  • Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 1 - Greetings (Saludos)

    CARMEN - Hi! My name's Carmen. What's your name?

    PAULO - I'm Paulo.

    CARMEN - Are you a new student?

    PAULO - Yes, I am. I'm from Brazil. Where are you from?

    CARMEN - I'm from Spain.

    PAULO - Nice to meet you.

    CARMEN - Nice to meet you too.

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 2 - School (la Escuela)

    MARGARET - How's your new schedule?

    MARITZA - Great!

    MARGARET - What's your first class in the morning?

    MARITZA - I have math with Mr. Anderson at 8:00.

    MARGARET - What time do you have lunch?

    MARITZA - At 12:00 noon.

    MARGARET - Really? Me too. Do you have history class in the morning or the


    MARITZA - In the afternoon, at 2:15.

    MARGARET - Oh. What about science?

    MARITZA - I have science at 9:00.

    MARGARET - What's your last class?

    MARITZA - Art.

    MARGARET - Me too! Great!

    MARITZA - Oh no. That's the bell. We're late!

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 3 - People (la Gente)

    MIKE - My brother and I are totally different.

    CAROL - Really? How are you different?

    MIKE - My brother is tall, and I am short. He has blonde hair, and I have black hair.

    Our personalities are different too. He is funny, and I am serious.

    CAROL - Wow! That is different! My sister and I are different too.

    MIKE - How?

    CAROL - My sister is an aerobics teacher. She is thin and strong, and I am weak and a

    little overweight. Also, her hair is curly, and my hair is straight. My sister and I are

    different, but we're good friends.

  • Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 4 - Work (El Trabajo)

    LISA - Guess what? I have a new job.

    MATT - Really? Where do you work? LISA - I work for International Hotels.

    MATT - The 5-star hotel chain! Wow! What do you do? LISA - I stay in their hotels as a guest to make sure that they are OK.

    MATT - So you're like a hotel inspector for International Hotels. LISA - Exactly. I stay in a room, eat the food in the restaurant, go to the

    spa, and use all of the hotel amenities. After my stay I write a report on the quality of all the services in the hotel for the International Hotels main

    office. MATT - Wow! That's a great job!

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 5 - Family (La Familia)

    MARTHA - Do you want to see pictures of my family?

    SALLY - Oh. Hi Martha. Yeah, of course! Oh. Who is the baby? MARTHA - That's my daughter. Her name is Ericka. This picture is from her

    first birthday. SALLY - Oh. She's cute. Who are the other people in the picture?

    MARTHA - Of course, that's me in the green dress. The other people are my parents. My mother's name is Wilma and my father's name is Ed.

    MARTHA - Here's another picture. SALLY - I recognize you but who's the man.

    MARTHA - That's my husband Carl. He's a great cook. SALLY - My husband's a terrible cook.

    MARTHA - Here's another picture. SALLY - Who's that?

    MARTHA - That's my sister Wanda and my nephew Tommy. SALLY - Those are nice pictures. Do you want to see my pictures? MARTHA - Sure!

  • Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 6 - House (La Casa)

    VICKY - Hi Rebecca.

    REBECCA - Oh hi Vicky. VICKY - How's your new house?

    REBECCA - It's great. VICKY - Is it big?

    REBECCA - Yeah. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There's also a big yard and a swimming pool.

    VICKY - Wow! Do you have enough furniture? REBECCA - We bought some new furniture. There's a new sofa in the living

    room. We bought a new table and chairs for the dining room and a new dresser for the bedroom.

    VICKY - When can I see your new house? REBECCA - Come over tomorrow for lunch and you can see the new house.

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 7 - Food (La Comida)

    WAITER - May I take your order?

    CUSTOMER #1 - Yes. I'd like the chicken and a side order of corn. WAITER - And what would you like to drink?

    CUSTOMER #1 - I'd like a cup of coffee, please. WAITER - And what would you like to order?

    CUSTOMER #2 - I'll take the spaghetti and a salad. WAITER - What would you like to drink?

    CUSTOMER #2 - Just water, please. (after the meal)

    WAITER - Would you like something for dessert? CUSTOMER #1 - Yes, I'll have the cake, please. Would you like something?

    CUSTOMER #2 - No thanks. I'm full. (after dessert) CUSTOMER #1 - Could we have the check, please?

    WAITER - Yes, here it is. CUSTOMER #1 - Hmmm. $23.55. Here you are.

    WAITER - Thank you. Come again. CUSTOMER #1 - Thank you. Goodbye.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our fashion show. Here comes our first

    model. Julie is wearing a lovely pink blouse and blue pants. She's also

    wearing black shoes. Thank you, Julie.

    Our next model is Ted. Ted's wearing a blue suit with a black tie. He's also

    wearing a white shirt and black shoes. Thank you, Ted.

    And here's Jenny with our fashions for children. She's wearing a red and

    green Christmas dress and black shoes. Thank you Jenny. You look great.

  • Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 9 - Sports/Hobbies (Deportes/Pasatiempos)

    "Hello and welcome to Sports World. We're here in Miami, Florida for the big triathlon. The racers are in the water for the swimming portion of the

    race. They're getting ready and they're off. Swimmers #6 and 4 are in front but the other swimmers are not far behind. But wait. Wow! Swimmer #3 is swimming very fast. He's passing the other swimmers. He's now ahead of

    all of the swimmers. It looks like #3 is going to win the swimming event." "Now the racers are starting the bicycling part of the race. The first racers

    are getting out of the water and getting on their bicycles. Racer #3 is still in front but racer #4 is not far behind. They are riding very fast. And now

    racer #4 is passing racer #3. Yes, racer #4 is now in front and is riding very fast."

    "The first racers are getting off their bicycles and starting the running portion of the race. Runner #2 is running very fast and is passing runner

    #3 and runner #4. Runner #2 is running very well." "We're waiting at the finish line to see who wins. Here comes runner #2, 3,

    and 4. It's very close. I can't see who is ahead. It looks like runner #2 is in

    front. Oh, but now runner #3 is passing runner #2. Runner #3 is running

    very fast and now he's crossing the finish line. Runner #3 is the winner of

    the triathlon."

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 10 - Shopping (Compras)

    SALESPERSON - May I help you? CUSTOMER - Yes. Do you have this dress in blue?

    SALESPERSON - Yes. Here you go. CUSTOMER - Can I try it on? SALESPERSON - Of course. The fitting rooms are over there.

    CUSTOMER - Thank you. (The customer goes in the fitting room.)

    SALESPERSON - How does it fit? CUSTOMER - It's too small. Do you have a large?

    SALESPERSON - Hmmm. Let me see. Yes, here's a large. (The customer goes in the fitting room again.)

    SALESPERSON - How is it? CUSTOMER - It's perfect. I'll take it.

    SALESPERSON - OK. The total is $25.00 CUSTOMER - Do you take credit cards?

    SALESPERSON - Yes, of course. Here's your shirt and your credit card. Thank you very much.

    CUSTOMER - Thank you. Bye.

  • Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 11 - Transportation (Transporte)

    AGENT -Hello.

    GEORGE - Hi. What time is the next flight to Los Angeles? AGENT -At 3:00 this afternoon.

    GEORGE - I'd like to buy a ticket. AGENT -Ok. Whats your name?

    GEORGE George Hansen. AGENT -Can you spell that?

    GEORGE - Sure. George is G-E-O-R-G-E and Hansen is spelled H-A-N-S-E-N.

    AGENT And your address? GEORGE 3462 First Avenue Miami, Florida 33056

    AGENT Whats your phone number? GEORGE Area code (305) 452-2459 AGENT -Ok. Would you like a window or aisle seat?

    GEORGE - Window, please. AGENT -How would you like to pay for your ticket?

    GEORGE - With my credit card. AGENT -Ok. Here's your ticket.

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud)

    NANCY Hi doctor. DOCTOR Hi Nancy. Whats the matter?

    NANCY I have a sore throat and a bad cough. DOCTOR Hmmm. You should drink lots of tea and take cough medicine.

    NANCY I have to go to work tomorrow. DOCTOR You shouldnt go to work. You should rest.

    NANCY I have a big project to finish at work. DOCTOR You should rest and you shouldnt talk too much. NANCY Ok

    A Excuse me?

    B Yes?

    A How do I get to the post office?

    B Go past the hotel and turn left onto Main Street. Go one block and turn

    right. Its across from the train station. A Thank you.

  • A How do I get to the supermarket?

    B Its easy. Turn left at the corner onto Apple Street. Go one block. The

    supermarket is on the corner of First Avenue and Apple Street, next to the

    police station.

    A Thanks.

    A - Excuse me. How do I get to the restaurant?

    B Go straight past the bookstore and the hotel. Turn left onto Main

    Street. Its the second building on the left, between the hotel and the bank.

    A Thank you.

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 14 - Animals (Animales)

    CHILD #1 My daddys going to buy me a puppy for Christmas. CHILD #2 Really? Well, my daddys going to buy me a horse. Im going to

    ride it around in my yard. CHILD #1 Uh uh. Thats not true. CHILD #2 Yeah, and hes going to buy me a pet monkey too. Hes going

    to eat bananas in my room all day while Im at school and when I come home hes going to play with me.

    CHILD #1 Well, my daddys going to buy me a pet tiger. CHILD #2 Thats impossible. The tigers going to eat you.

    CHILD #1 Im going to keep him in cage and feed him hamburgers. FATHER Are you kids making up stories again? If you dont stop lying,

    youre not going to get anything for Christmas.

    Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 15 - Weather (El Tiempo)

    AGENT - Welcome to Happy Trails Travel Agency.

    MAN - I want to go somewhere this weekend but I dont know where. Where do you recommend?

    AGENT - Well, its sunny and warm at the beach. Theres a special at the Bongo Beach Hotel this weekend. Its two nights for the price of one.

    MAN - No, its too hot at the beach. AGENT - How about the mountains? Theres a wonderful ski lodge in the

    mountains. The trees are full of snow at this time of year. Its so beautiful. MAN - Its too cold in the mountains. AGENT - Ok. What about at the lake? Fredricks Lake has a cute little guest

    house that you can stay in? MAN - No. Its too rainy at the lake.

    AGENT - How about the moon?! It doesnt rain there. MAN - THATS PERFECT

  • Ingls Nivel Bsico - Leccin 16 The Future (El Futuro)

    WOMAN What do you think the future will be like?

    MAN I think cars will fly. WOMAN Really? What do you think the schools will be like?

    MAN I think people will study in their houses via the Internet. WOMAN What will hospitals be like?

    MAN I think medicine will be totally different. We wont have many of the diseases that we have today.

    WOMAN How will houses be different? MAN Maybe well have robots to clean our house and cook.

    WOMAN That would be nice!

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 1 - Greetings (Saludos)

    REPORTER - I'm talking with 90-year-old Phil Andrews who leaves

    tomorrow on a trip around the world. He's hoping to set a new world record. He'll be the oldest man to travel around the world. How do you feel,

    Phil? PHIL - I feel great. I'm excited about the trip.

    REPORTER - How are you going to travel? PHIL - International Airlines is sponsoring my trip. They're letting me fly

    free for this month because, thanks to reporters like you, they're getting publicity in return. REPORTER - What countries are you visiting on the trip?

    PHIL - I'm stopping in Portugal where I hope to spend a day relaxing on the beach. In Egypt I'm going to spend a day seeing the Egyptian pyramids.

    I'm stopping in India where I hope to see the Taj Majal. In Thailand I'm going to spend some time in Bangkok. I'm also stopping in Hawaii to spend

    a day surfing. REPORTER - What?!

    PHIL - Just kidding. I haven't been surfing since I was 70. REPORTER - 70? Wow!

    PHIL - The final stop is in Mexico where I hope to listen to some of that wonderful Mariachi music before I fly home.

    REPORTER - Wow! Won't you get tired? PHIL - My doctor says that I'm in better shape than him. I swim every

    morning. REPORTER - Well, good luck. Send me a postcard from one of your destinations.

    PHIL - OK.

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 2 - School (La Escuela)

    CARL - Hi Lucy! Do you like your school?

    LUCY - Hi Carl. Yeah! It's great. It's a magnet school. CARL - A magnet school? What's that?

    LUCY - It's a special school that teaches different stuff, not just math, reading, and boring things like that.

    CARL - What does your school teach? LUCY - My school is bilingual. I spend half the day with an English-speaking

    teacher and half with a Spanish-speaking teacher. For example, this month I'm learning science and math in English but social studies and art in

    Spanish. Next month I switch. I learn science and math from the Spanish-speaking teacher and social studies and art from the English-speaking

    teacher. CARL - Wow! Isn't that confusing? LUCY - No. I started in the school when I was in kindergarten. When I

    started I only could speak English. Now I'm totally bilingual. CARL - That's cool. I heard about a kid in another magnet school that

    specialized in the arts. He had a lot of theater classes and art classes and stuff like that.

    LUCY - Different magnet schools specialize in different things.

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 3 - People (La Gente)

    POLICE OFFICER - Mr. Green?

    MR. GREEN - Yes, officer? POLICE OFFICER - Officer Hernandez tells me that you are a witness to a

    robbery. MR. GREEN - Yes. At the ValueMart grocery store. POLICE OFFICER - Can you tell me about the robber?

    MR. GREEN - Yes. He's tall and thin. He has short, black hair. POLICE OFFICER - OK. Is his hair straight or curly?

    MR. GREEN - It's sort of wavy. POLICE OFFICER - OK. Does he have a mustache or beard?

    MR. GREEN - No. POLICE OFFICER - What about glasses?

    MR. GREEN - No. POLICE OFFICER - What about his age? Approximately how old is he?

    MR. GREEN - I'm not sure. Maybe in his late twenties. POLICE OFFICER - Ok. I'll give this information to the police artist to make

    the wanted poster.

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 4 - Work (El Trabajo)

    MS. WILLIAMS - Hello Mr. Johnson. Come into my office. MR. JOHNSON - Thank you.

    MS. WILLIAMS - Have a seat. MR. JOHNSON - Thanks.

    MS. WILLIAMS - So you'd like to apply for the administrative assistant position.

    MR. JOHNSON - Yes. MS. WILLIAMS - Do you have experience as an administrative assistant? MR. JOHNSON - Well, no. Not really.

    MS. WILLIAMS - Hmmm. We're looking for someone with some experience. Can you type?

    MR. JOHNSON - Well, sort of. I use these two fingers to type. I type 5 words per minute!

    MS. WILLIAMS - Ahhh. Well, we hope to hire someone who can type a little faster. Do you speak any other languages? We want someone who is

    bilingual. MR. JOHNSON - I can count to ten in Spanish, uno, dos, tres . . .

    MS. WILLIAMS - I'm sorry. We need someone who can do more than just count to ten. Why are you applying for this job?

    MR. JOHNSON - Well, to be honest, the salary is really good. Right now I'm

    only making $5.00 an hour at Joe's Hamburger Palace. Also, I noticed that

    your secretary is really attractive. Is she single?

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 5 - Family (La Familia)

    MARIE - Hi Marge! How was your vacation?

    MARGE - Oh! It was wonderful. We went on a cruise. MARIE - Really? Where did you go?

    MARGE - We saw four different islands in the Caribbean. MARIE - Did the kids go too?

    MARGE - Yeah. They loved it. Let me show you my pictures. Here's the first picture. We went to the beach on this day. The children played in the sand

    and we enjoyed cocktails and relaxed on the beach. In this picture I'm snorkeling. I saw some beautiful fish. The fish are all different colors, blue,

    yellow, orange, . . . MARIE - Is this your husband playing golf? MARGE - Yes. On one of the islands he played golf while the children and I

    bought souvenirs. On this day my son and my husband went fishing while my daughter and I swam in the pool on the ship. On the last night we went

    to an elegant dinner party in the ship's formal dining room. We ate delicious gourmet food and drank champagne.

    MARIE - Wow! That sounds like a fun vacation. MARGE - It was.

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 6 - House (La Casa)

    LANDLORD - Hello.

    ELIZABETH - Hello. I'm calling about the apartment you advertised in the Sunday newspaper. Is it still available?

    LANDLORD - Yes. It's a lovely two-bedroom apartment with a new carpet and the kitchen was recently remodeled.

    ELIZABETH - How much is it a month? LANDLORD - It's $700 a month for the two-bedroom apartment. We also

    have a one-bedroom available for $500 a month. ELIZABETH - No, we need a two-bedroom. Are utilities included?

    LANDLORD - Water is included but electricity is not. ELIZABETH - How much is the deposit?

    LANDLORD - We require a $500 deposit on all two-bedrooms and a $300 deposit on all one-bedrooms. ELIZABETH - Do you allow pets?

    LANDLORD - No. No pets are allowed. ELIZABETH - When can I come see the apartment?

    LANDLORD - How about tomorrow at 5:00 PM? ELIZABETH - OK. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

    LANDLORD - Bye!

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 7 - Food (La Comida)

    HUSBAND - Honey, do we have any milk?

    WIFE - No. Why? HUSBAND - I'm making the grocery list.

    WIFE - Oh. Good. No, we don't have any milk or eggs either. HUSBAND - Do we have any bread? WIFE - Yeah, we have plenty of bread. We need some pasta though. I want

    to make spaghetti tomorrow night for dinner. HUSBAND - Ok. Do we have any spaghetti sauce?

    WIFE - We have a little. You'd better put that on the list too. HUSBAND - Ok. Is there anything else?

    WIFE - Hmmm. I'd like to make a salad too. We'll need lettuce and tomatoes.

    HUSBAND - Ok. I think we have a lot of carrots in the refrigerator. We can

    put those on the salad too. Ok. I think that's everything. I'm going to go to

    the supermarket. See you later.

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 8 - Clothes (La Ropa)

    SALESPERSON - May I help you?

    CUSTOMER - Yes. Do you have this in a medium? SALESPERSON - Yes. Right here.

    CUSTOMER - Can I try it on? SALESPERSON - Of course. The fitting rooms are over there.

    (pause) SALESPERSON - How does it fit?

    CUSTOMER - Its too small. Do you have a large? SALESPERSON - Yes. Here you are.

    CUSTOMER - Thanks. Ill try it on. (pause)

    SALESPERSON - How was it? CUSTOMER - Its missing a button. Do you have another large? SALESPERSON - Yes. Right here.

    CUSTOMER - This one looks OK. Ill take it. SALESPERSON - Ok. Will that be cash, check, or charge?

    CUSTOMER - Charge please. Visa. SALESPERSON - Ok. Thatll be $27.50.

    Heres your receipt. CUSTOMER - Thank you.

    SALESPERSON - Thank you.

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 9 - Sports/Hobbies (Deportes/Pasatiempos)

    SANDY - My husband has a closet full of sports equipment that he never

    uses. CLAIRE - Mine too. He bought a tennis racket last week. He says that hes

    going to start playing tennis. SANDY - Ha. My husband has two tennis rackets in his closet. He cant even

    play tennis! Now he says hes going to buy some new skis. CLAIRE - My husband has skis in the closet. Theyre covered with dust. SANDY - I gave him a basketball for his birthday because he said that he

    wanted to start playing basketball with the guys. I dont know why I bought it. It just takes up space in the closet.

    SANDY - The only sports equipment my husband uses is the remote control to the TV.

    CLAIRE - I think we should sell all of the sports equipment and get something that theyll really use.

    SANDY - Whats that? A new sofa. They spend more time sitting on the sofa

    watching TV than anything else.

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 10 - Shopping (Compras)

    CUSTOMER - This is a beautiful car. SALESPERSON - Yeah. It comes with air bags, leather seats, air-

    conditioning, and a great stereo system. CUSTOMER - How old is it?

    SALESPERSON - Its only five years old. An elderly lady owned it. She hardly ever drove it.

    CUSTOMER - How much is it? SALESPERSON - Only $16,900. CUSTOMER - Oh. Thats too much for me. Im a college student.

    SALESPERSON - Oh. Ill make a deal with you. Ill sell it to you for $15,000. CUSTOMER - Thats still too expensive. How about $12,000.

    SALESPERSON - No. I cant go that low. Since youre a student Ill give you a special deal. $14,000.

    CUSTOMER - I dont know. Let me think about it. SALESPERSON - This morning a man offered $16,000 for this car. He might

    come back and buy it so you should decide soon. CUSTOMER - Well. OK. Ill take it for $13,000

    SALESPERSON - $13,500. CUSTOMER - Its a deal!

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 11 - Transportation (Transporte)

    OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Hi Bob. Did you talk to all of the witnesses to the car accident? OFFICER ATKINS The old lady was standing on the street corner when the

    accident happened. She said that its the red cars fault. She said that the red car was driving very fast and then quickly stopped when the traffic light

    changed. OFFICER RODRIGUEZ What did the kids say? OFFICER ATKINS The kids were playing in their front yard when they heard

    the crash. They say that they didnt see anything. OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Did the neighbors see anything?

    OFFICER ATKINS The neighbor, Mr. Jones, was working in his yard when the accident happened. He said that he thought he saw a dog run out into the street in front of the car.

    OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Hmmm. No one else mentioned a dog. OFFICER ATKINS Did you talk to Mr. Bates?

    OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Mr Bates? OFFICER ATKINS Yeah, hes the man who was selling newspapers on the

    street corner. OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Oh. Yeah. He says that it was the blue cars fault. OFFICER ATKINS Really?

    OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Yeah. He says that the man in the blue car wasnt paying attention. When the red car stopped he didnt notice until it was too

    late. He hit the red car. OFFICER ATKINS Wow! Did they all see the same accident? They all remember something different.

    OFFICER RODRIGUEZ Yeah. I know. Pretty strange, huh? Well, put it all in

    the report.

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud) HUSBAND - What happened to you? Why do you have a bandaid on your

    finger? WIFE - I hurt myself in the kitchen.

    HUSBAND - What happened? WIFE - I cut myself when I was slicing vegetables.

    HUSBAND - Really? WIFE - Yeah. I was cutting up vegetables to put in the salad for dinner

    while Timmy was playing with a toy on the kitchen floor. Suddenly Timmy started crying. I looked up quickly and noticed that he burned himself on

    the stove. The noise distracted me and I accidentally cut myself. HUSBAND - Thats too bad. Is Timmy Ok?

    WIFE - Yeah. Hes fine now. What happened to your foot? Why are you limping? HUSBAND - I hurt myself today too. I tripped at work and fell down. I hurt

    my leg. WIFE - We need to be more careful. Were a clumsy family.

  • Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 13 - The City (La Ciudad)

    CARRIE - How was your vacation? ANDREA - It was great.

    CARRIE - Where did you go? ANDREA - I went to California. I visited Los Angeles and San Diego.

    CARRIE - Which did you like better? ANDREA - Well, I liked both cities but for different reasons. San Diego is

    smaller than Los Angeles. Los Angeles is huge! I also think San Diegos prettier. The coast is beautiful and they have a beautiful park in the middle

    of the city called Balboa Park. The air is much cleaner in San Diego than in Los Angeles.

    CARRIE - Sounds great! ANDREA - I think Los Angeles was more exciting than San Diego. It was

    exciting to see Hollywood. I even saw a few stars. CARRIE - How was the weather? ANDREA - It was fantastic. Its a little bit warmer in Los Angeles than in

    San Diego but both cities had great weather. CARRIE - Its really cold here. I wish I could be in California right now!

    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 14 - Animals (Animales)

    VANESSA - Larry, did you see the quiz in this magazine? LARRY - No. Whats it about?

    VANESSA - Its an animal quiz. If you get all of the questions right you win a safari vacation.

    LARRY - Wow! Lets give it a try. VANESSA - Ok. Heres the first question. Whats the largest animal?

    LARRY - Hmmm. Maybe the elephant. VANESSA - No. A whale is larger than an elephant. LARRY - Ok. Lets put whale.

    VANESSA - Question #2. Whats the fastest animal? LARRY - A horse?

    VANESSA - No. I think the cheetah is the fastest. Its faster than a horse. LARRY - Ok. Whats question 3?

    VANESSA - Whats the largest fish? LARRY - A whale?

    VANESSA - No. A whale is a mammal, not a fish. Maybe a shark. LARRY - Ok. Put shark.

    VANESSA - Number 4 is What is the largest bird? LARRY - The eagle?

    VANESSA - No. I think its the condor. LARRY - Or maybe the ostrich.

    VANESSA - Ok. Lets put ostrich. Heres the last question. Whats the tallest animal? LARRY - Thats easy. The giraffe.

    VANESSA - Where are you going?

  • LARRY - To start packing.

    VANESSA - For what? LARRY - For the safari vacation were going to win.

    This is the Channel 8 weather forecast with Carol Gates. In the Southeast

    it will be cloudy and it might rain tomorrow in the morning but in the

    afternoon itll clear up. You should probably bring your umbrella just in

    case. In the northern United States theres a 50% chance of snow. It might

    snow in the afternoon but itll stop by evening. In the East were expecting

    a big storm tomorrow. Well have showers in the East tomorrow night and

    we might have some lightning. In the Northwest itll be cold tomorrow with

    a chance of snow again. Theyve had a lot of snow this week. In the

    Southwest itll be beautiful tomorrow. Itll be sunny and clear so enjoy your


    Ingls Nivel Intermedio - Leccin 16 - The Future (El Futuro)

    MOLLY - How do you think technology and computers will change in the future?

    JENNY - I saw a news report saying that scientists are working on building tiny molecular-sized robots that will be able to do different things in the

    future. Its called nanotechnology. MOLLY - Really? What will they be able to do?

    JENNY - They might be able to use them in medicine to diagnose diseases and even fix problems inside the body.

    MOLLY - A tiny robot that goes into my body? JENNY - Yeah. Like a little mechanic. It could go into your body to detect disease before you even know youre sick.

    MOLLY - Wow! I saw something on TV that said that in the future we might all have computer implants.

    JENNY - Computer implants? MOLLY - Yeah. You may not even need a computer to surf the internet in

    the future. Your implant could convert digital information into signals that your brain could understand.

    JENNY - Wow! Id never have to study for a test again.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 1 - Greetings (Saludos)

    ANGIE - Hello? BRENDA - Hi, Angie? ANGIE - Yeah?

    BRENDA - This is Brenda, Brenda Rivers. ANGIE - Brenda Rivers? I haven't seen you since high school. How have

    you been? BRENDA - I've been great!

    ANGIE - Are you still living in San Diego? BRENDA - No. I moved to Chicago two years ago. I got a job at a big

    company here as a writer for a fashion magazine.

  • ANGIE - Really?

    BRENDA - Yeah. I've worked at Fashion Now magazine since I moved here. ANGIE - Wow! That sounds like an exciting job.

    BRENDA - Oh. It's great. I've always loved fashion. It's really exciting. I've met a lot of famous designers already. Actually, I'm calling because I'm in

    love and I'm getting married. ANGIE - Wow! Good for you. How did you meet the guy?

    BRENDA - He works for Fashion Now magazine too. He's a photographer. We're going to get married in September and I want you to be the maid of

    honor. ANGIE - Me? Wow! I'd love to.

    BRENDA - You'll have to fly out here to get measured for a bridesmaid's dress.

    ANGIE - Ok. I have some vacation time available. I could go next month. BRENDA - Great! I'll show you around Chicago while you're here. You'll love it.

    ANGIE - I've always wanted to see Chicago. BRENDA - Well, I need to go. We're meeting with the pastor tonight to plan

    the ceremony. E-mail me and let me know about your life. My e-mail is [email protected].

    ANGIE - Ok. I can't wait to see you.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 2 - School (La Escuela)

    GRANDSON - Grandma? What were schools like when you were little? GRANDMA - Oh. They were quite different from how they are today. Your

    school is much bigger than mine was. I attended a one-room schoolhouse. GRANDSON - What's that?

    GRANDMA - All of the kids were in one room. All different ages and levels were in one room with one teacher. GRANDSON - Wow! How could the teacher handle all of the different levels?

    GRANDMA - I remember that my teacher depended a lot on the older kids to help with the younger ones. Actually, teaching is a good way to learn. I

    remember that I learned math really well when I had to teach it to the younger kids. I remember that I used to help the teacher start the fire

    when I got to school. We didn't have heaters back then. We would build a fire to keep the room warm.

    GRANDSON - Wow! How did the teacher keep the kids from misbehaving? GRANDMA - They were very strict back then. The teacher had a stick that

    she would use to spank us if we misbehaved. GRANDSON - Ouch!!! That must have hurt!

    GRANDMA - Luckily, I was a good girl. I never got spanked. We didn't have as many books as you have either. We would read from the Bible a lot.

    GRANDSON - The Bible? GRANDMA - Yes. They didn't have the laws about religion in public schools like you do today.

    GRANDSON - Boy, it sounds like schools were pretty different back then.

  • GRANDMA - Yes, but it was kind of nice. Since it was so small, all of the

    students became good friends.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 3 - People (La Gente)

    KAREN - Is this seat available? GARY - Yes. Sit down.

    KAREN - I'm so glad I got a seat. I'm really tired today. GARY - So am I. It's been a long day, huh?

    KAREN - It sure has. Where do you work? GARY - In the Commerce Building on the third floor. I work in real estate.

    KAREN - Really?! I work on the tenth floor. I work in the newspaper office. GARY - I love working downtown but parking is so crazy here I started

    taking the subway. KAREN - Me too. I can't stand getting stuck in a traffic jam.

    GARY - Neither can I. Have you worked downtown for long? KAREN - For about five years now.

    GARY - So have I. I've worked here for five years and two months to be exact.

    KAREN - It was hard to get used to all of this traffic because I'm from a much smaller place. I was born in Rockford, Illinois. GARY - So was I! Wow! What a coincidence!

    KAREN - Wow! What high school did you go to? GARY - I went to Guilford High School.

    KAREN - No way! So did I. GARY - I graduated in 1985.

    KAREN - I graduated in '87. I don't remember seeing you there. GARY - I don't recognize you either.

    KAREN - Oh no! Here's my stop. I need to get off the train. GARY - This is your stop? Me too. Heh, do you want to go for a cup of

    coffee? I know a great coffee shop near here.

    KAREN - Sure. Let's go.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 4 - Work (El Trabajo)

    LAURA - I need to look for a job. Do you think you could help me create a resume?

    HANNA - Sure. I'd be happy to help you. LAURA - I've never made a resume before. I don't even know what goes on

    it. HANNA - Well, first of all you need to put your name, address, and phone number.

    LAURA - Ok. HANNA - Then you should put your job objective.

    LAURA - What's that? HANNA - That's a description of what kind of job you're looking for.

  • LAURA - Well, I'd like to work in a clerical position. I have experience with

    that and I think I'm good at that. Ideally I'd like to work in a law office because I think that would be exciting.

    HANNA - Ok. Let's put "To obtain a position as an administrative assistant in a legal firm." Now, we need to put your educational background. Where

    did you go to school? LAURA - Do I have to put all the schools I attended, even my elementary

    school? HANNA - No, only college or any vocational training.

    LAURA - Well, I have my Associates degree from the Community College and I went to a vocational school for training as a legal secretary.

    HANNA - Great! That information will go in the education section. You'll also need to include the name of the school, the date that you graduated, and,

    if you had good grades, include your grade point average. LAURA - Ok. What's next? HANNA - Your work experience. You worked as a secretary before, didn't

    you? LAURA - Yeah, I worked in as a secretary in an accounting office and,

    before that, I worked in a sales position at a store. HANNA - Ok. You'll need to include your job title, the name of the place

    that you worked, the city and state that the job was in, the dates that you worked there, and a brief description of your responsibilities at that job.

    LAURA - Wow! Is there anything else that goes on a resume? HANNA - The only other thing would be any awards or recognitions that

    you've gotten. You were employee of the month at one of your jobs, weren't you?

    LAURA - Yeah. HANNA - Ok. Let's put that on the resume too.

    LAURA - Thanks a lot Hanna for all of your help. HANNA - You're welcome.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 5 - Family (La Familia) CATHY - Hi Nancy! Where are your kids?

    NANCY - They're at home cleaning their rooms. CATHY - Really? Wow. I wish my kids would clean their rooms.

    NANCY - We made a new list of rules for the kids. If they obey all of the rules they get a $5.00 allowance on Sunday.

    CATHY - What are the rules? NANCY - They have to clean their rooms once a week, do their homework

    every day, and they have a different housecleaning job each week. One week they clean the bathrooms, another week they vacuum the living

    room, each week it's a different chore. CATHY - That's great. I wish my kids would help me around the house.

    NANCY - Oh, and they have to wash dishes once a week too. CATHY - How's it working so far?

  • NANCY - So far it's working out pretty well. They complained a lot at first

    about the work but they like the allowance. It really helps me a lot because I used to do all of the housework myself.

    CATHY - I think it's a great idea. I remember when I was little I had to help my parents with housework.

    NANCY - Me too. I had to do my homework right when I got home from school. After that I had to help my mom get dinner ready.

    CATHY - I grew up on a farm so we had to feed the chickens every morning before school. We helped my parents a lot on the farm. When I was older I

    had to help milk the cows too. NANCY - I think it's important for kids to help around the house. It teaches

    them responsibility. CATHY - Yeah, and they learn how to do housework. When Bill and I got

    married he didn't know how to do anything. He didn't have to help his mom with housework when he was little so he never learned how to wash clothes or clean the house. I had to teach him so that he could help me.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 6 - House (La Casa)

    MR. EVANS - Hello? FRAN - Hi! Mr Evans. This is Fran from apartment 6. Im calling because

    you havent sent anyone to fix the problems I told you about last week. MR. EVANS - I know I havent had time. Ive been really busy. What are the

    problems again? FRAN -The ceiling is cracked and when it rains the water leaks in. We have

    several buckets in the living room to try to catch the water. Also, you said that you fumigated the apartment before we moved in but there are

    cockroaches. MR. EVANS - Really? There shouldnt be cockroaches. Ill fumigate again

    when I have time. FRAN - Also, the stove doesnt work. Ive been in this apartment for a week now and I still cant cook. When are you going to buy a new stove?

    MR. EVANS - I will as soon as I get a chance. Ive been so busy lately. FRAN - What about the kitchen light?

    MR. EVANS - Its not working? FRAN - No. I told you about it. When can you fix it?

    MR. EVANS - I have some other things to do today but Ill fix it soon. Oh, by the way, when are you going to pay the rent?

    FRAN - Ill do it as soon as I get a chance. You know Ive been very busy lately. I dont know when Ill have time to bring you the check.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 7 - Food (La Comida)

    Hello and welcome to The Healthy Cooking Show. Today well be making a delicious and nutritious banana nut bread. Bananas are a great source of

    potassium and the whole wheat flour in our recipe is high in fiber. Many people are afraid of using nuts in recipes because theyre high in fat. Nuts

    are high in UNSATURATED fat not the artery-clogging saturated fat.

  • Unsaturated fat is good because it can help lower the bad LDL cholesterol in

    the blood. Lets take a look at our ingredients. Youll need whole wheat flour, baking

    soda, baking powder, sugar, oil, eggs, milk, 2 bananas (preferably very ripe), and nuts.

    Ok. Now were ready. Lets get started. First well mix the dry ingredients in one bowl. Put 1 cups of flour into the bowl. Then add 1 teaspoons of

    baking powder and teaspoon of baking soda. Then mix in 2/3 cup of sugar. Next lets mix the wet ingredients. Put 1/3 cup oil into the bowl. I

    prefer to use oil rather than artery-clogging butter or even shortening. Shortening, which many people think is healthier than butter, is made with

    artificial hydrogenated fats that raise cholesterol. Now well add the eggs to the bowl with the oil. The recipe calls for two eggs. If youd like, you could

    substitute four egg whites for the two eggs. You can substitute two egg whites for one whole egg in any recipe. The yolk of the egg is the part that contains the fat. The egg white is totally fat-free. Next well add two

    tablespoons of milk and two bananas. The bananas should be very ripe and flavorful. Mix the wet ingredients well and then add the ingredients from

    the other bowl. Finally add cup of chopped nuts and mix well. Grease a bread pan and pour the mixture into the pan. Bake for approximately 55

    minutes in a 350-degree oven. This bread makes a great dessert or try it for breakfast with a glass of milk.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 8 - Clothes (La Ropa)

    ELLEN Hello? CURT Hi Ellen. This is Curt.

    ELLEN Hi Curt! Are you packed yet? CURT No. Ill start packing tomorrow. I cant wait to visit you in Puerto

    Rico. Actually, I was wondering what kind of clothes to pack. ELLEN I know its cold where you are but its really warm here. Its like summer all year round. Bring summer clothes like shorts, sundresses,

    sandals, and, of course, your swimming suit. CURT Does it get cool at night?

    ELLEN No. It cools down a little a night but its still warm at night. CURT So, will I need a sweater or a light jacket or anything like that?

    ELLEN No. Well. You could pack one light sweater because sometimes its cool in places where they have air-conditioning. You get used to the warm

    weather outside and then you go in a movie theater here and freeze. CURT Do I need to bring a raincoat or umbrella?

    ELLEN Yeah. Thats a good idea. Id bring an umbrella but not the raincoat. It rains a lot here. They get bad thunderstorms here. When I

    moved here from San Diego at first the thunderstorms scared me a little bit. Now Im used to them. My friends apartment building was hit by

    lightning recently. It destroyed her computer and TV. CURT Is it humid there?

  • ELLEN Yeah. Its REALLY humid. At first the humidity drove me crazy

    because I was sweating all of the time. After a few months I got used to it. Now when I go back to San Diego it feels really dry to me.

    CURT Im really excited about going to Puerto Rico. ELLEN I cant wait to see you.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 9 - Sports/Hobbies

    (Deportes/Pasatiempos) RON Welcome to Sports Talk. I'm Ron Walker, your host. On today's

    show I'll be talking to Laura Beamer, who won the Olympic gold medal in tennis at last week's Olympic Games. Welcome to the show Laura.

    LAURA Thanks Ron. RON How does it feel to wear that Olympic gold medal?

    LAURA It feels great, Ron. RON Did you ever think you would win an Olympic gold medal? LAURA I hoped that I would win but there were a lot of great tennis

    players at the Olympics. RON Tell me how it felt to compete in the Olympic Games.

    LAURA Well, it was really exciting. I got to meet great athletes from all over the world. I got to meet some of my heroes in tennis and other sports.

    RON What was your favorite part? LAURA I think it was the moment, after I'd won the gold medal, when

    they were singing the national anthem. I felt so proud. RON It must have also been an honor to carry the flag at the opening

    ceremony. LAURA Yeah. I can't believe I was chosen to carry the flag. It was such an

    honor. The opening ceremony was so beautiful. It's so inspiring to see athletes and spectators from all over the world together in one stadium. I

    think sports really bring people together. When we get together we realize that although we are from different cultures we have so much in common. RON So how has your life changed since the Olympics?

    LAURA A lot. Right now I'm really busy. I have a lot of television appearances. Also, I'm going to start taping some television commercials

    next week. RON Are you still going to have time for tennis?

    LAURA Of cours

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 10 - Shopping (Compras) JANE - This is Channel 7 reporter Jane Larson reporting from the Quicky

    Mart on the big multi-million dollar jackpot prize in tomorrow's lottery. This is the biggest jackpot ever in lottery history in this state. People are already

    lined up to buy tickets. Let's talk to some of them. Hello sir. MAN Hello.

    JANE How long have you been waiting in line to buy tickets? MAN For a half an hour now.

    JANE Wow! What would you do if you won the jackpot?

  • MAN First, I'd quit my job. Then I'd buy a big house on the beach with a

    swimming pool in the back yard. I'd hire a full-time maid to clean the house and a cook to prepare all of the food. I'd buy a new car, maybe a sports

    car, and I'd buy a big boat. I'd take my friends out fishing every day. JANE Well, good luck. What about you ma'am? What would you do with

    all of the money? WOMAN I'd travel around the world. I'd go to Italy first, then Greece.

    Maybe I'd spend some time in France and England. I'd also travel to Asia, maybe China and Japan. I'd stay in all five-star hotels and eat in expensive

    restaurants. JANE Good luck to you. So if you're going to buy a lottery ticket you'd

    better hurry. The drawing is tomorrow at 7:00 PM.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 11 - Transportation (Transporte) OFFICER STEVENS Thanks for coming to the station Mrs. Peters. We need to get a report on what you saw during the traffic accident.

    MRS. PETERS No problem. Im happy to help. OFFICER STEVENS Whats your full name?

    MRS. PETERS My names Lorna Ann Peters. OFFICER STEVENS Where do you live?

    MRS. PETERS I live at 3157 Fig Street. OFFICER STEVENS - Where were you during the accident?

    MRS. PETERS I was on the street corner. I was waiting for the traffic light to change.

    OFFICER STEVENS What did you see? MRS. PETERS The traffic light changed and the red car stopped suddenly.

    Then the blue car hit the red car. OFFICER STEVENS Was the red car driving fast?

    MRS. PETERS Yes, it was going very fast and then it stopped suddenly at the traffic light. OFFICER STEVENS I notice you wear glasses. Is your eyesight good?

    MRS. PETERS Im getting older but I can still see OK. OFFICER STEVENS Thank you for your time Mrs. Peters. I just need you

    to sign this police report. MRS. PETERS No problem.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud)

    HEATHER - I took a First Aid class yesterday. JENNIFER - Really? What did you learn?

    HEATHER - A lot of stuff. What to do in emergency situations? For example, what should you do if you burn yourself on a hot stove?

    JENNIFER - My grandma says that you should put butter on a burn. HEATHER - No! Thats the worst thing you can do!

    JENNIFER - Oh. Then maybe you should put ice on the burn. HEATHER - No. You should run cool water over the burn. How about this?

    What should you do if someone is choking?

  • JENNIFER - Thats easy. Hit them on the back.

    HEATHER - No. You might lodge the object in their throat more and make things worse. First you should make sure they are really choking. If they

    can talk or cough, that means that air is getting through and you should just let them cough. If they cant talk or cough, you should do the

    abdominal thrust. JENNIFER - How do you do that?

    HEATHER - You wrap your arms around the person and quickly pull in and up with your fist.

    JENNIFER - Wrap your arms around the person? Hmmm. Sounds romantic. HEATHER - No, seriously, the air thats forced up dislodges the object.

    What would you do if I cut my arm and was bleeding really badly? JENNIFER - Panic.

    HEATHER - No. You should put a cloth over the wound, apply pressure, and elevate it. JENNIFER - Wow! I think I need to take this class.

    HEATHER - Everyone should take a first aid class.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 13 The City (La Ciudad) PAM - Hi. Id like information on your Chicago city tours.

    TOUR GUIDE - Is this your first visit to Chicago? PAM - Yes.

    TOUR GUIDE - Id recommend the Chicago Landmarks Tour. On this tour youll see the world famous skyscraper, the Sears Tower. The Sears Tower

    was built in 1974. At that time it was the worlds tallest building. On the tour well go up to the observatory on the 103rd floor. I hope youre not

    afraid of heights. PAM - No.

    TOUR GUIDE - Good. Then well go to see the old Water Tower and the Chicago Avenue Pumping Station. These are the only buildings that were spared in the great fire of 1871. All of the other buildings in the area were

    burned down. On this tour well also visit the Navy Pier. The pier was built in 1916. The name of the pier was changed to Navy Pier in 1927 to honor

    the veterans of World War I. The pier now contains great restaurants and all kinds of attractions.

    PAM - Sounds good. TOUR GUIDE - If youre more interested in museums you might prefer our

    Museum Tour. On that tour we go to a few of Chicagos great museums. First well stop at the Museum of Science and Industry. The museum

    building was originally built for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. Now its a huge museum of science and technology with many hands-on

    exhibits. Then we go to the Field Museum. This museum was created in 1893 as a museum of art, science, archeology, and history. Finally we go to

    the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum where well learn about the stars.

    PAM - Wow! Both tours sound really interesting.

  • TOUR GUIDE - We also have the Chicago Architectural Tour, the Sports

    Tour, the Al Capone Tour, the Shopping Tour, the Culinary Tour, and many others.

    PAM - Hmmm. I think Ill do the Chicago Landmarks Tour. TOUR GUIDE - Thats a good choice for your first visit to Chicago.

    PAM - Yeah. I could do the museums on my own on my other days here. Then I can spend as much time as Id like in them.

    TOUR GUIDE - Ok. Well meet here tomorrow at 9:00 AM for your tour. PAM - Great! See you tomorrow.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 14 Animals (Animales)

    JENNY - I found an interesting web site about animals. It has all kinds of interesting information about strange animals. For example, I read about a

    four-eyed fish. KAREN - A four-eyed fish? That sounds like something from another planet. JENNY - The fish, which usually swims along the surface of the water, uses

    two eyes to look above water and two to look below water. That way it can look for food and watch out for predators at the same time.

    KAREN - What other animals did you learn about? JENNY - There was an article about a spider that lives under the water.

    KAREN - Doesnt it drown? JENNY - No. The spider builds a little house under the water. The house,

    which is filled with air, is also used to hide and wait for prey. KAREN - Thats weird.

    JENNY - They also have an article about the Bombardier Beetle. KAREN - A beetle thats a bomb?

    JENNY - Well, sort of. When threatened the beetle shoots out a hot liquid, which is made with chemicals stored in its body.

    KAREN - Wow! Those are some strange animals. Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 15 - Weather (El Clima)

    MARY - How do you like living in the Caribbean? WENDY - I like it.

    MARY - No hurricanes yet? WENDY - (laughing) No. Not yet. We had a tropical storm though.

    MARY - What are they like? WENDY - It gets really windy. The strange thing is that earlier in the day,

    before the tropical storm came, the weather was beautiful. It was a beautiful, clear, sunny day. We went to the beach. Later it started getting

    dark and during the night it rained and got really windy. MARY - How is a tropical storm different from a hurricane?

    WENDY - A hurricane is a tropical storm that has winds of at least 74 miles per hour.

    MARY - What do people do to prepare for the hurricane? WENDY - Well, before the hurricane comes you need to go out and buy lots

    of food and drinking water. You have to buy food that doesnt need to be

  • refrigerated. Before the hurricane comes they shut off the power so you

    need a lot of batteries for your flashlight and radio. MARY - Ill bet the stores are crowded when a hurricane is coming.

    WENDY - Yeah. Actually, I keep emergency supplies in the house all the time just in case. A lot of people wait until the hurricane is coming to do

    their shopping for emergency supplies. Thats a big mistake because the stores run out of things.

    MARY - What do people do during the hurricane? WENDY - Most people board up their houses and stay inside. Ive heard

    that its pretty scary during the hurricane. MARY - With 74 mile per hour winds, I can imagine that it would be scary.

    What about after the hurricane? WENDY - Ive heard that the community really pulls together after a

    hurricane. People are really good about helping each other. The clean-up process is a lot of work. Also, they could be without running water and electricity for a while.

    MARY - Well, I hope you dont experience a hurricane while you live there. WENDY - Me too.

    Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 16 The Future (El Futuro) VICKY - If you could travel in time, what time period would you visit? DON - Id go to the future. Id fly around through space like Captain Kirk.

    VICKY - Id like to visit the future but not so far. Id visit my grandchildren in the future. I want to see what happens to my family in the future. DON - What time period in the past would you visit?

    VICKY - Id like to go back to the time our country was founded. Id love to talk to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It would be interesting to see

    how people lived back then too. Ill bet life was pretty different. DON - Id go back to pre-historic times. I want to see what early man was like or maybe Id go back to the time of the dinosaurs.

    VICKY - Youd better be careful or youll get stepped on by a dinosaur. I wonder what people from the past would think of us if they could visit this time

    period. DON - Theyd probably think we were nuts. VICKY - Why?

    DON - Life was so much simpler in the past. Now we have all kinds of inventions for things that they probably dont think are important.

    VICKY - I dont think life was simpler in the past. I think it was more complicated. If you wanted a new dress you couldnt just go to the store and

    buy it. You had to make it. If you were hungry, you couldnt just put a TV dinner in the microwave. You had to grow your own food and cook it from scratch.

    DON - What if people from the future came to visit us? VICKY - I think they would be disappointed in us.

    DON - Really? Why?

  • VICKY - With all of our technology we still have the same problems weve

    always had. We still have war, crime, and people still die of hunger. I hope in the future they will be able to solve some of those problems.

    DON - Well probably still have war but maybe not hunger. In the future theyll probably have replicators like on Star Trek. VICKY - Whats a replicator?

    DON - Its a machine that produces food by assembling at the molecular level. VICKY - Well, Im hungry. Would you replicate me something for lunch?

    DON - Sure.
