After completing this unit student should be able to: Analyze and recognize the concept and main characteristics of abstracts.

Unidad v Abstracts y Art Cientificos 2012 Docx323

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a. Based on your background knowledge fill the following boxes. Do it in Spanish please.

An abstract is:

It offers to the reader these advantages:

“Abstracts o resúmenes”

Representan un tipo de texto cuya organización o estructura y carga informativa los diferencia de textos descriptivos, narrativos entre otros.

Es una representación cuidadosa y abreviada de los contenidos de un artículo o documento, preparado generalmente por el o los autores, para ser publicada con el artículo.

La importancia del abstract o resumen viene dada por la enorme cantidad y variedad de publicaciones científicas. Los trabajos publicados internacionalmente son la fuente más confiable de información actualizada, pero los requerimientos laborales no permiten a los científicos disponer de tiempo suficiente para la lectura minuciosa de la mayoría de los artículos relevantes para su disciplina o área de investigación. Los abstracts vienen a representar una salida convincente, ya que son una fuente de información concisa, precisa y adecuada.

Los abstracts permiten al estudiante o investigador buscar, identificar y seleccionar rápidamente los artículos más relevantes para su trabajo de investigación.

Los abstracts pueden variar según su extensión, el tipo de resumen y su organización o estructura interna.

En relación a la extensión, el abstract no debe ser no demasiado corto ni demasiado extenso.

Frahm (1986) demuestra que los lectores consideran inadecuados los abstracts demasiado cortos por la poca información presentada, y los demasiado extensos por presentar gran cantidad de información innecesaria para el propósito del mismo.

En cuanto al tipo de abstract, Dubois (1989) presenta dos categorías: el abstract de tipo informativo y el abstract de tipo indicativo.

Al abstract informativo se utiliza en trabajos de tipo experimental e incluye información específica con respecto a la metodología y resultados, por lo tanto es ampliamente utilizado en las disciplinas científicas y Ciencias de la Salud, también es común en las Ciencias Sociales.

El abstract indicativo presenta un esbozo de los contenidos en forma genérica, sin explicar metodología ni resultados y no es recomendable para trabajos de tipo experimental.

En relación con la organización de los contenidos o estructura interna del resumen, existen diferentes patrones. Básicamente, el resumen debe incluir cuatro partes o movimientos (moves) que representan los elementos de información incluidos:

1) El propósito y objetivo de la investigación,2) Breve descripción del método utilizado,,3) Sinopsis de resultados,4) Conclusiones más relevantes.

Sin embargo, no todos los resúmenes siguen el mismo patrón. Salager-Meyer (1989), en un análisis de resúmenes de publicaciones en el área de medicina y ciencias de la salud, logra identificar cuatro tipos de estructura dependiendo del número de movimientos utilizados.

El primer tipo incluye resúmenes de tres movimientos solamente: propósitos y objetivos, resultados o síntesis de datos y conclusiones.

El segundo tipo presenta cuatro movimientos: propósitos, resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones; o bien, planteamiento del problema, propósitos, resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones.

El resumen de cinco movimientos incluye: planteamiento del problema, propósitos, resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones.

Y, por último, los resúmenes de ocho o más movimientos: objetivos, diseño, ambiente, sujetos, intervención del investigador, medidas, resultados y conclusiones.

Según Salager-Meyer (1989), un resumen bien estructurado presenta las siguientes características:

Selección de movimientos: debe incluir por lo menos tres de los movimientos fundamentales: propósitos, métodos, resultados y/o conclusiones.

Organización: la secuencia de los movimientos debe representar una progresión de ideas y estar organizada en forma lógica y natural (Ej.: el propósito debe incluirse al comienzo del resumen, las conclusiones al final, etc.)

Estructura del párrafo: no debe existir superposición estructural ni de contenidos entre un párrafo y el siguiente. De ser posible, cada párrafo debe representar uno de los movimientos del resumen.

Además de las características señaladas por Salager-Meyer (1989), puede añadirse la siguiente:

Redacción: Debe estar redactado en forma impersonal, con oraciones sencillas, sin repeticiones ni redundancias y con un vocabulario controlado.

Tomado del Delmastro, A. (1992) La Enseñanza del Inglés con Fines Específicos: Diseños de Cursos, Materiales y Metodologías. Trabajo de Ascenso para Optar a la Categoría de Profesor Titular. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Maracaibo, Universidad del Zulia.

Abstract Nº 1:Occupational mobility and segmented labour market: Gladys Parra de Vílchez. Magister en Educación, Especialista en Planificación e Investigación Educativa.

In contrast to the traditional neoclassical theories, new interpretations of the relationship between education and employment, education and earnings, and occupational mobility have arisen. This article presents the neoclassical and the new theories that intend to explain the movements in the labour market and focuses specifically on the theory of segmented labour markets. This theory affirms that earnings and mobility employment are related to the position workers in different labour markets, and these differences are analyzed from the point of view of demand.

Key words: Labour markets, segmented markets, occupational mobility.Taken from: Omnia, Revista interdisciplinaria de la División de Estudios para Graduados de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo Venezuela, Dep. Legal: PP 95 – 0045- ISSN: 1315-8856. N° 1. Junio 1999.

Directions:*Read the abstract given carefully.

Specify in Spanish, please.

What’s its source?_______________________________________________________________

What’s its title?_______________________________________________________________

Who is the author?_______________________________________________________________

Which institution has published it?_______________________________________________________________

Type of abstract: Why? ________________________________________________________________ Extension: _______________________________________________________________

Fill the following box with the information required. Do it in Spanish, please

Semantic Movement 1

Semantic Movement 2

Semantic Movement 3

Semantic Movement 4

Semantic Movement 5

Write briefly in no more than 5 lines, your personal opinion about this study.

Abstract Nº2: Management values and organizational behavior:Caleb A. López, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Universidad del ZuliaThe fundamental purpose of this article is to awaken behavioral-science-researchers’ attention as to the importance of studying the role of the manager’s personal values in the management of his respective organizations. This is, particularly important at this moment when the organizations environment requires proactive manners of personal and organizational change in the face of market tendencies in a global society. Personal values of managers could be a key to the necessary means for managing their organizations with efficacy and efficiency. With this in mind, the authors mentions and briefly comments on some recent studies about the relationships between manager’s personal values and organizational aspects, such as: perception of reality, decision making, interpersonal relations, perceptions of success, ethical behavior, and coping with the environment.. Furthermore, relevant and representative research is presented on the determinations and measurement of personal and organizations values. (England, 1967; Hosftede, 1980; Voich Stepina, 1994; Voich, 1995). The cited references could be, for the cautious researchers, sources on which to base their own research in relation to this particular topic. Key words: personal values of managers, organizational behavior, determination of personal values.Taken from: Encuentro Educacional, Universidad del Zulia, facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Maracaibo Venezuela, ISSN: 1315-4079 Vol. 9 1999.Directions:*Read the abstract given carefully.Specify in Spanish, please.

What’s its source?_______________________________________________________________

What’s its title?_______________________________________________________________

Who is the author?_______________________________________________________________

Which institution has published it?_______________________________________________________________

Type of abstract: Why? ________________________________________________________________ Extension:


Fill the following box with the information required. Do it in Spanish, please

Semantic Movement 1

Semantic Movement 2

Semantic Movement 3

Semantic Movement 4

Semantic Movement 5

Write briefly in no more than 5 lines, your personal opinion about this study.

Abstract Nº3: The terrorist attack against United States and US-Mexico relations.

US-Mexico relations were determined by the prevalence of a deep asymmetric interdependence between both countries. Up until the eighties, Mexico regarded its nearness to the United States as a geographic tragedy. The North American free Trade Agreement, however, charged this and Mexico became the second commercial partner of the world’s first power, and a member of the North American community. This idea was further reinforced with Vicente Fox’s elections as President in July 2000. The September 11 th terrorist attacks shifted Washington’s interests: US security became the top priority and relegated its relations with its southern neighbor to a lower priority. Furthermore, the American anti-terrorist policy, particularly the decision to invade Iraq, clashes with the Mexican traditions of pacifism. The complexity of US-Mexico relations is thus once against demonstrated.

Key words: Terrorism, state terrorism, Mexican-North American relations, dependence, interdependence, security.Taken from: Ciencias de Gobierno. Gobernación de Estado Zulia. Instituto Zuliano de Estudios Políticos, Económicos y Sociales, Maracaibo Venezuela, Dep. Legal: PP 199702ZU1123- ISSN: 1316-371X. Año 7, N° 13. Enero-Junio, 2003. 147-161.

Directions:*Read the abstract given carefully.Specify in Spanish, please.

What’s its source?_______________________________________________________________

What’s its title?_______________________________________________________________

Who is the author?_______________________________________________________________

Which institution has published it?_______________________________________________________________

Type of abstract: Why? ________________________________________________________________ Extension:


Fill the following box with the information from the previous exercise. Do it in Spanish, please.

Semantic Movement 1

Semantic Movement 2

Semantic Movement 3

Semantic Movement 4

Semantic Movement 5

Write briefly in no more than 5 lines, your personal opinion about this study.


The fundamental purpose of this study was to analyze the importance of organizational culture in implanting a quality management process in the Venezuelan oil industry. The study was descriptive, non-experimental and transversal. The study population consisted of three groups: nineteen (19) analysts, forty-six (46) supervisors and two-hundred fifty two (252) operators, and control of losses in the oil industry in the State of Zulia. The survey technique with a questionnaire was used. Findings suggest that the quality management system implemented complies with principles laid down for it. However, in relation to leadership, this is not being applied in the best way: better practices are needed to help improve quality management, since leaders do not acknowledge the merits of staff members nor do they promote communication among peers.

Key words: management, organizational culture, quality management.Taken from: Impacto científico. Revista arbitrada venezolana del Núcleo LUZ Costa Oriental del Lago. - ISSN: 1836-5042. Dep. Legal: PP 200602ZU2811 Vol.4, N° 2. Julio-diciembre, 2009. Pp. 226-252.

Directions:*Read the abstract given carefully.Specify in Spanish, please.

What’s its source?_______________________________________________________________

What’s its title?_______________________________________________________________

Who is the author?_______________________________________________________________

Which institution has published it?_______________________________________________________________

Type of abstract: Why? ________________________________________________________________ Extension:


Fill the following box with the information from the previous exercise. Do it in Spanish, please.

Semantic Movement 1

Semantic Movement 2

Semantic Movement 3

Semantic Movement 4

Semantic Movement 5

Write briefly in no more than 5 lines, your personal opinion about this study.


Considering that the personal characteristics of individuals that make up organizations are key elements for managerial excellence, an applied, descriptive study was conducted of the quantitative correlations, observational, field type, with a non-experimental, trans-sectional, correlational-causal design. The general objective was to analyze the effect of motivations on achievement and emotional intelligence in psychological growth for people who are successful in their areas of action, Three Lickert-type instruments were designed and validated by expert judgment; the discriminatory power of the items and their reliability, estimated with the Alpha Cronbach co-efficient, produced rtt =0.97 for psychological growth. Results were processed using descriptive and inferential statistics, showing the three variables at a very high level. The relation between motivation for achievement and emotional intelligence with psychological growth is high and positive (R of 0.820), both expressing 67.3 % of the total variation for psychological growth. Key words: motivations for achievement, emotional intelligence, psychological growth.Taken from: Revista venezolana de gerencia. ISSN: 1315-9984. Dep. Legal: PP 199602ZU40. Año 15, N° 49. Enero - marzo, 2010. Pp. 141-157.

Directions:*Read the abstract given carefully.Specify in Spanish, please.

What’s its source?_______________________________________________________________

What’s its title?_______________________________________________________________

Who is the author?_______________________________________________________________

Which institution has published it?_______________________________________________________________

Type of abstract: Why? ________________________________________________________________ Extension:


Fill the following box with the information from the previous exercise. Do it in Spanish, please.

Semantic Movement 1

Semantic Movement 2

Semantic Movement 3

Semantic Movement 4

Semantic Movement 5

Write briefly in no more than 5 lines, your personal opinion about this study.

Abstract Nº6: CHANGING THE WAY WE DRILLWalt Alfred, Jim Belaskie, Rustam Isangulav, (Cambridge, England); Barry Crockett, Bobby Edmondson (Cameron, Texas, USA); Fred Florence (M/D Totco, Cedar Park Texas); Sundaram Srinivasan (Sugar Land, Texas)

Automated drilling systems decrease risk to rig personnel, reduce costs and improve efficiency. Operating these systems remotely will be the next progression in a maturing oil and gas industry, allowing operators to utilize their most qualified experts at any location to monitor and control drilling operations.

Taken from: Oilfield Review, Schlumberger. Spring 2005. Pages 42-47.

Directions:*Read the abstract given carefully.Specify in Spanish, please.

What’s its source?_______________________________________________________________

What’s its title?_______________________________________________________________

Who is the author?_______________________________________________________________

Which institution has published it?_______________________________________________________________

Type of abstract: Why? ________________________________________________________________ Extension:


Fill the following box with the information from the previous exercise. Do it in Spanish, please.

Semantic Movement 1

Semantic Movement 2

Semantic Movement 3

Semantic Movement 4

Semantic Movement 5

Write briefly in no more than 5 lines, your personal opinion about this study.



A scientific article is:A written summary of a research. It provides us with a brief information allowing to search the more relevant information in a shorter time. (Jordan, 1997) A research consisting o seeking to describe, identify, and control relationships among phenomena in order to study them. (Seliger and Shohamy, 1989) A complete piece of writing, as a report or essay that is part of a newspaper, magazine or book. (Webster Dictionary,1970)A group of sentences that expresses a complete thought set off in a text page with indentation or spacing. (Adapted from Trimble, 1985)


PARTS OR SEMANTIC MOVES OF A SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE:1. Abstract2. Introduction (Background information, problem statement)3. Design or method (Environment, sample, resources, data)4. Results. (Conclusions, recommendations, acknowledgements, references)

Task 3: Write in Spanish (based on your background knowledge) what each part or movement refers to:1. Abstract2. Introduction3. Background information4. Problem statement5. Design or method6. Environment7. Sample8. Resources9. Data collection10. Result-discussion11. Conclusion12. Recommendations13. Acknowledgements14. References Task 4: The majority of the researches followed a for-move pattern based on: introductions (I), methods (M), results (R) and discussion (D). The description of these moves is given below (Identify them using the initials.)

1. The findings are described, by variable amounts of commentary. ( )2. It offers an increasingly generalized account of what has been learned in the study. This is usually done though a series of points, at least some of which refer back to statements made in the introduction.( )3. Describes in various degrees of detail, methodology, materials and procedures, This is the narrowest part of the research. ( )4. Provides the rationale for the paper, moving form general discussion of the topic to the particular question or hypothesis being investigated. A secondary purpose is to attract interest in the topic and readers. ( )

(Adapted form Jordan, 1997)EXERCISE N°1:Task 1: Skim the article: “DRILLING AUTOMATION” to complete the information requested. Do it in Spanish, please.


b. Journal’s name: Oilfield Reviewc. Volume: Paginas 1-12d. Year of publication: Summer 2012e. Author: Schlumberger

Task 2: Read the complete article again and indicate which is the semantic article move according to the subtitle and the respective key words. Do it in Spanish, please.

Subtitles Macrofunction Key words/discourse markers.

Semantic move Key words

Introduction Controlling the brakeFasterSmootherAutomatic fluids measurementsInteroperability: the bridge to automation

Task 4: Explain in Spanish how data was analyzed.

Task 5: Write some information about the author of this research. Do it in Spanish, please.

Task 6: State the conclusions of this research, do it in Spanish, please.

Task 7: Now, using your final conceptual map of “Chaging the way we drill” write the semantic move to each subtitle, do it in Spanish, please.


Task 1: Skim your scientific article to complete the information requested. Do it in Spanish, please.


IN SPANISH: Herramientas especiales para la recuperación de escombros de pozos

IN ENGLISH: Specialized Tools for Wellbore Debris Recovery

b. Journal’s name: Oilfield Reviewf. Volume: Paginas 1-12c. Year of publication: Winter 2012/2013d. Author:Schlumberger

Task 2: Read the complete article again and indicate which is the semantic article move according to each subtitle. Do it in Spanish, please.

Subtitles Semantic move Macrofunction Key words/discourse markers.

1 Introducción


Diseñar, Sistemas

especiales, Remoción

de escombros

2 Fuentes de escombros pequeños

3 La complejidad del diseño

4 Viejo concepto: Nueva aplicación

5 Escombros en las profundidades

6 Remoción de las arenas y los

escombros de las pistolas.

7 Escombros en áreas sensibles a la


8 Remoción de escombros de las

operaciones de fresado.

9 Remoción de empacadores


10 Desarrollo de herramientas en

rápida evolución.

Task 4: Explain in Spanish how data was analyzed.

R: Los datos analizados los obtuve utilizando Skimmimg, Scanning y adivinando mediante el uso de pistas lingüísticas.

Task 5: Write some information about the author of this research. Do it in Spanish, please.

R: Schlumberger, es una compañía extranjera petrolera que presta servicios a PDVSA

Task 6: State the conclusions of this research, do it in Spanish, please.

R: Esta investigación resultó de gran importancia ya que pude obtener conocimientos básicos sobre las herramientas especiales para la recuperación de escombros de pozos, estas, se consideran muy importantes en el ámbito petrolero, ya que mediante este proceso de recuperación de escombros se necesita de tecnología realmente potente para llevar a cabo la pesca como tal. Esos escombros podrían provocar daños en el pozo sino es removido, por ello es de gran utilidad las herramientas para la recuperación de escombros.

Task 7: Now, using your scientific article conceptual map write the semantic move to each subtitle, do it in Spanish, please.