
Crowdsourcing y Educación Empresarial

“Ha comenzado una poderosa conversación global. A través de Internet la gente está descubriendo e inventando nuevas maneras de compartir conocimiento relevante a una velocidad deslumbrante. Como resultado directo, los mercados se están haciendo más inteligentes y lo están logrando a una velocidad mayor que muchas compañías” (Perez; 2007).

“The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual” (Manifiesto del tren de claves: el fin del negocio de siempre)

Crowdsourcing y Educación Empresarial

crowdsourcing significa proponer problemas y dar recompensas a quienes encuentren la solución, todo esto potenciado por la capacidad de trabajo en red que Internet puede ofrecer. Basado en un modelo donde miles de voluntarios trabajan en pos de resolver el problema planteado, regidos por el principio de auto organización.

El escritor Jeff Howe[1] y el editor Mark Robinson de la revista tecnológica Wired[2], idearon el término

Jeff Howe y Mark Robinson de la Revista Wired Idearon el Termino Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing y Educación Empresarial

Los grandes grupos tienen una inteligencia colectiva más que lo que pueda generar un pequeño grupo de expertos y el autor propone que los grupos permite interactuar una amplia y variada gama de disciplinas para ofrecer un análisis en diferentes temas como: la política, los negocios y el medio ambiente.

El escritor Jeff Howe[1] y el editor Mark Robinson de la revista tecnológica Wired[2], idearon el término

James Surowiecki, autor del best-seller The Wisdom of crowds

Crowdsourcing y Educación Empresarial

10 examples of how crowdsourcing is changing the world.

The mind-bendingly awesome podcast RadioLab once told the story of a 1906 country fair at which attendees were invited to guess the weight of a large ox. Hoping for a cash prize, about 800 people made guesses, though no one got it right.Blog: The SocialPath


James Patterson's AirBorne

This idea's been around forever and has been a mainstay of the Web 2.0 evangelist crowd, but AirBorne is one of the first truly mainstream uses of crowdsourced writing.

Galaxy Zoo

Lets any astronomer, amateur or pro, help classify one million different galaxies that were photographed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The site shows you a photo of a galaxy and asks a few simple questions: Is it a spiral? Does it bulge in the middle? Is there a ring? The resulting database, now packed with more than 50 million classifications, is already being used for a wide range of research.


What it does: Can't afford a proofer or fact-checker for your site? Just sit back, relax and let your anal-retentive readers do the work for you! Register your site for free with GooseGrade, and members can use a simple widget to send you suggested edits.Why it's spiffy: Most bloggers simply don't have the time or energy to route content through proofing. GooseGrade not only helps you avoid boneheaded typos, but also builds a sense of ownership with your site.Why it's spooky: As someone who spent several years as a newspaper editor, I can't imagine wanting to do that stuff for fun. But hey, different strokes for different folks.


What it does: Lets you post design projects or brief copywriting assignments, name your price, then pick from a wide range of solutions submitted from around the world. On average, projects get 68 submissions.

.Brand Tags

Shows you a company logo and asks you to write the first word that comes to mind. These responses are compiled into a "tag cloud" that shows which words are used most often.

.Twitter Tees by Threadless

Lets you nominate your favorite Twitter posts to be turned into T-shirts, designed and sold by the popular You can even get a cash reward for your submission, up to $500.

TipJar by Google

TipJar is just one of many projects powered by the flexible Google Moderator service. Though not as well known as some other Google tools, Moderator has been used by everyone from conference organizers to Barack Obama. If you want feedback from the masses, with the ability to implement it in almost any blog or site, this is a great way to do it.

Since I'm no scientist, I'll let the site's creators explain:"The number of different ways even a small protein can fold is astronomical because there are so many degrees of freedom. Figuring out which of the many, many possible structures is the best one is regarded as one of the hardest problems in biology today and current methods take a lot of money and time, even for computers. Foldit attempts to predict the structure of a protein by taking advantage of humans' puzzle-solving intuitions and having people play competitively to fold the best proteins.“


Imagine if civic planners could actually see how people respond internally to the world around them. The possibilities are endless, and one would hope that architecture and design students around the world are paying close attention to research like this.

Netflix y la innovación abierta: un verdadero caso de éxito.

Netflix, se trata de una empresa americana de alquiler de DVD´s sumamente popular en Estados Unidos que ha aportado grandes innovaciones en su sector. A diferencia de otras cadenas tipo Blockbuster, los usuarios suelen alquilar no los estrenos sino películas menos conocidas.Netflix utiliza para ello un algoritmo de recomendación de películas, Cinematch, que analiza las elecciones pasadas de los suscriptores para recomendarles nuevas películas.Del éxito de este algoritmo se debe buena parte de los ingresos de la compañía , así que sus gestores optaron por lanzar una iniciativa sumamente innovadora:pagarían un millón de dólares al que lograse mejorar su algoritmo en un 10%.


Crowdsourcing y Educación Empresarial

El escritor Jeff Howe[1] y el editor Mark Robinson de la revista tecnológica Wired[2], idearon el término

Reglas del Crowdsourcing

1. La multitud esta dispersa.2. La multitud se involucra en periodos de atención cortos.3. La multitud esta llena de especialistas.4. La multitud produce principalmente basuras5. La Multitud encuentra el mejor material

Jeff Howe

Crowdsourcing para la Actitud Empresarial

1.Flexibilidad.2.Capacitación de riesgo.3.Orientación al riesgo.4.Trabajo en equipo.5.Gestión de empresa.6.Conocimiento empresarial


¡Gracias por su atención!