Page 1: Divulgación previa de una invencion y sus implicaciones internacionales



Autores: Pablo Fabian Paz y María Florencia Cárpena.

―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

Page 2: Divulgación previa de una invencion y sus implicaciones internacionales


―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©


Nociones Introductorias……………………………………………………. Pág. 3

Análisis de la divulgación previa en Argentina……………………... Pág. 5

Estado de la Técnica, Divulgación previa y explotación

de la invención en Argentina……………………………………….…….. Pág. 7

Divulgación previa en otros países y la obligatoriedad de

declararla……………………………………………………………….……… Pág. 8

Divulgación Previa en el Convenio de Paris………………………… Pág. 9

El tratamiento de la Divulgación Previa en la legislación

de los países del mundo………….………………….……………….…... Pág. 10

Tabla. Listado de países y tratamiento de Divulgación Previa.. Pág. 13

Casos ejemplificativos…………………………………………………….. Pág. 95

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

Nociones Introductorias.

Sabido es que las patentes son útiles para la apropiación de ciertas invenciones que

por su naturaleza son fácilmente reproducibles y facilitan la adquisición de un derecho

exclusivo sobre la fabricación, uso, comercialización o importación de la invención en el

territorio donde se desee explotar.

En el ámbito académico es frecuente la publicación de artículos acerca de

resultados de investigación en revistas científicas, tesis, ferias, exposiciones, seminarios,

talleres, eventos y a veces en páginas de internet, sin aún haberse presentado una solicitud de

patente ó mismo haberse analizado la posibilidad del patentamiento y/o la eventual

transferencia de tecnología patentable.

Uno de los grandes desafíos de las Oficinas de Vinculación Tecnológica ó de

Transferencia de Tecnología en Instituciones, principalmente en las de carácter público,

radica en evitar la publicación previa ó anticipada de una invención que posea atractivo

comercial y pueda ser objeto de una solicitud de patente.

En ese orden de ideas, la divulgación previa constituye un obstáculo difícil de

sortear para quien ha presentado la solicitud y deviene en la mayoría de los casos en la

imposibilidad de patentamiento de la invención y la consecuentemente pérdida de la

capacidad de transferir dicha tecnología en forma exclusiva, a excepción de algún

conocimiento técnico secreto ó del tipo “Know How”.

De esta manera las Instituciones no logran recuperar el dinero invertido en la

investigación y desarrollo de la invención, viendo así reducidas las posibilidades de obtener

ingresos derivados de derechos de patente y paralelamente se desalienta a la empresa ó

potencial inversor, cuyo interés se verá disminuido al saber que el mercado que genere no le

será exclusivo y un tercero podrá competir con la misma invención.

En todas las legislaciones de patentes del mundo existe un requisito de

patentabilidad denominado “novedad”, indispensable para que una solicitud de patente sea

concedida. La “novedad” de una patente, se refiere a que la invención propuesta no se

encuentre en el estado de la técnica, es decir que no haya sido divulgada públicamente por

ningún medio, en cualquier lugar del mundo, con anterioridad a la presentación de la

solicitud, ó de su prioridad en caso de corresponder.

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

Como se imaginará, si se presenta una solicitud de patente luego de la divulgación

pública de la invención, por ejemplo después de haberla mostrado en una feria, exposición,

exhibición, tesis ó revista científica ya no se cumpliría con este requisito de “novedad” y

por lo tanto la solicitud sería denegada por la Oficina de Patentes, aun cuando haya sido

presentada por sus legítimos inventores.

Afortunadamente en la mayoría de las legislaciones de patentes del mundo se

prevén determinadas situaciones para ciertas “Divulgaciones Previas”, también conocidas

como “Divulgaciones no perjudiciales”, que funcionan como excepción al requisito de

novedad, cuando la invención ha sido dada a conocer por el inventor con anterioridad a la

presentación de la solicitud de patente.

Esta excepción genera en cabeza del autor y titular de la patente, la obligación de

denunciar al momento de la presentación de la solicitud esta divulgación previa, siempre

dentro de un plazo determinado y cumplidos que sean los requisitos establecidos de acuerdo

al medio de comunicación utilizado.

Verificados estos pasos, la solicitud de patente no será denegada por falta de

novedad a causa de dicha publicación que ha pasado a conformar el estado de la técnica, aún

en el caso en que haya sido presentada con posterioridad a su divulgación.

Es muy importante entender que cuando se habla de divulgación previa de una

invención, no se hace referencia a un simple comentario público sobre la invención que se

pretende proteger, sobre sus beneficios ó ventajas, sino a brindar información relevante de la

misma, revelar los conocimientos técnicos que se pretenden reivindicar en la solicitud de

patente en forma detallada, de manera que una persona del oficio experta en el tema pueda

llegar a reproducirla (duplicarla) a partir de lo divulgado.

Como ejemplo imagine que se presenta en una feria o exposición industrial una

máquina de lavado de ropa a la cual se carga con un ¼ del jabón en polvo del que

habitualmente se usa en máquinas de su tipo, y solo se exhibe su diseño exterior (carcaza)

junto con la ropa que sale en excelentes condiciones de limpieza.

No se podrá decir que exista allí una divulgación previa que afecte a la novedad de

la futura solicitud de patente, por cuanto no se ha mostrado la invención de manera tal que

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

una persona versada del oficio, pueda determinar qué mecanismos ó piezas existen dentro de

la máquina por el mero hecho de ver en que estado sale la ropa.

Lógicamente en cada caso en particular se deberá evaluar qué tipo de divulgación

previa se ha realizado y si realmente podría afectar el futuro patentamiento de la invención.

Dependerá de la precisión e información develada en dicha oportunidad, el alcance de lo que

luego pueda ser reivindicado en la futura solicitud de patente.

Análisis de la divulgación previa en Argentina.

En Argentina la excepción de “Divulgación Previa” es tratada en el artículo 5 de la

ley de patentes cuyo texto reza:

“La divulgación de una invención no afectará su novedad, cuando dentro de una

año previo a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente, o en su caso, de la

prioridad reconocida, el inventor o sus causahabientes hayan dado a conocer la invención

por cualquier medio de comunicación ó la hayan exhibido en una exposición nacional ó

internacional. Al presentarse la solicitud correspondiente deberá incluirse la

documentación comprobatoria en las condiciones que establezca el reglamento de esta ley”.

De este artículo en análisis, podemos hacer las siguientes consideraciones:

Si bien la Divulgación previa opera como excepción al requisito de

novedad por cuanto no la afecta, el análisis del estado de la técnica continúa siendo

a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente ó de la prioridad reconocida. En

tal sentido la excepción de “Divulgación previa” no retrotrae la fecha de

consideración del estado de la técnica a la fecha de presentación en la feria, la fecha

de consideración sigue siendo la fecha de presentación de la solicitud o de la

prioridad en caso de tenerla.

Establece el plazo de 1 año desde la divulgación previa, para presentar

la solicitud.

Puede ser ejercida solo por el inventor ó sus causahabientes, dejando

fuera a cualquier otra divulgación realizada por terceras personas.

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

Puede invocarse cuando se ha dado a conocer la invención por

cualquier medio de comunicación, siendo este punto retomado al analizar el decreto

que reglamenta este artículo.

Puede solicitarse cuando el inventor ó causahabiente haya exhibido la

invención en una exposición nacional ó internacional. Se conoce formalmente como

“exposición internacional”, a los eventos acreditados por la Oficina Internacional de

Exposiciones (BIE ó CIE), de acuerdo con las definiciones, objetivos y reglas que

establece la Convención relativa a las Exposiciones Internacionales. (Ver listado).

Quedará a criterio de cada país establecer lo que se considera exposición nacional.

Debe presentarse la documentación respaldatoria en el mismo

momento que se presenta la solicitud de patente.

Lo hasta aquí desarrollado se complementa con lo establecido en el decreto que

reglamenta la ley de patentes, cuyo artículo 5 dice:

“Si el inventor hubiere divulgado la invención dentro del año previo a la fecha de

presentación de la solicitud deberá declararlo por escrito y presentar junto con la solicitud

de patente:

a) Un ejemplar o copia del medio de comunicación por el que se divulgó

la invención, si se tratara de un medio gráfico o electrónico”.

b) Una mención del medio y su localización geográfica, de la

divulgación y de la fecha en que se divulgó, si se tratara de un medio audiovisual.

c) Constancia fehaciente de la participación del inventor o del

solicitante en la exposición nacional o internacional en que divulgó la invención, su

fecha y el alcance de la divulgación.

La declaración del solicitante tendrá el valor de declaración jurada y en

caso de falsedad, se perderá el derecho a obtener la patente o el certificado de

modelo de utilidad”.

La reglamentación detalla lo que se debe acompañar de acuerdo al tipo de

divulgación realizada junto con la declaración del inventor ó del solicitante, manifestando

que esta última reviste el carácter de declaración jurada y estableciendo como sanción la

pérdida de la patente ó certificado de modelo de utilidad.

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

Se podrá apreciar que aquellos inventores ó solicitantes de patentes que deseen

ampararse en la excepción de Divulgación Previa en Argentina, podrán hacerlo no

excediendo el plazo de un año previo a la presentación de la solicitud de patente o de la

prioridad reconocida.

En el presente trabajo nos enfocamos en el análisis de la excepción de divulgación

previa de las patentes dejando para otra oportunidad y por razones de extensión, el estudio

de los modelos de utilidad.

Estado de la Técnica, Divulgación previa y explotación de la invención en


Retomando lo mencionado al inicio de esta exposición, frecuentemente se acude al

resguardo jurídico de las patentes cuando la información de una invención es difícil de

mantener oculta, es de fácil adquisición por ingeniería reversa y no se puede proteger a

través del régimen de conocimientos técnicos amparados por la obligación de

confidencialidad ó la figura del “Secreto” industrial o comercial.

Avanzando en el tratamiento del tema, se ha reparado en que la mayoría de las

legislaciones de patentes del mundo no especifica si el acto de comercialización de la

invención con anterioridad a la presentación de la patente, estaría alcanzado por la excepción

de divulgación previa o si puede ser considerado como “un acto de divulgación”.

En la legislación Argentina, el acto de comercialización de un invento está

comprendido dentro del concepto de “Explotación” citado en el artículo 4 inciso c) de la ley

24.481 de patentes de invención y modelos de utilidad cuyo texto dice:

“Por estado de la técnica deberá entenderse el conjunto de conocimientos técnicos

que se han hecho públicos antes de la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente o, en

su caso, de la prioridad reconocida, mediante una descripción oral o escrita, por la

explotación o por cualquier otro medio de difusión o de información en el país o en el


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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

En ese orden de ideas, realizado el acto de comercialización previo a la

presentación de la solicitud de patente, la invención comercializada forma parte del estado

de la técnica y por lo tanto podrá ser objetada por falta de novedad.

Este requisito de patentabilidad denominado “novedad” está establecido en el

artículo 4) inciso b de la ley Argentina de Patentes que establece:

“Asimismo será considerada novedosa toda invención que no esté comprendida en

el estado de la técnica”.

Realizado el informe de búsqueda por parte del examinador de la Oficina de

Patentes, y en ausencia de información relativa a la divulgación previa de la invención, es de

esperarse que conceda la solicitud presentada al no existir documentos relevantes que

afecten a la patentabilidad de la invención.

No se aclara en los reglamentos, ni leyes de patentes que sucede con los actos de

terceros que divulgan el contenido de la invención sin consentimiento de los titulares de la

patente y que por ser ajenos a ellos no se declaran como divulgación previa.

Si la divulgación se realizó por un acto de un tercero, sin consentimiento del titular

es un poco más complejo, porque puede que el inventor o titular no haya consentido la

divulgación de la invención, no esté en conocimiento que fue divulgada y no lo declare.

Ese sería el peor de los casos, porque el requisito de novedad va a quebrarse igual,

el titular no se va a poder amparar la divulgación previa y solo le quedará ir contra la

persona que ha hecho pública su patente.

Divulgación previa en otros países y la obligatoriedad de declararla.

Idéntico inconveniente se presentará cuando se quiera ejercer los derechos

conferidos por una patente previamente concedida con divulgación previa no declarada,

contra un infractor que se encuentre explotando la invención patentada.

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

Interpuesta y notificada que sea la demanda, los abogados e ingenieros de la

defensa realizarán una búsqueda exhaustiva de información sobre la invención patentada a

fin de invocar la falta de novedad y evitar que el reclamo prospere.

Dependiendo del país en donde se pretenda hacer valer la patente, de encontrar

alguna publicación previa que reúna determinadas condiciones el demandado tendrá la

posibilidad de solicitar la nulidad del registro concedido.

Se agrava la situación en determinados países donde se admite la contrademanda

por fraude con fundamento en la falta de declaración u ocultamiento de la información

conocida por el inventor, o puesta a público por él y en donde se presume ha ocultado a

efectos de que su patente sea concedida.

Divulgación Previa en el Convenio de Paris.

A nivel internacional, encontramos como antecedente de la excepción de

Divulgación Previa a la establecida en el Convenio de Paris.

El 20 de marzo de 1883 se suscribe el Convenio de Paris para la Protección de la

Propiedad Industrial, revisado en Bruselas el 14 de diciembre de 1900, en Washington el 2

de junio de 1911, en La Haya el 6 de noviembre de 1925, en Londres el 2 de junio de 1934,

en Lisboa el 31 de octubre de 1958, en Estocolmo el 14 de julio de 1967 y enmendado el 28

de septiembre de 1979 quedando conformada la Unión de Paris.

A través de este Convenio Internacional varios países se reúnen para establecer los

estándares mínimos de protección y asegurase igualdad de trato en el reconocimiento de sus

derechos de propiedad industrial.

En el siguiente hipervínculo será dirigido al listado de los Países miembros del

Convenio de Paris, al 15 de enero de 2013.

Veamos los artículos del Convenio de Paris relevantes para el tema en estudio:

Artículo 11 Invenciones, modelos de utilidad, dibujos y modelos industriales,

marcas: protección temporaria en ciertas exposiciones internacionales

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

1) Los países de la Unión concederán, conforme a su legislación interna, una

protección temporaria a las invenciones patentables, a los modelos de utilidad, a los dibujos

o modelos industriales, así como a las marcas de fábrica o de comercio, para los productos

que figuren en las exposiciones internacionales oficiales u oficialmente reconocidas,

organizadas en el territorio de alguno de ellos.

2) Esta protección temporaria no prolongará los plazos del Artículo 4. Si, más tarde,

el derecho de prioridad fuese invocado, la Administración de cada país podrá contar el plazo

a partir de la fecha de la introducción del producto en la exposición.

3) Cada país podrá exigir, como prueba de la identidad del objeto expuesto y de la

fecha de introducción, los documentos justificativos que juzgue necesario.

El tratamiento de la Divulgación Previa en la legislación de los países del


En el presente trabajo se analizará la excepción de divulgación previa en los

diversos regímenes de patentes establecidos en los países del mundo, como así también los

propios de las oficinas regionales de patentes, entre los cuales podemos identificar dos

grupos principales:

A) Por un lado, legislaciones que admiten como divulgación previa solo a la

realizada en exhibiciones internacionales oficiales. En estos regímenes, otra divulgación

suficiente de la invención realizada fuera del ámbito de exhibiciones oficiales, por el propio

inventor o personas con su consentimiento, invalida la futura patente. Adicionalmente

otorgan una plazo máximo, período de gracia, entre la fecha en que se exhibió la invención y

la fecha en que se presenta la patente o de prioridad reconocida, en la mayoría de 6 meses. Si

la diferencia entre la fecha de presentación de la solicitud patente y la exhibición de la

invención es mayor a 6 meses, la patente será denegada por la Oficina de Patentes que

encuentre información acerca de dicha exhibición con fundamento en la falta de novedad.

B) En otro grupo encontramos países en los cuales la legislación de patentes no

acota la excepción de divulgación previa a exhibiciones oficiales, sino que la define en un

sentido general o amplio, pudiendo comprender divulgación en internet, en televisión, en un

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

concurso de invenciones, en diarios, revistas, folletos, en la vía pública en un testeo de la

invención, etc.

Tengamos en cuenta que la venta ó comercialización de un producto puede no ser

considerada como una “divulgación de la invención” y que por lo tanto el acto de

comercialización de una invención invalidaría su patentamiento posterior.

El concepto de divulgación puede variar según cada idioma y su interpretación

jurídica también, según el Diccionario de la Real Academia española: divulgar proviene del

latín (divulgāre) y su significado es: “Si1. tr. Publicar, extender, poner al alcance del

público algo”.

Continuando el análisis sobre este segundo grupo de países que tienen un criterio

amplio de divulgación, destacamos que también poseen una fecha límite para presentar la

solicitud de patente. Cumplida ó vencida que sea la misma, la patente será denegada por la

autoridad administrativa, independientemente de las cuestiones procesales de cada territorio.

En la mayoría de los países comprendidos en este grupo, se otorga un plazo de 12

meses posteriores a la fecha de la primera divulgación.

C) Otro grupo es el de países cuya legislación admite que el periodo de gracia o de

divulgación previa, sea considerado desde la fecha de prioridad. Esto es muy importante

dado que de no tener en cuenta esta fecha, la solicitud debería ser presentada en cualquier

país extranjero dentro del período de gracia.

Es posible y de hecho sucede, que de dos solicitudes equivalentes, una de ellas

resulte concedida en un país y denegada en otro. Esto está directamente relacionado con el

alcance de la divulgación previa en cada país.

Puede que determinado acto sea considerado como tal en un país y por lo tanto no

ser perjudicial para la presentación de la solicitud con posterioridad y futura concesión de la


Es por ello que, analizar las legislaciones específicas de cada país nos aclarará el

panorama sobre cuáles son los países en donde tendremos la posibilidad del patentamiento

de aquellas invenciones que han sido divulgadas.

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

En los regímenes donde el autor tiene que la obligación de denunciar toda

divulgación previa por él conocida, como es el caso de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica,

deberá cumplir con esta obligación a su cargo informando inclusive los antecedentes citados

por cualquier oficina de patentes de otro país.

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Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

País /






No resultan


¿El periodo de

gracia cuenta

desde la fecha de



Artículo de la

Ley de Patentes

que lo define

Alemania 6




No Sección 3 parte 5

Argentina 12

Cualquier medio

de comunicación Si 5

ARIPO 6 Exhibiciones Si 10

Australia 12 Divulgación No 8

Austria 6


CIE No 3

Barbados 12 Divulgación Si 8

Bielorrusia 12 Divulgación No 2

Bélgica 12


CIE No 5

Bolivia 12 Divulgación Si 17

Bosnia 6


CIE No 9

Brasil 12 Divulgación Si 12

Bulgaria 6 Exhibiciones No 11

Canadá 12 Descripto No 28.2

Chile 12


pública No 42

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

País /






No resultan


¿El periodo de

gracia cuenta

desde la fecha de



Artículo de la

Ley de Patentes

que lo define

China 6


internacionales y

Conf. Cientif.

No 24

Colombia 12 Divulgación Si 17

Costa Rica 12 Divulgación Si 3

Corea 12 Divulgación No 30

Cuba 6


CIE No 19

Dinamarca 6 Exhibiciones CIE No Sección 2

Ecuador 12 Divulgación Si 17

Egipto 6 Exhibiciones No 3

El Salvador 12 Divulgación Si 113





Ferias Locales y



No 4 , Convenio de


EPO Oficina

Europea de


6 Exhibiciones CIE No 55

España 6

Exhibiciones y

pruebas No 7


Unidos 12 Divulgación No 102

Finlandia 6 Exhibiciones CIE No Sección 2

Filipinas 12 Divulgación Si Sección 25

Francia 6


CIE No L611-13

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

País /






No resultan


¿El periodo de

gracia cuenta

desde la fecha de



Artículo de la

Ley de Patentes

que lo define

Grecia 6 Exhibiciones CIE No 5

Guatemala 12 Divulgación Si 94

Holanda 6


CIE No 5

Honduras 12 Divulgación Si 9

Hong Kong 6


exposiciones No Sección 95

Hungría 6


exposiciones Si 3

India 12


Exhibiciones y


Si 29 a 32

Indonesia 6/12 Exhibiciones No 4

Irlanda 6


CIE No 12

Islandia 6


CIE No 6

Israel 6


otros No 6

Italia 6


CIE No 15

Japón 6


impresa o



No 30

Lituania 6


CIE No 6

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

Material protegido por derechos de autor 2013. ©

País /






No resultan


¿El periodo de

gracia cuenta

desde la fecha de



Artículo de la

Ley de Patentes

que lo define

Malasia 12 Divulgación No Sección 14

México 12

Medio de


Puesta en



Si 18

Nicaragua 12 Divulgación Si 10

Noruega 6 Exhibiciones CIE No Sección 2


Zelandia 6/12 Exhibiciones Si 59


euroasiática 6 Exhibiciones Si 6

OAPI 12 Exhibiciones No 3

Pakistán 12 Exhibiciones No 10

Panamá 12 Divulgación Si 13

Paraguay 12 Divulgación Si 7

Perú 12 Divulgación Si 17

Polonia 6 Exhibiciones No 15

Portugal 6 Exhibiciones CIE No 57

Reino Unido 6


CIE No 2


Checa 6


CIE No Sección 5


Dominicana 12 Divulgación No 5

Rumania 6


CIE No 11

Rusia 6 Divulgación No 4

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―Divulgación previa de una invención y sus implicancias internacionales‖

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País /






No resultan


¿El periodo de

gracia cuenta

desde la fecha de



Artículo de la

Ley de Patentes

que lo define

Singapur 12

Exhibiciones y



No 14.4

Suecia 6


CIE No Sección 2

Suiza 6 Exhibiciones CIE Si 76



define Divulgación Si 26

Tailandia 12 Exhibiciones No Sección 6

Taiwan /

Taipei 6






No 22

Turquía 12 Descripto Si 8

Ucrania 12 Divulgación Si 7

Uruguay 12 Divulgación Si 10



define Exhibiciones CIE No Convenio de Paris

Vietnam 6





No 60

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Ley de Patentes:

ARTICULO 5 de la Ley de Patentes - La divulgación de una invención no afectará su

novedad, cuando dentro de UN (1) año previo a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud

de patente o, en su caso, de la prioridad reconocida, el inventor o sus causahabientes

hayan dado a conocer la invención por cualquier medio de comunicación o la hayan

exhibido en una exposición nacional o internacional. Al presentarse la solicitud

correspondiente deberá incluirse la documentación comprobatoria en las condiciones que

establezca el reglamento de esta ley.

ARTICULO 5 del Reglamento de la Ley de Patentes - Si el inventor hubiere divulgado

la invención dentro del año previo a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud deberá

declararlo por escrito y presentar junto con la solicitud de patente:

a) un ejemplar o copia del medio de comunicación por el que se divulgó la invención, si

se tratara de un medio gráfico o electrónico.

b) una mención del medio y su localización geográfica, de la divulgación y de la fecha en

que se divulgó, si se tratara de un medio audiovisual.

c) constancia fehaciente de la participación del inventor o del solicitante en la

exposición nacional o internacional en que divulgó la invención, su fecha y el alcance de

la divulgación.

La declaración del solicitante tendrá el valor de declaración jurada y, en caso de

falsedad, se perderá el derecho a obtener la patente o el certificado de modelo de



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Ley de Patentes:

Artículo 42.- No serán consideradas para efectos de determinar la novedad de la

invención ni el nivel inventivo, las divulgaciones efectuadas dentro de los doce meses

anteriores a la presentación de la solicitud, si la divulgación pública:

a) fue hecha, autorizada o deriva del solicitante de la patente, ó

b) ha sido hecha con motivo o deriva de abusos y prácticas desleales de las que hubiese

sido objeto el solicitante o su causante.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 10. No afectará la novedad la divulgación de la invención realizada dentro del año

que precede a la fecha de la presentación de la solicitud o de la prioridad que se

invoque, siempre que aquella derive, directa o indirectamente, de actos realizados por el

inventor, sus causahabientes o terceros con base en informaciones obtenidas directa o

indirectamente de aquél.


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Ley de Patentes:


Artículo 17.- Para efectos de determinar la patentabilidad, no se tomará en

consideración la divulgación ocurrida dentro del año precedente a la fecha de la

presentación de la solicitud en el País Miembro o dentro del año precedente a la fecha

de prioridad, si ésta hubiese sido invocada, siempre que tal divulgación hubiese

provenido de:

a) el inventor o su causahabiente;

b) una oficina nacional competente que, en contravención de la norma que rige la

materia, publique el contenido de la solicitud de patente presentada por el inventor o su

causahabiente; o,

c) un tercero que hubiese obtenido la información directa o indirectamente del inventor

o su causahabiente.

Volver Bolivia


Volver Colombia


Volver Ecuador


Volver Perú


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 12. Não será considerada como estado da técnica a divulgação de invenção ou

modelo de utilidade, quando ocorrida durante os 12 (doze) meses que precederem a data

de depósito ou a da prioridade do pedido de patente, se promovida:

I - pelo inventor;

II - pelo Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial - INPI, através de publicação

oficial do pedido de patente depositado sem o consentimento do inventor, baseado em

informações deste obtidas ou em decorrência de atos por ele realizados; ou

III - por terceiros, com base em informações obtidas direta ou indiretamente do

inventor ou em decorrência de atos por este realizados.

Parágrafo único. O INPI poderá exigir do inventor declaração relativa à

divulgação, acompanhada ou não de provas, nas condições estabelecidas em



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Ley de Patentes:

Artículo 18.- La divulgación de una invención no afectará que siga considerándose

nueva, cuando dentro de los doce meses previos a la fecha de presentación de la

solicitud de patente o, en su caso, de la prioridad reconocida, el inventor o su

causahabiente hayan dado a conocer la invención, por cualquier medio de

comunicación, por la puesta en práctica de la invención o porque la hayan exhibido en

una exposición nacional o internacional. Al presentarse la solicitud correspondiente

deberá incluirse la documentación comprobatoria en las condiciones que establezca el

reglamento de esta Ley.


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Ley de Patentes:

102 (a) NOVELTY; PRIOR ART.—A person shall be entitled to a patent unless—(1)

the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use,

on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the

claimed invention;


(2) the claimed invention was described in a patent issued under section 151, or in an

application for patent published or deemed published under section 122(b), in which

the patent or application, as the case may be, names another inventor and was

effectively filed before the effective filing date of the claimed invention.



year or less before the effective filing date of a claimed invention shall not be prior art

to the claimed invention under subsection (a)

(1) if— (A) the disclosure was made by the inventor or joint inventor or by another

who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from the inventor or a

joint inventor; or

(B) the subject matter disclosed had, before such disclosure, been publicly disclosed by

the inventor or a joint inventor or another who obtained the subject matter disclosed

directly or indirectly from the inventor or a joint inventor.


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Ley de Patentes:

28.2 (1) The subject-matter defined by a claim in an application for a patent in Canada (the

“pending application”) must not have been disclosed

(a) more than one year before the filing date by the applicant, or by a person who obtained

knowledge, directly or indirectly, from the applicant, in such a manner that the subject-

matter became available to the public in Canada or elsewhere;

(b) before the claim date by a person not mentioned in paragraph (a) in such a manner that

the subject-matter became available to the public in Canada or elsewhere;

(c) in an application for a patent that is filed in Canada by a person other than the applicant,

and has a filing date that is before the claim date; or

(d) in an application (the “co-pending application”) for a patent that is filed in Canada by a

person other than the applicant and has a filing date that is on or after the claim date if

(i) the co-pending application is filed by

(A) a person who has, or whose agent, legal representative or predecessor in title has,

previously regularly filed in or for Canada an application for a patent disclosing the

subject-matter defined by the claim, or

(B) a person who is entitled to protection under the terms of any treaty or convention

relating to patents to which Canada is a party and who has, or whose agent, legal

representative or predecessor in title has, previously regularly filed in or for any other

country that by treaty, convention or law affords similar protection to citizens of Canada

an application for a patent disclosing the subject-matter defined by the claim,

(ii) the filing date of the previously regularly filed application is before the claim date of

the pending application,

(iii) the filing date of the co-pending application is within twelve months after the filing

date of the previously regularly filed application, and

(iv) the applicant has, in respect of the copending application, made a request for priority

on the basis of the previously regularly filed application.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 24. Within six months before the date of application, an invention for which an

application is filed for a patent does not lose its novelty under any of the following


(1) It is exhibited for the first time at an international exhibition sponsored or

recognized by the Chinese Government;

(2) It is published for the first time at a specified academic or technological conference;


(3) Its contents are divulged by others without the consent of the applicant.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 30 (Exception to lack of novelty of invention)

(1) In the case of an invention which has fallen under any of the items of Article 29

(1) by reason of the fact that the person having the right to obtain a patent has

conducted a test, has made a presentation in a printed publication, has made a

presentation through electric telecommunication lines, or has made a

presentation in writing at a study meeting held by an academic group

designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, such invention shall be

deemed not have fallen under any of the items of Article 29 (1) for the purposes

of Article 29 (1) and (2) for the invention claimed in a patent application which

has been filed by the said person within six months from the date on which the

invention first fell under any of those items.

(2) In the case of an invention which has fallen under any of the items of Article 29

(1) against the will of the person having the right to obtain a patent, the

preceding paragraph shall also apply for the purposes of Article 29 (1) and (2) to

the invention claimed in the patent application which has been filed by the said

person within six months from the date on which the invention first fell under

any of those paragraphs.

(3) In the case of an invention which has fallen under any of the items of Article 29

(1) by reason of the fact that the person having the right to obtain a patent has

exhibited the invention at an exhibition held by the Government or a local public

entity hereinafter referred to as the "Government, etc." , an exhibition held by

those who are not the Government, etc. where such exhibition has been

designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, an international exhibition

held in the territory of a country of the Union of the Paris Convention or a

member of the World Trade Organization by its Government, etc. or those who

are authorized thereby to hold such an exhibition, or an international exhibition

held in the territory of a state which is neither of a country of the Union of the

Paris Convention nor a member of the World Trade Organization by its


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Government, etc. or those who are authorized thereby where such exhibition has

been designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, paragraph (1) shall

also apply for the purposes of Article 29 (1) and (2) to the invention claimed in

the patent application which has been filed by the said person within six months

from the date on which the invention first fell under any of those items.

4 Any person seeking the application of paragraph (1) or (3) shall submit to the

Commissioner of the Patent Office, at the time of filing of the patent application, a

document stating thereof and, within thirty days from the date of filing of the patent

application, a document proving the fact that the invention which has otherwise fallen

under any of the items of Article 29 (1) is an invention to which paragraph (1) or (3) of

this Article may be applicable.


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Ley de Patentes:

29. Anticipation by previous publication.

(1) An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only that the invention was published in a specification filed in

pursuance of an application for a patent made in India and dated before the 1st day of

January, 1912.

(2) Subject as hereinafter provided, an invention claimed in a complete specification

shall not be deemed to have been anticipated by reason only that the invention was

published before the priority date of the relevant claim of the specification, if the

patentee or the applicant for the patent proves -

(a) that the matter published was obtained from him, or (where he is not himself the

true and first inventor) from any person from whom he derives title, and was published

without his consent or the consent of any such person; and

(b) where the patentee or the applicant for the patent or any person from whom he

derives title learned of the publication before the date of the application for the patent,

or, in the case of a convention application, before the date of the application for

protection in a convention country, that the application or the application in the

convention country, as the case may be, was made as soon as reasonably practicable


Provided that this sub-section shall not apply if the invention was before the priority

date of the claim commercially worked in India, otherwise than for the purpose of

reasonable trial, either by the patentee or the applicant for the patent or any person

from whom he derives title or by any other person with the consent of the patentee or

the applicant for the patent or any person from whom he derives title.

(3) Where a complete specification is filed in pursuance of an application for a patent

made by a person being the true and first inventor or deriving title from him, an

invention claimed in that specification shall not be deemed to have been anticipated by

reason only of any other application for a patent in respect of the same invention made

in contravention of the rights of that person, or by reason only that after the date of


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filing of that other application the invention was used or published, without the consent

of that person, by the applicant in respect of that other application, or by any other

person in consequence of any disclosure of any invention by that applicant.

30. Anticipation by previous communication to Government.

An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only of the communication of the invention to the Government or

to any person authorized by the Government to investigate the invention or its merits,

or of anything done, in consequence of such a communication, for the purpose of the


31. Anticipation by public display, etc.

An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only of -

(a) the display of the invention with the consent of the true and first inventor or a

person deriving title from him at an industrial or other exhibition to which the

provisions of this section have been extended by the Central Government by

notification in the Official Gazette, or the use thereof with his consent for the purpose

of such an exhibition in the place where it is held; or

(b) the publication of any description of the invention in consequence of the display or

use of the invention at any such exhibition as aforesaid;


(c) the use of the invention, after it has been displayed or used at any such exhibition as

aforesaid and during the period of the exhibition, by any person without the consent of

the true and first inventor or a person deriving title from him; or

(d) the description of the invention in a paper read by the true and first inventor before

a learned society or published with his consent in the transactions of such a society, if

the application for the patent is made by the true and first inventor or a person

deriving title from him not later than twelve months after the opening of the exhibition

or the reading or publication of the paper, as the case may be.

32. Anticipation by public working.

An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only that at any time within one year before the priority date of

the relevant claim of the specification, the invention was publicly worked in India -

(a) by the patentee or applicant for the patent or any person from whom he derives

title; or Volver

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(b) by any other person with the consent of the patentee or applicant for the patent or

any person for whom he derives title, if the working was effected for the purpose of

reasonable trial only and if it was reasonably necessary, having regard to the nature of

the invention, that the working for that purpose should be effected in public.

33. Anticipation by use and publication after provisional specification.

(1) Where a complete specification is filed or proceeded with in pursuance of an

application which was accompanied by a provisional specification or where a complete

specification filed along with an application is treated by virtue of a direction under

sub-section (3) of section 9 as a provisional specification, then, notwithstanding

anything contained in this Act, the Controller shall not refuse to grant the patent, and

the patent shall not be revoked or invalidated, by reason only that any matter

described in the provisional specification or in the specification treated as aforesaid as

a provisional specification was used in India or published in India or elsewhere at any

time after the date of the filing of that specification.

(2) Where a complete specification is filed in pursuance of a convention application,

then, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Controller shall not refuse to

grant the patent, and the patent shall not be revoked or invalidated, by reason only

that any matter disclosed in any application for protection in a convention country

upon which the convention application is founded was used in India or published in

India or elsewhere at any time after the date of that application for protection.

34. No anticipation if circumstances are only as described in sections 29, 30, 31 and 32.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Controller shall not refuse to

grant a patent, and a patent shall not be revoked or invalidated by reason only of any

circumstances which, by virtue of section 29 or section 30 or section 31 or section 32, do

not constitute an anticipation of the invention claimed in the specification.


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Ley de Patentes:

Section 3

(5) With regard to the application of subsections (1) and (2), disclosure of the invention

shall not be considered if this occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing

of the application and if this was directly or indirectly

1. due to an evident abuse to the detriment of applicant or his legal predecessor or

2. in consequence of the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor had displayed

the invention at official or officially recognized exhibitions falling within the terms of

the Convention on International Exhibitions signed in Paris on November 22, 1928.

Sentence 1, no. 2, shall apply only if the applicant states, when filing the application,

that the invention has actually been displayed and if applicant files certification of this

within four months following the filing. Notification of the exhibitions referred to in

sentence 1, no. 2, shall be published by the Federal Minister of Justice in the Federal

Law Gazette.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article L611-13

For the application of Article L611-11, a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken

into consideration in the following two cases:

- if it occurred within the six months preceding filing of the patent application;

- if the disclosure is the result of publication, after the date of that filing, of a prior

patent application and if, in either case, it was due directly or indirectly to:

a) An evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;

b) The fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor had displayed the invention at an

official, or officially recognized, international exhibition falling within the terms of the

revised Convention on International Exhibitions signed at Paris on November 22, 1928.

However, in the latter case, the displaying of the invention must have been declared at

the time of filing and proof furnished within the time limits and under the conditions

laid down by regulation.


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Ley de Patentes:

Section 95 Non-prejudicial disclosure in case of standard patent application

(1) For the application of section 94 in the case of a standard patent application, but

subject to section 15(2)(f), a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken into

consideration if it occurred no earlier than 6 months before the deemed date of filing of

the application and if it was due to, or in consequence of--

(a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or any proprietor of the invention for

the time being; or

(b) the fact that the applicant or any proprietor of the invention for the time being has

displayed the invention at a prescribed exhibition or meeting.

(2) Subsection (1)(b) shall only have effect if, at the time of filing the corresponding

designated patent application, the applicant stated in accordance with the law of the

designated patent office relating to non-prejudicial disclosure that the invention had

been so displayed.


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Ley de Patentes:


1. The following shall not prejudice the novelty of an invention:

a) Disclosure in official or officially recognised exhibitions falling within the terms of

the Convention of International Exhibitions if the application for the patent is filed in

Portugal within six months;

b) Disclosure resulting from evident abuse of any kind in relation to the inventor or his

successor in title or publications made unduly by the National Industrial Property


2. Subparagraph a) of the previous paragraph shall only apply if the applicant proves,

within one month as of the date of filing the patent application, that the invention was

actually displayed or disclosed as set forth in said subparagraph and submits a

certificate issued by the body in charge of the exhibition indicating the date on which

the invention was first displayed or disclosed at the exhibition and the name of the

invention in question.

3. At the applicant‘s request, the time limit indicated in the previous paragraph may be

extended once only for the same period.


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Ley de Patentes:

2. Novelty

(4) For the purposes of this section the disclosure of matter constituting an invention

shall be disregarded in the case of a patent or an application for a patent if occurring

later than the beginning of the period of six months immediately preceding the date of

filing the application for the patent and either-

(a) the disclosure was due to, or made in consequence of, the matter having been

obtained unlawfully or in breach of confidence by any person-

(i) from the inventor or from any other person to whom the matter was made available

in confidence by the inventor or who obtained it from the inventor because he or the

inventor believed that he was entitled to obtain it; or

(ii) from any other person to whom the matter was made available in confidence by any

person mentioned in sub-paragraph (i) above or in this sub-paragraph or who obtained

it from any person so mentioned because he or the person from whom he obtained it

believed that he was entitled to obtain it;

(b) the disclosure was made in breach of confidence by any person who obtained the

matter in confidence from the inventor or from any other person to whom it was made

available, or who obtained it, from the inventor;


(c) the disclosure was due to, or made in consequence of the inventor displaying the

invention at an international exhibition and the applicant states, on filing the

application, that the invention has been so displayed and also, within the prescribed

period, files written evidence in support of the statement complying with any

prescribed conditions.


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Ley de Patentes:

7. A disclosure of an invention shall not be taken into consideration in determining the

state of the art if it occurred during the six months preceding the filing of the

application with the Registry of Industrial Property and if it was due to, or in

consequence of

(a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;

(b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official or officially recognized exhibition.

When filing his application, the applicant shall declare that the invention has in fact

been exhibited and, in support of his statement, he shall submit the corresponding

certificate within the period and under the conditions laid down in the regulations;

(c) tests carried out by the applicant or by his legal predecessor, provided that they do

not imply working the invention or offering it for sale.


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Ley de Patentes:


Article 30 (Inventions not Deemed to be Publicly Known, etc.)

(1) If a patentable invention falls under any of the following subparagraphs, in

applying Article 29 (1) or (2) to the invention claimed in the patent application,

on condition that the patent application therefor is filed within 12 months from

the applicable date, the patent shall not be deemed to fall under any

subparagraph of Article 29 (1):

1. When a person having the right to obtain a patent has caused his/her

invention to fall under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1): Provided, That this

shall exclude cases where the relevant application is laid open, or the

registration of a patent for the relevant invention is published in the Republic of

Korea or a foreign country pursuant to any treaty or Act;

2. When the invention falls under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1) against the

intention of the person having the right to obtain a patent;

(2) Any person intending to have paragraph (1) 1 applied shall file a patent

application to that effect and then submit a document proving the relevant facts

to the Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office within 30 days

from the filing date of the patent application.


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Ley de Patentes:

59. Previous publication

(1) An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only that the invention was published in New Zealand--

(a) In a specification filed in pursuance of an application for a patent made in New

Zealand and dated more than 50 years before the date of filing of the first mentioned

specification; or

(b) In a specification describing the invention for the purposes of an application for

protection in any country outside New Zealand made more than 50 years before that

date; or

(c) In any abridgment of or extract from any such specification published under the

authority of the Commissioner or of the Government of any country outside New


(2) Subject as hereinafter provided, an invention claimed in a complete specification

shall not be deemed to have been anticipated by reason only that the invention was

published before the priority date of the relevant claim of the specification, if the

patentee or applicant for the patent proves--

(a) That the matter published was obtained from him or (where he himself is not the

true and first inventor) from any person from whom he derives title, and was published

without his consent or the consent of any such person; and (b) Where the patentee or

applicant for the patent or any person from whom he derives title learned of the

publication before the date of the application for the patent or (in the case of a

convention application) before the date of the application for protection in a convention

country, that the application or the application in a convention country, as the case

may be, was made as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter:

Provided that this subsection shall not apply if the invention was before the priority

date of the claim commercially worked in New Zealand, otherwise than for the purpose

of reasonable trial, either by the patentee or applicant for the patent or any person


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from whom he derives title or by any other person with the consent of the patentee or

applicant for the patent or any person from whom he derives title.

(3) Where a complete specification is filed in pursuance of an application for a patent

made by a person being the true and first inventor or deriving title from him, an

invention claimed in that specification shall not be deemed to have been anticipated by

reason only of any other application for a patent in respect of the same invention, made

in contravention of the rights of that person, or by reason only that after the date of

filing of that other application the invention was used or published, without

the consent of that person, by the applicant in respect of that other application, or by

any other person in consequence of any disclosure of the invention by that applicant.

(4) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Commissioner shall not refuse to accept a

complete specification or to grant a patent, and a patent shall not be revoked or

invalidated, by reason only of any circumstances which, by virtue of this section, do not

constitute an anticipation of the invention claimed in the specification.

60. Previous communication, display, or working

(1) An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only of the communication of the invention to a Government

Department or to any person authorised by a Government Department to investigate

the invention or its merits, or of anything done, in consequence of such a

communication, for the purpose of the investigation.

(2) An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only of--

(a) The display of the invention with the consent of the true and first inventor at an

international or industrial exhibition declared as such by the Commissioner by notice

in the Journal (whether the exhibition is held in New Zealand or elsewhere), or the use

thereof with the consent of the true and first inventor for the purposes of such an

exhibition in the place where it is held; or

(b) The publication of any description of the invention in consequence of the display or

use of the invention at any such exhibition as aforesaid;


(c) The use of the invention, after it has been displayed or used at any such exhibition

as aforesaid and during the period of the exhibition, by any person without the consent

of the true and first inventor; or

(d) The description of the invention in a paper read by the true and first inventor before

a learned society or published with his consent in the transactions of such a society,-- if


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the application for the patent is made by the true and first inventor or a person

deriving title from him not later than 6 months after the opening of the exhibition or

the reading or publication of the paper,

as the case may be.

(3) An invention claimed in a complete specification shall not be deemed to have been

anticipated by reason only that, at any time within one year before the priority date of

the relevant claim of the specification, the invention was publicly worked in New


(a) By the patentee or applicant for the patent or any person from whom he derives

title; or

(b) By any other person with the consent of the patentee or applicant for the patent or

any person from whom he derives title,--

if the working was effected for the purpose of reasonable trial only and if it was

reasonably necessary, having regard to the nature of the invention, that the working

for that purpose should be effected in public.

(4) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Commissioner shall not refuse to accept a

complete specification or to grant a patent, and a patent shall not be revoked or

invalidated, by reason only of any circumstances which, by virtue of this section, do not

constitute an anticipation of the invention claimed in the specification.


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Ley de Patentes:


Article 22 Substantial conditions

An invention which is industrially applicable may be granted a patent upon application

in accordance with this Act, except for the following:

1. the invention was disclosed in a publication prior to the filing of the patent


2. the invention was publicly exploited prior to the filing of the patent application; or

3. the invention was publicly known prior to the filing of the patent application.

Where an invention can be easily made by a person ordinarily skilled in the art based

on prior art, a patent shall not be granted for such an invention notwithstanding the

preceding paragraph.

Any of the following events shall not be deemed as one prescribed in Paragraph 1 or the

preceding paragraph, which may preclude the grant of an invention patent, provided

that the concerned patent application is filed within six months from the date of the

event's occurrence:

1. the invention concerned was publicly disclosed as a result of conducting a test;

2. the invention was disclosed in a publication;

3. the invention was displayed at an exhibition held or recognized by the Government;


4. the invention was disclosed without the consent of the applicant.

An applicant claiming exemption as set forth in Item 1 through Item 3 of the preceding

paragraph shall state the fact and the relevant date in the patent application at the

time of filing and submit evidentiary documents within the time limit specified by the

Specific Patent Agency.


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Ley de Patentes:

Section 2

(6) Patents may, however, be granted for inventions made available to the public if that

occurred within the 6 months preceding the filing of the application, and it was in

consequence of:

(i) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor,


(ii) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official, or officially recognised, international exhibition falling within the terms of the

Convention on International Exhibitions, signed at Paris on 22 November 1928.


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Ley de Patentes:

Section 2 (6.6.1980/407)

Patents may be granted, however, for inventions made available to the public within

the six months preceding the filing date of the application if disclosure was the result


(1) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in

title; or

(2) the fact that the applicant or his predecessor in title had displayed the invention at

an official, or officially recognized, international exhibition falling within the terms of

the Convention on International Exhibitions signed at Paris on November 22, 1928

(Finnish Treaty Series 36/37).


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Ley de Patentes:

Section 2

A patent may be granted despite the fact that the invention was made available to the

public within six months prior to the filing of the application, (1) in consequence of

evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title, or (2) because the

invention was displayed by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official, or

officially recognized, international exhibition falling within the terms of the Convention

on International Exhibitions signed at Paris on November 22, 1928.


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Ley de Patentes:



Article 60.- Novelty of inventions

3. An invention shall not be considered having lost its novelty if it is published in the

following cases, provided that the invention registration application is filed within 6

months from the date of publication:

a/ It is published by another person without permission of the person having the right

to register it defined in Article 86 of this Law;

b/ It is published in the form of a scientific presentation by the person having the right

to register it defined in Article 86 of this Law;

c/ It is displayed at a national exhibition of Vietnam or at an official or officially

recognized international exhibition by the person having the right to register it defined

in Article 86 of this Law.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 7b

Where the invention has been made accessible to the public during the six months prior

to the application date or priority date, this disclosure shall not be included in the state

of the art when it is the direct or indirect result of:

(a) a manifest abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor; or

(b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official or officially recognized exhibition within the meaning of the Convention of

November 22, 1928, concerning international exhibitions, where he has declared the

fact at the time of filing and has produced sufficient supporting evidence in good time.


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Ley de Patentes:


Article 55

Non-prejudicial disclosures

(1) For the application of Article 54, a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken

Into consideration if it occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing of the

European patent application and if it was due to, or in consequence of:

(a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor, or

(b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention

at an official, or officially recognised, international exhibition falling within the

terms of the Convention on international exhibitions signed at Paris on 22

November 1928 and last revised on 30 November 1972.

(2) In the case of paragraph 1(b), paragraph shall apply only if the applicant states,

when filing the European patent application, that the invention has been so displayed

and files a supporting certificate within the time limit and under the conditions laid

down in the Implementing Regulations.


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Ley de Patentes:

Rule 3 Criteria of Patentability of an Invention

(1) In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, a Eurasian patent shall be granted

for any invention that is novel, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable.

(2) Disclosure of information relating to the invention that otherwise would affect its

patentability shall not do so where the information relating to the subject matter of the

invention has been made available to the public not earlier than during the six months

preceding the filing date of, or the priority date claimed for, the Eurasian application,

by the inventor or applicant or by any person having obtained the information directly

or indirectly from them. The burden of proof of the circumstances of disclosure shall be

on the applicant.


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Ley de Patentes:

(10) Inventions for which patents are granted by the Office shall be new, shall involve

an inventive step and shall be industrially applicable.

An invention is new if it is not anticipated by prior art. Everything made available to

the public anywhere in the world by means of written disclosure (including drawings

and other illustrations) or by use or exhibition shall be considered prior art provided

that such making available occurred before the date of filing of the application or, if

priority is claimed, before the priority date validly claimed in respect thereof and

further provided that a disclosure of the invention at an official or officially recognized

exhibition shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred not more than six months

before the date of filing of the application or, if priority is claimed, before the priority

date validly claimed in respect thereof.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 3 Novelty

(1) An invention shall be new if it has not been anticipated by prior art.

(2) Prior art shall consist of everything made available to the public, in any place and

by any means or method, before the filing date either of the patent application or of a

patent application filed abroad the priority of which has been validly claimed.

(3) The novelty of an invention shall not be denied if, during the 12 months preceding

the date specified in paragraph (2) above, the invention has been the subject of a

disclosure resulting from

(a) an obvious violation committed against the applicant or his predecessor in title;

(b) the fact that the applicant or his predecessor in title has displayed it at an official

or officially recognized international exhibition.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article (4)

A letters patent shall be awarded to any new invention resulting from an innovative

idea or inventive step in all fields of technology, provided that such an idea or inventive

step has a scientific basis and is capable of industrial application. The invention shall

be deemed industrially applicable in its broadest term if used or utilized in such fields

as agriculture, fisheries, handicrafts, and services.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 7. Patentability Requirements to an Invention, Utility Model

1. An invention meets the patentability requirements provided that it is new, involves

an inventive step and is industrially applicable.

5. The state of the art also includes a content of any application for granting a patent in

Ukraine (including an international application, in which Ukraine is designated) in the

wording, in which this application has been primarily filed, provided that the date of its

filing (if the priority has been claimed, the date of the priority) is prior to the date

referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Article, and that the application has been already

published on or after this date.

6. The recognition of an invention (utility model) as a patentable one does not depend

on the disclosure of information on the invention (utility model) by an inventor or by a

person which has received such an information directly from an inventor or indirectly

within 12 months before the date of filing of the application with the Office or, if the

priority has been claimed, before the priority date. In this case, the person, who is

interested in using this provision, is obliged to prove the circumstances of the

disclosure of information.


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Ley de Patentes:

Section 6

An invention is new if it does not form part of the state of the art.

A disclosure which was due to, or made in consequence of, the subject matter having

been obtained unlawfully, or a disclosure which was made by the inventor, or made in

consequence of, the inventor displaying the invention at an international exhibition or

an official exhibition if such disclosure was done within twelve months before the filing

of an application for the patent, shall not be deemed to be a disclosure under subsection

(2) above.


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Ley de Patentes:

26. Prior knowledge or publication of invention excused in certain circumstances

A patent shall not be invalid by reason only of the fact that the invention in respect of

which the patent was granted or any part thereof was disclosed, used or known prior to

the priority date of the invention -

(a) if the patentee or his or her predecessor in title proves that such knowledge was

acquired or such disclosure or use was made without his or her knowledge or consent,

and that the knowledge acquired or the matter disclosed or used was derived or

obtained from him or her, and, if he or she learnt of the disclosure, use or knowledge

before the priority date of the invention, that he or she applied for and obtained

protection or his or her invention with all reasonable diligence after learning of the

disclosure, use or knowledge; or (b) as a result of the invention being worked in the

Republic by way of reasonable technical trial or experiment by the applicant or

patentee or the predecessor in title of the applicant or patentee.

[S. 26 substituted by s. 32 of Act 38/1997.]


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 15

1. Priority to obtain a patent, a right of protection or a right in registration shall be

determined, on conditions laid down in relevant international agreements, according to

the date on which the invention, the utility model or the industrial design was

displayed, in Poland or elsewhere in the world, at an official or officially recognised

exhibition, provided that the patent, utility model or industrial design application has

subsequently been filed with the Patent Office within six months of that date.

Article 16

Where an invention, a utility model or an industrial design, being the subject of the

first duly filed application, has previously been displayed on an exhibition and since the

date of display up to the filing date it has enjoyed the provisional protection provided

for under the Paris Convention, the priority to obtain a patent, a right of protection or a

right in registration, referred to in Article 14, as well as the start of the time limits for

filing applications with the Patent Office provided therein, shall be determined

according to the date at which the invention, utility model or industrial design has been

displayed at the exhibition concerned.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 15. Prior Disclosure; Priority

For the application of Article 14, a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken into

consideration if it occurred in the six months preceding the filing of the patent

application and if it was due to, or in consequence of, an evident abuse to the prejudice

of the applicant or his legal predecessor.

The fact that the disclosure occurred at official or officially recognized exhibitions

falling within the terms of the Convention on International Exhibitions signed at Paris

on November 22, 1928, and its later revisions, also shall not be taken into


With respect to inventions for which priority is claimed under international

conventions, the existence of the novelty requirement provided for under Article 14

must be evaluated with reference to the starting date of the priority.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 4

(1) An invention is considered to be unpublished, if, within a maximum period of 6 (six)

months before the filing date;

a. the invention has been shown in an international exhibition in Indonesia or abroad,

which is official, or acknowledged to be official or in an national exhibition in Indonesia,

which is official or acknowledged to be official;

b. the invention has been used in Indonesia by the inventor within the framework of

experimentation for research and development purposes.

(2) An invention is also considered to be unpublished, if, within a period of 12 (twelve)

months before the filing date, it was published by any other person by way of breaching

an obligation to preserve the confidentiality of the relevant invention.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 113.- Una invención se considera novedosa cuando no exista con anterioridad en el

estado de la técnica.

El estado de la técnica comprenderá todo lo que haya sido divulgado o hecho accesible

al público, en cualquier lugar del mundo, mediante una publicación tangible, una

divulgación oral, la venta o comercialización, el uso, o por cualquier otro medio, antes

de la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente en le país o, en su caso, antes de

la fecha de presentación de la solicitud extranjera cuya prioridad se reivindicará.

También quedará comprendido dentro del estado de la técnica, el contenido de una

solicitud de patente en trámite ante el Registro de Comercio, cuya fecha de

presentación o, en su caso, de prioridad, fuese anterior a la de la solicitud que se

estuviere examinando, pero sólo en la medida en que ese contenido quede incluido en la

solicitud de fecha anterior cuando ésta fuese publicada.

Para efectos de la pérdida de novedad, no se tomará en consideración la divulgación que

hubiese ocurrido dentro del año precedente a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud en

el país o, en su caso, dentro del año precedente a la fecha de la solicitud cuya prioridad

se reivindicará, siempre que tal divulgación hubiese resultado directa o indirectamente

de actos realizados por el propio inventor o sus causahabientes, o de un abuso de

confianza, incumplimiento de contrato o actos ilícitos cometido contra alguno de ellos.

La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una oficina de propiedad

industrial en un procedimiento de concesión de una patente, no queda comprendida en

la excepción del inciso anterior, salvo que la solicitud que dio lugar a esa publicación

hubiese sido presentada por quien no tenía derecho a obtener la patente, o que la

publicación se hubiese hecho por un error de esa oficina de propiedad industrial.


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Ley de Patentes:


El estado de la técnica no comprenderá lo divulgado dentro del año anterior a la fecha

de presentación de la solicitud en Costa Rica o, en su caso, dentro del año anterior a la

prioridad aplicable, siempre que tal divulgación resulte, directa o indirectamente, de

actos realizados por el propio inventor o su causahabiente o del incumplimiento de

contrato o acto ilícito cometido contra alguno de ellos. (Párrafo reformado por Ley N°

7979 de 6 de enero de 2000, art. 2 inc. b)

La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una oficina de propiedad

industrial en procedimiento de concesión de una patente, quedará comprendida en el

estado de la técnica, excepto para el caso del solicitante de la patente, o cuando la

solicitud en cuestión haya sido presentada por quien no tenía derecho a obtener la

patente o cuando la publicación se haya hecho indebidamente.


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Ley de Patentes:

Artículo 5.- Novedad.

1) Una invención es novedosa cuando no existe previamente en el estado de la


3) Para determinar el estado de la técnica no se tendrá en cuenta lo que se hubiese

divulgado dentro del año precedente a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud en la

República Dominicana, siempre que tal divulgación hubiese resultado directa o

indirectamente de actos realizados por el propio inventor o su causahabiente, o de un

abuso de confianza, incumplimiento de contrato o acto ilícito cometido contra alguno de


4) La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una oficina de propiedad

industrial dentro del procedimiento de concesión de una patente, no queda

comprendida en la excepción del numeral precedente, salvo que la solicitud se hubiese

presentado por quien no tenía derecho a la patente, o que la publicación se hubiese

hecho indebidamente.


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Ley de Patentes:

Excepciones al Estado Actual de la Técnica

10. El estado actual de la técnica no comprenderá lo que se hubiese divulgado dentro

del año anterior a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente o, en su caso,

dentro del año anterior a la fecha de prioridad aplicable, siempre que tal divulgación

hubiese resultado directa o indirectamente de actos realizados por el propio inventor o

su causahabiente, o de un incumplimiento de contrato o acto ilícito cometido contra

alguno de ellos.

Excepción Especial

11. La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una autoridad competente

dentro del procedimiento de concesión de una patente no quedará comprendida en la

excepción del artículo anterior, salvo que la solicitud se hubiese presentado por quien

no tenía derecho a obtener la patente; o que la publicación se hubiese hecho por un

error de esa autoridad.


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Ley de Patentes:

Artículo 13. Para efectos de determinar la patentabilidad de una invención, no se

tomará en consideración la divulgación ocurrida, en cualquier lugar del mundo, dentro

de los doce meses anteriores a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud en Panamá o, en

su caso, anteriores a la fecha de la prioridad reconocida que se reivindique de

conformidad con esta Ley, siempre que tal divulgación hubiese resultado, directa o

indirectamente, de actos realizados por el propio inventor o su causahabiente, o de un

abuso de confianza, incumplimiento de contrato o acto ilícito cometido contra alguno de


La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una oficina de propiedad

industrial, en un procedimiento de concesión de una patente, no queda comprendida en

la excepción de este artículo, salvo que la solicitud que dio lugar a esa publicación

hubiese sido presentada por quien no tenia derecho a obtener la patente, o que la

publicación se hubiese hecho por error de esa oficina de propiedad industrial.


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Ley de Patentes:

Artículo 7.- De la novedad. Se considerará que una invención tiene novedad si ella no

tiene anterioridad en el estado de la técnica.

El estado de la técnica no comprenderá lo que se hubiese divulgado dentro del año que

precede a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud en Paraguay o, en su caso, dentro del

año que precede a la fecha de la solicitud cuya prioridad se invocara, siempre que tal

divulgación hubiese resultado directa o indirectamente de actos realizados por el propio

inventor o su causahabiente, o de un incumplimiento de contrato o acto ilícito cometido

contra alguno de ellos.

La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una oficina de propiedad

industrial en un procedimiento de concesión de una patente no queda comprendida en

la excepción del párrafo precedente, salvo que la solicitud objeto de esa publicación

hubiese sido presentada por quien no tenía derecho a obtener la patente, o que la

publicación se hubiese hecho por un error imputable a esa oficina.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 11 - For the application of Art. 10, the disclosure of the invention shall not be

taken into consideration if it occurred within the six months preceding the filing of the

patent application, and if was due to or in consequence of:

a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;

b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official or officially recognized international exhibition falling within the terms of the

Convention on international exhibitions signed at Paris on 22 November 1928 with the

subsequent revisions.

The provisions of paragraph 1 b) shall be applicable only if the applicant states, when

filing the patent application, that the inventions has been actually displayed and if he

files a document supporting his statement within the time limit and under the

conditions provided for by the implementing regulations concerning this Law.


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Ley de Patentes:


14.—(1) An invention shall be taken to be new if it does not form part of the state of the


(4) For the purposes of this section, the disclosure of matter constituting an invention

shall be disregarded in the case of a patent or an application for a patent if occurring

later than the beginning of the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of

filing the application for the patent and either —

(a) the disclosure was due to, or made in consequence of, the matter having been


unlawfully or in breach of confidence by any person —

(i) from the inventor or from any other person to whom the matter was made available

in confidence by the inventor or who obtained it from the inventor because he or the

inventor believed that he was entitled to obtain it; or (ii) from any other person to

whom the matter was made available in confidence by any person mentioned in sub-

paragraph (i) or in this sub-paragraph or who obtained it from any person so mentioned

because he or the person from whom he obtained it believed that he was entitled to

obtain it;

(b) the disclosure was made in breach of confidence by any person who obtained the

matter in confidence from the inventor or from any other person to whom it was made

available, or who obtained it, from the inventor;

(c) the disclosure was due to, or made in consequence of, the inventor displaying the

invention at an international exhibition and the applicant states, on filing the

application, that the invention has been so displayed and also, within the prescribed

period, files written evidence in support of the statement complying with any

prescribed condition; or

(d) the disclosure was due to, or made in consequence of, the inventor describing the

invention in a paper read by him or another person with his consent or on his behalf


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before any learned society or published with his consent in the transactions of any

learned society.

(5) In subsection (4) (d), ―learned society‖ includes any club or association constituted in

Singapore or elsewhere whose main object is the promotion of any branch of learning or


(6) In this section, references to the inventor include references to any proprietor of the

invention for the time being.

(7) In the case of an invention consisting of a substance or composition for use in a

method of treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy or of diagnosis

practised on the human or animal body, the fact that the substance or composition

forms part of the state of the art shall not prevent the invention from being taken to be

new if the use of the substance or composition in any such method does not form part of

the state of the art.


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Ley de Patentes:

8. Novelty.- (1) An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the

state of the art.

(2) The state of the art shall comprise-

(a) everything disclosed to the public anywhere in the world, by publication in tangible

form or by oral disclosure, by use or in any other way, prior to the filing or, where

appropriate, the priority date, of the application claiming the invention; or

(b) contents of the complete specification and priority documents published under

section 21 of an application filed in Pakistan;

(c) traditionally developed or existing knowledge available or in possession of a local or

indigenous community.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (2), disclosure of a patentable

invention in respect of goods shall not constitute ‗state of the art‘ if an article is

exhibited at an official or officially recognized international exhibition within twelve

months preceding the date of filing of an application for grant of patent. If later on, the

right of priority is invoked, then the period shall start from the date of introduction of

the article into the exhibition. The Controller may require proof, with such

documentary evidence as considered necessary, of the identity of the article exhibited

and the date of its introduction into the


(4) In this section references to the inventor include references to any proprietor of the

invention for the time being.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 5

9. Patents shall be granted also for an invention which has been disclosed no earlier

than six months preceding the filing of the patent application, if the disclosure was due


a. an evident abuse of the rights of the applicant or his/her legal predecessor;

b. the fact that the invention was displayed at an officially recognised international

exhibition falling within the terms of the convention on international exhibitions signed

in Paris on 22 November 1928 and ratified by Law 5562/32 (Official Journal, 221).

In said case, when filing the application, the applicant should state that the invention

has been so displayed and should file the relevant supporting certificate.

10. The disclosure of paragraph 9 does not affect the novelty of the invention provided

for in paragraph 3.


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Ley de Patentes:


94. Se considera que una invención tiene novedad si ella no se encuentra en el estado

de la técnica.

El estado de la técnica comprenderá todo lo que haya sido divulgado o hecho accesible

al público en cualquier lugar del mundo y por cualquier medio, antes de la fecha de

presentación de la solicitud de patente en el país o, en su caso, antes de la fecha de

prioridad aplicable. También quedará comprendido dentro del estado de la técnica el

contenido de otra solicitud de patente presentada ante el Registro, cuya fecha de

presentación o, en su caso, de prioridad fuese anterior a la de la solicitud bajo

consideración, siempre que aquella fuese publicada.

Para determinar el estado de la técnica no se tomará en cuenta lo que se hubiese

divulgado dentro del año anterior a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente

o, en su caso, de la fecha de prioridad aplicable, siempre que tal divulgación hubiese

resultado directa o indirectamente de actos realizados por el propio inventor o su

causahabiente, o bien, de un incumplimiento de contrato por parte de un tercero o de

un acto ilícito cometido contra alguno de ellos.

Tampoco se tomará en cuenta la divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por

una oficina de propiedad industrial en el extranjero, a raíz de un procedimiento de

concesión de una patente, si la solicitud objeto de esa publicación hubiese sido

presentada por quien no tenía derecho a obtener la patente, o que la publicación se

hubiese hecho por un error imputable a esa oficina de propiedad industrial.


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Ley de Patentes:

ARTICULO 9.- Una invención se considera novedosa cuando no existía en el estado de

la técnica.

El estado de la técnica comprenderá todo lo que haya sido divulgado o hecho accesible

al público, en cualquier lugar del mundo, mediante una publicación en forma tangible,

una divulgación oral, la venta o comercialización, el uso o cualquier otro medio, antes

de la fecha de presentación de la solicitud de patente en Honduras, en su caso, antes de

la fecha de presentación de la solicitud extranjera cuya prioridad se reivindicará de

conformidad con el Artículo 141 de esta Ley, sólo para efectos de apreciar la novedad.

También quedará comprendido dentro del estado de la técnica, el contenido de una

solicitud de patente en trámite ante el Registro de la Propiedad Industrial, cuya fecha

de presentación, en su caso, fuese anterior a la de la solicitud que se estuviese

examinando, pero sólo en la medida en que ese contenido queda incluido en la solicitud

de fecha anterior cuando ella fuese publicada.

A los efectos de ()lurg~lr la patente. no se tomara en consideración la divulgación que

hubiese ocurrido dentro del año precedente a la fecha de presentación de la solicitud en

Honduras o. en su caso. dentro del año precedente a la fecha de la solicitud cuya

prioridad se reivindicará de COllr()l"Inid¿ld con el /vrucul» 141 de csU' Ley. siempre

que tal divulgación ()n huhicx,: resultado directa () indirectamente de actox rc~di/.~Idos

por el propio solicitante () su causante. o de un abuso. incumplimiento de contrato u

acto ilícito cometido contra alguno de ellos.

La divulgación resultante de una publicación hecha por una Oficina de Propiedad

Industrial dentro del procedimiento de concesión de una patente no queda comprendida

en la excepción del párrafo precedente, salvo que la solicitud se hubiese presentado por

quien no tenía derecho a la patente. o que la publicación se hubiese hecho

iudebid.uncnte por la Oficina de Propiedad Industrial.


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Ley de Patentes:

8 Disclosure in basic applications

Subject to the regulations, account must not be taken, for the purposes of this Act, of a

disclosure in a specification or other document filed in respect of, and at the same time

as, a basic application unless the following documents are filed within the prescribed


(a) a copy of the specification or document;

(b) if the specification or document is not in English—a translation of the specification

or document into English.

[Note: basic application is defined in Schedule 1: see also Part 2 of Chapter 8.]


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Ley de Patentes:


(4) For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, a disclosure of the invention shall be

considered to be made not earlier than six months prior to filing the application, and

directly or indirectly back

1. to an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor or

2. that the applicant or his legal predecessor has asked the invention at an official

or officially recognized exhibition within the meaning of the Convention on

International Exhibitions, Federal Law Gazette No. 445/1980, on display.

(5) Para 4 2 shall apply only if the applicant states, when filing the application, that

the invention has been presented at the exhibition to the show, and this within four

months of the filing presents a confirmation of the show organizers. In it, the day of the

opening of the exhibition and, if the first disclosure is not simultaneous, also to mention

their day. The confirmation must be accompanied by an illustration of the invention,

which is provided with a duly authenticated by the show organizers.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 3

For the purposes of Article 2, a disclosure of the invention that occurred no earlier than

six months preceding the date of priority shall not be taken into consideration as part

of the state of the art if (a) it was the due to an abuse of the rights of the applicant or

his predecessors in title or (b) it was due to the fact that the applicant or his

predecessors in title have displayed the invention at an exhibition specified in an

announcement by the President of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

published in the Hungarian Official Gazette.


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Ley de Patentes:

12. (1) For the application of section 11 a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken

into consideration it if occurred not earlier than six months preceding the filing of the

patent application and if it was due to, or in consequence of—

(a) a breach of confidence or agreement in relation to, or the unlawful obtaining of the

matter constituting, the invention, or

(b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

international exhibition which is either official or officially recognised under the

Convention on International Exhibitions signed at Paris on the 22nd day of November,

1928, or any subsequent treaty, convention or other agreement replacing that


Provided that the exhibitor states, when making the patent application, that the

invention has been so displayed and files a supporting certificate within the period and

under the conditions prescribed.

(2) The Minister may for the purpose of subsection (1) prescribe a period other than the

six months specified in that subsection and circumstances other than those specified in

paragraph (a) or (b) of that subsection where the Minister is satisfied that it is

necessary to do so in order to give effect to any treaty or international convention to

which the State is or becomes a party and the said subsection shall be construed


(3) Where a statement appears in the Journal stating that an international exhibition

specified in the statement is or was an international exhibition of the class referred to

in subsection (1), then for the purposes of this section the statement shall be evidence

that the international exhibition specified therein is or was an international exhibition

of such class.


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Ley de Patentes:

Publications not affecting right of owner of invention

6. The right of the owner of an invention to be granted a patent shall not be affected by

publication said in section 4 –

(1) if it is proved that the matter published was obtained from him the owner of the

invention or his predecessor in title and was published without his consent, and if the

patent application was filed within a reasonable time after the publication became

known to the applicant; or

(2) (a) the publication was by the owner of the invention or his predecessor in title in

one of the following ways:

(i) display at an industrial or agricultural exhibition in Israel or at a recognized

exhibition in one of the Member States, of which official notice was given to the

Registrar before its opening;

(ii) publication of a description of the invention at the time of a said exhibition;

(iii) use of the invention for the purposes of the exhibition and at the place of the


(b) the publication was by use of the invention, even without its owners' consent, at the

time of the exhibition, at the place of the exhibition or outside it, on condition that the

patent application was submitted within six months after the exhibition opened;

(3) publication was by way of a lecture by the inventor before a scientific society or by

publication of the lecture in official transactions of the society, on condition that the

Registrar was given notice of the lecture before it was delivered and that the patent

application is filed within six months after the aforesaid publication.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 6. Grace Period

Disclosure of information shall not effect the patentability of an invention if the

information was disclosed within 6 months preceding the filing date of a patent

application and where the disclosure of information has been made:

1) by a person having an interest in making an abuse with respect to inventor or his

successor in title to their disadvantage;

2) where an inventor or his successor in title displayed his invention at an official or

officially recognised exhibition in accordance with the Convention on International

Exhibitions signed at Paris on 22 November 1928.

An inventor or his successor in title willing to benefit from the grace period provided for

in paragraph 1 of this Article, shall have the burden of proving that he has the right to

the grace period.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 2

Patents may only be granted for inventions which are new in relation to what was

known before the filing date of the patent application and which also differ essentially


Everything made available to the public in writing, in lectures, by public use or

otherwise shall be considered as known. Also the contents of a patent application filed

in this country before said filing date shall be considered as known if that application

becomes available to the public pursuant to Article 22. The condition in the first

paragraph that the invention must differ essentially from what was known before the

filing date of the patent application does not, however, apply in respect of the contents

of such applications.

Applications, which are discussed in Part III, shall in certain cases have the same effect

in this country as is discussed in Paragraph 2, cf. Articles 29 and 38.

The stipulation in Paragraph 1 that the invention shall be new does not prevent the

granting of a patent for a known substance or a known composition of substances for

use in a method referred to in Paragraph 3, Article 1, provided the use of the substance

or composition is not known in methods of this type.

[Moreover, the stipulations in Paragraph 1 shall not hinder the granting of a patent for

a known substance or known composition of substances specifically to be used in the

methods mentioned in Paragraph 3 of Article 1, insofar as such use is not known.]

A patent may be granted despite the fact that the invention was made available to the

public within six months prior to the filing of the application,

1. in consequence of evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in

title; or 2. because the invention was displayed by the applicant or his predecessor in

title at an official, or officially organized exhibition falling within the terms of the

Convention on International Exhibitions signed at Paris on November 22, 1928.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art 8.

(1) For the purposes of section 7, an invention is novel if it is not anticipated by prior


(2) In relation to an invention, prior art for the purposes of subsection (1) consists of

everything disclosed about the invention to the public anywhere in the world

(a) by publication in tangible form or by oral disclosure; or

(b) by any other means prior to the filing date or, as the case may be, the priority date,

of the publication claiming the invention.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), disclosure to the public of the invention shall not

be taken into consideration

(a) if it occurred within 12 months preceding the filing date or, where applicable, the

priority date of the application; and

(b) if it was the result of acts by the applicant or acts by his predecessor in title or the

result of an abuse by a third party with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in



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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 2

The disclosure of information relating to the invention by the author, applicant or any

other person that has received the information from them directly or indirectly at

which the information of the essence of the invention become publicly known, if the

application on the invention is submitted to the patent body not later than 12 months

form the date of disclosure of information. At that the burden of evidence of the given

fact is laid on the applicant.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 5.

1. Une invention est considérée comme nouvelle si elle n'est pas

comprise dans l'état de la technique.

2. L'état de la technique est constitué par tout ce qui a été rendu accessible au public

avant la date de dépôt de la demande de brevet par une description écrite ou orale, un

usage ou tout autre moyen.

3. Est également considéré comme compris dans l'état de la technique le contenu de

demandes de brevet belge et de demandes de brevet européen ou internationales

désignant la Belgique, telles qu'elles ont été déposées, qui ont une date de dépôt

antérieure à celle mentionnée au § 2 et qui n'ont été publiées qu'à cette date ou qu'à

une date postérieure.

4. Les dispositions des §§ 1er et 3 n'excluent pas la brevetabilité, pour la mise en

oeuvre d'une des méthodes visées à l'article 7, § 2, d'une substance ou composition

exposée dans l'état de la technique, à condition que son utilisation pour toute méthode

visée audit paragraphe ne soit pas contenue dans l'état de la technique.

5. Une divulgation de l'invention n'est pas prise en considération pour l'établissement

de l'état de la technique si elle n'est pas intervenue plus tôt que six mois avant le dépôt

de la demande de brevet et si elle résulte directement ou indirectement :

a) d'un abus évident à l'égard du demandeur ou de son prédécesseur en doit ou

b) du fait que le demandeur ou son prédécesseur en droit a exposé l'invention dans des

expositions officielles ou officiellement reconnues au sens de la Convention concernant

les expositions internationales, signée à Paris le 22 novembre 1928, et à condition que

le demandeur déclare, lors du dépôt de la demande, que l'invention a été réellement

exposée et qu'il produise une attestation à l'appui de sa déclaration dans le délai et

dans les conditions fixés par le Roi.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 9

(Non-Prejudicial Disclosures)

An invention shall be considered new if not more than six months prior to the filing

date of the patent application it formed part of the state of the art due to or in

consequence of:

a) evident abuse in relation to the patent applicant or its legal predecessor or,

b) display at an official or officially recognized exhibition in accordance with the

Convention on International Exhibitions signed in Paris on November 22, 1928 and last

revised on November 30, 1972, provided that the applicant indicates in the patent

application at the time of filing thereof that the invention has been displayed and files

a corresponding certificate of the

display of the invention not later than within four months from the filing date of the



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Ley de Patentes:

Article 3:

The invention shall not be deemed novel, whether in whole or in part, in the following


1- If, before the date of filing the patent application, an application has already been

submitted for issuing a patent of invention, or a patent has been issued for part or

whole of the invention, in A.R.E or abroad

2- If the invention has been publicly used or exploited in A.R.E or abroad; or if the

description thereof has been disclosed to the extent that enables those skilled in the art

to use such invention, before filing the patent application.

The disclosure mentioned in the preceding paragraph does not include revealing the

invention in the national or international exhibitions, within six months, before the

date of filing the patent application.

The Executive regulations implementing the law herein shall determine the conditions

and procedures for disclosing the invention.


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Ley de Patentes:

ARTÍCULO 19.1.-Los solicitantes pueden, en el momento de presentar la solicitud,

pedir a la Oficina que se reconozca su derecho de prioridad a partir de la fecha en que

hubieran presentado en una exposición internacional oficial u oficialmente reconocida

el objeto de la solicitud de patente o registro, siempre que la presentación en la

exposición se hubiera producido dentro de los seis meses anteriores a la fecha de

presentación de la solicitud. Este derecho de prioridad no amplía los plazos previstos en

caso de aplicación de lo establecido en el Apartado 1 del artículo 17.

2. A los efectos del presente Decreto-Ley, las exposiciones que se tienen en cuenta en

relación con el derecho de prioridad, se circunscriben a las exposiciones reconocidas con

arreglo al Convenio relativo a las Exposiciones Internacionales, de 22 de noviembre de

1928. El reconocimiento oficial de las exposiciones oficiales internacionales u

oficialmente reconocidas surte efecto jurídico siempre que sea previo a la exhibición del

objeto de la patente o el registro.

ARTÍCULO 20.1.-A los efectos de este Decreto-Ley, se entiende como fecha de


a) la fecha de presentación de la solicitud, si no se reivindica otro derecho de prioridad;

b) la fecha de presentación de la primera solicitud, conforme con la invocación de

prioridad establecida en el artículo 17; ó

c) la fecha de exhibición del objeto de la patente ó el registro en una exposición

oficialmente reconocida, conforme con la invocación de prioridad establecida en el

artículo 19.



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Ley de Patentes:

Section 14. Novelty.

(1) An invention is new if it is not anticipated by prior art.

(2) Prior art shall consist of -

(a) everything disclosed to the public, anywhere in the world, by written

publication, by oral disclosure, by use or in any other way, prior to the priority

date of the patent application claiming the invention;

(b) the contents of a domestic patent application having an earlier priority date

than the patent application referred to in paragraph (a) to the extent that such

contents are included in the patent granted on the basis of the said domestic

patent application.

(3) A disclosure made under paragraph (2)(a) shall be disregarded -

(a) if such disclosure occurred within one year preceding the date of the patent

application and if such disclosure was by reason or in consequence of acts committed by

the applicant or his predecessor in title;

(b) if such disclosure occurred within one year preceding the date of the patent

application and if such disclosure was by reason or in consequence of any abuse of the

rights of the applicant or his predecessor in title; (c) if such disclosure is by way of a

pending application to register the patent in the United Kingdom Patent Office as at

the date of coming into force of this Act.

(4) The provisions of subsection (2) shall not exclude the patentability of any substance

or composition, comprised in the prior art, for use in a method referred to in paragraph

13(1)(d), if its use in any such method is not comprised in the prior art.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article 5

1. For the purposes of Article 4 the disclosure of an invention shall be disregarded if it

occurred no earlier than six months prior to the date on which the patent application

was filed as a direct or indirect consequence of:

a. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor; or

b. the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor displayed the invention at

government sponsored or officially recognised exhibitions within the meaning of the

Convention on International Exhibitions, signed in Paris, France, on 22 November

1928, as most recently amended the Protocol of 30 November 1972 (Treaty Bulletin

1973, 100), on the condition that the applicant declares upon filing his application that

the invention has actually been displayed and submits proof thereof within a term to be

set by general order in council for the Kingdom and in accordance with provisions set

by general order in council for the Kingdom. Official government recognition of

exhibitions in the Netherlands shall be accorded by Our Minister. Recognition of

exhibitions in the Netherlands Antilles shall be accorded by the Government of the

Netherlands Antilles.


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Ley de Patentes:

Sec.25 Non-Prejudicial Disclosure

25.1. The disclosure of information contained in the application during the twelve

months preceding the filing date or the priority date of the application shall not

prejudice the applicant on the ground of lack of novelty if such disclosure was made by:

(a) The inventor;

(b) A patent office and the information was contained (a) in another application filed by

the inventor and should not have been disclosed by the office, or (b) in an application

filed without the knowledge or consent of the inventor by a third party which obtained

the information directly or indirectly from the inventor; or

(c) A third party which obtained the information directly or indirectly from the


25.2. For the purposes of Subsection 25.1, ―inventor‖ also means any person who, at the

filing date of application, had the right to the patent.


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Ley de Patentes:

Sección 5. Novelty

(5) The disclosure of an invention which took place no earlier than six months prior to

the filing of the application shall not be considered as being part of the state of the art

if it was due to or in consequence of:

(a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor,

(b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official, or officially recognized, exhibition within the terms of the relevant

international treaty. In such case, it shall be for the applicant to declare, when filing

the application, that the invention has been displayed and to produce in support of his

declaration, within a period of four months as from filing, a certificate attesting that

the invention has been displayed in compliance with the provisions of the international



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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 7 .

(6) The recognition of an invention (utility model) as a patentable one does not depend

on the disclosure of information on the invention (utility model) by an inventor or by a

person which has received such an information directly from an inventor or indirectly

within 12 months before the date of filing of the application with the Office or, if the

priority has been claimed, before the priority date. In this case, the person, who is

interested in using this provision, is obliged to prove the circumstances of the

disclosure of information.

(7) An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step provided that it is

not obvious to a person skilled in the art, i.e. an invention does not proceed obviously

from the state of the art. The content of applications mentioned in Paragraph 5 of this

Article shall not be taken into consideration while estimating the invention level.

(8) An invention (utility model) shall be considered to be industrially applicable

provided that it may be used in industry or other field of activity.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 8. Disclosures Not Affecting Patentability

Disclosure in the following circumstances of information that otherwise would affect

the patentability of the invention claimed in an application shall not affect the

patentability of that invention where the information was disclosed during the 12

months preceding the filing date or, where priority is claimed, the priority date of the


(a) by the inventor;

(b) by an office when the information was contained

1. in another application filed by the inventor and should not have been

disclosed by the office;

2. in an application filed without the knowledge or consent of the inventor

by a third party who obtained the information directly or indirectly from

the inventor;

(c) by a third party who obtained the information directly or indirectly

from the inventor.

For the purposes of the first paragraph of this Article, any person who, on the filing

date of the application, had the right to the patent shall be deemed the inventor.

The effects of the first paragraph of this Article shall not be limited in time and may be

invoked at any time.

Where the applicability of the first paragraph of this Article is contested, the party

claiming the application of the said paragraph shall have the burden of proving that

the conditions of the paragraph are fulfilled or are expected to be fulfilled.


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Ley de Patentes:

Art. 11. Disclosure Which is not Prejudicial to Novelty (amended, State

Gazette No. 66/2002)

(1) A disclosure of the invention shall not be prejudicial to novelty if it occurred within

six months preceding the filing date or the priority date, as appropriate, of the patent

application and if it was in consequence of:

1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or the preceding holder of the right to

file an application;

2. the fact that the applicant or the preceding holder of the right to file has displayed

the invention at an official, or officially recognized, international exhibition.

(2) The disclosure referred to in paragraph (1), item 2 shall not be prejudicial to

novelty, if the applicant states, when filing the application, that the invention has been

so displayed and presents evidence of that within three months following the filing date

of the application.


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Ley de Patentes:

Article (3)

Temporary protection shall be awarded for the inventions, drawings, and designs which

are exhibited in local fairs under the terms and conditions set forth by the

implementing regulations of this law, taking into account the provisions stated in

international agreements, treaties, or conditions of reciprocity.


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Ley de Patentes:

Sección 1b.

A patent may be granted despite the fact that the invention has been made available to

the public within six months prior to the filing of the application:

1 through evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title; or

2 through display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an

official or officially recognized international exhibition falling within the terms of the

Convention on International Exhibitions, done at Paris on November 22, 1928.


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Ley de Patentes:


Art. 4.


The disclosure of information about an invention (i.e. when information on the merits of

the invention has become generally available) by its author, the applicant, or any other

persons who received it therefrom directly or indirectly shall not be deemed a

circumstance which will prevent the recognition of the patentability of the given

invention, if the application for the invention was filed with the federal executive

agency for intellectual property not later than six months from the date on which the

information was disclosed. In this case, the duty to prove the said fact shall rest with

the applicant.


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A continuación y a fin de fundamentar argumentos expuestos en párrafos anteriores,

brindaremos una serie de casos ejemplificativos que se pueden presentar en el ejercicio

de nuestra carrera profesional y en supuestos donde se aplica la excepción de

divulgación previa.

a) Caso 1 de divulgación previa de una invención: “Concurso de


El inventor José Lopez presenta un sacacorchos en una feria de invenciones, que inicio

el 25 de diciembre de 2012, explicando mediante un powerpoint su principio de

funcionamiento e incorporando en su presentación un despiece de dicho sacacorcho. Al

acercarme a su stand con un amigo, que conoce del tema de descorchado de botellas, me

comenta que el mecanismo usado era sumamente ingenioso ya que solucionaba la

complicación en la extracción de corchos de vino por parte de mujeres. Le consultamos

al inventor José si ya tenía patente y si la misma estaba concedida. Nos respondió que

aún no había conseguido contactar un Estudio de Propiedad Industrial para realizar la

patente pero que ni bien termine la feria volvería al tema, más aun viendo el gran

interés que muchas personas tenían sobre su invento, incluyendo visitantes de España

e Italia quienes le propusieron negocios en Europa. Nos comentó también que fue la

primera vez que había mostrado su invento.

Surgen aquí las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Puede aún José presentar una patente cuando ya ha divulgado en forma

completa su invención? ¿Hasta cuándo tendrá plazo?

2. ¿Podrá presentar una solicitud de patente en Alemania, Francia y España?

1. En el análisis deberemos primero tener en cuenta la fecha de divulgación previa de

la invención, siendo la misma el 25/12/2012, cumpliéndose los seis meses el

25/06/2013 y los doce meses el 25/12/2013.

Podemos asegurar además que dicha feria de invenciones no es una feria oficial ú

oficialmente reconocida por el Convenio Internacional de Exhibiciones.

Por lo tanto, y en base a la Tabla de países, solo podremos presentar una solicitud

de patente inicial hasta el 25/12/2013 en: Argentina, Australia, Barbados,

Bielorrusia, Bélgica, Bolivia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Corea,

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Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Jamaica,

Malasia, México, Nicaragua, Pakistán, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Rep. Dominicana,

Rusia, Singapur, Tailandia, Turquía, Ucrania, Uruguay, y OAPI.

De haber presentado una primera solicitud de patente en alguno de los países

mencionados en el párrafo anterior y siempre y cuando declaremos prioridad sobre

esta solicitud, se dispondrá de un año más ( 25/12/2014 ) para la presentación de

una solicitud en patente pero SOLO en los siguientes países: Argentina, Barbados,

Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Filipinas, Guatemala, Honduras,

India, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Turquía, Ucrania, Uruguay.

2. Como se observa de la Tabla de Países, Alemania y Francia solo exceptúan

publicaciones en ferias y exposiciones reconocidas por la CIE, siempre que no haya

pasado más de 6 meses desde el inicio de dicha feria. Si estamos dentro de dicho

plazo deberemos igualmente corroborar con un Agente de dichos países si ferias no

reconocidas por la CIE se consideran asimismo en el espíritu del artículo de la Ley y

por lo tanto no resultan perjudiciales.

Para el caso de España la ley no habla de reconocimiento por parte de la CIE, y aun

hablando de reconocimiento oficial, la jurisprudencia ha contemplado a la

divulgación de ferias no oficiales igualmente como divulgaciones no perjudiciales.

b) Caso 2 de divulgación previa de una invención: “Publicación de artículo

en una revista científica”

Es conocido que el prestigio de un investigador se ve incrementado con la publicación de

sus trabajos en revistas de renombre internacional. Para incrementar el mismo el

investigador Roberto Perez, que trabaja en vacunas para inmunodeficiencias, envió el

material a una revista científica para que lo consideren y en el caso de interés

publiquen su trabajo.

Con gran alegria Roberto, se ha enterado que la revista ha aceptado su artículo

científico y le informa que será publicado el 15 de enero de 2013.

Surgen aquí las siguientes preguntas:

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1. ¿Considera que la publicación en esta revista científica pudiera afectar el

requisito de novedad de la invención de Roberto Perez para futuras patentes en el

extranjero ?

2. ¿En qué países será posible solicitar una patente sin saber de antemano que será

afectada la novedad por la divulgación en un artículo científico?

1. Dicha publicación le afectara la novedad de una futura patentes en aquellos países

en donde las únicas divulgaciones previas permitidas sean las realizadas en

exhibiciones internacionales o nacionales.

2. El investigador tendrá hasta el 15/01/2014 para presentar una solicitud de patente

en países tales como: Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Bielorrusia, Bélgica, Bolivia,

Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Corea, Ecuador, Estados Unidos,

Filipinas, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Malasia, México, Nicaragua,

Pakistán, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Rep. Dominicana, Rusia, Singapur, Tailandia,

Turquía, Ucrania, Uruguay, OAPI.

Podría presentar una solicitud de patente en Argentina el 15/01/14 y luego esperar un

año ( 15/01/2015 ) para decidir de ir a los siguientes países, sin perjudicarse de dicha

divulgación previa: Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica,

Ecuador, Filipinas, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Oficina euroasiática,

Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Suiza, Sudáfrica, Turquía, Ucrania, y Uruguay.

c) Caso 3 de divulgación previa de una invención: “Venta de una

herramienta manual para la poda de rosas”

La emprendedora argentina Victoria Feldman ha desarrollado luego de muchos años de

experiencia en el trabajo con flores, una herramienta muy eficiente para la rápida poda

de rosas. Habiéndola mostrado a varios colegas, uno de ellos le ofreció participar

conjuntamente en la comercialización de dicha herramienta, y lanzaron junto con la

presentación del producto en la feria industrial de Montevideo, Uruguay su venta.

Dicha feria inició el 7 marzo de 2012. El 15 de marzo de 2012, de vuelta a Argentina,

presentaron una solicitud de patente ante el Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad

Industrial. Poseen un interés muy particular en Estados Unidos.

Las preguntas que surgen son las siguientes:

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1. ¿ Se ve afectada la novedad para la solicitud de patente Argentina?

2. ¿ Se verá afectada la novedad de la solicitud en Uruguay aun yendo antes del

año de haber presentado la solicitud argentina?

3. ¿ Se verá afectada la novedad de una solicitud presentada en Estados Unidos ?

1. Dado que en Argentina la comercialización ó explotación de la invención no

resultaría considerada dentro de las excepciones del Art. 5, la invención no sería

patentable. Es cierto que la divulgación en la feria no seria inconveniente de

acuerdo al art. 5 pero si lo es la venta del producto.

2. En Uruguay, el art. 10 de la ley difiere del Art. 5 de la Ley Argentina en que habla

de ―Divulgación‖ y no determina la forma en que la misma se lleva a cabo. Por lo

tanto estaría allí la posibilidad de presentar una solicitud de patente que no sea

denegada por dicha venta del producto.

3. Estados Unidos permite la comercialización de la invención previo a su

patentamiento, por lo tanto sería totalmente válida la presentación de una solicitud

de patente en dicho país, siempre con la declaración de la mencionada puesta en el

mercado del invento.

d) Caso 4 de divulgación previa de una invención: he comentado a un

amigo sobre un invento referido a dispositivos que permiten economizar

combustible en motores a combustión y junto con su cuñado mecánico han

fabricado un prototipo y probado en su automóvil. Lo han mostrado en

televisión en un programa sobre innovaciones en automóviles del 22/11/2012.

1. ¿ Podré presentar una patente en Argentina sin que el INPI pueda considerar que

dicha publicación afecta la novedad de la solicitud ?

2. ¿ y en Chile o Uruguay ?

1. Dicha publicación de televisión es del tipo de las mencionadas en el Art. 5 de la

ley Argentina de Patentes, por lo tanto no existirá inconveniente aun cuando se

haya divulgado la invención en forma tal que un experto pueda reproducirla,

debiendo considerar que a más tardar el 22/11/2013.

Es importante comprender que si la divulgación ha sido insuficiente para que un

experto pueda reproducirla a partir de lo visto en televisión, no habrá plazo

alguno para presentar una solicitud de patente por cuando no ha existido

divulgación previa, en el sentido de la Ley de Patentes, de la invención.

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2. De presentar una solicitud de patente en Chile no podremos presentarla más

allá del año de su divulgación, es decir el 22/11/2013. Diferente en el caso de

Uruguay en donde el art. 10, expresa que el año de gracia se toma a partir de la

prioridad (no así el Art. 42 de la Ley de Patentes de Chile), y suponiendo que en

Argentina presentamos la solicitud el 22/11/2013 tendremos entonces hasta el

22/11/2014 para presentar una solicitud de patente en Uruguay.

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Pablo F. Paz (

e-mail: [email protected]

Ingeniero Mecánico de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y especialista en Propiedad

Industrial con tareas en el campo desde el año 1992. Coordinador del Departamento de

Incubación y Propiedad Intelectual (DIPI) del CIDIDI (FIUBA - GCBA). Docente del

Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas UNLaM. Redactor de

patentes y de informes de patentabilidad de Instituciones gubernamentales

tecnológicas tales como CONICET, INTI, INTA, y UNS. Conferencista en

Latinoamérica en Talleres de Redacción de Patentes de la OMPI (Organización

Mundial de La Propiedad Intelectual) y Tutor en Talleres Online. Docente en Talleres

de Redacción de Patentes y Búsquedas de Patentes en la Maestría de Propiedad

Intelectual de la Universidad Austral y en la Cátedra de Innovación y

Emprendedorismo de la UTN FRBA. Asesor en estrategias de patentamiento de

emprendedores, inventores independientes y PYMES de Argentina. Evaluador de

Novedad de Proyectos del Concurso Nacional de Innovaciones ―Innovar‖ de los años

2005 al 2012. Agente de la Propiedad Industrial del INPI de Argentina. Docente en el

Programa de Formación de Gerentes y Vinculadores Tecnológicos GTEC AMBA y NOA.

Consultor para el programa Piloto ―Antena tecnológica‖ Convenio Mincyt – UIA

referido a ―Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva‖.


Maria Florencia Carpena (

e-mail: [email protected]

Abogada egresada de la Universidad del Museo Social Argentino 2007 // Programa de

Actualización de Propiedad Intelectual de la Universidad de Buenos Aires 2008 //

Agente de la Propiedad Industrial 2010// Docente JTP de la materia Derecho Romano

de la Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero // Docente con dedicación Semi-

exclusiva, encargada de la creación de la ―Unidad de Protección de Intangibles &

Gestión de la Propiedad Intelectual‖ de la Universidad Nacional de La Rioja //

Aspirante a Magister en Política y Gestión de la Ciencia y Tecnología de la Universidad

de Buenos Aires.
