  • 7/29/2019 LA BATALLA DE LTZEN


    LA BATALLA DE LTZENUna estampa histrica de Carl Snoilsky

    adaptada y traducida del sueco por Sandra Dermark

    Se han enfrentado al amanecer

    del da otoal que raya.Se oye tronar desde las trincheras,

    rayos en la niebla griscea.

    En vencer, en vencer y en nada mses en lo que cada uno piensa,

    hasta el jinete ms modesto, aunquedel corcel derribado sea,

    y, mientras de su montura cae,

    se lanza a por l el piqueroa quien los cascos iban a aplastar:

    los dos yacen ahora en el suelo.

    El soldado raso no decide, no,vive por morir y dar muerte

    el caudillo ve a los suyos cedery echa su fatdica suerte.

    All est! Ondea el penacho azul!

    Cabalga a galope tendido!Su augusto porte y coleto de satnatraen a amigos y enemigos.

    Se pone al mando del ala que cede,se expone en primera fila.

    Arriesga su vida como un hombre ms,y su vaina est vaca.

    Le llevan las alas de la tempestadadelante. Densa es la niebla.

    Las balas resuenan al dar en corazas,y otros disparos contestan.

    Adelante, jinetes del septentrin!Adelante, hijos de Alemania!

    En vano, en vano: quedan atrs.De pronto, alguien grita: El rey sangra!

  • 7/29/2019 LA BATALLA DE LTZEN


    Nadie de los suyos consigui seguirentre enemigos al herido.

    La ola de coraceros y oscuridadse trag el coleto amarillo.

    Un clamor que llega hasta el corazn:Gustavo, nuestro rey y padre!

    Unidas, rugiendo, avanzan sus dosbrigadas, pues hay que vengarle.

    Ya huye el croata, se rinde el valn,se entierra en cados y escoriadel fridlands el enfriado can:

    el mrtir tendr su victoria.

    Faltaba en su cancin el verso final,aquel que las gestas ensalce

    los que le lloran cumplen con su deber,pues ellos lo escriben con sangre.

    Han vencido y con muy bella procesinhonran a su amado caudillo,

    mas los cados brillan por su ausencia:una minora son los vivos.

    No lejos de Ltzen, al atardecer,con lgrimas en las mejillas,

    vi en la niebla aparecer esta visinsangrienta, que ahora se disipa.

  • 7/29/2019 LA BATALLA DE LTZEN


    THE BATTLE OF LTZENA historical tableau by Carl Snoilsky

    translated from the Swedish by Sandra Dermarkon the 2nd of September 2013

    (Dedicated to Juan Carlos Ruiz with sincere admiration)

    With thunder and lightning, two armies have clashedat daybreak, one autumn morrow.

    Through thick gray fog, gunfire has violently flashed,stifling the woundeds cries of sorrow.

    On winning, on winning, on daring to dareis hell-bent the mind of each rider,

    though he lose the grip on the reins of his mare,

    and rashly dismount, in a stride, her.

    As the heavy cuirassier falls to the ground,the pikeman, who would stand defeated,

    sees his chance and thrusts his blade, turning around:thus, rider and steed are mistreated.

    The common soldier rushes into the fray:his duty reads dying or slaying.

    The commander watches his men the game play,

    and soon heavy cards hes seen playing.

    There he rides, his blue plume flutters! Lovely lad!Cool eyes, every muscle in tension!

    The tall, dashing figure in bright doublet claddraws friends and enemies attention!

    Thus he takes command of his faltering wing,exposed like a leader of twenty.

    Like a young lieutenant, risks takes the blond king:his swords drawn, his scabbard is empty.

    Hes shuttled by thunderstorm wings through the ranks,into the fog, into the fire.

    Like hail, many a bullet on a breastplate clankswhere enemy units conspire.

  • 7/29/2019 LA BATALLA DE LTZEN


    Onward, my brave Swedish cavalry!Onward, comrades of German breeding!

    In vain they cant catch up their leader dont see...

    then, suddenly, hear: The Kings bleeding!

    Into the dark bosom of Wallensteins troopno one the wounded rider followed.

    The yellow doublet was, at one fell swoop,by the clanking iron wave swallowed.

    Then, a rising clamour sears flesh and bone:Gustavus! Our father! Our leader!

    Thus, his brigades combine: he wont die alone.

    They roar, rushing forward, dear reader.

    Croatians retreat and Walloons take to flight,and, buried in heaps of slain sinners,

    the Friedlanders cannons are hidden from sight:the martyrs men shall be the winners.

    The last word was missing in his epic song:the word that crowns every achievement.

    The mourners have done their duty, right or wrong:

    they wrote it in blood and bereavement.

    Theyve won. On the fields, with a lovely parade,they honour their beloved leader,

    but most of them have fallen within the glade:the living are few, my dear reader.

    On the plains of Ltzen, by faint evening light,in cold, foggy early November,

    I saw such a bloody, violent sight,that I, to this day, still remember.