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Hitos de la vida II En la tierra o en el espacio: protobiontes y

desde las primeras células a los

organismos pluricelulares

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¿Qué había antes del ancestro común a todos los entes vivos? HII

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Un tronco único O Las secuencias de ADN de los organismos modernos permiten reconstruir el

árbol de la vida y averiguar las características probables del ancestro común

más reciente de todos los seres vivos - el "tronco" del árbol de la vida.

O Según algunas hipótesis, este "ancestro común más reciente" puede ser en

realidad un conjunto de organismos que vivieron al mismo tiempo y fueron

capaces de intercambiar genes con facilidad.

O La reconstrucción de las primeras ramas en el árbol de la vida nos dice que

este antepasado, o conjunto de antepasados, probablemente utiliza ácidos

nucleicos, especialmente ARN como material genético y realiza reacciones

químicas complejas (HII).

O Pero, ¿qué había antes de él? Sabemos que este último ancestro común

debe haber tenido antepasados - una larga línea de antepasados que forman

la raíz del árbol de la vida –

O Para saber, tenemos que recurrir a otras líneas de evidencia. Master Geologia P&DB 60433 Hitos vida tierra I 3

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Autocatálisis en micelas

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Physical autocatalysis driven

by a bond-forming thiol–ene


Andrew J. Bissette,

Barbara Odell

& Stephen P. Fletcher



Corresponding author


Communications 5, Article

number: 4607 doi:10.1038/n

comms5607Received 22

March 2014 Accepted 07 July

2014 Published 02 September


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Procesos necesarios para la abiogénesis en la Tierra

Finalmente, se produce el

empaquetamiento de las moléculas

en membranas, con una química

interna diferente de la de los


La formación de membranas cerradas

es un paso importante. Como hemos visto las vesículas o micelas

de membranas cerrada se forman

expontáneamente por lo lípidos.

Esto permite la diferenciación entre un

medio interno y otro interno.














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La formación de protocélulas

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Ricard V Solé et al. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2007;362:1727-1739.

©2007 by The Royal Society

No-replicante Replicante sin evol. Cel. evoluciona

Acell: célula artificial

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La formación de protocélulas

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Ricard V Solé et al. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2007;362:1727-1739.

©2007 by The Royal Society

Von Neumann (1966) y la

máquina autoreplicante.

La lógica de la máquina de

Neumann: parecida a la de las

células vivas.

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¿Estamos ya en presencia de los Protobiontes?

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Moléculas autoreplicantes

O En la célula actual el DNA se puede replicar, pero necesita la ayuda de las enzimas (proteinas) para lograrlo.

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Moléculas autoreplicantes O En la célula actual el DNA se puede replicar, pero necesita la ayuda de las enzimas (proteinas) para lograrlo.

O Las proteinas se ensamblan sobre la base de

información del ADN, que transcribe el ARN.

O pero..... ¿qué fué primero?

O el DNA para hacer proteinas?

O o las proteins para hacer DNA?!?!?!?!?

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Moléculas autoreplicantes

O La síntesis de DNA y RNA requiere proteinas.

O Por tanto

O Las proteinas no pueden sintetizarse sin

acidos nucleicos y …

O Los acidos nucleicos no sin proteinas

O !Falso!

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Moléculas autoreplicantes

O Hemos visto la síntesis de nucleótidos y sus bases se polimerizan para formar ácido ribonucleico (RNA).

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Moléculas autoreplicantes O Hemos visto la síntesis de nucleótidos y sus bases se

polimerizan para formar ácido ribonucleico (RNA).

O Así puede formarse una

hebra de RNA

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Nucleótidos del ARN: Adenina, Guanina, Citosina y Uracilo

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Moléculas autoreplicantes

O La hebra de RNA

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Procesos necesarios para la abiogénesis en la Tierra

El origen de las moléculas autoreplicantes

permite la herencia.

• El ADN (DNA) no puede autoreplicarse,

necesita enzimas proteicas.

• Sin embargo, algunos ARN puede auto-

replicarse, pueden catalizar la

formación de copias de sí mismo.

• Se llaman ribozimas y son la base de la

RNA World Hypothesis

Origen y evidencia experimental

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Origen de la vida

compleja: los


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Transferencia genética horizontal

(Horizontal gene transfer).

Común entre las bacterias

En los últimos 10 años se ha visto que

también ha ocurrido en los eucariotas

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moléculas fósiles en el tiempo geológico I

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moléculas fósiles en el tiempo geológico


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Green algae Land plants

Red algae

Forams Ciliates




Amoebas Cellular slime molds



Green nonsulfur bacteria









(Plastids, including chloroplasts)

Green sulfur bacteria





Tree of life

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Fig. 26-23

Archaea Bacteria


The End

Ring of life

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Origen de las células

La idea esencial es que hay una

cadena contínua desde las primeras

células a los organismos actuales.

Células fósiles del Precámbrico.

Presentan los mismos principios básicos

Chris Paine

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The origin of eukaryotic cells can be explained by the endosymbiotic theory.

Development of the Nucleus

• A prokaryote grows in size and develops folds in it’s membrane to

maintain an efficient SA:Vol

• The infoldings are pinched off forming an internal membrane

• The nucleoid region is enclosed in the internal membrane and hence

becomes the nucelus

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The origin of eukaryotic cells can be explained by the endosymbiotic theory.

* An endosymbiont

is a cell which

lives inside

another cell with

mutual benefit

Development of Mitochondria

• An aerobic proteobacterium enters a larger anaerobic prokaryote (possibly as prey or a


• It survives digestion to become a valuable endosymbiont*

• The aerobic proteobacterium provides a rich source of ATP to it’s host enabling it to

out-compete other anaerobic prokaryotes

• As the host cell grows and divides so does the aerobic proteobacterium therefore

subsequent generations automatically contain aerobic proteobacterium.

• The aerobic proteobacterium evolves and is assimilated and to become a


The development of chloroplasts would be a

very similar process except the benefit to the

cell would be glucose/starch instead of ATP

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1.5.U3 The origin of eukaryotic cells can be explained by the endosymbiotic theory.

The evidence supporting the endosymbiotic

theory for mitochondria and chloroplasts:

• They have their own DNA (which is naked and


• They have ribosomes that are similar to

prokaryotes (70S)

• They have a double membrane and the inner

membrane has proteins similar to prokaryotes

• They are roughly the same size as bacteria

and are susceptible to the antibiotic


• They transcribe their DNA and use the mRNA

to synthesize some of their own proteins.

• They can only be produced by division of pre-

existing mitochondria and chloroplasts.

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Metabolismo de la vida primitiva

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37 En web de David Castro: Goldman, Aaron David, Baross, John, &

Samudrala, Ram (2012). The Enzymatic and Metabolic Capabilities

of Early Life PLOS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039912

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O Acelerar las reacciones químicas utilizando


O Homogénea, heterogénea

O Catalizadores biológicos llamados:

O Enzimas

O Las enzimas, al contrario que los

catalizadores químicos, son muy


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Principales eventos en la historia de la vida en la tierra O Life arose from nonlife about 4 billion years ago by means of

chemical evolution. Review Figure 1.3

O Biological evolution began about 3.8 billion years ago when interacting systems of molecules became enclosed in membranes to form cells.

O Photosynthetic prokaryotes released large amounts of oxygen into Earth's atmosphere, making aerobic metabolism possible.

O Complex eukaryotic cells evolved by incorporation of smaller cells that survived being ingested.

O Multicellular organisms appeared when cells evolved the ability to transform themselves and to stick together and communicate after they divided. The individual cells of multicellular organisms became modified to carry out varied functions within the organism.

O The evolution of sex sped up rates of biological evolution.

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Cosmic dust and gases+ H2O


Haldane soup

Reducing atmosphere(gases like

CH4,NH3,N2,CO2,H2O responsible for

abiotic synthesis of organic compounds) Master Geologia P&DB 60433 Hitos vida tierra II 41

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Simple Molecules

Complex Molecules (building blocks)

Aggregates (coacervates and microspheres)

Protocells( proprimitive stage before formation of true cell

Proto cells + nucleic acid = self replicating system



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O “Cell” Energy Yielding System

• Chlorophyll development Photosynthesis

O2 evolved

Ozone Formation (shielding effect)

• Atmosphere changed to oxidizing from reducing.

• Evolution of photosynthesis which is followed by

respiration. Master Geologia P&DB 60433 Hitos vida tierra II 43

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Replication Metabolism Homeostasis

Anaerobes Aerobes

Chemotrophs Heterotrophs

Chemoheterotrophs Chemoautotrophs

Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic cell Endosymbiotic Theory Master Geologia P&DB 60433 Hitos vida tierra II 44

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How Eukaryotic Cell Changed to

Multicellular Organism….

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La complejidad de los organismos

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Medida en función de la longitud del ADN (DNA) funcional, no redundante, por genoma, contado como pares

de bases de los nucleotidos (bp). Aumenta linearmente con el tiempo (Sharov, 2012, Sharov & Gordon, 2013).

Origen de la Tierra Presente

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Photograph from National Geographic magazine

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Deep-sea Vents

O Their discovery in late 1970’s stretched our

concept of the origin of life on earth.

O Can life exist and that too thousands of

meters beneath the surface of sea in absence

of sunlight?

O It raised the possibility that earlier vents

supplied the energy and chemical

precursors for origin of protobionts.

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Exploring the deep ocean floor

View of the first high-

temperature vent

(380°C) ever seen by

scientists during a dive

of the deep-sea

submersible Alvin in


Such geothermal vents

are called smokers. This photograph shows a black smoker, but

smokers can also be white, grey, or clear

depending on the material being ejected.

Photograph by Dudley Foster from RISE


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Vent Community

A vent community in its prime: Pale pink eelpout fish and white

brachyuran crabs swim and scuttle among blood-red tube worms

large and small. Scientists are still trying to figure out how the

offspring of such organisms disperse over long stretches of

inhospitable seafloor to colonize widely separated vent systems.

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Giant Clams

The size of deep-sea giant clams is evident from the

hands of a scientist holding them.

(Photograph by William R. Normark, USGS.)

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Giant Tube Worms: RIFTIA

O On the bottom of the

ocean around deep-

sea hydrothermal

vents, there is a

profusion of life that

thrives on the

hydrogen sulfide

(H2S) gas released

from the vents.and

live inside hard,

shell-like protective

tubes that attach to

the rocks.

Giant tubeworms that live around hydrothermal vents

on the sea floor. These creatures are about the size of

your hand in shallower waters, but in the ocean's deep

they have been found as big as eight feet long!

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Hitos de la vida III

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