  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    ! ! ! ATENCI ON ! ! !

    El t i em po de en t r ega es de 30 a 35 d as hb i les en cua lqu ie r com p ra , ya quelos p roduc t os son env iados desde l a m i sm a FBRI CA y dependen de l f l u j o de

    paque t es a n i ve l i n t e rnac iona l.


    ------------------------001 Moda y Accesorios

    Bolsas y Carteras-----------------------------

    Bo lsos de Mano

    Descr ipc in resum ida de l con t en ido de l cat a logo :

    - Amplia seleccin de distintos modelos de bolsos de manocon distintas caractersticas.

    Pedimos disculpas por los ttulos en Ingles en los productos, en futuras

    versiones de los catlogos estar todo en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Actualizado al, 15 de Junio de 2012

    Trm inos y cond iciones pa ra ca t logos de U l t raBara to .comVersin de D ocum en t o : 1 . 0

    Trm ino s solo val idos p ara TODOS LOS PA SES.



    HACER UN PEDI DO_______________________________________________

    Muchas gracias por bajar este catalogo de productos, estamos ms que seguros queencontrara muchas cosas de su inters.

    Los catlogos contemplan todos los productos disponibles hasta el momento, desdenuestros proveedores y fbricas en China, Asia y Parte de Europa, segn la categora a la que

    un producto corresponda podr encontrar muchas mas opciones en colores, tamaos y precios,de esa manera podr hacer una mejor comparacin y eleccin del producto que deseacomprar.

    Pero recuerde que no es todo lo que podemos ofrecerle, la cantidad de productos es tanalta que constantemente estaremos actualizando nuestros catlogos con nuevos productos yofertas que no debe perder, en algunas ocasiones el numero de tems nuevos es limitado ysolo se fabrican un cierto numero de unidades, luego salen de stock as que reviseregularmente nuestras actualizaciones.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    En caso de verse interesado en realizar un pedido, por favor debe tomar en cuenta lassiguientes observaciones:

    1. Todo producto en el catalogo, esta sujeto a previa revisin de existencia con nuestrosproveedores, por lo que cualquier pedido deber tener nuestra confirmacin ycotizacin final, la misma que tendr una vigencia de 7 d as ca lendar io y no implicaNI NGUN COMPROMI SO de su parte, de esta manera evitamos que haya errores almomento de la compra.

    2. Los precios de cada producto estn expresados en DOLARES AMERI CANOS, y PORU N I D AD, en algunos casos por grupo o Kit de objetos, pero recuerde que la variacinde precios es constante en China, as que por favor no se alarme si nuestraconfirmacin final llega con una correccin del precio que no ser significativa.

    3. Toda compra que usted realice es TOTALMENTE SEGURA Y PRI VAD A, puedecomprar el producto que guste, en la cantidad que desee, de cualquier categora, sinpreguntas de nuestra parte, le aseguramos que sus datos personales y la de suscompras estn fuertemente resguardadas y JAMAS se revelaran a personas ajenas aUltrabarato.

    4. Nuestros clientes asiduos tendrn derecho a un descuento del 5% en el precio final,esto es a partir de la primera compra.

    5. Si usted desea hacer un pedido al por mayor, segn el numero de tems a comprar sele asignara un descuento (as sea su primera compra con nosotros):

    D e 10 a 49 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 10% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 50 a 99 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 15% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 100 a 500 un idades e l descuen t o ser de l 20% a l 25% depend iendo

    de l t em y de l c l i en t e sob re e l t o t a l .6. En toda compra (sin importar el numero de tems), usted deber otorgar un plazo de

    30 a 3 5 d as hb i les que ta r dara e l paqu ete en l legar a su pas, desde Ch ina ;algunos pedidos llegaran en menos tiempo segn la poca del ao, esto debidonetamente al flujo de paquetes a nivel internacional, en todo caso le informaremosoportunamente de algn retraso o problema que haya con su pedido.

    7. Si el pedido supera los 30 Dlares se le asignara automticamente un NUMERO DERASTREO AEREO y el paquete llegara con el tenor de CERTI FI CADO a destino; encaso de que el pedido sea menor a 30 Dlares, el cliente tiene la opcin de PAGARUN EXTRA por la asignacin MANUAL de un NU MERO DE RASTREO AEREO, para sucontrol y comodidad.

    8. El pago puede ser realizado por los siguientes medios: PayPal (de preferencia),deposito en cuenta de banco internacional autorizada, pago electrnico medianteInternet y Tarjeta de Crdito, giro de dinero por medio de Western Union o MoneyGram, etc. Ning n ped i do ser env iado has ta CONFI RMAR el pago to ta l .

    9. Podr realizar cambios en su pedido dentro las 2 4 h o r a s siguientes a la confirmacinde su pago, de lo contrario, se proceder a encargar y enviar a su pas los temscomprados.

    10. En caso de que en un pedido, todos o un tem no llegaran a destino, hasta un mximode 65 das hbiles desde la fecha oficial de envo, segn el acuerdo de la compra,U l t r aBara t o devo lve r e l mon t o de d ine ro co r respond ien t e a l numero de t ems f a l t an t es , en f o rma de c rd i t o en nues t r a pg ina w eb , PR EVI A

    con f i rmac in de pa r t e de nu es t r o p roveedor y ve r i f i cac in con las comp a asde Cor r eos de cada pas , de que su paquet e es ta perd ido . 11. Cualquier falla de fbrica en los productos deber ser reportada I NMEDI ATAMENTE

    a la Gerenc ia de U l t raBara to con f o togra f as y descr ipc in deta l lada delproblema, en un lapso de 2 4 h o r a s dependiendo del producto para que le sea enviadauna respuesta y posible solucin al caso.

    12. Los clientes que tengan cierta antigedad con UltraBarato podrn realizar sus pedidoscon el deposito de solo el 50% de l pago y paga r el saldo a a l en t r ega de lp roduc t o .

    13. Una vez que el pedido del cliente este confirmado con el proveedor y la orden ya esteen camino al destino acordado con el comprador, U l t r aBara t o no esta en laobligacin de devolver ningn monto de dinero sobre la compra en caso de que el

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    comprador se retracte de la misma, ya que el pedido esta en transito y ya espropiedad del Cliente.

    14. En caso de que el cliente desee devolver un producto por X o Z motivo y obtener elreembolso parcial o completo, la Gerencia de UltraBarato dar una respuesta alrequerimiento de devolucin, segn la razn que el cliente plantee, si esta tiene fuerzay merece una devolucin, se proceder a la AUTORI ZACI ON DE LA DEVOLUCI ONDEL PRODUCTO, con la consideracin de que e l c l ien te cor rer con los gas tos dereenv o de l p r oduc t o has t a e l p r oveedor en C h ina , una vez que el producto llegueal proveedor y este CONFI RME su recepcin, se esperara a que el proveedor haga elreembolso monetario correspondiente sobre los tems recibidos, siendo este despusdevuelto al comprador segn los trminos en los que se quedaron al momento de laautorizacin por parte de UltraBarato, debe tomar en cuenta que este procesogeneralmente toma hasta m as de 6 m eses en concretarse.

    La Gerencia de Ultrabarato le pide considerar los puntos anteriores y lo invita a disfrutarde nuestros catlogos y convertirse muy pronto en uno de nuestros clientes.

    Si decide hacer un pedido por algn o varios tems de nuestros catlogos, realice elmismo a nuestra cuenta de correo: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com con los siguientes datoscomo M I N I M O :

    - CODI GO de l o los p rodu c tos .- El num ero de t em s a com pra r .- Direcc in y da tos persona les .- Lugar de des t i no .

    Para su comodidad a continuacin de este documento, encontrara un ejemplo de HOJADE PEDI DO, donde podr realizar un requerimiento de cotizacin sobre productos de suinters, sintase libre de modificarlo de ser necesario, pero tome como referencia los datosque solicitamos como M I N I M O.

    Ultrabarato al momento de responder a su pedido, har una confirmacin de stock, losmedios de pago sugeridos, descuentos que se apliquen, etc. segn cada caso

    Nuestra compaa tambin podr ayudarlo con la importacin todo tipo de materiales,

    repuestos, electrnicos, maquinarias, etc. desde las fbricas en China, por lo que si noencuentra lo que necesita en nuestros catlogos, envenos su requerimiento o consulta anuestra direccin de e-mail: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com

    Los catlogos sern actualizados regularmente con nuevos productos y precios, lo mismoque este (documento de ser necesario). Le recomendamos LEERLO CON ATENCI ON antesde proceder con su compra.

    Nuevamente muchas gracias por su tiempo, confianza e inters en nuestra tienda enlnea.

    Gerenc ia Adm in i s t r a t i va - U l t r aBara t oh t t p :/ / w w w .u lt r ab ar at o .co m---------------------------La mejor tienda de gadgets en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT







    FECH A DE PED I D O: __ / __ / __

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM001BTCotton Canvas Tote Hand ba g Shoulder Bag 320 x 185 mm with Bold

    Co lor Lette rs "C" for Lad ies Girls$6.12

    BM002BTCotton Canvas Tote Hand ba g Shoulder Bag 340 x 260 mm with Bold

    Newspa pe r Prints for Lad ies Girls$6.12

    BM003BTCotton Canvas Tote Hand ba g Shoulder Bag 410 x 340 mm with Bold

    Newspa pe r Prints for Lad ies Girls$7.83

    BM004BTCotton Canvas Tote Hand ba g Shoulder Bag 490 x 380 mm with Bold

    Color Circ les for Ladie s Girls$10.28

    BM005BTCanvas Foldab le Zipper Closure Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Tote Bag

    with Eng lish Letters Patterns for Ladies Girls$6.67

    BM006BTCanvas Foldable Strip Patterned Zipper Closure Fashionable Shoulder

    Bag Handbag Tote Bag for Lad ies Girls$7.83

    BM007BT Canvas Foldab le Patte rned Zipper Closure Fashionab le Lad y'sShoulde r Bag Handbag Tote Bag for Shop ping Trave ling $7.83

    BM008BTTheethic al Style Ram ie Cotton Tote Hand ba g Bag with Bold Flower

    Prints for Ladies Girls$7.66

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM009BTMultifunctiona l Military Zipp ered Horizonta l Utility Pouc h with Mo dula r

    Webb ing and Bottom Water Drainag e Gromm et$9.56

    BM010BTMultifunctiona l Military Zipp ered Horizonta l Utility Pouc h with Mo dula r

    Webb ing and Bottom Water Drainag e Gromm et$9.56

    BM011BTMultifunctiona l Military Zipp ered Horizonta l Utility Pouc h with Mo dula r

    Webb ing and Bottom Water Drainag e Gromm et$9.56

    BM012BTMultifunctiona l Military Zipp ered Horizonta l Utility Pouc h with Mo dula r

    Webb ing and Bottom Water Drainag e Gromm et$9.86

    BM013BT4 Layered Velc ro Closure Military Army Cedula ID Card Passpo rt

    Holde r Case with Nec k String$12.17

    BM014BT4 Layered Velc ro Closure Military Army Cedula ID Card Passpo rt

    Holde r Case with Nec k String$12.68

    BM015BT All Purposes Dual Zipp ered Hand Bag with 2 Com pa rtme nts & QuickRelease Buckle Wrist Strap for Outdoor Activities $10.08

    BM016BTNylon 4 Layered Hand le Bag with Front Flap Detac hab le Strap &

    Canteen Pouc h for Spo rts Outdo or Ac tivities$16.85

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM017BTUltra Portab le Kitbag Canva s Bike Bag Spe ake r System for iPod s MP3

    Players Hom e& Outdo or Use$30.61

    BM018BTWaterproof Multi-Purpose Cute Hello Kitty Printed Hand Bag Tote

    Shopping Bag Lunch Box Carrier with Zipper Closure$6.32

    BM019BT Domo Kun Car Safety Seat Belt Shoulder Cushion Cover $6.28

    BM020BTChinese Style Hand ma de Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulder Bag

    Handbag Small Size$7.33

    BM021BTChinese Style Hand ma de Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulder Bag


    BM022BTChinese Style Handm ad e Ca rrying Bag Handba g for Lad y Girl


    BM023BT Chinese Style Hand ma de Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulder BagHandbag $11.50

    BM024BTKorean Style Fashionab le Shivering Patte rned Hand ba g with Inside &

    Back Poc ke ts Plus Zipp er Closure for Lady Girl$7.66

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM025BTRound Cartoon Spong eBob Figure Plush Doll Messeng er Bag Cross

    Bod y Shoulde r Bag with Zipp er Closure Patterns Assorted$5.44

    BM026BTStylish Floral Patterned Zipp er Closure Leisure Tote Bag Handba g for

    Woman Lad y Single Com pa rtment$7.89

    BM027BTStylish Strap Flora l Patterned Zipper Closure Leisure Tote Bag

    Handba g for Woman Lad y Single Com pa rtment$7.95

    BM028BTThee thica l Style Ram ie Cotton Tote Handba g Bag with Bold Butterfly

    Prints for Ladies Girls Assorted Color$6.60

    BM029BTUtility Cam oflag ue Pac k Canvas Aslant Sling Bag Speaker System for

    iPod s MP3 Players Hom e& Outdoo r Light Green$32.95

    BM030BTUtility Style Pac k Canva s Bag iPod s MP3 Play ers Stereo Spea ke r Box

    for Bike Bicyc le - Blac k$31.95

    BM031BT Theethic al Style Ram ie Cotton Tote Hand ba g Bag with Bold FlowerPrints for Ladies Girls $6.60

    BM032BTTheethic al Style Ram ie Cotton Tote Hand ba g Bag with Bold Flower

    Prints for Ladies Girls$6.60

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM033BTUtility Cam oflag ue Pac k Canvas Aslant Sling Bag Speaker System for

    iPod s MP3 Players Hom e& Outdoor - Pink$32.95

    BM034BTUtility Ca moflague Style Pac k Canvas Bag iPod s MP3 Players Stereo

    Speaker Box for Bike Bicycle - Pink$30.19

    BM035BTUtility Candy Strip Style Pack Canvas Aslant Sling Bag Speaker

    System for iPod s MP3 Players Hom e& Outdoo r$32.95

    BM036BTPlush Cartoon Domo Kun Design Zipp er Closure Leisure Tote Bag

    Handba g Shoulde r Bag w ith Side Poc ke t XL-Size$19.70

    BM037BTThee thical Style Ramie Co tton Tote Handba g Bag w ith Bold Rose

    Prints for Ladies Girls$7.44

    BM038BTTibe tan Ethnic Culture Style Velc ro &Zipp er Closure Cross Bod y

    Leisure Shoulder Bag for Woman Lad y Single Com pa rtment$8.06

    BM039BT Utility Ca moflague Style Pac k Canvas Bag iPod s MP3 Players StereoSpeaker Box for Bike Bicyc le - Blue $30.19

    BM040BTPlastic Multi-Purpose Cute Super Mario Bros Printed Hand Bag Tote

    Shopping Bag Lunch Box Carrier with Zipper$6.56

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM041BTWaterproof Multi-Purpose Cute Hello Kitty Printed Hand Bag Tote

    Shopping Bag Lunch Box Carrier with Zipper Closure$6.91

    BM042BTUtility Cam oflag ue Pac k Canvas Aslant Sling Bag Speaker System for

    iPod s MP3 Players Hom e& Outdoo r - Blue$32.41

    BM043BTPlastic Multi-Purpose Cute Panther & Hello Kitty Printed Hand Bag Tote

    Shopping Bag Lunch Box Carrier with Zipper$6.65

    BM044BTWaterproof Multi-Purpose Cute Hello Kitty Printed Hand Bag Tote

    Shopping Bag Lunch Box Carrier with Zipper Closure$6.26

    BM045BTUtility Candy Strip Style Pac k Canva s Bag iPod s MP3 Players Stereo

    Speaker Box for Bike Bicyc le$31.14

    BM046BTUtility Cam oflag ue Pac k Canvas Aslant Sling Bag Speaker System for

    iPod s MP3 Play ers Home & Outdoo r Dark Green$32.41

    BM047BT Bohe mia n Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fab ric Braid s Straps VanityHand -Bag Messenger-Bag $7.81

    BM048BTBohemian Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fabric Full Zippered Knot

    Strap Vanity Hand -Bag$7.81

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM049BTVersatile Foldab le Neo prene Tote Hand ba g Zippered Soft Bag with

    Flossy Hello Kitty Prints for Ladies Girls$8.68

    BM050BTVersatile Foldab le Neo prene Tote Hand ba g Zippered Soft Bag with

    Flossy Hello Kitty Prints for Ladies Girls$8.68

    BM051BTVersatile Foldab le Neo prene Tote Hand ba g Zippered Soft Bag with

    Flossy SpongeBob Prints for Ladies Girls$8.68

    BM052BTVersatile Foldab le Neo prene Tote Hand ba g Zippered Soft Bag with

    Flossy Hello Kitty Prints for Ladies Girls$8.68

    BM053BTBohemian Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fabric Full Zippered Vanity


    BM054BTBohemian Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fabric Full Zippered Folded

    Opening Shoulde r-Bag Messenger-Bag$22.83

    BM055BT Bohemian Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fabric Full Zippered LargeShopping Shoulder-Bag $19.78

    BM056BTBohemia n Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fab ric Velc ro Perfec t

    Tailored Should er-Bag Messeng er-Bag$21.61

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM057BTBohemian Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fab ric Velc ro Snap pe rs

    Shoulder Bag$21.61

    BM058BTBohe mian Ethnic Style Prem ium Quilted Fabric Dimensiona l Tailored

    Full Zipp ered Messeng er Bag$21.61

    BM059BTBohemian Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fabric Full Zippered Shoulder

    Bag Hand -Bag$18.91

    BM060BTBohe mia n Ethnic Style Premium Quilted Fab ric Knot Strap Shoulde r-

    Bag Messeng er-Bag$18.91

    BM061BTSuper Mario 2-in-1 Full Zippered Plush Hand-bag / Messeng er Bag for

    Children Kids$12.31

    BM062BTCute Hello Kitty Pattern Shoulde r Bag Pac k Satc hel w ith Ad justab le

    Strap for Girl Lad y - Pink$9.39

    BM063BT Cute Spo ngeBob Spo nge Bob Patte rn Shoulder Bag Pac k Satc helwith Ad justab le Strap for Kids Children - Yellow $12.48

    BM064BTCute Spo ngeBob Spo nge Bob Patte rn Shoulder Bag Pac k Satc hel

    with Ad justab le Strap for Kids Children - Yellow$12.42

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM065BTCute Pink Hello Kitty Style Zippered Schoo l Bac k Bag Canvas

    Bac kpac k for Children Kids$17.81

    BM066BTCute Spo ngeBob Spo nge Bob Patte rn Shoulder Bag Pac k Satc hel

    with Ad justab le Strap for Kids Children - Yellow$12.48

    BM067BTStylish Mini Dual - Purpose Hello Kitty Patterned Canvas Handbag

    Purse Hand Bag & Petite Shoulde r Bag for Lady Girl$9.86

    BM068BTCute Hello Kitty Style Zippered Canvas Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulder

    Bag Handb ag$15.16

    BM069BTStylish Dual - Purpose Hello Kitty Patte rned Canvas Hand ba g &

    Should er Bag Zipp er Closure w/ 3 Pouc hes for Lady Girl$12.43

    BM070BTStylish Dual - Purpose Hello Kitty Patterned Canva s Trave l Handbag &

    One Shoulde r Gym Bag Zipp er Closure for Lad y G irl$16.20

    BM071BT Stylish Mini Hello Kitty Patterned Canvas Handbag Purse Hand Bagwith PU Hand le fo r Lady Girl $9.84

    BM072BTSpo ngeBob Sponge Bob Pattern Shoulder Bag Pac k Satc hel w ith

    Ad justab le Strap for Kids Children - Yellow$14.54

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM073BTCute Doraem on Pattern Shoulde r Bag Pac k Satc hel with Ad justab le

    Strap for Kids Children - Blue$12.82

    BM074BTCartoon Figure Stitch Hea d Shap ed Large Size Hand ba g Shoulder

    Bag Pac k for Fem ale$21.90

    BM075BTKitty Cat Head Shap ed Shoulder Bag Pac k Satc hel with Ad justab le

    Strap for Kids Children - Pink$14.24

    BM076BTLarge Size Smile Face Pattern Handbag Shoulder Bag Pack for


    BM077BTCartoon Figure Me lody Head Shap ed Large Size Handba g Shoulder

    Bag Pac k for Fem ale$22.20

    BM078BTHello Kitty Head Shap ed Large Size Hand ba g Shoulder Bag Pac k for


    BM079BT Spo nge Bob SpongeBob Large Size Hand ba g Shoulder Bag Pac k fo rFemale $23.44

    BM080BT3 Com pa rtme nts SLR Came ra Hand Shoulde r Bag Case Carrying

    Protrec tion with Compa ss for Business Daily Life Trave l$48.34

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM081BTLove ly Pink Hello Kitty Style Hand ba g Multifunctiona l Zipp ered

    Canvas Bag for Child Kid Female (Assorted Colo r)$9.39

    BM082BTLove ly Yellow Sponge Bob Style Handba g Multifunc tional Zippered

    Canvas Bag for Child Kid Fem ale$9.53

    BM083BTSoft Patterned Cotton Canvas Bag Zippered Pouc h Case w ith

    Wooden Loc k Button for Digital Ca me ras Assorted Color$5.47

    BM084BTHand y Cartoon Supe r Mario Patte rned Tote Hand ba g Two-Layered

    Shoulder Bag with Zipper Closure Assorted Color$10.34

    BM085BTChinese Weave Style Handmade 9 Beads Wooden Rings Dual Strap

    Zippered Satchel Shoulder Bag$10.39

    BM086BTChinese Wea ve Style Hand ma de Strap Closing Colo r Bar Designed

    Satc hel Bac kpac k - Fuchsia$10.32

    BM087BT Chinese Weave Style Hand ma de Strap Closing OK Patte rn DesignedSatchel Bac kpa ck $10.88

    BM088BTChinese Wea ve Style Handma de Scale Patte rn Woode n Rings Dual

    Strap Zippered Satchel Shoulder Bag$11.63

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM089BTFashion Hello Kitty Soft Faux Lea ther Handba g Tote Bag / Shoulde r

    Bag for Girl Lad y - Pink$31.14

    BM090BTFashion Hello Kitty Soft Faux Lea ther Handba g Tote Bag / Shoulde r

    Bag for Girl Lad y - Pink$32.01

    BM091BTFashion Hello Kitty Soft Faux Lea ther Handba g Tote Bag / Shoulde r

    Bag for Girl Lad y - Off-white$31.48

    BM092BTFashion Hello Kitty Soft Faux Lea ther Handba g Tote Bag / Shoulde r

    Bag for Girl Lad y - White$31.48

    BM093BTFashion Super Ma rio Soft Fluffy Hand ba g Tote Bag / Shoulde r Bag for

    Girl Lad y - Assorted Style$21.47

    BM094BTGrey Plea ted Satin Evening Party Hand ba g Clutch Bag Shoulder Bag

    with Crystal & Two Detac hab le Cha in for Lad ies Wom en$20.40

    BM095BT Purple Plea ted Satin Evening Party Hand ba g Clutch Bag ShoulderBag with Crystal & 2 Detachab le Cha in for Lad ies Women $20.52

    BM096BTBlac k Plea ted Satin Evening Party Hand ba g Clutch Bag Shoulder Bag

    with Crystal & Two Detac hab le Cha in for Lad ies Wom en$20.40

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM097BTCasual Style Graffiti Patte rned Jean+ PU Synthetic Lea ther One -

    shoulder Bag Hand ba g with Shoulder Strap$46.67

    BM098BTFashion Hard Fashioned Hand ba g Purse Wallet w/ Detac hab le

    Shoulder Strap fo r Lad y Girl Wom an - Choc ola te$15.27

    BM099BTCharming Glittering Hard Fashioned Hand ba g Purse Wallet w/

    Detac hab le Shoulde r Strap for Lad y Girl Wom an - Golden$17.33

    BM100BTCharming Glittering Hard Fashioned Hand ba g Purse Wallet w/

    Detac hab le Shoulder Strap for Lad y Girl Woman - Silver$16.69

    BM101BTFashion Hard Fashioned Hand ba g Purse Wallet w/ Detac hab le

    Shoulder Strap for Lady Girl Woman - White& Golden$17.78

    BM102BTFashion Hard Fashioned Hand ba g Purse Wallet w/ Detac hab le

    Should er Strap for Lad y Girl Wom an - Yellow & Silver$17.78

    BM103BT Noble Evening Party Hand ba g Aslant Sling Bag Shoulder BagSynthe tic lea ther Style for Lad ies Wom en Fem ale - Blac k $18.55

    BM104BTNoble Evening Party Hand ba g Aslant Sling Bag Shoulder Bag

    Synthetic lea ther Style for Ladie s Wom en Fem ale - Pink Rose$18.55

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM105BTStylish Ca rtoon Pattern Single Shoulde r Bag Bac kp ac k Satc hel w ith

    Adjustable Straps - Assorted Pattern$24.38

    BM106BTStylish ONE PIECE Patte rn Single Shoulde r Bag Bac kp ac k Satc hel with

    Adjustable Straps - Assorted Pattern$23.39

    BM107BTStylish REBORN Pattern Single Shoulde r Bag Bac kp ack Satchel with

    Adjustable Straps - Assorted Pattern$23.17

    BM108BTVersatile Ca rtoon Katekyo Hitman Body Shoulde r Bag Schoo l

    Messenger Bag with Zipper & Velcro Flap Closure$23.89

    BM109BTGenuine Sanrio Hello Kitty Patte rned Synthetic Lea ther Wrist Bag

    Purse Hand ba g with Detac hab le Shoulder Strap$19.24

    BM110BTGenuine Sanrio Hello Kitty Patte rned Synthetic Lea ther Wrist Bag

    Purse Hand ba g with Detac hab le Shoulder Strap$18.23

    BM111BT Plea ted Satin Evening Party Hand ba g Clutch Bag Shoulder Bag withCrystal Flowe r Dec or & Detachab le Cha ins for Lad ies $20.37

    BM112BTFish Scale Satin Evening Party Handbag Clutc h Bag Shoulde r Bag

    with Crystal & Detachab le Cha ins for Lad ies$21.06

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM113BTBlac k Plea ted Satin Evening Party Hand ba g Clutch Bag Shoulder Bag

    with Crystal & Detachab le Cha ins for Lad ies$20.12

    BM114BTStylish Nylon Fold Away Shopping Bag Reusable Bracke t 43 x 43 cm

    with My Melody Them e Assorted Colo r& Patte rn$14.14

    BM115BTStylish Nylon Fold Away Shopping Bag Reusable Bracke t 43 x 43 cm

    with Spo ngeBob Them e Assorted Co lor& Pattern$14.14

    BM116BTStylish Nylon Fold Away Shopping Bag Reusable Bracke t 43 x 43 cm

    with Mic key Mouse Theme Assorted Colo r& Pattern$14.14

    BM117BTStylish Nylon Fold Away Shopping Bag Reusable Bracke t 43 x 43 cm

    with Winnie-the -Pooh Them e Assorted Co lor& Patte rn$14.14

    BM118BTStylish Nylon Fold Away Shopping Bag Reusable Bracke t 43 x 43 cm

    with Stitch Them e Assorted Co lor& Pattern$14.14

    BM119BT Stylish Nylon Fold Away Shopping Bag Reusable Bracke t 43 x 43 cmwith Doraem on Them e Assorted Colo r& Patte rn $14.14

    BM120BTCharac teristic Style Cute Satc hel Clo th Hand Bag Tote for Girl Lad y -

    Assorted Colo r$15.39

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM121BTCharac teristic Style Cute Satc hel Clo th Bag with Shrink Poc ke t for Girl

    Lad y - Assorted Co lor$13.50

    BM122BTCha rac teristic Style Cute Satchel Clo th Hand Bag Tote w ith Shrink

    Poc ket for Girl Lad y - Assorted Colo r$12.12

    BM123BTCha rac teristic Style Cute Satchel Clo th Hand Bag Tote w ith Shrink

    Poc ket for Girl Lad y - Assorted Colo r$9.58

    BM124BTCream Plea ted Satin Evening Party Handba g Clutch Bag Shoulder

    Bag with Crystal & Detac hab le Cha ins for Lad ies$17.64

    BM125BTBlac k Satin Evening Party Handba g Clutch Bag Shoulder Bag with

    Crystal & Detachab le Cha ins for Lad ies$21.78

    BM126BTMini Skirt Design Satin Evening Party Handbag Clutch Bag Shoulder

    Bag with Bowknot Crystal & Detachab le Cha ins$20.65

    BM127BT Cute Cartoon Stitch Stich Hand Bag Ditty Bag with Shrink Poc ket forCoin Change Co smetic $4.42

    BM128BTCute Spong eBob Patrick Star Shaped Plush Should er Bag Pack

    Satchel with Adjustable Strap for Kids Children - Pink$14.62

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM129BTCharac teristic Style Grea t Carp Shap ed Cute Satc hel Cloth Bag with

    Shrink Pocket for Girl Lady - Assorted Color$21.70

    BM130BTCharac teristic Style Cute Satc hel Lea ther Bag with Plaited Strap for

    Girl Lady$33.91

    BM131BTEthnic Style Hand Made Hand ba g Exquisite Ram ie Co tton Fab ric Bag

    for Ladies Women Female$30.89

    BM132BTCool Blac k Synthetic Lea ther Bag Shoulde r Bag w/ Rhinestone & Skull

    Patte rn for Wom an Men$41.65

    BM133BTStylish 2 Tiers Synthetic Lea ther Bag Handbag Briefcase w /

    Detac hab le Shoulde r for Lad y Girl Wom an - Blac k$57.32

    BM134BTVintage High Imitated Leather Bag Handbag Briefcase w/

    Detac hab le Shoulder Strap for Lad y Girl Woman - Orange$57.38

    BM135BT Vintage High Imitated Leather Bag Handbag Briefcase w/Detac hab le Shoulde r Strap for Lad y Girl Wom an - Ap ricot $57.38

    BM136BTVintage High Imitated Leather Bag Handbag Briefcase w/

    Detac hab le Shoulder Strap for Lad y Girl Wom an - Blac k$55.72

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM137BTClassica l Style Ob long Tumbled PU Synthetic Lea ther Flip Bag Case

    Handbag Briefcase with Chain Style Shoulder Strap$26.10

    BM138BTClassical Style Full Lace Decorated Zippered PU Synthetic Leather

    Bag Hand ba g with Detachab le Shoulder Strap$47.51

    BM139BTClassical Style Bowkno t Ac cented Meta l Ope ning PU Synthetic

    Leather Bag Handbag with Chain Style Shoulder Strap$38.91

    BM140BTClassica l Style Tri Zipp ers with Tassels Ac cente d PU Synthetic Lea ther

    One- shoulder Bag Hand ba g with Shoulde r Strap$46.95

    BM141BTFashionab le & Gene rous Synthetic Lea ther Chec ks Knit Patterned Arc

    Bottom Zipp er Closure Shoulde r Bag - White$25.99

    BM142BTFashionab le & Gene rous Synthetic Lea ther Chec ks Knit Patterned Arc

    Bottom Zipper Closure Shoulder Bag - Black$25.99

    BM143BT Vouge & Stylish Alliga tor Skin Patte rned Patent Viny l Snap C losureRings Strap Satchel Bag - Blac k $25.30

    BM144BTVouge & Stylish Alliga tor Skin Patte rned Patent Viny l Snap C losure

    Rings Strap Satchel Bag - Red$25.30

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM145BTFashionab le & Gene rous Synthetic Lea ther Chec ks Knit Patterned Arc

    Bottom Zipp er Closure Shoulde r Bag - Brown$25.99

    BM146BTChic Chec ker Stitched PU Lea ther Hand ba g Evening Party Bag

    Shoulder Bag with Ad justed Strap for Lad y Wom an$26.44

    BM147BTChic Chec ker Stitched PU Lea ther Hand ba g Evening Party Bag

    Shoulder Bag with Ad justed Strap for Lad y Wom an$26.44

    BM148BTChic Chec ker Stitched PU Lea ther Hand ba g Evening Party Bag

    Shoulder Bag with Ad justed Strap for Lad y Wom an$26.44

    BM149BTGreen PU Lea ther Leisure Tote Bag Handba g Fashiona ble Shoulde r

    Bag with Detac hed Should Strap for Woma n Lad y$44.11

    BM150BTPU Lea ther Leisure Tote Bag Handba g Me ta l Skull Accente d Should er

    Bag with Detac hed Should & Hand Strap$44.70

    BM151BT Vintage Style Chic Hem me d Synthetic Lea ther Satc hel & ShoulderBag w ith Eleg ant Ruffle Trimmed Bottom - Chartreuse $48.61

    BM152BTVog ue Dual Zipp er-Fastene rs Synthetic Lea ther Trave lling Satc hel &

    Shoulde r Bag with Loc k & Key - C laret-Red$59.92

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM153BTElega nt Style Flap Golden Loc k Patent Vinyl Satc hel & Hand &

    Shoulde r Bag with Dec orative Hem s - White$40.53

    BM154BTNew Style PU Lea ther Hand Bag Tote with Grid Lattic e Pattern for Girl

    Lad y Fem ale - White$24.88

    BM155BTNew Style PU Lea ther Hand Bag Tote with Grid Lattic e Pattern for Girl

    Lad y Fem ale - Brown$26.16

    BM156BTNew Style PU Lea ther Hand Bag Tote with Grid Lattic e Pattern for Girl

    Lad y Female - Greenb lack$26.16

    BM157BTChic Chec ker Stitched PU Lea ther Hand ba g Evening Party Bag

    Shoulder Bag with Ad justed Strap for Lad y Wom an$26.44

    BM158BTKorean Vintag e Style Ma tte Soft PU Lea hter OL Briefcase Hand bag

    Slingbag Messenge rbag - Blac k$59.10

    BM159BT Korean Vintag e Style Ma tte Soft PU Lea hter OL Briefcase Hand bagSlingbag Messeng erbag - Pink $62.96

    BM160BTKorean Vintag e Style Ma tte Soft PU Lea hter OL Briefcase Hand bag

    Slingbag Messenge rbag - Khaki$62.96

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM161BTKorean Vintag e Style Ma tte Soft PU Lea hter OL Briefcase Hand bag

    Slingbag Messengerba g - Blue$62.96

    BM162BTElegant Pumpkin Shaped Waterproof Fast Colored Lace & PU Leather

    Hand ba g Sling & Messeng er Bag with Studs - Khaki$53.35

    BM163BTElegant Satin Flowe r& Drape Design Hand ba g Clutch o r Shoulde r Bag

    with Cha ins for Lad ies Girls - Red dish Grey$24.43

    BM164BTElegant Satin Flowe r& Drape Design Hand ba g Clutch o r Shoulde r Bag

    with Chains for Ladie s Girls - Black$24.43

    BM165BTElegant Satin Flowe r& Drape Design Hand ba g Clutch o r Shoulde r Bag

    with Cha ins for Ladies Girls - Purple$24.43

    BM166BTElegant Satin Flowe r& Drape Design Hand ba g Clutch o r Shoulde r Bag

    with Cha ins for Lad ies Girls - Light Brown$24.43

    BM167BT Elegant Satin Flowe r& Drape Design Hand ba g Clutch o r Shoulde r Bagwith Cha ins for Lad ies Girls - Beige $24.43

    BM168BTFashionable Synthetic Leather English British Flag Style Shoulder Bag

    Handba g with Detac hab le Strap Chain - Blue$20.85

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM169BTFashionable Synthetic Leather English British Flag Style Shoulder Bag

    Handba g with Detac hable Strap Chain - White$20.85

    BM170BTFashionable Synthetic Leather English British Flag Style Shoulder Bag

    Handb ag with Detac hab le Strap Chain - Blac k$20.85

    BM171BTFashionable Synthetic Leather English British Flag Style Shoulder Bag

    Handba g with Detac hab le Strap Chain - Red$20.85

    BM172BTFashion British Flag Pattern Hand bag Synthetic Lea ther Tote Bag /

    Should er Bag fo r Girl Lad y - Salm on$15.41

    BM173BTFashion British Flag Pattern Hand bag Synthetic Lea ther Tote Bag /

    Shoulde r Bag for Girl Lady - Fuc hsia$15.41

    BM174BTFashion British Flag Pattern Hand bag Synthetic Lea ther Tote Bag /

    Shoulder Bag for Girl Lady - Green$15.41

    BM175BT Classica l Style Cross Meta llic Loc k PU Faux Lea ther Flip Bag CaseHandbag with Chain Style Shoulder Strap - Red $27.62

    BM176BTClassica l Style Cross Meta llic Loc k PU Synthetic Lea ther Flip Bag

    Case Handba g with Cha in Style Shoulder Strap - Khak i$27.62

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM177BTClassica l Style Cross Meta llic Loc k PU Faux Lea ther Flip Bag Case

    Handbag with Chain Style Shoulder Strap- Light Brown$27.62

    BM178BTClassica l Style Cross Meta llic Loc k PU Faux Lea ther Flip Bag Case

    Hand ba g with Cha in Style Shoulde r Strap - Deep Blue$27.62

    BM179BTClassica l Style Cross Meta llic Loc k PU Faux Lea ther Flip Bag Case

    Hand ba g with Cha in Style Shoulde r Strap - Blac k$27.62

    BM180BTQua lity Rivets PU Lea ther Braids Shoulde r Bag with Meta l Cha in Strap


    BM181BTQua lity Rivets PU Lea ther Braids Shoulde r Bag with Meta l Cha in Strap


    BM182BTVintage Envelop Style Rivet Clutc h Bag Hand ba g Synthetic Lea ther

    Tote Bag / Single Shoulde r Bag for Lad y - Stee lblue$26.21

    BM183BT Vintage Envelop Style Rivet Clutc h Bag Hand ba g Synthetic Lea therTote Bag / Single Shoulde r Bag fo r Lad y - Whea t $26.21

    BM184BT Charac teristic Style Cute Satc hel Bag with Plaited Strap for Girl Lad y $8.90

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM185BTEthnic Style Hand Made Hand ba g Exquisite Ram ie Co tton Fab ric Bag

    for Lad ies Women Fem ale - Blac k$29.30

    BM186BTEthnic Style Hand Made Hand ba g Exquisite Ram ie Co tton Fab ric Bag

    for Lad ies Wom en Female - Orang e$10.48

    BM187BTEthnic Style Hand Made Hand ba g Exquisite Ram ie Co tton Fab ric Bag

    for Lad ies Wom en Fem ale - Green$29.30

    BM188BTYUNNAN Ethnic Purity Co lorful Strip Pattern Ram ie Cotton Hand ba g

    Tote Shoulder Bag for Dressing Travel$35.70

    BM189BTHello Kitty Fac e Ob long Plush Ca rtoon Tote Hand ba g Shoulde r Bag

    Purse w ith Ad justable Strap for Kids$11.25

    BM190BTStylish Lovely Rab bit Patte rn Big Size Square Striated Handbag

    Canva s Sling Bag for Lad ies Wom en Fem ale - Rose Red$23.64

    BM191BT Lovely Rabb it Pattern Big Size Square Striated Handba g Canva s SlingBag for Lad ies Women Fem ale - Red with Blac k $23.64

    BM192BTLovely Rabb it Pattern Big Size Square Striated Handba g Canva s Sling

    Bag for Lad ies Wom en Female - Purple w ith Blac k$23.64

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM193BTLovely Rabb it Pattern Big Size Square Striated Handba g Canva s Sling

    Bag for Lad ies Women Fem ale - White with Blac k$23.64

    BM194BT20" Embroide ry Sturdy Plush Dual Strap Zipp ered Lounge Shoulde r

    Hand Bag for Dom o Kun Fans$17.83

    BM195BT13" Sturdy Plush Ad justable Strap Multi-Poc ke ts Zipp ered Shoulde r

    Hand Bag for Dom o Kun Fans$16.01

    BM196BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulde r Bag fo r Ladie s Wom en - Pink w ith White$31.53

    BM197BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulde r Bag fo r Ladie s Wom en - Pink w ith White$24.78

    BM198BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulder Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Blac k with White$24.78

    BM199BT Lovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather SlingOne Shoulde r Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Red with Blac k $24.78

    BM200BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulder Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Blac k with White$32.57

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM201BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulde r Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Blac k with Red$32.57

    BM202BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulde r Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Red with Blac k$27.19

    BM203BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulde r Bag fo r Ladie s Wom en - Pink w ith White$27.19

    BM204BTLovely Rabbit Pattern Square Handbag Canvas & Faux Leather Sling

    One Shoulder Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Blac k with White$27.19

    BM205BT18" Embroide ry Sturdy Plush Dual Strap Zipp ered Lounge Shoulde r

    Hand Bag for Dom o Kun Fans$14.24

    BM206BTSequin Emb ellishme nt Meta l Hand le Brida l Bag Hand ba g Shoulder

    Bag Classic Loc k w ith Extra Chain Strap - Silver Gray$27.13

    BM207BT Sequin Emb ellishme nt Meta l Hand le Brida l Bag Hand ba g ShoulderBag Classic Lock with Extra Chain Strap - Grey $28.27

    BM208BTSequin Emb ellishme nt Meta l Hand le Brida l Hand ba g Bag Shoulder

    Bag Classic Loc k w ith Extra Chain Strap - Silver Gray$25.76

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM209BTAngry Birds Pattern Single Zipp er Bag Reticule Handba g - Blac k

    Bom b Birds$9.95

    BM210BT Angry Birds Pattern Single Zipper Bag Reticule Handbag - Yellow Birds $9.95

    BM211BT Ang ry Birds Patte rn Single Zipp er Bag Retic ule Hand ba g - Blue Birds $9.95

    BM212BTCute Plush Doll TOTORO Shape Handba g Shoulde r Bag Satchel for

    Girls - Big Size$13.11

    BM213BTPop ular High-cap ac ity Women Polye ster Fab ric Traveling Bag Tote

    Bag Casua l Bag Subtle Life - Blac k$44.58

    BM214BTPop ular Med ium-sized Wom en Polyester Fab ric Trave ling Bag Tote

    Bag Casual Bag Subtle Life - Blac k$39.84

    BM215BT Exquisite Long ilinea l Tassels Clutc h Bag Shoulde r Bag w Cha in Strap& Magne tic Closure for Wom en Lad ies Girls - Blac k $33.57

    BM216BTExquisite Long ilinea l Tassels Clutc h Bag Shoulde r Bag w Cha in Strap

    & Mag netic Closure for Women Lad ies Girls - Coffe$33.57

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM217BTExquisite Long ilinea l Tassels Clutc h Bag Shoulde r Bag w Cha in Strap

    & Magne tic Closure for Women Lad ies Girls - Gray$33.57

    BM218BTCute Cartoon Mickey Mouse Shap ed Plush Single Shoulder Satc hel

    Bag Pac k$8.26

    BM219BTCute Cartoon Minnie Mouse Shaped Plush Single Shoulder Satchel

    Bag Pac k$8.26

    BM220BTCute Ca rtoon Hello Kitty Shaped Plush Single Shoulde r Satc hel Bag


    BM221BT Cute Cartoon Piggy Shaped Plush Single Shoulder Satchel Bag Pack $7.81

    BM222BT Cute Cartoon Bear Shaped Plush Single Shoulder Satchel Bag Pack $7.42

    BM223BT Cute Cartoon Stitch Shaped Plush Single Shoulder Satchel Bag Pack $8.17

    BM224BTCute White Ca t Figure Shape d Plush Single Shoulde r Satc hel Bag


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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM225BTCute Cartoon SpongeBob Shaped Plush Single Shoulder Satchel Bag


    BM226BTFashion Big Size Ang ry Birds Game Cartoon Patte rn Handba g Plush

    Sling One Shoulder Bag - Blue Bird$21.00

    BM227BTFashion Big Size Ang ry Birds Game Cartoon Patte rn Handba g Plush

    Sling One Shoulde r Bag - Yellow Bird$21.00

    BM228BTFashion Big Size Ang ry Birds Game Cartoon Patte rn Handba g Plush

    Sling One Shoulde r Bag - Black Bird$21.00

    BM229BTFashion Big Size Ang ry Birds Game Cartoon Patte rn Handba g Plush

    Sling One Shoulde r Bag - Red Bird$21.00

    BM230BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Blac k$7.78

    BM231BT Simp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag OneShoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Grey $7.78

    BM232BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Red$7.78

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM233BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Pink$7.78

    BM234BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Purple$7.78

    BM235BTCute Hello Kitty Style Satchel One Shoulder Bag with Adjustable Strap

    for Girl Lad y$13.98

    BM236BT2 x Multi Purpose Hello Kitty Pattern Cosme tic Case Makeup Bag with

    Zipp er Closure for Lad y Girl - Assorted$9.69

    BM237BTCute Hello Kitty Style Zippered Nylon Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulder

    Bag Handb ag$12.29

    BM238BTLovely Big Size Hello Kitty Style Nylon Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulde r

    Bag for Girl Lady$20.10

    BM239BT Lovely Big Size Hello Kitty Style Nylon Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulde rBag for Girl Lady $20.10

    BM240BTLovely Big Size Hello Kitty Style Nylon Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulde r

    Bag for Girl Lady$21.13

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM241BTHello Kitty Ca rtoon Pattern Handba g Lea therette Sling One Shoulder

    Bag for Lad ies Wom en - Red with White$30.18

    BM242BTHello Kitty Plastic Single Layer Makeup Bag Cosmetic s Carrying

    Pouc h with Zipp er for Girl Lady$11.22

    BM243BTSimp le Bear Dec or Square Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag

    One Shoulder Bag - Blac k$7.29

    BM244BTSimp le Bear Dec or Square Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag

    One Should er Bag - Pink$7.29

    BM245BTSimp le Bear Dec or Square Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag

    One Shoulde r Bag - Rose Pink$7.29

    BM246BTSimp le Bear Dec or Square Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag

    One Shoulder Bag - Beige$7.29

    BM247BT Simp le Bear Dec or Square Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling BagOne Shoulder Bag - Purple $7.29

    BM248BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulde r Bag Clutch Bag - Blue$7.39

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM249BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Red$7.39

    BM250BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Purple$7.39

    BM251BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style 2-Laye r Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulder Bag Clutch Bag - Blac k$7.39

    BM252BTSimp le Bear Patte rn Style Lea therette Aslant Sling Bag One Shoulde r

    Bag Clutch Bag - Pink$7.39

    BM253BTHello Kitty Ca rtoon Pattern Handba g Lea therette Sling One Shoulder

    Bag fo r Ladie s Wom en - Pink w ith White$30.18

    BM254BTCute Hello Kitty Style Zippered Leatherette Aslant Sling Bag One

    Shoulde r Bag Hand ba g$15.48

    BM255BT Cute Love Rab bit Patte rn Dual- layer Style Money Hand Bag Pouc hWallet for Cell Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - m ainly Brown $4.63

    BM256BTCute Love Rab bit Patte rn Dual- layer Style Money Hand Bag Pouc h

    Wallet for Ce ll Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - m ainly Blac k$4.63

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM257BTCute Love Rabbit Pattern Dual-layer Style Money Wrist Bag Pouch

    Wallet for Cell Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - Purple Rabbit$3.30

    BM258BTCute Love Rabbit Pattern Dual-layer Style Money Wrist Bag Pouch

    Wallet for Cell Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - Dark Blue$3.30

    BM259BTCute Portab le Hello Kitty Pattern Bag Change Purse Coin Case with

    Strap - Pattern Assorted$6.31

    BM260BTCute Portab le Mic key Mo use Pattern Bag Change Purse Co in Case

    with Strap - Pattern Assorted$6.31

    BM261BTCute Portab le Doraem on Pattern Bag Change Purse Coin Case w ith

    Strap - Pattern Assorted$6.31

    BM262BTCute Portable Winnie the Pooh Pattern Bag Change Purse Coin Case

    with Strap - Pattern Assorted$6.31

    BM263BT Cute Portable Lilo & Stitch Pattern Bag Change Purse Coin Case withStrap - Pattern Assorted $6.31

    BM264BTBrightly Colo red Fake Patent Lea ther Shoulder Bag Double Hand le

    Handbag Purse for Ladies Women Female - White$23.92

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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM265BTBrightly Colo red Fake Patent Lea ther Shoulder Bag Double Hand le

    Hand ba g Purse fo r Lad ies Wom en Fem ale - Yellow$23.92

    BM266BTBrightly Colo red Fake Patent Lea ther Shoulder Bag Double Hand le

    Handbag Purse for Ladies Women Female - Red$23.92

    BM267BTFaux Suede Fringe Tassel Rive t Sing le Shoulder Bag Messenger

    Hand ba g w ith Ethnic Trend for Lad ies Wom en - Came l$26.68

    BM268BTFaux Suede Fringe Tassel Rive t Sing le Shoulder Bag Messenger

    Hand ba g with Ethnic Trend for Lad ies Wom en - Blac k$26.68

    BM269BTFaux Suede Fringe Tassel Rive t Sing le Shoulder Bag Messenger

    Hand ba g with Ethnic Trend for Lad ies Wom en - Grey$26.68

    BM270BTFaux Suede Fringe Tassel Rive t Sing le Shoulder Bag Messenger

    Hand ba g with Ethnic Trend for Lad ies Wom en - Coffee$26.68

    BM271BT Faux Suede Fringe Tassel Rive t Sing le Shoulder Bag MessengerHand ba g with Ethnic Trend for Lad ies Wom en - Beige $26.68

    BM272BTSnakeskin Textured Fake Enameled Lea ther Evening Party Handba g

    Clutch Bag with Detachab le Cha ins - Blue$15.86

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM273BTSnakeskin Textured Fake Enameled Lea ther Evening Party Handba g

    Clutch Bag with Detac hab le Shoulder Chain - Cream$15.86

    BM274BTSnakeskin Textured Fake Enameled Lea ther Evening Party Handba g

    Clutch Bag with Detac hab le Shoulder Chain - Blac k$15.86

    BM275BTSnakeskin Textured Fake Enameled Lea ther Evening Party Handba g

    Clutch Bag with Detachab le Shoulde r Cha in - White$15.86

    BM276BTSnakeskin Textured Fake Enameled Lea ther Evening Party Handba g

    Clutch Bag with Detac hab le Shoulde r Chain - Pink$15.86

    BM277BTCute Cartoon Stitch Patterned Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Zipper Bag -

    Pale Blue$11.70

    BM278BTCute Anime One Piec e Figure Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Zipp er Bag -


    BM279BT Cute Ca rtoon Minnie Mouse Patte rned Shoulde r Bag Hand ba g ZipperBag - Hot Pink $11.70

    BM280BTCute Ca rtoon My Melody Patterned Shoulder Bag Handba g Zippe r

    Bag - Pink$11.70

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM281BTCute Cartoon Dora Patterned Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Zipp er Bag -


    BM282BTCute Ca rtoon Bea r Patterned Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Zipp er Bag -


    BM283BTCute Cartoon Ben10 Patte rned Shoulde r Bag Hand ba g Zipper Bag -


    BM284BTCute Cartoon Snow White Patterned Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Zipper

    Bag - Hot Pink$11.70

    BM285BTCute Ca rtoon Mic key Mouse Patterned Shoulder Bag Handba g

    Zipp er Bag - Blac k$11.70

    BM286BTCute Ca rtoon Doraemo n Patterned Shoulder Bag Hand ba g Zipper

    Bag - Blue$11.70

    BM287BT Stylish Lea therette Tote Bag Handbag Clutc h Bag w Hello KittyPatte rns + Detac hab le Strap for Girl Woman - Blac k $15.41

    BM288BTStylish Lea therette Tote Bag Handbag Clutc h Bag w Hello Kitty

    Patte rns + Detac hable Strap for Girl Wom an - Hot Pink$15.41

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM289BT18" Embroide ry Plush Dual Lea ther Braid Strap Zipp ered Lounge

    Should er Hand Bag for Domo Kun Fans$26.63

    BM290BT18" Embroide ry Plush Dual Lea ther Braid Strap Zipp ered Lounge

    Should er Hand Bag for Domo Kun Fans$21.84

    BM291BTSequin & Bea ds Pea coc k Plumes Patte rned Evening Bag Hand ba g

    with Metallic Hand le & Claspe d Enc losure - Silver & Gray$27.90

    BM292BTVintage Style 3 Comp artments Woven Synthetic Lea ther Clutch

    Shoulder Bag with Clasped Enclosure - White$32.86

    BM293BTMulti-Func tiona l Tab ular Oblong PU Lea ther Flip Bag w/ Hand Strap

    for Notes Coins Phones Cards - Alliga tor Skin Prints$26.43

    BM294BT3 Com partments Korea n Style Ma tte Soft PU Lea ther Shoulde r Sling

    Messeng er Bag - Dark Pink$41.88

    BM295BT Vintage Style Dual buc kle Flip Matte Soft PU Lea ther BriefcaseShoulde r Bag - Khaki & White $40.61

    BM296BT18" Embroide ry Plush Dual Lea ther Braid Strap Zipp ered Lounge

    Should er Hand Bag for Domo Kun Fans$26.97

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM297BTElegant Floral Lace & Rhinestones Banquet Handbag Shoulder Bag

    with Clasped Enc losure - Purple & Silver$22.40

    BM298BTRhinestone & Ribb on Va lve Designed Banq uet Satin Ca se Hand ba g

    with Dual Chains & Bow Clasp - Gray & Silver$23.39

    BM299BTCute Love Rab bit Patte rn Interlayer Style Wallet with Long Strap for

    Ce ll Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - Brown & Red$11.66

    BM300BTCute Love Rab bit Patte rn Interlayer Style Wallet with Long Strap for

    Cell Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - White & Black$11.66

    BM301BTCute Love Rab bit Patte rn Interlayer Style Wallet with Long Strap for

    Ce ll Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - Purple & Brown$11.66

    BM302BTCute Love Rab bit Patte rn Interlayer Style Wallet with Long Strap for

    Cell Phone PDA MP3 MP4 - Peach & Purple$11.66

    BM303BT 2-Puller Mountaineer Camping Canva s Bac kpa ck w ith VentilationSystems & Breathable Foa m Bac k for Hiking Trave lling $75.33

    BM304BTEmb roidery Plush Cub oid Zippered Loung e Shoulde r Bag with Dual

    Strap for Domo Kun Fans$9.22

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Moda y Accesorios - Bolsas y Carteras - Bolsos de Mano - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    BM305BTEmb roidery Plush Cub oid Zippered Lounge Hand Bag with Dual Strap

    for Domo Kun Fans$9.28

    BM306BT16" Cartoon Zippe r School Hand Bag / Draw ing Bag / Computer Bag /

    Shoulder Carry Bag / Shopping Bag w/ Dual Strap - Pooh$11.50

    BM307BT16" Cartoon Zippe r School Hand Bag / Draw ing Bag / Computer Bag /

    Shoulde r Carry Bag / Shopping Bag w/ Dual Strap - Thom as$11.50

    BM308BT16" Cartoon Zippe r School Hand Bag / Draw ing Bag / Computer Bag /

    Shoulder Carry Bag / Shopping Bag w/ 2 Strap - Sponge Bob$11.50

    BM309BT16" Cartoon Zippe r School Hand Bag / Draw ing Bag / Computer Bag /

    Shoulder Carry Bag / Shopping Bag w/ 2 Strap - BabyMilo$11.50

    BM310BT16" Cartoon Zippe r School Hand Bag / Draw ing Bag / Computer Bag /

    Shoulder Carry Bag / Shopping Bag - Cinnamoroll$11.50

    BM311BT 16" Cartoon Zippe r School Hand Bag / Draw ing Bag / Computer Bag /Shoulder Carry Bag / Shopping Bag w/ Dual Strap - Kuromi $11.50
