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    In this unit you are going to study coherence and cohesion and vocabulary.

    TEXT 1


    1) Give the definition of obesity.

    2) What are the benefits of breastfeeding?


    Now read the textBreastfed babies have reduced chance of obesity.

    Breastfeeding significantly lowers the odds of babies becoming overweight teenagers. The

    path to becoming an overweight teenager may start with the very first meal they have. Two

    new studies published the May issue of The Journal of American Medical Association

    suggest that breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of becoming overweight by the teenyears.

    In a study by Harvard researchers, the longer infants were breastfed, the less likely theywere to be overweight in adolescence. In the second study, government researchers found

    that breastfed infants tended to be leaner at ages 3 to 5 than formula fed-infants.

    It is unclear why breast-feeding might cut childrens risk of obesity. One possibility is that

    formula and breast milk have different impacts on babies metabolism, with breast milk

    having more positive effect on fat storage.

    Lead author Dr. Mathew Gillman theorized that breast-fed babies learn to self regulate food

    intake better than formula-fed infants because they may have better control over stopping

    feeding when they are full.

    By contrast, parents who use formula may see an unfinished bottle and try to induce their

    infants to drink more, unwittingly encouraging themto ignore their bodies own cues. That

    could raise the risk of weight problems later on.

    The studies suggest that breast-feeding may offer at least some protection against obesity,an epidemic that requires urgent solutions.

    Breast milk, already acknowledged as the best food for infants, may provide a low-cost,

    readily available strategy Dietz said.




    We have relatively few strategies for obesity prevention. Although breast-feeding will by

    no means prevent all cases of obesity, its a beginning.

    Details can be found in The Journal of The American Medical Association.


    1. Fill in the following chart with words related to breastfeeding and weight:


    2. Were the benefits you wrote in the pre reading section mentioned in the

    text? If yes, tick them?

    3. Why does breastfeeding help prevent obesity problems?

    4. Match the words in column A with the corresponding opposite word in

    column B

    a) Overweight ______ expensive

    b) Infant ______ empty

    c) Leaner ______ appropriate weightd) Positive ______ adult

    e) Full ______ negative

    f) Low cost ______ heavier







    Whats the matter? How do you know? (The symptoms) cause of illness

    Ive got a cold a sore throat, sneezing, a cough a virus

    Ive got a flu symptoms for a cold + aching muscles a virus

    And temperatureIve got hay fever sneezing, runny nose, sore eyes allergic reaction

    To pollen from grass

    Ive got diarrhea I keep going to the toilet often food or a virus

    I feel sick I want to vomit many: food, alcohol

    Ive got a hangover headache, feeling sick too much alcohol

    Note: For these illnesses, you can either buy something from the chemist , or go to yourdoctor, who may give you a prescription.


    Nouns: We only use ache for the following: Ive got a toothache, a stomachache, abackache, earache and a headache. For other parts of the body we use pain, e.g. I woke up

    in the night with a terrible pain in my chest.

    Verbs: You can use ache for some things, e.g. my back aches; but hurt is more common todescribe real pain.

    She hurt her foot when she jumped off the bus and fell over. (also injured)

    I hit my leg against the table and it really hurts. = gives me a terrible pain

    Adjective: The only common adjective is painful

    I had an injection yesterday and it was very painful

    A: Did it hurt when you had your filling? = (when the dentist fills a hole/cavity in the tooth)B: No, it was painless





    Doctors believe smoking is the major cause of lung cancer

    He had a heart attack and died almost immediatelyHepatitis is a liver disease

    Asthma (chest illness causing breathing problems)


    Have a good diet: eat lots of fruits and vegetablesGet some exercise: swimming, jogging, cycling, walking, etc.

    Dont have too much stress: relax after work, dont panic about things.


    Write down the main symptom or symptoms for the following conditions.

    1. a cold:________________________________________________

    2. flu:___________________________________________________3. asthma: _______________________________________________

    4. a hangover _____________________________________________

    Fill the gaps with a suitable word.1. I hit my hand with the door and it really _________________________________.

    2. They say she died of a heart ___________________________.

    3. Ive got this terrible _____________ in my neck from sleeping in the wrong


    4. He died of _____________ cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in his


    5. I hurt my ___________ when I fell off that chair.

    Answer these questions for yourself.

    1. What do you think a healthy diet is? ____________________________________

    2. What sort of exercise do you like? ______________________________________

    3. Have you ever been in hospital? ________________________________________

    4. Have you had any aches or pains recently? _______________________________




    What illnesses are connected with

    1. A mosquito bite? _______________________________

    2. Pollution, traffic fumes, dust? _____________________3. Smoking ________________________

    4. Diarrhea ________________________

    Lexical and grammatical cohesion

    A text is not a series of isolated words or sentences. When we read any text we see

    how connections are made in and between sentences by using pronouns, repeating words or

    using synonyms or related words.

    A writer uses pronouns like it, he, she, they, them, this, that, etc. to refer back tosomething or someone already mentioned.The writer can also omit or substitute items with words like so, one, the former, the

    latter, a few, etc.


    Underline all the references and indicate what they refer to in the following sentences:

    1. Some dieters believe that if they skip breakfast they will lose a lot of weight.

    2. Starting solids with your breastfed baby is an important step. It is the first step of


    3. The researchers say that evidence from studies in various countries which they

    examined suggested hospitals use unhygienic practices, increasing the risk of babiesdeveloping infections.

    4. Physicians dont know the main cause of asthma, but they do know that the

    tendency to develop it is often inherited.

    5. The sensitive airways linins react to trigger exposure by becoming inflamed and

    filled with mucus. The muscles lining the swollen airways tighten and constrict,making them even more narrowed and obstructed. These reactions, in turn, can

    cause coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

    6. Man lives in world populated with other forms of life, many of which threaten his


    7. Disease producing microorganisms are called pathogens, and diseases they causeare called infectious diseases.




    8. The above list is indeed an imposing list of responsibilities. To fulfill them, the

    nurse requires knowledge, experience, interest in learning, and a willingness to alterher/his practice when new discoveries indicate the need for a change.

    9. Psychology is defined as science that is primarily interested in the study of the individual as

    a thinking, remembering, imagining, feeling, and reacting person. It is concerned with those

    aspects of behavior that have their origin in the mental apparatus.

    TEXT 2

    Pre reading activities

    1. Have you studied pharmacology?

    2. What do you know about side effects?

    Now read the text.

    Doctors need the help of research and education centers on drug effects.

    By Raymond L. Woosly

    And David A. Flockhart




    1) Have you ever become drowsy after taking an allergy medicine? 2) Developed diarrhea or

    vaginitis after an antibiotic?3) Has your child developed a rash after taking a cold remedy?4) The side effects of prescription drugs are the downside of the medical miracles developed by thepharmaceutical industry.

    5)Unfortunately, they can be a lot more serious than drowsiness, diarrhea and rash. A

    Boston study group has estimated that 30.000 Americans die each year from reactions to

    prescription drugs.6) Recent estimates indicate that 5% of medical admissions to hospitals are due to

    unwanted reactions to medications. 7) The Food and Drug Administration acknowledges that it

    receives notice of only a small fraction of these reactions. 8) Few are reported.9) Fewer arestudied. 10) Because we dont know how big the problem is, we have no idea of the cost in lostproductivity.

    11) To complicate the problem, physician prescribing is not the best.12) from the work of

    Harvard researchers, we do know that one in four prescriptions for the elderly is inappropriate.13) Prescribing errors are common, the second most common cause of patient injury and

    malpractice claims.14) Why is this? 15) Incredibly , information that would enable physicians to anticipate

    and prevent serious drug reactions is not readily available.16) After the second year of medical

    school, physicians have little, if any, opportunity for education in the basic principles oftherapeutics and how to prevent drug side effects. 17) For the average physician, two thirds of thedrugs they prescribe were developed after he or she completed medical school.

    18) To make matters worse, very little research is conducted to study adverse drugreactions. 19) There is no economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to systematically study

    and publicize the side effects of their drugs. 20) Federal research grants for these studies arealmost non-existent.

    21) Medical educators should be able to teach physicians to prescribe safe and cost-effective therapy. 22)But they have neither the research base nor the educational mechanism to

    make that possible.23)As part of health care reform, a new program of regional centers for education and

    research in therapeutics has been proposed but not yet included in any bill. 24)These centers would

    be affiliated with the FDA and based in academic medical centers.25) They would conduct theneeded research on marketed drugs. 26) Unwanted and dangerous actions of drugs would beexamined, especially in women, children, and the elderly and other vulnerable groups.

    27) The centers could identify problems with drugs earlier after initial marketing and avertdisasters, not only the thalidomides but the common, less dramatic problems that draw far less

    attention.28) Congress should create these centers. 29)A society that invests more than $10 billion a

    year in new chemicals to improve health should have an aggressive and independent mechanism toevaluate and improve their safety after marketing.

    Post reading activities

    1. Write an appropriate title for the article.


    2. What are the side effects mentioned in the text?

    _________________ __________________ _________________




    3. Look for a synonym or related word for the following words in the text.

    a) side effects _______________, ___________________

    b) drug ________________, __________________

    c) company __________________

    d) research __________________

    e) information __________________

    4. Match the following words in column A with its corresponding synonyme in

    column B

    A B

    a) Physician

    b) Rash

    c) Drowsinessd) Cold

    e) Downside

    f) Unwanted reaction


    _____side effects

    _____flu_____ negative

    _____ skin reaction


    5. Why do the writers say they dont know the cost in lost productivity?

    6. What is the problem stated in the text?

    7. What is the solution the authors suggest?

    What do the underlined words refer to?



    a) they (5)__________________________________________

    b) few (8) __________________________________________

    c) this (14) _________________________________________

    d) they (17) _________________________________________

    e) their (19) ________________________________________

    f) they (22) ________________________________________

    g) these centers (24) _________________________________

    h) They (25) _______________________________________

    i) Their (29) _______________________________________

    TEXTO 3

    Pre reading activities

    1. What is an antibiotic?

    2. What words do you relate to antibiotic?

    Now read the text:

    1) Antibiotics are useful in combating bacterial illnesses, but doctors say patients

    need to be aware of the do and donts of using them.

    2) The doctor patient partnership, a group created by doctors and the government

    in 1996 to encourage sensible use of the National health System, urges patients to use

    antibiotics appropriately.

    3) The campaign includes an updated leaflet about problems associated with

    antibiotic use, such as inappropriate prescription and side effects like stomach upsets and


    4) Other concerns about antibiotics include:

    5) Patients who fail to take the full course of antibiotics prescribed for them.



    6) This can aid the rise of drug-resistant germs and is particularly worrying in the

    case of serious illnesses. 7) In recent years, drug-resistant forms of diseases like

    tuberculosis have been noted in many countries around the world.

    8) Patients who forget to take their antibiotics at the times prescribed.

    9) Doctors should explain clearly when and how often the drugs should be taken.

    10) They say that patients should take their pills at the time each day to aid


    11) Some patients think that they can share other peoples antibiotics or use an

    unfinished course of antibiotics for another illness.

    12) Antibiotics are prescribed for a specific illness and a specific person therefore

    they should not be shared.

    13) The full course of drugs should be finished so there should be no leftovers. 14)

    A person may feel well, but there may still be bacteria left in their body which could

    cause a recurrence of the illness.

    Post reading activities

    1. What are the recommendations given in the text?

    2. Locate a connector of cause and effect and a connector of contrast.

    3. Draw a diagram or a picture that illustrates the content of the text.