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“Leyendo, pensando, es la manera que tenemos de ser humanos” (Emili Teixidor)

Y leyendo está páginas, escritas con toda la ingenuidad y frescura propia de

nuestros escolares, se humaniza uno doblemente. No son páginas propias de Premio

Nobel de Literatura, menos mal. Ni siquiera merecedoras del Planeta. Son,

simplemente, un cuento Infantil. Nada menos que un cuento infantil. Eso sí. Pero no

un cuento infantil al uso. Un cuento que nos recuerda a los grandes clásicos:

animales protagonistas, viajes, aventuras, final feliz. Cuento con las mayúsculas de

Teixidor, Felipe Trigo, Almodóvar, Grimm, Perrault,… De todas formas, Cuento

Colaborativo, Cuento Colectivo, Cuento de Corazón, Cuento de Campos Góticos.

Lola y Miga, tal vez lleguen a conocerse y correr más de una aventura juntas.

Otra cosa, tal vez otro año, el Lobito bueno.

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One morning, some children were crying...

. . . . .

because they did not want to go to school.

. . . . .

Their class was very beautiful and they had a turtle pet called LOLITA

. . . . .

Lolita was very pretty and she liked swimming. One day, she escaped

and went to the beach.

. . . . .

In a castle her family was having a party. You could hear:

ta, pe, tan,

tapetan... It was...

. . . . .

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It was the music band from Medina de Rioseco, rehearsing for Easter time.

Lolita felt curiosity and decided to follow it and so she could discover what was going on.

. . . . .

Lolita saw loads of instruments. In the middle of the concert hall the drums sparkled

. . . . .

Since she was very young she had always wished to be a rock star, so she sat, took the drums sticks

and in that very moment a great career began.

. . . . .

All over her succesful world tour, she never forgot her dear friends. She invited all the children from

CRA Campos Góticos to her most especial

Rioseco concert...

. . . . .

After Rioseco´s concert, Lolita´s manager took her to China. They flew from Madrid.

. . . . .

The plane took a different way and crashed near Villalba de los Alcores. Everyone came out the

airplane unharmed. Lolita stayed in Villalba for some time and amazing things happened to her.

. . . . .

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One day Lolita and her friends went trecking in the Torozos. There, they met a wild boar who kept

chasing them until he took refuge in a hut.

. . . . .

The next morning, the wild boar was not there and they decided to return to Villalba, they took the

wrong path and arrived to a little village, Castromonte! There the pupils played in the swings, but

they were not alone, they had their turtle pet “Lolo”.

. . . . .

Lolita and Lolo fell in love. They run away from the school in the evening and arrived at a castle

where there were more turtles. There, they decided to get married…

. . . . .

They had many baby turtles. Mummy turtle forgot one of her babies and the baby put on her daddy’s

clothes. When she got to school and

everybody laughed at her.

. . . . .

The teacher puts on a hat and a tie to everyone. When the school is over, they go home disguised.

They climb up a slide.

. . . . .

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Suddenly, It got dark, the turtles were scared. What’s going on? Where were they going? A strange

music could be heard.

. . . . .

The music came from a sports center, and there they went although there were scared. It was CRA

Campos Góticos the End of School Year party

. . . . .

They stayed at the party and it was COOL! The holiday were here and the little turtles were

imagining themselves on the beach lying down sunbathing.

. . . . .

It´s holiday time and they played with a beach ball at the beach. They had a lot of fun!. And they had

some ice-creams.

. . . . .

Then Lolita and Lolo sat down on the towels eating their ice-creams but the little turtles went to

have a bath at the sea. There was a boat with many ice-creams but they didn´t have any money, so

they went to get some.

Lolo was sleeping and Lola didn´t have any money. Their mother, Lolita told them to go to play, and

they thought about doing sandcastles.

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. . . . .

The little turtles were unhappy, they wanted an ice-cream. Walking along the beach they met some

crabs. And they asked them - “What’s the matter?” “We are sad. We want an ice-cream”. “We are

going to buy one and we will share it with you”, “OK” And then do you fancy playing with the


. . . . .

Ok, Great!, let’s go to the ice-cream boat. “Hello, Good afternoon, can I have a cream and

strawberry ice-cream to share?” “Mmmmmmmm, No, I’m sorry. I’ve run out of it. I will get more on


. . . . .

As they did not have any ice-cream, they went for a swim. All of a sudden, they looked at the sky

and they saw a plane throwing

ice-creams all over the beach.

. . . . .

And they were happy ever after eating an ice-cream.


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María Alba Mº Dolores Alfageme

Mari Cruz Arribas

Estrella Benavente

Jesús Bernal Patricia Cubero

Ana Mª de la Fuente

Paqui de la Rosa

Alejandro del Rey

Paqui Delgado

María Domínguez

Pedro Fernández

Ana Celsa Fernández

Raquel Fernández Lucía Fidalgo Olga Galindo

Silvia Gallego

Noelia García

Cristina García Silvia Gil Aroa Gómez

Mª José González

Mª Teresa González

Purificación González

Ana Mª González

Isabel Hernando

Mónica López

Juan Carlos López

Ana Mª Manrique

José Antonio Marín

Mª Eugenia Domínguez

F. Javier Modroño

Rosa Morán Raquel Paniagua

Luis Peña Mª Ángeles Pérez

Enrique Puerta

Purificación Rioja

David Rodríguez

Beatriz Rodríguez

Carlos Rodríguez

Marta Sahagún Ana Santos Eva Mª Sanz Lucía Toribio

Marta Valdés Feli Valdivieso Berta Vigo

Colegio Rural Agrupado “ Campos Góticos ”

Curso 11- 12

Quisi mos hacer el camino con quienes empiezan la dura tarea de viv ir, y sorprender nos más de una vez recobrando juntos el resuello en el trayect o. Buscamos respuesta a las múltiples

preguntas surgidas en el camino, sabiendo que no si empre disponemos de ella. Sacamos de la chistera de la voluntad y el bien hac er, cuanto necesitábamos para nuestra

tarea , y que se nos negaba con falsos a rgumentos de mejor organización y aprovechamiento d e
