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de les festes majors d’Altea en honor alSantíssim Crist del Sagrari i Sant Blai 2015

Programa d’Actes

Dissabte, dia 22 d’agost:21:00 h., PRESENTACIÓ DELS CARTELLS DE FESTES, a la Plaça de l’Aigua.

Dissabte, dia 29 d’agost:De 10:00 h. a 14:00 h., 1a REGATA DE VELA “Esports Crist 2015” modalitat gamba, en la badia d’Altea. Al fi nalitzar entrega de trofeus. Organitza Club Nàutic d’Altea. Patrocina Crist 2015.

Del 7 al 13 de setembre:TORNEIG DE PÀDEL FESTES DEL CRIST DEL SAGRARI 2015 “Esports Crist 2015”, al Club de Tennis Altea. Organitza Club de Tennis Altea i Crist 2015.

Dissabte, dia 5 de setembre:17:30 h., Inici del TORNEIG 24 H. de FUTBOL SALA de L’ASSOCIACIÓ DE MOROS I CRISTIANS SANT BLAI, al Pavelló Mpal. dels Esports d’Altea.

Divendres, dia 11 de setembre:20:30 h., CONCERT DE MÚSICA FESTERA a càrrec de la Banda de la Societat Recreativa Musical d’Altea la Vella i de la Banda Simfònica de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense, al Palau Altea Centre d’Arts.* Accés lliure i gratuït, limitat a l’aforament del local.

Diumenge, dia 6 de setembre:A les 18:00 h., FINAL del TORNEIG 24 H. de FUTBOL SALA, al Pavelló Mpal. dels Esports d’Altea.

Dissabte, dia 12 de setembre:De 10:00 h. a 14:00 h., 1r. TORNEIG DE TENNIS DE TAULA “Esports Crist 2015”, al Palau d’Esports Vila d’Altea. Organitza i patrocina Club Tennis de Taula d’Altea i Crist 2015. Col·labora Regidoria de Joventut i Esports de l’Ajuntament d’Altea.18:30 h., MISSA, bendició de bandes, corones i ceptres, i presentació

de les nostres Dames i Reines davant el nostre Santíssim Crist del Sagrari a la Parròquia de Nostra Senyora del Consol. 21:00 h., SOPAR DE CÀRRECS de l’Associació de Moros i Cristians i BALL, en la Barraca Festera situada al pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar.

Diumenge, dia 13 de setembre:De 10:00 h. a 14:00 h., FINALS TORNEIG DE PÀDEL “Esports Crist 2015” i Lliurament de Trofeus, al Club de Tennis Altea.17:30 h., ESCENIFICACIÓ de l’arribada de la Imatge del Santíssim Crist del Sagrari a la Badia d’Altea, a càrrec del Grup de Teatre Pla i Revés; en la Platja de la Roda.17:45 h., ROMERIA DEL SSM. CRIST DEL SAGRARI, des de la Platja de La Roda fi ns a l’Església Parroquial de Ntra. Sra. del Consol, amb l’itinerari següent: Carrers Sant Pere, La Mar, Pescadors, Empedrat, Salut, Carreta, Remei, Portal Nou, Betlem, Fons, Consol, Jesús i Plaça de l’església, amb la participació de la Bandeta Jove d’Altea i Colla de Dolçaines.A partir de les 18:30 h. (una vegada fi nalitzada la romeria), MISSA DEL RESCAT, cantada pel Cor Parroquial d’Altea.

Del dimecres 16, fins al dijous 24 de setembre:20:00 h., Solemne Novenari en honor al SSM. Crist del Sagrari, en l’Església Nostra Sra. del Consol.* Excepte el dissabte dia 19 que serà a les 19:00 h.

Dissabte, dia 19 de setembre:21:00 h., PRESENTACIÓ DE VESTITS, CÀRRECS FESTERS, DAMES, I CORONACIÓ DE LES REINES de les festes al Palau d’Esports Vila d’Altea.* Accés lliure i gratuït, limitat a l’aforament del local. El recinte obrirà les portes a partir de les 20:15 h.01:00 h., (matinada de diumenge), BALL DE CÀRRECS FESTERS, en la Barraca Festera situada al pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar, organitzat per l’Associació de Moros i Cristians.

Diumenge, dia 27 de setembre:08:00 h., ESMORZAR FESTER, a la Plaça de La Creu.08:30 h., DIANA MORA, amb l’itinerari següent: Av. la Nucia, Av. València, Llavador, La Sèquia, C/ Pont de Montcau, Av. Jaume I, C/ Garganes, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró i Plaça. José M. Planelles.11:30 h., CERCAVILA. Concentració en la Plaça de José María Planelles d’Autoritats, Càrrecs Festers, Comissió de Festes del SSM. Crist del Sagrari, Associació de Moros i Cristians Sant Blai, acompanyats per la Banda de Música de l’Associació Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea i Colla de dolçaines, per a dirigir-se en comitiva cap a l’Església Parroquial.12:00 h., MISSA SOLEMNE, en honor del Santíssim Crist del Sagrari, en l’Església Parroquial de la Mare de Déu del Consol, cantada per la coral de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense.14:00 h., Espectacular MASCLETADA, des del pàrquing del Passeig Mediterrani, a càrrec de la Pirotècnia Vulcano.16:30 h., CAFÈ FESTER, per a totes les Filaes en la Barraca Festera situada en el pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar.19:30 h., CERCAVILA. Concentració en la Plaça José María Planelles d’Autoritats, Càrrecs Festers, Comissió de Festes del SSM. Crist del Sagrari, Associació de Moros i Cristians Sant Blai, acompanyats per les bandes de música de l’Associació Sant Blai, la Banda de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense i Colla de dolçaines, per a dirigir-se en comitiva cap a l’Església Parroquial.20:00 h., SOLEMNE PROCESSÓ en honor al SSM. Crist del Sagrari i Sant Blai, per l’itinerari de costum.00:30 h. (matinada del dilluns), Grandiós CASTELL DE FOCS ARTIFICIALS, en el dic del Passeig Mediterrani, a càrrec de la Pirotècnia Vulcano.01:00 h. (matinada del dilluns), Gran revetlla, en la Barraca Festera situada en el pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar, a càrrec de la famosa ORQUESTRA MONTESOL, i a continuació actuació del DJ VIDIJUMPERS.

Dilluns, dia 28 de setembre:08:00 h., ESMORZAR FESTER, a la Plaça de La Creu.08:30 h., DIANA CRISTIANA, amb l’itinerari següent: Costera dels Matxos, C/ Portal Vell, C/ Sol, C/ Alacant, C/ l’Empedrat, C/ La Mar, Passeig Sant Pere, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró i Plaça José M. Planelles.11:00 h., CERCAVILA. Concentració en la Plaça José María Planelles d’Autoritats, Càrrecs Festers, Junta de l’Associació de Moros i Cristians Sant Blai, i Comissió de festes del SSM. Crist del Sagrari,

acompanyats per la Banda de Música de l’Associació Sant Blai, la Bandeta Jove d’Altea i Colla de Dolçaines per a dirigir-se en comitiva cap al Temple Parroquial.11:30 h., MISSA SOLEMNE en honor a Sant Blai, Patró d’Altea, en l’Església del Consol, cantada per la coral de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense.12:00 h., ALARDO I TIROTEIG. Concentració de totes les Filaes en la Plaça de la Creu, per a pujar a l’ambaixada, en la Plaça de l’ Església.13:15 h., AMBAIXADA CRISTIANA I RENDICIÓ MORA, en la Plaça de l’ Església.De 16:00 a 19:30 h., ANIMACIÓN INFANTIL por PROJECTES EDUCATIUS, en la Barraca Festera del Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h., Espectacular ENTRADA MORA, amb l’itinerari següent: C/ Filharmònica, C/ Pont de Montcau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nalitzant en la Plaça dels Esports.

23:30 h., Gran revetlla, en la Barraca Festera situada en el pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar, a càrrec de l’extraordinària ORQUESTRA LA PATO, i a continuació (matinada del dimarts), actuació del DJ DUKO.

Dimarts, dia 29 de setembre:09:00 h., DESPERTÀ, a càrrec de la Comissió de Festes del Crist.11:30 h., CERCAVILA. Concentració en la Plaça José M. Planelles d’Autoritats, Junta de l’Associació de Moros i Cristians Sant Blai, càrrecs festers, Comissió de festes del SSM. Crist del Sagrari, acompanyats per la Bandeta Jove d’Altea i Colla de dolçaines, per a dirigir-se en comitiva cap a l’Església de Sant Francesc.12:00 h., MISSA DE DIFUNTS I ACCIÓ DE GRÀCIES, en l’Església de Sant Francesc, cantada pel cor parroquial d’Altea. Finalitzada la Missa s’imposaran les medalles acreditatives a la nova Comissió de Festes del SSM. Crist del Sagrari per al 2016.Al fi nalitzar l’acte, CERCAVILA d’Autoritats, Càrrecs Festers, Junta Associació de Moros i Cristians Sant Blai, i Comissió de Festes del Santíssim Crist 2015 i 2016 des de la Plaça del Convent, Pont de Montcau, Av. Jaume I fi nalitzant en la Plaça José María Planelles.

16:00 h., GRAN PARTIDA DE PILOTA VALENCIANA, en el carrer Filharmònica.16:30 h., TORNADA DE BANDERES, amb desfi lada des del pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar, Camí de l´Horta, Plaça de la Creu i Pont de Montcau, fi ns a la Seu de l’Associació de Moros i Cristians Sant Blai, en el Casal Fester, depositant cada Filà les banderes i fi nalitzant amb la interpretació de l’Himne Fester, el pasdoble “IDA Y VUELTA”.De 17:00 h. a 20:00 h., Gran Parc Infantil d’Atraccions, en el pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h., FI DE FESTA de la BARRACA FESTERA.

Dijous, dia 1 d’octubre:19:00 h., Gran actuació musical a càrrec de Miguel “MAKILA”, Juan “Bradmis” i els seus amics, que ens presentaràn els seus èxits plens de sons mediterranis, i BERENAR en el Bar del Centre Social. * Accés lliure i gratuït, limitat a l’aforament del local * Activitats reservades per als nostres majors.

Del divendres dia 2, al diumenge dia 4 d’octubre:

MERCAT VALENCIÀ – OFICIS – ARTESANIA – GASTRONOMIA – ACTIVITAS INFANTILS – TEATRE – CERCAVILES – TALLERS – MÚSICA I... MOLTES COSES MES.LLOC: Avda. Alt Rei En Jaume I, Avda. Comunitat Valenciana i barraca festera del Pàrquing Camí de l’AlgarHORARIS: Divendres dia 2: de 17:00 h. a 23:00 h. (Inauguració ofi cial a les 20:00 h.). Dissabte, dia 3: de 10:00 h. a 23:00 h..

Divendres, dia 2 d’octubre:20:00 h. Inauguració ofi cial del porrat.22:00 h. A la barraca festera, ens amenitzarà el sopar la Bandeta Jove d’Altea.24:00 h. A ballar amb la música de XECO ROJO i ONE LOVE, a la barraca festera.

Dissabte, dia 3 d’octubre:11:00 h. Expossició de vehicles antics, a l’Avinguda Comunitat Valenciana i esmorzar a la barraca festera.14:00 h. Dinar, a la barraca festera.17:00 h. Parc infantil, en l’Avinguda Comunitat Valenciana.21:30 h. Soparet Fester, a la barraca festera.22:00 h. Barraca Festera. Festival FESPORRAT, amb l’actuació de:



* Accés lliure i gratuït limitat a l’aforament.

Diumenge, dia 4 d’octubre:11:00 h. Esmorzar, a la barraca festera.12:00 h. Pel porrat, desfi lada dels participants a l’APLEC DE DANSES amb el grup de Danses de Bellaguarda que ens faran ballar.12:45 h. Actuació dels grups participants a l’APLEC DE DANSES en l’Avinguda Comunitat Valenciana.14:00 h. Dinar, a la barraca festera.17:00 h. “Al.Ma.Dance Altea” presenta la seua escola de dansa, a la barraca festera.I a més a més, animació, tallers, demostracions, degustacions…. Moltes gràcies per acompanyar-nos!!!

Nota: Els organitzadors es reserven el dret d’alterar, modifi car, augmentar o anul·lar, qualsevol acte d’aquest programa.

Bones Festes

Diumenge, dia 20 de setembre:11:00 h., OFRENA DE FLORS. Concentració en la Plaça José M. Planelles, d’autoritats, càrrecs festers, Comissió de festes del SSM. Crist del Sagrari, Associació de Moros i Cristians, representació de les festes populars, associacions d’Altea i públic en general per a l’acte de l’Ofrena de Flors i desfi lada fi ns a l’Església Ntra. Sra. del Consol, acompanyats per la Banda de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense i Colles de Dolçaines.Tir de 21 salves d’honor a la Mare de Déu del Consol.

12:00 h., MISSA SOLEMNE en Honor a Nostra Sra. del Consol, cantada pel cor de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense.

Dijous, dia 24 de septiembre:21:00 h., ASSAIG GENERAL DE LES AMBAIXADES DE MOROS I CRISTIANS, a la Plaça de l’ Església.23:00 h., Tradicional acte de LLIURAMENT DE SALUDES I RETRETA.

Divendres, dia 25 de setembre:13:00 h., ANUNCI OFICIAL DE FESTES amb volteig de campanes i tir de morters.18:30 h., Tradicional ENTRÀ DE LA MURTA a càrrec de la Comissió de Festes del Crist 2015 i amb la participació de la Colla de Dolçaines, Bandeta Jove d’Altea, Sonats batucada d’Altea, i Grup de Danses Bellaguarda Tradicions.Recorregut: Aparcament Facultat, C/ Benidorm, Av. de la Nucia, Pl. La Creu, Pont de Montcau, i Av. Jaume I.20:30 h., ENTRADA DE BANDES, des de Plaça de la Creu cap a Pont de Montcau, amb lliurament de banderes a les diferents Filaes al seu pas pel Casal Fester, i continuant fi ns a la Plaça José M. Planelles.21:00 h., IMPOSICIÓ DE BANDEROLES I PREGÓ DE FESTES, a càrrec d’En Jordi Picó Narbó. Al fi nalitzar, totes les bandes interpretaran el pasdoble “IDA Y VUELTA” del compositor alteà Francisco Pérez Devesa, sota la direcció del mestre director de la Banda Simfònica de la Societat Filharmònica Alteanense En Jaume F. Ripoll Martins. Tot seguit les Filaes es dirigiran als seus respectius locals.22:00 h., Obertura de la BARRACA FESTERA situada en el pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar, amb preus populars, que comptarà amb activitats durant totes les festes.00:00 h. (matinada del dissabte), ENTRAETES. Concentració de les Filaes de Moros i Cristians per a iniciar LES ENTRAETES en l’Avinguda La Nucia (entre Pl. La Creu i Av. de València), amb l’itinerari següent: Plaça de La Creu, Pont de Montcau, i Av. Jaume I.00:00 h. (matinada del dissabte), Festa Macro Disco Mòbil “TALLARINA ON TOUR”, amb l’actuació dels afamats Dj’s ALEX WATKINSON i SANTI BERTOMEU en la Barraca Festera del Camí de l’Algar.

Dissabte, dia 26 de setembre:09:00 h., DESPERTÀ, a càrrec de la Comissió del Crist.12:00 h., ALARDO I TIROTEIG. Concentració de Càrrecs Festers i Filaes en la Plaça de la Creu, per a pujar a la Plaça de l’Església.13:00 h., AMBAIXADA MORA I RENDICIÓ CRISTIANA, en la Plaça de l’Església.De 16:00 a 19:30 h., ANIMACIÓ INFANTIL per PROJECTES EDUCATIUS, a la Barraca Festera del Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h., Espectacular ENTRADA CRISTIANA, amb l’itinerari següent: C/ Filharmònica, C/ Pont de Montcau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nalitzant en la Plaça dels Esports.23:30 h., Gran revetlla, en la Barraca Festera situada en el pàrquing del Camí de l’Algar, a càrrec de la famosa ORQUESTRA MÓNACO, i a continuació (matinada del diumenge) actuació del DJ SENTO.

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Program of Acts Sunday, September 27.08:00 h. FESTIVE BREAKFAST at the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. MOOR REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Av. La Nucía, Av. Valencia, C/ Llavador, C/ La Sèquia, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ Garganes, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.12:00 h. SOLEMN MASS, in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarirum, at the Parish Church of the Virgen del Consuelo, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.14:00 h. Spectacular MASCLETADA (sound fi reworks) at the parking lot of Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.16:30 h. FESTIVE COFFEE for all the Filaes at the Festive Stall located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.19:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, the band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.20:00 h. SOLEMN PROCESSION in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium and San Blas, by the usual itinerary.

00:30 h. (Monday morning). Great FIREWORKS at the dock of the Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.01:00 h. (Monday morning). Great open-air dance by the famous MONTESOL Orchestra and later VIDIJUMPERS Dj perfomance at the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Cami de l’Algar

Monday, September 28.08:00 FESTIVE BREAKFAST in the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. CHRISTIAN REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Costera dels Matxos, C/ Portal Vell, C/ Sol, C/Alacant, C/ L’Empedrat, C/ La Mar, C/ Sant Pere, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:00 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.11:30 h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Sant Blai, patron saint of Altea, at the Virgen del Consuelo’s Church, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the Filaes at Plaça la Creu to go up to embassy in Plaza de la Iglesia.13:15 h. CHRISTIAN EMBASSY AND MOOR SURRENDER at Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius in the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular MOOR ENTRANCE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.23:30 h. Great open-air dance in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar with the star role of LA PATO Orchestra, and later (tuesday morning) DUKO Dj perfomance.

Tuesday, September 29.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Church of San Francisco.12:00 h. REQUIEM MASS AND THANKSGIVING, at San Francisco’s Church, sung by the parish choir of Altea. After the mass it will be done the medal ceremony to the new Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of 2016.Once fi nished the act, PASACALLE of authorities, Festive Posts, Members of the Associtation of Moors and Christians 2015 and 2016 from Plaça del Convent, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I and fi nishing at Plaza José Mª Planelles.

16:00 h. GREAT MATCH OF VALENCIAN BALL at C/ Filarmónica.16:30 h. ACT OF “RETURN OF FLAGS”, with a parade from the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, Camí de l’Horta, Plaça la Creu and Pont de Moncau to the Casal Fester, Central offi ce of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, placing fl ags each Filà and ending playing the festive hymn the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA”.From 17:00 to 20:00 h. Great kids amusement park at the parking lot of the Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. End of fi esta of the Festiv Stall.

Thurstay, October 1.19:00 h. Great musical perfomance by Miguel MAKILA, Juan BRADMIS Y AMIGOS, which will present to us their successes full of Mediterranean sounds and AFTERNOON SNACK at the bar of the Social Center.* Free entry limited of hall capacity. * Activities reserved for our seniors.

From friday, october 2 to sunday 4.

VALENCIAN MARKET – TRADES – CRAFTS – GASTRONOMY – ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN – THEATER – PARADES – WORKSHOPS – MUSIC AND …MUCH MORE.Place: Av. Alt Rei En Jaume I, Av. Comunitat Valenciana and Festive Stall at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.Timetable: Friday 2: from 17:00 to 23:00 h. (Offi cial opening at 20:00 h.)Saturday 3: from 10:00 h. to 23:00 h. Sunday 4: from 10:00 to 22:00 h.

Friday, October 220:00 h. Offi cial opening of the PORRAT.22:00 h. Dinner at the Festive Stall with music by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea.24:00 h. Music perfomance by XECO ROJO and ONE LOVE at the Festive Stall.

Saturday, October 311:00 h. Exhibition of old vehicles at Av. Comunitat Valenciana and lunch at the Festive Stall.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. Children’s playpark at Av. Comunitat Valenciana.21:30 h. Festive dinner at the Festive Stall.22:00 h. FESPORRAT Festival at the Festive Stall with the perfomance of:



* Free entry limited of hall capacity.

Sunday, October 411:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.12:00 h. Parade along the Porrat of the participants in the “Aplec de danses” with the Danses Group Bellaguarda that will makes us dance.12:45 h. Perfomance of the groups participating in the “Aplec of Danses” in the Av. Comunitat Valenciana.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. “ Altea” presents its dance school, at the festive stall.And, besides, animation, workshops, demonstrations, tastings… Thank you very much for accompanying us.Note: The organizers reserve the right to alter, modify, increase or cancel any act of this program.

Happy Fiestas

Saturday, August 2221,00 h. Presentation of the posters of the fi estas at the Plaza del Agua

Saturday, August 29.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Sailing regata “Sports Christ 2015” modality gamba, in the bay of Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. Organized by Nautical Club of Altea and sponsored by Christ 2015.

From 7 to 13 SeptemberPaddle tournament Fiestas of Christ of the Sacrarium 2015 “Sports Christ 2015” at the Tennis Club of Altea. Organized by Tennis Club of Altea and Christ 2015.

Saturday, September 5.17,30 h. Beginning of the 24 hours tournament of Football sala (indoors) of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Sunday, September 6.18,00 h. Final of the 24 h. tournament of Football sala (indoors) at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Friday, September 11.20,30 h. Concert of festive music by the Band of the Musical Recreative Society of Altea la Vella and the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society, at Palau Altea Centre d’Arts.Free entry limited to hall capacity.

Saturday, september 12.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Table tennis tournament “Esports Christ 2015” at the Palau of Sports Villa d’Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. It is organized and sponsored by Table tennis Altea and Christ 2015. The Youth and Sports Council of the Townshall of altea collaborates in the act.18:30 h. MASS. Benediction of bands, crowns and sceptres and

presentation of our Damas y Reinas (Ladies and Queens) before our Holy Christ of the Sacrarium in the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo.21:00 h. DINNER OF POSTS of the Association of Moors and Christians and DANCING at the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Sunday, september 13.From 10:00 h. to 14:00 h. FINALS OF THE PADDLE TOURNAMENT “Sports Christ 2015” and delivery of trophies in the Tennis Club of Altea.17:30 h. Staging of the arrival of the image of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium to the Bay of Altea by the theater group Pla i Revés at La Roda beach.17:45 h. PILGRIMAGE OF THE HOLY CHRIST OF THE SACRARIUM, from La Roda beach to the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, with the following itinerary: C/ San Pedro, La Mar, Pescadores, Empedrat, Salut, Carreta, Remedios, Portal Nou, Belén, Fondo, Consuelo, Jesús and Plaza de la Iglesia, with the participation of the Bandeta Jove of Altea and the Group of Dulzainas.From 18:30 h. (once fi nished the pilgrimage), MASS OF THE RESCUE, sung by the parish choir of Altea.

From Wednesday 16 to Thursday september 24:20:00 h. SOLEMN NOVENARIO in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, in the church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo. Except on saturday 19 that it will be at 18:00 h.

Saturday, September 19.21:00 h. Presentation of dresses, festive posts, ladies and crowning of the queen of the fi estas at the Palau of Sports Vila d’Altea. Free entry limited of hall capacity. The doors of the enclosure will be open at 20:15 h.01:00 h. (Sunday morning), DANCING OF FESTIVE POSTS, in the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, organized by the Associtation of Moors and Christians Sant Blai.

Sunday, September 20.11:00 h. OFFERING OF FLOWERS. Concentration in the Plaza José Mª Planelles, of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians, representation of the popular fi estas, associations of Altea and the general public for the act of the off ering of fl owers and parade to the Consuelo Church, accompanied by the Band or the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Groups of Dulzainas.21 Shots in honour of the Virgen del Consuelo.12:00h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Nuestra señora del Consuelo, sung by the choir of Alteanense Philharmonic Society.

Thursday, September 24.21:00 h. General rehearsal of the embassies of Moors and Christians at the Plaza de la Iglesia.23:00 h. Traditional act of delivery of greetings and retreats.

Friday, September 25.13:00 h. Offi cial announcement of the fi estas with ringing of bells and fi ring of mortars.18:30 h. Traditional “ENTRÀ DE LA MURTA” (MYRTLE ENTRY), by the Comission of the Fiestas of the Christ 2015 and with the participation of the group of dulzainas, Bandeta Jove of Altea, Sonats batucada of Altea and the group of dances Bellaguarda Tradicions.Itinerary: Parking of the University, C/ Benidorm, Av. La Nucía, Pl. la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.20:30 h. ENTRY OF BANDS, from the Plaça la Creu to Pont de Moncau, with delivery of the diff erent Filaes (Groups of Moors and Christians) passing in front of the Casal Fester and continuing to the Plaza José Mª Planelles.21:00 h. BANDEROLES CEREMONY AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FIESTAS, by D. Jordi Picó Narbó. Once the announcement is fi nished all bands will play the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA” of the altean composer Francisco Pérez Devesa, under the baton of conductor of the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society D. Jaume Ripoll Martins. After that the Filaes will go to their respective locals.22:00 h. Opening of the FESTIVE STALL at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, with popular prices, and with activities during all the fi estas.

00:00 h. (Saturday morning) ENTRAETES. Concentration of the Filaes (groups) of Moors and Christians to start the entraetes in the Av. La Nucía (between Plaza la Creu and Av. Valencia) with the following itinerary; Plaza la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.00:00 h. (Saturday morning) Mobile Macro Disco Fiesta “TALLARINA ON TOUR” with the star role of the famous Dj’s ALEX WATKINSON and SANTI BERTOMEU in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Saturday, September 26.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the festive posts and Filaes in the Plaça la Creu to go up to the Plaza de la Iglesia.13:00 h. MOOR EMBASSY AND CHRISTIAN SURRENDER at the Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius at the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular CHRISTIAN PARADE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.

23:30 h. Great open-air dance by extraordinary MONACO Orchestra at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar and later (Sunday morning) SENTO Dj perfomance.

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Program of Acts Sunday, September 27.08:00 h. FESTIVE BREAKFAST at the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. MOOR REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Av. La Nucía, Av. Valencia, C/ Llavador, C/ La Sèquia, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ Garganes, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.12:00 h. SOLEMN MASS, in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarirum, at the Parish Church of the Virgen del Consuelo, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.14:00 h. Spectacular MASCLETADA (sound fi reworks) at the parking lot of Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.16:30 h. FESTIVE COFFEE for all the Filaes at the Festive Stall located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.19:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, the band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.20:00 h. SOLEMN PROCESSION in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium and San Blas, by the usual itinerary.

00:30 h. (Monday morning). Great FIREWORKS at the dock of the Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.01:00 h. (Monday morning). Great open-air dance by the famous MONTESOL Orchestra and later VIDIJUMPERS Dj perfomance at the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Cami de l’Algar

Monday, September 28.08:00 FESTIVE BREAKFAST in the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. CHRISTIAN REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Costera dels Matxos, C/ Portal Vell, C/ Sol, C/Alacant, C/ L’Empedrat, C/ La Mar, C/ Sant Pere, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:00 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.11:30 h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Sant Blai, patron saint of Altea, at the Virgen del Consuelo’s Church, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the Filaes at Plaça la Creu to go up to embassy in Plaza de la Iglesia.13:15 h. CHRISTIAN EMBASSY AND MOOR SURRENDER at Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius in the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular MOOR ENTRANCE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.23:30 h. Great open-air dance in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar with the star role of LA PATO Orchestra, and later (tuesday morning) DUKO Dj perfomance.

Tuesday, September 29.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Church of San Francisco.12:00 h. REQUIEM MASS AND THANKSGIVING, at San Francisco’s Church, sung by the parish choir of Altea. After the mass it will be done the medal ceremony to the new Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of 2016.Once fi nished the act, PASACALLE of authorities, Festive Posts, Members of the Associtation of Moors and Christians 2015 and 2016 from Plaça del Convent, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I and fi nishing at Plaza José Mª Planelles.

16:00 h. GREAT MATCH OF VALENCIAN BALL at C/ Filarmónica.16:30 h. ACT OF “RETURN OF FLAGS”, with a parade from the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, Camí de l’Horta, Plaça la Creu and Pont de Moncau to the Casal Fester, Central offi ce of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, placing fl ags each Filà and ending playing the festive hymn the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA”.From 17:00 to 20:00 h. Great kids amusement park at the parking lot of the Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. End of fi esta of the Festiv Stall.

Thurstay, October 1.19:00 h. Great musical perfomance by Miguel MAKILA, Juan BRADMIS Y AMIGOS, which will present to us their successes full of Mediterranean sounds and AFTERNOON SNACK at the bar of the Social Center.* Free entry limited of hall capacity. * Activities reserved for our seniors.

From friday, october 2 to sunday 4.

VALENCIAN MARKET – TRADES – CRAFTS – GASTRONOMY – ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN – THEATER – PARADES – WORKSHOPS – MUSIC AND …MUCH MORE.Place: Av. Alt Rei En Jaume I, Av. Comunitat Valenciana and Festive Stall at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.Timetable: Friday 2: from 17:00 to 23:00 h. (Offi cial opening at 20:00 h.)Saturday 3: from 10:00 h. to 23:00 h. Sunday 4: from 10:00 to 22:00 h.

Friday, October 220:00 h. Offi cial opening of the PORRAT.22:00 h. Dinner at the Festive Stall with music by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea.24:00 h. Music perfomance by XECO ROJO and ONE LOVE at the Festive Stall.

Saturday, October 311:00 h. Exhibition of old vehicles at Av. Comunitat Valenciana and lunch at the Festive Stall.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. Children’s playpark at Av. Comunitat Valenciana.21:30 h. Festive dinner at the Festive Stall.22:00 h. FESPORRAT Festival at the Festive Stall with the perfomance of:



* Free entry limited of hall capacity.

Sunday, October 411:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.12:00 h. Parade along the Porrat of the participants in the “Aplec de danses” with the Danses Group Bellaguarda that will makes us dance.12:45 h. Perfomance of the groups participating in the “Aplec of Danses” in the Av. Comunitat Valenciana.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. “ Altea” presents its dance school, at the festive stall.And, besides, animation, workshops, demonstrations, tastings… Thank you very much for accompanying us.Note: The organizers reserve the right to alter, modify, increase or cancel any act of this program.

Happy Fiestas

Saturday, August 2221,00 h. Presentation of the posters of the fi estas at the Plaza del Agua

Saturday, August 29.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Sailing regata “Sports Christ 2015” modality gamba, in the bay of Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. Organized by Nautical Club of Altea and sponsored by Christ 2015.

From 7 to 13 SeptemberPaddle tournament Fiestas of Christ of the Sacrarium 2015 “Sports Christ 2015” at the Tennis Club of Altea. Organized by Tennis Club of Altea and Christ 2015.

Saturday, September 5.17,30 h. Beginning of the 24 hours tournament of Football sala (indoors) of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Sunday, September 6.18,00 h. Final of the 24 h. tournament of Football sala (indoors) at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Friday, September 11.20,30 h. Concert of festive music by the Band of the Musical Recreative Society of Altea la Vella and the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society, at Palau Altea Centre d’Arts.Free entry limited to hall capacity.

Saturday, september 12.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Table tennis tournament “Esports Christ 2015” at the Palau of Sports Villa d’Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. It is organized and sponsored by Table tennis Altea and Christ 2015. The Youth and Sports Council of the Townshall of altea collaborates in the act.18:30 h. MASS. Benediction of bands, crowns and sceptres and

presentation of our Damas y Reinas (Ladies and Queens) before our Holy Christ of the Sacrarium in the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo.21:00 h. DINNER OF POSTS of the Association of Moors and Christians and DANCING at the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Sunday, september 13.From 10:00 h. to 14:00 h. FINALS OF THE PADDLE TOURNAMENT “Sports Christ 2015” and delivery of trophies in the Tennis Club of Altea.17:30 h. Staging of the arrival of the image of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium to the Bay of Altea by the theater group Pla i Revés at La Roda beach.17:45 h. PILGRIMAGE OF THE HOLY CHRIST OF THE SACRARIUM, from La Roda beach to the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, with the following itinerary: C/ San Pedro, La Mar, Pescadores, Empedrat, Salut, Carreta, Remedios, Portal Nou, Belén, Fondo, Consuelo, Jesús and Plaza de la Iglesia, with the participation of the Bandeta Jove of Altea and the Group of Dulzainas.From 18:30 h. (once fi nished the pilgrimage), MASS OF THE RESCUE, sung by the parish choir of Altea.

From Wednesday 16 to Thursday september 24:20:00 h. SOLEMN NOVENARIO in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, in the church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo. Except on saturday 19 that it will be at 18:00 h.

Saturday, September 19.21:00 h. Presentation of dresses, festive posts, ladies and crowning of the queen of the fi estas at the Palau of Sports Vila d’Altea. Free entry limited of hall capacity. The doors of the enclosure will be open at 20:15 h.01:00 h. (Sunday morning), DANCING OF FESTIVE POSTS, in the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, organized by the Associtation of Moors and Christians Sant Blai.

Sunday, September 20.11:00 h. OFFERING OF FLOWERS. Concentration in the Plaza José Mª Planelles, of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians, representation of the popular fi estas, associations of Altea and the general public for the act of the off ering of fl owers and parade to the Consuelo Church, accompanied by the Band or the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Groups of Dulzainas.21 Shots in honour of the Virgen del Consuelo.12:00h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Nuestra señora del Consuelo, sung by the choir of Alteanense Philharmonic Society.

Thursday, September 24.21:00 h. General rehearsal of the embassies of Moors and Christians at the Plaza de la Iglesia.23:00 h. Traditional act of delivery of greetings and retreats.

Friday, September 25.13:00 h. Offi cial announcement of the fi estas with ringing of bells and fi ring of mortars.18:30 h. Traditional “ENTRÀ DE LA MURTA” (MYRTLE ENTRY), by the Comission of the Fiestas of the Christ 2015 and with the participation of the group of dulzainas, Bandeta Jove of Altea, Sonats batucada of Altea and the group of dances Bellaguarda Tradicions.Itinerary: Parking of the University, C/ Benidorm, Av. La Nucía, Pl. la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.20:30 h. ENTRY OF BANDS, from the Plaça la Creu to Pont de Moncau, with delivery of the diff erent Filaes (Groups of Moors and Christians) passing in front of the Casal Fester and continuing to the Plaza José Mª Planelles.21:00 h. BANDEROLES CEREMONY AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FIESTAS, by D. Jordi Picó Narbó. Once the announcement is fi nished all bands will play the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA” of the altean composer Francisco Pérez Devesa, under the baton of conductor of the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society D. Jaume Ripoll Martins. After that the Filaes will go to their respective locals.22:00 h. Opening of the FESTIVE STALL at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, with popular prices, and with activities during all the fi estas.

00:00 h. (Saturday morning) ENTRAETES. Concentration of the Filaes (groups) of Moors and Christians to start the entraetes in the Av. La Nucía (between Plaza la Creu and Av. Valencia) with the following itinerary; Plaza la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.00:00 h. (Saturday morning) Mobile Macro Disco Fiesta “TALLARINA ON TOUR” with the star role of the famous Dj’s ALEX WATKINSON and SANTI BERTOMEU in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Saturday, September 26.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the festive posts and Filaes in the Plaça la Creu to go up to the Plaza de la Iglesia.13:00 h. MOOR EMBASSY AND CHRISTIAN SURRENDER at the Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius at the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular CHRISTIAN PARADE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.

23:30 h. Great open-air dance by extraordinary MONACO Orchestra at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar and later (Sunday morning) SENTO Dj perfomance.

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Program of Acts Sunday, September 27.08:00 h. FESTIVE BREAKFAST at the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. MOOR REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Av. La Nucía, Av. Valencia, C/ Llavador, C/ La Sèquia, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ Garganes, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.12:00 h. SOLEMN MASS, in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarirum, at the Parish Church of the Virgen del Consuelo, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.14:00 h. Spectacular MASCLETADA (sound fi reworks) at the parking lot of Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.16:30 h. FESTIVE COFFEE for all the Filaes at the Festive Stall located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.19:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, the band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.20:00 h. SOLEMN PROCESSION in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium and San Blas, by the usual itinerary.

00:30 h. (Monday morning). Great FIREWORKS at the dock of the Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.01:00 h. (Monday morning). Great open-air dance by the famous MONTESOL Orchestra and later VIDIJUMPERS Dj perfomance at the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Cami de l’Algar

Monday, September 28.08:00 FESTIVE BREAKFAST in the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. CHRISTIAN REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Costera dels Matxos, C/ Portal Vell, C/ Sol, C/Alacant, C/ L’Empedrat, C/ La Mar, C/ Sant Pere, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:00 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.11:30 h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Sant Blai, patron saint of Altea, at the Virgen del Consuelo’s Church, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the Filaes at Plaça la Creu to go up to embassy in Plaza de la Iglesia.13:15 h. CHRISTIAN EMBASSY AND MOOR SURRENDER at Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius in the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular MOOR ENTRANCE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.23:30 h. Great open-air dance in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar with the star role of LA PATO Orchestra, and later (tuesday morning) DUKO Dj perfomance.

Tuesday, September 29.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Church of San Francisco.12:00 h. REQUIEM MASS AND THANKSGIVING, at San Francisco’s Church, sung by the parish choir of Altea. After the mass it will be done the medal ceremony to the new Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of 2016.Once fi nished the act, PASACALLE of authorities, Festive Posts, Members of the Associtation of Moors and Christians 2015 and 2016 from Plaça del Convent, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I and fi nishing at Plaza José Mª Planelles.

16:00 h. GREAT MATCH OF VALENCIAN BALL at C/ Filarmónica.16:30 h. ACT OF “RETURN OF FLAGS”, with a parade from the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, Camí de l’Horta, Plaça la Creu and Pont de Moncau to the Casal Fester, Central offi ce of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, placing fl ags each Filà and ending playing the festive hymn the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA”.From 17:00 to 20:00 h. Great kids amusement park at the parking lot of the Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. End of fi esta of the Festiv Stall.

Thurstay, October 1.19:00 h. Great musical perfomance by Miguel MAKILA, Juan BRADMIS Y AMIGOS, which will present to us their successes full of Mediterranean sounds and AFTERNOON SNACK at the bar of the Social Center.* Free entry limited of hall capacity. * Activities reserved for our seniors.

From friday, october 2 to sunday 4.

VALENCIAN MARKET – TRADES – CRAFTS – GASTRONOMY – ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN – THEATER – PARADES – WORKSHOPS – MUSIC AND …MUCH MORE.Place: Av. Alt Rei En Jaume I, Av. Comunitat Valenciana and Festive Stall at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.Timetable: Friday 2: from 17:00 to 23:00 h. (Offi cial opening at 20:00 h.)Saturday 3: from 10:00 h. to 23:00 h. Sunday 4: from 10:00 to 22:00 h.

Friday, October 220:00 h. Offi cial opening of the PORRAT.22:00 h. Dinner at the Festive Stall with music by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea.24:00 h. Music perfomance by XECO ROJO and ONE LOVE at the Festive Stall.

Saturday, October 311:00 h. Exhibition of old vehicles at Av. Comunitat Valenciana and lunch at the Festive Stall.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. Children’s playpark at Av. Comunitat Valenciana.21:30 h. Festive dinner at the Festive Stall.22:00 h. FESPORRAT Festival at the Festive Stall with the perfomance of:



* Free entry limited of hall capacity.

Sunday, October 411:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.12:00 h. Parade along the Porrat of the participants in the “Aplec de danses” with the Danses Group Bellaguarda that will makes us dance.12:45 h. Perfomance of the groups participating in the “Aplec of Danses” in the Av. Comunitat Valenciana.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. “ Altea” presents its dance school, at the festive stall.And, besides, animation, workshops, demonstrations, tastings… Thank you very much for accompanying us.Note: The organizers reserve the right to alter, modify, increase or cancel any act of this program.

Happy Fiestas

Saturday, August 2221,00 h. Presentation of the posters of the fi estas at the Plaza del Agua

Saturday, August 29.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Sailing regata “Sports Christ 2015” modality gamba, in the bay of Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. Organized by Nautical Club of Altea and sponsored by Christ 2015.

From 7 to 13 SeptemberPaddle tournament Fiestas of Christ of the Sacrarium 2015 “Sports Christ 2015” at the Tennis Club of Altea. Organized by Tennis Club of Altea and Christ 2015.

Saturday, September 5.17,30 h. Beginning of the 24 hours tournament of Football sala (indoors) of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Sunday, September 6.18,00 h. Final of the 24 h. tournament of Football sala (indoors) at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Friday, September 11.20,30 h. Concert of festive music by the Band of the Musical Recreative Society of Altea la Vella and the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society, at Palau Altea Centre d’Arts.Free entry limited to hall capacity.

Saturday, september 12.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Table tennis tournament “Esports Christ 2015” at the Palau of Sports Villa d’Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. It is organized and sponsored by Table tennis Altea and Christ 2015. The Youth and Sports Council of the Townshall of altea collaborates in the act.18:30 h. MASS. Benediction of bands, crowns and sceptres and

presentation of our Damas y Reinas (Ladies and Queens) before our Holy Christ of the Sacrarium in the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo.21:00 h. DINNER OF POSTS of the Association of Moors and Christians and DANCING at the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Sunday, september 13.From 10:00 h. to 14:00 h. FINALS OF THE PADDLE TOURNAMENT “Sports Christ 2015” and delivery of trophies in the Tennis Club of Altea.17:30 h. Staging of the arrival of the image of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium to the Bay of Altea by the theater group Pla i Revés at La Roda beach.17:45 h. PILGRIMAGE OF THE HOLY CHRIST OF THE SACRARIUM, from La Roda beach to the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, with the following itinerary: C/ San Pedro, La Mar, Pescadores, Empedrat, Salut, Carreta, Remedios, Portal Nou, Belén, Fondo, Consuelo, Jesús and Plaza de la Iglesia, with the participation of the Bandeta Jove of Altea and the Group of Dulzainas.From 18:30 h. (once fi nished the pilgrimage), MASS OF THE RESCUE, sung by the parish choir of Altea.

From Wednesday 16 to Thursday september 24:20:00 h. SOLEMN NOVENARIO in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, in the church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo. Except on saturday 19 that it will be at 18:00 h.

Saturday, September 19.21:00 h. Presentation of dresses, festive posts, ladies and crowning of the queen of the fi estas at the Palau of Sports Vila d’Altea. Free entry limited of hall capacity. The doors of the enclosure will be open at 20:15 h.01:00 h. (Sunday morning), DANCING OF FESTIVE POSTS, in the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, organized by the Associtation of Moors and Christians Sant Blai.

Sunday, September 20.11:00 h. OFFERING OF FLOWERS. Concentration in the Plaza José Mª Planelles, of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians, representation of the popular fi estas, associations of Altea and the general public for the act of the off ering of fl owers and parade to the Consuelo Church, accompanied by the Band or the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Groups of Dulzainas.21 Shots in honour of the Virgen del Consuelo.12:00h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Nuestra señora del Consuelo, sung by the choir of Alteanense Philharmonic Society.

Thursday, September 24.21:00 h. General rehearsal of the embassies of Moors and Christians at the Plaza de la Iglesia.23:00 h. Traditional act of delivery of greetings and retreats.

Friday, September 25.13:00 h. Offi cial announcement of the fi estas with ringing of bells and fi ring of mortars.18:30 h. Traditional “ENTRÀ DE LA MURTA” (MYRTLE ENTRY), by the Comission of the Fiestas of the Christ 2015 and with the participation of the group of dulzainas, Bandeta Jove of Altea, Sonats batucada of Altea and the group of dances Bellaguarda Tradicions.Itinerary: Parking of the University, C/ Benidorm, Av. La Nucía, Pl. la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.20:30 h. ENTRY OF BANDS, from the Plaça la Creu to Pont de Moncau, with delivery of the diff erent Filaes (Groups of Moors and Christians) passing in front of the Casal Fester and continuing to the Plaza José Mª Planelles.21:00 h. BANDEROLES CEREMONY AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FIESTAS, by D. Jordi Picó Narbó. Once the announcement is fi nished all bands will play the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA” of the altean composer Francisco Pérez Devesa, under the baton of conductor of the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society D. Jaume Ripoll Martins. After that the Filaes will go to their respective locals.22:00 h. Opening of the FESTIVE STALL at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, with popular prices, and with activities during all the fi estas.

00:00 h. (Saturday morning) ENTRAETES. Concentration of the Filaes (groups) of Moors and Christians to start the entraetes in the Av. La Nucía (between Plaza la Creu and Av. Valencia) with the following itinerary; Plaza la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.00:00 h. (Saturday morning) Mobile Macro Disco Fiesta “TALLARINA ON TOUR” with the star role of the famous Dj’s ALEX WATKINSON and SANTI BERTOMEU in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Saturday, September 26.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the festive posts and Filaes in the Plaça la Creu to go up to the Plaza de la Iglesia.13:00 h. MOOR EMBASSY AND CHRISTIAN SURRENDER at the Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius at the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular CHRISTIAN PARADE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.

23:30 h. Great open-air dance by extraordinary MONACO Orchestra at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar and later (Sunday morning) SENTO Dj perfomance.

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Program of Acts Sunday, September 27.08:00 h. FESTIVE BREAKFAST at the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. MOOR REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Av. La Nucía, Av. Valencia, C/ Llavador, C/ La Sèquia, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ Garganes, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.12:00 h. SOLEMN MASS, in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarirum, at the Parish Church of the Virgen del Consuelo, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.14:00 h. Spectacular MASCLETADA (sound fi reworks) at the parking lot of Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.16:30 h. FESTIVE COFFEE for all the Filaes at the Festive Stall located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.19:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, the band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.20:00 h. SOLEMN PROCESSION in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium and San Blas, by the usual itinerary.

00:30 h. (Monday morning). Great FIREWORKS at the dock of the Paseo Mediterráneo by Pirotecnia Vulcano.01:00 h. (Monday morning). Great open-air dance by the famous MONTESOL Orchestra and later VIDIJUMPERS Dj perfomance at the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Cami de l’Algar

Monday, September 28.08:00 FESTIVE BREAKFAST in the Plaça la Creu.08:30 h. CHRISTIAN REVEILLE, with the following itinerary: Costera dels Matxos, C/ Portal Vell, C/ Sol, C/Alacant, C/ L’Empedrat, C/ La Mar, C/ Sant Pere, Passeig Mediterrani, C/ Gabriel Miró and Plaza José Mª Planelles.11:00 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at the Pl. José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the music band of the Association Sant Blai, Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Parish Church.11:30 h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Sant Blai, patron saint of Altea, at the Virgen del Consuelo’s Church, sung by the choir of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the Filaes at Plaça la Creu to go up to embassy in Plaza de la Iglesia.13:15 h. CHRISTIAN EMBASSY AND MOOR SURRENDER at Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius in the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular MOOR ENTRANCE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.23:30 h. Great open-air dance in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar with the star role of LA PATO Orchestra, and later (tuesday morning) DUKO Dj perfomance.

Tuesday, September 29.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.11:30 h. PASACALLE (PARADE). Concentration at Plaza José Mª Planelles of authorities, festive posts, Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai and Comission of fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, accompanied by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea and Colla of Dulzainas, to go towards the Church of San Francisco.12:00 h. REQUIEM MASS AND THANKSGIVING, at San Francisco’s Church, sung by the parish choir of Altea. After the mass it will be done the medal ceremony to the new Comission of the Fiestas of the Holy Christ of 2016.Once fi nished the act, PASACALLE of authorities, Festive Posts, Members of the Associtation of Moors and Christians 2015 and 2016 from Plaça del Convent, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I and fi nishing at Plaza José Mª Planelles.

16:00 h. GREAT MATCH OF VALENCIAN BALL at C/ Filarmónica.16:30 h. ACT OF “RETURN OF FLAGS”, with a parade from the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, Camí de l’Horta, Plaça la Creu and Pont de Moncau to the Casal Fester, Central offi ce of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai, placing fl ags each Filà and ending playing the festive hymn the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA”.From 17:00 to 20:00 h. Great kids amusement park at the parking lot of the Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. End of fi esta of the Festiv Stall.

Thurstay, October 1.19:00 h. Great musical perfomance by Miguel MAKILA, Juan BRADMIS Y AMIGOS, which will present to us their successes full of Mediterranean sounds and AFTERNOON SNACK at the bar of the Social Center.* Free entry limited of hall capacity. * Activities reserved for our seniors.

From friday, october 2 to sunday 4.

VALENCIAN MARKET – TRADES – CRAFTS – GASTRONOMY – ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN – THEATER – PARADES – WORKSHOPS – MUSIC AND …MUCH MORE.Place: Av. Alt Rei En Jaume I, Av. Comunitat Valenciana and Festive Stall at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.Timetable: Friday 2: from 17:00 to 23:00 h. (Offi cial opening at 20:00 h.)Saturday 3: from 10:00 h. to 23:00 h. Sunday 4: from 10:00 to 22:00 h.

Friday, October 220:00 h. Offi cial opening of the PORRAT.22:00 h. Dinner at the Festive Stall with music by the Bandeta Jove d’Altea.24:00 h. Music perfomance by XECO ROJO and ONE LOVE at the Festive Stall.

Saturday, October 311:00 h. Exhibition of old vehicles at Av. Comunitat Valenciana and lunch at the Festive Stall.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. Children’s playpark at Av. Comunitat Valenciana.21:30 h. Festive dinner at the Festive Stall.22:00 h. FESPORRAT Festival at the Festive Stall with the perfomance of:



* Free entry limited of hall capacity.

Sunday, October 411:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.12:00 h. Parade along the Porrat of the participants in the “Aplec de danses” with the Danses Group Bellaguarda that will makes us dance.12:45 h. Perfomance of the groups participating in the “Aplec of Danses” in the Av. Comunitat Valenciana.14:00 h. Lunch at the Festive Stall.17:00 h. “ Altea” presents its dance school, at the festive stall.And, besides, animation, workshops, demonstrations, tastings… Thank you very much for accompanying us.Note: The organizers reserve the right to alter, modify, increase or cancel any act of this program.

Happy Fiestas

Saturday, August 2221,00 h. Presentation of the posters of the fi estas at the Plaza del Agua

Saturday, August 29.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Sailing regata “Sports Christ 2015” modality gamba, in the bay of Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. Organized by Nautical Club of Altea and sponsored by Christ 2015.

From 7 to 13 SeptemberPaddle tournament Fiestas of Christ of the Sacrarium 2015 “Sports Christ 2015” at the Tennis Club of Altea. Organized by Tennis Club of Altea and Christ 2015.

Saturday, September 5.17,30 h. Beginning of the 24 hours tournament of Football sala (indoors) of the Association of Moors and Christians Sant Blai at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Sunday, September 6.18,00 h. Final of the 24 h. tournament of Football sala (indoors) at the Municipal Sports Pavilion.

Friday, September 11.20,30 h. Concert of festive music by the Band of the Musical Recreative Society of Altea la Vella and the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society, at Palau Altea Centre d’Arts.Free entry limited to hall capacity.

Saturday, september 12.From 10:00 to 14:00 h. 1st Table tennis tournament “Esports Christ 2015” at the Palau of Sports Villa d’Altea. After fi nishing it delivery of trophies. It is organized and sponsored by Table tennis Altea and Christ 2015. The Youth and Sports Council of the Townshall of altea collaborates in the act.18:30 h. MASS. Benediction of bands, crowns and sceptres and

presentation of our Damas y Reinas (Ladies and Queens) before our Holy Christ of the Sacrarium in the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo.21:00 h. DINNER OF POSTS of the Association of Moors and Christians and DANCING at the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Sunday, september 13.From 10:00 h. to 14:00 h. FINALS OF THE PADDLE TOURNAMENT “Sports Christ 2015” and delivery of trophies in the Tennis Club of Altea.17:30 h. Staging of the arrival of the image of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium to the Bay of Altea by the theater group Pla i Revés at La Roda beach.17:45 h. PILGRIMAGE OF THE HOLY CHRIST OF THE SACRARIUM, from La Roda beach to the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, with the following itinerary: C/ San Pedro, La Mar, Pescadores, Empedrat, Salut, Carreta, Remedios, Portal Nou, Belén, Fondo, Consuelo, Jesús and Plaza de la Iglesia, with the participation of the Bandeta Jove of Altea and the Group of Dulzainas.From 18:30 h. (once fi nished the pilgrimage), MASS OF THE RESCUE, sung by the parish choir of Altea.

From Wednesday 16 to Thursday september 24:20:00 h. SOLEMN NOVENARIO in honour of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, in the church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo. Except on saturday 19 that it will be at 18:00 h.

Saturday, September 19.21:00 h. Presentation of dresses, festive posts, ladies and crowning of the queen of the fi estas at the Palau of Sports Vila d’Altea. Free entry limited of hall capacity. The doors of the enclosure will be open at 20:15 h.01:00 h. (Sunday morning), DANCING OF FESTIVE POSTS, in the festive stall located in the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, organized by the Associtation of Moors and Christians Sant Blai.

Sunday, September 20.11:00 h. OFFERING OF FLOWERS. Concentration in the Plaza José Mª Planelles, of authorities, festive posts, Comission of the fi estas of the Holy Christ of the Sacrarium, Association of Moors and Christians, representation of the popular fi estas, associations of Altea and the general public for the act of the off ering of fl owers and parade to the Consuelo Church, accompanied by the Band or the Alteanense Philharmonic Society and Groups of Dulzainas.21 Shots in honour of the Virgen del Consuelo.12:00h. SOLEMN MASS in honour of Nuestra señora del Consuelo, sung by the choir of Alteanense Philharmonic Society.

Thursday, September 24.21:00 h. General rehearsal of the embassies of Moors and Christians at the Plaza de la Iglesia.23:00 h. Traditional act of delivery of greetings and retreats.

Friday, September 25.13:00 h. Offi cial announcement of the fi estas with ringing of bells and fi ring of mortars.18:30 h. Traditional “ENTRÀ DE LA MURTA” (MYRTLE ENTRY), by the Comission of the Fiestas of the Christ 2015 and with the participation of the group of dulzainas, Bandeta Jove of Altea, Sonats batucada of Altea and the group of dances Bellaguarda Tradicions.Itinerary: Parking of the University, C/ Benidorm, Av. La Nucía, Pl. la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.20:30 h. ENTRY OF BANDS, from the Plaça la Creu to Pont de Moncau, with delivery of the diff erent Filaes (Groups of Moors and Christians) passing in front of the Casal Fester and continuing to the Plaza José Mª Planelles.21:00 h. BANDEROLES CEREMONY AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FIESTAS, by D. Jordi Picó Narbó. Once the announcement is fi nished all bands will play the paso doble “IDA Y VUELTA” of the altean composer Francisco Pérez Devesa, under the baton of conductor of the Symphonic Band of the Alteanense Philharmonic Society D. Jaume Ripoll Martins. After that the Filaes will go to their respective locals.22:00 h. Opening of the FESTIVE STALL at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar, with popular prices, and with activities during all the fi estas.

00:00 h. (Saturday morning) ENTRAETES. Concentration of the Filaes (groups) of Moors and Christians to start the entraetes in the Av. La Nucía (between Plaza la Creu and Av. Valencia) with the following itinerary; Plaza la Creu, Pont de Moncau and Av. Jaume I.00:00 h. (Saturday morning) Mobile Macro Disco Fiesta “TALLARINA ON TOUR” with the star role of the famous Dj’s ALEX WATKINSON and SANTI BERTOMEU in the Festive Stall, located at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar.

Saturday, September 26.09:00 h. AWAKENING by the Comission of the Christ.12:00 h. SHOWING OFF AND SHOOTING. Concentration of the festive posts and Filaes in the Plaça la Creu to go up to the Plaza de la Iglesia.13:00 h. MOOR EMBASSY AND CHRISTIAN SURRENDER at the Plaza de la Iglesia.From 16:00 to 19:30 h. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT by Projectes Educatius at the Festive Stall of Camí de l’Algar.20:00 h. Spectacular CHRISTIAN PARADE with the following itinerary: C/ Filarmónica, C/ Pont de Moncau, Av. Jaume I, C/ A Llargues, fi nishing in Plaça dels Esports.

23:30 h. Great open-air dance by extraordinary MONACO Orchestra at the parking lot of Camí de l’Algar and later (Sunday morning) SENTO Dj perfomance.