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Universidad Nacional Experimental “Francisco de Miranda”

Licda. Evelin Peña

Estructuras de los Textos

ADI, 2010

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Estructuras por Definición

Significado mediante definiciones formales

Verbos, o Expresiones Claves.

Sinónimos y Antónimos y otros.

Pronombres relativos ( Who, What, Which, etc.)

1) Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases

characterized by high blood sugar (glucose)

levels, that result from defects in insulin

secretion, or action, or both.

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2.) The common cold, also known as a viral upper

respiratory tract infection, is a self-limited

contagious illness that can be caused by a

number of different types of viruses. More than

200 different types of viruses are known to

cause the common cold.

Estructuras por Definición

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Estructuras de Descripción

Describen las características de un término por pasos

Se establece de los General a lo Especifico o

viceversa. (Deducción, Inducción).

Verbos claves que indiquen descripción ( To have, To

be characterized as, To be composed of, etc.)

Existe una Introducción y Desarrollo para describir el


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1) Symptoms of the common cold include nasal stuffiness or drainage, sore or scratchy throat, sneezing, hoarseness, cough, and perhaps a fever and headache.2) Cancer can attack anyone, but the chances of getting the disease increase with age. The most common forms of cancer are skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer (in women), and prostate cancer (in men).Normally, cells go through a cycle in which they grow, divide, and die. Gene mutations (changes) can interrupt that cycle. Cells forget how to stop growing and reproduce over and over again, forming a lump of cells that gets bigger and bigger. The lump is known as a tumor or neoplasm.

Estructuras de Descripción

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Estructuras de Ejemplos

Oraciones expresadas por medio de ejemplificaciones

Los ejemplos son ilustrados en su mayoría por medio de

signos de puntuación ( guiones, paréntesis, abreviaturas

i.e, o e.g)

Frases comunes para ilustrar ejemplos ( for example, for

instance, as an example, incluiding, shows by, seen in,

and so on.)

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1) It's important to remember that if a drug can provide more than one benefit (lower blood sugar and have a beneficial effect on cholesterol, for example), it should be preferred.

3) In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors. External factors include the physical environment, including your job, your relationships with others, your home, and all the situations, challenges, difficulties, and expectations you're confronted with on a daily basis.

Estructuras de Ejemplos

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Estructuras de Análisis

Oraciones que ilustran causas, efectos, razones,

métodos, propósitos u otras, y las situaciones de causa y

efectos son expresadas de diferentes maneras.

Los conectores de causa ( due to, as the, a result of,

since, because, etc)

Los conectores de efectos ( with the result that, so that,

thus, hence, for this/ that reason, etc)

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1)Over time, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage. These types of damage are the result of damage to small vessels, referred to as microvascular disease.

3) Insufficient production of insulin, production of defective insulin, or the inability of cells to use insulin properly and efficiently leads to hyperglycemia and diabetes. This latter condition affects mostly the cells of muscle and fat tissues, and results in a condition known as "insulin resistance.”

Estructuras de Análisis

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Comparación y Contraste

El significado del Término desconocido es aclarado cuando

se establecen las diferencias o similitudes presentes entre


Buscar expresiones claves de comparación ( similiar

to, like, the same, both, likewise)

Buscar expresiones claves de contraste ( in contrast

to/ with, opposite, however, though, unlike, etc.)

Tomar en consideración los adjetivos que expresen

comparación o contraste ( more-than, less-than)

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1) More recently the EDIC trial has shown that type 1 diabetes is also associated with increased heart disease, similar to type 2 diabetes. However, the price for aggressive blood sugar control is a two to three fold increase in the incidence of abnormally low blood sugar levels (caused by the diabetes medications)

3) Cigarette smoking not only causes ulcer formation, but also increases the risk of ulcer complications such as ulcer bleeding, stomach obstruction and perforation.

Comparación y Contraste

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Función Comunicativa de Textos

Según la estructura más predominante que presente un texto, se podría definir la función comunicativa del mismo.





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• Relatar, contar, uno o varios sucesos.

• Reseña lugar, momento, personaje, y otros.

• Presencia de verbos en pasado.


• Describe la información de manera detallada en relación a un objeto, persona o evento.

• Los verbos mayormente están en presente.

• se describen color, origen, apariencia física etc.

Función Comunicativa de Textos

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• Ofrece ordenes o instrucciones a seguir para un propósito especifico.

• Uso de verbos en infinitivos sin “TO”.

• Conectores como; (First, Then, Finally, etc)


• Se expresa la posición del autor en relación a un tema determinado.

• Expresa opiniones, ideas sobre un tema expuesto.

• Se distribuye en una presentación, propuesta, demostración y conclusión.

Función Comunicativa de Textos

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1) Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822– January 6, 1884)

was an Augustinian priest and scientist, who gained

posthumous fame as the figurehead of the new science of

genetics for his study of the inheritance of certain traits in

pea plants. Mendel showed that the inheritance of these

traits follows particular laws, which were later named after

him. The significance of Mendel's work was not recognized

until the turn of the 20th century. The independent

rediscovery of these laws formed the foundation of the

modern science of genetics.


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2) Mendel stated that each individual has two factors for

each trait, one from each parent. The two factors may or

may not contain the same information. If the two factors are

identical the individual is called homozygous for the trait. If

the two factors have different information, the individual is

called heterozygous. The alternative forms of a factor are

called alleles. The genotype of an individual are made up of

the many alleles it possesses. An individual's physical

appearance or phenotype is determined by its alleles. An

individual possesses two alleles for each trait; one allele is

given by the female parent and the other by the male



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3) The Evening Prior to Surgery

The following instructions are very important and MUST be followed:

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery including water, juice, coffee, chewing gum, mints, etc.

Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs unauthorized by your surgery team 48 hours prior to surgery.

Do not smoke before or after your surgery. Smoking may cause anesthetic problems and increased carbon monoxide in the bloodstream.

Do not take aspirin or aspirin products for one week prior to or after surgery, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Talk to your doctor if you take Coumadin, Motrin, Ibuprofin, Vitamin E or other blood-thinners.

If you are taking medication for breathing, seizure, heart disease or blood pressure, take them the morning of surgery with a small sip of water. If you use inhalers, bring them with you.


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4) The Abortion Debate Richard Garlikov

The abortion controversy has become one of the most divisive and irrationally contentious issues of our time, turned into a legal and political power struggle with no permanent resolution in sight. Yet it need not be. Social, and therefore media, attention has been focused almost exclusively on the differences between pro-life and pro-choice forces, rather than on the common ground they have; and that has been even further compounded by the fact that many actively involved people on both sides have been driven to extreme positions they do not really relish, simply out of fear that not seeking more than is necessary will yield less than is acceptable.


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