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Page 1: Gustar y Verbos Similares

Indiana University of PennsylvaniaSPAN 201Monica Barrientos


1. A Raquel (molestar)________ ________ la contaminación del medio ambiente.

2. A nosotros (agradar) _____ ________ poder reciclar envases plásticos.

3. A los estudiantes (caer) _____ ________ bien el profesor.

4. A ti (afectar) _____ ________ mucho las malas noticias.

5. A ustedes (horrorizar) _____ ________ que la gente produzca tanta basura.

6. A Vicente y Alicia (gustar) _____ ________ reciclar y reutilizar los artículos.

7. A mí (gustar) _____ ________ ir al cine.

8. A mis amigos (encantar) _____ ________ tomar cervezas.

9. A los estudiantes (parecer) _____ ________ difícil el examen.

10. A Susana (gustar) _____ ________ mucho ir de compras.

11. A Vicente y a Elías (dar) _____ ________ asco la carne.

12. A los profesores (fastidiar) _____ ________ las clases nocturnas.

13. A ti (quedar) _____ ________ mal esos pantalones.

14. A Roberto (enfadar) _____ ________ reciclar.

15. A vosotros (caer) _____ ________ mal Susana y su novio.

Traduce al español. Subraya el sujeto y verbo, y circula el complemento indirecto.

1. I like to read. 2. Money pleases my parents. 3. Your bathing suit astonishes me. 4. We’re lacking practice. (We need more practice.) 5. His opinion doesn’t matter to us. 6. Chocolate is harmful to me. 7. His shoulder hurts. 8. I love your eyes. 9. That magazine offends me. 10. My grades worry my parents. 11. Lazy kids annoy me. 12. I have a lot of time left over.

Page 2: Gustar y Verbos Similares

13. Her behavior angers her coach. (comportamiento = behavior) 14. Your attitude surprises me. 15. Did I offend them? 16. Did you like the dinner? 17. Did his feet hurt? 18. They were astonished by the snow. 19. He loved the concert. 20. They didn’t care.
