  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    1 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    Growing up on a farm and then going to the military, I was taught not to cut

    corners. I learned that when I did, I always paid the price in the long run.

    Our romance with biotech seed is one of those corners. It seemed like a perfect

    way to farm just plant, spray, wait and then harvest. And lets face it, it

    worked very well for several years. This shortcut allowed good farmers to get

    better and poor farmers to look good. It also allowed a farmer to cover more

    acres in less time. This seemed to be the ultimate answer to get big or get out.

    However, just like when we cut corners in other areas, it has come time to pay for

    this shortcut as well. Unfortunately, its not us that will pay the ultimate price for

    our convenience, it isnt even our children, it is our grandchildren.

    Tonights class is one that I did not want to do, but after a recent meeting, I can

    see no way to avoid it. What you decide to do with the information is entirely up

    to you.

    I come from a farm background and even own a small farm in Southeast Iowa. I

    understand the implications of this work. It is a game changer. It is a matter of

    life and death. It is not just a matter of money anymore.

    The promise of biotech crops has changed the way we produce food.Unfortunately the law of unintended consequences is changing much more than

    that. Round Up is a trade name for glyphosate. Glyphosate is the most popular

    herbicide in use around the world.

    At the end of this class, if you understand what I have presented, you will go

    through your cupboards and throw away any cereals that are not organic. Youll

    throw away the rest of your non-organic corn based products and pitch your non-

    organic eggs as well.

    If youve got a glyphosate herbicide in your garden shed, youll throw it away.

    With what we know now, there is no weed problem serious enough anywhere in

    the world to justify its use.

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    2 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    There are 3 factors we will look at when we are talking about glyphosate.

    Number one is the chemical itself, number two is the genetic modification of the

    plant that makes it resistant to glyphosate and number 3 is a newly discovered

    micro-fungus that has been found in all genetically modified grain.

    The effects of these three are intertwined. Science is not sure which causes what

    problems, so their answer has been to ignore the problems and do nothing.

    Unfortunate we dont have that luxury.

    Here is what we do know. The glyphosate chemical is a strong chelator. It works

    by tying up the minerals in the plant that are necessary for its immune system to

    function. These are exactly the same minerals that our own immune system

    needs to function, but more on that later. Glyphosate also stimulates pathogenicfungi in the soil, so that the defenseless plant is quickly killed by disease.

    When applied, it trans-locates throughout the plant, especially toward the

    growing tissues and the reproductive tissues. Much of it is exudated out of the

    roots into the soil, where it further ties up minerals in the soil and distorts the soil

    micro-biology. It is absolutely deadly to some species of soil life and a strong

    stimulant to others.

    Glyphosate is toxic to mycorrhizae fungi in as little as 1 ppm1. It reduces nitrogen

    fixing in the soil by 20% and reduces the number of nitrogen fixing nodules by

    70%. Seed germination tests run on cotton showed it reduced germination by 24-

    85% and reduced seedling weight by 19-83%.2 Exposure to glyphosate kills up to

    50% of some beneficial insects including Lady Bugs.

    For farmers, the cost in nitrogen, the impaired nitrogen fixation by your soybeans,

    and the destruction of the mycorrhizae should be enough for you to consider

    dropping it, but there is more.



  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    3 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    When we say it chelates cations, it may be beneficial to review exactly what that

    means. A cation is a positively charged ion. In the soil these minerals include:

    potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, selenium, copper,

    and zinc. Hydrogen, the energy element of the soil is also a cation. Withoutenergy, none of our biological systems work.

    Even varieties of crops that are resistant to the glyphosate are still deficient in the

    minerals. Dr. Richard Olree lists five minerals that are critical for the functioning

    of the immune system. These are: selenium, magnesium, boron, silica and iodine.

    Four out of five of the minerals that are essential for the human immune system to

    work are tied up by glyphosate.

    As a side note, the Des Moines Register recently had an article that wasconcerned about the increasing number of strokes in young people. They blamed

    the increase on obesity. There was no mention that a shortage of copper makes

    the blood vessels of the brain fragile and subject to hemorrhage. Nor was there

    any mention that a shortage of selenium causes heart failure (usually seen in

    young athletes). Both copper and selenium are cations that are tied up by


    If the minerals are tied up in the soil, then they are not available to the plant. It

    then follows that they are not in our food. So we can trace the problem of these

    strokes, not to obesity, but to mal-nutrition. At a recent seminar a physician said

    that Americans are the first people in history to die of malnutrition with their

    bellies full.

    Glyphosate applied to the leaves moves into the growing and reproductive

    tissues. Those tissues include the seed. That is the grain we grind and put into our

    food; flour, chips, cereals, etc.

    A study from Denmark showed residues of glyphosate in half of their cereals at

    levels of .11 ppm. At .5ppm glyphosate has anti-androgenic properties. (meaning

    it is Feminizing, it is anti-testosterone) At 2 ppm it is anti-estrogenic. (meaning it

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    4 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    is Masculinizing) At 1 ppm is disrupts enzymes, at 5ppm it damages DNA and at

    10 ppm is kills cells. Researchers in France saw cellular damage at all levels of

    concentration even that as low as 100,000 times more dilute than the product

    sold on shelves.

    So at .1 ppm in cereal we dont need to be concerned, except that it builds up in

    the tissue over time, like radiation or dioxins. There is no safe level of exposure,

    because your 1/10 ppm today simply adds to the 1/10 ppm tomorrow etc. etc.

    So if you eat 2 pounds of GMO fed food per day and drink a high fructose corn

    syrup soda, it adds up to consuming about .16 ppm of glyphosate per year. In

    chickens about 20% ends up in manure, so if we assume the same in people,

    within just a couple of years we have high enough concentrations to see thehealth effects already noted.

    Now, if we take the person that drinks 3 or 4 sodas per day, or the person that

    eats either more contaminated food or just more food altogether, you can see

    how quickly it adds up.

    Regardless of your political or religious views, based upon what we know

    glyphosate does to the endocrine system and hormone balance, perhaps it is a

    little hypocritical to condemn a person for their sexual orientation, when it very

    well may be the chemicals we used on our crops that caused the condition in the

    first place.

    The Food and Drug Administration allows glyphosate residues of up to 400 ppm to

    be in feed. Studies in chicken manure showed that 20% of the glyphosate found

    in feed goes right on through the animal. So where is the rest of it..

    Once the glyphosate is applied, it stays in the food chain. There is a cow-calf

    operation in Nebraska where they split the herd and fed half of it wheatlege. The

    wheat had not had any glyphosate; however, the farmer had used glyphosate as a

    weed burn down before he planted his wheat. The half of the herd that was fed

    the wheatlege has had a 45% miscarriage rate.

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    5 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    That means the heifers that lost their calves (for whatever reason) now go to the

    feedlot. They werenthealthy enough to reproduce, but well eat them anyway.

    That creates some very disturbing questions.

    What killed the unborn calves?

    Glyphosate tolerant wheat is not sold in the United States, so any glyphosate

    residue in the soil should have killed the wheat outright. That means it must have

    been something the glyphosate did to the soil or did to the organisms in the soil.

    Something killed those calves. The next questions become, Is it still in the

    heifers? Will it be in the meat? Does glyphosate do it to all soils? What about

    corn and soybeans? What about around my yard?

    If glyphosate has stimulated some super-killer fungus, I want to know. When

    tests were done on the placentas from the aborted calves every one had

    detectable levels of the micro-fungus associated with glyphosate. Further tests

    on swine and horses, revealed the same thing. And when tests were made on the

    placentas of still born children, they contained the fungus as well. This micro-

    fungus is found in high concentrations in RoundUp Ready soybeans, corn, and

    distillers grains.

    But there is more.

    Where it used to take about 1.2 servicings to produce a calf, now infertility is so

    widespread that many calves are sterile and heifers may take as many as 8 or 10

    servicings in order to get pregnant.

    The problem is so severe in some herds, that veterinarians are wondering where

    the replacement animals will come from. It is hard to have a profitable cow-calf

    operation when there arent any calves. Maybe you know someone who quit the

    beef business, when their cows couldnt conceive. Infertility in dairy herds now

    hovers around 20%.

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    6 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    These tests have not been done in humans, but is it a coincidence that up to 1/3

    of young couples in the United States are infertile? Is it a coincidence that

    according to the March of Dimes 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage?3 Even

    more conservative research shows that miscarriages have increased by 20% since1976.

    4 What does that mean to you, your wife or daughter? If youve lost child

    you already know.

    How sympathetic is a young mother going to be when she finds out what killed

    her unborn baby? Do you think she will care how much easier it was for you to

    farm? Do you think she will care about how clean your fields were?

    In a middle class suburb here in Des Moines of three babies born in the last 6

    months, only one is healthy. The other two have allergy and/or food issues. Thatis too small a sample to be scientific, but when my children were born, they were

    healthy. We didnt know anyone that had a child with health problems. Now,

    school nurses dispense prescriptions to children every day.

    We didnt used to worry about a lack of fertility, quite the converse. In my

    generation, more than just a few marriage proposals were unplanned, if you

    know what I mean. Today, we all know people that need a doctors help in

    order to conceive. Even then many of those couples remain infertile.

    Studies in Europe show that there is genetic damage with concentrations as low

    as 4 ppm. It has been shown to concentrate in the liver, kidneys, thyroid and

    testicles. Those are exactly the same organs where cancer rates have


    So when you drop your dollar into the cup at the gas station for some poor sot

    that has cancer, how would you feel if you knew it was your application of

    chemicals that caused it? Of course we cant prove where it came from, and thelawyers can keep things ted up for years so that no one has to take responsibility,



  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    7 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    but the bottom line is people are dying because of the farmers that use

    glyphosate. That is a terrible responsibility. That is a crime against our neighbors

    that cannot be repaid.

    A 54 year old man accidently sprayed himself with glyphosate. One month later

    he developed asymmetrical Parkinsonian symptoms. Two years later an MRI

    showed that the damaged portion of the mans brain that was in exactly the same

    area as seen with other Parkinsons patients.

    Drinking as little as a cup of glyphosate is a popular method of suicide in Taiwan.

    When the brain is nutrient deficient it cannot properly function. One study

    several years ago concluded that all mental illness including depression is related

    to nutrition. As a side note farmers have double the national rate of suicide.5,6

    We dont have the most nutritionally dense food to start with, but when you tie

    up the few minerals that are in that food, you end up with a disaster. The food

    doesnt taste as good and it spoils, but worst of all it doesnt feed the body. We

    are an obese nation that is starving to death.

    It is no wonder that we are all so hungry. Even when we eat, the food is empty.

    Our cells know the food is empty, so we stay hungry. We eat empty calories, weget fat. Poisons (like glyphosate) are stored in fat, so the problem simply makes

    itself worse.

    When our bodies are unable to get rid of a toxin, it will surround that toxin in fat

    so it cannot cause any further damage. So when we eat a toxin, like glyphosate,

    our body will make fatjust to store it. Which by the way, is exactly how your

    body treat aspartame found in many diet sodas.7

    5Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry [Paperback]

    Carl C. Pfeiffer Ph.D. M.D6

    What a brilliant marketing plan! Sell a product to people that want to lose weight that actually makes them

    fatter! Evil, but brilliant.

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    8 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    The next thing we need to consider with the chemical is that it gets tied up but

    not used up. Meaning that is stays in the soil or in the seed or in the tissue until it

    is released again. It can be released in the soil anytime phosphorus fertilizer is

    applied. It can be released in the tissues as well. It is like radiation, exposure iscumulative. It just collects in the tissues. That is why there is no safe level of


    The laboratory tests to confirm the presence of glyphosate are expensive, as

    much as $300 per test. That is one of the primary reasons so very little testing

    has been done here in the US.8 That is also why you dont have any idea how

    much glyphosate residue is in your food. If it didnt build up, it probably would

    not be important, but since it accumulates, day by day, month by month, year by


    Enough bad news about the chemical, what about the genetically modified plant

    itself. That can be an entire class by itself. But in a nutshell, when studies were

    still permitted even the presence of the genetic modification caused a 10% yield

    drag. Genetically modified hybrids require twice as much water to produce a

    bushel of grain. But the scariest part is this

    Most hybrids do not accept the genetic modification. So the very narrow genetic

    base of our feed grains, is furthered narrowed when genetically modified crops

    are grown. That means the risk of catastrophic disease throughout a crop is much

    higher. This year, the bacterium that causes Goss Wilt swept through central

    Iowa. Anthracnose has become so common that many corn producers think that

    corn naturally matures from the top and bottom at the same time. Sudden Death

    Syndrome in soybeans was seen in Central Iowa fields as early as mid-July.

    We no longer have the genetic diversity we need to stop an epidemic that could

    cause a complete crop failure. Perhaps a few of you remember the Corn Leaf

    Bight the wiped out the Texas Male Sterile varieties in the early 70s. I remember

    8As of Jan 2012, the I dont know of any labs still conducting these tests. Those that were, have either refused to

    take additional samples, or have given up and stopped testing.

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    9 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    that blight because of what that crop failure cost my family. There is no world-

    wide grain surplus. What would happen if we had a major crop failure?

    The way the modifications are made is of interest as well. They attach the gene

    they want to implant onto a Mosaic virus and basically shoot it into the DNA

    strand. They cannot control where it lands or what other genes it disrupts.

    It attaches and produces a protein that is completely foreign to the plant and

    foreign to the animal that eats the crop as well. Studies by Verity Farms on swine

    stomachs clearly show additional lesions and inflammation in the animals that are

    fed genetically modified grain. The human digestive system is very similar to a

    pigs. Perhaps that explains the recent and rapid increase in digestive disorders in

    people; including indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and any number ofallergies. That also explains why wild life, including mice and rats, only eat the

    genetically modified grain as a last resort.

    Every farmer has seen the small piles of grain that gets spilled when we harvest or

    move grain. Have you noticed that in recent years, many of those piles will lay

    there all winter? My farm is along a river, so there is plenty of wild life including

    deer, pheasants, and turkey. However, when my neighbor has spilled grain along

    the edge of my lane, it lies there all winter. Nothing eats it. Is it because the

    animals know something that we dont?

    Two years ago a dairyman from South Africa told us that when he ran out of his

    conventional corn and bought some genetically modified corn to feed his cows;

    his milk production went down and somatic cell count went up. When he found

    more nongenetically modified corn his production returned to normal.

    We dont have definitive proof that genetically modified grain causes problems in

    people. But that is only because the universities and government institutions thatare responsible for that research are unwilling to investigate anything that might

    offend large contributors such as the biotech industry.

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    10 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    In the real world, one plus one equals two. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a

    duck, it is a duck. If you have digestive problems, try a remedy that works for

    cows and pigs. Stop eating genetically modified food and see if your intestines

    return to normal.

    Now what about this newly discovered fungus? First of all it has been found in all

    grain from genetically modified crops. It can only be detected with an electron

    microscope and is only slightly larger than a virus.

    It may be related to the mosaic virus used in the genetic implantation or it may be

    something entirely new. It was this fungi that Dr. Huber wanted more study on

    before the USDA lifted the restrictions on RoundUp Ready Alfalfa and Sugar


    Those studies have not been done. This is the fungus that has been related to

    sudden death syndrome in soybeans, anthracnose in corn, miscarriages and

    sterility in animals. It may not be the same fungi, but it seems to be related.

    At a recent meeting one farmer (before he walked out) asked, Ifthe world finds

    out about this fungus who is going to buy our grain? The physician that was

    presenting answered him simply by asking him, Who should buy it? If it poisons

    livestock, why would you sell it to anyone?

    It isnt a new dilemma. Tobacco farmers of the south and the poppy farmers of

    Afghanistan know their products poison people, but they choose to grow them

    anyway. The difference is the people that use their poisons, do so voluntarily.

    Opium and tobacco kill the people that use them, they dont affect the next

    generation. Glyphosate is different.

    Until now we have enjoyed the ignorance of not knowing what the effects of

    glyphosate and glyphosate resistant crops are. We cant deny the evidence

    anymore. A farmer that thinks like a chemist can stay in business for years. A

    farmer that thinks like and accountant can stay in business for decades. But if a

    farmer wants to have something worth passing onto his children, he needs to

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    11 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    think like a farmer. We are stewards of the land, we have a responsibility to take

    care of it and make it better for the generations that come after us.

    When we simply poisoned our weeds and bugs, we knew that it wasnt

    sustainable, but it kept us in business. With glyphosate, it is no longer a business

    decision, it is a moral one.

    Our government has refused to protect us or even investigate the problem.

    Within days of receiving the information that Dr. Huber had compiled; Secretary

    Vilsack approved genetically modified alfalfa. The very next week he approved

    genetically modified sugar beets.

    The USDA is supposed to protect us. Instead they have turned the American

    population into the biggest research experiment the world has ever seen.

    Well, here we are. We have the herbicide and technology that has allowed us to

    farm more acres with fewer weeds. The only problem is we end up with birth

    defects, cancer, miscarriages and sterility.

    We have a choice, either act on what we know, or ignore the facts and pretend

    what we do doesnt matter.

    We could even do what many livestock producers already do. We grow the good

    stuff for ourselves and sell the rest to the public. After all we dont get paid for


    But when the young couple next door has a miscarriage, perhaps sending them a

    sympathy card isnt enough. Your weed-free fields will be small comfort to them.

    Besides we cant prove any of the chemicals we use directly cause any health

    problems. It might even have been the chemicals from the neighbors, or the

    chemicals on the food at the store.

    If you or a loved one start showing symptoms ofParkinsons you can always

    pretend that no one know what causes it, but that wont change the fact that as

  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    12 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    the disease progresses theyll be needing wheel chairs, diapers and round the

    clock nursing care before it is over.

    As you pray for the people in the congregation that have cancer, think about what

    role you may have played. There is no proof; there is no way to definitively prove

    any farm chemical directly caused the problem. But we know that glyphosate

    causes cancer. We know there is residue in the grains. We know that is builds up

    in the tissues.

    I know it is a difficult decision. For me, I am endangering my work with many of

    my farmer customers. For farmers, were talking about a major change in the

    way you do business. It also means a major change in our shopping patterns.

    For those of you that eat, you know that most of the breakfast cereal is grown

    with glyphosate. You know that the corn the chickens eat is genetically modified

    and that the chemical passes right into the eggs.

    Ive had people tell me it is too expensive to eat organic food. I tell them they

    cant afford not to. If they feed their children glyphosate residue, there is a good

    chance there wont be grandchildren

    Who wants to watch a loved one battle liver, kidney, thyroid or testicular cancer?There are a lot of things I would like to have in common with Lance Armstrong;

    cancer is not one of them.

    Go look at your cupboard, which of those foods do you trust to be safe for your

    children to eat? According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the

    Biotechnology Industry Association, approximately 80 percent of current grocery

    fooditems contain GMOs.Look under the counter, which of the weeds in the front yard are worth thechance of a miscarriage?
  • 7/31/2019 Glyphosate Presentation 021412


    Advanced Wellness Quest

    13 | 2815 100th St, Suite 208, Urbandale, IA 50322 (515)270-2300

    (SO what if it isnt you or your wife? A miscarriage by anyone is a tragedy. It may

    be easier to ignore if it is a stranger, but that doesnt make it any less of a


    Now is the time to take action. Go through your cupboards, go through the

    chemicals you use on the lawn and if you are a farmer, decide what is more

    important to you.

    What you decide is important, it makes a difference.

    Your only effective defense is good, solid nutrition. I recommend everyone take

    high quality supplements, especially mineral supplements. No matter how careful

    we are, it is too easy to end up eating GMO food.

    The supplements I take and recommend are through Natures Sunshine. On my

    websitewww.advancedwellnessquest.comthere is a link where you can take an

    on-line health assessment and then be given specific recommendations as to

    what supplements to take. Your body is designed to be healthy, so even the

    smallest thing is a message your body is giving you that you need to pay


    Eliminating GMOs from your diet and glyphosate from your operation, may bethe most important decisions you will ever make. You will never know the lives

    youll touch with it. It is not an economic decision at all, it is a moral one.

    Share what you have learned with others. If you have questions call our office at

    515-270-2300 and well answer as many as we can. Our mission with Wellness

    Quest is to give you the information you need so that you can make intelligent

    and informed decisions about your personal wellness.
