

Número 2 CURSO 2014


Entrevista a Mandela Mandela nos cuenta cómo

luchó por la paz del mundo .


Le PSG s'en sort contre Toulouse

grâce à Ibrahimovi


Christopher Columbus SANTA FE


El 17 de abril de 1492 se produce la firma del documento de las Capitulaciones de Santa Fe por los Reyes Católicos que daría como resultado el descubrimiento de América el 12 de octubre del mismo año. En esta fecha, Santa Fe celebra el importante papel jugado en el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. En esta festividad se celebran actos de índole cultural donde se destaca el pasado histórico de la ciudad. Entre las diferentes actividades que se desarrollan este día hay que destacar los homenajes institucionales, exposiciones artísticas, conciertos al aire libre y su famoso mercado medieval que traslada a Santa Fe a pleno siglo XV. Este año ha hecho 522 años desde que los Reyes Católicos firmaron Las Capitulaciones. Esta festividad se celebra todos los años en honor a la firma del documento de las Capitulaciones de Santa Fe.

Christopher Columbus

Columbus, Christopher (1451-1506), Italian Spanish navigator who

sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a route to Asia but

achieved fame by making landfall in the Americas instead.

On October 12, 1492, two worlds unknown to each other met for the

first time on a small island in the Caribbean Sea . While on a voyage

for Spain in search of a direct sea route from Europe to Asia,

Christopher Columbus unintentionally discovered the Americas.

However, in four separate voyages to the Caribbean from 1492 to

1504, he remained convinced that he had found the lands that Marco

Polo reached in his overland travels to China at the end of the 13th




JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14


Myriam Soto Godoy

Laura Martínez Soto

Ángeles Castillo Roldán


Myriam Soto

Laura Martínez

Ángeles Castillo

Ana Mª Adamuz

Ana Buendía

Lucía Carrillo

Pablo Carrión

Abel Fernández

Sebastián Figueras

Blanca Gallardo

Diego García

José Hernández

David Irigaray

Ángela Isla

María Jiménez

Aarón Martín

Moisés Martínez

Fco. José Molina

Aurelio Muñoz

Celia Nieto

Ignacio Ortega

Sergio Palma

María Pedregosa

Pablo Rodríguez

Enrique Ruíz

Miguel Ángel Ruíz

Alejandro Vilchez


Enrique Molina CCSS

J.Antonio Pérez Biología

Juan Becerra Francés

Teresa Sánchez Lengua

Matilde Gordo Inglés

Ana Orgaz Ciudadanía

Lourdes Molero Tecnología


Welcome to he second edition of “ the Jiménez de Quesada

times”; the newspaper of the bilingual section produced by the

students of 3º ESO-B . This paper is one of the many tasks done

by our bilingual students and it is and important part of our

bilingual project that started four years ago in our I.E.S. Our

bilingual section it is formed by three linguistic areas: Englis

( main language), Spanish and Frech language as well as three

Non-linguistic areas: Social science, Natural science, Ethic and

Ciudadanía. Our aim is to help our students not only to improve

their Knowledge and skills in the English subject but also to

make them more creative and autonomous in their precess of

learning. To achieve this, they have prepared many tasks by

using tics, They have prepareel many tasks by using tics and

other resources. You can find us in our webpage: I.E.S. Jiménez

De Quesada- aula critual- Helvia. Bilinguismo.

Hope you enjoy reading some of the examples of our bilingual

students works.

Bilinguial coordinador Margarita De Valdívia Pizuel.


Los alumnos de 2ºESO, 4ºESO y 2ºBACHILLER nos dan su opinión sobre:

LAS INSTALACIONES Son escasas. Tienen que pintar las pistas

para que se vean las líneas y tienen que pintar el instituto de colores

más alegres. Tienen que arreglar los pestillos rotos de los baños y que

pongan piscina cubierta. Deberían mejorar.

LA LIMPIEZA Los baños huelen mal y podrían abrir los baños de los

hombres de arriba que tenemos que entrar en el de las mujeres. A 6ª

hora están muy sucios.

LAS SALIDAS Hacer más salidas relacionadas con el estudio y lo

que se de en clase. Que venga más gente de intercambio.

Las salidas de 2º BACH son muy buenas.

Debería haber 1 al mes Tienen que plantar más árboles en el patio.

Tienen que poner musica en los recreos con grandes altavoces

LOS PROFESORES La orientadora es la mejor y Eulalia es muy


LOS COMPAÑEROS No callan, son imposibles. Algunos son muy

catetos. Son muy “apañaos” y muy guapos aunque hay mucho falso



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14


Sustitución de las

asignaturas: música y

plástica Las asignaturas desplazadas

por la LOMCE

Con el objetivo de simplificar

los estudios y reforzar los

conocimientos instrumentales,

el anteproyecto de la Ley

Orgánica de Mejora de la

Calidad Educativa (LOMCE),

que ya ha llegado a las Cortes,

desplaza a la Música y otras

asignaturas de enseñanzas

artísticas, a la Filosofía y a la

Tecnología, convirtiéndolas en

simples optativas, para reforzar

otras, como Lengua,

Matemáticas o Historia.

Creo que todos sabemos que

tanto la música como las artes

FORMAN parte de nuestras

vidas, nos hemos adaptado a

tenerlas en nuestro día a día.

Ayudan a nuestro desarrollo

intelectual y estimulan

nuestras capacidades

¿Entonces por qué dejarlas a

un lado? Siempre se ha dicho

que la música y las

matemáticas van de la mano,

¿entonces por qué le damos

más prioridad a las

matemáticas y a la lengua que

a las artes? Mucha gente dice

que la plástica y la música no

le van a hacer falta en un

futuro, que “no sirven para

nada “. ¿Y a mí de qué me

sirve estudiar matemáticas, si,

por ejemplo voy a estudiar


No se trata de lo que te vaya a

servir, se trata de cultura

general. Todos deberíamos

tener una base de todo. Si solo quisiéramos estudiar desde

pequeños lo que vamos hacer en un futuro solo daríamos un par

de asignaturas, seríamos unos genios en nuestro empleo, pero

seguiríamos siendo unos incultos y analfabetos en la vida.

También estáis lo que decís, que porque sois de ciencias, no

necesitáis las artes, ahí incluyo la música, ya que es un arte.

¿Alguien es capaz de decirme de un científico que lo haya dicho?

Yo no. Todos coinciden en que ayudan a desarrollar su cerebro,

incluso hay estudios, que demuestran que se rinde más y mejor si

la practicas. La música está hecha con matemáticas, nos ayuda a

aplicarlas a la vida y de una forma más distendida.

Como dijo Jorge Herrero: “Por supuesto, las matemáticas son muy

importantes, pero no se puede respaldar que tecnologías de la

información y comunicación no se vea al menos un año en la

época que vivimos”. Todo hoy en día es tecnología, los

videojuegos, los móviles, las televisiones... ¿qué menos que

conocer algo de sus orígenes? Por supuesto ni que decir tiene, que

están relacionadas a más no poder con las matemáticas.

Por otro lado, también me gustaría mencionar, que me parece

inadecuado que sean adultos los que decidan esto. ¿No han pasado

ya ellos esta etapa? ¿No tuvieron su tiempo de elegir lo que

querían hacer? ¿Quiénes son ellos para decidir sobre nuestro

futuro? ¿No deberíamos elegir nosotros? Esto me parece un poco

como lo del aborto. ¿Por qué deciden hombres sobre lo que

tenemos que hacer las mujeres? Como diría Tomás, el de “La que

se avecina”: “Nosotras parimos, nosotras decidimos”.

*En conclusión, si seguimos así, esto se nos puede ir de las manos

y podemos llegar a ser robots, como los de las películas del futuro,

sin razón y sentimientos. ¿Queremos, realmente, que esto suceda?

Ángeles Castillo Roldán 3º ESO B


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14

READ THE MIND By Ángeles Gandarillas and Mª Jesús Gómez 4º ESO B _____________________

The creators are Ángela

Gandarillas Rocha and María

Jesús Gómez Porcel. We have

created this tract to know the

mind of the criminals and to

know if they are innocent.


-It measure ten centimetres of

long and five of width.

-It has got a battery.

-Camera ten megapix.

-Screen tactile.

-Three principles keys.

It is tract. “Read of mind” is

similarity mobile phone. It has

got three process:

1)When you on, you put the

name and the surname of the


2)Then record your voice.

3)And then you put a photo.


The tract analyzes it and get a

small text where what explains

this thinking. This is a very

good tract for police officers

because so know if the detainee

is guilty or not



Image A is before new cells

were reseeded. The finished

product is image B


The new method of creating stem cells

Previously, the new stem cells were obtained from genetic changes of skin cells with a cientific and medical end. But new investigations of scientists demonstrated that if they add a type of acid to the blood cells, it can become into stem cells. This method is faster and safer than others; . Stem cells can become into any tissue, for treatments in the eyes, the heart, the brain, the muscles... In fact, the laboratory of the investigator Juan Carlos Izpisúa, he achieved generated for first time three-dimensional renal structures from human stem cells, which the center has described as “minikidneys”.

Human lung made in lab for first time

For the first time, scientists have created human lungs in a lab -- an exciting step forward in regenerative medicine, but an advance that likely won't help patients for many years. "It's so darn cool," said Joan Nichols, a researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch. "It's been science fiction and we're moving into science fact." If the lungs work -- and that's a big if -- they could help the more than 1,600 people awaiting a lung transplant. Lungs are one of many body parts being manufactured in the lab -- some parts, such as tracheas and livers, are even further along.


"Whole-organ engineering is going to work as a solution to the organ donor shortage," said Dr. Stephen Badylak, deputy director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

"It's been science fiction and we're moving into science fact."


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Ancient skull discovery

In the eastern European nation of Georgia, a group of researchers has excavated a 1.8 million - year-old skull of an ancient human relative, whose only name right now is Skull 5. They report their findings in the journal Science, and say it belongs to our genus, called Homo.

"This is most complete early Homo skull ever found in the world," said lead study author David Lordkipanidze, researcher at the Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi.

The variation in physical features among the Dmanisi hominid specimens is comparable to the degree of diversity found in humans today, suggesting that they all belong to one species, Lordkipanidze said.

Now it gets more controversial: Lordkipanidze and colleagues also propose that these individuals are members of a single evolving Homo erectus species, examples of which have been found in Africa and Asia. The similarities between the new skull from Georgia and Homo erectus remains from Java, Indonesia, for example, may mean there was genetic "continuity across large geographic distances," the study said.

What's more, the researchers suggest that the fossil record of what have been considered different Homo species from this time period -- such as Homo ergaster, Homo rudolfensis and Homo habilis -- could actually be variations on a single species, Homo erectus. That defies the current understanding of how early human relatives should be classified.

Looking after the land.

Are you ready to be confronted with evidence that will directly contradict the version of “world history” that you were taught in school? In recent years, hundreds of extremely bizarre skulls have been discovered all over the planet.


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14

What is immigration? It can be defined as the movement of

population that refers to the arrival in a

country of people from other nationalities

to settle in it.

Contribution of immigrants

A recent study shows that immigration has

had a positive effect on the Spanish

economy. Much of the economic growth in

recent years has been due to the

contribution of immigrants. We can also

observe this phenomenon in the rest of

Europe. The presence of immigrants has

had a beneficial effect on the economies of

their host countries.

The results of the survey also indicate that

immigration has rejuvenated the European

population. This is especially true in Spain.

Without immigration, Spain would not

have enough young people. The Spanish

population would get older and this would

have serious consequences in the future.

Another example is the USA. Immigrants

are key to the U.S. economy. The study

"Immigrants and the economy," says that

this social group represents 20 percent of

the population and contributes in

proportion to the country's economy. The

report also makes clear that in cities with a

high immigrant population, this

contribution is much larger. In Miami, for

example, the contribution of immigrants

reaches to 38%. Immigrants are attracted

to areas where there is employment and an

expanding labour market can generate

more growth. Consequently, immigration is

directly linked to economic growth.


Racism is understood as defending the racial

sense of an ethnic group , especially when

living with another or others, and designates

the anthropological doctrine or political

ideology based on this feeling. However, in

contemporary political discourse and the mass

media this term takes on a different meaning

when it is used as a label for political

correctness attack any position against the

interests of an ethnic minority.

Generally , this word is understood when we

speak of differentiation of people with a

different tone of skin in a widespread area /


Environment to the idealization of this term ,

in many countries and states worldwide was

made with a type of "illegality " to the people

rejected ; included in this call racism. Was

also adopted and transformed into slavery ;

for example in Spain , until October 1886 ,

this behavior is not abolished . Year later,

begin to "accept" people previously

discriminated by laws established by patriotic

values. In Spain , as in other regions of the


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14

world , discrimination and hate crimes occur

repeatedly , which exceed 4,000 per year ,

against stigmatized individuals or groups :

immigrants , gypsies, homeless people ,

homosexuals and other citizens on grounds of

religious and social diversity.

The targets of these attacks , of which the

exact figures are not known because only

complaint about 4% , are in addition to

individuals, mosques, Roma homes, Maghribi

shops , synagogues , the headquarters of

organizations left and even football fans ,

anti-racist ' NGOs ' and journalists , according

to a report by the Movement Against

Intolerance . Thus they have now moved the

presidents of the Movement Against

Intolerance , Esteban Ibarra, and the European

Network Against Hate Crimes , Valentín

González , to the Ombudsperson , Soledad

Becerril, who would have given the RAXEN -

2012 Report , which includes the

aforementioned situation. In addition, we

have been asked to intercede for Spain have a

record of these crimes as they have almost all

European countries (minus five).

According to the report , there are racist and

xenophobic groups in all regions , in addition

to more than 1,500 web sites and xenophobic

, dozens of racist and neo-fascist concert

music ( 26 detected ) and over 10,000 ultras

and neo-Nazis. It also has documented more

than 80 hate killings since 1991. The report

warns that currently are creating organized

groups who convene and conduct

demonstrations systematically propaganda

against immigration and diversity,

" endangering the cohesion and coexistence

in democratic society.

Nelson Mandela, South

Africa’s Liberator as

Prisoner and President, Dies

at 95

5 de diciembre de 2013




Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Mvezo, Transkei,

on July 18, 1918, to Nonqaphi Nosekeni and

Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela. His father

died when he was 12 and he became a ward of the

Thembu Regent Jongintaba Dalindyebo where he

heard stories of his ancestor‟s valour. At primary

school in Qunu his teacher Miss Mdingane gave

him the name Nelson, in accordance with the

custom to give all school children “Christian”

names. His university studies were cut short when

he was expelled for joining a student protest but

he completed his BA by correspondence and

graduated in 1943. In 1944 he married Evelyn

Mase and they had two sons and two daughters

one of whom died in infancy. They divorced in

1958. In 1958 he married a social worker Winnie

Madikizela and they had two daughters.

The couple divorced in 1996. Facing the death

penalty his words to the court at the end of his

famous „Speech from the Dock‟ on 20 April 1964

became immortalized: “I have fought against

white domination, and I have fought against black

domination. I have cherished the ideal of a

democratic and free society in which all persons


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14

live together in harmony and with equal

opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live

for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal

for which I am prepared to die.” On 11 June 1964

he and seven others Walter Sisulu, Ahmed

Kathrada, Govan Mbeki, Raymond Mhlaba, Denis

Goldberg, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni

were convicted and the next day were sentenced

to life imprisonment. His mother died in 1968 and

his eldest son Thembi in 1969.

He was not allowed to attend their funerals. On 31

March 1982 he was transferred to Pollsmoor

Prison in Cape Town with Sisulu, Mhlaba and

Mlangeni. Kathrada joined them in October. In

1986 he initiated talks with the government about

an ultimate meeting with the ANC. He spent over

three months in hospital with Tuberculosis and the

last 14 months of his imprisonment in a house at

Victor Verster Prison from where he was released

on 11 February 1990.. His life has been an

inspiration to all who are oppressed and deprived,

to all who are opposed to oppression and

deprivation. He died at his home in Johannesburg

on 5 December 2013. He was 95.


SYNONIMOUS OF PEACE Do you wanna know something about the first Nobel of Mandela? In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This is hardly surprising considering the work he has done. A Nobel Peace Prize is not won lightly. What was that he read after delivery? Under Nelson Mandela leadership the injustice of apartheid has been addressed and to a large extent ended (at least politically and on paper). Nelson Mandela himself now leads a quiet existence in peace. There is no peace without equality and this is a message Nobel peace prize Mandela has sought all his life to bring through to the people of South Africa and the people of the world What was that inspired him to continue? . I doubt there are many people in this world who do not believe that Mandela was a man worthy of this prize. His own people have shown him the honor by naming him Mandiba. This is an honorary name that represents his tribe, and some say the one he prefers. It is a sign of both affection and highest respect. He is also known as Khulu , meaning great or paramount and as Dalibhunga (having past through the rite of passage). Many names, one person.

Why people thing that Nelson and peace are synonimous? Nelson Mandela and peace are synonymous. Equal opportunity, education and political rights are the things that Nelson Mandela has spent his life fighting for. And for this and other things, Nelson was compared with peace. About his time in prision … He was in prison 27 years. While he was a prisioner his reputation increased and he was reconised as the most important black lyder in Sudafrica. He studied by a post program of the London University, he obtained the law degree, he learned african and he studied the culture to understand better his enemies. Why the Sudafrican people wanted to kill Mandela? One interesting thing is that the Sudafrican Secret Service prepared a false try of scape. The true objective was kill Mandela under the appearence of a recapture. But the Britain Intelligence Service knew the plan so they frustrated it.



Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. _________________________________


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14



Question: Nelson Mandela. It's been 10 years since

he retired from political activity and things have

changed a lot. Answer: Yes, very. Now Zuma is

_President and our country has become the host

country of the World Cup 2010.

Q. : It is true . Who was going to say that South

Africa after many difficult years would end up being

the chosen country for probably hold one of the

quintessential sporting events ? A: The truth is yes.

But both the country as the South African people

deserve this . We fought hard .

Q. : Especially you. What is your assessment of his

years as president of the country ? A. years were

very nice, no doubt, but were also difficult years

where you had to prove that I deserved the position

he held . Not only South Africans but also the whole

world. Q. No doubt his appointment as successor to

De Klerk was a world event . Not only was the first

black president but also an ex-convict .

A. Yes , the famous prisoner number 446/64 ( laughs

I am grateful to the people) . But most importantly it

was to become the first black president. It was

important. Very important. Q: Especially in regard to

the fight against Apartheid . A. Yes , especially for

that. The era of Apartheid meant many difficult

years for the black people of the country . The laws

of the Boers , white men , were guilty of much

suffering . Q. What do you remember those years?

A. : Ugh ... so many things . They were very difficult

times . People from outside may read many books and

documented much and even that never come to

understand the pain that meant to black South

Africans . Q. : They even got to postpone the first

heart transplant in the world , man to man, because

the donor was black .

A: Exactly. Imagine , at that time , in 1967. How

could you get a white to a black heart ? Q.

Fortunately the situation improved . Judgments

against those who carried out torture and that,

suppose , was an important step for the black people

were held . A: Absolutely. But do not doubt you in

the least . That's what sets South Africa in many

other countries with a complex, hard history . We

close the issue. We closed altogether.In the trials

of the accused were forced to admit their guilt in

front of families. And they had to apologize . That

was very important . Think how you would feel .

When black people he was tortured . They were

maimed and killed for being black . Therefore, the

courts blame reconocieses their families and ask for

a pardon for it was very important.

Q. has always said that , for you, the "armed

struggle " was his last resort. However, he spent 27

years in prison. A. Yes ... They were difficult years .

Although I was released in 1989 after dl palace coup

within the National Party, which put De Klerk as

president , displacing Pieter Botha, spent some time

under house arrest.

Q. Speaking of his years in prison, says it was "

difficult years " . He was tortured badly and often .

Yet not torture him mad . No reason nor lost the will

to live , like many of his peers. R. : And not missing

me reason to do it ( smiles). Yes , I endured . Not

just for me . Not only because they believed in that

for which he fought . Also I did it for the people. So

that would not lose hope.

Q.: You keep very nice memories many prisoners of

Robben Island prison. They have come to say that

you were " that wonderful man who was able to take

shape , in a dark, damp cell , one of the most hopeful

historical events ." A.: I am grateful to the people.

They have treated me very well. I am very dear . I

feel loved . 'm Mkhulu ( means grandmother in

Afrikans ) of many people. Q: After several years in

prison, also under house arrest and released from

prison in 1994 , and the first democratic elections in

the country , is elected President of South Africa by

an absolute majority on behalf of the ANC . How was

that day? A: It was one of the most important days

of my life, but mostly was one of the most important

in the history of my country. The point is not that I

was elected President . The important thing is that

it was black . Do you understand? I was the first

black president and also the first democratically

elected by universal suffrage . It was a great day.

I'll never forget . Q.: And with your choice ,

international isolation that hung over the country

came to an end . A. Yes , that was very important.

We had been many "separate " all year . We become

excluded from the Olympic Games, Rugby and

Soccer World Cups . Q. Now, several years later,

prepare to be the host country of the 2010 World

Cup . Mandela laughs and rubs his hands . A:Yes ! It's

wonderful , is not it ? ( ... ) Is silent for a moment .

He see through a huge window . He is perfectly

marked wrinkles on the face. Wrinkles are a true

reflection of the years that have passed. ( ... ) South

Africa is a great country. It deserves . Q. And much

is owed to you. A. : And I feel terribly proud of that

. I am South African and I will be always . I will keep

fighting until the day I die. The important thing was

not to eliminate apartheid.

I am grateful to the people


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1914-1915 Over 70 million soldiers were involved in the 4-

year χάος (chaos) that plunged into a drain over 9

million deaths. Technological advancement in

the infantry was used massively and recklessly.

An example of this is the battle of Verdun

happened in 1916 between the

German and French Empire. It lasted about eleven

months. In 1914 it was a symbolic and fortified

place which had the support of artillery. The battle

was popularized by the famous

"You shall not pass!" Said the French commander

Robert Nivelle

11991166 Unfortunately the result was a total of over a quarter of a million deaths and half a million injuries among both sides. The Battle of Verdun, also called machine grinder Verdun or Meuse Mill, became a symbol of France's determination to keep the floor and then push back the enemy at any human cost. However, it is clear that the French High Command had been caught off guard by the assault on Verdun in February 1916.

As time passed, Verdun became a "war of attrition" where the artillery continued to play the dominant role. The success of the fixed

fortification system led to the adoption of the

Maginot Line (French fortification and defense

along its border with Germany and Italy) as the

basis of the defense system along the Franco-

German border during post-



Although the scenarios where developed with

particular intensity the war were relatively low

compared with those of the World War II, the

number of fatalities caused was very high: more

than four million between the Central Powers

and five million between Allied; There were a

large number of civilian casualties, much higher

than in previous wars. Add to this the high

number of injured and maimed was added. Most

occurred in young men, resulting in a female

relative overpopulation. The production system

was conditioned by the declining birth rate and

aging population. Mortality suffered a

substantial increase due to malnutrition and

general health impairment.

Governments were overwhelmed by countless


IDEOLOGICAL-CONSEQUENCES: The post-war society was gripped by a profound

crisis of conscience.

The aftermath of the conflict led to the

questioning of the prevailing political, social and

economic models since the early twentieth


Drawing on an incipient nationalism began to

assert their independence from metropolis.

There emerged a peculiar social type: the misfit to

peace and nostalgic war, which was supported by

revanchist nationalist and radical movements that

progressed during the interwar period. Many ex-

soldiers were excluded



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-SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES: The incorporation of women into the productive

system during the conflict that broke the

monopoly hitherto pursued therein men, thereby

altering traditional patterns of development of


The impoverished middle classes out of the

conflict, while new fortunes linked to the

production of weapons and food speculation

arose. The working masses suffered a significant

loss of purchasing power of their wages due to

inflation and were protagonists of intense labor

unrest, embodied in a wave of strikes that echoes

the Russian Bolshevik revolution (revolución

bolchevique) were made

Bridge (Liege, devastated)


We believe that this battle can happen again. The

example is between Ukraine and Russia are

having conflicts between them ceded lands that

Russia now wants to recover , that is one of the

many consequences of this conflicts and it can be

a global catastrophe. This

This is a photography that what happened

between Russian and Ukraine.

Hollande attend d'être vu

avec Gayet : “Je ne vais pas

obtenir dès “

Votre environnement méprise rumeurs

sur la fin de la relation

Selon Paris Match , est préoccupé par

la santé de Valérie

Le frère du journaliste et verset compte

vos revenus

L'affaire Gayet continue à queue de poisson .

Malgré le silence officiel imposé par l'Elysée

pour le dernier mois et demi , la romance

secrète Hollande président avec l'actrice

encore faire des flots d'encre dans

l'Hexagone .

«Je ne vais pas prendre si tôt , " Chirac a été

cité comme disant que quelqu'un de son

entourage , sur la possibilité de normaliser

leurs relations . La petite phrase

énigmatique, publié aujourd'hui par le

magazine Paris Match , en dit long sur le

mode de vie de François Hollande . Un

homme , à la fois dans la politique et dans sa

vie personnelle , a toujours cherché à cacher

leurs fins les plus intimes , comme les joueurs

de poker ne quand ils ont un truc de victoires

et trahissent craignent que sourire maladroit



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14



Comédie Date de sortie : 02 novembre 2011 Toutes les sorties de la semaine

Réalisé par : Eric Tolédano

Olivier Nakache Avec : François Cluzet Omar Sy Anne Le Ny ...> Tout le casting Durée : 1h52min Pays de production : France Année de production : 2010 Titre original : Les Intouchables Distributeur : Gaumont


A la suite d’un accident de parapente,

Philippe, riche aristocrate, engage

comme aide à domicile Driss, un jeune

de banlieue tout juste sorti de prison.

Bref la personne la moins adaptée pour

le job. Ensemble ils vont faire

NOUVELLES Je vais vous détruire comme vous me l' avez détruit ! " Le magazine Vanity Fair a révélé par Valérie Trierweiler frère et quelques amis comme c'était l'éclatement de l' ex-première dame et Hollande. La vendetta a commencé . Le cercle intérieur de Valérie Trierweiler et son frère , William Massonneau ont découvert les secrets de la relation du président français François Hollande et qui a été huit ans votre partenaire . Vanity Fair , dans son édition espagnole , a rapporté les déclarations de garantir Massonneau : " La capacité de mener une vie parallèle Hollande me dépasse son pouvoir de séduction est immense . " . Il ajoute : «La relation entre ma sœur et Hollande a été influencée par les événements politiques . Ils n'étaient pas Valérie et François . Ils étaient le président et la première dame "

_______________________________ 50 AÑOS CON MAFALDA


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14


Le PSG s'en sort contre Toulouse grâce à Ibrahimovic

Malmené par Toulouse ce dimanche, le

PSG s'est finalement imposé (4-2) grâce

à Zlatan Ibrahimovic, auteur d'un triplé.

Le club parisien conserve ses cinq

points d'avance sur Monaco en têtela

Ligue 1.

Après deux démonstrations, contre

Valenciennes en Ligue 1 (3-0) et le Bayer

Leverkusen en Ligue des champions (4-

0), le PSG a vécu un après-midi

beaucoup moins tranquille ce dimanche

contre Toulouse (4-2), lors de la 26e

journée de Ligue 1. Un adversaire qui ne

s’est pas laissé impressionner par

l’armada parisienne et a même réussi

une performance lors de la première

demi-heure : la dominer au milieu du

terrain. Une domination qui a permis à

Etienne Didot et consorts de se procurer

trois situations très intéressantes devant

le but de Sirigu, par Chantôme (5e) et

Braithwaite, à deux reprises (23e et 26e).

Sur cette deuxième occasion, le

Norvégien a raté un but tout fait. Alors

que Serge Aurier venait de trouver le

poteau et que le gardien italien du PSG

était au sol, le ballon est revenu dans ses

pieds. Il s’est emmêlé les pinceaux et a

complètement raté sa frappe, qui est

arrivée tout doucement dans les bras de

Sirigu. Une occasion qui a réveillé les

Parisiens, eux qui jouaient à 14h00 pour

la première fois de la saison.


El Real Madrid es el campeón de la Copa

del Rey 2014 después de vencer al FC

Barcelona en la final por 1-2. El conjunto

blanco rompe el empate histórico con los

azulgrana en la séptima final disputada

entre ambos, alzando su 19º trofeo.

Supone también el primer título de Carlo

Ancelotti como entrenador blanco en la

primera temporada al frente del banquillo

madridista. Ahora encara una recta final de

Liga con escasas opciones y una semifinal de

Champions contra el 'coco' del torneo: el

Bayern de Guardiola.

El Madrid no echó de menos a su máxima

estrella, Cristiano Ronaldo, y supo sacar el

partido adelante sin el artífice del triunfo en la

final de 2011, en el mismo escenario y ante el

mismo rival.

Más complicado tiene el calendario el Barça,

que deberá centrar en la Liga todas sus

esperanzas después de haber caído en

Champions ante el Atlético de Madrid. Cuatro

puntos les separan de los rojiblancos a falta de

cinco jornadas.



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14

JOKES -Where do mummies go for a swim?

-To the dead sea.

-What instrument do skellitens play ?


-What do you call 2 witches living

together ?-broommates.


Une dame fait des reproches à son boulanger : - Je suis désolée de vous le dire, mais votre pain est rassis ! - Un peu de respect, Madame, je faisais du pain avant que vous ne soyez née ! - Justement, ce que je vous reproche, c’est de ne le vendre que maintenant !


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14







Ella no pudo mantener su mirada.

Sus palabras se convirtieron en un

lenguaje poético, profundo, que la

alejaron por un momento a un

espacio único.

-¿Me escuchas? - dijo él

-No –contestó ella- leía tu corbata



El curso bilingüe no es muy difícil

es mucho más difícil entender la crisis

El curso bilingüe

no es complicadillo pero chiquillo

ponte las pilas un poquillo

El curso bilingüe no es complicadete

más bien este es bien curiosete

El trabajo es doble

mas suena a redoble al acabar el cole

¡ganamos la pole!

Sergio Palma Cabrera


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2013/14