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  • 8/12/2019 Unidad 3.2 Bis


    Ingls II UPIBI-IPN

    Elaborado por: Rosario L. de Guevara Araiza

    UNIDAD: Los fenmenos inexplicables y la industria del entretenimiento.

    TEMA: 3.2 Opiniones y consejos en diversas modalidades de pasado utilizando should (not) have, could (not)

    have y would (not) have.

    OBJETIVO: Los alumnos practicarn al expresar suposiciones y las razones de las mismas.


    Se preguntar a los alumnos si vieron recientemente la

    pelculaLa guerra de los mundossi es as que

    recuerden de que trata y si no se les comentar que

    pongan atencin al audio para que contesten las

    preguntas del ejercicio A.

    Despus los alumnos corroborarn si sus respuestas

    son correctas leyendo el artculo que se encuentra en la

    hoja anexa. Se compararn respuestas y se comentar

    acerca del audio y de la lectura.

    Answers: 1. news; 2. the arrival of aliens on Herat; 3.


    Se trabajar en pares o como pregunta para todo el

    grupo el ejercicio C.

    Se realizar el ejercicio D recordando en que casos se

    utilizan lospast modals. Se pedir a los alumnos

    contesten el ejercicio sin consultar el artculo.

    Answers: 1. might have; 2. might not have; could have; 4.

    may have; 5. may not have; 6. must have; couldnt have.

    Por ltimo se les pedir que piensen en un mito o

    leyenda famosa y escribirn por qu creen que se

    origino, por supuesto haciendo suposiciones de las


    Audio Unidad 3.2 bis.


    7 min.

    8 min.

    3 min.

    5 min.

    5 min.

  • 8/12/2019 Unidad 3.2 Bis


    Ingls II UPIBI-IPN

    Elaborado por: Rosario L. de Guevara Araiza


    A. Listen to excerpts from a radio broadcast from 1938 and answer to the following questions:

    1. What type of radio program does it sound like? ________________________.

    2. What was the topic of the broadcast? ________________________.

    3. How does the announcer sound? ________________________.

    B. Read the next article about the effect of the radio broadcast, and check your answers.


    The Orson Welles Effect.On the night of OCTOBER 30, 1938, CBSS New York radio station WABC broadcast Orson Welles dramatic version ofThe

    War of the Worlds, a novel by H.G. Wells. The work was introduced as a play, and three times during the broadcast, thestation announced that it was fictional.

    Nevertheless, it sounded like a news broadcast, and a lot of people thought that the earth was being invaded by

    Martians! Mass panic resulted. Thousands ofpeople began calling newspapers and radio stations for information about the end of the world.

    Because part of the radio program had recommended evacuation many families left their homes, trying to escape

    the New York-New Jersey area.

    Many people reacted to the panic in ways which today seem very amusing in Newark, New Jersey; some families

    ran into the street with wet towels over their faces because they thought there was a Martian gas attack. The New

    York Timesreceived 875 calls from frantic citizens. One man called to ask, What time will the end of the world be?

    When a bus station

    employee tried to question a caller about the situation, the

    caller said she didnt have time to talk because the world is coming to an end and I have a lot to do.

    What could have caused so many people to believe that Martians were attacking the earth? Psychologists say thatit might have been partly because of the world political climate. Europe was heading toward World War II and

    there was a general feeling on insecurity. Another factor was the broadcast itself. It was extremely realistic and in

    the form of new bulletins. It must have sounded like the real thing to a lot of people. Finally, many listeners missed

    the beginning of the program, when it was explained that they were going to hear a radio play

    C. What would you have thought if you had heard The War of the Worlds?

    D. Are they deductions or not?

    Take advantage of this table and answer the exercise. On the line place how sure you are about thestatements.

    A definite conclusion (99% sure) must have.

    A possibility (50% sure) might have, could have, may have.

    An impossibility (99% sure) could have

    1. Some people _______________ panicked because of other people, not because of the broadcast. ______

    2. Others ____________________ heard the beginning of the program. ______

  • 8/12/2019 Unidad 3.2 Bis


    Ingls II UPIBI-IPN

    Elaborado por: Rosario L. de Guevara Araiza

    3. The panic ________________ happened partly because of political insecurity. ______

    4. Some pole ____________________ seen airplane lights and thought they were spaceships. ______

    5. The radio station _______________________ made it clear that it was terrified. ______

    6. The people who thought Martians were invading ________________________ been terrified. ______

    7. Welles _______________________ imagine that his drama would cause such panic. ______

  • 8/12/2019 Unidad 3.2 Bis


    Ingls II UPIBI-IPN

    Elaborado por: Rosario L. de Guevara Araiza