' nolts ■ IT. “b « I'm »ft»id-" Jie •lepj»d .J;

. ■ : . ■ ' “- r, ;,'."Whal’i Ika'aafMl place In whlc^ h in l

hide wiythlng verr Inpertanir him, "Somewhere where nebedr. win

■; loot"- . ’ *r<■ ■Thire’i a belter place thiui ibaL"

"W hltr •• • ' ■ • nv; ' il'Samawher* where averrbodr h u u ,

. ; ,«k«idr looked.". . ,„d

' • 'u 'lb a pond haa beeo dra«ed. Car- ' V’.ler wm'hldi •omalhing th tra r ,

•, “T«», rm afraid eo.- ' ' -“Dul whr a fn ld r '

.-Deeauaf 1 Ihlnk that 11 mual b*. Moelblarverrlmperunl.aamethlng - / . whleb couldn'l eailly be bidden aar- . '.X'w h e f * '> l * e . " '-----; -W bair aakfd lini .eegerlr. , |W • Anuar ahook hi* heed.. ■

".So, t'm'.aot'gslng to Ulk aboul ll n t- Wo can wall and we what H tUellAiptetor'llBdi. II* mar .flnd H ■emethlag Ibat Cajfler haa put Iber* (or-hlBi to’Rnd. llui K.ha doran't.

, V et. II-wlU b.-bet.ue* ttiy l*T -U -WgalAc. 10 hj^i.eomatblng thira lo> f | nlihl.*, - ‘W

. .' " i m i r aaktd'Dlll again. . V'•■•Tou w in '• « wbal, IUU.-.*al4 ABtonjri"b*«ui«w» aliall Ulher*." ,

"Af* w* golBg W walch hlm r •,*re*. If-.lh* iBtpector flnda aothr

' “ ■Tliaf* good.'\’a*l<t.liltL’ - . I t It war* a QUMilan if Carler er »hleh

lha law. h* wat null* decMnl ea is ahleh . wblcb .aide h* waa laklnc.. mvlaua p«nt<

te (be iragtdjr of yeelenlax be bad ||« m eat OB.waU «ieuih wim.bqlh'of thed.

. th* eouilae. . without IxlBg. lS 'lbs gpen' leut Inllmat* jrllb eliher. :■!, tum1r .! Tet. though h* lud haaltatM to oticnli define hla potlllen ihal eiotnlhtf In did hi

. .' rvitnl le Uark; he did not hmltal* woold ' ' to pUc« hlfflHlI on thr aide ot th* aud

law asalflit Cayir]'. Mark afltr ail. allihl . Iiad den* him no harm. bul.CajrIey "Wl

had commlUtd an unforglvabl* of- T b- faseo. <aurler had llalrntd a«r*lly loekln

10 a prirata converHllon between Oh. ai litmeelf and Tonr. U l Cayley hang, mil

' It lha law demanded IL ' him.'Anlony looked at hll waieh and polnir

alood vp. '-1.0."CoiAe along," he caM. 'U 'a dm* uid.

far that Job J et<oke aboul." ih* d<■Tha paeager (Jld 1)111 ngtrly. iun c -.No: Ih* Ihlng which I aald that I nlnJei

; ' had lo do Ihla ademoon." Iht doWltkour aaylnc aniihlng. Antony iiiai!o<

■ led tht war Indoora lo th* oRte*. I eaw-11 waa thrro o'clock, and al three ili* dc

o’cletk ytelertar Anlony and Cayl»y In an. htd found the body. Al h'faw mln- quile 1 Ulea after Ihrrr. h* had W' n looking iim out of Ihe. window of lb}»adJolnln« waKhI room. and.hed been aur' rlacd aud- - i ti

. denly I# llBd lh* dbor open and Cay- tl coui

. . te r behind him.' He had raguety •'WC wondmil at lh« Ilme whr .h* had inc In eiMcled th* door lo l>« ehuU bill he ^ ‘Jui had no ilaie then (o worry (he (hlbc aunliai

— - —dUTTTWaTirhW-pMfflUM-TllBWlf iiwvca -to look Into It at-'hla leUure a((t^ mcnr

............ wafd...Ile’ hid..decldcd.ttn(.lhre* ...-Am----- —o'eleek..ib*U«fieniooa_ihou!4_nBl --rrhi

him onea more In lha oOlce. ' ihrn 1 Ae lie w.ni tnlo (he room, fellowrd Uck. 1

by.nill. he fell It almoel at a ahock <ioor li Ihel Ihera waa BOW no twdyotllolien luil Irllig there between'Ihe Iwo diora. eyr*. Oul ther* iraa'a dark ataln which "ilr

■ abnwfd where Ihe dead man'a'htad ekntd had been, asd’Anlony knelt down afiFrih .oter 11; aa h* had.kndl twenty.four tliit y ho'.-ra hefvr*. Ante

"1 want ta ^.through ll'agaln," - rn- haaaU. .*y«a muat be Cayley, ,(>r- earprii

J ir paid ba 'wpskl, cat aoaa w»t»r. inie id' • Xow" lhw.'DllI. JuK'pfelend r»uV* behind

D EUBS " 7 1EdJlor, Pbone 33P-B - • contrl

runlllira McDonald; Mra. Jiiliii Uraham.•a, T. J. Wo-yla. Mra. A. J. I'cnvry,*. Ituy A. Ile.-ia. Ilm. Aahrr II. 1-BlIlaon, Mrr l.rflriarif timllli, Mra. B. PrctllOntramlpr. .Mm. (5. A. iloldnaun. »on ’

'I. C. II. Mull. Mra. K. S. Larued <>>a tid Mn, IX ilocrth. Thun

llrunloii lor Hfri (imditfllrn-Tha ai annual, reunlnn lur lliu “Olrla of ‘ B I’urple anil Whllo" or the gradu- *Inc cinij uf i k : In Iho Twin I.’rII* ' sh arlinoj wsa Imld nl (ha coun(ry f . 7 , nir .ll MlM A rnn Kironk Tlinmday ” • enlnc. MIm LMIInn I.lnd, who li eahlriil jirraldrcl o w Ihr mrcllng d ntter n abort Imalnraa arailiin ""Jl * !rc waa Bn cnjoyahh.i.rogntir which eluded/ ahnrt talk hy Mil* Mnry ' ‘""J llh nflier. whu wai cinea nilrlaor.>n.> Bolni. hy Miaa Mll.Ire.l ''Trarrr idlnM by MIqa Oclnrla Wllllaiiia.in. d aonga'by Mlaa »Ki>ra((fl Murray. ir'nrcnliig waa ipenl nl 'gnmrn and ncing an<l a wiener roaal cnBClii.led » nvrnlnR'ii enlcrtaliinicnl. The claaa Ion- prcilomlnaieir In .the'dacora- iBa lor. Ihla pnrty ami «ach Mri ^ {<■ Ife her cUaa dhy apron, There-«<«»f4A»‘’ iy-fl»e glrla In aiioBdinee.

E n is ia iB rm tH F m r F r n s E wK:iiiln dniariAlned al tuncheon oniBraday aa 'a cpmpllmeBl la v her .» »aaa gueat. Xfri. J. Arthur Mer^liti withUoaoworih. Carcn.were.laid for Boon

n. Mered|lh.:.MnWohu .Urnhain. on .EuUumMr.t>6uiil(r, Mra:C.A. IlO|» iiara-:ion, ,Mn.'A»bpr'll.'WllaDn. Mr*. ittarJllllam i'aaeer. Mra. Roy 0. .Keilh coniei4l lha hoelcM-, i . • • taken

Kilrrtalnt Inrv'mialljr-Mn. C.-»t. la ^ n rKlwiln enlettalned al nn Inlnnnal hellol arnoon party-, Wdny In honor goon

S E M in e f s ;” 1

o f ^ r . " dueled 1

tomakaJ I T ■ •• • doorUki

' youkna I don'l I

:aylrr. rou'ra'jtiil aald Kimtfhing inji ^ bout wilar, and you cet up." < nui hla Reeling thal li wti all a llttla un- «hat ha<

inny, Itill. who Iiad Uen kneeling -mxi nIde hla friend, get up and wxtked atiwlute uL Antony, aa ha hid derfe on'the «h«i i rerloua day, looked up afler him out of (i I he went Illll turned Into' lh* ihi''llitla wm on the rllhl. and came-back. "Asd 1

rif» all dKTerent.". ha aald... "for huj .10 | ot thing, yau mid* a.devil of a rriand i » » la.-,Ihtf. and Cayley dldnX- ; hW hln •ftrhapi. you weim't lUltnlnc hen,Caylty wenl In r " ‘ ‘ vw»i r i .waan'L Uul I ahould hav* A eard him.If I eci ld have, heard f i . Ctt Im, and I aheuld hare'remembered but tierwatd." - .. i ' Um*.at<:"Perliipa Ciyiay ihill th* door dona-no rie* him."' , . a draweinvaltr' . man apiile p i^ 'h tK h in d orer hU rye* than if t Id IhouihL.-lt watB'l aarthlne

. . . j i

- i V !l ,m J - elethei t

/ T ? L ' / W C V ^ : - ' HaJMt I


which II. gtaneedi

O'” ^liR at 11 < T ta .


'. fertabi*. thing.']

' ' V - I AnlOBj, ouLV'a»..

IIB -rniEWV^lWSPBnATELT AJID TO BBH;IT:A0A1N.v Nleh'he had haard;ibut aamath'lBc b*ic]<anihleh'hj.pad ■**& .-.ila^triadidia- acfWjv.l «tely hard tb’ie . irw alfti I »w.'Oayl*r;«(Ung:iiK'bpealB« e door.fmii tbi efflta,\'tn«lnK'it d M rM -en-Bnd-.»*l»lqg.l#lO)tb*;paaaaga. m1ng.lcMb»-dow,o»,tha;rlcht. ■ •Vo. Iienlngtt.''cBlBCln.'aR4lhiD>What lo da ac\ hie eyti:*oBfiar.lhalT I t tbey want n* sold xniy. lall him agalni. - 1 "Dy. J auddenly h* Jumped-up. bta far* aagariy.. Ilhu runi. r>* got l i r h i cried. ;7m |J "Whair' • • ^"Tba ahadow on the .walli I waa '"’i.J",!'* Iking al tha ahadow on th* wall 7 **“- I. au. and lea tlmei aaar T|*/‘ _"2niN looked UBcrtnprehendlnglr al n. Antony took hla arm and Inled 10 the wall ol lha paiaag*. J‘™“ •1.00k et the aunltght on ll," ha Id. “Thal'a becaiiia rou'va . lefl a door oC thal room open.. Th* j " n comea ainOght In through ib* nJow*. Now, I'm going lo ahul *I door.' U»kl rrjDu eee how tba '>dow irbvea ecrotef Tbaf* wbat T” '-, «w-th» ahadow motlng acrota at . door thut behind him.. UUL c» and thul the door behind you- ,Ile naturally. Quickr'mil went out and Antony kaell. . * ichlng eagerly. j m t.,•I thought aor htertca. "I knew couldnl have been that." . ■Wha^bappen^r aald Din. eom-

'Jual wbat you wnuld expect Tha- ' ‘What’.VN Uicii *B.in-«ii in on* mBT» , .Qaylay

■And .nhal.hirpentd.yriletdajr mi^^unJlKhtj!lared_-lher«._BM

:k. and there wat no'nolee of th* ir Ulne abut.- •Ull knktO at blm wtlh atartled Jj

' y Jotel Tea mean lhai Cayley “ J “ JJ*! K djha door aftrrwanl-aa an

Uilony noJdrt . .' . •'tffc Thai eiptalna why t waa ~Wii*d:afttrward. wben- I . wtnl e lha rocm.to find .th* doorflpen ■Ind .«*^- .Ten know .h»w (boee (Castln

'' ' Bwm FjMlia Ilurd'Wall.'Mrf. 8. IL dravca wah ed Mill ilarrlftl Warner. .Needla- Ure.'irk (iirhlilieiMlie illtcrainn for Ihe Ruralleriiium and .talniy" relrcahmenu {.sub.ntrniiiicd lo' the j.lMaure, of 111# Uub.m il. lietcnicen lailica enjoyed llila Klnic110 j'nrly. Mas I

• • • tine KBltrUla.1 at nrWao-Ono of the ,I|owl' e'tilMl parties of lha aummer aea. ilotia n waa the bridge party given al JenkI a home of Mr». I431111I A. Chapin. Ijub. lunday afternooB on tfovenih ave-i« north. Tbe nrama were'nrtlall- Ilonlly decoraled In a prufualon uf car- tBlarm flowera armnge.1 In bouqueli. Ion |Ita Horn itoih won lha prIw for homaRh Kcra Bl bridse nnd after Ihe nf.himia Ihe lioaltM woa aialited by Mri, i*al(y. ii. ilurkholdrr Ib lervlng a. da- Carol;lou« two coutae lunclioon. Tlie ly.ilileat lilt tnclBilcd Mlaa Mora Uolh, Sllna.111 Mlu 'N'ora Itulh. of U a ABftelci. aolo« n . N'lcklea of HUBiboldl. 'Tenn.. Mrt. rcfre. arry Urimhu nnd Mn. Jo« Shirley lowlsJernuie. Mill Flcrenca Coiiello'and n ii

odiinei WiBd.lloaHni,.I)»JllCAJ:B. U. C. UlieMI. afBloo t'rant. I,, k: JNike, Uladyi Youngs, Kenyon Hoop •een. L T. Moore, 'iaeh .Vorlb,•ancli Ellli. J. A. Keefer,.. Jerry ,-----iniRC. Jdmei- ■ • nuiacll, ChirlM I . >eloy. Allen nahir, II. Uarber,

i t Van .Coll. a W. Darldion, C. . >w le» ..T ..H Huiitrr. Irby Me- i'rlan-n, K. J. ilelirmaii. W. a Uurka -Tju. ilder, Jnka Slnema, C. E. W rl^t;

alecHV n.-£..P . Lauoenhelm entertained icboo llh a chlidrsn'i parly Kridar afiar- occui wn Irom 3 to IT M n , ai their home groui i.,tam in honor >of her daughter, naxt ira-Mirprl'a .olgliUi birthday.: Tba I Thi tamoon waa ipant in gimei and died inieeta. Sereral kodak plrtureSr wira aveal kea: Tlia roon».aiid (abla^deeor*- from m were In pink.and liallolrope. Ihi Mllla for* were paper,capi.lo pink and lenli rllolrope. At tba cloae of.th* after* menl wnadellvloui'.iwo.rounilUBebHn Mr.

~ — ' — aa pi: of lh

a wllh »pr1ngaieh:tbea eloiar 0 . , :h* MK wUeh ald giDtlamia.-; nuina I lo keep out dnugb iir Eloraret. Jutl at flrn lh*y hardly pwlllI at all. arid tbm Tery, verr penile Ir they iwlag t»>m |l. th it wie ■ panr ■ray Ih* ihadow moved, and aub- chlnci claualy. I mud have. aaaocUt*d . t( . { 1th tb* moremenl'ot that aort'iwr. D yJortr II* cot up, and X , . j idblakneea. "/foW. BliVJuil . uke aur*, ga la and doe* thi .UkethaL Aa an afieribought. *''>

knaw; and very oulelly. ao tbai ii i hear lh* click ot li.r —II dld-aa h* waa isM. and then- - .hll head out eagtrlr lo hew ■>><» :-had happened. Mia,hal waa.|t.“ iaaid Anlony, with . ' th i t . lute eonvletlon. “That wai Juit ‘ faw .j

I aaw yttierday.* !!• eame-. to Ih If Ihl amef, and Joined BOI In ' nm i. Ulle room. owiie'iBdiiew,-h*iaJd,1 efatrrBB«.- in'the eul what U waa that Mr. Car> w.rm raa doing In her*, aod wbr ha ' t, lo b* ab Terr eanful that hli , 'j d ^ ^ . omingbarn dSda;t.ov«. |“ 1,,

. . a iA P is i i x n i . ■ - noXl'8 nm thought wa* tha t''' ilrent.Cayl*r.bad hldd*a aomathlac- • Th.but that waa (ibenrd. In the .. will at'hlJ dlipoait. Ill oooM.hav* • . Ueybt-no mor*.'than put 1'. awi r In ‘ ning.twar. wher* It.wauld b* much feaim.SMSSKSiftT f.rl.pull*d opea ai dnw u te tba

'hy did h* kiep clolbaa bu* at Antony aaked. ''IHd:b* avtr

I* flowB her*r ', . •r daar Teay,-ba hid mora ta than anybody ia 'lha world. ‘ u t k>pt Iham han.in eai* tber I U UMful, 1 erpacL"' »at*.'. Yea.". II* waa .walking.

n'dlhbro(imaah«aniw*r*d,ana ,fud lh* lop ot tha Unen'baaktl '*[a Iiood naar lh* waah baala and :ed in.. “i l t leema to ban eon* •'<»' " ira.for a eoUar Ulalr." DakI pMred in., Thera w u one eoW • toU.' .t the bottom of the baakeu' of. 101 ta. 1 darttar ha would," h* id. "if h* ^uddaalyNfouBd tbat ' n* h* WBI w*arlBg waa UB»m. }>bl* er a llllle bll dirty, or *&m»- ’. II* w u varr flnleklnc." lonr Jtact over and picked U i'a*

• In lor 'ma« han Utn nneomfortable |nlml( liaii.^ ba laldt afltr examining Ln tafui&. “It couldn't vtrr wan . a'aen eanerr. He dropped it Uek

^ d i d h* want' to ahul the ^ftirrfi^d DHt T ou eouldal “aeta'jilm. in»ew.". '

tl foUowi h* waa going . raofflitblng which-h* dMn't _ , n* to btar." T wr.Jove, thal'a I tr aaU a u ly ..It; but whair: frewntd boptftiUy to hlmatU. (.|]]|

e tU tS ‘ hav“ a«n* a ir,'an r ’ ha aald at Uat. ubaueted byffart. and h* wtat lo th* win.- «« 'I'spanrf It. end looked cuu Then. ' ‘“*'f( by in idea, he tUned bu:k p o 't 'itony aad aald. "Do yau think “‘S.1 Uller go up lo lh) pond lo Vol>aur* that ther'r* itlll al HT aafe d

le*-^ III hjoke oir anddinlr MOfei> eight of Asleay'a (aea. ()ilie I. Iduu Idletr Aatony cried. . elude:motl iuper«ieelleBl ot Wau FaU,OT. you Umb. you bHatlngl ,!.•« , 0:

Simoglia^ you iBcompanbl* only

a wlBdow,.th* wlBdowr erted '<y, polBUBg to IL turned baek-|o th* window.' .

Uag It to aar aomeihing. .Aa i i n i i )

.‘x'”""-.'*"’'" " MHwai.opialng the wlndowr •

. J U I Uyl*y, of couna* Very ctav*- . IflL S alowly ha expounded. "II*lB hw.Ji|-erter.to opea th*' ........w .'A Jchct-ibrdeerao-lbal-- • — -ildn1.h*»rhlm(ppen'(he wlft. ...I-ONIUe-opentd tb^. window. I - WllJieli

In htre andVouad th* window lo fomI utd.’Thti wiadow U optn. . ''a widi

naainc powira oC aailyili tell iccOrdIa t lh* murdeiw muat hava ' Thn nid by ihlj wiadow;- •Oh.'a.ld (Jnancr■,’raittog bU eyabrowa. 'Well.' | | thaI*. •! aupro**' you ..moat U v ia tai. Btld.I preodly, '1 am; ror t, |j adow la op«>/I eild. Oh. you[«rabliaaar 1 T h nallnoedtaO nfK ertlincl ..-s an lo v■ ' ■ ■ 10 hare

f A t i a i i A i L ' g i r i H a i •

III icfrod by lha bo ite iii nialafcd h y ( r n r i r*. C. N. and J . W. Laulnnhelm. Tlia H H irall wera Loulie Way. MarcalU I ,U ll lUbenhclffl,'Marlon. Klatier, Elinor >>, lubenhelu. Uoroliiy I’rovoil, A u lla .H mea, Marjorla Uubenhclm. Clara , L IS llowlei. OorolUy W aroer. Broei- •. le While. Ireno Parrott, Cliirlolto 1 m lc*.. lielty Uubenhelm, Dllllo , otUnd, I-oulia Locbleller, - Velma nklM, Sara Mamaral end Junior - lubenUelm. ■, I . •

ienon H n. P^lt^-Mn. Jamelwail larulned Informally;*! a KenilnR.B parly n idayiitlim oon a t; ber X ® ' ima on Klflh avenuo north In'honor her ililer and hoiiie guru, Mn. “ ■

Illy a rrlco.nf chipal Illll. North ” ' irolloa. Tha rooma were artUtltal- decorated, in sama? .flower*, Mr*. '>?l^

Inaoa rendered loma biiaullful piano iH J.Bla In Ihe aflarhooa dallcloni "'* * l^hnienla wero•a'B^¥M lo.the-fol- J U wloc:gueiti: Mea^ame* Ceo.'Duke,

11. RUn^on, T. iCjIiekmin.’, Mar ,81 kklewalte. Ucrt.Magel, Enoch Wall.

tVyJandWJtoJaeand Jamr* W. upperOf UH.Antdlei.. ■, "

•'•Wi(FILER ' • : '

• I draw-J------- 1 .- ' ' ■ ' ' ■ ■' I for IHaymond Carter, loridar .alhlatle l■ I ach an.l Inilruclor In manual train- anr i K ~afihe ''h ltih-iehool.-hu-bM n dinlli Kled .prtntlpal • o f.'Iho Ourrr booli. Mr.-and.M n. Carter will PolllI cupr- 111* eolut* on. ihe.ichooJ bera ounili' and, w lll. (ake poiiaailon

Tha"fSnerat';oi. Wank' Hene.lw^o IB« h edBl bll ho^a htfeonW edneid irJli-le enlnc octnrrtd-F^day ' ifiaTnoon a ipo om,tha BiptUi.ehorcIi, n e t . 'a L., o« 0 ilU .m duciIng llia .aervlce*. The forcainleei.w era Iirgely allended' and oop ,,inb-en of tha ,a; A , o f wlileJi In > r.. Hee*e „wai a;m ip iher,, acted c "U . pallbearara,.«corted by member*, the . American Uglon loeal poat.

0 . J. Chllda,' for tho pJit ien year* .nr*nc mater, of the Farnicn Mill, and «inrr orator ■companyV'.baa reelinad hU. '• r, llilon ind embarked’ In. an lnd«- ;'.j ndent'grain, letd ind hay eom-nr. which wlll-have loidlBC nn- . :MI( Inca at Hler,. .Currr aad I'eavy. Tliree '.'Chlldi w lll.biihurer and nan- wero: er for lha nejr.contpiny.and u io - ■'wiid lied wllh b ln .ara ailberl DeKloU; ridlni .n Ruppe and'W.^Doanawall. who can 11 have eharga.of:lha handling.ol today, Dduee al Ibelr rtapcctlvo placen. . nohart-s. BUilock ihlppad IbU ej.B ek a carload ot .lYcliterod Ham^ f Ira Iheep lo tha Sill Uka ram la. Wllh thU'fIno load wera iona ; „ . il.ho.lmportadifrom .Ka|Iind'..n V r e a n ‘;Uo.;'M a;aUo conaUneO ' lho,aale, ihraa. Imporied .Suffolk

n i. .Mr. Blaitock U.. lha only *‘‘''7 ner aad braadert.of Bnffolk ihbtp tho well and'lhajconitgDisant'.wu irmly recelvM U :the aate,:.-.II. r . D*twellergUo.*hlppodft-«j-, id of.reslitend'Jiaripihlre aheap ' ' . lhe llle. Colosjil-E. O..WaUan

companled the aUppar*- aad wlll .ona'of (ha'aucuSBun.at;iha.hlc

The n iar BitiliK^ii-Wonen'i'fliil II glre a camlvfl ,danoe nl (hi lybrocD Garden* ,pe»l^ FYlday. «rr^ lg.' The carnlval^^lll hav? added . ' Hurt* u lldg' ghowi. ,a(c.. and amliei lo.be a vpry.enJoyabli;afT r. " , • ., V'_ ' ..

. . . A T T i i E . . : : ,


Vahdevllle 'oddlilei will' enlerUla 3wda It the Orphetim.thaalre Mon- y next, maline* nnil avealnf. , ' ,Baker A Uaker, lli ?A Uel'odr Cock-1,” prnenlliis ihelr, Uleil aorollr ' long ilorle*.note t Oroai. tn a'llehrew comedr Jily "Ju«l In >'ub',", Ihould hire no luble In galherlngilaughi wllh Ihelr lUrcw. chiracler .{mpenonalloni....I'awn .DeMar..lB.a;.chirasler,aludr long briBg* a rialnty'Mlii'wlth an mlinblB renonillly.: ; , . \ . i ■j\ Zella axponenl* o( I . ' , .

lich ■peell and 1hrllS?^are‘*lnier- •! ' ' agled with liaIr''hr*B'dlh .calehni ' - 1 clever irlcki; . I' •’ 'I Oolilwyn fotnplay feature enlllled tie-Oreai Accldenl." Marring Ton ore. make* a verrilnieraallng ihnw; -

vvo-Some Bathing: . Ruled C b t o f Zion

IIICAOO. Aug. ll,~Thora'il ba na i-aome bnlhlng'partlea In r.loa ' r. Wilbur OlaB .Volvfil. pu to r 'o t

Ilock h u niledlthat m ea,aal 'Ir wlve«r«r olher. men'a wivaa- il keep Ihelr dlilanca while balh-

olval h u erenjruled whil tbe 9 dliliiice ll for'mixed bathing— feet. - : . '

tber rulca lor. balhlof beachei In­ie: • aihera Iball .harp .(ho'.euitodr ot ■ona ami ninlhen the dinghtin. niy Ihe armi ot female hatheriII be bare to lho elbow.- . emale Irgi nre 'not Io be wontBl iiocklnci. ' ■ '• '.'v"!

L H E iiiiii; :I

ONDOV. Aug. 21-Former Kalair 'lelm la again reported 10 be aboal orm a mitrimnnlal illlinca wtlh •Idow nt a flermao ef hlgh blrth." irdlBg to Ihe l,anden Tlmot'." ' anewapaprriUI&^lhalWllhelm’i . nere li almoat nt royal. WBle and lie moiher ot (brte chlldran. Sha .. . bilely a gaeal al hi* home, ll reported (he marrUge will pc- aarly. In the coming wlnler.- . le Tlmea uy* thli U Bot the won- .0 whom.ihe.Kal^or wa*;rnmored ■re hffomr eBgngrd to aomeidmr

T .■..■.i. . 4 ' y l f j .

i l l i r e t e - - 'l i i l *IFfiiiLiM El• . • ; ahort

DbTIIOI'T, Aug. Stt-llenw - Fort Tourl 111 announce (onlght thal (he I'-ord :llo lolor Ca pbinu arooad Dotnll will read] iMe down Sep(emli«r’16, U wai atat- poni i at. tha F^nl Motel' Co.'li^iy. ' adrei Offlclil.anaflBBcemeat wlll ba li- (akei

ue<l al (he execnUvo office* at I>car- cute am.,. '. , ■ 7 lh#.'Coil ibort^co forced the ahuldowni no t' la aunouBcemeut will read. . , > -Wi SU thouaod men already W o (h«

een laid oft at one planL ' ' brini 6lxty-nlne;thouund more men In a l hi

tie Delroll area will be aflected Iiy that lie order. Cloelag dowu.vt. Ford nofln lanU in olber pirU of the country 7 , I under coailderatloa.; ; ■_ p „ „

■ = • " i' and'WASIIIKOTO.V, D. C..-Aug. IR i- peril fforta tb get Hinry Konl'to with- llorq raw hir.ofte for^Muule. Skoali, Fli IT lb«-rauoB that acceplanca. of. whlc la bid br congreu wAuld'/remore pirll i r ^PMilblllty of. hll

> mada ibortly by u r o u p of Fonll -Se illlleal. .backer*, it': w « i. I ia ra« ;U hi >ra ^od*r;-•^- ■I ’ . v f 'X ' ■T.|(iir Tha. . centroTeny .'ovH'^'UuicIa dolU

lioal* il growing .mori-..h«i(ed In Uio .' 1« houie overr dar. w lth 'dhnom i-l'.'I leaden waralng, ih v ,ir |l |- .n a k i ' , . ipotlileal/t|*uo wllh [TtU-. ta ra en , Mil%:sitss‘>s&ssxmIU , ^nepubllcan, Uadar.MMoDdellJll L or.wllhln lha neit.few daya pledge m u tt' to la, program .whldh. wottld 0 T

i'AW^DERT.KILij^TimELv^ ••

MILWAUKER“ w a . ' .A a / ; ' iS ^ - area NoTlhwciiarn rood iwlichnioB ero: killed hfra-today <whe;i tha !f,V, Hleh wglBa.on whlchMKartwera “ ding eruhed'.lnlo a atrta|t M- Imx ’ “S' r t^ ln :(he We*t Allla .jrarili han

iiiEitcE o j a n r i x ^ ' - ’- - ' • . Si?*. GREAT S a s n A f W 8E

BAN FilANCIBCO, Al^!.'J«ir8llenro' . ', u the ouUlandlni^'tMluro; today In' .IB ilnnga Kendrlck-Wakefleld .tri- CLible aboBl whtcti .*Adatr hai-^been war. mlplng. None ot tho parlle* tator^ On IIM would UIK.'; . . , : ' ■ ■■ ■-- h » i '

; " D on’t I : SHpHBy-

' A Liber

: W , .

:iWiT E T . v o u r b o y o r I ' , w i i h ,t h e i r p c n r ‘* r * , B a n k . ; , a t . y o u r

A c c o u n t f o r e ac h .'- ' L ib e r ty & 1 I B a n k m i

A l l w h o J u v c itispcci , a t t r a c t iv e h t r n ic sa fe il

' i n p y o u r c h i l d r e n T h f t h i n g t lic y

N atl

: 8ATU

'a l i f o r n i a P r e p a r e s U f l . f o r W i n t e r T p i i f f i s t , I I I

8AN . FilANCIBCO. Aug. M>-Callt- • rnla wi* ludiy getting ready to re- ......live a record breaking nuniber of Inler vlillon.. .' 'Word that Ibe e u t and. middle '• e*l may face-lbl* winter a tuel ; loruga .a i lerloui u dorlng'-.lba ffflgg

lurUt. leiioa. E<Ti:IloleIi, rallrotdi abd'.reiorta al- ndy 'fia'iiMbrned'altenllon to the ■ ■■■,< onlbllitlu ot (he ' iliuadon. An ; ilrertiilng einpalgn may b« under- owli; iken (O' Imprew itlll further on Rnn iKerner* thi fact ihRf If they apend HU ie._wlnier-ln CallfomU .Ihey will W ol need coib MWprd'fromiotithem Callforala w*j W n t already: telegraph I w ira* ^ en | § ' ringinc’appllcailoii* for'ruervallona if','' I hotel* for tha wlhter aeuoni and 1. lat'coltaRca'at beach m o ru 'w llt \\\t- oon be In.uDBiuil demaad.' 11 ^Two elemeiiU gn. to make' proa- >-l

ccU ot chlllr'.wlBlir,.la. (he.eaal .’ ■- nd'mlddle wmi.-a. lourco ,of proi L—. erllr to the lourlit-trade In Cal- don' ornla. ' Coa{F ln t come*', th e ' mild' cllmiila hich permlu • o f . atinler ■bathing diTldi ■rile* at Ihe beachei and leti:ihe W f iBdlord lura 'o ft 'th e ' heat =eImon

• Second U iher.faet thal'liide.coal I burned In' California.' Ga*. from' irfleld*, 'v»dod.."br a".‘Ililli ’ flte alUr ell hialer furalthei moit ot 10 warraih ot. tba'a iati. ; .........• 1 g g j

l i i i i i ilESSAGEiiGiCliT:

_ y ; ’ • ■ ' noM

SAN rnANCieCO, Xng.^ ji-M aJor I ' Sndrew*-nowan. proclaimed by Qon- (aii •r m ni carrier of the.tanoui "mM- U 1age to Oirela.-: abonl which Etbert iatttliibbnrd wrnie, will receive hli nedil wboi'llhoBi ranrd (0 .who olia miy claim g«pnj.^«x*rrled.GarclameM ige*. •'Woa'l.V.afiraooB lt.wlll.h«_pretinled to.hlm at^iha San Franciico . o rrcaidlo. DrIg. Oenenl'fi. W. Ken- hewedr win make Ilia forma) preieau- non

. .. • ' Seplc

, TO.NU .UAlt IS aKVEI-ASD ' ab*«

CLEVEUND, 0.,. Aug^ :j-T bng TO 'ar.betwcen Uie.lllp.Sln»,and^lba whip n long*, dormant torjieranl monlht qnan »• brckin Olit iB.'C^lnitlown'Uitoy,! *udi

Let Another ^ it h o n r G c rty Bell Bank

iMmm/ A 9 M i r £ ? w M i i l i * *>

or.'girl 'bcgin “ rin p ih ^ ’ the old j jnnie* ju it as quickly‘as posiiblc.

ivithout ex tra c h a r g e .. '

tcrted. the Bell Bank pronounce i^thcy;havc'ever »cen. Itw illassi l in f t and ib 'nd as a symbol of loi eyjare saving for,


io n a l BMi

.T U IU )A Y ,',A D Q pST i;2^flk ’ •'

A N d p f cl o f i r t s

r ■ndenldiw ttttU lI did n e t b*T»aDy1 b o te . tn o b i« .s f tn r -hi'-" •.‘L2I IthalimUllwaiBir*

:asv Uflw a t cfaUdblrih aad w bat 't did

: ■D ^K ^ rib o o d tmS ta te r d a rln i . .

S g a & e i£ lM » u u d ? * S !^ w ^ ^ ja « ry p u r lo K « r ..W r ilo lo to .. . .


M S J^NQELKS. :Aug,. if-^rollow- ' ag lhl lead of.Tho National City Unk of New York which, aeieplcil. be mlgnallon of Jamei A.’ Stillman, oled divorce conleiuw.(ha Cltitin*‘n u t and Savlnp Bink of U* An- .elea hai awept leandai trom IU por- , ali.'Tba:board ot dlrecton announ- ed the elicUon of A. J. W atin to - uceetd-maldcnl Ora A. Monneilp, rboie w ill'U now aulng hln for': epara'lo malBttnanec.., “ ' ,

:— — !— Dr. Parrott wlaea lo anaoonea that'

le will he out ot the clty on a raca- Ion from Monday. Auguil; 2«tb in eplemher Stb. - All repair work wtll a Ukin care ot u u n a l durlsg hU '.baance. • .

.raK H .'dnubfTlleney bntterallk, ihJpplnr.eream, cotfoo cream.'ln any ' inantltr .'.dealred.'-, Sterling- np-lowa U doa..:n Bhoahona. BL.Sonlh., -

r Day ferting k!

• - ■'

UkrtT Bi/l - .JUhU i i U ■ •t f M t f t n J t m . .I f t pur (kiU m • . : , ,■ n v " il w t i . - ; ..•• . .. , lifir imifp, . , 1' . , , • '

Id Liberty Bell ' ' ' :- 'Step In our

pen* a Saving* • ’ ' ' ’ rt-ill-bc given a . 1 m: .

ce i t;tI ic ,in o » t., . > - • assist in teiich- lodcjw nden'cc';^ '-.•.V ''.'

Page 3: TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

-■‘i H i i v l - l ^ l l ' i r . ’ fn"miob<rtr.:irnriiy .u ttVt lhe Hmi* U

■(ii)''.tMm'‘tt64n'B:p«)||ioiuarro«r at h*’ (li«'fott6«^'t))at« BDdlfrilb UfflP Uib

jirobabl^^UioIcfl'tor bbi; duty.tKV Ml ihooId'iftV lB iii w«y to#*nI «*!• ; •{ Ulns.'thifeWilWlloa. TIio. oU.wllAi Wll Wo Pullirida P»|ion vrIH l«Jte cnrJ »U ot ibB ; ^ b ' : p « r t oCtbo p tn t ’fnr nio

. l la u » ^ ’ d ,ilt Fullir lr. In aayihlni; . )

WdJej Joio( tb trilM iar IlabMO.’.lhltmorulDl «*

■ ffi nm * i«rtu,-oba'(«Ri« lo ba playnt f*'Ol ^ .B 'l i lb t 'i r l ra l towM>ABdahi >he

• • iliinli'tt'»s»«miT.’W take pUca oil. • ff ■< ;■ .ll-'

i ’S S S S S f'xalhtrlns- uieot Tr<im aBrrouodlhfl w

jfSS rW W hVl'' aait'a .lu il .(rouiiclnit'’8undky.’halli .**1• .tr«R)':inai}<i <oBi<i. iM t' ihtB i;.. II J y

U nol dur •purpoia' lo aniar ao arm* W• ni<mi;or'conin)nni'' fcut-ira-tnertir

ineiitIoil>ihW'U a-DiAlur^nt ntw*.'. . I t ”lMfln'"I>lla'«lllM' IlMltN'OB i'';

• LAlior •'day,'; Ullll laklne' hrb *i»mw . oul of.tbo n r lu a( lhr««’; ihe.cUlm* .

• ot thd.'^aal >«nd lown* ahould be allflid.fer' Tirlii FBIIa «ou1d raalir Iiate-i'nhora l a i l i l m a t e i b i n

— Uiar.weuld> ’Hut-«o haran't lomad ' tlie,(riek r t t AD<];p.«fbapi voD'L^

i T H E ; S C O | t e B p A R D ^ S

YMi«ni»^'<bero-^iu'gbaB; l^b ' .r outnaldor,Acqu*lttd‘an :old record um

‘ , wlien hoetma.utf ibr«a. Ilmet Id lhe ..fourth laiildK fdd .|o t'tw a 'tln ile« ; '>

.• belplqt beat,Ihft. I-bllllea, « lp t : n,.

*' Tbft.iYsDkVand Browoa.apllt area r ! J a fl dnltla>h(sd«r Qpenlnlt'thft.baltia f .r for nr«<pIie«.VThaiBrcwM wwi.tlia ah

' 'rrlich'a alntle Dotlomler’a error Aijd a 'lln ile br Ueuial sar« Uit 5 " UlaDta tbs.niD tbaf bani-lhe Catilli. V?

■ ^ J l5

. f itte r goInrali'aHabnwlibouLwi'a-

■ « o r i U r a r z ’i «

' [r ITEBirafDiWj^O'illBADEBS.j H »r • O a r r ittr tta jn fc • '• • • ^

. ! Biller, 8L Loula

, Bpeakar, C ldTeltW H Z p-L -U JTl f c :.n»llinaa;' l ) a i r e l t ; r i£ l _ i_ _ : . j$ j !?•’ 'Tobla, BL -U u l i ; ______

. K ilh u l Lt««g(b' iroreibr. SL itouia _____

• -Tleraar. • PliUburih -------------- 3H SCriBiia Chlcaio • i l J : ________ » a

• ,:UI||b«; Plltiba«h • , /Miller. Chlcigd - .... ;■ ;______StK

I l lERTKniiArsHOMEtia. -‘ ^1; , .;;.'»orhibr. CardlMtirl-SO.,

, V : •sillier, Cuba. *-11; :AlBiraltb. Cardlnala; 1-^11.. ' rui

:. JIellcnaD,.TIio«T5i:,.... . WDI , ; iJVIlllama, ■ rb lll l^ lJ . .- -,^'.- .. ' bt \

:J FIGHT R ESU riS/.1 ffri'pAUiJriBiiir uW ia. .su ra iti' S ' !He4TrweUhl.,kioekod ont Pr«a FoK woo

. '.Iod In the flrat.rooDdi ■ ; him,

! ' . NEW T0hK.-8amnr'Nabie; N«* boat . {4%k, won a ll-rodnd ilKlildu (roin ."AIL'.

B^r., nicJotr, .Na* J p r k . . , ' la J'

. . N E W ^T O m t^-rrr ’lirtiioa^VNew -York banlin, r a kaockad.snC'la .Jho Ihlrd^reuiid br^BIIlr'.HjriottB, ;gM

• . diijj Eddie n*cord,mbhtreiiI,"tu’Iha '-T aai^Dlh round., , . '

^ h o ilA - lll .-Jo a ^Oor^lan''.oui•• r 4 t» d ''a jd l a AMtanoa-iilnu Cai X ;'‘

'-^i)ES¥En>-FVaDlCtf>i!iHhi1i^--aa<I Jl^nle SbDmin,. Dehrar ' waller- wagbia, ;(eu|ht a lS*rouDd/dmv, J

,Jo f --B«'rK«K a ia n / 'j 'O D . » (Ilht: . :--------- rtfw d-boa t - from--JetiBny-P«rol»____ ; nortialar,.^ .. Y .~ ~ : .

i t u i x o r b n m T E P n r

• •'I'"; ■(CoaUBVid7Mm;Pajw.V

. :WDd»iltorieii;n(''&fM.<Sflrlds;tba. ].i

" ibalX llfle aecoatftd blm bulildft<Ui». \ J •>tJti|on'boaift-:yeat»ri*r.'aadJiald:;

• Uctw,Bar«rt.':'lfaBr!hln«liappiDi<o . ..^a» o rT im klllad.Jook ap Joha Bir.

. . . . . ___

2. . •',

’ the SportCadavers A re, N o t in : S Dem and a s Opponents 7 • J a c k Deihpsisy

YOIut^ Aur.. le-BftlDB .aa ' 8lhaV don't'.wanb. Jack D inpiar lo p|«dlictup bla old vlcUfflt BDd.burr.them ereagain,/or .prefll- la^lhp.,big .lanner for'xoaoi.,th*.wrld'i chwiploii la flgur. ba.

’t. Jack-;Kaanu tba chanploa'i mana< (tr,;i« baek .Ifl iNew.Votk aflar fall- 'J .

,|ng.ta,flDd.a,apU {or.,thft thlrd>re«I Uia..ptmp»ir-l>r»ui8 ,»rlaVand Z

h* aara ha.nur. JO iDtm.io'Cuba.or , iM U t ^ r l c a .U faiiiUneu dOHp’l gel ^

f-8^ W a r o t a 'tig h t .flih Harry {«■ Wllli, Kaania repeaia hlmieIf-“We're algnH and readr. Wbere ara.-tbe pro<

. Jim Cotrtolh. accorillnc lo'Kearfli ‘^ i llilnka the fight buga In iraraoa vrouli _ llkft lo'.iao Dempiey agalnit Jack JohDJOit. and It ibB .Caban'pubUe ° 'l vanii lho'.ilRbt.'D4nipiir la willing, "h '.Bouih AnierlcaD'-proBiotera.arft al* If*!

M'lalKlnraboul-bflhlilfii'-DimpieJ «» down Ihete' to . tight '’ADger PIrpo, P*t the Arfiotlno.aiaDt. There la aa much c*Iet>ratIon golnf on down Ih^tft and > Ihe haHvea ar« ao “btl op” 'nt«ut fla ■IQrpo that'.Danipier ttiar'llo down hai , j ja h ( re jr | ftnough.peibi around W

talb^'kn^''bu^olir Brennan b r a t^ ' r

.KA’TiojrAt i.EA(irK ,

.'•AlBl'.'lAuIa-Slnnlngis'- . ' ■New York________________ -10-1,BL li)uU U _--;:.':._ ..-’_ , . : . . i 30-J «M . .BWIirUa-Neht, pran and-flnrderj - , DoaFand Clemona, Alnamllh. " •••... • , cal■•Ai rilUburW:.................... lL « .a '«■Brookim _______ 6 n t ‘ »Pliuburgh'.'— ii--.— 7'H 0 JW . nalterl«a-I)KatDh Mammnux and Miller;;Uorrlaon'and Scbmldu . > j

I'■(Il irlhlngi) ■ .-r Dallbrltji-MCBdDwi aoir. Ilenllni! t.. AI4rl<l(o.ind IlarinelL wo!

' At Clncl.nnatl-lal game: R.II.B. ' ^

Clncinnai'’™ - i r — 6 1 > ] l l 'Qaltarlftft—Houlihan and. O'Neill p||(

RUer and'IIargtavft. out«f,

anclBBall----------------010 OOI o ^ t , u'Batierlea-^eidiiar* Ilraxion a^d qoi

New W r t T l i i j Z M i - - ! J » ,1 wa Baherlea-WrlgbL Darae.aad'Bar- aut,

ereld],Mara and Schang. . ; ta i

'•■Al'^’l l a d e i p b l a . I L H . e i S lCblcago;;i;----- 15. 0 »uiPhlladalphla ----- —■ 0. 0 - 2 |][t,;.,Battirlet:-n>lier:A9d'Schalk; ilel- nuch, Harrla.and Perklaa. , ;. ...

aarelahil'&i -DoatbB, poatponM; .

Waahlngtoa^ -......-.i m .O O ^ Sao.' BaUerlea-rDauai, Mobre, e n d ^ i - . , 0, le;;i.^.ctiM>^Md.-.O^ttTlty,- n|a<

J ^ s S f W iy ^ . ^jTTiStpififtase^fK [ffi

lanhBt.ot T«g Rlehard.-’, , r.

id-.D*opaer;'lb1ilp ;ag |ja i?epU tlh^ Mb ,

hirymatth’. wllLM 'op«n-afldU1x>tl ,tet\ Hurd irllh ft»erjibbdy.“ WIllard-aalfL * 4 'Aiiilf.la:now,,-D«mpt*r'or KearM

, M w - i 1*1?^.*.*

P v S i l '' i ' ‘ . ■•■ . .■ • • '■ • Ill


^ O R T B U L L E T I N S iS'^Wriirihe'crooihut aerlea la on.

' ' Itu'A re.you a Giant fan! ■]

8hock«r hedr tha.Yaniii .aa' com- . I pletaly. Id hla. hand^.ytaUrday. aa pit erer ond ha would'rather, lick hla tin 'tohner leamtuitsi than eat ft'platt ot coi |haw and egga. • v: ' , . •

i ' lUy arlniM' hilling la lho onlr ihlni Uii Ithat ktipa Illm ob Uie Cuba teani. HliiftoWlDB Itv (cpnihlereij clumay, but '«■tbe way he u a find the apricot Ii nx

jnotcluni»y._ • ‘ ' cei

I, U'a n two. or poailbly a.thre* 'team, nco (a ihi .Vai/onal leagu*. The' American goataloB. itnigila li airlclly Ilmlled tb lhe Ilrowna- and Yanka wllli Detroit' and Cleveland fralllng. ■ \ > jl’i!

.Tho 'Yaaka wuuld like tu bare Slaler, report. Well, that'a nothing. Wbo weuldn.tJ: If Slaler wero re- *1 leaied .by 'lh« Drowna only about . tlltMn-clubnroulil-trade-lhelr-ball -;i, parka for him. . ■. rIi

Now crnnea'.Jeiia Willard wllh the alalement, that , be -would like .to ha're'Oimpiey'a'John llanry, on < a (11 cfDlracL That’ca'a'l be.-rlgbL: - No- A

y lih ^ y h a;tblnt._^^.;.." t ,;!

r;!Wfl' nrwi't jD-tarbr ,of boUherlaoi 'i r , red‘ aeimn»r..but’ lt the 'Iteda ' muil.do.'Ibfflethlnglet'thenilAbucrt ’ , lb».,QIUiU'^thbt>i«(i(itd‘6« bur. Idea M'maklog.'aomo'Oie'ot tbem'. What );y.yftaT.).=-: y ;.:: ; ■ y . ' - . i -

There.waa a lime when ih# Cub fana uiKd.to WBlt'0UUId6"lh0 park Iri Chl- cage with a rap« tor the Olanli. but naw ewrrlhlng la Aeacahle aa I’rune- vino during the clrcua In the county Jj**

Johniibn niid -Wallace Johnaon. the “> eaii.weat combination. were-rdUglilr Irealrt ykurd iy in-U iilr match for « ' Ihe national doublia Utle by the aaUle Tllden and .tbe youihtul nich* . anla, who beat. Uiem In alralght aeia.‘ . ^

' Atarquard la' fading, hut ihen peo- Sai pie aomellDiei fade n.IltUe with paa* o," aing yeara. Time waa^wben.lhUiblrd would-bow iD'Bone.'BOd wbimwlih »“.* iheaianla he waa a moal ftared left h« hander.'but :oddly enough .the AUi- .. lettca found'hlm rather nadlly In Uie P<world terlea........ *.<

bl'.NEnV'YoniC.-Thft aoaasn'a con- Om i’acuilTB hit recortl'Vaa albpped yi«- lerday when Wallb Hoyl. V*®*"-* J? pitcher. Iietd Ken Wnilama, 8>. I-oula , outfielder:.hitleaa.aher'ha had. hll aafeiy la^IT alralght gaoiM.

nOCHESTBn, N. Y.-Win.'.ll. »>! QbwhD, .iDlernailonat learuft'iimplrt. *1*

player,.haa'been releaaed by J. C. "H ^ e . pmldent-o^ ihe ^ le im

tv f tir 4 'it.'ihat-Binhy 'Kaur^whV, ^ wa„under«and, wai. fre ed o f the ffi aulonobUo theft charge agalnat.him* la ab 'tonn r playlBg ball whlla Pred ,; Toaiy/wbo aerred hla.tino lo.prlaos . foll^wfng ;con?lctloa on a ', white lUr* charge, la atlll aeen. on lb»* dlaisondr wa Juat can't figure itila da b a t. ' .. ' . .■

j i o r n ^fiTBIlDAT AND A .. uT ‘ :.k — - TBAB.iOO. iin' ; 4« 1-H llliia in four tiaaa; iip anlaa t Delh)lu-'' ' ■ > ‘ hk

U U -^nhCtam e: FaBnedi’grbab't- ed (0 f^nlV,t4Med! alpgled lo.-rlghL

M j |y S 8 'agfi| k

h'riia.,intv .^li#:.einp, ? t Uie .cq.ctv.; .ii^

eNBltynM to a tu tk lh« eDcmr.' XtM 'ig,<ndaoalM .w^dafM led aad U>e M - ;.i-;a ie,'t« '.rm «i''lba .M »llty '.b{ the i. B]a'Te<,''alIowMtbeatoap|>6ir'lA'tb^^ 7 b f , t b f t ^ ^ ^ t ^ e i . - ; '

r i? ' ^ 4 . ....... i l - I ^

\^ ^ . D A H Y i t r a t e g , :

W e b b H u b b e i l Back . ll S h o w ii^ fo 'r P h i l . | l |

• It II prelty, ROOil prldencB that' Webb 1 llubbrll bna fully rci'OTercd from.bli \ Injury early In lho auuimef by hla . bCflllDK the Cinclimall IltOa bn ibdr bocae groundi laat IVcdiitiday by the irore ot 1 to 0 nnd acorlng Ihe only run ot Ibe game hluiirlf, aaya. the Huhl lUpubllcan. - c

Th* Cincinnati Tlmea haa thU loaay ■. about^e game: .. IledJtDd.field: Augtjii i7-^nu(iMII, ,

pltcbldk r&r tba Phlla in the third ahd . / final .'game .b( Uie lorlea. w il not ; 'r coiilenl ibwage'a hurling dud'wllh ^ Couch, anllleri'man. of tbe lledl.'bui he drclded'along In'Hib'flttli Inning Uial‘If'WBi aboul llnl* tb alnp'the icoreleii tle'builneaa and-g'libtr a

■run.; 80, aftir llrnllne'had llni'd to ? ' Duiicab, Itubbell airalglilened but'onft of Couch'a curVea 'and aent It Inlo j ' cenKr' fleld for'a double. Il*'p»reh*d I ‘ on ', tho 'b iaei- i-oftlentedly whll* «»

. WrUlaldne.vai tinaeil oul and icon »>i ti\ wben rarklnion cracked nut a f,'’' ilmeir alUlB. In the .third . Ibt Pblla J gaVe Couch an Idea ot what waa com' Du iBg, when wllh two ouj, Wrlghtatone •IngUd but l)ielr etturia were uo< .

Kubbell wat aerloualr' injured laat jntapring by a batltd hall In’a gam* Di,wllh-llrooklyn'anil It w«a feared tor ««.a tlma.that be-mUhl nol again ba ihrable lo play;' Hla trlenda'nre lndeed p((Klad .Ihnt he. la comlnR bnck wllb u orrttngeance.' . . . . • .

'<. '•■ -I---- 1 i '..,. i jvf, CU5v;BWNb;.'Aui:. ■W.^Orlii rf

itl>a Klremcn.and Knglntmen alated -r tha t'w alSouu.ot tho flrtraen oc* curr«l early loday a t termlnala ol the Chicago,'and Allon, railroad « . Roodbouae and Springfield, III.. , .

The firemen al.Itoodhoua* refuied 10 work ,afier,',)t..la alleged, an at tempt waa mads to ,ilynamlle the ' roundbouio-; and a 'h o le l 'lodglBi airlke.breakera.

flanta'V e'I’ual* Ralw.',BA NMlANClfiCO. Aug. « r-T he

SanU F«'nllrwd;nad notlcti poited

auch ilrlklhg’Anployea a i'thars'nay ,'

: .placea‘ b»»a'‘ I»tta ;-fllIe<l by-non- . • aiHken ;lba1: lll 'la , now-'imprictlea- ble“ 'lo Ulo'.bacW.BlI of Ita'ilrlklag

'1 Wiil'TI!! B T W L A N piN O ,;sl'V i ! ‘ ^kag;:J»-PooDdat!fiD"/oF WUit'that . •,



Thai Pilhetiif BaehalerT""'" ' -'.1 }e'y«Die«mud>;b^t]iitptthtil« ., d a ^ of ore^tlpft 'bachelor my -bw n th tf /nauglitllr, ‘ calla . 't b i J 11aT> TJMnT}, They a n cwnmon, I.inppo^ te >T«t7 ago aad'C4Bnlr7,..bat,Baf" liad laemi lo eoDiiln,mor«;ibiD h*r ta lr ' abaK'’ ., Belwm-.ihlrti^te.'and Ofty, Bot,partleulMly„well-«Baect»d, . j j not-•Yco enriraganUy poptUar,'hnt P J

Bolantand Ui(7 'b*ldilrlo>iht)tlilul ; '’au5aS Bibit'trf'ii*&aahc*''<ifi!lli .(;6,pii '. fpat#oilMhlI’0{-ti.em'plar:eftttm*l| ) .[ IbM-'brldii.TaiiiMWd. •■•.' •.’ i.-'SeT.'' ! .


JU»jD«;ao:'l^Waiig^q(iu(;iUilt.,9j'?. thw accord wall wWl,Bwryi»ai,bar: ' (nrtM'-Pridft:ih*yAM«r...rwwt.'-ao; 1. ; .ilernUj-Jieiir.lnrltaUo'a.-Ititr^ieeni to

Contfaaloni-of.-a W«l»I«»»,Ui;\yoo- ^ r b y '8i^ea;iIeKtDiiau;;.;^».;-

'R*pitlaVa W niil'V Iaw .''. f ’ ;To«t»^rilb» tan ■ chap g it Mch oo:ea ilollaraf ca^H iir ' ItW rih^^Y oa ' ;ffbbably nean,' 'ilow.'caa bf'|tt''fldi^: .

NilOEAfS il j u i s e w i

i’OLO OROUNDB.JCEW YOlllC, Aug. SO-Naw York went hick Inlo; flnt '0 place In. lho American I.MKUe p«n> nanl'race when the Vanktea hent Ilir ‘“I St., Uula Orovna 9 Iq 2, In tbe third ,, ' gamf ot .the aerlea, , "J' Bm llc fielding behind looae plii-h-

log cauied Ihfl.. duwulall, ot ihe Urowni.

••. Firal lBUln« ‘f'lI Bi. Loula-'Tohln filed 10 Wlti. Du- *?'

gan thraw out I 'w irr. iJiigan lhr<"> ' ' out Siller. So runa, ao hlla.

Now Vork-.Wltt flle<j lo Wlillnmi.Dugan fanned. (Terber threw out *;!'Uulh. No runa. no hlla. DO errora. 'y

, , Second ianlBg ' . 2j|‘• BL l^ula-Wllilama filed to- Itinli. ; Jncobaun alBgleO. Mc.lUiiua touleil loUiigau, JacobaoB alole aecoiid nnd riliwent to third wben Scliang'* low riethrow wenl-to Ward..; Severeld pop- mbixd 10 Scotl. No ruBi. oiic hll. one ryi error.

New .York-hpp alngled. Wrlglii jthrew out Bcliang, J’lpp going to an> ;\|gDiid. Sleuiel alngled. acorlnn i'lrii- Mn Ward fanned. . Meuaeli.aiole aeoond.Scott' alngled acorliia Jileuael. Mayi shfouled lo RIaler. |T»'Q,ruiia,\, three '.1bllai nn.irrora:' .. g|'i -1 ' 'T hlnl lunlnir ' ' ’ Ma1 BL Loulf-Scott Ibrow'oul Oorl>er. ituiVrlght llnad'io >luih;:Tubin filed to alnWlit.> No mna. no bilk, no errow:' aoi! 'New York-Wltl .filed 'to-Jaenhinn. •

wl.Faarlli laBlae- ;. > 111

^1. Loula-i-'^ater alngleil. • Blalir hin

D or

‘ ' . '- T h e .ably


;,' .; , . ' ;hcat!. . . V

r * : . ' ' , upiw'1 V •■ il;''”''':'"

'p e ® 'and-'body

rilfd lp Itulh. 'A'lllliiai flle<l to Will: f Jacobipif walked. .McManui fUrd .lo 1, Uugan. ,S’o rum. one bit. nb ertural ‘ ?

New Vork—I'lpii dnubled to rlnbt. / Sclianc wa* ixfe when Kairrrld fulilb* C ltd hll .aac lflco buai. l-lpp giilng 10 f Ihlnl. l-ipp' .wre.l on u wll-l nlU'h. I Meunel wnlVcd. Wird loulul lu Be*'; •*> crrld. Srull iliislrd lu lefl. (tiling llm bAirH. Mar* hit Inln a double — play. .MiManui id Hlilcr. One tuii, , two hlla. une error, lefl

Fifth Inning . HI. I»uli-aevprcli1 ilniilfa in rIghL f. Ucrber hll Inin n double play, .Hcnlt hu> to Wnrd lu i'lpu, WrlKhl walked. To- bln (Ilcd 10 Will. So rua>. une lilt, uu error*. ,1,,

S'»<r York—WIII (IM lo WllUumi. v ,. Dugnn alnilrd In lefl. Jlulh win >A(a when Town <lro|ipe.1 hli tly. I’lpp was •uto when Mc.Munut lliraw Iciir 10 flnl, I>ugan-*rnrltiR nnd lunh inkln* Ihlnl. Si'hiiiK Illnl luJx'utKim. llulh icorlna afier Ihf cnldi. I'lpii out nlfflUna, Ke»er»!il lo'T.U.Mr.lni.. Twn ll'r rum. nno hlU l .o .'rrnr,. , Wi,

• .Siilh Innlur' - “ ‘!.'tl. l.<.ul.-r.',i.ifT''..aV7.irT^l.lcr

ilngled 10 lell. Wlllhmig filtil 101 Ward. Jiiidli^un lili Into 11 cIniiMc' play. >1i-oll lo tt'ard lu I'lpp, N„ riin*. one hll. tn> emin. '

NHW YOltK-Moitrl >liiiilnl In center. Wanl tiled 10 Jm'u1»i)ii. finiii , , filed 10 Wllllaina. ilnakd i<> \rlKlii. Will Rliialed to leli, .mrlRK Meuiel.. Uugan tiled. io.U'lllbm.;oao " " run. Ihree hlu, no erron.

Kptenlb Innlnk*8t. U uli-ffard 'threw IIUI Mr- H'l'

Manua. Sovereld ilngird to iTnt>r. In Maya Ihrow uii; flerher. Slimi'en bnl- rr( led for Wrlahi. Ihigan threw out am Shorlen.' .So.niiia.'one hll. no errnra. lag '-New York-llayiie nuw plu-hliiE fnr hni SlM^iilv. Ruth doahled Ihrougli Me- u . Manua. Sriiang-tiled lo Wlillnmi, .,v itulh acnrlng uller the biicb,. ileuitel alngled to eeniir. Ward Illtd in Jnrob- aon. • Onu run. two hlla, no armra.

• CUIilh' IdbIAb .81. I.ouli-Tuliln doubled, lu right. .

Wnni throw.oul 4'wier. Tobin gulng li Id third. Scolt threw vni Vliler, T»- net hhl arnrlng; wrillania .louble.l ,ib ud

— —

d b b B r q t h e r sS E O A i ^ i , ,

h e ..ca r’s UBorulness 'i i a d m i^)ly Id kebpln 'g-w ith Its inniiie

1 r o ^ e r . i t : p r p t e c t 8 .y p u _ f i^

)n i coid.'^ 'Dayjlri';’a i{d /^ay :ou i n s i ^ y o u a g a i^ fe j tp e n ^ ik e ip M d r e p f l t r c o s fe ' ’ ' '^’ .

b ce’f i t . lin p rQ V d n iih tB ha'^“e ; e a tly i t i c t ^ d , "sturdiness id tH b 't i f i in 6 o a l i t y ’,b f i t s d y , l ln e i ; i ; ; ' , _

V '

’ ' P iO B T U B E B ',..,,.......... , a _____ •

I left. Jacobaon bll lo Dugan who tac* - ged Wllilama out . on ih* baao line. •Ono run. twu hlla. no. errora. • • ;

New. Vork-Scoll walked.' Maya, . bunud lo fililir. wjiu ihtew lal* .10 lecond trying 10. torco Scoit. • W )tt,; - iacrlMced, f^ le r to BlilVv- D«gan.. . Ilngled ihruiiih Mc.Manni,. .acnrlng,,Scoii and.Mayi. lluth foulod to B,!*- kr, I’lrp ginuiidM 10 Sl.ler„ Two ' runMwu hiw. on* arror.'

Mfllh inulng , .Si. Uiu1»—Wi'Manui droppM a.hlt-1-

over Minnd.-SoierebI alngled tn cen-.' l l r nnd ML-ManU)i 'look. Ihlril when Wilt fumbled Ihoihli. Oerber hll Inlo u diiuhle idny, Kcoll lo Wnrd to I'lop. MvVUium imtlng. Dumt batie.1 (or Koxlei'ond fojiled to Dugnn. One run.

.IWO.lliu. ftne errcir. • ' •

'' - Faint Pr'aiM. ' - .Two joulba lud atieBile'd Kfrlc* la

a churcii'un the ircat «ldo tlia'paiiur ' o t wlili'h benra llie reputailun .H l-tln* l>oili leaned and elunuent. 'i'lio Wou- ■afriiippl'nVilTo cinittTuVIiSniatiBn ^ them und raug’ii ihla; '-What diJ'yba ' - • think ot 'hlmr Inquired noo of Ihem ^ •

! in a cheery, hupetul t«ni'-ib» -bliu" ‘ i referred lu being Iha iiaitcr. r^ r"I a a iW the orher' ni«l oa* dlaappfnt*'' . iBg iDok.'at.lii friend ’and id iit bii,.

I hand! Into hla ixK'k'pla, WiiirruiNaV I bla cumiianlnh .hailened to OiJala:’-Well, of f tiune„h» .rtada ,J ila .^ .^moaa and hll ,<lollyery U |>oor,.>Bt ■ gee III inkea nerve lu b« ■ praicliarl'*; - a ile a r i Joamiil. r

.' if ybo want to iiii'b 'aiat or biiii-,

', ' , ,- , .. . . ' fi

’ ii

■HA15 ■ ....


Page 4: TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

i w m iE ttd lng H;w ip>par t t t in . Oil

;■' ■ 'bbU iM d KTU7 J n u i u BxHpt'Bsi , _________ - , ptay. Twin

t H. MASTIcnfl,,, _________ ______

lesund i t tb* Twla TsIU PoitoUlei • . . - ' ' " ■ PobU(!iiIoo, i

1 ' ■ ' 8UDSCRIPTX D#Pr, o n # -y ea r> :l_ l------------ l-

Daily, ilx-Bonthtu^u^;-------i--------p - Daily,1 ona m o D th ,^ ^ - u .^ ------


i , ■ . . . ■ ■ (lly .lAMKS 1, Olil o t tl ip jiiriniiil Ilf illl-ilri

^i\' . ’j i g t iM.y, tlii'i'i )iil«'r. h-lH-n Iritr pr' ' .vniiilnllMtH .n'rnl tljn liiliArt-ni Iom-,

iy, not iiim iy iniiM. tlic lulmn^r inuKt Urvu’ coiimlimivp'voii'o Ui (

r ~ V : •Mnin-iicnipiinl-kiHiHlf'iKt-of-wiiiil' ^ ! ' .V •' • Tills.<'Bn_'Oiily rtrnic wiili ii ii

' -J;!®.''''™ n i i ' l • • ' " ■ “ '■‘I f c ' lci,’i'*lnt*“i’'l pnmi6i;ni't'iiiii|illKli; „.TI t?.- . iiucrcHt* nf lioth 'iililM •orc-tiip RII

l y liolli III-lliu o b in ic l Imt im l I ; / , . ' H in t'it 1* takeii n“ii-;i'iiiBtI<'r of _cn

k c ’tlioni (’oiitltiiu- ti) tr>' to nvi>r t . ' ' i<yilfin iiiiitimiiy n(cri-cil iiiilin. nt-lji p ; ' . ; in ra*M nftUiiiliutc.

Tlie iH-rmniu'tit Itum iiiciilt-JilV p\' / .Tolin Niiiilck; l)ie-lliiilc(l rrc»ii I'l

. tli'iil-rlnxliiK 'of iniiicn froin llir c [tv.', .. to m il luili-w.olijirliiiR o])(-rnliiri«

' Hi-Iiipiif )iy niB'iii* jnjiiiielinti.' ■ iieiilly itijiiifcil ■ Nimiok wiy*! ,

r.','- . Tho rioli Cotini'llnniti; cna) hn^rT^---liolc1-U i& »atnerjtlocrin4.;lali(.n-»o

•Kll liititricl.; , -----ri--'. ■ . ti-iim i nf iiiiiicK iiliiiiK.lliP Moii

' npcncil, il »H prt'diRleil, rollnwiriK jH'iitlnil n|i'c1 .iiinimfiirlnri-m, wlm'

I ' ' ' llioir ciikiiiK fiial on m-i-fmni ofI ? . yjllB fiel'i.>Vi: .• • -irprctofoN-, coal iiiiil iiolif* fnm

' ■ ,• i-orijilflc«\l,_iml’iii|tw^^^ trt Mei-I i i-overi(!Mi'l'9" ' ‘'oVi litocl iiicii wiy I

. ' M'lit of llir norriinl'buljiiit in thn ci ' ’ ' nuWauiUuK-ilcvcUnh - lU rw rrfw iii o f Ihc I'oal nlrilny U-l

■ * Ol' uy.|iroiliicrw )k^ 'nn(l' ll?p"Erinurifm in 'nlhrr tliiin Ui'i> CiiiVtipllBvil

p:;;. • O H p lie ,Ky-pn>*!iic(-.ivciiT«l .tlw ■iieehivc ovdiH-at lint iniiu’ii.iit i|iii artc’cil. ‘ —

<!• -'-Jndpppnilrnt.ufppl uialfcrH rmiii.,V' •. AVciit V.lfttliiian fif)ii-with i'<|iinri|ii

ic~ o n u n lip ln ^ lw oniil, Ihoy. i'rinlm-i V'.. ifri'atpr,j;ii!lil' ix-r Ion. ' , ^>■' A nilxliin’ of 40 per ci-iit I’t

ll CO p c r 'm il . Coiini'llHvjIj«’ c«j i'V.' |ilnntv>vilh'KOo<l multN, in Kimii -~i I’ ' ' . Iiliwl-fiinincfi from '20 li> ^Vpi-r i-c.

-alioBljl 111 11.0 limn':, ' t in t iiilm'N wtiiulC prKiliirr i-oal f J.'' IVniisylvmiia fncp n mliici'd 'ilcmo

* , lhinr„rn-;Hlrik(*'oiilp\it.. , ' Of'fliMiiwiytliP Iiim ill Ihio i-nsi-

i.> ' I'rioH hnvp foniiil I'lii-ni'ur.xiiliiititiil . th o |oii(,’.^in.:-IiL*of[tr nk the- riiiixc

of ih'iir MihxtiliilcH'iliu- lu the |Vri !. • .' . iillpiiiiw,' Ihf loKH will he mm

; ' T H E P R O B L

, \Vhifp ,lhq fi)rtil injulorcxli-;!]'i■ lo 11'.n il jmnii-nsp oil lip<l iimlrr tli<

wliirli, If lajtpi-a luiij;' lucau Rc»-at. ^ h i i l ' it I'liii he iirofilnljly "rniM-il ti '. r K ^stirrcil hy iimHliiT nort of oil

' Inirniiii; KlonniHliiiiK m nnw tii lliilii J- _iiHitK of thl’ viirioiis I'ivilixoil nulin

lltt-lii-d. ,An init-nmliminl ronfon-m't- of

Ilf the world will I'onvi'ne^ in \Vii\li : ' ’ Intion of the L'nili'il Sinlrs, in .nu

i'ill Ihp worili. (n'liuuiislK of ihu me; . inifirntory hiriN in llir iiK'n-iHin^ pi

, I’jc'oltiKfroTii jJlpniniitiiiiK., j , ' . I’n-niili-nl Ilanliiii;. iirli^> in i

m-Uif rmipnlly hy oniifrri'M, hm im JIiikIu-*, lo iiKiie. inviralioim to lln- ' inentiil poinmiOee n'|in'i«-nlinK lhe i

rbmnuTM.''interior nml iij-rinilliin’ work ilelcrniinio); ‘wliiuh halioiiK. \t

‘ ntfents fiir tlie cmif'Tcncp.. J tr jin ’fii’iilulive ,T. I'\ Applcliy, ' lire some of Ihi- fiiieKi Imtluni: hnir■ liLf tlml nt 'Allftiilii-.Cilr.-ia.Uii!.fnlh

' .. (liicL'd nml seuiircil pnMnisi.' )iy..e(mt;■ dent ifarilm ^iiT rn ll It. • r ~

I t is Jntcniicd Ihnl .the n'siili iiili’rnnliiinnl nm'oemeiil. nrlicn-hy i-.i KPc thnniiliJiler#,of nIiI|I!I flyinj: IIh lion in the ejptiion of oil-froin their

! l l where 11 w ill'd rift nho'rpwafilii, 1 I lion on Ihc.liish Kcn» ln-yoml Ihi- tli

the tiolfmnnnw in whii’li Ihe olijpel

LtMAILY TIMESOlty y id O o aa ^ of ! W n FiU i

Bsiiday t>y Tb* 71au« i^ U ib ln f 0eo- In rail*, Idtbo.


tie* u B4C0DI) d u i .UatUr.M a UUj I, April 11. Mil.__________

PTION RATB3 •■-.................... ‘ •__________ • ■ - 3.0Q__________________ ...................., . , 6 0

S T R I K E L O S S E S >

M ). ■\v i ia u -:n ,).,ilrikex. wnne w>liiO»n “'" " t ‘'’oaf. • Iite tiling.lo «ny Ihiij n o l..... rely lheIH-. hnt'.everyliiidy losen. , In nome n?r lie ininle a pnifit. Khnrer,' hiit he ll Ihc de.liluTfttiiuni m uf uiUHt hnvei(il-thej»rofilH-iir<‘.------- ----------II mori^ ’eoneilMiUiry 'iitlilmre of em. one nnoiher. I t is unmeltiinK Hint ..The utiilemiiiil .Ihnt ;tlia (perninni'lil nnnu' iii true and 'will.iiu nilnijUed

mlii Imlh renlitu il .tuk'iimruiiKhi>’ I'Oiiree, lln- old, Adaiii m ;hptlii'S\’lli.

viirrcni-luuie linotlier. .With, n.ibplter rliiiriilinn woulit .be easily.ohtnincil

nl‘..tJi KtrikcH eaii|iul he ’enleiiinlcd. r i'iifreii|ii)iidunt iell« .o f the iii’rnin. r eual »1niK(jle whieh m-emK jikely iirx Kiieeei'd in jirevenlniK the wt* I.' -Alrejiily tjri'nl fii'liU iire'pi.'riua.

_n iiil ciihc rp«ioii inny never nKnin -»o-l lip-RlrelH ndnRtrj-.in 'tlio 'l’illii-

loiioiinnheln'river may never ho rii- n(f iniporlJiiit UiHcoyerii'H liy inde. ho 'w ere foreed In lonk elKewhero Ilf tlie m inen Ktiiilic in.llie'CotiiiellH^

rom .Moiioni!»heln-river inineH were I-I tiittkiiig; 'yollnwinfj crrlni^i.' iUh- y Ihey only enn.iixe. nhoiit,.^0 iier t! Unniiellsville dialrici, ;; ' ;topiueutn ill the. Klecl iiidiutry o i.n U-llii- uttcnlioii (fiven lo prodiiction iow leiii:riliar'M i'pT '|M iri|rc<D I''fte svillp ri-uion. iletiilli-n, it H"'*" poiiilfd he niilU jiiire the ndvnnlni{e over i|nnn|ily nnd 'liniiliiy of i'okv pri>-.

innd Ihat hy nii^inir .<''’<>1 from, lhe 'iliiaHtllieH'of.Corini-llHville’ or'Monr m-i-d n hiiflier-JKmih- eokc.jjiid n

I’oenhonl iH (West VirKinin eonl) I'onljii lieiiiR iiKed n i hy-prodncl«M- eni e-i iiieren>>iii|; lhe olilpnl nf a I'cnI. ' .

iw votnllle eoid ennlinup. it mcniiH I for eoliiiiK piirpo*e« in -iveiitern irnniid o f '40 lo fld per eeiit helnjv

nse is nol lulal. Insofar an diKonv. itnlrK lhe rexnlt will he Ni |<'nin in 'nwiinenec* hnviHicen lhe a^ p t lo n •erninni'iil injury lo niinrH thnmltii' iiindL- np.' . . i

SlEM OF OILd ill the iiiHcovcry. o f.w hal neernu iliV WHleni of Ihe Clulf of >li'xii-o,

e a t‘\v«aUl» td u W y . fe’ tU-Vvelil ! I to' ihe ' iinrfnjje, the wiioIe worhl lil prnhlem. Oil ejeeleil from oil iilint; mnny wnleni nml lhe diphi- I iiliiiii). linvim: eniisl iintn, are jht. '

of the prini'iiml mnritiiiie imlioiio J n\hini;lon Ihls wiiiler, ot tlie-iiivi- .eiinMiler men.sun-s tn he tnken to ’ mennee lo fisherie.s, jiriiperly nml ( ; pnllnlioii of eiiiistnl wnlem Iiy nil |

n eoMipliiiiii'o «villi U't;iilalioii cii; innthoriied .• Secr«(»ry of Slnle I

111- ennferW irppnnl' in iuler-dejinrt. le dep.irlmenl* of sKiIp, war. niivy, ' ire ami Ihe shippinK-bnnrd is nt‘.w ill hu invlled nntl.formiilnlini; |

by, N'l'w .lersey, in wlione u ln le ’’ fiiehi-s on Illl' Alliinlic eoasi, nota. \ ntlicr ot-tlin.<'(iiift'r»iH<-e.— Ne-iniro' mt;rL'i;.-i nf n hill uulhoriziiiK I’rexi-

ull of Ihe eniifiTcnee will he.nn aeaeli iinlion will ]ileil(re iU rlf lo ^

l« ffac will exeri'iV every pn-enii- illeir ii'liipx nml 'in no ehsi- will eject S. llei’nune no nntioii' linji jiirisdie. li' tlirep.mile limit, nn oKieemeul i>( 'jj ‘Cl i;iin he altninotl, ilumeslic le'.'is---------------------- :---------------------------- fi

■ o:


lhe ' ' me ■ ^ he

i _ ___ • ‘li'ih a rfen w h .to M tx .ah c n- film. Out il'l harder fUU (o n t bis

m. . battnlo(4Mu9i9I«horNtnth*U.a • >t,ta»mer»y,ert,cthU.OTfa»r.Llw


, DALLAi.lTofrvAufi’a t-T hs-In t ''i. word.ln T B i i n 'W ipMi.coUr pb-' in. Illlcol cmnp«T*aiM*Ueea »polien'lm(l , lodar'ibi) luKle of bnlloii b*c>n.

’ .VoHr» wcre lii chow*DrinotrMIe ■t. npmlnriD lu enier lho seiieral elccilon

In XoMiulHii- fur Uiilie.1 S u tn «<n«. liir and jimcllcally all in^Jiir iU(«

. oftleen cictpl Kovorniir,- wlilrli vai , (iDlllnl On.'>>lTolr In Ibe fint yri-

in*rr. • *is; -TJio'Kn-Ktux-Klan-luuo iwrbsen

(be dominant luclor (rum lbt.*lart . The race for ,ienalor U between

•0. E arl,a .M«yfl«l<I. .iipporU'd b; ibeI klan and JBmn' E 'OrRuion. lm.

peached . Koreraor. who liu Ullrrlrro uppoted llie klan. . , -i„. -In ibB 'flrtl prininr? iif Juir Jft '*•, .Mnyfleld Iwl a field ofal* cnndldain• |«IUnR ■iiproVnialel)' I64,M».m (M • , nsalnnl Kcrsu*6n;» I J I W

is- ----------------- — p .


Tiroma* Hlscln* rui'ura^ WedDM; a- .lay from T w I a ^ r n w ^ i ^ l I M I *

l>cen .for^»BTc:r l;Sa)Ti under

t-r Mm. Uerrjr-J)uncan, w»i ln Roi!*f> •on WeilnBiddr'qnrouie (rorii Twin l-^lli 10 her')ioibfl.'al.Chliia<ertek. /.

_ _M r. aadiAlr»..vWi:«iJJInn^6i9l'i«4, 1- 10 Kiko,.;s'?«da._\W«dnMdar,

11 TIiomiit'^^Owenipbf^TwIn'ftll* WM

” Urown S iic li..v^ ' ■ •’-'V ’V ;.' E. \V. U llIlller..iH)ildt(l«*'ln«p>e. lor of San 8i-nndtco;'Wi* In Iloitr:

'> non .Tbumday on'ofricldl InitliHi..;Ifl . Mr. M(ll.r'cam*-ln.vla:CbarI«lon.

Jarblrtue and Thiye Creek nt>d-|elfi>a Thunilay .auBnlng'fur San Jarlnin, Conlael nml WelU.' ' ' ' j

Dr. R U. Van CnlV ot T-«ln IHH* ■'* wa» In UQceraon ThuSday on pro- -n feMlonal l>uilnMi.‘ ■ , :

.Mrt,’U'E.'Duncan relurnedThnn.■' day (rom.-TwM ralf* where ahe went , 10 liave'ber eyea etamlned. Bhs w^i

obllceil lo’relurn Tlmmildjr afiernoan *• .wllb Dr. Van CVilt.for Ireatment. in Mra.- I.ucflle Oolt of Twl? F'alli

■’W. ln llosenon .U’edneadBy rlililnc wli^itrlendf aml looklnB Micr haall

iil 'jiMdilourr.li.. • . - * T ” ------rJaasca D..Grcea and frank PeUy 'nioiarcd.lo ibe couniy aeal Thanday.

' r^Doane lludinn.KBi In llosmon oa . Tliirnday cnraule' froni Twin Falla

]o:hla bome In Jnrbldss N’<<r«>Ia. iTrtd Wallen of Tbree. Creek wni

;ln:Jto*e'*on Tlluradny vnroule lo llic “ couniy neal. . ',!■ . - li. Mn.'Molduabauer of. llollltUr rli- ,, llnl lu llocernou Thuradar 'wlib ber " moiber. Mn, Anna WiirVp; . ' ' i ill Mn, J. n. Uinufiird niotnretl In | ,il Twin Palla Wednr.ilay lm bunlii««. i " W. >1. Hnyder nf Urown llencli waa i 11- In lown'Wednradny looklnc Aftrr but. J . Inrai mallera and biiylnii aupptlo. < ' ' ' lllirihmn Ilid Iila alalcr. Mix llaiel |

Ihmn. and h*rank Van illl>n of llouio Creek were HogenoB Tl»llor« Wtd* I

. ne.,lar. • ' ■ 1I- flrorse a Voabnrs. Ibe rrad man. t ,, waa In lown Wedneiday nn liuiltieti,. I. r. lloilenUr.nnd E, E. IIws tII o( n icr were, llie’ ahlppera «f four ( j] rar loada i>f fal Inniba Tueailar from i

itoxeraon in .m lero markeli,

1 M URTAU GH1. . ■. ._____________ ^ I

, ■ • . . • Iit Mr^ Slilpp ot Twin. FVitla l» TUIlInK ' wllb ber dausliicr. Mn. Perry I’a*•• plneiiu, • ' . ■

Jack Fuller nnd dnuebter Olia were , Twin rtlla »lillon Tliundnr, j

.Miaa .Itarolby Sulllran of Ooliien ' 1. Valirr apenl Tueaday wlib Mlu Klla ■

i- .\iri, tw aard Wixkllaml; . ^Marlow.Ilowley-lcfU lbe-M lU tttk. i

for .Vampa. wbere be wlll jprnd a ll number o( ..*a)-« In lho barrefl (Irldi, ' , . Mra. Alice Malhow waa a liUilnria

.rla'Uor In llanaen 'Momlay. and iptnl [*• ili'e aflemnon wllb. ber nieee. Mn. “ , Gua Siorra. , ,® ' 1 Mlaa Olia True and Mn, Olbi fSil- '>• ler apenl IVlday la Twlp Valla., .. W. a irall .waa a bualnem »l»llor ' IR Hurley Wedneaday. ' *• 'Mr, and M«,-A. W. Bberlock and- famiijro(-Fpaiitff-tt'B«bmnoin:alleft •;

on Muruugb tricndi Friday wblle on I

I T W I N F a i L S p a n

^ . S e e ' T h i s ' '

jeMeovera*«r.whra:lilirid(r.U 'blm lo w erer alao*. .Tet-Wblaky.th* i ’.a A m r.E ouupeodov tra itilneha . .

I»*cUttf. ct Foy Snemag..>lhui..

j lo':l>#'lmprorlnK'lroin'-*n opentloa forrapBendlcHli. ; -'r’ J . .

IH ,.;te. ‘and- Mn'.’, KenrV; Appleba'um ' ladi rainllr .apent Tbnridty ermlns

U I n w i i b . r 4 l « t l r e a . ’;• ^Mr.■anl ',M^^.••Arl!Me' Tolmaniand , ' ' dauRblar-reiurnad bom e'(b lapail

week from W/ihpal. where Mr.'TolmaB waa In'charge ot a aeilloa. ' ■ '. ".‘Mr*. Myro'McAniyre of Daaln, la .ilfllliiK wllh hgr.’broiher. A. Tojman arid'fnmily. , ‘

Mar Appvlbaum rfUiriiol home Frl- day from a week'a rlill al bla couiln Arnold'* honie tn Kden, -

Mn. Helen Manbal reiurnH bom* ” Saiurday (rom a aborl Tlall wlUi

frlenil* In Uurtey.. , ..MUi.J>lae.AlMrboliiKr and. broiher,

*" Dick nr Hurley, and J m Bcbulor _ apenl the week end wlib Marion and

Illllle DIckty. ;"* H F. Walker w u a hutlneai vlillbr !?• In Twin nill* Monday. . >, ,■

- .^Yauk Terrlll'Miint Monday In Twin I>IU. whertf lleYlnaiacleir .builnna.

- altondBd Ibc *hbfe-W»y, lQWj|•E*al•,■ ,Mrflnd M n ',M rl 'W « rb t;O a r .

, ntU'.gipliit ,ib» 1ia.t‘ w*»k'aitllb-'Mr, Worrell'»,>pren;l«', P.

"• '.vWA&m.S'aTbs.’ Auj:''ji-A n order, 'b W*lnii1lni |wihna*l*rii .Ibrouibout ^ .Iba,couniry lo *lop'tb»,dell»ery.'ot ,r mall* ai every dwelllni bom* . aol

barlnic anloi or box ror.m an'tt tb* "■ (rom door wa* laiuad'loday.by A*- ,; *l«an|i Poaimaaler -aeDiral .Uarltetl. *; A'nmlce'ot fooVm'onthk'I*''|lten

cllitena lo provide lh*,*lol'<ir.r»c*p.» lacle. After lhai Um*'bu expired Iba

■" delivery o( mall Wlll-be. etopped'at home* o( dellminfDl palrona. .Tha'or^

>• der wa. laiu.,-d to *pe*d,up'c*rrler daiivertea.-

I- . . ;V : . . .4 'I ' . ' . i Iir 1.0H A.VOKI.ra, Aus. k.^Pollre f

planned to break open a aate In/lbe « :n bome of ibo laie 'JYed Oultrrelcb. i

Milwaukee anil Annele* m*nnlac‘> < la iiiurer In'Ibo’ liellet lbat paper* *aM >• Jo be In Uie aa(e,‘ may n rea l aoEi* ■

eluo lo hi* myiierlou*.munler early <1 H In ibe week. .0 Oeilerrelch wn*.*hol lo i|« lh Ie. -i I* bla home hero>l mldDl(hl Jual ndcr■ ho nml bl* wKe had rtliinied trom |

an evening party.- ' - ! I ■' .Snne , kut Oeilerrelcb knt* (he '' S eomblnailon of ihe-aafe. 'To Open ll, r crackimen'B melbod* wl|l be retoil»l e a la ' .• «

Oflleon (rankly admllled Ihal .hey > are (nllowlns'bnl'a eleaderclue In I openlns IIib' aafe.,

Mn, Ofttmelch save her eunienl <' to Ibe aearcli of her deed liuttinmr*

[prlvaie paperi. . e

.IMITHKkI hOvI meXT O.f ■ < ; • aB . TO IIEI,EASE T. MODSEI ^

B anCAOO. Auk,’ig-Anoib’cr'earn.' *p*l<m lo lecur* Ihs^releaa* of Tom >

„ Moobey and Warren Dllllns*, wbo a n , in prlaon Id .Callfiimb accuaed of pai^ a

ilcipniliic'Jn Ibp .Rallonally known f,:f rdi«6uniUor-|Srmmiiii.ni-6n Fri'p.

vkco. baa boen utarled-by .Leonard ri . . . . . . _____ a; • «unn»rA>'K ffAnsiNfl citex . it, HOUSTON, Au*; *«,-.Wamlnn bt o1 a.hiirrlcane now resins In JheCarlb. c. , bean *ea and.morths In the dlrielton a;

of Ihe Oolf of Mexico wfr* *eBl,0(it ■. by. the weaiher bureau bert loday..' A

r Otflee deaki. .flllns eahlnela and t^PlAln al CIs* Uook'Siure. ' n

I , ij( —Hlrtnre*-framed“eorTKItr-at-Ct(er Ti , Dook Slore. tl

Graini! Prices' ,GbO , ' Down in Clucago

CUIOAQOi' Aut.' 2t.-Gralb price* ' declined on,..the Chleato boanf-Vt

inde loday-due to a rallln'i ott b( txpbrL,demand;aad beary .recelpl*. Protlalona'were lower. .

Sepiember >t(«ai 'opeoed.'at lt.02 up Vie and ciMtd oft Hc; r}eeem<

' ' ber opeaed up a l-tU IU and ' cloaed oft Kc; May opened up He

at..tl.M il;.w iiI,.slo.«U U .W e,;. , - September cora opened up Tie

al «#Kc and 'tlw id o« ,Uci DMem- ' ber openetr up' Kc a l u l io 'und elo*-

ed oft'W c; M*y opened up Wc at MUc and cloaed'down Uc..

September oalr opened'UM Ue at . ' u a jc and r)o*r<l down'Je; J)e«ui>»r

opened up He' al .34Uc nad cloatd ,' off -.^c: May opened up .«e n f « e

nnd cloaeij'dowu ^c.

. irilBAT PIlicEK. •. CHICAOO. AU*..

•. 1 hard, « .p 5 i i . ',

XKW' fm iK MOStV. ■NKW .TOnK, 'AbK. J6,-SlBrlln«

M,41 S-IS: (ranca .07ESK:.llrp. .OIU;. mark*, .OO O t f t . .

— . t^ ihucjo LirRHTorK. '— .CHI(»aO.' Aus,.'2C-.Hoxa:rtUcelpl*i led MOO;'nfarket *low,'i»te*dyMop. tSK; loa bulk ' ot .'lalei,. tH.SOOS.tO; lietvy,. . «7SO«.16:-’ "pfadlUm, -|l.7SO»,W; m ll|ihl,'|M 001.t{; tlsbl Ilib tirU IIO Ins »,tB;'packlns-'aowa; beavy; M.7SQ

7.K: iiacklns aow*, 'rousb,. K.ISO md 8.*!: 'plg*.-m0O»,7E- ail Callle nwelpi*,''!MK);' marktl lan iteadr,"choice and-prlme-'llO.MO , J0,«:..medlunl' B'n'it'sbdd'«,0DOM,59! la common »4 tC I,09 : .sood 'and 'cbolce

an ||.7SO10:<0; common nnd' aedliim', )6,0QOS.}C;, huich’er. caltle 'and .half.'

‘rl- en. . M.WCS.OO: cow»~|3.85e*.00j' lln bull!, 3,760fl.Ml cannon and.cut-

• le n ; U60pJ.76rcan«er aUen. |J,7S me 04,CO; m l calrei, . }1I).7S01L«; IU) feeder’ aieen |&.S0O8,00; d o c k er . *ieen, 1f7S07.SI); aiocker cowa and

«r. be!(erir'S,MOS,60.^----------------- T “:lor Bheep — Ilecelpl*,'. I,MOi .markel nd Ileady; lamb*, lamba,. cull and'common, «,M012.10! yeari-

lor Ins welhen, W,7BaH.J5:'eweii,,m 07.DS; cull to common eWe*, M.OOO

'in 4.0*. .aa. . ^ .Ill .. i i;m aB o * i’OTATOEfc. . ( a CIIICAOO, Aus.; M.:.:polaloe*4 ' Mlnneaoia. and early Qlilb*. tl.loQ

">lU 6i 'Wlicon*ln cobbleh.'.ilaclTed, nJ I1.7C! OreROD roiin'dilwbtie. t m ; Jt. N«nr_Jeney cobblen. tOOQtljl.. ;

tf. f - v’oMAirA L irm oC K .'.'^ - p. 80UTH;oMA1!A, Nebr, Aus. '20.-e

CaWv^JUtripla .IMt ..m artn . nmn‘- J". In*l:':y*arl|nn'. moOMJIDi, aiMrV.

7.SS; enire*.' 16.00010.06; -lull* .'n'bd lias*. t2.7S03.76; wealorn ransen, »6.00Ot00.. , ' ' , .

' Hcn^nieelpi* ,COOO; market alroni , ld.Ii;c'hlth*r::bulk,o(-Ml*»,^|7,00O

— ».00r«op,'l»,10i------ w . ~ 'Slieett-II'ecelpia ICO'; matkerabm.

. Inal:: Fotben,, I8JIOC8.60:...'Iimba, fl.tg.O.»f00;.; awe*,.. OOQT.oy.'..,:.!',

I HAJinbcK WBUiflMEfl sirtr;Y .Ji_EqAniin(« .w . z ..j?08 te r

, . i)D t\sn ;A u i.*r brouK ht,by;ib*,A ^an,;dvll ,llb*r- ut t|«i. union ot NejfA orllohlaatiAa' ot Jalant O eoarol^lHlammkM * ««|1 " «P»JI.^W.Llhi;fflt(w Ji»;d*larerf t ^

S»'*Wlte!W2tPr asltaior,.trom the aiaie r y *ntly. :

Melvin Trotter GeUit£' io ivw ii 'i(» iaD k .iM ia ij,- ir .lS t-:M Melrin & Trolltr. jranstlU t, won a

; jU . U Dunham lollowlns-'i^‘*ull,by r 1Vcti«r> ,wi;e. (or .aeparaie.',inaln-r lenance.......* ' ■'* -,: "Improper, cbnduer.',a’nd;,"chi«ii- il cbarse* ni*do Uy'Mr«, Troder'ajalnot

Her’.huiband toSeiher '' .wlih •'.lhe •0 rharse that..Trolier:wa* ihe’fallier ,a of VIorenee Moody'* ehlld born In h, Julr.1017. were adjudsed “not.pror- c. «n-,tn, Judse Dunham'* rerdlcl.’M Mn, Trotier'«.'*uli Woa dlamlaiedi;; | . '.KNULi; .' :t„ > -II, A mlalake waa made InUe’prinllns'I of lhe laai.-Kouirnewa,'whleb w*,• wlab lo'correcu It wa* Thunday that Jf Meain. Vielor Haab .nnd.Cederllns n and lb«<r. (amlllea .went lo.Antilaa.

Mn. C. K. Knull returned hom* at- ,l ler an exiemled vWi In O rem.* ,Jln . U Ji, Holloway laii .week re-

eelrwl n,,vlili.from her,alaiir, Mn,• VMM.njut taaUy.'Jrom-thrtae. They

are enVoul* lo Columbia. Mla*o*rl. f ' Mlaa Audrey Simmon* from Kim- . berty,haa been TlalUas her aunt. Mn •' a : T.'noueb, . •

I- . Jtr. *ftd-;Mn. CMrpe Uneoln hate a, relnrned (rom a flihlns irlp.'* ,.Mra. noy Bmlih ha* been enlorlns ■f a-Tlalt trbm her moiher, Mn, Mlnoln (rom.Naw.York_,----------------------I- Mlaata 7.elma WrlRhl gnd Thenna d Uneoln'bave been Ylalilni In ibe Mut.

a n te homa' n. i.^ TbTa^V P.'tl'b rilm fe-pTKubuKbIt havlnc a aoclal al the clini^Thun.

if day evenlns. Th« ;io*ln« aW*:ln.;tli*!• ^onleai U lo cnlertaln ihB'Wlnnlns a aide, and all tbe cburch U’^Ttied.V

a rpaionep! ’o ii sTK mm.iH tfW KT. jn.SEPlI I’Oim t TOPAT

1 BT. JOSKPH, Mo... AOS, 2e-8e**n- leen allfsed Commanlata eaplured In il!*'. " / .’'’"j"??'? w?» ,«»«litHad

X Tifi^iM*y.^lISrJieaTnih vTblailan ot tb* •lale ayadlcallam law. . .. '

Q u t S h o e X a c e i ' S a y r ' ; r .U ^ t i - 'C o r a e t S o c i c t y

I ■l.SDIAS'APOl.rS,'Aug.‘ 2«^Cul'yourI aboe Wcea, boyi . ' .

• Hum your l«lf»,*'coll*n'and. He* aad look (or. lhe woman .’Wtarint

' lurklih bloomen ’ *uipeDded (rom g o a llltle w«l*L ;

- .Tha,anil'conel aocleiy cam*,Inlo ice* belns-today.• i-':-v t "Too late," laldUhe t^ppcn. Wa

W dontiwe*r'efa"*aifway.'! ■ • pl*. .SO 'Anna.U e, toubder of .IliO'lo-

clety-declared mta' art.cbmlns’r^xL 1,02 :..-Thor*.are. a . few old ScpaildM m - left,- *ho .*»ld.--W*ai I t t thea 'lnd and Ihea ll'* iu*i'a *tep to. the.jarten, He aboe laee*; bell* and-Mllan;. i

Mn. U * ha* worked twelrn yaan>ie lo br'Mk'the'aleer'Wv**."’ ...........tm- . ‘ A <llTlne:rfvaUUoa;eam*’ la mji lo«- In - tm ,- *fa* i*atd,' rahowln^rin*. Ut«

• ' ',A f«w year*.Uter:<*b*ilrlcdi<lo at hare ' consre** forbid lb».-i««ftrln|

i>»r 0/ roneta, but ll .wa* dtcMed iWi ■«d a .'conalllutlDnal' amendmeM woald SSc be n»ee**ary (Int.. •-..• 7 " '

A* pan ot ber cimpalsn Mn. la dn lsn lns-a model'coitume, (or women

Jfo. II cin'alit* ?f low .htiled f t i S Ibat donl l*c* above Ihe'anhltr'K)^

' *ock* not held up by ja rten i bine ; . WooBrtr* hm 6''loo*»ly ’ Irma' the lni w alit.'- '. '. '. .'. '■ VU ; “We Will take-'donatlon* ,on^a

. pamphlet eolllUd' “iave tha'Dable*’’’ but' we're- nol- orianlied tor' prpnt,"

• . ahe'Mid; ’. ' r . . pla “ "7 hoi)*and* -btibable* 'ar* bom->l»-' » i

I I FORDTS : W i t h . S t a r t o r . ‘a n a ' D i w .E i n i s , R . G . B lrO H v

II FORD Rlf ' W i t h ' s t a r t e r , a h d b e ; E ; ; E i m s , F . { ) ; S i ,T : w i i

1 Western Atrl-


a Business!!> y'. ‘Eveiy studeritVJei

; ; ' '^ e h o o j v d r a i n ^

J ■ l eiyBtadentipr,o(i to 8pe!i(J--wi 5j M n^ .• Suiiny Sou’{fieMd&m. V

f - -Gooding

i l H^ lij) ill eoiiiiiig.idtli.hoijiiji

; j ; A ■, '.v lT iiii^

;• 'S 0 x 3 J : C o r d .

e 3 0 x 3 i , G , y , e i ; s i 5 £ . ^

» ; 3 0 x 3 ;

j; . ; a O x 3 i ' i ^ r i i ! > i ; l : . : . ^ ^

J - 3 0 x 3 J : ’B r u n 8 \v ic K l . ' i '

n . M other slioi eot

' Guarantee Vulc.. p l4 ,P .fd ; :

i i ^ S S m S S m m m S S m

i Special';There, nrc |pin!nn*

nrc 'ilistrji^lnni for .ihem a ‘ ■ on ly 'i'xc lim \y , eylin’der iRriiiilci e tr ic i . . .

[ . I’iek yoiir phoii-c (if p'sion, wc g

1 __ _________ _____..1

L cnr ry a 'c b m plota' l i ^

\ s m c i p ir .v;. \ '"W e,';A re 'N o t'jB «8& ^)b iit

j ' ’ eccnil •Av!iinn»:^orth.-' • ■ I ,

' . ' , . . .fSA Tim PA Y , AUOIOT 2fl„ip22'.

'“ ’'"wmca .'becauae • iblr moib'ch' plucb '. Ihelr' wnl*!*." ' ‘ •'» •’ •'

■ty r il> ,a .alnl".^;;,.; ' ■, ’ ..'

oil'r D r i i m ^ i ^ P ^ t e c t i o n '

nS, ■ .NBW VoRK. - A u t . . : * ^ * York > mual'be made aafa ror’inrmvelllns

■ man; tlie pollce'dknrtTdJSy.:-.' Oenenl alarm (or tbejpundup o(

S f S a ^ j i S::*,x>< ^iniereUI:J£^T*Ien;,:.cofi;}ieM'-.ihe, . fflAr* in crap lane*,'.'. • ' .M f f f l l ! !

i<lo *libln,v >i ’. '• • '.v.r....... '<ln< ..;-Come.oa':*e«n, *w**lIC!“needi n ’ I>4« permanefll ware.'!.’, . ‘ "

I ' S a S S i l r l i "In ibeou'-. . .. ••' . f •

the ' .Ten pnt and take samea'.'^^tch aalA ' V lhe.delectlre* alwiy*.>ak(',lhe vli ..

tim put aad never lake. M 'l'! e*;; - Two Dlqride*. -. ^

’ ’’ '.W i repalr'lypewritera..•••Clo*'.Dook .sior*, ; ' : ; ; . ' ^- ; . :

i-i ) e T n o u r i ta b le : ,> ? .T ^ >

SlljWAfil ■

D e m o im ta b l iB ' ^ w i n F a I l 8 . ^ . : : ; ; : : $ 5 | 0 , 1 0

inieii Boost

1 tract" '

fb iiii ii!!: i n , '' f i r i n g s 'I ^ O O i" •'.

g eQ lleg & -

iil'imrrej* hnilfiVhpa' >^f"iY ff|i ;

oh tVrilji.^V, '. r . ', ,-.. 'j -i '- '

..................................... . . . . $ i ) , o b .

............................... . « 2 . s o

eot for ft'fow dayi. ' ’’.V i, ’• '

l i a n g l i i i l

I i-;,lM4-. -iv.’'. : . /nmi' itl,the U.,8.__ '.

n till ns wij .nro the oritrinni nnd 1 idcri-in.,'fhtj\-^iitvi;nini]ii|l§ii| ,dlii. •. • ‘ I.-.:,','-:,:,-.,’; j

•c ^nraVi{,otv!o'I1i1.lij!ii{^fliiJijroj^^^^^ ;

i m o a A m , y ^ v E a ^ ; j ^ . - i ' . '

eO O N Iig f::

Page 5: TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

, SA T tm bA T ^’A b q u sT 'sc, i a 22.- Vt..

'T iniK' A S u b s c r i bi * * » : V r . ^ V r , e v n r v j k

■ ^ " f e l a c h ' f a m K ^

£ a s d v S S i s « m e h C I 'iT o u M

th e i i l a t g e s t - B W o m -

, : : V i f e l p ' ^ M f e d ■ F o i

SALE8Mffit.=:-it 70U « « iHw; • 'r e eU( r tu ; wrilt'm t. Hiroiit lloi'toT i'oon Mlilt ilore*. Nitlonstlr •d»«rtlM(l,. — Ub«t« *»a»ir:i<Imc#lqDrcdue»rt, , FO Wi'W«rnB.7ttN'I»!«--EuclW 'Ctii»e* prlM

■ Tim»

'b nnd Bitn'i’itilrti dl* price'■ ne i lo Ko pplU t or e w f l- 65US

«ne« T«qutred.“ PrM Mmptei. tlijU:- ion-Hllli,)^.S-PcMdwfly. Ktw

, W A N T E P : - M a n ; , f o r i i L,TwlB F»'lli;«n4m«n-or.WomM rleln* • c»i Hr.ot.Itopftrt.,Durler. Oood- alw.

- ' Ins/' u d SbotboDo,- lo . dtmoailnla .(inu, lh#8*dirIi«Pr*»»B»«Cook«rMaC«n- — -

' " 'pi>5^ ' rowi -In ono-third tlB i SoldloD; W ‘

■m»oti’.carrled,br’coinpwy Md h n a lt»‘.own pwmtnta on ne tl- .ud Mal .. qu

■ bHU.‘ 8m Jnno DillAMt'or,' («km 10' i f ' and Yi;-«U$»&tfOood UauiekHPln'R,

denion»tf#lort *ho',iro-.in#lilnt »10#, pijB ;w«k..Wrlio Jn.»tpi;#nd llr* r»r»r-to rn

' enett. Albert BMhrl«lUtg..Co.;t7n rbou Lbiao Slreet. Denrtr. C^lo., , . '—

k .• WANTE&i.M*B'4ni wlf*-for neB- yo •41 ' work,' ptRiiineal potlUon. net- cltl

■ ... < ^ ce i:iiq u tt^ .,U : pr«kmu,IUcb^^ d iU.

• \VANTBI>rCow-'' •>“MS Stcond »[ML..rboBe.-nSJ.' .

■ ' . !'r ira la th e M rkU '/oM n tnllmlU l« . i^ U m o n B t.6 t’u»d rordk Will par ' iS a culL-KC«ntni;Qar«6K SU .Bbo- Uom: i^* 'B tA w »< ;-«>i>irir,:;V!- »!i:

' - ’i^The?M lBU I tan k « ^ ^',Uonv:fof;thU;tttrilotr.:-A8dr***.-k- - rS :

.. ■•tt*-OBae™eod.-. OUUrAWBt.^Brl*jri

v j m■ '. *iUa#leroBr.wofbfW*wlHu»#roB (Twl

, ,i-i»bn«jrv:Tlione.K.//MooB'i,Bbop.,

F o r ^ S s ^ A u l k O t t i o b ) ! ^

- -TOR' 8AJ4fl-B6d|«'i loarlB8.;#ad O.-Ci

. . :ron: tRADG^Por>^>H rbou. \coo p * .,6 T ia ii* ::K lu e l K»f. ~ro R *PBP*.»*»"BTn?'.tii*’crii»-

.' - ' d*r. OrifldfiC' l«7:»na">TftBB*,pprtb. -.

i 7 Pct^Fainn'I^aii* ':...

rm 'P L A C B --'.-: • a.B .- N eir.jiiml jeeeond'-hBBd.eloUilD* :—

• •■bo'o|M-in?<ofc;J08-8o'aUi-8ao*b9B# .--f'

. : ; . ITOBllAI. PAftM WViB ' d ari' rlor | £ J•' . : to-thrB-Sfl'oRnoBer,-! W.,McD4*r

■ , olC •f"-B. fl.-B'o'n, Btao.TMW. '.. Jlr,

. , ’•■-•CBrtalw W *ilied'-or-9thleb»d- — '.'WkH 6n l* ii.«B Bomfi'M»lB...l'boJi» -IT"■ ' U M . ' - ' - I - ' to'bJ

. > * ^»B yrw ai.iu5 l oUi*r,Bdrfnt*i»i. (or^

proiwrtjr Iq rortUnd io iradi loMoli n T<*la Pill^-m B*'.7K ’r-- '' '. l« ' '»

'. o iit , o t ,TwiB;'Fiiu;»or- ( tti . ;:,!«* v,-., :.p fie*,"«ur''U hni. ..lUiWeacBcjW

• U bcoIb »Um L '.- '. .-

s-; 2rftldtB e>ijB T w la;M li.w llb ',. '..-k'

' ■

r " r r v - i n [ f r n ' l r r r l r * ~ * ”” '. .rbon«-«,-Ml[ for.-.wMl ad 'iaW,*,-v L - .

r i b e r s ' r e a d y o u r " W a n t j i f i s u i I f y o u t a k e a n a v e i

18 w o u l d m e a n , 1 6 , 0 0 6 j

a k e n o c h a n c e s w i t h T i m '

i - V i c i r c u I a t i o n i r i . T w i n 'F a l l

^ b r S a l e M is M 'H a h e .o u B ___

■rou SAIJJ-JInuietfold fBmllur*. p -bone-Mant ' . ; : •■'

FOU BALl^liidl»n.llcrclo..'tMh rlM IM. Addrw# Uox :p. cure ot

8wMt"qorn for/caniilns.' , 8p«l*l s’ , rice for nexl ton d#r«.' Telephone « 'tii.. " ' ■ '•■• • •" ■WR- .8Al.B-CiUBlBR • tomsloe*.itbR rour box.'' n PW buibol. Phone18. D. K. .Fro«l. Public BIfltkei; I— Can Tour lomaloM .while tber are . le*. .The Uler.'one* are n e w ra i v^j mi. Ed -Vance, I'ublle Mafkat. .., " ,^1

iS p il^ ^ ^ ln ^ M i& P h o M 61731 no mllw; Tft«t..ot Souili Park-Rro- ^

DUHL JIELONS r o u SALE. Whole- noftl lie or retBll. .F roall I'nbllo Ma'tket. ; r — bOBe':»». .. ' ■••/ :i- ' .PIAKO, VICTOOUA. and.M. rKordi —tr 'u le at b barcelD taken Bt,onc«. i FO bone M3R1.' P. O. Doi SIS. , hoou

oyer Diag.,'.rtiene S m or «Mlt (or^ FOR SALB^rtmu* auairi*!. pp*- —— al prico ca^food blrdi, t u i r to ‘ TO laU -'PhO Pa-m R.---— j— g**^ CUCUUDEU8 - FOR BAlfi-'A lliai. ,?At.P«»“ «'- «» - r -in. Pboae »9W .-•. ' ■• • - , -^^T. HOUSEHOLD TURNITORB FOR HLB-laclBdln* Ilrlas rooa. dinlaj ,Nn. bed room-and kitchen piece*. Ou 10Tca.v£verrlblBsJ(^ CalU U 4U Oedi

FOR BACB-D*i^ cup*, crate* end i* *upplle*. TOyf*. a.; Mobn‘« Bbop. ind i

POn;BALBi-Pilal. I l » par 61 ^ a.iKBti6nln*inbullc A laoalari* : FO oeJt o t> * l l paMr.'Pboa* Nn. S. iparl loon’* 8bop.. ; Apt*.M R BAUJiilTBiUoa »eeder aad j. FO

I t r . I b r fin«f^»afl*U»;o(!P«WM-KSS ■li,.aiadIoll,.and':olber.*. perennial . laal* .rotr fall; pttaUB|,.'KTlt« for «* doialpU v r*ulo«B* jBil ort lhe .1 '

i.mlir*outb of Soiilh Park.qrowrj-. - = '..Catbr^FOR BALB-Sow»;v .wlkh'i-'-imerf Wot

h<me S76RI. v brew.WANTED TO n u y -F r l.n 'a ad f*t ||onaaa. Thone »1«W. CM. Foatth *a*t — PIRBTCI.A88C0WB.i‘n.‘r . CI*rliihon^H n8 .'i;,t:v „ ';-:;J u - 'w : , : iwo.';, TwlB rtJU -PonUrr ■ Co. .p»r»,' Bpet ^ u h p r lM 'i t all lime* tor;pontur. T^i i boa*.17S..'.»< rontlh'aTannlJoaUi..vB.:8ti^B.>HT.v:.;^-^V'^-^-:.r'^ D >j

g B pajidand^K poiit [iflDOAItSEnS WANTBO-nooa. a ^ (‘ - .p sard iB prlrita boae. . lUtb^ noM ; i;- tgl^FD«rth-wwt.:Pboa*.4«R.'. •

■ i i g M i s o a i s n e p u B i S

The Salrallon Anny of Twin,FalU :'bft»lnn, M1U-. for .chlldrea'*. clolb- “ » i<'befer»-ichool,conjm*nc«: Tba mc*ri,wm-call for Ib ra l( letl wllh i*.Conwajr A«i6;*hop.'Maln atrMt, f” ,,' rpboaei'7W '.'-,‘ .. ': .: ' .Sill;'

per'-'wni ’ Imn*’- marl b<' •♦earwl ■' Pu ir anr pgrpo*o on farBrtandi, Irrl- l,H* « Htd,land*,'.lo-.bur or bnHd'homw. v J ' iir or:F#rm, njider our^flral mort- « m ' Mt«xearUtlaioi...BilBk*riL:ny**n*

F R E C i a . E S ; A ^ ^ H I S F R

: i r w i H F A

t A d ” i n t h i s p a p e r , r e r a g e o f f b u r r e a d - ’

I _ r f a d e r s , f o r . ' y o u t , -

m e s A d s . ; s i n c e ' w e

a l l s C o , u n ^ , '

. F O K K E M T , /

fOBKE,'(T 9 room' niodvrn tiouae well

(urnlelied on Slh oYenue aurlli'. -Poueaslon Seplember 1. IW.OO -----per moalli. ' . . -

• 5 rown hmne'nnd Ualll. Blaia- cd la *1t#pln8. poreb ou Ilti aT.e- • •HUB entt. I2A.OO per monlti.

• iionEttTs.JU'm /rY CO..'ThMO UJ.------ .Woodi Did*.., • ■

FOR HBST-6 room boaia furnlali- . . ' a, clD(* tolachooX. big r*,rd and bade treea.. Two amaU boue* Ib lifeta r’furnlihed Jor'llxht hoaiekeep- I f 405 :nd atenue. Borlbi .• I'hono .- .m . . - ' ..V'‘ ■' ■' • ■ ■FOR RENTr-noom eloaa'rlB, with

oard It desired. aiK Seconi) avenue ortb. • ::noom and Boari.lh-'raodirn-tiome. , UHlh awnue nortb. Pbnat .lH l. .• FOR RENT-^Two-'ior ihree-room , .

ooiekeepl'ng npariment and.ileeplni . aom.. 411 '>Vwi Alalii. . . ,' rumlibed'Toom*. atrlcllr nodirn.

ir rent. Meala IC dealred. Phone t;W.. O t ilnd arenue weel. ; ' .FOR RE.ST-FII* room modera '

*alUni.:4'IW th.aVa« f q r t t J» o , „ locka trom hlsh' acbool,' cooUailoTe loea wllh hoM*. Call ,8M. ___Two rtMm cotUK* mraUS«d foi'

no people. Phone 673MJ. .'. DAKEK nOOXS

•Out.Ia tho atr and QUIet Dath *6c.:eda !ee..Uooma Mo. Alao shack to anU ',4t8 South Main.." ■ • ,FORrRENT-Llibt bona»keeptM '.-V

nd aloeplas room*., as* Mh aT*aoe , ,v ait.' Pbon*. 76>R. . . . • . • . • ’ '•■FOR nSNT—Tbrt* roon tan libk i

partmaat,. r*Moaabt*.'v Daajalow ■■■y .pti., .tlh a t .B8d Second btwb* m f.

p!mj;'!c?b*e;l^*ai'.Joir’n tii r 'b ^ ^ ij'" .’ w kernoaU b ')T baO ifb rd ,'.tft]^ . ■

. - i o s t . S n d , E o , u n d . , ; _ ^

'FOUND^Boj'* ;coal,' near 'roek . '

ame:and-parlaiffor thl».ad.- V,.,-.

,BTRAYBD-Oh Augaal,17 fron 4 •llle* aoutli ot.ErlckMn’s ran]* near .boabone'basln.ono (ean mult*, one rewn and oa* liar, bolh'hare lialteni. to reward-lt.r*tarnwJ';lo/llo»Bi' lem* j la ^ - . . ' ' -'•.LOST-Detweea Kimberlr and Twin ..Uli-8andaraIieniooB;.&eck.pl*ce,

troai piece near chain, m n ud'^^bUck.' freienl from ioUi#r:. FlBd«r-leafe:alTlinM otflc* ,, Bd receiro rewsrd.-: .. - • .■

=S2SSi: - i ± ; . ' 5 S K ‘u S 'S S 'B 2 «

'Uh eaitom otnclan.:LBurther*-U;oae riak-jtWat It, ton - ' ^


■ I J

A L L S D A T C T . t r i M B g - "

M P V IE ~ S T U F F ,

Fatherless Child (

.humou* child ot.lh* Uu'Ktu,*Ai«teBdi .Ilia daufhler'wU.bore o( Amontaaatla

..•MW«'retu*ed.ltt'a*n,ctka.; '

|OMd-,iUak.'— .r .1' , , Raae

I 'i i iIrW o' ileaKy.;. , „' .Ito Uer*v,.,:''';aratD'BH U r a to t t : , , - ' ptar. ;be tl,.K o..l,iV «a'F«k;i^ j;-^<y* '^co

________ . - ••

■ o f ., R o y a l t y ' ' . . .■ , Kn

'leplB l ^ P s S a ' ’ ' iKfoi

', cone‘.-J ‘ . MI

M H g a g S M — Into

' ' t b ! :

_ .. T.*l<

\ nil

. an<i



. i;

udir.'.wtie^dlSl ot a monkfr btle.: > tle .n ^ * ,w U ^ I^ l« r .y < h V j', 1 ^

C: j

Lanch: baiter,, per-'pcaaft-.;!"* ' f

! ^ m e l M y e r ^ i b ‘S i a r | j Cheftted 'Love.'in C om :)

ANOEiJEa A u '« ,fj» -^rm ii Ier*r*,itar'ot.*Che»tad Lore,-eho|^ , 'i itir.'iaccen’ wlIl’preieBl Ibe'draoa

/ATOrito rio .h iiV'coM ^ i p

L ■ 7 't': oi|.Hv IT>M ■ .NicB.-'f*cAar


> w i l l i 2 ^ ■ ■ J S

Utferlur coufl.,l>ailor»> |1. Kornlllum, ^ llorncr and aonR wrller Iiaa deierlcil cr anil nlie desire* diru'rce. 'Knrnblutn p r o no reason for tils .

cparliiro last MBr-alie rcclics. Oncc cfore lie left hor, bul ibcr wore ro- onclI(d..llie compUliii ainwi.Mill Merera Ii 'a daughter ot the

Uo lUbbI Isadoro Jlerera.

HArEXAK U i r onnczR x o m - w.1 tiaro moved mr.law ollJeea from , wa

tie 8mltb-RIe« liBlldlnic to Roomi i, <ei, and 4 o( tbe Idalw.Powar boUdlii. U<\ I t lUCIUlAN. . • , --

- Uo

...Twia' Falli.D«i*a-Ualler S lif* , r r'Learei T «ln 'I^ IU » ! « . '» « \ B

Filer; Buhl, .. •Ifanrjain. ' Bill*.

r Olli* to .lUlley br. Ooodlor ^Fairfield, arrirlnj al, Haller BCH

at.3:9<k' From.Dllii lo I t e l t t ^ Klng^TIlT, ■ fllMU|-«_F«^7- M°M-U in' Home (for - dlna*r), -arrltlnj ^ nolM * t '3 'p .m . '- , J’

, LeaTtns’ Twin' FalU; tor 'BoU*Rl 3 p. ni. .TU n ier, Bnbl, llaeer* 111 Jmna, Dllii. Olenn’i.F errr. Uonn- - ~ -tain Home, cotfnecUarwIlh No. 17 ; for Seatllej and Portlaad. ArrlreBolso a t I amii

All Pare* aame a i railroad . . . ^ Phone ruerralloni SlIW, or II ’ : ;ni|

' 'T ru k ' B n tb tn SUfa^ Co. ’WikInK eoaneoUosa’ wim-No. U : % al.MonnUlB H 9n» 'forronU ad,

" . ' ^ *^

vV &o.or'^Vrilo’.’'':.. ■ ‘ .;.^\Bij»h,.Ui#:Hiadtt.,-.

'VCIilhroya'nt- PnlinUi ' aod,- cno;■nc4ler>., • ! ' :'.';Ph

t: .Between. l;-iihil;8.rP..>M .>, r - r -392-2nd-Ava.’ £ ^ T w i( i 'F a lb . ; U

L O A N S i i i

E . J . F in c h

UNTT - <IA .V W /-L i r '- . BUT'.TtP^MWT

V7,'.i:.5Eb;'A P is - IP

I- pxaH r^ •

Onr Q tu n n to t—W|i w Q n i. fund the a t b o s U T w ia t U th a t doei no t prodiiM ' tw let ' u masT repliei u tlie l u i i ' t i I s m r o th tr ' T w it l U U . ’

P W » P » ^ . • •

B n s i n e s s D i r e d o i y

DR. BUtJi 0. OiCWTBB OlleopAlblo Phnlcltn . ,

SnUa 1 Ull I, Oem BolldlaK. r^*n* ic<0-vr. Sm . IMO-J

A t t o m s j [ i . : - .

. C. h'aLIa AKdrner *1 Uw-ROOD C. (loMrn Hllle' Uldg. , ■

DRTXR. * w m u a , ta v r r n .Sail* 1. Bmlth * Hle*,Bldt. ■■

IIAt) U lirmatt^-AKoreer at Uw. ' I Room 6. TwlB Fan* flank'* T m l • . ’ BulldloR.-Phone UI. - . .

lata R. Bathwea “ ■’ O rrd M ^ S ; '■ DOTlIffBLL k CDAPMAH

r»»ji Balldlai, Be«aii 6,-«, 7.81 »■ M

WMUBT * f lw m jn r , A u m e r i 'F ln t tfatioaa} lUak Bldi. • • ........ -

'•— Ashir a 'Wllaoa'Otfl** Flrit NaUonal Baak BU«.’. '

A- J .U yE ns. U wrar. .' ■Balt* ID, Flral NaUooal Bialc'Blte

B, H. BOUSE, M. D . 'Surgeon aod Ifa len iily S p^

cinliit.m 3rd Avc; N.' Plione 3p()W

' T A I L O R I N G ■IKE IIADIIEI, TUB TAILOR tor new' ladles’ and ratn’i auiu lo ordar, al hin reildenee. 310 Aah atre«l,''be- iwe«n am and 4ih avenue M t, oae Uock from ibe IwHlerard.- ' .

■ S h o e R e p a i r i n g :

m V- FALL3 BUOB JtEPAIRUn' aU0P»U2 Sboeboa* weat. ,Phoa*IH . Pre-war price*. Wtll a U a ad U - dillrer-la all paru ot tows. AIT work luaran te^ •, . ■

W e l d i n g . .

V. N. 8SIN N Z n-0o'' . a«*irl«t wtldlai. Aalo aprtap oad* ta or- lar. BUckimltlilBC.'..Fbo8*"m' .'IM Ind AT*. Soalh. ' •- .c ; .'.■

. y B i o y id e - 'E ^ p a i r S h o j ; ■■

iCiiADE nEPAiii' a iio P T B l^fc : Lock and K*r .Work*..'Phaao«r**h •: ' , -i.

" io M B iB soioanT i ^ ^J l Hata AT*.

l u t B T A n '.T in « u ( t i i i ln 'd ) i^ ^.TBLCANIZINOAND flBVtBUIV

,sr.K.-i5rE?''aia ''"I>hoa» lK«...-

■ . T r a ^ e i ^ ,

'nOZIBit TRANBFZn bOUPiNl'M.'. , ^ .Phon*

H 'm o H o i S f . r a i u w m ' ' * '

.. t J i l l ) , ,.w;'TBALI'-flaiBDUlS V

;-. (Cltjf or•■Mo'BBta n' .tlni)■■;i■A;'^^■^7',i•«

:o. IM _ ..i._ iX J)*parl7 :» 'a .'.« ;-V /:.v ./g la, .14 p.:a .'lH ; ■-W

le .,l3 , . . , ; - . i , .^ - .T ) tp a r t^ U t» - l» ^ ,; 'i^ lo; UB'---,-i^D«Vart-*'<iii.pitt:*:^^^^

v j

Page 6: TWIN BMl.M'MAILIfmMES TWIN;FALLS;-IDS)AHO ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...TW yOUiilE B; NUMDBR ]2l: Federal H Control c U^ess ^ ^ ' ,P^dMj;;^d.HU;Advli«

r vF A gnia '

L -vlliilB IB: . i i i i i oisi.

l i w n i' - / - IT'* liMflnj on lh« American n

' . pnpMtA ble IrriMDoo dlKr)ct * be h«td Itl Ih* cOBnilulongn' cha b tn i t U t TirU m i i coflnlr COI

Mondar beilnnln* at o’clock.. Tha.tiMrlai U btinc )>i Hia«r lUtutofjr, proTltloii lo fil •Ttrront intimlciliiii opiTorlunltr

Ibllr rtror or oppoalUon.

•bit 'dtclaloa,. an tlKilon will - calltd pattlB|:tbt malitt befort t

vot«n in tht propoied . bll dlilrl nnprUliK • eonildeMla number covoKm ' . exitndlni., Irom Elmo

, ' ...Mdnljr io ,tb t’,Tlclaigr'ct tOiho Fat ■ ;K » OPHitUsa Exptc(«d Tbl b tllit.lt.’t ip r tu td la HV«r

' q u tru n .ib a t 'l l U quIit llktir th r : &o’oppoilUoa>wlll.b« misUnied .r - . -Iht c b u rln i.to r.lh t eommlHloRt

accordiBct wltll ’ ' rttolaUM .rtctall)' paued by tl

, botrd'of.dlreeion of iba.TwlB.rtI ■ Cinil cnspanr.'Uiat.any land-own'

miy hare, bll Iind tllnlnatid fro tbt,propowi:dli(rlcl vpoB hli.ma1

r . .181 * formil.rtauHL llow tm ,<;• ll qoltt poiilbli tbat Ibt btarlofi wlI/:. U it.'.ro r.f trtn l'd iri, a t niny>nar. itri''« l||..eon t-iiD dtr eoailderatlo

» M r iind li^i bttn iRipropirry Ii ;-«ndt41iir||l-.b«-itfltk#a'4uL- '

; . . / ! Tbi^bti'HnrU-lMlnii'hild uitdi n : tbt.iJarUdlttlen ot tbt Twin Ft\

; e m ty Mmffllnlontn far thft reiic Utat..vhllB itT tn l coanilH a rt ll

I . .. ' wl»»d..,TwlB;?lilli eottnty hM't^ y: ■ :! larm t.< llD |It’ic r t i i t : •

umi ujd'1bt>Aatrleth ralU witi W utd^to '-ptrftct (ht extitli

3; ,!,' t n i t r r iib a .o m Ihli i rH .T b t Ml . : I ntr<aa4 MarUofih IrrlKtUon dliirlci

«III .naktriBdlfldMl eoniraelt wli <tbi. ic*troaiot,'‘tor 'I b t ' Amtrlea

l : . : .-____, J^Ui.riHmlt.wm.b«.lhilr-prtflcltui r / f -m rM of witiii inpply.V-' .' ‘OBtitdft'dfUn CM bl| dlilrlet »ei

tn |.anu .o(i)t» liB d-w m bebrouit niidtr lrrifiUia.'-.Tht la n til of ibei tneU , .eeaprliUi iit.ooo tcrtii llo

V-. ' wrtUaad'adJolalBi tbt Minidoka prc f e , • ite l ta-Ui«';.»leinlty,‘of.nuptrt in V, . sorth-«ad t u t or Iht Twin Fall

' Nenbildt t in t iinm ilD S. Tht coi :.v. .• •ramtBl.wlll'-flnaaet.thli prolecL,

)TIir'B*diM laiii' •VThteoBilrBclJon of iht Amarl6i JW lijrtttrtoIr will tfftct ■ BitttrlJ

I.. ' nUtill a c n tlanou ir ta of IrrlRiti' p ■ ;.>fauid,«lUialtti>tlwtta tbl Klnf Illl [r . . , proJKV. aadUdibo-FWU. T b r iwul:r ’:wm..b«'tiiit tb n t BIW im d i.w n

•tkirt-lhftUfrbiM ta-wlihUifprein Ixiprond Undl. wblcb t i p r t im ar

thi'coit'oC tbl eonitmdloi ot lik b w m -ic ra ii Ib r onlmprom

[f. ■ : i t c u a i« .r .m BIW Itadi 'will Illl«oalr)b^eoMldiriWy loJlhj.ftMra

that 11 thl bnlldlni o( iki n il roadiioatf bt'otbirwiia deliytd lb<

;■■■ ■' - ctttuim ot ;;ki,dinrtct wltt la w n Hi

a W i iS im e 'r iiB 'te 8l«p Ortr Klsbl i

' ' CftBUcIi- t im t StltnlloB >Tfl

' ad Inprnilro deUMiloa wll , leav* Sanday u d UoBdar tor W«U<

: . . M r^'jBcldtat' to Iht Jelnt hetrlmof' th t pnbllo utlllilet commliibn

.! 'ot,NiTidi.ind Idabo reUiUt lo tbiqneellon ot untillallon 6L Ibt cer

• llllcala Uistd by tbt Intentale com n i r t t conmUilon'lo the Idaho C«n t n l railroad for conitructlon psr poiM. Ua&y c in , rtpreienllitx th< rarloui orgtnlnlloni In Twlo K'alli and liclDltr-wlll liiv i Boodiy morn

' I lne while olhen will dipan nl odi U nit' thraufhout Ihe day tnd oi Monday momlBf. Tlie hearlnr li ■>

r 10 O’clKk.:Siareury Ktwiii s. Wiahi of ihi

loeal chinber of comnierce elale* . thli momlni ihat lome of Hit renpl<

«fllBR laliad lo Hop orer nl Ronlec ; tn (iddUlw to tooktnr oter \ m n

b4r of'polnli ot laierrii cn rju:i . . ConUcl haa hoiel and eitlnR (nclll

Het. accordlni to Wlxhi. «o no on need be afraid of uniullabln iircnm

.................... (BodatloM. - ■At reporleil In yniloril!i)’» Time;

tb t . l a m r work liu ii^ricJ on ihi line of Ibe roid end the vork li UpKled.'to ptotreti a i rnplilly ei imidliloBi and laclimti.nill peroili

Shum ack Found Guiltj o f Intuiting ' Gir!

a r l ' Shumack. Impllratcil wilt ' Lawrenct' HtwlIU lo tht cue Ic

' MBBoctloa'wllh'tht allited Ininli ■■ ot a yenai ili l rwenHy, was touni . n llty today iy Probate JnHce 0. 1’

V Unralli'and At the p rm nt ilmeMi . . . connned .la Iht county jill. awaltlni ----------------MiitniwTrti_tch-wtl|-b»-pnmmine«

................... .•lltw (ll|. Wai-yeiltrday engleneei.' tn • monlh la Jail foltowloR hli.con . Ticllon! 6" a .e h in e ol eoapllcll]

' la thai cue. s Tha/youni men wen foand ;r ) lli ; .b f oflindlDC. a ronni

> Ilrl w]hon - Ihiy. wtra tnppoeed K ' hart (akea boiae b&i'faitetd looi

her tht wron*-dltirtlotu

! SOT W IT '’ Kcnbeih lUadalil.callul up Ihi TlBif«|lhli nornlnc and iialed lliai

__________ monjRunb«rU.oLtlia4i(iF-ScciuUrliN'hr U .H D ubit, tad jwthlB* to 4{

. wilb Qit'.radio conccrtf.'

I S o c i a b i l i t y I s ’_ - Principal O bject I df ( ^ .S e t t l e r *

* ' ’'HoclaWlliy It - the chief, dl-I i t n '’•niun nnd itnlertalnmctU. »ll l u u inuiliern Idaho I’loiio'enI IIU I annual ineeiluci.’' J.'* *“ ( K lianien, vlce.prcelilenl of ilio

ii«ffl.lrnl'lin.._ial<l loday In eamRieBtlDS on lhe comliit u*

r>lli lomblase. September' : ! utt wm Uurliy.Cham-1 Tlioie who hare ealloil Idahocourt Ihelr reildeace alnce lS7Q,.det<

it 101 Ijinited aa ‘'aereniy-olneni." are: held ellxlble lo memberihlp In the

filvo orianlutlon, accordlni lo Mr.llir lu Ilanieo.3B. Tlie »ea«lonii of Iheee Ret-lo-faror. (eiber meetliiit are moit en-I M joyable. Al ao o|her Ilme are t llie lome of Die' memben RranieJ Uriel, an , opportunity to chat and Mr of . recooBt .old itorlei with each Inior* Olher. Idi|io. partlculariy pl<h Falli. ■ Idaho, li rlcb In thrlllltii

Ulet of'ihe daya when Twiniteral Fal|a wat .nothilnie mort than.

0,,! a iisebruib Jilalo. ,nl <(i -Mi

II K i i n iEitioai • > ____ ; ■■yin; V :

. . ' m n r i n. Arotid £iy<l, l'Hi>It flu indtf - c te p e n l t i Tnln F a lli 'IIa i UalS™ '.''••wK- _____ ..

i;th t Emphulalai’ tfte fncl iliai Tw Fbtli hti^raw materUkl.Btid T«tou(6

J hll lufdclint for a' million peopIt'.;ai “mlnr ibat lBduilrlal atrtlbpnie

itlac he puihed lo Ihe Umll. I'erry II. A Mil. mold, bualncit. analyat of llie Km

irictL School oC Uuilseu Admlnlitrailo w ^ tpokt; beiort tn audleuce of le rtr rieah hundrtd penona laal ertnlM at ,Jl cipai J’ariik_hiU_on-iha_i6plc.I_"tftlllr

Vour,City.” . L u t eronlog't addrei marked lli« oloie of Uie builaeu'li

*°h,' illldte lookloc toward lhe eitabllil menl of better builneu con.lltlon which h ll beea conducted by'Arsiol

'! ? durlni Jho week, il wai largely pa aM robl'td hr huiUeu moB and Ihei

employei.’ 'n c to rle i Ibould be built Iiere I

e> Ihal.tbt raw m iitrltl caa bo takt • cart-of. fhneclurer aiurted. n

dairy bniloeu, h t tald. ahould all bt dertloped. .Armold cited .the cai of Kampa,..which h u iwo crcamerlt

^ a n d « coBdeuiiry. pa/lB| oul ’ or« iUBMO to owaen ot milk cowt treemoBth. .

l il ro a i ol mall order b o u ti. wble htialddldBiucbtoU ar.dowaacai:

Mral naaliyi were icoredidurlac.tht tail .re Snch'ptople, that It thou who do n<

LT.* ptironlit lob l mirchanta were call td commaaliy p irailiii. Armold.d«

alio *'>• peOBle.rauil coopentiwork logelher. aad htlp oot BBotbi

t« d It Ihl city ll to proiper. rail, 'f i i r ip e a k e r dtclared ibafihB ri< Iht ton which kill a towa wiro lack c

a tu Qrcanlutloiu Uck a(. builaeu title

adretiltlBi. Ia coa'trail. h i tald, tb proireii of a town or clly will Jui

.. about keip pace wlib the aumber ( ' ' lire peoplt It bouU aod natural n ' I aourcet unaided can nerer be a cor

itnictlre faclor In commualty ilere:

l r McKlM.EV TU HE CAMII1K.ITF:’ “ • J. a McKlaley wlui .be a candidal

lor elecllon lo the ihree je a r ten of. lhe tchool .board aa a reiuli t

I al nomlnailon petlllona filed Inle yei Uni lenUy wlih the clerk of the buan Ther* will be two pwltloM fllled o the Inard al thl coming election. (

«lll f i UcI.oln, who U BOW a membei ellc will be a (andldale lo lucceed hire irlni eelf. ' Mn.' Jane Scotl li Ibt othe !|,ni member whc«eierm will eiplre. Tw tbe polllOK placei'. the Uncoln .and ,ih

cer- nickel ichooli, will lake caro nf |h ;onj- Villen I t tbn olicllw on September I

p|>[* Musical Group to .'all! M ake Bow. Tomorrov

' l>nirona,ot tlie I’errlne hotel tomot row aliht will be enlcrialiicd wll

' xiuilc of A teml-cUulcal nature b Ihiiikley’i orcheeln. TJilfl U n nei

">» urclieiira lo Twin rtlU people, bl ale<l ncli member ut It li well known Id nple dlVldunlly aa playert. Dunkley li oi d«cl aanUI al Ihe Idaho .Ihealre nnd wll lUM' i>lay the plaan In \h* new ju:»- linn. Ouiiar Helchiier will play lb iclll- violin and 0. N'elll will perform o ono the 'cello. The annuuncemeol of ihl

'nm. niw'muilcal ortaalullon lUtea ibi It will pUy Irom Cp. m. to 8 p. n Sunday’ erenlni.

Ihe - - I.‘ J* C han^ng..A ttaqhm eni ‘■’'t- to R ear Results ir Ity .- Big Gas Reductioiiiri Now Ihat Ihe iprlnkler altachmen

on llie lluihe’r med for dirt iiriot R'llh haa been clianied trom the froBt t

,lB the back a material dlffercBce In Ih init amount uf mollne required haa bet mnd manlteited and lhe iprlnkler alao co* I. r . e n a ihlrd mort lerrUory. accnnlla e 'la to Birret CnmmUiloner J. T. Krinting nek tbli tiiornlng. _____ ' • •need ThaTreai aaViai'ln saiollnn It iMi ~ tm iiS T iH . lhal Ihe aprlliiiler wll

lho allichment In the re*r no longb con* trareli orl Ilt owa mnd. nor doea I IcK)' lear liDge ruia In the allpsiry. road.

il'lm n a puRTisiiii- Iralttd be lail fw qtuBIrifU .

Ihe ~ ~ . " ■■V that TO TIIAUR—Dowden apod dl»e pImI and.aaner.IarJ''ofd.u.Uierral»I.J(aii 1 ia .W inehtait pl«» H ooiih;' \

mile will or WMt ind of Mala.

' ■ lnwijl 1-OEililCSIH, L DFCOiinEEAFOi .'.5 IIEllOF iSCIoen _

“l'° W. II. llornlbrook. aiaie cliairr of 'lIie Deiiincnillc cummldeo aa

Ht unlied In llalley, la u (ormer n dent 01 Ihl. city. He wna editor

Ijh- tbe Chronltlo for aomo time nnd wl dK. In Twin Falla wai elecled lo the tl Br, lenale. iJiler he went lo Albany, C tha •loa. where he became editor ami p 3,1- prletor of the Democrat.. I’reald

Wllaon appointed him mlnliler Slam, which poeltlan bo held lor i eral yean and llnaliy realmied on

’ count of bll wlfe’a heallh. When S alor Chamberlain broka^rlth the p aldeni, llornlbrook alood with Wlli

J"h'- aM tor I'mIUob of nalloual.cc

candidate. Laier he purchaaed' I -I* Dally ColtimblAn nl Vancouver, IVai

• Inxton wblch. hn conducted bnUI returned lo Idabo nnd. enlerni the i airact builneii.

' M r»r Squibb O ut on „ ' Bond After. Tril

Mn. Florence 6gnlbb,'llie proprle i r n "t Ihl Lyman ;ioom>, waa bou 'L | mer In the dlilrlct court yesierd i f l J alleraoon loUpwIn* her arralgnmc * ^ y before Juitn Packanf on a chaege

nilgai pofiailoa of InioxleatlnB huon. and U ur releued ob |» 0 ho

fluit Wblcb wai readily furnliheil. Oftlrc D,Ir< raided Ibe I.d7iiBn Iioomt .on July

' unearthing a gallon of liquor In I . lH)tUm of a double bolUr Ib the qun

len occupied by Mr. and Mn. Squll Twla At flnt on iBreilliiallBg Uio conler ureei of the boiler, tbe offlcen .i&w an •and .wst«r'hul delving deeper they local

imeat .“*• wntrabinJ.I. Ar. ' ■ ■ - ' '

Illon! I UACIIIXe (JUKH niTAL ',ren MOUIWIKO IN tIAl’ITAl,t ijbe . 01’ iniHii Fiu:i: '.s ta t i ; .• Illnjrl ' --------d reu ' DUJitI.S'. ■Xugr~!i!.-r)ubMiiii'In*! today li a cliy of moumlnr—Itllih- and macblnv.guni.tlona. Sbouii of-y tp ld 'fire rlfln'mold peep oul'from behind lamUre

pat- rlbboBi of. crepe, draped onIhelr bulldlnia In memorr of Oen-

erat • Michael Colllni, wheur, ,g body llei In aUU Jn Ihe city aken

Th, The Irce iltle, while oul- wardly devoting urerr ntier..

caie tloa to lionorlBg Colllni and.making rudy,.for hla fnneral,

o „ r • la rwhing prepaniloni lo rn-» ,ry 'I 't io r alttm pl. by Camonn

• ’ -DeValenandbUrebeUrmViothleh opportunliy nt cap-com. "Id aeuinslali. «P * republic. Iteporla aUllntiM ' 'tbafO iV aU n .'U -Intall- County Loulh. plinnlni aa u -1 ^ ,1 iiu lt on DBblln over the week

!jl'.*r’ • Tht goveramwii today' prn-, ■ clalBied Monday, a day of'

, - -muumlngtlhroughoui Fret Ilale- ,J* ': lerrliory, All work.ood com-

merco, eieept.lbat which U et-

^ theMUre:day In DuWla.

h i ' — - = = —I re. . CANTAIoUPKH

50 cnlei ektra fine, goo<l price f< qulck'iale.-i5d Vance. Public Marke

TB' I __ . •

H Dme Tom'i '■ To]hlm-9ther Voii u-iU I'iijoy .yoiir ilii Two

f the I’'®'’ we6. Irn, n liiitli-(tniili’ slriiiKcd n■ ’;''i.'iijii.v. No iiim iif jiiw or it ;

OW V Tdiiiorrmv Ivvc

' PER RIN EH O T,0 by ■

, blit -------------II IB-• or- wlll

ii “Tlme.ls i! T olheFi

, Wiill ihrJliKli cost ofion

runiiiT niul IiIn liclji coiment

""’ 'll* • imvn, Ills tli'imsiU cnii j betn

n Srlva-___ _____ ('IiitIih. tlniflH-mni nit

wllh sHfcl.v um lrr oriliiiiiry fi

t / ' i i kIiiiiiIiI Ih- rrni.sliTi'd.* Vd. .. .■•,, • . . ; ;

|K T w in F a l ls B a. ' ' . ’ Twin > 8

^ • •'B im bcr Fw larii


|[Hj)! • jpERSON;ftlicp Mn and Mn. Arlhur J. i-miveyI Ll iliughur Uetiy. and iwo aomi, Fr• ' nad Tom, left Friday nritmoOB

niT U Uolilnion nar. They expect toJ .IF I lurn Monday nifhi..

I)r. S. & Wyatf leti'&iiorday mi Iflg for OllBloB. Iown.

ilrmaa ' _ _ • • •aa or- Mn. Oeorne Ilanaen ood daugh• real- tieleu. relurned to K anien^lilay c tor ot nlng ntter-apendlng the day Ib. wlllle I'liy. ^

r, Ore- Jennie llaker aod IfaUle Daket d pro- ChlcoRo mwat. Friday In Twin■Idem They are rUIUag Ihelr brothtn, I;r to and George Dakcr.nf llaxellOB.

on no- . Al’ Murray of i'oriiand left T ] Sea- f t l l l t/rjdeyf^vyl^

Vllion . Mn. n. C. XennlioR and daugh': com- Clnrlcc. Ieft for Pocalello Fyiday eerliln nink-io'vlill Mr. Kenniion wbo l<• th e i>.inie guard. Ilfere. • •

Ul he -Klale' Durriiri.' whoia' lioma (i IP n|>- Weed, Calir.. |e>LUiforealnc:for I

' ' ■ ’ Mn. Mel Ileerlng took Ibe evenin in ln yeilerdiy. for Oriad . lUpl_ : . 1 .Mich. Sbt hai been vlilting U .Tt

>* 111 wllh l l n . Herman Bcburi■ DBd Mn. .John Oou.’ .. ■

Tletr- [jound Thoae.reililerlng at the Itosenerilay lintel from Waho poinu w.ere: >Ir. aimeni Mre Olenn luniley, T«>yJ F. V.ge of kin, Qolie; W .^ Sneolain, RmmeIB 11- F.'M. Mlngur.-E»niiii . c j u whond Ilami, II0I19; £ 'R : Nellioa tad ra:ticeri lly, PreiioBi t od Morrli Wint, Iloli

lhe &lward' Diwey'and -Wayne! Ilerl quar. are leaving for .CalltomU. 'MoBd lulbh, iBonilBg enrouU'lo.OId-MexI^ Oi .lenia Ron and WaiblBgton... They a rt 1 otily peeling 10 reiurn by way ot Pandltt

caied io.tee-lhe roupJup. ■ • |

' W. 11. Turotr, a reildent of Kli• berly. wai a vliltorMn Twla fa

yeiierday. \

’ . Jamea Maher uf Nampi'I^TUlU f*- In Twin FalU’ wlib hli brolher,'

ll.JJaher.-*6l-E lm .-— _

- . Mlu n M f Joiin.on ol'Bubl ipc Friday In Twin Fklli.

ro . Tht following reglile'tc'i a f l Perrlne hotel Friday from.’ruit

n- within Ihs jU iti 0 . R. Eomom •B liolit; 'D: B.'<Kndi0B, Jarbldgt:': ly Smallwood p . D oIuj. John U™tu

ilollliier;. , •, - •• 'll- . . . .{.H. ■ I ... ;>'•* Geortt P .'Spng’ue rilarned’lodlid. from n'irip tO‘PortUad, DfegoB, 11>t, WalUce; ' Idi&o,' whtre h t ' attendft- Iht TUpubllctii itiU coaventlon,'Blin Lewliion. . . .10 Mn. ICaU Vl Ilunt returnid tod;P- . fitm a iIx.moBlha'.Tlilt In - L«iM • Reach.,CallL.vSht It a gum at Il» homo of Mn.;.U P. ABdtrtOB.

•- Milt N'ttUe}'boyd arrived o n 'lck soon iralD io<Uy from Biory Cll

' . Iown, 10 vlill Mr. and Mn. 0. R. L«nj I ton of Ihlt city.

le— U-JeanlB-awaBr-an-empIoye-of'tl n- iTwIn Falli.ltaBk and Truit compao I- rvturaed todiy:'noon Irom • t« w . , .»ukai.«ac^abiU)prla..Vebntkarei

vlilied her lirolhtr, John T.'Swa ^ a banker of MalbtU, Nebr.

The waat adi.'pUr a b it P tn Ibt advtrUilar eiaptlgBi o t.nu t

> for la rn eoae*ni.''>Vli7. not-U7 ih* rket. to d a t

morrow Night Music;!

iliiinc'r licUcr V'il)( good niiulc.

ive Imvo hcciiruil Duiiklfy’s'Orclicii.'; '; firi'lii'Rtrftj In piny niujilu yoii .will .* itiihIiIiir iioiiiM. _ ' *•

vvciiinR i; lo_8 I*.'31.. • r- i


s Money” ’armerif Inlior, every niiiiiitc of llic

i:ouiiIii III);,

urrniulH I'lill Hie :inrnii'r into; ''

1 jii.u hi Wtitl Iio nclll lliroii(;!i

nioiie.r ■ ordcm cmiio Uirniiitli

' fim t cjnitf iHisinge—fiirretioy '

Vnur limii imin enii do tlmt.

t a n k & T r i u t C o ..ralli, I M o .,

rii BMcrve 'B fiUtn"

■j j LOCAI. BRIEFS'ey and! ..

Frank liri^ | | | _ k ,v. Derg: cllj 3B lor veyor. hi III with typhoid firur. 10 J f - , ____________

. mnrn' l>'ued todsy to Ilonco D. ' Ilium. JUI, JohBion, 25, Iof lluhl. . , .

ay 'ov i t'««k leiren-M artilf Cook of In tliU who h u b ttn vlitilnK to

tew daya al tlit homa of tir. Mn. J; T, Krlvaitek, b it relU!

ikcr ot to ' hU home.. 'I I'etlil. ' .-a, Itay. . To Tnka Charttfr-J. J. l>l|ge>

. nil] leave today for. Caaper. Wy . In«, lo lupirlnlciid the InilalUUoi

: Twin a. lewer there.Idoka..' ' ’ .. -I — —.

"Kniertafn«=:Mli»:Edna flnham ughter, Uria|ne<I the memben of l(er Sun T eve. ichool clau ycalerday afternoon.' 10 u a glrla gpgnt iiie afternoon aewlng 1

. refreihmenU were lerved t l t t t eh

{ ni" •” Mr/ and Mn. C. » . Drowne. who I liceB III wllh the meailei li recov

vening^Twin ' Veletan Hemeerai Hono-Ami aitreer lh'« 'veierno democnti wbo attem

the'lUlley. convenUon 11'in in ' I'lied fpecuior wAi-P. IL Smith ■

seraon beta In man/.political wan Ir. and ’•.r"":’ ■ ''' .U r . ..lleluni fnm <!. » . T. tWWal imetii Stick. Clltford Illet,. lUrold And

Wll. aaa,' and Julias Doone returned tM I fam- trom-Fort Douglu. Utah,iWhtnU UoUe. le ^ a four wtekt iralalng'count

' ’ lb» Cltluai: Mlllury Training Carlerbit -^ 'l '-.'OBday Klnaala DelmU* Retnm-C.. Ore- .Wrigbt tnd Robert Logan, TwIb Fl ;• ex* tUlegelea to Uie KlwauU Conventl dltton (leU Ogdw, ttivreed en Ikt fat

. : train today. Tliey wen memben thf Klwaa|t quartet which w u

Kim- atrumenui In aecarlng Twlii n F^IU 01 Ihe plict.for the next coaveMli

, YUlllBir ]bi»^M r. tad Mn. . a ‘o'Ubs LIveogood abd diughler, Mn. Sh< sr, I . herd of Omaha, Neb., arc vlalUog I

n- few dayi-at'the:hDmo’df'Mr.'UTi , lood’i iliUr. U n. J . 'J .’rilgtrrlm,

■pent Stcoml avenne e u t . . They, u p ic l go loon to Lm Angelei lo Vlilt /

t ' Ihe trliadi,■■

fnmiL* f i’. ' l ’a i i t r App«tal»d-Dr. W. ,. M Pauer, formir poet conunandtr

Iht Twin AaiirI.can.Uglon, h beeu appointed TwIb Fallt. midli euBlMT tar vht.VaSlai SU tn V

■/.u. bBrtau, lucceedlae Dr. J , “ ‘" ' r ' w hirhu.htid Uw.potlUoa 1 endri

V iM it ea-CanslBr Trip-Mr. a today t tn , . Harold Slvtr. Mr. gnd - M

Inlng.JobBion and Mlu Rtryl bli

a a - v r . s i S f c t s. Pedt ttq , rimita -ii.-WMk...

City. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I . L«r-

f-th# '■ '■.■ ------ -------ipanjr.i ,

two . ' .


n IBnunj , - . . '

I B e. . . . ' • I

li"- . ' /. ■■ ,ent.l)elpi

i ' . . . . has,build

I :F a l|s \to i

— I Th,e's(^ advice is

th a tfu n c


i ty and i

tional |lia


■ . T iiis lt

. tion fo r 1

• ■ W e Se

- 'I

■ I"''' ■

FfilSiMS liIt' • • . •.

10 i.td S.\.v FiUNCISCO,. Aug. 26. D. Wll. duke, a ducbeaa, a prcaldenUal 1 S, lioih At a Uihlonnbli hoiel. a .dlr»

ol the mini, a peklngcie .dog an Ouerniey cow had ?aJuFrancIico

0, Melted lodiy. , .tor B The duk» and ih t duclini anS

lr. IBd duke tnd dactiewrof Tallyrand. giurned dccbeii having, formerly been I

. I Anna Oould'-of New . York. -The mint director la L. 0 . Scbnl

illon of The peklngete.dog It ’.'Tanky". of Ihe ducheu,' and the Ouerti

' . cow It Fleuretle. hired u "cow

r« tk ! The duke, the ducheu and l r P«*t"*tie aro (0 nrlre'fn San Fr ,* ,’ 7 clico' toon from tho Orient; T ' ordered Ibe cow and the preilden

■ auJie by ndlo. • , ion 01 Tht cow. w u aoon procured, ho h u Kutrueyi makt a’reguUr.biulneu icover- {wBlihlBg; a tlk lo ptW ngMfd . ' o r . to American ' chlldren-«ll I.

•' alike to thtm. • • ' , Among . Out ihe.pretldeallal %ulU waa'< tendod fertBL Scholtey hid part of It, i I inter of the rooma, iiavlng been uilg i h whojiiim, then .-being no ,preildeat' far*, (owa loday..

"Wa'll have to order Sehobey 01 [VaUir a betel clerk aald.. ' . . ^nder^ '*'Dul ean .w t r . Inlerpoted-tnotl todiy clerk..''-r-.’ v ■'.•

# Uey .*’Sura;w>.,CTBrHlBn;t- .a /iju jn .i

: c | _ ^ .F llli


•" iilap S sI

si ' ■ :UTin; — r -------Iffl.of ■■ / 'J a . . , ,

M “T H E ORDEAL”' • ' "jfaeli Sean'ett ieaiedy ;

w. f ; ; ; . „ ‘ "dv h sc k-a "b il . “«pill''8wndi-rjBpirtV.lieVlewidleilI Vit> -VtBtai.TBHiiiy— : ; .

na' for • ' .

- ‘‘H erO w n 'M bneir’'.. aad• Mn. Tbt Herr':«f'«l|v.wJ»ei,,tll;liBi blv.tr ,h«di ,*Bd. : m«neyl-Ui.e'\wli«l

~ H e l S u

s c a u s e o

i iis i

Ip fu ttf ffljn ,the

l id e d i l£ e '|£ i i f i6 d ; & ^ ' i i;oday stands in command]

'service of its .officials is,E

is desirable, and fo r tlie i nds ai'e deposited i'ere.

r in and year 6 ii,i;'in‘s e a ^ n

i in days of ;d e^ i;^ io n , Tl

has maintaiiied'-its-'commi

is- been hefpfui'becaiiae of

long recprd' o t service, is 0

r asking.iiew businesa,

af T’Wan Falls, IdSeek More Business on O i

. / ' . ■ 'I . '. ;

- 'I - . , • ■ ,•

i f " '■ ducheu wlUj’ ill ilieir1boBiy''wiMI . B preildiBiUI iu |le r iw iJ ’tll«-.^6piy.II "Ilul how Ibout Ibe luy ibst.makif

n v in all Ibelr-moaeyi’in'd alD ot Johu OTID D.. Roeke(ellir'a money and ;all ;c(U I III Morgaa> too,-: .wg^«l> «ln<^t

... "We'll put It up to tbo:6i»ii,'’ '.hey agreed.

26.-A Dut.UiIi Ur Uielr oaly, aanouDcj. ll lulU ment from, the botil.aauigemeat hni director been that a lot bick.of ibt'boU l

and (Liil reierved fgr.F1eurttI«, DBcheai^ lico a ll aueraiey cowdpm and UirqUftiiloti ol -. who’ll. wlB ll|e; prteldoaUai tvUa

reaalM 'juMeltltd.:'’'; ; - - ; ; , ',^ ; jv’,,

hV u i ObIwaV UNBEB A B B m * ' ’ ' 1 ‘ . . .OS CJIAKdB OF PiAJtHlKO ' [‘I

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V pet •-•PAIUS.'. AW. ' ; 2«^&:Ue.ijlejiaB^ uemiey Ountlier, bt the dermaa.army,.who,l/ cow la alleml U.have beea.iiol'io m ncei

‘I by i Uerlln ^iecret-oiranUaUon f;rj ^ tbe'pnrpoieofiuuiilBailag'P ramltf nd tiie .rolBcan,: h u beta arreiUd,.ll.wai.

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Iding'position. •

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of its strength.'

5 o iir 'ju sfifea- ■;

alBankdaho :G ot Record .