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Los Textos De la Pirámide

Traducción por Samuel A. B. Mercer

 Profesor Emeritus de las idiomas y de Egyptology de Semitic

Universidad de la trinidad en la universidad de Toronto

Chasque para agrandar

LONGMANS, !"D! # $O.



!xplorado en sacred', ma(o de )**+. Lieres de -uan Bruno, redactor. !ste texto está en elpulic domain porue no /ue colocado ni /ue reno0ado en una manera oportuna en la

o/icina del cop(ri12t de los !.!.&.&.. La reno0ación del GATT no se aplica a este traa3oen porue /ue pulicada simultáneamente Toronto ( #or4 nue0a. !stos arc2i0os sepueden utili5ar para cualuier propósito no comercial, con tal ue este a0iso de la

atriución se de3e intacto en todas las copias.

Imagen: extractos del verso (nota ' publcada smult!neamente '"

 Dedicado a la fundación de la investigación de Zion por de quién generosidad la publicación de este trabajo se ha traducido

de sueño en realidad 

 Después: Prefacio

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P"!6A$7O#os textos de la pr!mde de $gpto antguo son el m!s ve%o cuerpo grande del materalescrto en el mundo& e ncden en la pedra cala en mllares de l)neas de herogl*phcs+

contenendo ,ragmentos de mtos * de le*endas+ re,erencas hst-rcas * el lore+ la geogra,)a* el cosmolog*+ la relg-n * los rtuales astron-mcos+ sstemas de la teolog)a+ de,estvales+ de la maga * de morale%as+ * con una t.cnca lterara capa de expresar los pensamentos relgosos * .tcos m!s ,nos&

$l prop-sto de este traba%o es equpar en ngl.s una traducc-n * un comentaro de estostextos // una traducc-n * un comentaro que hacen uso todos los textos actualmente extant* sabdos al autor+ * que se dse0a para ser un est!ndar pero traba%o del nterno en estetema hasta que tal hora en el ,uturo como todos los textos restantes de la pr!mde habr!sdo descuberta+ que entonces + se espera+ hace posble la escrtura de un traba%o completo* de,ntvo&

#a contrbuc-n de esta publcac-n ser! la prmera traducc-n en ngl.s de los textosantguos de la pr!mde la prmera traducc-n completa * el comentaro completo de lostextos en cualquer lengua * una adc-n al texto %erogl),co de ethe sobre de cuatrocentos l)neas (en la traducc-n" de las pr!mdes de et * de 3ep II+ adem!s del relleno demuchas lagunas en el cuerpo de su texto de et+ de 3ep II+ * de otras pr!mdes+ tumbas *sarcophag+ descubr- desde la publcac-n de la traducc-n nacabada * del comentaro deethe en alem!n despu.s de su muerte en 194& 6etalles m!s completos de estos textos+ desu descubrmento+ de la naturalea+ del grado+ * del valor se dan en la ntroducc-n&

7odav)a sgue sendo el deber agradable de reconocer aqu) la a*uda nmedata en la preparac-n de esta publcac-n dada por los colegas * los amgos del autor& 8 prmeromenconar)a a asstente bueno * la a*uda dada me por el 6r& #udlo ull del museometropoltana de 8or; nueva que con el consentmento de Charles reasted permt- quele*era <ltmo a pro,esor =& >& reasted pencled la copa de las porcones traducdas de lostextos de la pr!mde+ * que con su colega en el museo+ el 6r& ?ullermo C& >a*es+ mea*ud- de muchas maneras& 7amb.n agradecer)a a 6r& =uan 6& Coone* * se0ora $labeth@e,stahl del museo de roo;l*n por sus muchos ;ndnesses+ tamb.n

 p& v

como el 6r& 6roton de $l Caro+ el 6r& ?rapo de erl)n * pro,esor ?arnot de 3ar)s&egur! habendo la memora de la a*uda de otras+ tales como los <ltmos pro,esores ethe+

?unn+ * reasted+ sempre con m)& 8 los traba%os publcados de estos tres erudtos+ %untocon los especalmente de pro,esor Aees+ han sdo ms compa0eros daros& 7engo unsentdo especalmente pro,undo de la grattud que expresar a los escrtores de $xcursuses+ pro,esores 6roton+ Aees+ ?arnot+ chott+ van de Balle+ & #acau+ * r& @oberto rggs+ enque ensa*os he segudo tan de cerca como sea posble la ,orma en la cual ,ueron sometdosa m)& #a a*uda del padre Aeller+ pupla anteror de @everend el m)os+ no solamente enmuchos detalles en la preparac-n de este traba%o+ pero tamb.n * especalmente en los)ndces completos * completos a la traducc-n que .l ha contrbudo+ ha sdo una gran

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a*uda * una contrbuc-n prceless& 7amb.n su mapa+ hecho especalmente para los textosde la pr!mde+ ser! encontrado para servr su poo del prop-sto& $n prueba de la lectura+ el padre Aeller * r& rggs han evtado no s-lo muchos un error detalladamente+ sno tamb.nhan hecho contrbucones valosas a la nterpretac-n * a la lustrac-n de muchos un pasod,)cl& Dnalmente+ rta& evlla ,orma+ que ha mecanogra,ado estos centenares de p!gnas+

ha logrado+ como experto en su arte+ una tarea de prmera clase& 3ero este traba%o no sehabr)a poddo publcar la ten)a no tenda la buena ,ortuna de recbr una conces-nsubstancal de la ,undac-n de la nvestgac-n de Eon+ que tene *a en otras ocasonesdemostradas su nter.s aclarado en la publcac-n de traba%os en el reno de la nvestgac-n b)blca * relgosa& F esta ,undac-n+ * especalmente a su secretara+ r& Bl,red & Bells+* tablero+ el autor expresa sus la ma*or)a de las gracas cordales& podr)a el traba%o de lampres-n * de publcar para haber estado tan e,centemente * sats,actoramente parahaber hecho sn la cooperac-n cordal de messrs& #ongmans+ ?reen * Compan*+ que hanhecho todo en su energ)a de sats,acernos&

FG$# F& & $@C$@ 

Worcester , Massachusetts gosto de !"#$

6espu.s: Contendo

guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto

 p& I


  I7@J6GCCIK 1


1&7uerca * el re* d,unto+ elocucones 1/11 2L

2&@tual de la restaurac-n corporal de los d,untos+ * o,rendas+elocucones

12/2L4 22

4&Gn grupo de los reos * de los encantos+ elocucones 2L/212 55

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&Gna sere de ve%os textos en parte Jsraned+ elocucones de>elopoltan

214/222 5M

5&@eestablecen al re* d,unto @eceves J,,erngs * en sus ,uncones

* posesones+ elocucones

224/225 NM

N& obre todo $ncantos 6e la erpente+ $locucones 22N/24 OL

O&$l re* d,unto Frrves en el celo en donde lo establecen+elocucones

2/259 O

M&F los doses+ elocucones reconoce al re* d,unto 7rumphs sobresus enemgos *

2NL/2N2 M4

9&edos por el que el re* d,unto @eaches >eaven+ elocucones 2N4/2O1 MN

1L& $l celo d,unto de la aleta del re*+ elocucones 2O2/2O 92

11&$ncantos+ $locucones 2O5/299 95

12&$l Derr*man * Fscenson del re* d,unto+ elocucones 4LL/411 1LL

14&Gna sere de cnco encantos+ elocucones 412/41N 1LO

1&$locucones mscel!neas en la carrera del re* d,unto en de aqu) en


41O/44O 1LM

15&J,rendas para el re* d,unto+ elocucones 44M/49 11

1N& $locucones mscel!neas en de aqu) en adelante+ 45L/4O 11O

1O&Con%uratons * encantos+ elocucones 4O5/LL 14L

1M&$locucones re,erentes benestar+ especalmente almento * aropas+

L1/2N 14N

 p& x

19&$n la alabana de la tuerca+ elocucones 2O/45 1O

2L&scel!neo 7exto/Flgu'n $n gran parte Jsran+ $locucones 4N/2 19

21&egunda sere en la alabana de la tuerca+ elocucones 4/52 15

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de un templo+ elocuc-n

2& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones NL2/NL5 25N

4&$l @esurrecton+ la ascens-n+ * la recepc-n del re* d,unto en elcelo+ elocuc-n NLN 25O

& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones NLO/NL9 259

5& $l re* d,unto en la terra * en el celo+ elocuc-n N1L 2N1

N& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones N11/N2N 2N4

 p& I

O&$l re* ascenddo+ el su*o traba%a+ * las dent,cacones+ elocuc-n N2O 2NM

M& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones N2M/N5M 2OL

9&#a muerte del re* * de su llegada en el celo+ elocuc-n N59 2OM

5L& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones NNL/NN9 2O9

51&#a muerte+ el @esurrecton+ * el prtualaton del re*+ elocuc-n NOL 29

52& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones NO1/NO5 295

54&@esurrecton+ 7rans,guraton+ * vda del re* en el celo+ elocuc-n NON 29M

5& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones NOO/NM4 299

55&$l re* d,unto Fscends al celo+ elocuc-n NM 4L2

5N& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones NM5/NM9 4L4

5O&Gna sere de dreccones al re* d,unto como dos+ elocuc-n N9L 4LO5M& 7extos del contendo mscel!neo+ elocucones N91/OL 4L9

59&Gna sere de ,ragmentos nclas,cables+ elocucones OL5/O1 4196espu.s: Introducc-n

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guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto

 p& 1

7NT"OD&$$78N#os textos ,amosos de la pr!mde ad%unto traducdos para la prmera ve en ngl.s concomentaro ,ueron encontrados nscrtos en las paredes de cnco pr!mdes en a44Preh+ losnecropols antguos de emphs en $gpto& $stas pr!mdes son las de los re*es Gns de laqunto dnast)a+ * 7et+ 3ep I+ erenr ' * 3ep II de la sexta dnast)a& F esta traducc-n se ha

agregado que de textos adconales recentemente descubertos+ paralelo * complementaro+en las pr!mdes de Jud%ebten+ de et+ * de Fpout+ de renas de 3ep II+ * de Ib+ un re* dela s.ptma dnast)a+ de la cual poco se sabe hst-rcamente& Fs)+ seg<n la cronolog)ageneralmente aceptada del presente+ estas pr!mdes ,ueron construdas+ e nscrtas al parecer+ entre los a0os cerca de 245L a 21O5 &C& $s+ sn embargo+ certo que muchos deestos textos vneron en exstenca antes de que la un-n ,nal de $gpto superor * m!s ba%o+ * qu!s mucho antes de que esa ,echa+ que ahora se pone en cerca de 4LLL &C& 6ehecho+ algunos de ellos exsteron posblemente en ,orma oral antes de que el arte de laescrtura ,uera desarrollado& $stas nscrpcones %unto con otras eran despu.s .sa escrta probablemente en pap*rus * los potsherds+ muchos de los cuales en tempo ,alleceron+ elresto restante en varas ,ormas hasta que ,ueron recogdas e ncddas en las paredes de las

 pr!mdes de a44Preh h& $vdenca de una ,echa anteror a cerca de 4LLL &C& se ve en los pasos que re,le%an los acontecmentos * las condcones anterores a la un-n de las dosterras+ por e%emplo+ de la hostldad entre el norte * el sur+ antes de la .poca del prmer re*+enes en el modo de enterrar a cuerpos de los muertos en la arena en la era pre/cvladare,le%- en el hmno supuesto del can)bal * en las muchas re,erencas a montar de los huesosde los d,untos+ pasos que ndcan un per)odo de la pre/mom,caco'n& 8 en per)odohst-rco varos los puntos cronol-gcos se pueden establecer con certea %usta+ tal como la.poca de la segunda dnast)a+ cuando >orus * el sstema estaban en ,avor en c)rculos realesre,erencas al materal prevamente escrto tal como el Qcap)tulo de los que ascendenQ * elQcap)tulo de los que se levanten para arrba+Q 125d/e+ ndcando una .poca en el per)odohst-rco en el cual la escrtura lleg- a ser com<n * los ,-rmulas para la protecc-n de

 pr!mdes+ por e%emplo+ Gts& NLL/NL1+ que representa una ,echa despu.s de la .poca del p& 2

construcc-n de pr!mdes& 6e modo que los mtos * las le*endas+ la hstora * la ,loso,)a+las esperanas * los medos de la gente (temas as) como monarcas" de muchos centenaresde a0os estuveran ,nalmente nscrtos en la pedra que aguantaba+ que sobre cuatro mla0os qutados a partr de nuestro tempo+ se pueden ahora leer con ,acldad * la certeacomparatva+ los gracas a la dscplna moderna de la nvestgac-n arqueol-gca * la

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$n el m!s temprano de estos textos dos doctrnas mu* antguas pueden ser dscerndas: eldel ve%os celo/dos+ qu!s >orus la ancano+ en la cual el re* d,unto como estrella era promnente+ * la del sol/dos donde comtemplaban al d,unto como el sol/dos& 3ero los dos,ueron armonados sn duda alguna en un per)odo mu* temprano+ cuando el domclocelestal del celo * de los estrella/doses se dent,c- con el de los detes solares& 3ero qu.

vemos m!s claramente en los textos de la pr!mde son los dos sstemas de oposc-n del pensamento theologcal+ de el de @ ' de >elopols * de el de Jsrs& #os textos de la pr!mde eran textos en gran parte solares+ pero mucho antes los textos estaban nscrtos enlas pr!mdes de a44Preh+ all) exstdos de Jsran as) como los solares+ aunque ha* ra-nde creer que los hombres * los escrbanos doctos de >elopols eran los prmeros para hacerlas coleccones de sus textos& 8 gradualmente pues tales coleccones eran hechas+ hab)a unatendenca a nclur los textos de Jsran+ as) como+ un es,uero de parte de Jsrans de,acltar la entrada de sus textos en las grandes coleccones solares (c,& $xcursus RII"+con el resultado que hab)a una redacc-n que se encend)a contnuamente+ en la cual estabano solamente el nombre de Jsrs ntroducdo en las coleccones+ especalmente comoep)teto del re*+ tal como Jsrs 7et+ pero tamb.n el nombre del re* solar ,ue ntroducdoen los textos orgnales de Jsran& n embargo+ el gran bulto de los textos segu)a sendosolar * celestal con comparatvamente poco rastro del mundo terrenal


car!cter de la ,e de Jsran& >a* tamb.n rastros en estos textos de otros sstemas del pensamento theologcal que el >elopoltan * el Jsran+ a saber+ de los de emphs * de>ermopols&

3ues uno lee estos textos antguos+ ha* un prmtveness sobre ellos cu!l no es nesperado+aunque .l nunca es ngenuo& >a* mucha repetc-n+ no mucha orden+ las contradccones+los errores+ * a veces qu. aparecen ser declaracones rd)culas+ pero a pesar de todo el .se+

los pasos po.tcos verdaderos * el raonamento constante no est!n carecendo& >a* el arte para crear m!genes+ ,guras del dscurso+ * metaphores en lengua hermosa * ben escogda&>a* paronomasae+ parallelsms+ ltanes+ e hmnos& >a* expresones po.tcas+ tales como5NOa/c l)rcas verdaderas+ como Gt& 4N2 expresones s*mbolcal+ tales como NM1d * pedactos realmente ,nos+ como 4LOa/c& >a* proverbos+ tales como 49Nd * adages+ talescomo S& #a elocuc-n lo m!s sm.trcamente posble * mec!ncamente dspuesta en lacolecc-n entera es Gt& 5O5+ que recuerda uno el pcosegundo 119& 3ero la caracter)stcatotal de estos textos es su relgosa * ,unerara+ sus expresones+ nterpretacones+ * predspostons m!gcos+ m*thologcal+ * astron-mcos&

Fuguste arette ten)a la dstnc-n+ en la parte m!s <ltma de su vda+ de ser el descubrdor

moderno de las pr!mdes nscrtas en a44Preh+ pero era aspero en 1MML que traba%aba ba%o drecc-n de arette+ que descubr- el prmer sstema de textos de la pr!mde& $ran.sos nscrtos en las paredes del compartmento del sarcophagus de la pr!mde de 3ep I&Dollong que+ .l encontr- los textos en las pr!mdes de Gns de la qunto dnast)a+ as)como en las pr!mdes de 7et+ erenr '+ * de 3ep II+ adem!s de 3ep I+ toda la sextadnast)a& $ste traba%o del descubrmento de los textos de la pr!mde no encontr- unacontnuac-n hasta los a0os 192L * 194N+ cuando el $g*ptologst suo+ =.quer+ textosdescubertos en las pr!mdes de Jud%ebten+ de et+ * de Fpout+ renas de 3ep II+ * en el

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de Ib+ re* obscuro de la s.ptma dnast)a+ adem!s del claro que de 3ep II+ que etheregstra como & (e,er;ar '"&

$stos textos ocupan generalmente las paredes del compartmento del sarcophagus a menosque el lado del oeste+ * son as) que dspuesto que el re* d,unto en su sarcophagus pudo

esprtual verlas * leer& #os textos est!n tamb.n en las paredes de la antec!mara+ en los pasos horontales+ * algunos est!n en las paredes del vest)bulo * un,orme en los de larampa& $st!n normalmente en las columnas vertcales+ ncddas en las paredes de la pedracala+ algunas hechas excelente como en las pr!mdes de Gns * 3ep II+ otros hechos mu*crudo como en el de Ib&

 p& 5

3ues aspero era el descubrdor de los textos de la pr!mde+ as) que sea era el prmer parahacer una edc-n * una traducc-n de ellos& Tstos eran todos los textos de la pr!mde queeran sabdos a la hora de su publcac-n en 1M9& 8 en la vsta de lo que ahora sabemossobre las d,cultades de los textos de la pr!mde+ de esta edc-n * de la traducc-n estaba

la evdenca del geno del gran amo& >o* un,orme muchas de sus traduccones acuerdancon el me%or que est! sabdo en esos pasos+ que es una ndcac-n de su grandes aprender * penetrac-n&

Dor *ears be,ore the begnnng o, ths centur* Aurt ethe+ hose name ll be ,oreverassocated th the 3*ramd 7exts+ as deepl* nterested n ever*thng hch concernedthem& >e as ell as other traned $g*ptologsts realed that the earler cop* o, the textsas o,ten ncorrect+ and that a ne and scent,call* coped edton as a necesst*&Fccordngl*+ ta;ng advantage o, the or; o, 6r& >ente and #udg orchardt+ hoere n $g*pt ta;ng mpressons and photographs o, the 3*ramd 7exts ,or slps n preparaton ,or the ma;ng o, the great erln W%rterbuch der eg&ptischen 'prache+ ethe

made use o, ther materal n preparng a ne edton o, the 3*ramd 7exts& Fnd no$g*ptologst as more thoroughl* prepared ,or such an underta;ng than Aurt ethe& Fndso he began the crtcal and exactng tas; o, constructng a text prncpall* on the bass o,the ,ve versons Gns+ 7et+ 3ep I+ erenrUV+ and 3ep II+ hch as ,nshed and publshed n 19LM/191L n to great quarto volumes o, over a thousand pages o,herogl*phc text+ hch s no the standard text& 7o accompan* the text+ he ,olloed themth a thrd volume o, crtcal apparatus n 1922 and a ,ourth o, epgraph* n the same *ear&7hus the great or; o, gvng to the orld the text o, the oldest collecton o, m*thcal+relgous+ and lterar* materal n exstence as ,nshed& >oever+ the text as marred b*one blemsh+ but not due to the scence o, ethe& It as due to the ,act that a consderable3orton o, the texts n the ,ve p*ramds as bro;en+ damaged and destro*ed//a condton

hch ma* never be completel* remeded& It s along ths lne that $g*ptologsts ho erespecalsts n these texts have been or;ng snce the tme o, ethe& Flread* consderable progress has been made n the dscover* o, texts+ ancentl* coped ,rom the texts n these,ve p*ramds+ be,ore the* ere damaged+ and recorded elsehere n a ,urther stud* o, thealls o, the ,ve p*ramds themselves and n the dscover* and publshng o, ne p*ramds and tombs th parallel and addtonal texts+ all hch ll be used n the ,uture+ but not tll a,ter man* *ears o, archaeologcal research

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 p& N

n $g*pt+ n the constructon o, a more complete text& Flread* beteen 192L and 194N=.quer dscovered at aḳḳPreh smlar texts n the p*ramds o, Jud%ebten+ et+ andFpout o, the xth 6*nast* and o, Ib o, the eventh 6*nast* n 1942 the $g*ptan$xpedton o, the etropoltan useum o, Frt dscovered n the cemeter* surroundng the

 p*ramd o, eWn/Bosret I at #sht the tomb o, an o,,cal o, the 7el,th 6*nast* namedeWn/Bosret/VFn;h+ contanng a long seres o, nscrptons dran ,rom the 3*ramd 7exts+and publshed n 194O and n 1945 Bllam C& >a*es publshed the Q@o*al arcophag o,the $ghteenth 6*nast*+Q contanng parts o, the 3*ramd 7exts+ hch are use,ul n ,llngsome lacunae n the aḳḳPreh texts& 7hen older publcatons are use,ul+ such as that o, deorgan n 1M9/1M95 o, smlar texts n a prvate tomb at 6ahshXr that o, Drth and ?unnn 192N o, texts n the 7et 3*ramd Cemeteres at aḳḳPreh and that o, orchardt n 1914o, smlar texts n the mortuar* temple o, ahurUV at FbuṣYr& 7hen there are the Co,,n7exts o, the ddle Angdom and the 7heban oo; o, the 6ead o, the e Angdom+hch contan 3*ramd 7exts n mod,ed and ,urther mod,ed ,orm as ell as tombs o,;ngs+ such as that o, et I+ and o, prvate ndvduals+ hch contan 3*ramd 7exts

sometmes n qute exact quotaton& Fll these and others ma* be dran upon n the ,utureconstructon o, a stll more per,ect verson o, the ,amous ancent 3*ramd 7exts o,aḳḳPreh& Zute recentl* 7& ?& Fllen o, the Gnverst* o, Chcago has publshed a mostuse,ul gude to all parallel and llustratve $g*ptan texts at present ;non n hs valuable boo;+ (ccurrences of P&ra)id *e+ts ith cross -nde+es of these and other .g&ptian Mortuar& *e+ts+ Chcago+ 195L&

F,ter the publcaton o, hs text+ ethe's next concern as to prepare a translaton th acommentar*& 7he central thought n hs bus* *ears o, research as soon as the text as publshed as drected toards that purpose+ and b* 1929 he as read* to begn& >e asmaster o, an mmense accumulaton o, phlologcal+ hstorcal+ and relgous ,acts n the

,eld o, ancent $g*ptan lterature+ and th hm ere assocated co/or;ers andcolleagues+ such as #ange+ ?rapo+ and ander/>ansen& >e began th Gt& 2 14 and b* thetme o, hs death n 194 had ,nshed up to and ncludng Gt& 5LN+ or less than one hal, o,the text as he had publshed t& It remaned ,or a commsson o, hs assocates to carr* onthe or;& 7hs the* began to do mmedatel* a,ter the great master's death&

ethe's translaton and commentar* on Gts& 214/5LN as not read*

 p& O

,or the prnter& It needed revsng+ especall* n the later portons+ and rtng& 7he

Commsson receved the materal le,t b* ethe and publshed t much as t as& e,ore the begnnng o, the ar n 1949 ,our volumes o, translaton and commentar* ere publshed+hch ncluded Gts& 214/5LN+ or beteen one/thrd and one/hal, o, the hole& F ,,thvolume s sad to be n preparaton&

 ot countng the earl* and tentatve translaton b* aspero n 1M9+ ethe's s the onl*translaton//tsel, onl* beteen one/thrd and one/hal, o, the hole//n an* language o, the3*ramd 7exts+ except one made n Drench b* #& peleers+ a elgan $g*ptologst n 1924/

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192+ remade n 194+ but thout a commentar*& o translaton n an* other language hasso ,ar been publshed& Indvdual scholars have translated portons here and there ,or theruse n or;s on varous aspects o, ancent $g*ptan relgon and thought+ phlolog* andlterature+ customs and hstor*+ such as Aees+ =un;er+ 6roton+ Bell+ reasted+ ?ardner+?unn+ ander/>ansen+ etc&

7he present translaton s thus+ the onl* complete one th ,ull commentar* n an*language& It s not as ,ull as that part o, ethe's hch s ,nshed+ but t has been planned to be more concse n ts comments+ leavng longer comments on mportant ponts ,or a sereso, $xcursuses+ so as not to nter,ere th the proportoned ,lo o, comment on the currenttext& ut t has been able to ma;e use o, large portons o, the p*ramds o, 3ep II and etas ell as o, publcatons o, other p*ramds+ tombs+ and sarcophag brought to lght snceethe's da*& It has thus added over ,our hundred lnes to the text+ besdes+ ,llng somesmaller lacunae here and there&

It s not clamed to be a de,ntve translaton+ because e have not *et a de,ntve text&

uch a text and translaton ma* never be able to be made+ because o, qute natural causes&ut th the ,urther dscover* o, ne texts and a complete comparson th all extant later parallels n texts alread* publshed as ell as *et unpublshed a ,uture text and translatonll be called ,or& Dor that reason+ n ths present translaton use has been made o, materallater than the tme o, the 3*ramd 7exts themselves onl* hen t as thought to have somelght to thro upon a problem d,,cult o, soluton+ or hen t gave a ne meanng to a passage& In other ords+ ths s an nterm translaton and commentar* o, the 3*ramd 7exts,or the use not onl* o, $g*ptologsts but l;ese o, students o, relgons and comparatverelgons+ o, lterature and comparatve lterature+ o, the hstor* o, deas and customs+ ando, culture and cvlaton n general&

 p& M

[paragraph contnues] 7here s publshed th t a complete apparatus ,or general use such as ananal*ss o, each utterance th a dscusson o, ts date+ a seres o, $xcursuses on mportantsub%ects+ a ,ull glossar* o, use,ul terms+ phrases+ and sub%ects+ and a ,ull ndex to thetranslaton&

In translatng and nterpretng these texts man* thngs have had to be ta;en ntoconsderaton and man* alloances have had to be made& It must he remembered that man*o, these old utterances or dscourses are vertable magc ,ormulae to procure ,or thedeceased ;ng all ;nds o, materal sats,acton+ to protect hm aganst an* enemes he ma*meet on hs a* to the other orld+ and to procure ,or hm an eternal l,e and that ver*

o,ten place names re,er to celestal locatons and not to ancent places n $g*pt& In ;eepngth ther general magcal character+ most , not all o, these utterances begn th theexpresson dd )d+ hch s a rubrcal drecton Qto sa*+Q that s+ the ords are to bespo;en or rected b* someone+ o,ten a lector/prest+ sometmes the deceased ;ng hmsel,+and sometmes b* hm n the ,rst person& 7he rubrc sometmes drects that the petton berepeated ,our tmes& 7here s evdence that some o, the utterances ere rtten n the ,rst person sngular+ and ere later changed to the thrd person sngular& Gt& 5LN s a goodexample o, a text hch as surel* n the ,rst person sngular orgnall*+ but n general n

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translatons the thrd person has been used unless the ,orm o, the ,rst person has beenreproduced n the herogl*phc text& It has been use,ul to notce hen the ,rst person sused+ ,or t s one o, the sgns o, an earl* date ,or the text n hch t s ,ound+ ,or example+Gts& 425 and 5N4 are late+ and one o, the ndcatons s that the thrd person sngular sala*s used& Jn the hole+ the determnaton o, the date o, a text s rather uncertan+ and

sometmes mpossble& 7here can be no s*stematc orderng o, the dates as =& $& 6& 3& o,Jld 7estament crtcsm& or s n+ the sgn o, the gentve+ a sure gude o, date+ ts presencendcatng a late and ts absence an earl* date+ as the occurrence and the absence o, the n nthe same sentence or compound sentence proves+ C,& 2L5Nc&

Fmong the texts o, the aḳḳPreh p*ramds there s evdence o, redacton o, some o, them+thus+ Gt& 55 s a re/rtng ,or ;ngs o, the hstorc perod o, an older text+ composed ,or the pred*nastc ;ngs o, uto and some long utterances are made up o, ndependent short parts+ th some changes added b* the redactor+ e&g& Gt& NM& Indeed the 3*ramd 7exts areto a large extent a composton+ complng+ and %onng o, earler texts& oreover+ there arecorruptons

 p& 9

n the texts+ msta;es n rtng+ errors n grammar and s*ntax+ contradctons andcon,usons+ expressons hch seem rdculous+ and llogcal expressons+ most o, hchhave been re,erred to n the Commentar* on the text here the* occur& 7here are numerous paronomasae and ords o, double meanng and superstton led to the mutlaton o,herogl*phc sgns o, creatures hch ere thought+ , le,t hole+ ma* be capable o,n%urng the deceased ;ng+ and the ,sh ,or the same reason as used onl* once (21Mc+ &"n the nscrptons n hs bural chamber&

Fs there s a mnmum o, class,caton and order n the sequence o, the texts+ a lst o,

Contents o, the 3*ramd 7exts precedes ths Introducton& 7heren an attempt has beenmade to ,nd groups o, texts thout dsturbng the sequence o, the text n ethe's edton&Consequentl* t o,ten happens that e are oblged to group some texts under the headngQ7exts o, scellaneous Contents&Q >oever+ there are man* nstances here textsgrouped n ethe's edton ,orm a natural and o,ten per,ect group+ e&g& the erpent Charmso, Gts& 22N/2+ or the Derr*man 7exts+ Gts& 4LL/44O&

In translatons an honest e,,ort has been made to express the sense o, the orgnal n$nglsh+ th the result that man* translatons are lteral nstead o, ,ree+ thus n 1LLd theorgnal s translated Qat the voce o, lamentatonQ nstead o, Qat the sound o, lamentaton+Qso that the $nglsh ll be apt to be stlted nstead o, elegant& Fs n all ancent languages+

 partcles+ such as adverbs+ and con%unctons are rare+ th the result that t s o,ten not eas*to ma;e the correct sequence or dependence+ renderng the sense o, the sentence or passageuncertan& Fgan the same ord n d,,erent contexts ma* requre vared renderngs+ such asthe ord  gb ȝ  hch means Q,lood+Q Qabundance+Q or Qvolence+Q n accordance th thecontext& 7o save as much space as possble+ ver* ,e alternatve translatons have beenntroduced+ here n man* cases the same phrase or sentence could be rendered n d,,erenta*s& In most lnes o, the 3*ramd 7exts the lne as t appears n to or more p*ramds sgven n other ords+ n ethe's edton ever* lne s gven n as man* p*ramds as t

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occurs so as a rule the earlest text s the one ,olloed n translatng the lne unless one o,the other p*ramds has decdedl* the best text& Bhere mportant d,,erences occur+ the* are ponted out n the commentar* but here d,,erences are not help,ul n nterpretaton the*are not ala*s noted& or are varants n other texts not n the ethe edton re,erred tounless the* are use,ul n a better understandng o, the meanng

 p& 1L

o, the text& Bhenever Qto sa*Q occurs , n onl* one o, the parallel p*ramds+ t s used nthe translaton& In the Commentar* on Gts& 214/5LN+ ethe's dscussons ere ever be,oreme+ and I ,elt m*sel, constraned b* hs logc and learnng to ,ollo hm+ but herever I,elt that another soluton to a problem o, nterpretaton as better though d,,erent ,rom hsI have not hestated to use t& In other ords+ n those utterances+ ethe became m* standardunless I could mprove on t+ as I o,ten dd+ I beleve+ n the lght o, addtonal t& or &texts+ or stll later texts+ or comparatve lterature or relgon& In all m* comments+ I have,elt ,ree to dra upon an* sources+ especall* ancent ones+ henever I ,elt the need o, anllustratve dea or custom& ut I have been unable to ta;e advantage o, some o, the ne

 ponts made b* m* colleagues n ther $xcursuses+ due to a d,,erence o, date n thecompleton o, the earler parts o, ths or; and the arrval o, ther manuscrpt& Ft the sametme+ obvous remar;s have been avoded as much as possble+ and onl* mportantd,,erences and smlartes beteen lnes+ paragraphs+ and utterances have been noted&nor errors+ hether n the orgnal herogl*phcs+ or n ethe's text+ are not ala*s noted+nether are the presence or absence o, an /i prosthetc+ or a gentval n ala*s mentoned+nor has the anal*ss o, the utterances been too metculous n unessental matters+ ,or as the?erman proverb has t:

QBer au, %ede Deder acht+ e das ette ,ertg macht&Q

7he abbrevatons o, the p*ramds n hch texts so ,ar have been ,ound are: B& Gns+ 7& 7et+ 3& 3ep I+ & erenrUV+ & 3ep II (e,er;arUV"+ t& et+ Ip& Fpout+ Bd& Jud%ebten+ Ib& Fba+ eWn eWn/Bosret/VFn;h& In the translatons o, the texts o, these p*ramds+ nstead o, usng the d,,erent abbrevatons ,or the d,,erent soveregns+ the letter & (nomen" s used throughout& Jther abbrevatons ma* be seen n the Q#st o,FbbrevatonsQ o, lterature& 7he square brac;ets [ ] are used to desgnate a con%ecture made b* ethe+ or b* me+ hch has not th sats,acton been textuall* ver,ed the round brac;ets ( " are used ,or explanator* ords or phrases or ,or alternatve translatons&Captalaton s used as sparngl* as possble n the translaton and commentar*+ but hencommon nouns re,errng to thngs are person,ed+ or de,ed+ or both+ the* are rtten th

a captal letter but punctuaton mar;s are used somehat excessvel*+ especall*

 p& 11

here the* ad the meanng& I have ala*s made a slght departure ,rom the orthodoxmethod o, translteratng herogl*phcs+ n the nterest o, smplct*+ n that I have used theaccepted /i hen t s ntal+ but i otherse and I use the grammatcal ord QgentlcQnstead o, the ord Qnsb.&Q In case o, the to ords usuall* translated+ the ,rst QsoulQ and

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the other Qdouble+Q I use the translterated ,orms b ȝ and 0  ȝ+ or ba and 0a+ to avodmsunderstandng n the supposed $nglsh equvalents& In the case o, the plural o, 0a+ I usethe ,orm 0a1s or 0as+ hch others also use& Fn* d,,erences n the translteraton o, ords+n abbrevatons+ and n modes o, re,erence+ etc&+ n the $xcursuses o, authors other thanm*sel, are ordnarl* retaned& In bro;en passages+ the approxmate length o, the bro;en

lne s ndcated b* ////////////7he $xcursuses are meant to treat sub%ects ordnarl* too large ,or the Commentar*+ but thedscusson s con,ned to the 3*ramd 7exts+ except ,or parallel and llustratve matter& 7he?lossar* s meant to gve a bre, descrpton or de,nton o, mportant ords+ names+ phrases+ and sub%ects hch occur n the 7ranslaton and Commentar*+ th as a rule onl*one re,erence+ usuall* the most mportant one& Jther re,erences ma* be ,ound n theCommentar*+ n the Index+ or n peleers' excellent Rocabular*& 7he #st o, Fbbrevatonsapples to the che, or;s actuall* used n ths boo; and the Index hch ,ollos s that tothe 7ranslaton alone+ but hch naturall* serves the Commentar* as ell& Jn account o,the lac; o, herogl*phc t*pe onl* a ,e herogl*phs+ consdered essental n the comments+have been used+ and are collected together on three plates at the end o, the or;+ butre,erred to n the Commentar* b* plate and number& Bth a ,e exceptons o, names o, ageneral character+ onl* those ,ound n the 7ranslaton and Commentar* are entered n themap+ hch appears at the end o, the last volume&

Fs noted above+ the onl* scent,c edton o, the herogl*phc texts o, the nscrbed p*ramds as made b* ethe n 19LM/191L& 7he texts ,orm a collecton o, O1 utterances orchapters+ and although most o, the utterances occur n more than one p*ramd and ver* ,eare repeated n all the p*ramds n hch the texts are ,ound+ man* o, them are damagedand ncomplete herever the* are ,ound n the texts publshed b* ethe& >oever+ snce thetme o, ethe's publcaton smlar texts have been ,ound n other p*ramds at aḳḳPreh o,the xth and eventh 6*nastes as ell as n prvate tombs o, the ddle Angdom+ andhch have been publshed+ and are spec,ed

 p& 12

above& F stud* o, these addtonal texts has made t possble ,or me to add n translaton4MN lnes to the approxmatel* N5LL lnes n ethe's herogl*phc edton+ and to ma;e 5Olarger restoratons+ besdes man* smaller ones+ amountng to about L addtonal lnes+ma;ng n all an addton o, about 2N lnes+ n translaton+ to ethe's orgnal edton& 7hecon,rmaton ,rom texts not avalable to ethe o, hs restoratons are not recorded n theselsts+ but the* are gven n the Commentar* (e&g& that n 14L+ hle emendatons andrestoratons as ell as all substantal addtons are mentoned n the comments on the lnes

here the* occur& 7here,ore+ ,or convenence o, re,erence to the publshed herogl*phctexts+ there ,ollo here to lsts+ the first  a lst o, the added lines+ and the second  a lst o,the larger restorations& 7he addtons as ell as the restoratons+ larger and smaller+ arealso recorded+ at ther approprate places n the Commentar*:

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Lc/Lu+ t& =.quer+ II 2M4/4L1

1a/4b+ Q Q Q 4L2/4LM

5a/1 to 9 \12+

Q Q Q 4L9/42M

NM/q+ & Q R 492\ I to 492 \ 9

1L59b \ 1 to1L59b \ 5+

 t& Q IR1L55 \ O/52+ and=.quer+ RI OLL/RII& OLN

1LNL \ 1+ & Q IR 1L55 \ 9

1LN1a \ , to1LN1a \ 2+

 t& Q RII OL+ and & =.quer+ IR 1L55 \ 5L

1LN1c \ 1 to1LN1c \ +

 & =.quer+ IR 1L55 \ 5+ and t& =.quer+ RII OL5/OLN

1LN4c/e+ 7et+Drth and?unn+


15M2a/15MN+ t& =.quer+ RIII 1/1O

1NO5a/b+ & Q RII OL9 \ L

1NONc+ Q Q RII OL9 \ 1

1NONc \ 1+ Q Q RII OL9 \ 2

1O5O+ t& Q RIII 1

1O5Mb+ Q Q RIII 1


1ON4a+ Q Q I MLN


1OM5a+ & Q I 1O1

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1O92+ Q Q R O

 p& 14   Q Q

1O94a \ 1+ & =.quer+ R O5

1O94b+ Q Q Q O5/ON

1M2,/g t& Q III 4N1/4N4

1M25a/1 and1M25a/2+

Q Q Q 45M/459

1M2Ma+ Q Q Q 4N4/4N

1M41a \ 1 to1M41a \ 5+


1M42a \ 1+ Q Q Q 4OL

1M42b \ 1 to1M42b \ 1+

Q Q Q 4O1/4O5

1M5a+ & Q I 5ON

1M5c+ Q Q Q 5OO

1MNb+ Q Q Q 5OO

1M5b+ Q Q RII 5ML

1M5Oa+ Q Q Q 5M2

1M59+ Q Q Q 5M4

1M59 \ 1 to1M59 \ 11+ Q Q Q 5M4 to 5M4 \ 4

1MM2a/1 to1MM2d+

Q Q Q OL9 \ 2L to OL9 \ 21

1MM4a/d+ Q Q Q OL9 \ 2 1 to OL9 \ 22

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1MM/1M9O+ Q Q Q 5M4 \ to 5M4 \ 1L

1M9Ma/b+ Q Q I O19 \ 2L+ and t& =.quer+ R N5M

1M99c/,+ & =.quer+ I O19 \ 2L to O19 \21+ and t& =.quer+ RN59/NNL

19LLa/b+ t& =.quer+ R NNL

19L1a+ & Q I O19 \ 21

19L1b+ t& Q R NN1

19L2a+ Q Q Q NN1/NN2

19L2b+ Q Q Q NN2

19L2e+ Q Q Q NN4

19L4b+ Q Q Q NN4/NN

19L4c+ Q Q Q NN

19La+ & Q I O19 \24+ and t& =.quer+ R NN

19Lb+ & =.quer+ I O19 \ 24

19L5a+ Q Q Q 219\24

19L5b+ t& Q R NN5

19LNa/e+ Q Q Q NN5/NNO

19LOa/e+ Q Q Q NNO/NNM

19LMd/e+ Q Q RIII O29/O4L19L9a+ Q Q RII ML

19L9b+ Q Q RIII 14L

 p& 1  

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19L9c+ t& =.quer+ RIII O41

191Lb/c+ Q Q Q O41/O42

1911/1 to1911/2+ Q Q Q O42

1911+ Q Q Q O42/O44

1912b+ & Q Q I O19 \ 2O

1912c/d+ t& Q RIII O44/O4

1914/1+ Q Q Q O4

1914a+ Q Q Q O4

191a/c+ & Q RI OL9 \ 2

191d/,+ t& Q RIII O45/O4N

191N/1+ Q Q Q O4O

191N/2+ & Q RI OL9 \

191N/4+ t& Q RIII O4M

191Na/b+ Q Q Q O4M/O49

191O+ Q Q Q O49

1M1M+ Q Q Q O49

1919a+ Q Q Q O49/OL

1919b+ & Q RI OL9 \ N1919c+ t& Q RIII OL

192La/b+ Q Q Q OL

1921/1+ Q Q Q O1

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1921/2+ Q Q Q O1

1921/4+ Q Q Q O1

1921+ Q Q RIII O1/O2

1921 \ 1 to192 1 \ N+

Q Q Q O2/O4

1922+ Q Q Q O4

1922 \ 1 to1922 \ O+

Q Q Q O/O5

192 \ 1 to192 \ 4+ Q Q Q ON

192\+ Q Q Q OO

1925+ Q Q Q OO

192Na \1 to192Na \ 2+


192Na& \ 4+ & Q Q OL9 \ 1N and t& =.quer+ I O9

192Oa/1 to192 Oa/2+

 & =.quer+ RI OL9 \ 1N

192Oa/4+ t& Q I O5L

192Oa+ Q Q Q O5L/O51

192Oc \ 1 to192Oc \ 5+

Q Q Q O52/O5

192Oc \ N to192Oc \ O+

 & Q RI OL9 \ 1M

1929+ t& Q I O5O

194L/1+ Q Q Q O5M

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 p& 15  

194L/2+ & =.quer+ RI OL9 \19

194L/4 to194L/5+  t& Q I O59/ONL

194L\ 1+ & Q Q OL9 \ 2+ t& =.quer+ I ON1

1941/1 to1941/4+

 t& =.quer I ON1/ON2

1942+ Q Q Q ON4

1942 \ Q Q Q ON4

1944a (d,,ers,rom ethe1944a"+


1944b(d,,ers ,romethe 1944a"+


1944b \ 1 to

1944b \ +


194a+ Q Q Q ON5

194 \ 1 to194 \ 4+


1945/1 to1945+


194Nb+ Q Q Q ONO

194N \ 1 to194Nb \ 5+


194Mb+ Q Q Q ON9

194Mb \ 1+ Q Q Q ON9

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195LC \ 2+ Q Q Q OM

1951/1 to1951/2+


1952 \ 1 to1952 \ N+


1955a/+ Q Q Q OMO

 p& 1N  

195Mb\1+ & =.quer+ O

19NLa/1 to19NLa/2+ Q Q Q O5L

19N2a \ 1 to19N2a \ 2+

Q Q Q O55

19NNc+ Q Q Q O5N

212La+ t& Q II M19

2124a+ Q Q Q M22/M24

212Na/1 to212Na/N+

Q Q Q M22/M2M

212Na+ Q Q Q M2M/M29

212Nb \ 1 to212Nb \ 2+

Q Q Q M29/M4L

212Oa/1 to212Oa/2+


212Oa+ Q Q Q M41

212Ob \ 1 to212Ob \+

Q Q Q M42/M44

212Ma/1+ Q Q Q M44/M4

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212Ma+ Q Q Q M4

212Mb \ 1 to212Mb \+

Q Q Q M4/M45

214L \ 4 to214L \ +

 & Q I 1L14

2141 \ 5+ Q Q Q 1L1

2144 \+ Q Q Q 1L1N

214N \ 1 to214N \ 2+

Q Q Q 1L1N \ 1

214N \ to214N \ N+

Q Q Q 1L1N \ 2

214Nb \ 1+ Q Q II 1L5L

2LNNb+ Q Q Q 1L51

21NM \ 1 to21NM \ N+

Q Q Q 1L5/1L55 \

21ONa \ 2+ Q Q 14L9



12b+ & =.quer II 214+ and Ib& =.quer+ III 2O

1Ne+ t& Q I

NM c,& >a*es eWn/Bosret/WFn;h+ IR


1LN2+ t& =.quer+ RII OLN

1O49a \ 1+ & Q IR 145L \ O/O5

1O5b+ Q Q 1415

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1O5O+ t& Q RIII 1

1ON1a+ t& =.quer+ RIII 4

1M55c+ & Q RII 5M1

1M59 \ 1 to 1M59\ 11+

Q Q RI/RII 5M4 to 5M4 \ 4

 p& 1O  

19L2c+ & =.quer+ I O19 \ 22+ and t& =.quer+ R NN2

19L2d+ t& =.quer+ R NN2

1924+ Q Q I O5

192+ Q Q Q O5

192Ob+ Q Q Q O51

192Oc+ Q Q Q O52

1929c+ Q Q Q O5O

194L (ethe1949La"+


1914a/b+ Q Q Q ON2

192a+ Q Q OO

194b+ Q Q Q OON

195c+ Q Q Q OOM

19Ob+ Q Q Q OML

19Ma+ Q Q Q OM1

199+ Q Q Q OM4

195Lc+ Q Q Q OM4

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1951a+ Q Q Q OM5

19Nc+ & Q O5N

19NNb+ Q Q Q O5N

19N9a+ Q Q Q O5M

19OLb+ Q Q Q O59

19OLd+ Q Q Q O59

199a+ t& Q II NL1/NL2

2LM4b+ Q Q RII 2M

211Mc+ Q Q II NLL/NL1

2121a+ Q Q II M2L

2121b+ Q Q Q M2L/M21

2122b+ Q Q Q M21/M22

2124b+ Q Q Q M24

212a+ Q Q Q M2

212b+ Q Q Q M2

2125b+ Q Q Q M25

212Nb+ Q Q Q M29

212Ob+ Q Q Q M41

212Mb+ Q Q Q M4

214+ & Q I 1L1N

214N+ Q Q I 1L1N \ 1

215Nb+ Q Q II 1L49

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 p& 1M  

21N4b+ & =.quer+ II 1LO

21N4c+ Q Q Q 1LM

21NM+ Q Q Q 1L54

21ONb+ Q Q 14L9


Dor reasons gven n the Commentar* at the ponts under consderaton a ,e changes n thenumberng o, lnes and utterances have had to be made+ a lst o, hch ,ollos:



1O5O ethe 1O5Oa/b



1M25a Q 1M25a/b

1M5b Q 1M5

1M5Oa Q 1M5O

1MMNa (n part" Q 1MMN

1MMOb (n part" Q 1MMO

19L2c Q 19L2b

19L2d Q 19L2c

19L4a Q 19LMa

19LN,/g Q 19LNc/d

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19L9c Q 19L9b

19L9d Q 19L9c

192Ma/b Q 192Mb

194L Q 194La

1949 Q 1949b

194b \1 Q 194b (end"

21NLb \ 1 Q 21NLb

21N1b to 21N1b \ 1 Q 21N1b



Gt& NN5 ( 1M9M/19LO"Q NN5F ( 19LM/191M"Q NN5 ( 1919/194L \ 1"Q NNN (1941/1 to 194"

ethe NN5F ( 1M9M/191N"

ethe+ Gt& NNN (191O/1944"

 p& 19  

Gt& NNO ( 194 \ 1 to 192b\ 1"Q NNOF ( 194a/1 to 19Mc \4"Q NNO ( 19Mc \ to 19Mc\ O"Q NNOC ( 199/1 to 195Mb \1"

ethe+ Gt& NNO ( 194/195M"

Gt& N91 ( 212L/2125"Q N91F ( 212Na/1 to 212Nb \2"Q N91 ( 212Oa/1 to 212Mb \"Q N91C ( 2129/1 to 214N\N"

ethe+ Gt& N91 ( 212L/ 214N"

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Gt& N9N ( 21N4 to 21NM \ N" ethe+ Gt& N9N ( 21N4/21NM"


 ext: 1& ut and the 6eceased Ang+ Gtterances 1/11

guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto

 p& 2L


1a& 3ara decr por ut+ el brllante+ el grande: Tste es (m" h%o+ (m" prmero llevado+ &+abrelatas (de m" matr

el 1b& el es (m" querdo+ con las cuales he estado sats,echo&

 .locución $ &

^& 3ara decr por ?eb: Tste es (m" h%o+ &+ (de m" cuerpo


 .locución 2 &

_& 3ara decr por ut+ el grande+ que est! dentro de la mans-n m!s ba%a: Tste es (m" h%o+ &+ (m" querdo+

2b& (m" el m!s ve%o (h%o"+ (qu.n es" sobre el trono de ?eb+ con el cual .l ha estadosats,echo+

2c& a qu.n .l do a su herenca en la presenca del gran $nnead&

!& 7odos los doses est!n en el exultaton dcen: `Qc-mo es hermoso es el &+ con el cual su padre ?eb est! sats,echo

 .locución 3 &

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F a decr por ut: &+ he dado a la hermana th* Iss del thee+

4c& que ella pueda tomar a asmento del thee+ de que ella puede da el cora-n th* al theeque pertenece al cuerpo th*&

 .locución # &4d& 3ara decr por ut: &+ he dado a la hermana th* ephth*s del thee+

.& que ella pueda tomar a asmento del thee+ de que ella puede da el cora-n th* al thee que pertenece al cuerpo th*&

 .locución 4 &

P& 3ara decr por ut/e;hbet/e;hbet+ el grande: $sto es (m" querdo+ &+ (m" h%o

b& #e he dado los horontes+ de que que .l puede ser excedente de gran alcance elloscomo >arachte&

c& 7odos los doses dcen: Qes una verdad que querdo th* entre n0os th* es &+

 p& 21

d& a qu.n uno har! el servco de ma's courter para sempre&Q

 .locución O&

& 3ara decr por ut+ el grande+ (qu.n es" dentro de la mans-n cercada: Tste es (m" h%o

 &+ (de m" cora-n&

5b& #e he dado el D5t + de que que .l puede ser prncpal en esto+ como >orus+ %e,e del D5t &

5c& 7odos los doses dcen (a la tuerca":

5d& el Qpadre hu de 7h* conoce a esa madre m!s que th* ma's lovest 7e,nut del thou &&Q

 .locución 6 &

N& Tl vve+ re* de $gpto superor * m!s ba%o+ querdo de @ '+ vvendo para sempre&

 .locución " &

Oa& >orus [ vdas ]+ querdos de las dos terras+ &+ re* de $gpto superor * m!s ba%o+ &+del dos corporales querdos de las dosas+ &+ se0ores de Jmbos+ &

Ob& >eredero de ?eb+ a que .l ama+ &+ querdo de todos los doses+ &+ dado la vda+resstenca+ alegr)a+ salud+ toda la ,elcdad+ como @ '&

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 .locución !7 &

& Rdas de >orus+ aparc-n vva del re* de $gpto superor * m!s ba%o+ &+

Mb& (de la terra de" las dos dosas+ aparc-n vva+ &+

Mc& (de la terra de" los dos se0ores (de Jmbos"+ &+

Md& Jsrs+ se0or del D5t + &+

Me& el h%o querdo de ?eb+ &+

h%o M,& de la tuerca+ abrelatas de su cuerpo (matr"+ &+

Mg& dotado con la vda+ resstenca+ alegr)a+ salud+ como @ '+ eternall*&

 .locución !! &Mh& 3ara decr por ut: Gno bellea th* con este cuerpo (* con" este  8a + para la vda+resstenca+ alegr)a+ salud

M& de >orus+ aparc-n dvna+ re* de $gpto superor * m!s ba%o+ & (de la terra de" las dosdosas+ aparc-n dvna+ &+

se0or de gran alcance M%& (de Jmbos"+ &+ vvendo eter[nall* ]&

6espu.s: 2& @tual de la restaurac-n corporal de los d,untos+ * o,rendas+ elocucones 12/


guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto

 p& 22


 .locuciones !$9!" &

!$ &

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!2 &

9b& 3ara decr: 6o* a la cabea th* del thee u%eto para la cabea th* del thee a los huesos

(th*"&!3 &

9c& 3ara decr: #e do* sus o%os+ de que que .l puede ser sats,echo& J,recmento delalmento * de la bebda&

!# &

9d& 3ara decr: ?eb ha dado a los o%os del thne del thee+ ese thou ma's ma*est est.sats,echo

!4 &

o%o 1La& de >orus& Gn n)5t // tarro de agua&

!; &

1Lb& 3ara decr: 7hot+ .l le ha dado su cabea& Gna %arra de agua&

!6 &

1Lc& 3ara decr: Tl lo ha hecho ser tra)dole& Gna bebda de agua&!" &


 .locución $7 &

11a& [ para decr: J ] &+ he vendo en la b<squeda del thee o* >orus&

11b& >e presonado para la boca th* del thee& o* h%o th*+ querdo th*& e he aberto para

la boca th* del thee&1_& [ .l es el de,ensor de su madre cuando ella llora para .l+ el de,ensor de ella que se unecon .l ]&

12b& `[ c-mo es buena es la condc-n (" de la boca th* despu.s ] he a%ustado seg<n bocath* del thee a los huesos th*

 p& 24

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12c& 3ara decr cuatro veces: Jsrs &+ me abro para la boca th* del thee con el muslo+ elo%o de >orus& Gn muslo&

 .locución $! &

1!& [ para decr: C-mo es buena es la condc-n (" de th* artcule despu.s ]& `>e a%ustadoseg<n boca th* del thee a los huesos th*

14b& e abro para la boca th* del thee e abro para los o%os del thne del thee+ J &

14c& e abro para la boca th* del thee con el n + el )<ti / gancho del cobre (o+ herro"+que abre la boca de los doses&

14d& >orus abre la boca de este & [ >orus abre la boca de esta & ]&

1.& [ >orus se ha aberto ] la boca de este & >orus ha aberto la boca de esta &

14,& con ese hereth .l abr- la boca de su padre con ese hereth .l abr- la boca deJsrs

1P& con el cobre+ (o+ herro" que vene adelante del sstema+ el )<ti / gancho del cobre (o+el herro"+ que abre la boca de los doses&

1b& Tl abre la boca del & thereth+ eso que .l puede r+

1c& que .l s) msmo puede hablar antes del gran $nnead en la casa del pr)ncpe+ que est! en>elopols+

1d& que .l puede llevar apagado el rr5t / coronan (que es" con >orus+ se0or de hombres&

 .locución $$ &

15& 3ara decr: Jsrs &+ trago thee al th* el 8a + que thou ma's lovest& Fbro la boca th*&

 .locución $2 &

1& Jsrs+ lleva apagado todo el a los que oden el &+ que habla evll* contra su nombre&

1Nb& 7hot+ se apaga+ lo lleva que ha da0ado Jsrs& 7r!galo que hable evll* contra elnombre de &

1Nc& Cons)galo en la mano th*& 3ara decr cuatro veces: o separe el th*sel, de .l&

1Nd& 7ome el cudado que el thou no se separe de .l& Gn lbaton&

 .locución $3 &

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1Ne& (7 =.quer+ I NM"& 3ara decr: 7hot+ prsa+ lleva apagado a enemgo de esta &

 p& 2

1N,& & a Jsrs&

 .locución $# &

1Oa& Tl que va+ va con su 0a : >orus va con su 0a D%e va con su 0a

1Ob& 7hot va con su 0a el dos va con su 0a Jsrs va con su 0a

1Oc& M<nti91irti va con su 0a thou tamb.n ma's goest con ;a th& &

1& J &+ las manos de ;a th& est! antes de thee J &+ las manos de ;a th& est! detr!s dethee

1Mb& J &+ los pes de ;a th& est! antes de thee J &+ los pes de ;a th& est! detr!s de thee&

1Mc& Jsrs &+ he dado al thee el o%o de >orus+ para poder equpar la cara th* de ella&

1Md& 6e%e el olor del o%o de >orus adherr al thee& er dcho cuatro veces: Duego delncenso&

 .locuciones $49$6 &

$4 &

19a& >orus que arte en Jsrs &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus para el arte del thou comoel o%o de >orus que (el lt& que" ha amplado con su olor&

$; &

19b& 3ara decr: Jsrs &+ toma el o%o de >orus+ equpa el th*sel, de su olor&

$6 &

19c& Jsrs &+ >orus ha dado al thee su o%o que el thou ma's ma*est equpa la cara th* de.l& Gna pelotlla del ncenso (1NP"&

 .locución $" &

2La& 3ara decr: J &+ he vendo+ *o he tra)do al thee el o%o de >orus+

2Lb& que el thou ma's ma*est equpa la cara th* de .l+ que puede pur,car thee+ que su olor puede (vendo" al thee&

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2Lc& $l olor del o%o de >orus est! para el & conduce el sudor th* ausente&

2Ld& 6e,ende thee contra la volenca (" del brao del sstema&

 p& 25

21a& J &+ el o%o de >orus+ es agradable al thee es sano para el thee& $l o%o de >orus essondo sondo del arte del thou& 7res pelotllas del ncenso (1Nb"&

 .locución 27 &

21b& 3ara decr: >orus+ habtante en Jsrs &+ equpa thee del o%o de >orus ll.velo el thee&

 .locución 2! &

2^& 3ara decr: Jsrs &+ >orus ha llenado totalmente thee de su o%o&

 .locución 2$ &

2_& Tsta es agua ,resca th*+ Jsrs .sta es el agua ,resca th*+ J &+ que ,ue adelante del h%oth*+ que ,ue adelante de >orus&

22b& >e vendo >e tra)do al thee el o%o de >orus+ ese cora-n th* puedo ser restaurado por.l& #o he tra)do al thee& $st! deba%o de soles th*&

2!& #leve el th*sel, el e,,lux (sudor"+ que va adelante de thee el cora-n th* no ser!cansado de tal modo&

24b& 3ara decr cuatro veces+ cuando la ma's goest del thou adelante %ust,cada: #batondos pelotllas de natron&

 .locución 22 &

2P& 3ara decr: Jsrs &+ llevar el th*sel, este lbaton th*+ que es o,recdo al thee por>orus+

2b& en nombre th* del Q.l que se vene de la catarataQ llevar el th*sel, el e,,lux (sudor"que va adelante de thee&

2c& >orus ha hecho que monta para el thee a doses de cada lugar a el cual thou ma's goest&

2d& >orus ha hecho me thee de la cuenta (para" los n0os de >orus un,orme al lugar endonde el ast del thou se ahog-&

2& Jsrs &+ llevar el natron th* del th*sel,+ ese thou ma's ma*est sea dvno&

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25b& #a tuerca ha hecho thee para estar como dos al enemgo del thne (o+ a pesar de thee"en nombre th* del Qdos&Q

25c& ==rnp5i reconoce thee+ porque el arte del thou ho %-venes en nombre th* de la Qaguadulce&Q

 p& 2N

 .locución 23 &

2& ')in + s)in abre la boca th*& Gna pelotlla de natron&

2Nb& J &+ gusto del shalt del thou su gusto delante del s>9n t r / capllas& Gna pelotlla denatron&

2Nc& $l que >orus escupe haca ,uera es s)in & Gna pelotlla de natron&

2Nd& $l que ,%- escupdas haca ,uera es s)in & Gna pelotlla de natron&

2Ne& $l que los dos doses armonosos (escupda haca ,uera" son s)in & Gna pelotlla denatron&

2N,& 3ara decr cuatro veces: $l hast de 7hou pur,c- el th*sel, con el natron+ %unto con>orus (*" los segudores de >orus& Cnco pelotllas de natron de e;heb+ $gpto superor&

 .locución 2# &

2Oa& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel," >orus pur,ca (s) msmo"& Gna pelotlla de natron& 7hou

ma's pur,est (th*sel," D%e pur,ca (s) msmo"& Gna pelotlla de natron&

2Ob& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel," 7hot pur,ca (s) msmo"& Gna pelotlla de natron& 7houma's pur,est (th*sel," el dos pur,ca (s) msmo"& Gna pelotlla de natron&

2Oc& 7hou tamb.n ma's pur,est (th*sel," // thou que arte entre ellos& Gna pelotlla denatron&

2Od& #a boca de 7h* es la boca de un becerro que aspra en el d)a de su nacmento&

2Oe& Cnco pelotllas de natron del norte+ Bad atrXn ( at9p5t "

 .locución 24 &

2& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel," >orus pur,ca (s) msmo"& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel,"D%e pur,ca (s) msmo"& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel," 7hot pur,ca (s) msmo"&

2Mb& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel," el dos pur,ca (s) msmo"& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel,";a th& pur,ca (s) msmo"& 7hou ma's pur,est (th*sel," el dos th* pur,ca (s) msmo"&

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2Mc& 7hou tamb.n ma's pur,est (th*sel," es el thou que arte entre los hermanos th*+ losdoses&

29a& $l natron de 7h* est! en boca th* los huesos th* ma's pur,est del thou+ (*" todos&$qupe el th*sel, de el que perteneca al thee&

29b& Jsrs+ he dado al thee que el o%o de >orus equpa la cara th* thereth adhera (a .l"&

29c& Gna pelotlla de natron&

 p& 2O

 .locución 2; &

4La& J &+ ahora cerradas dos qu%adas th* que ,ueron dvddas& Pa90f / nstrumento (o+ / pan"&

 .locuciones 2693$ &

26 &

4Lb& Jsrs &+ me abro para la boca th* del thee& Gn cobre sagrado (o+ herro"(nstrumento" del sur * del norte&

2" &

41a& &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus+ haca el cual .l (>orus" ,uncona .l lo trae al thee puesto le en boca th*&

41b& 7res pelotllas de ncenso del sur tres pelotllas de ncenso del norte&

37 &

4^& J &+ llevar el th*sel, el ai0 de Jsrs& 09pelotillas del a&

3! &

4_& 7ome la extremdad del pecho corporal de >orus t-melo en boca th*& Gn %arro de leche(o+ un %arro de leche ,na"&

3$ &

42b& 7ome el pecho de la hermana th* Iss+ que es protected(" tome esto en boca th*& Gnmns vac?o / tarro&

 .locución 32 &

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4!& 7ome los dos o%os de >orus+ del negro * del blanco ll.velos el th*sel, para estar en lacara th*+ de que que pueden lumnar la cara th*&

44b& Gn tarro blanco+ un tarro negro+ para llevar& $l & tene mn de piedra * negro blancodel mn 9 / el h de piedra t / los tarros (que son" el o%o derecho * el o%o querdo&

 .locución 33 &

4P& a*o el sol en celo sea ,avorable al thee puede .l hace a dos se0ores ser ,avorables althee&

4b& a*o la noche sea ,avorable al thee pueden las dos se0oras ser ,avorables al thee&

 p& 2M

4c& $l o,recmento que se trae al thee es un o,recmento de que thou ma's seest+ uno,recmento de que thou ma's hearest&

4d& Gn o,recmento est! antes de thee+ un o,recmento est! detr!s de thee+ uno,recmento que est. con thee& @n W d 5t / torta&

 .locuciones 3#936 &

3# &

4& Jsrs &+ llevar el th*sel, los dentes blancos de >orus que equpan la boca th*& Cncotortas blancas&

34 &

45b& 3ara decr cuatro veces: Gn o,recmento real a 0a de & Jsrs &+ llevar el th*sel, elo%o de >orus&

45c& (es" torta th* coma el thou& Gna torta del o,recmento+ un W d 5t / torta&

3; &

4& Jsrs &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus+ que est! lbre de sstema+ * que llevar delshalt del thou la boca th*+

4Nb& * con qu. boca th* aberta del shalt del thou& Rno un mn blanco / h de piedra t /tarro&

36 &

4Nc& Jsrs &+ boca th* aberta con el con las cuales arte del thou por completo& Rno unmn negro / h de piedra t / tarro&

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 .locuciones 3"9#$5 3" &

4Oa& Jsrs &+ llevar el th*sel, el l)qudo que va adelante de thee& Cervea un mn negro / pedra >n5t / ta-n de ,uente&

#7 &4Ob& 7hou de @ ' ma's adorest (.l que es" en el thou del celo ma's adorest& Fl &+ el se0or(perteneca" todas las cosas&

4Oc& Fl cuerpo th* (perteneca" todas las cosas a 0a del & (perteneca" todas las cosas asu cuerpo (perteneca" todas las cosas&

4Od& 3ara levantar para arrba antes de su cara una tabla de o,recmento espl.ndda&

#! &

4& &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus+ que thou ma's tastest& Gn dp5t / pan&

 p& 29

#$ &

4Mb& Fumentos de la oscurdad ("& un > / torta&

 .locuciones #29#; &

#2 &

4Mc& &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus+ que el shalt del thou abraa& Gn empalme decarne&

#3 &

49a& $l &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus+ rested del sstema+ que ,ue tomado del thee+con el cual la boca th* ma's openest del thou&

49b& Gn mn blanco / ta-n de ,uente de pedra de vno&

## &

49c& &+ llevar el th*sel, el l)qudo que ,ue adelante de Jsrs& Gn mn negro / ta-n de,uente de pedra de cervea&

#4 &

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La& &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus+ que ,ue tomado de thee no est! le%os de thee& Gnta-n de ,uente del cobre (o+ herro" de cervea&

#; &

Lb& &+ llevar el th*sel, el o%o de >orus equpe el th*sel, de .l& Gn >t) / ta-n de ,uentede cervea&

#; &

Lc (7 =.quer+ II 2 M4"& 3ara decr: 7rago dos o%os de >orus& @n 1 in5t / arco&

#;8 &

Ld (7 2M"& 3ara decr: (o QenQ" del lugar adonde ca*eron& A r5t / mar&

#;B &Le (7 2M5"& 3ara decr: 7-melos cu!l do* al thee& $l bostrng&

#;D &

L, (7 2MN"& 3ara decr: Tl los ech- a la terra& @n r d / aote&

 p& 4L

#; $&

Lg (7 2MO"& 3ara decr: Jsrs &+ trago al thee dos o%os de >orus& @n 1 in5t / arco&

#;C &

Lh (7 2MM"& [ a ] opn-n: [ d al thee ] sstema& @n t de p d / arco&

#; ?&

L (7 2M9"& 3ara decr: 6 [ al thee ] cora-n del sstema& F [ d ///]&

#; &

L (7 29L"& [ para decr ] n [ b ]& r d &

#;- &

L; (7 291"& [ para decr ] el hast del thou (" los agarr-&

#;E &

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Ll (t& 292"& [7o sa*] //// [Jsr]s & I brng to thee the to e*es o, >orus+ [th*] %o* ("////////

#;F &

Lm (t& 294"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e (" to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus protect t let t notcease (to be"&


Ln (t& 29"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ as t as returned to hm&


Lm/n (t& 294/29"& #;e dr* ,rut (" o, >orus

#;M &Lo (t& 295"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus protect (t"+ ,or t s gven(bac;" to hm& 7he /idr /tal&

#;H &

Lp (t& 29N"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e one e*e o, >orus& Jne tal&

 p& 41


Lq (t& 29O"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, ths >orus+ hch as ta;en b*hm ,rom et//he had robbed t& Jne tal&

#;P &

Lr (t& 29M"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch s guarded b* ?eb&Jne bs/bloc;&


L (t& 299"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus over hch et en%o*edhmsel,& MJi (" pn )r &


Lt (t& 4LL"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus& hch he sa sde (b*sde" th et& F dagger&

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#;' &

Lu (t& 4LL& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, ths >orus+ hch as ta;en b*hm ,rom et//[he] had robbed t& Jne tal&

@tterances #69;!&#6&

1a (t& 4L2"& 7o sa*: Jsrs+ &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ and the ontment ,or hm+hch [he] put n t& F trmmed garment&


1b (t& 4L4"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus be l;e t (n" ts sdom&F J 5t  ȝ /garment ("&

1c (t& 4L"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, ths >orus+ hch as ta;en b*hm ,rom et//he had robbed t& F tal&


2a/b (t& 4L5"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ I have gven hm to thee ta;e hm+ envelop hs heart (tothee"& F ro*al garment o, ntri/stu,,&

 p& 42


2c (t& 4LN"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the thgh o, et torn out b* >orus& F ro*algarment o, ntri/stu,,&


4a (t& 4LO"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the ater n the e*e o, >orus& 6o notseparate th*sel, ,rom t& F ḥr9J/club&

4b (t& 4LM"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hose ater 7hot satheren& F trmmed (garment" one )d/club one sord&


a& [7o sa*: Jsrs &+ present th*sel, to th* son+ >orus]

b& put hm n th*sel, (lt& th* bod*"& F )hn/club an /isr /club&

c& //////////////////// Jne ḥr9J/club&

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5a/ (t& 4L9"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ma;e th*sel, great over hm&


5a/b (t& 4L9"& 7o sa*: ehold+ ta;e t to th*sel,& F dJr /club&

4# (ethe N5"&

5C (t& 41L"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ he hom thou lovest s >orus& F ḥr9J/club&

44 &

Na (t& 411"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus& Jne club o,  Jḫ5t /ood&

4; &Nb (t& 412"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ put nhh upon thee+ put t n th* hand+ ndJdJ J/ater& Fn/in9ḥr9J/club&


Oa (t& 414"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the ater hch s n the e*e o, >orus+ J &

 p& 44


Ob (t& 41"& 7o sa*: Dll th* hand th a ḥr9J/club equp th*sel, th a ḥr9J/club&


Oc (t& 4 15"& 7o sa*: It equps thee l;e a god do not separate th*sel, ,rom t+ that t ma* protect thee do not separate th*sel, ,rom t&

46B &

Od (t& 414/415"& Jne ḥr9J/club&


Ma (t& 41N"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the ,nger o, et+ hch causes the htee*e o, >orus to see& F J) ȝ/club&


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Mb (t& 41O"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus that t ma* shne upon the,nger o, et& F dL)/sceptre&


9 (t& 41M"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, hs hand//the hand o, thne enem*& F dL)/sceptre&


9 \ 1 (t& 4 19"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e hs  ȝ n th* hand& F J9Ln ȝ ḫ/(sceptre"&


9 \ 2 (t& 42L"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ thou art mght*+ thou art mght* aganst hs to ,ngers&Fn Lb5t /tool&

;!B &

9 \ 4 (t& 42 1"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ thou lvest+ thou lvest& KLnḫ nLnḫ&


9 \ (t& 422"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ protected b* hs sons&Jne nḫȝḫȝ/hp&

 p& 4

;!. &

9 \ 5 (t& 424"& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the hand o, ḥt  (" that he ma* gve t tothem& Fn L5t /sceptre&

;!C &

9 \ N (t& 4 2 "& 7o sa*: la* that L ḥL  ("& F pd9L ḥL/eapon&


9 \ O (t& 42"& 7o sa*: 7hot+ brng t& F n/eapon

;! &

9 \ M (t& 42 5"& 7o sa*: 7hot+ brng t& F sacred decorated (eapon"&

;!- &

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9 \ 9 (t& 425"& 7o sa*: >ave I not gven t to thee 7a;e t to th*sel, (as" th* n& F rd9n/hp

;!E &

9 \ 1L (t& 4 2 N"& 7o sa*: 7hou belongest to hm& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ see t ,or th*sel,hasten to Jsrs & F sacred /ir /eapon ("&

;!F &

9 \ 'I (t& 42O"& 7o sa*: ad ?eb+ 7hot+ brng hm that bo& F pd9LhL/eapon&


9 \ 12 (t& 42M" ///////// ths L ḥL /bo+ n the presence o, &+ the L ḥL  o, & F pd9L ḥL/eapon&

 eading to @tterances ;$9;6&

5La& 3ourng a lbaton o, ol&

@tterances ;$9;4 &


5Lb& Jsrs &+ I ,ll thne e*e ,or thee th ontment& 7o sa* ,our tmes& Ot9ḥb/ol&

 p& 45


5Lc& Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, that th hch a lqud o,,erng s made& Ḥ0n/ol&


51a& Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ on account o, hch he as punshed& Oft /ol&


51b& Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch s unted th hm& Hhn)/ol&

;4 &

51c& Jsrs+ &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ th hch he brought and carred thegods& * 5t   ȝ /ol&

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@tterance ;; &

52a& Jl+ Jl+ arse+ open thou (thou" ho art on the bro o, >orus+ arse+ open thou&

52b& 7hou ho art on the bro o, >orus+ put th*sel, on the bro o, ths &

52c& a;e hm seet th th*sel, glor,* hm th th*sel,&

54a& a;e hm to have poer over hs bod* (hmsel," put hs ,ear n the e*es o, all sprts

54b& ho shall loo; at hm+ and o, ever*one ho shall hear hs name through thee& Ḥ t5t L  ȝ &

@tterance ;6&

5a& Jsrs &+ I brng to thee the e*e o, >orus+ hch he too; ,rom th* bro& Ḥ t5t ȝ * ḥn&

 eading to @tterances ;"967&5b& rng (an o,,erng" be,ore hs ,ace&

@tterance ;"&

5c& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Jsrs &+ %on thou the sound e*e o, >orus to th* ,ace&

@tterances ;"967&

5d& 7o bags o, green cosmetc&

 p& 4N

@tterance 67&

55a& 7o sa*: >orus+ ho s n Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the sound e*e o, >orus&

55b& >orus+ ho s n Jsrs &+ %on thou t to th* ,ace

55c& (as" >orus %oned hs sound e*e (to hs ,ace"&

55d& J &+ I %on ,or thee th* sound e*es to th* ,ace that thou ma*est see th them&

@tterance 6!&

5Na& Fa;e thou n peace+ (as" * i5t   ȝ  aa;es+ n peace+ (as" * it5t   ȝ  (she o,  * i5t   ȝ " aa;es n peace+

5Nb& (as" the e*e o, >orus n uto (aa;es" n peace+ (as" the e*e o, >orus hch s n thehouses o, the #oer $g*ptan cron (aa;es" n peace+

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5Nc& (the e*e" hch the eavers ove ("+ (the e*e" hch the sedan/charman planned ("&

5Oa& Cause thou (L $*e" the to lands to bo to &+ as the* bo to >orus+&

5Ob& Cause the to lands to ,ear &+ as the* ,ear et&

5Oc& t thou be,ore &+ as hs god open thou hs a* be,ore the sprts+

5Od& that be ma* stand be,ore the sprts l;e Fnubs+ QDrst o, the Besterners&Q

5Oe& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dorard+ ,orard to Jsrs& 7o rolls o, lnen&

 eading to @tterances 6$963&

5Ma& 7o sa*&

6$&5Mb& 7o sa*: It s 7hot ho brngs hmsel, (here" th t& >e comes ,orth th the e*e o,>orus& Jne table o, o,,erngs& 7o ma;e a mortuar* o,,erng&


5Mc& 7o sa*: 7he e*e o, >orus s gven to hm& >e s sats,ed th t& J come th the ro*alo,,erng&


59a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus& >e as sats,ed th t& @o*alo,,erng+ tce&

 p& 4O

 eading to @tterances 6#9"$&

59b& 3lace on the ground the table o, o,,erngs&


59c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus be sats,ed th t& 7o o,,erngso, the broad/hall&

64 &

59d& 7o sa*: a;e t return to thee st n slence& F ro*al mortuar* o,,erng&

6; &

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Na& 7o gve ,ood ,or o,,erng o,,erng: Jne loa,+ one beer&


Nb& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ on hch thou ma*est lve& Jne


Nc& 7o sa*: $qup th*sel, th the lqud hch goes ,orth ,rom thee/,our tmes& Jne mugo, beer&

9N& Nd& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus/a %ont o, ( J5t5t "/ meat& Jne %ont o, ( J5t /" meat&

@tterances ";9""5 eading &

N5a& 3laced n the le,t hand&

"; &

N5b& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ths e*e o, >orus s that hch he demanded ,rom et&


N5c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ >orus has gven hs e*e to thee n th* hand&

""&NNa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ J+ I gve to thee the e*e o, >orus gve me th* hand+ that I ma* gvet to thee&

 Postscript &

NNb& ?o thou there ("&

 p& 49

@tterances !779!7$&

 eading &

NOa& 3laced n hs le,t hand&


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NOb& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ he has ,ought a lttle (but" I have loved thee (I have" avenged(thee" /////


NOc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ I ho avenge thee am come see the e*e o, >orus ////////!7$&

NMa& 7o sa*: I am >orus+ Jsrs+ ///////////////////

NMb& ?ve (me" th* hand /////////////////////////

NMc& ee /////////////////////////////////

 Postscript &

NMd //////////

 eading to @tterances !729!7#&

NMe& 3laced n hs le,t [hand]&


NM,& 7o sa*: Jsrs [&] /////////////// [to] thee

!73&NMg& 7osa*: Jsrs [&] ///////////// th* le,t ///


NMh& [7o sa*]: //////////////////////// n t


NM (& =.quer+ R 492 \ I" ///////////////// thou


NM% (& R492 \ 2" ///// thou //////////////// thou

 p& L

!7#B &

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NM; (& R492 \ 4"& 7o sa*: >e ho lves s lvng+ lved(" //to them [l,e]


NM1 (& R492 \ "& 7o sa*: Dather+ Jsrs ////////////////

!7#. &

NMm (& R492 \ 5"& 7o sa*: >e ntmdates thee+ (but" hnder (ta;e care" lest thou *eld ,llth*sel,+ Jsrs & ////

!7#C &

NMn (& R492 \ N"& [7o sa*]: &+ I am come to av[enge] ///////


NMc+ (& R492 \ O"& [7o sa*]: &+ gven (" //////////

!7# &

NMp (& R492 \ M" //////// to thee+ Jsrs+ I gve ///// to thee&

!7#- &

NMq (& R492 \ 9" //////// thee+ to thee+ to thee&

@tterance !74 &N9a& 7o sa*: J &+ I am th* son I am >orus&

N9b& I am come I have brought to thee the to bodl* e*es o, >orus&

N9c& 7a;e them unte them to th*sel,&

OLa& I have collected them ,or thee I have unted them ,or thee//the* are hole ("&

OLb& >orus [has placed] them be,ore &+

OLc& that the* ma* lead & [to ḳ bḥ5+ to >orus+ to heaven to the] ?reat [?od]+

OLd& [that the* ma* avenge] & o, a[ll] hs enemes&

O1a& [J &+ I brng to thee the to e*es o,] >orus+ hch ma;e hs heart glad&

 p& 1

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@tterance !7; &

O1b& I col[lect them ,or thee ta;e them ,or th*sel,]&

O1c& //////////////////////////////////

@tterances !769!!7&


O2a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ unte to th*sel, the ater hch s n t (the e*e"&

O2b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o cups o, ater&


O2c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch pur,es hs mouth&O2d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o pots o, natron&


O2e& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus unte t to th* mouth&

O2,& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dood: Jne loa,+ one beer&

@tterances !!!9!!2&!!!&

O4a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch et trampled&

O4b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne (or to" loaves&


O4c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch ntmdates hm (et"&

O4d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne t 9rt   ȝ ḥ/loa,&


O4e& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e (t" upon thee&

 p& 2

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O4,& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o ḥt /loaves&

@tterances !!39!!4 &


Oa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ I brng to thee that hch s be,ttng to th* , ace&

Ob& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o nḥr /loaves&


Oc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ I put n place thne e*e&

Od& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour dp5t /loaves&

11N&Oe& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus& 3revent hm (>orus" ,rom su,,erng because o, t&

O,& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour  psn/ca;es&

@tterances !!;9!!"&

!!; &

O5a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ receve th* head&O5b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour  nJ/loaves&


O5c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e thne e*e see t (or+ ta;e t to th*sel,"&

O5d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour /i)9t  ȝ/loaves&


ONa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch he salloed

ONb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour ca;e/bas;ets&

 p& 4

@tterances !$79!$$&

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ONc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ come+ cause t to be respected&

ONd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour ḥbnn5t /bas;ets&


OOa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch ntmdates hm (et"&

OOb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour ḳ )ḥ/loaves&


OOc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch thou shalt put n th* mouth&

OOd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour /id 5t   ȝ /ca;es o,th* orth

Gtterances 124/125&


OMa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus (t s" th* ca;e eat thou&

OMb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour  p 5t  ȝ /ca;es&

!$3&OMc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch ntmdates hm&

OMd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour bas;ets o, t 9 ȝ r  ȝ /bread&


O9a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, hs teeth+ hte+ sound&

O9b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour bunches o,garlc&


@tterances !$49!$6&

!$4 &

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O9c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e the %ont o, meat+ the e*e o, >orus&

O9d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne %ont o, meat&

!$; &

MLa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ dance (,or %o*"+ ?eb s not angr* th hs legtmate her&

MLb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne %ont o, meat&


MLc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch thou shalt embrace&

MLd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne %ont o,  Jḫn/meat&

@tterances !$"9!2!&


M1a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the J5t5t + the e*e o, >orus&

M1b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne %ont o,  J5t /meat&


M1c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, those ho rebel aganst thee&

M1d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Dour rbs o, meat&


M2a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the /iJ 0   ȝ &

M2b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne pot o, roast+ onelver ("+ one spleen+ one lmb+ one breast o, meat&

 p& 5

@tterances !2$9!23&


M2c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus ma*est &thou go to t&

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M2d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne lver ("&


M4a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ to hch he goes&

M4b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne spleen&


M4c& 7o sa*: Jsrs+ &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch s on hs bro&

M4d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne lmb&

@tterances !2#9!2; &

!2#&Ma& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e the e*e o, >orus+ hch s on the bro o, et&

Mb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne breast o, meat&

!24 &

Mc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the severed heads o, the Dolloers o, et&

Md& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne goose&

!2; &

M5a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, as much as the heart desres&

M5b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne goose&

 p& N

@tterances !269!37&


M5c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch he brought&

M5d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne goose&


MNa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, those ho come hen the* are ,ant ("&

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MNb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne goose&


MNc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ prevent hm ,rom sc;enng on t&

MNd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne pgeon&

@tterance !3!&

MNe& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch ntmdates hm&

MN,& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& Jne t 9sif   ȝ /bread&

@tterances !3$9!32&

!3$&MOa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus t shall not be sundered ,rom thee&

MOb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o  L5t /loaves&


MOc& 7o sa*: Jsrs+ &+ the e*e o, >orus s assgned to thee&

@tterances !329!3#&

 .nd of !32&

MOd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, np 5t   ȝ &

 p& O


MMa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e the e*e o, >orus+ out o, hch he poured (" the ater&

MMb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o pots o, lver&


MMc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus hat et has eaten o, t s lttle&

MMd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bols o, dJr5t / beer&

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@tterances !349!36&

!34 &

M9a+ 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus the /iJn come b* means o, t&

M9b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bols o, dJr5t /7heban (beer"

!3; &

M9c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch the* put out ,or hm&

M9d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bols o, ḫn)J/ beer&

!36&9La& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ equp th*sel, th the lqud+ hch goes ,orth ,rom thee&

@tterances !369!#7&

 .nd of !36&

9Lb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bols o, beer&


9Lc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ equp th*sel, th the lqud+ hch goes ,orth ,rom thee&

9Ld& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng ,our tmes& 7o bols o,  Jḫ p9t &

 p& M


9Le& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ equp th*sel, th the lqud+ hch goes ,orth ,rom thee&

9L,& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bols o,  pḫ&

@tterances !#!9!#2&


91a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ equp th*sel, th the lqud+ hch goes ,orth ,rom thee&

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91b& 7o sa* ,our tmes+: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o mugs o, uban beer&


91c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the breast o, >orus+ hch the* taste&91d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, ,gs&


92a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ open th* mouth th t&

@tterances !#29!##&

 .nd of !#2&

92b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o %ars o, ne o,the orth& Bne: 7o bols o, the orth to %ars o, Lb  to bols o, uto to bols o,(ne" J, ḥ ) ȝ to bols o, 3elusum&


92c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch the* spat out& 3revent hm,rom sallong t&

92d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o %ars o, ne o,

Lb &!##&

94a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the damsel ho s n the e*e o, >orus open th*mouth th her&

 p& 9

@tterances !##9!#; &

 .nd of !##&

94b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o %ars o, ne o,uto&

!#4 &

94c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch he ,shed up& Jpen th*mouth th t&

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9Nb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o,  Jh5t /,rut&


9Nc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the green e*e o, >orus prevent hm ,rom tearng tout&

9Nd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o,  Jh5t /,rut&

@tterances !429!4#&


9Oa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus prevent hm ,rom carr*ng t o,,&

9Ob& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, s5t9Lg5t /corn&


9Oc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus prevent hm ,rom carr*ng t o,,&

9Od& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, Lg5t /corn&

!4#&9Ma& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch s l;e nb Jb ȝ ȝ&

@tterances !4#9!4; &

 .nd of !4#&

9Mb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets+ o,b b 5t   ȝ ȝ /seed*/,rut&

!44 &9Mc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ hch the* salloed&

9Md& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, nbJ/,rut&

 p& 51

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!4; &

99a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ open thne e*es that thou ma*est see th them&

99b& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, t 9 ȝ

nbJ/,rut&@tterances !469!;7&


99c& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus prevent hm ,rom seng t&

99d& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes+& 7o bas;ets o, L ḥ/,rut&

!4"&1LLa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the seet e*e o, >orus cause t to sta* th thee&

1LLb& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o,ever* seet thng (,rut "&


1LLc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus reclam t ,or th*sel,&

@tterances !;79!;!& .nd of !;7&

1LLd& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& 7o bas;ets o, all,resh plants&


1LLe& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ J ma* t be pleasng to thee+ ,or thee+ th thee&

1LL,& 7o sa* ,our tmes+: Dor &+ a l,tng up o, the o,,erng+ ,our tmes& F ḥn05t /o,,erng&@tterance !;$&


1L1a& 7o sa* ,our tmes: Fn o,,erng o, a meal to &

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1L1b& 7o sa*: a* ?eb ma;e an o,,erng to &

 p& 52

1L1c& I gve to thee ever* ,estal o,,erng+ ever* oblaton o, ,ood and drn;+ hch thou canstdesre+

1L1d& hereth thou shalt be happ* th the god ,or ever and ever&

@tterance !;2&

1L1e& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ >orus s come to ta;e care o, thee thou art hs ,ather&

1L1,& Lb5t /barle*&

@tterances !;39!;4 &


1L1g& 7o sa*: eta;e thee to ?eb& 7o pots o, natron&


1L2a& ?eb has gven to thee th* to e*es+ that thou ma*est be sats,ed& Jne table o,o,,erngs&

!;4 &

1L2b& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ thou art hs 0a& Jne 0 ḥȝ/loa,&

@tterances !;;9!64 &

!;; &

1L4a& 7o sa*: 7a;e the to e*es+ ?reat Jne+ Jsrs & 7o r5t /loaves&


1L4b& 7o sa*: e sats,ed th them& 7o tables o, o,,erngs o, the broad/hall&


1L4c& 7o sa*: e thou sats,ed th >orus thou art hs ,ather& Jne o,,erng o, bread&


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1La& 7o sa*: e;hbet ta;es the e*e o, >orus+ nb b 5J ȝ ȝ >orus& has gven (t" to thee& 7o bas;ets o, b b 5t   ȝ ȝ /,rut&


1Lb& 7o sa*: e;hbet ta;es the e*e o, >orus hch the* sallo& >orus has gven (t" tothee& 7o bas;ets o, nbJ/,rut&

 p& 54


1L5a& 7o sa*: 7a;e the e*e o, >orus+ hch he seed [>orus] has gven (t" to thee& Jne bas;et o, L ḥ/,rut&


1L5b& 7o sa*: 7a;e to th*sel, the lqud hch goes out o, Jsrs& 7o %ugs o, ḥbi5t &


1LNa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e the ater hch s n thee >orus has gven (t" to thee& //// o,tn)&


1LNb& 7o sa*: 7a;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus open th* mouth th t& 7o bols o, neo, the orth&

!64 &

1LOa& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e the green e*e o, >orus+ hch he carred o,,: >orus has gven(t" to thee& 7o dshes o, ,resh bread&

@tterances !6;9!"4 &

!6; &

1LOb& 7o sa*: 7a;e the e*e o, >orus honour (" t >orus has gven (t" to thee& 7o

 bas;ets o, ḥbn5t /,rut


1LMa& 7o sa*: 7a;e the e*e o, >orus+ hch he possesses >orus has gven (t" to thee& 7o bas;ets o, hr ḫnf + or+ ḫnf/,rut/ca;e&


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1LMb& 7o sa*: 7a;e the hte e*e o, >orus+ hch he tore out >orus has gven (t" to thee&7o bas;ets o, hte Jh5t /,rut&


1LMc& 7o sa*: 7a;e the green e*e o, >orus+ hch he tore out >orus has gven (t" to thee&7o bas;ets o, green Jh5t /,rut&

 p& 5


1L9a& 7o sa*: 7a;e the e*e o, >orus+ hch he recogned >orus has gven (t" to thee&7o np 5t   ȝ /ca;es&


1L9b& 7o sa*: 7a;e the e*e o, >orus+ hch he hastl* carred o,, >orus has gven (t" tothee& 7o pots o, corn&


11L& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus regale th*sel, th (t"& 7o bas;ets o, ,gs&


111a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ ths e*e o, >orus hch s seet+ cause t to sta* th thee& 7o

 bas;ets o, ever* seet ,rut+


111b& 7o sa*: @eclam t ,or th*sel,& 7o bas;ets o, all ,resh (,rut"&

!"4 &

112& 7o sa*: J ma* t be pleasng to thee& 7o lbatons&

@tterances !";9!"6&

!"; &

114a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ths hard e*e o, >orus+ ta;e t ,or th*sel,+ n th*sel,+ n th*sel,+

114b& that thne enem* ma* ,ear thee//he ho carred (thee"+ durng hs tme&


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11& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ >orus has completel* ,lled thee th hs e*e+ as an o,,erng&

@tterance !""&

115a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ turn th*sel, toards ths th* bread

115b& receve t ,rom (m*" hand& 7o sa* ,our tmes: a* the e*e o, >orus ,loursh (" ,orthee&

115c& F db o,,erng/hch/the/god/gves o, bread+ ca;e and lqud&

 p& 55

@tterance $77&

11Na& >omage to thee+ Incense greetngs to thee+ 6vne rother greetngs to thee )nr  (ncense"+ n the lmbs o, >orus&

11Nb& e great+ m* ,ather propagate th*sel, n th* name o,  p ȝd  (pellet o, ncense"&

11Nc& 7hne odour s ,or & th* per,ume s , or &

11Nd& $*e o, >orus+ thou art hgher+ thou art greater than & Incense&

@tterances $7!9$72&


11Oa& 7o sa*: Dather &+ ta;e to th*sel, the e*e o, >orus+ the bread o, the gods th hchthe* noursh themselves&


11Ob& 7o sa*: Dather &+ ta;e to th*sel, the lqud (" hch comes ,rom Jsrs&


11Oc& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ ta;e t the e*e o, >orus belongs to thee&

 ext: 4& F ?roup o, 3ra*ers Fnd Charms+ Gtterances 2L/212

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guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto


 .locución $73 &

11& @e%oce+ hoers de J de%e el cora-n en los pechos de hombres ser levantado paraarrba&

11Mb& >an tragado el ' o%o brllante de >orus que est! en >elopols&

11Mc& $l peque0o dedo del & dbu%a haca ,uera el que est. en el omblgo de Jsrs&

119a& #os thrsts del & no+ .l tene hambre no el cora-n del & se desma*a (" no+

119b& para .l est! en las manos del de = : cu!les sostenen de su hambre& 7errapl.n de J(.l"+ llenadores de J de coraones&

 .locución $7# &

12La& 3ara decr: 8e que presde el almento+ *e de J que se une al plent,ulness (  gb "

 p& 5N

12Lb& elogan & a Ct05t + el taa/portador de @ '+ que .l puede elogarlo a @ ' s) msmo+

12Lc& que @ ' puede elogarlo a los %e,es de las provsones de este a0o+

12Ld& que pueden agarrarle * dar+ de que que pueden tomar * darle la cebada+ deletreada+ pan+ cervea&

121 a& para en cuanto a &+ es su padre que da+ a .l es @ ' qu.n le da la cebada+ deletreado+

 pan+ cervea&

121b& 3ara .l (&" est! de hecho el gran toro que golpe- volentamente  Fns5t &

12^& 3ara al & pertenecen de hecho las cnco porcones de pan+ l)qudo+ torta+ en lamans-n+

121d& de cu!l son tres en celo con @ '+ * dos en la terra con el $nnead&

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12_& 3ara .l es uno qu.n es desatado+ .l de hecho se ,%a lbre para .l es uno se ve qu.n+ .les uno qu.n se observa de hecho&

122b& J @ '+ .l (&" es me%or ho* que a*er&

12!& $l & tene copulated con M5t $l & ha besado el Q 95t 124b& $l & ha undo con H<b5t &

124c& $l & tene copulated con su querdo+ prvado del tbtb (el grano+ semlla" * del aa&

124d& 3ero en cuanto a el querdo del &+ ella da el pan al &

12.& que ella ho ben por .l en ese d)a&

 .locución $74 &124,& 3ara decr: 8e que presde el almento+ *e de J que se une al plent,ulness+

1249+ elogan & a Ct05t + el taa/portador de @ '+ que .l puede elogar & a @ ' s) msmo+

124h& que @ ' puede elogar el & a los %e,es de las provsones&

12)& $l que .l (@ '" las mordeduras+ .l da al & el que .l mordsque+ .l da al &+

124;& que el & puede dormr * estar ben cada d)a&

 .locución $7; &

12P& 3ara decr: Gn o,recmento del carncero un o,recmento del carncero uno,recmento de el que est! en el o%o de @ '

12b& un o,recmento del pa'%aro/colector+ que es en el o%o del dos el taa/portador queo,rece el agua&

12c& 6e%e el ,uego ser calente de%e el com<n (de la carne" est. con los pasteles '+

manos 12d& cuatro (llenas" del agua& p& 5O

 .locución $76 &

@na variante de la elocución $7; &

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12S& 3ara decr: Gn o,recmento a Ftum un o,recmento a Ftum un o,recmento de elque est! en el o%o del barco del dos&

12,& 6e%e el com<n (de la carne" est. con los pasteles

manos 12g& cuatro (llenas" del agua& .locución $7" &

12& hu est! ben (verde" $l & no ha tomado su almento (comda"&

125b& $l & est! ben (verde" hu no ha tomado su almento (comda"&

125c& 6e%e a mensa%eros del este repetr el pan th* (doble"&

 .locución $!7 &

12& 3ara decr: $l %ue es desperto 7hot est! para arrba

12Nb& los durmentes son despertos ellos que est!n en el bestir ellos msmos de Ans&t

12Nc& antes del gran bttern+ que vene adelante del pantano * del Bepaet que veneadelante del tamars;/arbusto&

12Oa& #a boca del & es pura los dos $nneads pur,can el &

12Ob& puro es esta lengfeta que est! en su boca&

12Oc& $l abomnaton del & es dung $l & rechaa orna&

12Od& $l & detesta su abomnaton&

12& $l abomnaton del &+ es dung .l eateth no que abomnaton+

12Mb& apenas como en el msmo sstema del tempo se contrae de estos dos compa0eros queva%en sobre el celo&

12Mc& @ ' * 7hot+ toma & con usted+

129a& que .l puede comer de el que el *e coma+ de que que .l puede beber de el que bebdadel *e+

129b& que .l puede vvr en el que el *e vvo+ de que .l pueda sentar en el que el *e sente+

129c& que .l puede ser poderoso por .se por el que el *e sea poderoso+ eso .l puede va%aren eso en donde el va%e del *e&

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14La& #a cabna del & es un arbour entre las ca0as

14Lb& la abundanca del & est! en el pantano de o,rendas

su almento 14Lc& est! entre usted+ doses del *e el agua del & consste en el vno como el

de @ '+ p& 5M

14Ld& $l & contornea el celo como @ ' $l & atravesa el celo como 7hot&

 .locución $!! &

141a& 3ara decr: $l abomnaton del & es hambre .l no lo come

141b& el abomnaton del & es sed .l no lo bebe&

14^& $s el & que da el almento a los que exstan&

141d& u en,ermera es 1 i5t

141e& es ella que hace su vda (con el almento" es ella que do a lu a &

14_& $l & ,ue concebdo en la noche $l & ,ue llevado en la noche&

142b& Tl pertenece+ a los segudores de @ '+ que est!n antes de la estrella de la ma0ana&

142c& $l & ,ue concebdo en mon%a .l nac- en mon%a&

142d& Tl ha vendo .l le ha tra)do el pan (algunos" de eso que .l encontr- all)&

 .locución $!$ &

14!& 3ara decr: $l o%o de >orus gotea en el penacho de la d n5 / planta&

144b& A el nti91i)nti vno a .l

144c& .l le tra%o el almento+ un o,recmento de >orus que es %e,e de las casas+

144d& (para" .l vve en el en quen el & vva+

14.& .l come el que el & coma+ .l bebe+ el que el & beba&

144,& Gn empalme la carne del * los pasteles+ de que es su comda&

6espu.s: & Gna sere de ve%os textos en parte Jsraned+ elocucones de >elopoltan214/222

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guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto


 .locución $!2 &

14P& J &+ ddst del thou no salr absolutamente el ddst del thou sale vvendo+

14b& (tan" thou ma's sttest sobre el trono de Jsrs+ ' b th& / sceptre en la mano th*+ thouma's commandest la vda

m;[ (th*" !23c5 / sceptre * nb&t th& / sceptre en la mano th*+ ordenando los de lugaressecretos&

14& $l brao de 7hne es como el de Ftum los hombros th* son como los de Ftum elcuerpo th* es como el de Ftum la parte posterora th* es como la de Ftum

el asento th* 145b& es como el de Ftum las pernas th* son como las de Ftum la cara th*es como la de Fnubs&

 p& 59

145c& 7hou ma's travelest sobre las regones de >orus thou ma's travelest sobre lasregones del sstema (o+ las regones de >orus srven thee las regones del thee del servcodel sstema"&

 .locución $!3 &

14& J &+ se guarda del oc.ano (mar"& 3ara decr cuatro veces&

14Nb& Renen a los mensa%eros de 0a th* para el thee venen a los mensa%eros del padre th* para el thee venen a los mensa%eros de @ ' para el thee&

14Oa& Ra*a despu.s (persga" del sol th* (d)as" pur,que el th*sel,+

(para" los huesos th* 14Ob& son (los de" hembra/halcones+ las dosas+ que est!n en celo+

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14Oc& ese thou ma's ma*est est. en el lado del dos esa casa th* de la lcenca ma's ma*estdel thou al h%o th*

14Od& que es heredero del thne& Cada uno que habla+ mal contra el nombre del &+

14& cuando .l ascende+ ?eb lo cuenta como mal/doer en su propa cudad+14Mb& de modo que .l se deblte+ .l vacla& $l th*sel, ma's pur,est de 7hou en el roc)o delas estrellas

thou 14Mc& ma's descendest en la ,rma (cobre" cables+ en los hombros de >orus en sunombre del Q.l que est! en ==n / barco&Q

149a& #os muertos bendecdos (" lamentan para el thee (despu.s" del thee mperecederodel alesa%e de las estrellas (le%os"&

149b& $ntre en el domclo del padre th*+ al domclo de ?eb+149c& que .l puede dar al thee a el que est. en la ,rente de >orus+ que el thou ma's ma*estsea un 8a de tal modo+ que que el thou ma's ma*est sea a <) de tal modo+

149d& ese thou ma's ma*est sea a A nti91i)nti de tal modo&

 .locución $!# &

1La& J &+

1Lb& de%aron a mensa%eros th* r de%e los envo*s del thne acelerar al padre th*+ a Ftum&1Lc& Ftum+ lo de%- ascende al thee en,old que .l en thne abraa+

11a& (para" all) no es nng<n dos+ (qu.n se ha convertdo" una estrella+ que no tene sucompa0ero& ser compa0ero th*

1N& rada (en m)" el hast del thou mr- la ,orma de los n0os de sus padres+

1^& que saben su dscurso& (ahora est!n" las estrellas mperecederas&

 p& NL

11d& (tan" el thou del shalt ve a los que est.n en el palaco+ (que que sea" >orus * sstema&

1_& $scupda del thou de a*est en la cara de >orus la mpuls-n ma's ma*est del thoule%os les-n de .l&

12b& @et.n del thou de a*est los test)culos del sstema la mpuls-n ma's ma*est delthou le%os su mutlac-n&

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19a& #os braos de 7hne son p * D9)5t5f + que thou ma's needest ascender al celo+cuando thou ma's ascendest

las pernas th* 19b& son 1 -)5ti * $b>9n55f + que thou ma's needest descender al celom!s ba%o (mundo terrenal" cuando thou ma's descendest&

19c& #os membros de 7h* (otro" son los gemelo/n0os de Ftum+ J mperecedero&

19d& 7hou ma's pershest no+ ;a th& ,allece no+ (para" arte del thou 0a &

 .locución $!4 &

15La& 3ara decr: >ab)a vendo al thee ephth*s e venen al barco del thee de la tarde( )0t5t / barco"

15Lb& e venen al thee M19>ri9 t r5t

15Lc& e venen al thee M<5t905 recu.rdelo // &

151a& .l Z> es envuelto por el D5t + puro * la vda+ en el horonte

151b& $sto es envuelta tan por el D5t + puro * la vda+ en el horonte

15^& $l & es envuelto por el D5t + puro * la vda+ en el horonte&

151d& Tl es contento debdo a ellos .l est! ,resco debdo a ellos+

151e& en los braos de su padre+ en los braos de Ftum& .locución $!; &

15_& 3ara decr: @'/Ftum+ & vene al thee+ un alcohol mperecedero+ decreto del se0or(cerca" de los lugares de los cuatro pap*rus/plares&

152b& $l h%o de 7h* vene al thee $l & vene al thee+

152c& que el *e puede andar a trancos sobre el celo (manera"+ %untado en oscurdad

152d& que el *e puede presentarse en el horonte+ en un lugar que sea agradable a usted&15!& $l sstema * ephth*s+ aceleran+ anuncan a los doses de $gpto superor * de susalcoholes:

154b& el Q& vene+ un alcohol mperecedero

154c& s .l quere que el dado del *e+ usted muera s .l quere que vva el *e vvo+ usted&Q

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15P/d 115_/d&

15& Jsrs e Iss+ aceleran+ anuncan a los doses de $gpto m!s ba%o * de sus alcoholes:

 p& N2

155b& el Q& vene+ un alcohol mperecedero+ como la estrella de la ma0ana sobre el lo

155c& los alcoholes en las aguas lo adoran

155d& que .l quere que .l vva+ sea vdas qu.n .l quere que sea dado+ .l muere&Q

15/d 15_/d&

15Oa& 7hot+ acelera+ anunca a los doses del oeste * de sus alcoholes:

15Ob& el Q& vene+ un alcohol mperecedero+ enmascarado al cuello como un Fnubs+ %e,e

de la monta0a occdental+

15Oc& que .l puede contar los coraones+ de que .l puede ser de gran alcance sobre el me%orde los coraones

15Od& que .l quera que .l vva+ .l vve qu.n .l quere que .l muera+ .l muere&Q

115/d 15_/d&

159a& >orus+ acelera+ anunca a las almas del este * de sus alcoholes:

159b& el Q& vene+ un alcohol mperecedero

159c& que .l quera que .l vva+ .l vve qu.n .l quere que .l muera+ .l muere&Q

1NLa& @'/Ftum+ h%o th* vene al thee $l & vene al thee

1NLb& lo de%an ascender al thee+ en,old que .l en th* abraa

1NLc& .l es h%o corporal th* para sempre&

 .locución $!6 &

1N1a& 3ara decr: Jsrs+ & vene lo descontentan (" con los nueve (los arcos"+ un alcoholmperecedero+

1N1b& para contar coraones+ para agarrar 0as + para someter 0as & Cada uno de sus,uncones

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1N^& lo oblga a que .l (s) msmo" proteg-+ (as) como .l que" preguntado le (a*udarle"& >a*nade que se retran

1N_& (tal" no tendr)a nng<n pan+ su 0a no comer)a nng<n pan+ su pan ser)a retendo de .l&

1N2b& ?eb ha dcho+ * sale de la boca del $nnead:1N2c& Qhalc-n+ )9<t91i t i5f +Q los d%eron+ Qbehold+ a del arte del thou + arte del thou <) &Q

1N!& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos"+ un alcohol mperecedero+

 p& N4

1N4b& que sobrepasa el thee+ que es m!s como el thee+ que es m!s cansado que el thou+ quees ma*or que el thou+ que est! m!s ,resco que el thou+

1N4c& que es elogado que thou& 7empo de 7h* del slenco sobre .l est! no m!s&

1N4d& ehold qu. ,%- * 7hot ha hecho+ dos hermanos th*+ que sab)an llorar para el thee&

1NP& Iss * ephth*s abraan el *e+ abraan el *e

1Nb& unen el *e+ unen el *e&

1Nc& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos"+ un alcoholmperecedero&

1Nd& $l Besterners+ que est! en la terra pertenece a &

1NS& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos" un alcohol mperecedero&

1N& $l $asterners que est! en la terra pertenece a &

1N5b& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos" un alcohol mperecedero&

1N5c& $l outherners que est! en la terra pertenece a &

1N5d& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos"+ un alcoholmperecedero&

1N& $l ortherners que est! en la terra pertenece a &

1NNb& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos"+ un alcoholmperecedero&

1NNc& #os que est!n en el mundo terrenal pertenecen a &

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1NNd& $l & vene+ .l se descontenta (" con los nueve (los arcos"+ un alcoholmperecedero&

 .locución $!" &

1NOa& 3ara decr: Ftum+ este h%o th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho paraaguantar * para vvr&

1NOb& Tl vve+ las vdas del & (tamb.n" .l muere no+ los dados del & (tamb.n" no

1NOc& .l ,allece no+ & (tamb.n" ,allece no+ .l no se %uga+ & (tamb.n" no se %uga

1NOd& .l %uga+ los %ueces del & (tamb.n"&

1N& hu+ este h%o th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar * paravvr&

1NMb/1NMd 1NOb/1NOd&

1N9a& 7e,nut+ este h%o th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar * paravvr&

 p& N

1N9b/1N9d 1NOb/1NOd&

1OLa& ?eb+ este h%o th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar * paravvr&

1OLb/1OLd 1NOb/1NOd&

1O1a& #a tuerca+ este h%o th* es .sta aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar * para vvr&

1O1b/1O1d LOb/1NOd&

1O_& Iss+ este hermano th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar * paravvr&

1O2b/1O2d 1NOb/LOd&

1O!& $l sstema+ este hermano th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que se hace para aguantar * paravvr+ que .l puede castgar thee&

1O4b/1O4d 1NOb/1NOd&

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1OP& ephth*s+ este hermano th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar* para vvr&

1Ob/1Od 1NOb/1NOd&

1O& 7hot+ este hermano th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs+ que se hace para aguantar * para vvr+ que.l puede castgar thee&

1O5b/1O5d 1NOb/1NOd&

1O& >orus+ este padre th* es .ste aqu)+ Jsrs&+ que hast del thou hecho para aguantar * paravvr&

1ONb/1ONd 1NOb/1NOd&

1OOa& ?ran $nnead+ .ste aqu) es Jsrs+ que el *e ha hecho para aguantar * para vvr&

1OOb/1OOd 1NOb/1NOd&

1O& 3oco $nnead+ .ste aqu) es Jsrs+ que el *e ha hecho para aguantar * para vvr&

1OMb/1OMd 1NOb/1NOd&

1O9a& #a tuerca+ este h%o th* es .sta aqu)+ Jsrs+ de el cual el hast del thou d%o: Quno natoa su padre&Q

1O9b& >ast de 7hou lmpado para .l su boca su boca ,ue aberta por su h%o+ >orus+ que .l

ama1O9c& sus membros son contados por los doses&

1MLa/1MLc 1NOb/1NOd&

1M1a& $n nombre th*+ Q.l que est! en >elopols+ mentras que .l permanece eterno en susnecropolsQ:

1M1b/1M1d 1NOb/1NOd&

1M_& $n nombre th*+ Q.l que est! en usrs+ %e,e de sus nomesQ:1M2b/1M2d 1NOb/1NOd&

 p& N5

1M!& $n nombre th*+ Q.l que est! en la casa de Eer.t+ ;a  satisfecho Q:

1M4b/1M4d 1NOb/1NOd&

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192b& 7hat hch thou hast eaten s an e*e th* bod* s ,ull o, t th* son+ >orus+ parts tht ,or thee+ that thou ma*est lve b* t&

192c/192d 1NOb/1NOd&

194a& 7h* bod* s the bod* o, & th* ,lesh s the ,lesh o, &194b& th* bones are the bones o, &

194c& 7hou goest+ & goes & goes+ thou goest&

 p& NN

@tterance $$7&

19a& 7he to doors o, the horon are open ts bolts slde&

I 9b& >e has come to thee+ H5t  (Cron o, #oer $g*pt" he has come to thee+ Hsr5t  (Graeus"

19c& he has+ come to thee+ ?reat Jne he has come to thee+ ?reat/n/magc (Cron o,#oer $g*pt"&

19d& >e s pure ,or thee he s n ae o, thee&

195a& a*est thou be sats,ed th hm ma*est thou be sats,ed th hs purt*

195b& ma*est thou be sats,ed th hs ord+ hch he spea;s to thee:

195c& Q>o beaut,ul s th* ,ace+ hen t s peace,ul+ ne+ *oung+ ,or a god+ ,ather o, thegods+ has begotten theeQ

195d& >e has come to thee+ ?reat/n/magc (Cron o, #oer $g*pt"&

195e& It s >orus+ ho has ,ought n protecton o, hs e*e+ ?reat/n/magc&

@tterance $$!&

19Na& 7o sa*: J H5t  (Cron o, #oer $g*pt"+ J /-n (Cron o, #oer $g*pt"+ J ?reat

Jne (Cron o, #oer $g*pt"+

19Nb& J ?reat/n/magc (Cron o, #oer $g*pt"+ J sr&t (Graeus"+

19Oa& ma;e thou the terror o, & to be l;e the terror o, thee

19Ob& ma;e thou the ae o, & to be l;e the ae o, thee

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19Oc& ma;e thou the respect ,or & to be l;e the respect ,or thee

19Od& ma;e thou the love ,or & to be l;e the love ,or thee

19Oe& ma;e thou that hs Lb ȝ/sceptre be at the head o, the lvng ma;e thou that hs Jḫ)/

sceptre be at the head o, the sprts19O,& ma;e thou that hs blade be ,rm aganst hs enemes&

19Ma& J /-n/Cron+ thou has come ,orth ,rom hm as he came ,orth ,rom thee&

19Mb& 7he great /- ḫ5t  has gven brth to thee+ the /- ḫ5t9t5t  has adorned thee

19Mc& the /- ḫ5t9t5t  has gven brth to thee+ the great /- ḫ5t  has adorned thee+

19Md& ,or as ,or thee+ thou art l;e >orus+ ho ,ought n protecton o, hs e*e&

 p& NO

@tterance $$$&

199a& 7o sa*: tand thou upon t+ ths earth+ hch comes ,orth ,rom Ftum+ the salvahch comes ,orth ,rom  prr Ḫ

199b& be thou above t he thou hgh above t+

199c& that thou ma*est see th* ,ather that thou ma*est see @UV&

2LLa& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+ @UV&

2LLb& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+  Hdi&

2LLc& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+  Pndn&

2LLd& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+  Dndn&

2L1a& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+ O) 9r   ȝ &

2L1b& >e has+ come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+ ' ḫn9r &

2L1c& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+ opdu&

2L1d& >e has come to thee+ hs ,ather he has come to thee+ harp o, 7eeth&

2L2a& Cause thou that & see ḳ bḥ5+ that he ta;e the horon

2L2b& cause thou that & govern the ne os+ that he equp the $nnead

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2L2c& cause thou that the shepherd's croo; be n the hand o, &+ so that #oer $g*pt andGpper $g*pt ma* bo (be,ore hm"&

2L4a& >e accepts (Qta;es onQ" hs opponent and stands up+ the great che,+ n hs great;ngdom

2L4b& ephth*s prased hm hen he seed hs opponent:

2La& Q7hou hast equpped th*sel, as the ?reat/n/magc+ et+ ho s n Jmbos+ lord o, theland o, the outh

2Lb& nothng s lac;ng n thee nothng ceases th thee+

2Lc& ,or behold thou art more glorous+ more poer,ul than the gods o, Gpper $g*pt andther sprts&

2L5a& 7hou hom the pregnant brought ,orth+ as thou ddst cleave the nght+2L5b& thou art equpped l;e et+ ho mghtl* bro;e ,orthQ& Dortunate s he hom Iss has prased:

2LNa& Q7hou hast equpped th*sel, l;e >orus+ the *outh,ul+

2LNb& nor s there an*thng lac;ng n thee+ nor an*thng ceases th thee+

2LNc& ,or behold thou art more glorous+ more poer,ul than the northern gods and thersprts&

2LOa& 7hou puttest aa* thne uncleanness ,or Ftum n >elopols+ thou ascendest thhm

 p& NM

2LOb& thou %udgest dstress n the underorld+& thou standest above the places o, the ab*ss

2LOc& thou art (;ng" th th* ,ather Ftum+ thou art hgh th th* ,ather Ftum

2LOd& thou appearest th th* ,ather Ftum+ dstress dsappears&

2LOe& 7he md,e o, >elopols (holds" th* head&

2LMa& 7hou ascendest+ thou openest th* a* through the bones o, hu

2LMb& thou envelopest th*sel, n the embrace o, th* mother ut

2LMc& thou pur,est th*sel, n the horon+ thou puttest aa* thne mpurt* n the la;es o,hu&

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2L9a& 7hou rsest+ thou settest+ thou settest th @UV+ n obscurt* th Hdi

2L9b& thou rsest+ thou settest+ thou rsest th @UV+

2L9c& thou appearest th ' ḫn9r 

21La& thou rsest+ thou settest+ thou settest th ephth*s+ n obscurt* th the )J0t5t /boat

21Lb& thou rsest+ thou settest+ thou rsest th Iss

21Lc& thou appearest th the )Lnd5t /boat&

211a& 7hou art master o, th*sel, there s no one n th* a*&

211b& 7hou art born because o, (l;e" >orus thou art conceved because o, (l;e" et

211c& 7hou ddst pur,* th*sel, n the Dalcon/nome thou ddst receve th* pur,caton nthe ome o, the Integral @uler+ ,rom th* ,ather+ ,rom Ftum&

212a& 7hou hast come nto beng+ thou hast become hgh+ thou hast become content

212b& thou hast become ell n the embrace o, th* ,ather+ n the embrace o, Ftum&

214a& Ftum+ let & ascend to thee+ en,old hm n thne embrace+

214b& ,or he s th* bodl* son ,or everQ&

 ext: 5& 7he 6eceased Ang @eceves J,,erngs and s @e/$stablshed n >s Dunctons and 3ossessons+ Gtterances 224/225

guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto


 .locución $$2 &

21P& 3ara decr: 6esperto& 6. vuelta alrededor& `J `J

21b& J &+ encma de+ se asente antes de ml panes+ ml taas de la cervea

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 p& N9

21c& las carnes asadas+ pedao th* de la doble/costlla (vene" del matar/banco+ el rt> / pan del amplo/pasllo ( <5t "&

2& Como proporconan un dos o,rendas dvnas+ as) que el & se proporcona su pan&

215b& $l arte de 7hou vene al a th& + Jsrs+ un 8a entre los alcoholes+ poderosos en susdomnos+

215c& protegdo por el $nnead en la casa del pr)ncpe&

21& J &+ th*sel, a m)+ th*sel, del beta;e del acercamento a m)+

21Nb& no est. le%os de la tumba+ no se separe de m)&

21Nc& >e dado a thee el o%o de >orus #o he contado al thee& J puede .l ser agradable al

thee+ con thee&

21Oa& J &+ encma de+ recbe el pan th* (de m" mano&

21Ob& 3ara decr cuatro veces: J &+ ser. al thee puerta/encargado&

*?tulo & posdata a la elocución $$3 &

21& 3ara decr cuatro veces: Gn o,recmento .l en todos sus dgntes+ en todos suslugares&

21Mb& a*o ?eb da un o,recmento en todos los dgntes th*+ en todos los lugares th*&

 .locución $$3 &

21Mc& 3ara decr: 6esp.rtese+ & 7urn alrededor+ &

21Md& $l hast de 7hou vene ese comando ma's ma*est del thou de las regones de >orus

el hast del thou 21Me& vene ese comando ma's ma*est del thou de las regones del sstema

el hast del thou 21M,& vene ese comando ma's ma*est del thou de las regones de Jsrs&

219a& a*o el re* hace un o,recmento: Qen todos los dgntes th*Q&

219b& #a ropa de 7h* es un b / lomo/pa0o la ropa th* es un hdd / loncloth

thou 219c& ma's goest de sandals thou ma's slaughterest un bue*

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22La& thou ma's goest del 91n del d / barco+ en todos los dgntes th*+ en todos los lugaresth*&

22Lb& 7h* n>b5t / el sceptre est! el al ,rente del personal vvo+ th* est! en el %e,e de losalcoholes+

22Lc& tenen gusto de Fnubs+ prmero del Besterners como 1 ti de n d + prmero de losnomes del este&

221a& `C-mo es a,ortunado es th* condcone Frte de 7hou un alcohol+ J &+ entrehermanos th*+ los doses&

 p& OL

221b& `C-mo le est! cambado es `C-mo le est! cambado es (tan" prote%a a n0os th*gu!rdese de

,rontera th* 22^& (lmtac-n" que est! en la terra& 3ara decr cuatro veces: Frrope el cuerpoth* (*" venen en su presenca&

 .locución $$# &

@na variante de la elocución $$3 &

22_& 3ara decr: `6esp.rtese+ & `6. vuelta alrededor+ &

222b& $l hast de 7hou vene ese comando ma's ma*est del thou de las regones de >orus(el hast del thou vene" ese comando ma's ma*est del thou de las regones del sstema

222c& que ese thou ma's ma*est hable en las regones de Jsrs&

22!& a*o el re* hace un o,recmento: $l h%o de 7h* est! sobre el trono th* la ropa th* esel p>5ti la ropa th* es un <d d / loncloth

thou 224b& ma's goest de sandals thou ma's slaughterest un bue*

22P& thou ma's goest del 91n del d / barco+ en todos los lugares th*+ en todos los dgntesth*

22b& 7h* n>b5t / el sceptre est! el al ,rente del personal vvo+ th* est! en el %e,e de losalcoholes&

22c& $nve%ecdo se vene .l protege a su h%o&

22d& Frropar el cuerpo th* de ma*o+ para la ma's ma*est del thou venda a [ *o ] * pueda[ el o%o de >orus ] sea agradable al thee&

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6espu.s: N& obre todo $ncantos 6e la erpente+ $locucones 22N/24

guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto


 .locución $$4 &

22& 3ara decr: Gna serpente es cercada por otra serpente+

225b& cuando (" un becerro desdentado llevado en pasto/terra se cerca&

225c& 7erra+ devour el que ha vendo adelante de thee& $l monstruo (besta"+ se acuesta+deslamento le%os&

22& Caen a un crado (persona santa" que pertenece al $nnead (pelcan" en agua&

22Nb& #a serpente+ vuelca que @ ' puede ver thee&

 .locución $$; &

22Oa& 3ara decr: #a cabea del gran toro negro ,ue cortada&

22Ob& pn5 / la serpente+ .sta se dce al thee& A rR9n t r / el scorpon+ .ste se dce al thee:

22Oc& Ruelque+ desl)cese en la terra& 7engo dcho esto al thee&

 p& O1

 .locución $$6 &

22& 3ara decr: #a cara cae en cara la cara ve la cara&

22Mb& Gn cuchllo+ un negro coloreado * un verde+ sale contra .l+ hasta que ha tragado elque ha lamdo&

 .locución $$" &

229a& 3ara decr: Tsta es la u0a de Ftum+

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24& 3ara decr: $l hueso de 7h* es un arponear/punto por el cual se arponee el thou semarchta& e comprueban los coraones los n-madas est!n en el lugar de la lana+

245b& se echan aba%o& $s decr+ el dos ==)n &

 .locución $2$ &24& 3ara decr: Mti + Mti + Mti + Mti

24Nb& *i + su madre+ *i + su madre Miti + Miti &

24Nc& ea thou regado (lavado"+ deserto de J (de%e all) sea" regue+ no enarene&

 .locución $22 &

24Oa& 3ara decr: e cae la serpente que vno adelante de la terra se cae la llama que vno

adelante de mon%a&24Ob& Ca)da deslamento le%os&

 .locución $23 &

24& 3ara decr: Gna cara est! sobre thee thou que arte en ventre th*& 6escenda en laespna dorsal th*+ el thou que arte en n&t th& / arbusto&

24Mb& 6. le%os antes de que la serpente que se proporcona sus dos cabeas&

 .locución $2# &249a& 3ara decr: Fti + 1 -)> + 1 -)> &

249b& $l hast de 7hou vol- a dos encargados de la puerta/canllera de pedra del 1 .1l9it9ti9i9i9i9&o9i9&o &

 .locución $24 &

2L& 3ara decr: Q de Fbbhititibiti + h%o de ==ifg5t + que es nombre th*&

 .locución $2; &21a& 3ara decr: pttle+ encma de el cual no se seca (en polvo"+ (que no tene"desaparecdo (volado" en la casa de su madre+

la serpente 21b& (besta"+ se acuesta&

 .locución $26 &

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2_& 3ara decr: $l pan del padre th* pertenece al thee+ 1 -0i9nhii

el thne 22b& posee el pan pertenece al padre th* * al thee+ 1 -0 (" 9 nhii &

 p& O4

22c& %o*er)a+ acete+ A 1 i9t + que es bue* del thne+ el renombrado+ para que hecho se est!hacendo esto&

 .locución $2" &

2!& 3ara decr: #a corona blanca se va adelante ella tene devoured el grande&

24b& #a lengfeta de la corona blanca tene devoured el grande+ con todo la lengfeta no ,uevsta&

 .locución $37 &

2P& 3ara decr: #a uraeus/serpente pertenece al celo el cemp.s de >orus+ pertenece enla terra&

2b& >orus era una bue*/manada cuando .l ps- encenddo (las cosas"& $l & psa sobre lacamnata (deslar/lugar" de >orus+

2c& mentras que el & le conoce no que no se conoca&

2& Gna cara es+ sobre el thee+ el thou que arte en su n&t (th*  S / arbusto el thou ma'sma*est se menta en la parte posterora th*+ el thou que arte en su agu%ero (th*"&

25b& Carne/cocna de >orus+ escape en la terra& J de%- la besta+ deserto de J+deslamento le%os&

 .locución $3! &

2& 3ara decr: Qexpectorac-n de la paredQ el Qvomtar del ladrllo+Q

2Nb& el que salga de la boca th* se lana detr!s contra th*sel,&

 .locución $3$ &

2Oa& 3ara decr: e extngue la llama& #a llama/serpente no se encuentra en la casa de .lque posea Jmbos&

2Ob& $s una serpente+ que morder!+ que se ha deslado nuevamente dentro de la casa de.l que morder!+ que puede permanecer en .l&

 .locución $32 &

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2& 3ara decr: 6os >t / sceptres * dos >t / los sceptres est!n para ambas cuerdas de d) ' /+ (decr" dos veces+ como pan que se retenga de thee&

2Mb& 7hou del arte entonces realmente aqu)+ thou del arte entonces realmente all) $lesclavo de J+ sale&

6espu.s: O& $l re* d,unto Frrves en el celo en donde lo establecen+ elocucones 2/259

guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto

 p& O


 .locución $33 &

29a& 3ara decr: J Jsrs &+ .ste aqu) es el o%o [ duro ] de >orus&

29b& #l.velo el thee que el thou ma's ma*est sea ,uerte+ (*" ese .l (,%e" puede temer thee&

@<brca& $l romperse de dos tarros ro%os&

 .locución $3# &

25La& $ste & vene a la tuerca del thee este & vene a la tuerca del thee&

25Lb& Tl ha lanado a su padre a la terra .l tene >orus querdo detr!s de .l&

25Lc& us dos alas se crecen como (los de" halc-n (el su*o" dos plumas como (los de"  g)> / halc-n&

25Ld& u 8a lo ha tra)do (aqu)" su energ)a m!gca lo ha equpado&

251a& $l lugar th* ma's openest de 7hou en celo+ entre las estrellas del celo

arte del thou 251b& la <nca estrella+ el compa0ero de == la llanura ma's loo;est del thouen Jsrs+

25^& como .l ordena los alcoholes& 7hou ma's standest all) le%os de .l&

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251d& 7hou no est! de ellos shalt del thou no ser de ellos&

 .locución $34 &

25_& Rea+ entre c-mo el & est! parado all) (usted"+ los dos cuernos en .l (como" dos

salva%e/toros+252b& para el arte del thou el espol-n negro+ h%o de una ove%a negra&

252c& llevado de una ove%a blanca+ cudado por cuatro ove%as&

25!& $l >orus aul/e*ed vene contra usted protector ustedes msmo contra el >orus ro%o/e*ed+

254b& ,uroso en la c-lera+ que ,uera nade thstands&

254c& us mensa%eros van su corredor acelera&254d& Fnuncan a .l que levante para arrba su brao en el este

25P& que .ste pasa en el thee de el cual Dn91n5i d%o: Q.l ordenar! a ms (" padres+ losdoses&Q

25b& #os doses son slencosos antes de thee el $nnead pone sus manos sobre su boca+

 p& O5

25c& antes .ste en el thee (qu.n" Dn91n5i d%o: Q.l ordenar! a ms (" padres+ los doses&Q

25& oporte en el umbral del horonte abra las puertas dobles de 2b>5 +

255b& que el soporte ma's ma*est del thou en su (los doses '" cabea+ como ?eb en el %e,ede su $nnead //

255c& que (los doses" ncorporan+ ellos se golpean volentamente con medo salen+ elloslevantan para arrba su cabea&

25& Ren el thee como el mnuto+ %e,e de los dos 1 itr5t / palacos&

25Nb& Tl est! parado+ .l est! parado detr!s del thee+ soportes th* del hermano detr!s delthee+ parente th* (n[" est! parado detr!s de thee&

25Nc& 7hou ma's pershest no arte del thou no destrudo&

25Nd& gue habendo el nombre de 7h* entre hombres el nombre th* tene su estar entrelos doses&

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 .locución $3; &

25Oa& 3ara decr: $l h%o >orus de 7h* ha hecho (esto" para el thee&

25Ob& $l grandes temblan cuando han vsto la espada que est! en mano th*+

25Oc& como thou ma's comest adelante del D9t &

25& aludos al thee+ el sabo&

25Mb& ?eb ha creado thee el $nnead ha engendrado thee&

25Mc& >orus est! sats,echo con su padre+ (como" Ftum est! sats,echo con sus a0os&

25Md& #os doses del este * del oeste est!n sats,echos con el grande (cosa" que se vene para pasar en el abrao de la madre dvna (tuerca"&

259a& &+ J& &+ (thou" que hast vsto &+ J& &+ (thou" que el hast mr-

259b& + J (thou" que el hast o*- &+ J &+ (thou" que hast estado all)

2NLa& &+ J &+ thee de la elevac-n para arrba sobre lado th*+ doer (del thou" delcomando

2NLb& (thou" que el sue0o ma's hatest+ (thou" que el arte ho cansado+ est! parado paraarrba+ (thou" que arte en Hdi5t &

2NLc& $l pan ,no de 7h* se hace (es decr o,recdo+ c,& C7+ deletreo NO+ 2MNb" en utoenerg)a th* de la toma en >elopols&

2N1a& $ste >orus ordenado para hacer (esto" para su padre& $l se0or de la tempestad prevno la salva del sstema+

2N1b& cuando .l (,%e" debe llevar thee& $s .l que llevar! el qu.n es (otra ve" termna&

 p& ON

 .locución $36 &

2N_& 3ara decr $l & es grande& $l & ha vendo adelante entre de los muslos del $nnead&

2N2b& $l & era+ concebdo por e;hmet+ .l es el Q s)t5t que do a lu al &+

2N!& (como" el la estrella con el ,rente de la per,orac-n (vstao" * ancho del paso grande+que trae a provsones para el va%e (el su*o" a @ ' cada d)a&

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2N4b& $l & ha vendo a su trono+ que es m!s alto que (o+ excedente+ arrba" las dos dosas protectoras de $gpto superor * m!s ba%o $l & aparece (o+ brllos" como estrella&

 .locución $3" &

2NP& 3ara decr: #os contestants del *e dos de J+ ahora anuncan el honorable en este sunombre:

2Nb& $l & es este sasa / plante que suelta de la terra&

2Nc& #a mano del & es lmpada por .l que ha preparado su trono&

2N& & es qu.n est! en la nar de gran la de gran alcance&

2N5b& $l & sale de la sla de la llama+

2N5c& (despu.s" .l+ &+ hab)a ,%ado verdad en esto en el lugar de error&2N5d& & es qu.n es el guarda del lavadero+ que protege las uraeus/serpentes+

2Ni& en la noche de la gran nundac-n+ que procede del grande&

2N& $l & aparece como e,ertem+ como la ,lor del loto en la nar de @ '

2NNb& mentras que .l vene adelante del horonte cada d)a+ los doses se pur,can+ cuandolo ven&

 .locución $#7 &2NOa& 3ara decr: Qes el & que es el %e,e de los 0as + que une los coraones+Q as) que dcesea (o ella" qu.n es %e,e del sabo+ el gran+

2NOb& Q.l que est! en la poses-n del lbro dvno+ que sabe+ que est! en la derecha de @ '&Q

2NOc& $l & vene a su trono+ .l es %e,e de los 0as + el & une los coraones+ (as) que la dce"que es %e,e del sabo+ el gran+

 p& OO

2NOd& $l & vene en ser+ .l que sepa+ estando en la poses-n del lbro dvno+ .l que est. enla derecha de @ '&

2N& 7hou de J que el arte %ust,c- por el &+

2NMb& es el & que dce (est! dcendo" cu!l est! en el cora-n de el gran (tuerca"+ en el banquete de ropas ro%as+

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2NMc& que (para" es &+ .l es &+ que sabe+ que est! en la derecha de @ '

se dsgusta 2NMd& (as)" el cora-n del %e,e del absmo de la mon%a&

 .locución $#! &

2N9a& 3ara decr: $l *e de J+ que es (,%e" sobre las horas+ que est!n (va*a" antes de @ '+hace (alste" la manera para el &+

2N9b& que el & puede pasar a trav.s en el medo del protector de la ,rontera de hostl men&

2OLa& $l & est! en la manera a su trono+ (como" uno que lugares est.n en el ,rente+ que est!detr!s del dos+ con la cabea arqueada+

2OLb& adorn- con el cuerno (*" de un ant)lope ,uerte agudo+

2OLc& tenen gusto de uno en la poses-n de un cuchllo agudo+ que corta la garganta&2OLd& $l conductor/le%os (" del su,rmento del toro+ el punsher de .sos en oscurdad+

2OLe& (es" el cuerno del ant)lope ,uerte+ que est! detr!s del gran dos&

2O1a& $l & los ha reducdo al castgo $l & ha machacado su cabea&

2O1b& $l brao del & no ser! resstdo en el horonte&

 .locución $#$ &

2O_& 3ara decr: #evante para arrba a su cabea+ los doses del *e+ que est!n en el D5t +

2O2b& para el & se vene& 8e ve que .l (c-mo" .l se converte como+ un gran dos&

2O2c& Introduca el & con el temblor adorne el &+

2O!& que ha honrado el *e todo+ (como" .l orden- a humandad (tamb.n hacer"&

2O4b& $l & %uga a los que vvan en el medo de la terra de @ '+

2O4c& mentras que el & habla a esta terra pura+ en donde .l ha establecdo su resdenca+con el %ue de los dos doses+

2OP& $l & es poderoso en su presenca $l & lleva el m[/sceptre+ cuando .l (7hot"rechaar)a &

2Ob& $l & se senta con los que remen @ '&

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2Oc& $l & ordena el bueno+ * .l (7hot" lo hace+ (para" & es el gran dos&

 p& OM

 .locución $#2 &

2O& 3ara decr: Tl es puro+ que ,ue pur,cado en el pantano de ca0as&

2O5b& @ ' se pur,ca en el pantano de ca0as&

2O5c& Tl es puro+ que ,ue pur,cado en el pantano de ca0as&

2O5d& $ste & se pur,ca en el pantano de ca0as&

2Oi& #a mano del & est! en la mano de @ ' #a tuerca toma su brao

2O5,& hu lo levanta para arrba hu lo levanta para arrba&

 .locución $#3 &

2O& $l gran ncenso de las quemaduras (de Graeus" al toro de H<n &

2ONb& $l calor de una resprac-n llameante est! contra *e+ que rodea la caplla&

2ONc& $l gran dos de J+ que nombre es desconocdo+ un o,recmento est! en el lugar (esdecr en lugar" para el Gno/se0or&

2OOa& $l se0or de J del horonte+ hace el lugar para &

2OOb& el lugar ma's ma;est del thou no para &+ & pone una maldc-n en su padre ?eb:

2OOc& #a terra no quere no m!s habla ?eb no quere no m!s pueda de,enderse&

2O& Zu.n el & encuentra en su manera+ .l .l come para se el pedacto por el pedacto&

2OMb& .l >n5t / pelcan anunca+ el ti del p d / pelcan vene adelante el gran se presenta+

2OMc& que (los tres" $nneads hablan: Gna presa contendr! encma de la terra+

2O9a& ambo l'mte/de/jjj/cultvaco'n ser! undo+ ambos rverban;s ser! ensamblado+

los camnos 2O9b& ser!n cerrados contra pasa%eros+

las escaleras 2O9c& para las que ascender)an ser!n destrudas&

2O9d& F%uste el cable+ traves)a el )25t + golpee la bola en el prado de =pi &

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2MLa& J+ los campos th* tembla+ J+ el 1 id / estrella+ en la columna de las estrellas+

2MLb& cuando ven la columna de Fns5t + el bue* (o+ toro" del celo+

2MLc& * c-mo la bue*/manada se aterrora (abrumado" en .l&

2M1a& J+ est. asustado+ tembla+ los crmnales del *e+ antes de la tempestad del celo

2M1b& .l abr- la terra con el que .l sab)a+ en el d)a que .l am- venr

2M_& tan dcho+ .l // .l que es rco en arable/terra+ .l que habta el Dt &

 p& O9

2M2b& ehold+ ella vene resolver el thee+ el Qoeste hermoso+Q para resolver thee+

242c& con sus tresses hermosos+ ella dce: Q.l vene qu.n he llevado+

2M!& que cuerno brlla+ la columna barnada+ el bue* (o+ toro" del celo&

2M4b& #a ,gura de 7h* es+ exalted+ paso en pa&

2MP& >e protegdo thee+ la dgo+ el Qoeste hermoso+Q a &

2Mb& Ra*a+ va%e al pantano de o,rendas

2Mc& traen el remo a ==ri925t5f &

2M& 7an dcho .l que es %e,e de su departamento (o+ muslo que o,rece"& 7hou ma's deca*estde la terra

2M5b& en cuanto a grueso th*+ en cuanto a haber ce0do th*+ en cuanto a longtud th*

(sno como alcohol" thou 2M5c& el @ ma's seest ' en sus enlaces+ thou el @ ma's adorest ' en/su lbertad (de" que el su*o enlaa+

2M5d& con la gran protecc-n que est! en sus tra%es ro%os&

2M& $l se0or de la pa da al thee el su*o (con B&" brao&

2MNb& 8e de J+ sus ella/monos+ que cortaron las cabeas+

2MNc& puede paso del & de usted en pa+ (para" .l ha undo (otra ve" el su*o+ cabea a sucuello+

2MNd& (para" el cuello del & est! en su tronco+ en su nombre de la QCabea/attacher+Q

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2MNe& (como" .l un- el %e,e del Fps en .l (es decr+ en su nombre"+ el d)a que el toro ,uecogdo con un lasso&

2MOa& #os que el & ha hecho para comer (ellos comen de su almento" (*" en su beber+

2MOb& que beben de su abundanca&2MOc& J que el & sea respetado all) por los que lo vean&

2M& .l >0n9t5t / serpente est! en su d 1 ) / sceptre+ la hermana (" del & que sostenehu en alto&

2MMb& $lla hace su lugar ancho en usrs+ en endes+ en los necropols de >elopols

2MMc& ella erge dos est!ndares antes los grandes

2M9a& ella cava una pscna (" para el & en el pantano de ca0as2M9b& ella establece su campo en los dos pantanos de o,rendas&

2M9c& =ueces en el &t/r&t 9 vaca del & entre los dos luchadores+

29La& para su ,uera es la ,uera del o%o de 7b (@ '"+

29Lb& que pudo el su*o es la ,uera del o%o de 7b&

29Lc& $l & se ha lberado de los que hceron esto contra .l+

29Ld& que tom- de .l su cena+

 p& ML

291a& cuando estaba all)+ que tom- su cena de .l+

291b& cuando estaba all)+ que tom- la resprac-n de su nar+

29^& que tra%o a un extremo los d)as de su vda&

291d& $l & es m!s poderoso que ellos+ aparecendo sobre su orlla&

29_& us coraones caen en sus dedos+

292b& sus entra0as a los habtantes del celo (p!%aros"+ su sangre a los habtantes de la terra(bestas"+

292c& su herenca a los pobres+

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292d& sus casas a encender+ sus gran%as al lo alto (nundaton"&

29!& 6e%e el cora-n del & estar alegre `de%e el cora-n del & estar alegre

294b& & s Gnque+ the ox (or+ bull" o, heaven&

294c& >e has extermnated those ho have done ths aganst hm+ he has destro*ed thoseho are on the earth&

29a/c& elongng to hs throne+ hat he ll ta;e+ hat he ll l,t up+ s that hch hs,ather hu has gven hm n the presence o, et&

@tterance $##&

295a& 7o sa*: 7he >oron burns ncense to >orus o,  H ḫn provsons ,or the lords&

295b& 7he horon burns ncense to >orus o, H ḫn+295c& the heat o, ts ,lamng breath s aganst *ou ho surrounded the chapel+

295d& the poson o, ts ,lamng breath s aganst *ou ho ear the ?reat (#oer $g*ptancron"&

29Na& 7he horon burns ncense to >orus o, H ḫn provsons ,or the lords&

29Nb& J the ugl*+ the ugl* o, ,orm (speech"+ the ugl* o, ,orm+

29Oa& remove th*sel, ,rom th* place+ la* don on the ground the dgnt* ,or &29Ob& I, thou removest not th*sel, ,rom th* place and la*est (not" don on the ground th*dgnt* ,or &

29Oc& then ll & come+ hs ,ace l;e the ?reat Jne+ lord o, the 5t  ȝ /helmet+

29Od& mght* through that n hch he s+ n%ured

29Ma& then ll he mpart heat to hs e*e+ hch ll surround *ou+

29Mb& and ll let go a tempest on those ho dd rong+29Mc& and ll let loose an nundaton over the Fncents

299a& then ll he str;e aa* the arms o, hu under ut+

 p& M1

299b& and then ll & put hs arm on the all (protecton" on hch thou leanest&

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4LLa& 7he ?reat (@UV" stands tp n the nteror o, hs chapel+

4LLb& and la*s don to the ground hs dgnt* ,or &+

4LLc+ a,ter & had ta;en command (Ḥ" and had lad hold o, ;noledge (Oi ȝ"&

@tterance $#4 &

4L1a& 7o sa*: & has nherted ?eb & has nherted ?eb&

4L1b& >e has nherted Ftum he s upon the throne o, >orus+ the eldest&

4L1c& >s e*e s hs mght hs protecton conssts n that hch as done to hm&

4L2a& 7he heat o, the ,lamng breath o, hs uraeus/serpent

4L2b& s l;e that o, the Knn9t5t /serpent on hs ,orehead&4L2c& & has put hs ,ear n ther heart+

4L2d& n ma;ng a massacre among them&

4L4a& 7he gods sa (t" dsrobed+

4L4b& and the* boed themselves be,ore & n homage (sa*ng":

4L4c& Q>s mother conducts hm hs home/ton tos hm

4L4d& >a+ let go th* rope&Q

@tterance $#; &

4La& 7o sa*: 7here s a clamour n heaven&

4Lb& QBe see a ne thng+Q sa* the prmordal gods&

4Lc& J $nnead+ a >orus s n the ra*s o, the sun&

4Ld& 7he lords o, ,orm serve hm+4Le& the 7o $nneads entre serve hm+

4L5a& as he sts n place o, the Fll/lord& & ns heaven+ he cleaves ts ,rmness&

4L5b& & s led along the a*s o, Ahepr

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41Ld& he goes+ he comes th @UV&

41Le& >s houses are vsted b* hm&

411a& & sees 0as he ,rees 0as

411b& he covers up evl he abolshes evl&

411c& & spends the da* he spends+ the nght+ hle he appeases the to choppers n Wn5&

411d& othng opposes hs ,oot nothng restrans hs heart&

@tterance $#"&

412a& 7o sa*: & s Jsrs n a dust/storm&

4112b& 7he abomnaton o, & s the earth he has+ not entered nto ?eb+412c& that & mght persh nor has he slept n hs house on earth+

412d& that the bones o, & mght be bro;en& >s ounds are e,,aced

412e& & has pur,ed hmsel, th the e*e o, >orus hs ound s e,,aced b* the tomourners o, Jsrs

412,& & has let the runnng (o, hs ound" ,lo to the ground at uḲ ṣ&

414a& It s the sster o, &+ the lad* 3+ ho ept ,or hm& p& M4

414b& 7he to nurses (or+ attendants"+ ho ept ,or Jsrs+ ept ,or hm&

414c& & s on hs a* to heaven & s on hs a* to heaven+ th hu and @UV&

414d& & s not hndered there s no one ho hnders hm&

414e& & s upon hs ,eet+ the eldest o, the gods&

414,& & has no sesson n the dvne court&

41a& 7he bread o, & comes on hgh th (that o," @UV

41b& hs o,,erng comes out o, un&

41c& & s one ho comes agan

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41d& & goes th @UV & comes th @UV&

4+e& >s houses are vsted b* hm&

4+5a& >e covers up evl he abolshes evl&

415b& >e sees 0as he ,rees 0as&

415c& & spends the da* he spends the nght & ,rees the to choppers n Wn5&

415d& othng opposes the ,eet o, & nothng restrans the heart o, &

 ext: M& 7he 6eceased Ang 7rumphs Jver >s $nemes and s @ecogned b* the ?ods+Gtterances 2NL/2N2

guente Fnteror 6e los 7extos 6el Hndce agrado 6e $gpto


 .locución $47 &

41& 3ara decr: J ?eb+ toro de la tuerca+ & es un >orus+ heredero de su padre&

41Nb& $l & es el goer+ el comer+ el cuarto de estos cuatro doses+

41Nc& que ha tra)do el agua (*" se ho lmpos+ que excedente del re%oce la Qenerg)aQ desus padres&

41Nd& Tl desea que el lo %ust,que a que .l ha hecho&

41Oa& 3uesto que *fn * 7e,nut han %ugado el & puesto que las dos verdades han o)do (.l"

41Ob& puesto que hu ha sdo abogado (lengfeta" puesto que las dos verdades han dadoveredcto

41Oc& .l ha abarcado los tronos de ?eb+ .l se ha levantado a el que .l deseaba&

41& (tan ahora que" se unen sus membros+ que ,ueron ocultados (en el sepulcro"+

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41Mb& .l se une con los que est.n en mon%a& Tl poner ,n a sus palabras en >elopols+

 p& M

41Mc& como el & va adelante en ese d)a en el verdad ,orme de un < &

419a& $l & destru*e batalla .l castga la rebel-n&

419b& $l & va adelante (como" el protector de la verdad .l la trae+ porque ella est! con .l&

419c& #os que eran ,urosos+ (ahora" ocupado ellos msmos para .l los que est!n en mon%a+(ahora" le dan vda encma&

42La& $l re,ugo del & est! en su o%o la protecc-n del & est! en su o%o

42Lb& la energ)a del & est! en su o%o la ,uera del & est! en su o%o&

421a& #os doses de J del sur+ del norte+ del oeste+ del este+ respecto &+ lo temen

421b& .l se ha sentado en el >t de las dos cortes&

42^& Zue la uraeus/serpente d nn9t5t pudo haberse quemado le+ porque la logr- sucora-n+

42_& usted (ellos" que pudo haber vendo al & como un adversaro vendo a .l (comoamgo"+ venga a .l&

422b& $l & es la d d de su padre+ el n<b de su madre&

42!& $l abomnaton del & debe camnar en oscurdad+

424b& a ,n de .l vea a los que sean al rev.s&

424c& $l & vendr! adelante en este d)a .l traer! verdad con .l&

424d& $l & no ser! entregado hasta su llama+ doses de J&

 .locución $4! &

42P& 3ara decr: $l & es un latdo del cora-n+ h%o del cora-n de hu+

42b& ancho/outstretched+ una lu que cega&

42c& $s el & que es una llama (mudana" antes del vento a los ,nales del celo * alextremo de la terra+

42d& tan pronto como los braos del rel!mpago se vacen de &

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42& Tl va%a con hu * pasos grandes a trav.s de 0r

425b& .l besa la corona ro%a+ dvnel* creado&

42& #os que est!n en el arbour (el celo" !brase para .l los braos&

42Nb& $l & est! parado en el lado del este del celo

42Nc& (donde" all) se trae .l el que ascenda al celo&

42Nd& $l & hace una separac-n de la tempestad&

 .locución $4$ &

42Oa& 3ara decr: 6son no &+ dos de J para el thou ma's ;noest .l * .l sabe thee&

42Ob& 6son no &+ dos de J para .l sabe thee& p& M5

42Oc& (thee" es dcho: Qel transtoro&Q

42& 6son no &+ J @ ' para el thou ma's ;noest .l * .l sabe thee&

42Mb& 6son no &+ J @ ' para .l sabe thee&

42Mc& Fl thee es dcho: Qel grande (uno" se destru*e en con%unto&Q

429a& 6son no &+ J 7hot para el thou ma's ;noest .l * .l sabe thee&

429b& 6son no &+ J 7hot para .l sabe thee&

429c& Fl thee es dcho: Q.l se reclna+ el soltaro&Q

44La& 6son no &+ J >orus+ el preemnente (se0alado" para el thou ma's ;noest .l * .lsabe thee&

44Lb& 6son no &+ J >orus+ el preemnente (se0alado" para .l sabe thee&

44Lc& Fl thee es dcho: Qel desa,ortunado&Q

441a& 6son no &+ thou de J que arte en el D5t para el thou ma's ;noest .l * .l sabethee&

44N& 6son no &+ thou de J que arte en el D5t para .l sabe thee&

44^& Fl thee es dcho: Qda0ado&Q

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44_& 6son no &+ toro de J del celo para el thou ma's ;noest .l * .l sabe thee&

442b& 6son no &+ toro de J del celo para .l sabe thee&

442c& Fl thee es dcho: Qeste n<< / estrella&Q

44!& ehold+ & vene el behold+ & vene se ascende el behold+ &&

444b& $l & no se vene de se&

444c& $s un mensa%ero que se vene a .l es una palabra dvna que lo har! presentarse&

44P& $l & ha pasado por su amplo/casa la ,ura del gran mar lo ha evtado&

44b& u preco no se acepta en la gran nave

44c& el palaco del grande no puede guardarlo apagado de la manera del >d5 / estrellas&44& ehold+ por lo tanto+ & ha logrado las alturas del celo&

445b& Tl ha vsto su uraeus/serpente en el barco del sol de la tarde es el & que ha va%adoen .l&

445c& Tl ha reconocdo la uraeus/serpente en el barco del sol de la ma0ana+ .l (el su*o" esel & que lo ha a,anado haca ,uera&

44& #os muertos bendecdos (" han atestguado a .l

44Nb& la granar/tormenta del celo lo ha elmnado+ .l (lt& que .l causa" causa el & alacercamento a @ '&

6espu.s: 9& edos por el que el re* d,unto @eaches >eaven+ elocucones 2N4/2O1

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 


@tterance $;$&

492a& 7o sa*: J #o,t*/one+ hch s not sharpened+ thou 6oor o, un+

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492b& & comes to thee& Cause ths (door" to be opened ,or hm&

492c& &+ he s small+

492d& (*et" & s che, o, the Dolloers o, @UV he s not che, o, the evl gods (demons"&

@tterances $;29$;3&

494a& 7o sa*: 7he s;* s overcast+ the stars are dar;ened+

494b& the bos are agtated+ the bones o, the earth/gods qua;e&

494c& 7he agtatons cease

49a& a,ter the* have seen & danng (as" a ba+

49b& as a god+ ho lves on hs ,athers and ,eeds on hs mothers& p& 94

49c& & s lord o, cra,tness+ hose name hs mother ;nos not&

495a& 7he honour o, & s n heaven+ hs mght s n the horon+

495b& l;e hs ,ather+ Ftum+ ho begat hm& >e has begotten hm mghter than he&

49Na& 7he 0as o, & are behnd hm+ hs mad/servants are under hs ,eet+

49Nb& hs gods are over hm+ hs uraeus/serpents are upon hs bro

49Nc& the leader/serpent o, & s on hs ,orehead+ she ho perceves the soul (o, the enem*"+(as" a dadem+ a ,lame o, ,re

49Nd& the mght o, & s ,or hs protecton&

49Oa& & s the bull o, heaven+ ho (once" su,,ered ant and decded (lt& gave n hs heart"to lve on the beng o, ever* god+

49Ob& ho ate ther entrals (" hen t came (to pass" that ther bell* as ,ull o, magc

49Oc& ,rom the Isle o, Dlame&

49Ma& & s equpped+ he ho has ncorporated hs sprts&

49Mb& & dans as the ?reat Jne+ lord o, those th (read*" hands&

49Mc& >e sts+ hs sde toards ?eb (the earth"&

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499a& It s & ho %udges th hm hose name s hdden+

499b& (on" ths da* o, sla*ng the eldest (gods"&

499c& & s lord o, o,,erngs+ ho ;nots the cord+

499d& ho hmsel, prepares hs meal&

LLa& & s he ho eats men and lves on gods+

LLb& lords o, messengers+ ho dstrbutes orders&

L1a& It s Q?rasper/o,/the/top/;notQ ho s n 0 ḥ 5 ȝ  ho lassoes them ,or &

L1b& It s Q7he serpent th rased head (dJr9tp"Q ho atches them (the gods" ,or &+ horepels them ,or hm&

L1c& It s Q>e ho s upon the llosQ ho bnds them ,or &

L2a& It s QAhonsu ho slaughters the lords (gods"+Q n that he beheads them ,or &+

L2b& and ta;es out ,or hm hat s n ther bod*&

L2c& >e (Ahonsu" s the messenger hom he (&" sends ,orth to punsh&

L4a& It s Ts)5 ho cuts them up ,or &+

L4b& coo;ng ,or hm a meal o, them n hs evenng coo;ng/pots&L4c& It s & ho eats ther magc and sallos ther sprts

La& ther ?reat Jnes are ,or hs mornng meal+

 p& 9

Lb& ther mddle/sed ones are ,or hs evenng meal+

Lc& ther lttle ones are ,or hs nght meal+

Ld& ther old men and old omen are ,or hs ncense/burnng (or+ ,re"&

L5a& It s Q7he ?reat Jnes n the north sde o, heavenQ ho la* ,or hm the ,re

L5b& to the ;ettles contanng them+ th the thghs o, ther eldest (as ,uel"&

LNa& 7he nhabtants o, heaven at on &+

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LNb& hen the hearth as constructed ,or hm th (out o," the legs o, ther omen&

LNc& >e has completel* encrcled the to heavens he has revolved about the to lands&

LOa& & s the great mght* one+ ho has poer over the mght* ones&

LOb& & s the Lh)/,alcon+ ho surpasses the Lh)/,alcons//the great ,alcon&

LOc& Bhom he ,nds on hs a*+ he eats ,or hmsel, bt b* bt&

LOd& 7he respect o, & s be,ore (,rst o," all noble ones+ ho are n the horon&

LMa& & s a god older than the eldest&

LMb& 7housands serve hm hundreds ma;e o,,erng to hm&

LMc& F cert,cate as (o," a mght*+ great one s gven to hm b* O  ȝḥ+ ,ather o, the gods&L9a& & has daned agan n heaven he s croned th the Gpper $g*ptan cron as lordo, the horon&

L9b& >e has smashed the dorsal vertebra

L9c& he has carred o,, the hearts o, the gods

1La& he has eaten the red cron+ he has salloed the green one

1Lb& & ,eeds on the lungs o, the se ones1Lc& he s sats,ed b* lvng on hearts as ell as ther magc&

11a& & s dsgusted hen he lc;s the emetcs hch are n the red cron+

11b& (but" he s delghted hen ther magc s n hs bell*&

11'c& 7he dgntes o, & shall not be ta;en ,rom hm+

11d& (,or" he has salloed the ntellgence o, ever* god&

12a& 7he l,etme o, & s eternt*+ ts lmt s everlastngness

12b& n ths hs dgnt* o, QI, he shes he does+ , he shes not he does not+Q

12c& ho s thn the boundar* o, the horon ,or ever and ever&

 p& 95

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14a& ehold+ ther soul (o, the gods" s n the bell* o, &+ ther sprts are th &+

14b& as hs soup _ la ntr5+ coo;ed ,or & ,rom ther bones+

14c& ehold+ ther soul s+ th &+ ther shados are ta;en aa* ,rom the hand o, those to

hom the* belong&1a& & s as that hch dans+ hch dans+ hch endures+ hch endures&

1b& 7he doers o, evl shall not be able to destro*

1c& the ,avourte place o, & among the lvng n ths land ,or ever and ever&

 ext: 11& Charms+ Gtterances 2O5/299

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 


@tterance $;#&

15a& 7o sa*: & comes to *ou+ *e ,alcons+

15b& snce (" *our houses are barred o,, ,or &+

15c& hs )Lr ḳ /garment o, ape/s;n on hs bac;&

1Na& & opens the double doors (o, heaven" & goes to the boundar* o, the horon

Lb& & lad don the )Jd5t /garment on the ground

1Nc& & became l;e the ?reat Jne ho s n Crocodlopols&

@tterance $;4 &

1Oa& 7o sa*: 7h* act s aganst thee+ hat thou doest s aganst thee+

1Ob& J s0s0 /serpent+ hch s n hs (th*" hole+ the opponent&

@tterance $;; &

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1Ma& 7o sa*: >orus ,alls because o, hs e*e the bull (et" collapses because o, hstestcles&

1Mb& Dall+ collapse

@tterances $;6&19a& 7o sa*: 8 bi ȝ  s arsen+ he s aganst the che, o, #etopols+

19b& hom that spttle protected ths (spttle" protects ever* one beloved o, me&

19c& 7hou art loosed+ J fi/serpent& Cause & to be protected&

 p& 9N

@tterance $;"&

2La& 7o sa*: &+ I have trampled the mud o, the ater/courses& 7hot s the protector o, &+

2Lb& hen t s dar;+ hen t s dar;&

@tterance $67&

21a& 7o sa*: 6oer+ doer passer+ passer

21b& th* ,ace behnd thee guard th*sel, aganst the great door+

@tterance $6!&

22a& 7o sa*: 3unsh the serpent+ Fbbhḥrbi+

22b& J lon o, phti+ J lon o, ptti+ the phti (and" ptti&

22c& ?ve to me no+ ḥrtbJ+ meat+ no+ one pot&

22d& ?o+ go+ serpent+ serpent&

@tterance $6$&

24a& 7o sa*: #o+ ths ,oregn countr* o, the mouth o, the rver+ ths s th* complant:

24b& Q7hs ,oregn countr* o, the mouth o, the rver belongs to me+ the lord o, Ḥ0n&Q

24c& It s Li9t Ḫ ȝ  o, Ḥ0n+ ths thne ox/god+ the renoned+ aganst hom ths has beendone&

@tterance $62&

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2a& 7o sa*: 7rul*+ & ags hs thumb+ the le,t one+ aganst thee&

2b& >e gves a sgn th t to n (th hs" thunderbolt& J robber+ rob not&

@tterance $63&

25a& 7o sa*: >e (serpent" hom Ftum has btten has ,lled the mouth o, &+

25b& hle he ound hmsel, up (lt& ound a ndng"&

25c& 7he centpede as smtten b* the householder+ the householder as smtten b* thecentpede&

25d& 7hat lon s nsde ths lon&

25e& 7o bulls ,ght nsde the bs&

 p& 9O

@tterance $6#&

2Na& 7h* to drops o, poson are on the a* to th* to poson/vessels& pt both out no+

2Nb& ,or the* to are rch n ater& J thou ho n;est+ thou & ho art (adorned th" ahead/band+ J O 5 ȝ +

2Nc& ran+ that the serpent ma* become coardl* and the throat (canal" o, m* heart ma* besa,e

2Nd& storm+ that the lon ma* dron hmsel, n ater and the throat o, the heart o, the ;ng(" ma* be de&

@tterance $64 &

2Oa& 7o sa*: J *e+ ho gurgle l;e the *oung o, a Qater/pestQ (crocodle"+ t)ti+ thn5+

2Ob& 0bn+ those ho glde aa* 7he red crons (&e& ater/,loers" prase

2Oc& the ti9ii the ti9ii belong to hm ho has elevated the red crons&

2Od& >al+ e to

@tterance $6; &

2Ma& 7o sa*: Hni+ hs mother Hni+ hs mother&

2Mb& Frt thou reall* here+ art thou reall* here #on+ get aa*&

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@tterance $66&

29a& 7o sa*: 0i/serpent or h0r5t /serpent+ go aa*

29b& (th" ,ace on the road& $*e o, &+ loo; not at hm&

29c& 7hou shalt not do th* ll th & ?et aa*&

@tterance $6"&

4La& 7o sa*: F bull s ,allen because o, the Jd ḥ/serpent the Jd ḥ/ serpent s ,allen becauseo, the bull&

4Lb& Dall+ glde aa*&

@tterance $"7&

4m& 7o sa*: Dace ,alls on ,ace a ;n,e coloured and blac;+ goes out aganst t+ untl t hassalloed that

41b& hch t has seed&

 p& 9M

@tterance $"!&

42a& 7o sa*: 7hne honour s e,,aced+ J hte hole+ b* hm ho has escaped the  fnt /orm&

42b& 7hne honour s robbed+ J hte hole+ b* hm ho has escaped the  fnt /orm&

@tterance $"$&

44a& 7o sa*: 7hou art seed+ thou+ J /i0nhi/serpent

44b& th* neghbour (" has seed thee+ /i0nhi/serpent&

@tterance $"2&

4a& 7o sa*: ac;+ hdden serpent hde th*sel,+

4b& and let & not see thee&

4c& ac;+ hdden serpent hde th*sel,+

4d& and come not to the place here & s+

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4e& lest he pronounce aganst thee that name o, thne+ H)i son o, H)i5t &

45a& F servant (hol* person" as the $nnead's pelcan (once" ,ell nto the le+ (so" ,lee+,lee&

45b& erpent (beast"+ le don&@tterance $"3&

4Na& 7o sa*: & s >orus ho comes ,orth ,rom the acaca+ ho comes ,orth ,rom theacaca+

4Nb& to hom t as+ commanded: Qe thou aare o, the lon+Q he comes ,orth to hom tas commanded: Qe thou aare o, the lon&Q

4Oa& & has come ,orth ,rom hs dni5t /%ar+ a,ter he had passed the nght n hs dni5t /%ar+

4Ob& and & appears n the mornng&

4 Oc& >e has come ,orth ,rom hs dni5t /%ar+ a,ter he had passed the nght n hs dni5t /%ar+

4Od& and & appears n the mornng&

@tterance $"#&

4Ma& 7o sa*: 7he ) fd5t   ȝ /l*nx sprngs on the nec; o, the /in9di9f /serpent&

 p& 99

4Mb& It repeats t on the nec; o, the serpent th the rased head (dJr9tp"&

4Mc& Bho s t ho ll reman It s & ho ll reman&

@tterance $"4 &

49a& 7o sa*: *t5/serpent+ here to 7hou shalt not go& tand b* &

49b& & s ?eb& )t /serpent+ brother o, h)t5t /serpent+

49c& should th* ,ather+ the dLL)i+ de

@tterance $"; &

La& 7he hand o, & hch s come upon thee//

Lb& t s a volent one hch s come upon thee+

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Lc& t s the ) fd5t   ȝ /l*nx+ hch s n the house o, l,e&

Ld& he str;es thee n th* ,ace she scratches thee n thne e*es+

1a& so that thou ,allest n th* dung and gldest n th* urne&

1b& Dall+ le don+ glde aa*+ so that th* mother ut ma* see thee&

@tterance $"6&

2a& 7o sa*: @UV dans+ hs uraeus on hs head+

2b& aganst ths serpent+ hch s come out o, the earth+ (and" hch s under the ,ngerso, &

2c& >e (&" cuts o,, th* head th ths ;n,e+ hch as n the hand o, the ) fd5t   ȝ /l*nx+

[hch lves n the house o, l,e]4a& he dras+ (the teeth" hch are upon (n" th* mouth he saps th* poson

4b& th those ,our strngs+ hch ere n the servce o, the sandals o, Jsrs&

4c& erpent (beast"+ le don bull+ glde aa*&

@tterance, $""&

a& 7o sa*: 7he uraeus/serpent s ,or heaven the centpede o, >orus s ,or the earth&

b& >orus had a sandal as he advanced (toards" the master o, the house+ the bull o, thehole+

c& the combat/serpent& & ll not be beaten+

d& (,or" hs protectve s*camore s the protectve s*camore o, &+ hs re,uge s the re,ugeo, &

e& Bhom & ,nds n hs a*+ hm he eats ,or hmsel, bt b* bt&

 ext: 12& 7he Derr*man and the 6eceased Ang's Fscenson+ Gtterances 4LL/411

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acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 

 p& 1LL


@tterance 277&

5a& 7o sa*: J rti o, Hs 5t  ȝ + ,err*man o, the /- ḳ h5t /boat+ made b* Ahnum+

5b& brng ths (boat" to & & s e;er o, K9Ot 5 ȝ &

5c& & s on the a* to the place o, e;er+ che, o, Pd9 &

5d& It s our brother ho s brngng ths (boat" ,or these brdge/grderers (" o, thedesert&

@tterance 27!&

Na& 7o sa*: 7h* establshed/o,,erng s thne+ J Hi (un" together th Hn5t  (aunet"+

Nb& *e to sources o, the gods+ protectng the gods th ther (*our" shade&

Nc& 7h* establshed/o,,erng s thne+ J Fmkn together th Fmknet+

Nd& *e to sources o, the gods+ protectng the gods th ther (*our" shade&

Oa& 7h* establshed/o,,erng s thne+ J Ftum together th the to lons+ *e double poer o, the gods+ *ourselves+ ho created *ourselves+

Ob& that s+ hu together th 7e,nut+ (ho" created the gods+ begat the gods+ establshedthe gods&

Ma& a* *e to *our ,ather (3taḥ"

Mb& that & has gven to *ou *our establshed/o,,erng+ that & has sats,ed *ou th *ourdue&

Mc& 8e shall (or+ should" not hnder & hen he ,erres to the horon to hm&

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9a& & ;nos hm+ ;nos hs name& H ḥi s+ hs name+ H ḥi lord o, the *ear s hs name

9b& he th the arror's arm+ >orus ho s over the  Jhd5 o, heaven+ ho causes @UV tolve ever* da*&

5La& >e ll rebuld & he ll cause & to lve ever* da*&5Lb& & comes to thee+ >orus o,  5t  ȝ & comes to thee+ >orus o, Ts)5t 

5Lc& & comes to thee+ >orus o, the $ast&

51a& ehold+ & brngs to thee th* great le,t e*e as healer&

 p& 1L1

51b& 7a;e t+ the ntact (one"+ to th*sel, ,rom & ts ater s n t+ beng ntact

51c& ts blood s n t+ beng ntact ts breath s n t+ beng ntact&

52a& $nter nto t ta;e possesson o, t+ n ths th* name o, Qacred Ḥḳ 2JQ (a god"+

52b& that thou ma*est approach to t n ths th* name o, Q@UVQ'&

54a& 3ut t on th* bro+ n ths+ ts name o, Qchoce olQ+

54b& that thou ma*est re%oce n t+ n ths ts name o, Qllo/treeQ+

5a& that thou ma*est spar;le thereb* among the gods+ n ths ts name o, Qthat hch

spar;lesQ+ (or+ Qt ḥn5t /olQ"+

5b& that thou ma*est be pleased th t n ths ts name o, Qol o, pleasureQ+ (or+ Qḥ0n5/olQ"&

5c& (7hen" ll the Knn9t5t /serpent love thee&

55a& tand there+ great reed/,loat+ l;e Wp9 5t  ȝ +

55b& ,lled th th* splendour+ come ,orth ,rom the horon+

55c& a,ter thou hast ta;en possesson o, the hte cron n the ater/sprngs+ great andmght*+ hch are n the south o, #b*a+

5Na& (l;e" ebe;+ lord o, 8 ȝh5&

5Nb& 7hou %ourne*est to th* ,elds+ thou passest through th* 0Jb&t/oods+

5Nc& th* nose breathes the ,ragrance o, the Ts)t5t /land&

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5Nd& 7hou causest the 0a o, & to approach hs sde+

5Ne& l;e as th* Bg (de,ed" approaches thee&

5Oa& 3ur,* &+ ma;e & brght

5Ob& n ths th* %ac;al/la;e+ J %ac;al+ here thou pur,est the gods&

5Oc& 7hou art become a soul+ thou art become pre/emnent (sharp"+ (l;e&" >orus lord o,the green/stone//(to sa*" ,our tmes//(l;e" the to green ,alcons&

@tterance 27$&

5Ma& 7o sa*: >eaven s serene (" oths lves+ ,or t s & ho lves+ the son o, oths&

5Mb& 7he 7o $nneads have pur,ed themselves ,or hm

5Mc& as (n the ,orm o," the )Jḫti/hoo;/star+ the mpershable&

5Md& 7he house o, & n heaven ll not go under+ the throne o, & on earth ll never bedestro*ed&

 p& 1L2

59a& en bur* themselves (n ther grave (" the gods ,l* up&

9b& oths caused & to ,l* to heaven among hs brothers the gods&

9c& ut+ the great+ uncovered her arms ,or &

NLa& 7he to souls ho are at the head o, the souls o, >elopols+ ho genu,lected at sun/rse+

NLb& passed the nght+ hle the* dd ths+ eepng ,or the god&

NLc& 7he throne o, & s b* thee+ J @UV he ll not gve t to an*one else&

N1a& & ascends to heaven+ to thee+ J @UV

N1b& the ,ace o, & s as (that o," ,alcons

N1c& the ngs o, & are as (those o," geese

N1d& hs clas are as the ,angs o, the god o, the  D5f /nome&

N2a& 7here s not a ord among men on earth aganst &

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N9a& ?reetngs to thee+ J ostrch+ ho s on the shore o, the Bndng Batercourse&

N9b& Jpen the a* ,or &+ that & ma* pass&

OLa& ?reetngs to thee+ J ox o, @UV+ th ,our horns+

OLb& th* horn n the Best+ th* horn n the $ast+ th* horn n the outh+ th* horn n the orth&

OLc& Inclne th* estern horn ,or &+ that & ma* pass&

Om& Frt thou a pure esterner I come ,rom the ,alcon ct*&

O1b& ?reetngs to thee+ J arsh o, m* J,,erngs (or+ J arsh o, m* 3eace"

O1c& greetngs to the honourable ones (dead" ho are n thee& & ll honour those ho

are there&O1d& Com,ortable are the pure ho are n me&

@tterance 27#&

O2a& 7o sa*: 7he ladder s ,astened b* @UV n the presence o, Jsrs

O2b& the ladder s ,astened b* >orus n the presence o, hs ,ather Jsrs+

O2c& as he goes to hs  ȝḫ (sprt"&

O2d& Jne o, them s on ths sde+ one o, them s on ths sde+ hle & s beteen them&

O4a& Frt thou then a god+ pure n dellngs (places" (I am" come ,rom a pure (place"&

O4b& tand (here"+ J &+ sa*s >orus st (here"+ J &+ sa*s et

O4c& 7a;e hs arm (cert,cate"+ sa*s @UV&

Oa& 7he sprt belongs to heaven the bod* belongs to the earth&

Ob& 7hat hch men receve hen the* are buredOc& are ther thousand loaves o, bread+ ther thousand mugs o, beer ,rom the o,,erng/table o, nti9/i)nti5Ḫ &

O5a& I, the her s poor because he has no testament+

O5b& then shall & (reall*+ QheQ" rte th hs great ,nger

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O5c& but he shall not rte th hs lttle ,nger+

 p& 1L

@tterance 274 &

ONa& 7o sa*: Q>o beaut,ul ndeed s the sght+ ho pleasant ndeed s the ve+Q sa*the*+ sa* the gods+

ONb& Q'the ascenson o, ths god to heaven+ the ascenson o, & to heaven+

OOa& hs renon over hm+ hs terror on both sdes o, hm+

OOb& hs magc precedng hmQ

OOc& ?eb has done ,or hm as as done ,or hmsel, (and"

OMa& the gods+ the ouls o, uto come to hm+ (and" the gods+ the ouls o, >era;onpols+the gods ho are n heaven+ the gods ho are on the earth

OMb& the* ma;e ,or thee (the* serve thee as"+ &+ supports o, ther arms+

O9a& and thou ascendest+ &+ to heaven+ and thou clmbest on t n ths ts name o, Qladder&Q

O9b& Q#et heaven be gven to & let the earth be gven to hm+Q sad Ftum&

MLa& >e ho had spo;en (th Ftum" about t as ?eb&

MLb& 7he regons o, the ;ngdom+ the ;ngdom o, >orus+ the ;ngdom o, et+ (and"

MLc& the arshes o, @eeds+ the* adore thee

MLd& n ths th* name o, D 5) ȝ + as opdu+ (ho lves" under hs 0Jb5t /trees&

M1a& >as he ;lled thee a,ter hs heart had sad that thou shouldst de ,or hm

M1b& ut+ behold+ thou ,or th* part become n spte o, hm as the remanng bull o, theld/bulls&

M1c& 7here remans+ there remans the remanng bull+

M1d& (so" thou art remanng+ J &+ as ther che,+ as che, o, the sprts+ eternall*&

@tterance 27; &

M2a& 7o sa*: F >elopoltan s n &+ J god a >elopoltan as thou (art" s n & J god

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M2b& a >elopoltan s n &+ J @UV a >elopoltan as thou (art" s n & J @UV&

M2c& 7he mother o, & s a >elopoltan the ,ather o, & s a >elopoltan&

 p& 1L5

M4a& & hmsel, s a >elopoltan+ ho as born n >elopols+

M4b& hen @UV ruled the 7o $nneads+ (hen" e,ertem ruled men+

M4c& (as" one thout an equal+ the her o, hs ,ather ?eb&

Ma& Fn* god ho puts out hs arm (menacngl*"+

Mb& hen the ,ace o, & turns to thee to adore thee+

Mc& (and" hen & calls to thee on behal, o, hs person+ J god+ on behal, o, hs nose+ J


Md& he shall have no bread+ he shall have no ca;e among hs brothers+ the gods

M5a& he shall send no message+ he shall not cover n heat among hs brothers+ the gods

M5b& the double doors o, the )J0t5t /boat shall not be opened ,or hm+ the double doors o,the )Lnd5t /boat shall not be opened ,or hm

M5c& hs speech shall not be %udged as (that o, one" n hs ct* the double doors o, thedestro*er (Q>ellQ" shall not be open (agan" ,or hm&

MNa& & comes to thee&

MNb& & s the ld/bull o, the hghlands+ the bull th the large head+ hch comes ,rom>elopols&

MNc& &+ ld/bull o, the hghlands+ comes to thee&

MNd& >ence,orth & s he ho has gven brth to thee and ho gves brth to thee&

@tterance 276&

MOa& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee+ J >orus+ n the regons o, >orus

MOb& greetngs to thee+ J et+ n the regons o, et

MOc& greetngs to thee+ J /- r5 ȝ + n the arshes o, @eeds

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MMa& greetngs to *ou+ *e to harmonus (goddesses"+ daughters o, the ,our gods+ hodell n the great palace (>elopols"+

MMb& *e ho are come ,orth at the voce o, &+ na;ed&

M9a& & has loo;ed to *ou+ as >orus loo;ed to IssM9b& & has loo;ed to *ou+ as the H ḥb590 5 ȝ  (serpent" loo;ed to Or ḳ 5t9ḥt

M9c& & has loo;ed to *ou+ as ebe; loo;ed to et

M9d& & has loo;ed to *ou+ as et loo;ed to the to harmonus (goddesses"&

 p& 1LN

@tterance 27"&

9La& 7o sa*: & s the d ḥ 5i ȝ  o, the gods+ ho s behnd the house o, @UV+

9Lb& born o, the sh o, the gods+ hch s n the pro o, the boat o, @UV&

9Lc& & sts be,ore hm

91a& & opens hs boxes & brea;s open hs edcts

91b& & seals hs rolls (o, pap*rus"

91c& & sends ,orth hs messengers+ the nde,atgables&

91d& & does+ that hch he (@UV" sa*s to &

@tterance 2!7&

92a& 7o sa*: I, & should be betched+ so ll Ftum be betched&

92b& I, & should be slandered+ so ll Ftum be slandered&

92c& I, & should be beaten+ so ll Ftum be beaten&

92d& I, & should be hndered on ths road+ so ll Ftum be hndered&

94a& + s >orus& & comes a,ter hs ,ather (n tme" & comes a,ter Jsrs&

94b& J thou+ hose ,ace s be,ore hm+ hose ,ace s behnd hm+

9a& brng ths (boat" to & Bhch boat shall I brng to thee+ J &

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9b& rng to & that hch ,les up and alghts&

@tterance 2!!&

95a& 7o sa*: #oo; at &+ J @UV recogne &+ J @UV&

95b& >e belongs to those ho ;no thee& >e ;nos (that"

95c& hen hs lord (@UV" goes ,orth+ he should not ,orget the ḥtp9di+

9Na& so that she Qho excludes hom she ll excludeQ ma* open the doors o, the horon,or the gong ,orth o, the boat o, the mornng/sun&

9Nb& (&" ;nos the hall o, the ro*al throne+ hch s n the mdst o, the plat,orm o, /is0n+hence thou goest ,orth+

9Oa& that thou ma*est enter (step don nto" the boat o, the evenng/sun& p& 1LO

9Ob& Commend & commend hm+ commend hm//to sa* ,our tmes one a,ter another//tothose ,our ragng ones (nds"+

9Oc& ho are around thee (@UV" ho see th to ,aces+ ho spea; th to mouths ("+

9Ma& ho are evl th those ho are un,ortunate+ th those ho ould destro* them (thends"+

9Mb& that the* put not out ther arm+ hen & turns to thee+ hen & comes to thee+

99a& as one ho sa*s to thee ths th* name o, Qgreat ,lood+Q hch proceeds ,rom the great(one"&

99b& & ll not be blnd hen thou leavest hm n dar;ness

99c& he ll not be dea, hen he does not hear th* voce&

5LLa& a*est thou ta;e & th thee+ th thee

5LLb& he ho drves aa* the storm ,or thee be ho chases o,, the clouds ,or thee he ho brea;s up the hal ,or thee&

5LLc+ & ll do homage (upon" homage to thee he ll cause acclamaton (upon"acclamaton to thee&

5LLd& a*est thou set & over dt25t &

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 ext: 14& F eres o, Dve Charms+ Gtterances 412/41N

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 


@tterance 2!$&

5L1& 7o sa*: 7he bread ,les+ the bread ,les to m* houses+ the houses o, the #oer

$g*ptan cron&

@tterance 2!2&

5L2a& 7o sa*: 7he phallus o, 8 9bii ȝ  s dran the double doors o, heaven are opened&

5L2b& 7he double doors o, heaven are loc;ed the a* goes over the ,lames under thathch the gods create+

5L4a& hch allos each >orus to glde through+ n hch & ll glde through+ n ths,lame under that hch the gods create&

5L4b& 7he* ma;e a a* ,or &+ that & ma* pass b* t& & s a >orus&

@tterance 2!3&

5La& 7o sa*: ac;+ thou ox+ hch shall be ;lled+ on hose horns the ,ngers o, the earth/god shall be&

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5Lb& Dall+ glde aa*&

 p& 1LM

@tterance 2!#&

5L5a& It s &+ J /iLn/ape+ J htt /ape+ J p ȝtt /ape&

5L5b& 7he death (" o, & s upon the desre o, & the beattude o, & (has come" on & (o,hmsel,"&

5L5c& & ll do homage+ the same homage (hch *e do" he ll st among *ou+ J *eḥL 5ti ȝ &

@tterance 2!4 &

5LNa& J Ḥ)i J O ḥd + & has not gven to *ou hs magc&

5LNb& & ll st on the sde o, hm ho s revered n >elopols&

5LNc& 7a;e & th (*ou" to heaven&

 ext: 1& scellaneous Gtterances on the Career o, the 6eceased Ang n the >erea,ter+41O/44O

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 



@tterance 2!; &

5LOa& 7o sa*: & s come ,orth to/da* at the head o, the nundaton o, the ,lood&

5LOb& & s a crocodle god+ th green ,eather+ th vglant countenance+ th ,oreheaderect

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5LOc& e,,ervescent+ proceedng ,rom leg and tal o, the ?reat (Jne" ho s n splendour&

5LMa& & s come to hs atercourses+ hch are n the land o, the ,lood+ n  M ḥ5t9r5t +

5LMb& to the places o, sats,acton+ th green ,elds+ hch are n the horon+

5L9a& that & ma* ma;e green the herbs n both lands o, the horon+

5L9b& (and" that & ma* brng the green to the great e*e hch s n the mdst o, the ,eld&

5L9c& & ta;es hs throne hch s n the horon

51La& & appears as ebe;+ son o, et

51Lb& & eats th hs mouth+ & urnates+ & cohabts th hs phallus

51Lc& & s lord o, semen+ hch omen receve ,rom ther husband&51Ld& herever & shes+ accordng to the desre o, hs heart+

@tterance 2!6&

511a& 7o sa*: & s the nL/serpent+ the bull hch leadeth+ hch salloed ts sevenuraeus/serpents+

511b& through hch came nto beng ts seven nec;/vertebrae+

511c& hch commands ts even $nneads ho hear the ords o, the ;ng&511d& Fnd the mother o, & s Ḥn5t  & s her son&

512a& & has come that he ma* sallo m*rrh+

512b& that & ma* ta;e m*rrh+ hs nostrls (" beng ,ull o, m*rrh the ,nger/nal o, & beng ,ull o, m*rrh&

512c& & has ta;en aa* *our nec;+ J gods

512d& erve & ho ll con,er (upon *ou" *our valour&@tterance 2!"&

514a& 7o sa*: & s the bull o, the to splendours hch are n the mddle o, hs e*e&

514b& 7he mouth o, & s mmune because o, a ,lamng breath+ the head o, & because o,horns+ (as" lord o, the outh (>aroirs o, uḲ ṣ"&

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514c& & leads the god & rules over the $nnead&

5 1 4d& & ma;es the laps laul gro & causes the Gpper $g*ptan tn/plant to sprout&

51a& & has ted the cords o, the ))5t /plant&

51b& & has unted the heavens & rules over the lands+ the southern and the northern+

51c& (as" the gods ho ere be,ore&

51d& & bult a dvne ct*+ accordng to ts merts&

#!3e5 H5 is the third in his daning5

@tterance 2$7&

515a& 7o sa*: & has regulated the nght & has sent the hours on ther a*&515b& 7he poers (stars" dan the* proclam & as 8 9bii ȝ &

515c& & s that son o, her ho ;ne not that

515d& she had borne &+ to hm o, poer,ul vsage+ as lord o, nghts&

51Na& >umble (" *ourselves+ *e lords hde *ourselves+ *e sub%ects+ n the presence o, &+

51Nb& (,or" & s 8 9bii ȝ + lord o, nght+

51Nc& the bull+ thout hom l,e ould cease&

 p& 11L

@tterance 2$!&

51Oa& 7o sa*: J 7hou/hose/bac;/s/behnd/hm+ brng to & the Jfr5t9ḥtp5t + hch asupon the bac; o, Jsrs+

51Ob& that & ma* ascend to heaven upon t that & ma* do servce o, courter to @UV nheaven&

@tterance 2$$&

51Ma& 7o sa*: >eaven s open earth s open&

51Mb& 7he double doors o, J t  ȝ  are open to >orus the double doors o,  b5t  ȝ  are open toet&

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51Mc& 7urn thou ,or hm as he ho s n hs ,ortress & has passed over *ou (  b5t  ȝ " asFtum&

51Md& & s V/t + ho s (lves" n the mdst o, theḪ ȝ  Hg  ȝ/mountans&

@tterance 2$2&519a& 7o sa*: & has pur,ed hmsel, th @UV n the sea o, reeds&

519b& >orus dres th* s;n+ J & 7hot dres th* ,eet+ J &

519c& hu+ l,t & up on hgh ut+ gve thne arm to &

@tterance 2$3&

52La& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee+ door;eeper o, >orus+ ho art at the portal o, Jsrs+

52Lb& announce no the name o, & there to >orus+

521a& (,or" he s come th temple/salva ,or ths hs temple (o, the head"+

521b& hch s pan,ul at the [begnnng] o, the months+ hch becomes bald at the begnnng o, hal, months&

521c& Blt thou cool t th the magc+ [hch thou ddst ma;e ,or the ?reat Jne] amongthe gods+

521d& n hs ,ormer state+ hch s come upon hm522a& ?reetngs to thee+ J hppopotamus+ ,rom everlastng&

522b& [Frt] thou [come] to & as hppopotamus ,rom everlastng+

522c& a,ter he had brandshed one o, the to )J ȝ /clubs o, >orus aganst thee and slan theethereth

522d& ?reetngs to thee n hs ,ormer state+ hch s come upon hm&

524a& ?reetngs to thee+ [bra*ng] ass&524b& Frt thou come to & as a bra*ng ass+

 p& 111

524c& a,ter he had slan thee th the ///// tal+ [hch gros] n the sea o, Jsrs

52a& ?reetngs to thee+ J Ahnum+ ho as made harmless though he bult &

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52b& 7hou art hs L)L /plant+ hch hs ,oot [trod upon]+

52c& hch cannot straghten up under hs toes&

52d& 7hou art one o, the to /in/pllars o, the great palace&

@tterance 2$#&

525a& 7o sa*: 7he double doors o, heaven are open the double doors o, ḳ bḥ5 are open

525b& ,or >orus o, the gods+ at da*brea;+

525c& that he ma* ascend n the arsh o, @eeds and pur,* hmsel, n the arsh o, @eeds&

52Na& 7he double doors o, heaven are open the double doors o, ḳ bḥ5 are open

52Nb& ,or >arachte at da*brea;+52Nc& that he ma* ascend n the arsh o, @eeds and pur,* hmsel, n the arsh o, @eeds&

52Oa& 7he double doors o, heaven are open the double doors o, ḳ bḥ5 are open

52Ob& ,or >orus o, the $ast at da*brea;+

52Oc& that he ma* ascend n the arsh o, @eeds and pur,* hmsel, n the arsh o, @eeds&

52Ma& 7he double doors o, heaven are open the double doors o, ḳ bḥ5 are open

52Mb& ,or >orus o, the Ts)5t /land at da*brea;+

52Mc& that he ma* ascend n the arsh o, @eeds+ and pur,* hmsel, n the arsh o, @eeds&

529a& 7he double doors o, heaven are open the double doors o, ḳ bḥ5 are open

529b& ,or & hmsel, at da*brea; 

529c& that he ma* ascend n the arsh o, @eeds and pur,* hmsel, n the arsh o, @eeds&

54La& & s clean he ta;es hs lastng (copper" bones

54Lb& he has stretched out hs mpershable lmbs+ hch ere (or+ are" n the bod* o, hsmother ut&

541a& @UV+ gve thne arm to &

541b& hu ll dra hm up to the QCompanons o, hu+Q

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 p& 112

541c& a,ter he has caused & to be nourshed th the ml; o, to blac; cos+ the tonurses o, the ouls o, >elopols&

542a& J p ȝt + t s grevous ,or the bod* o, ut+ because o, the ,ur* o, the dvne seed+

hch shall be n her&

542b& ehold also &//& s a dvne seed hch shall be n her&

544a& p ȝt + nn+ ')nn5+

544b& & s pur,ed& >e has ta;en hs dvne Jḥ/vestment+

544c& that & ma* establsh hmsel, there as a god l;e them&

544d& p ȝt + nn+ ')nn5+

544e& 7a;e & aa* let hm reman th *ou&

@tterance 2$4 &

54a& 7o sa*: Collar+ beloved o, >orus+ good/loo;ng+ hch s on the nec; o, @UV&

54b& I, thou goest to heaven so ll & go to heaven&

@tterance 2$; &

545a& 7o sa*: 7he messenger o, >orus+ hom he loves+ as &+ ho has brought bac; tohm hs e*e&

545b& 7he messenger o, et+ hom he loves+ as &+ ho has brought bac; to hm hstestcles&

545c& 7he messenger o, 7hot+ hom he loves+ as &+ ho has brought bac; to hm hsarm&

54Na& 7he 7o $nneads tremble ,or themselves+

54Nb& ,or the* are the messengers+ hom & loves+ ho should brng & to ,ood&

54Nc& 7he* brng & to ,ood&

@tterance 2$6&

54Oa& 7o sa*: & s the exalted+ ho s n the ,ore,ront+ ho l,ts up the bro

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52a& 7o sa*: & pur,ed hmsel, upon that appearng (/mound" o, the earth+ on hch @UV pur,ed hmsel,

52b& he placed a ḥb9/ib/stand and he set up the ladder&

52c& 7hose ho are n the great (heaven"+ the* ll ta;e the arm o, &@tterance 223&

54a& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee+ J @UV+ traverser o, heaven+ vo*ager through ut&

54b& 7hou hast traversed the Bndng Batercourse&

54c& & has grasped th* tal as to &+ he s ndeed a god+ the son o, a god&

5a& & s a ,loer+ hch comes out o, the 0a+

5b& a golden ,loer+ hch comes out o, Htr5&

5c& & has traversed uto he has vo*aged through Fn)5t &

 p& 11

55a& & has traversed uto as rti+ ruler o, Hs 5t  ȝ &

55b& >e has vo*aged through Fn)5t  as Ts)5+ ho s n hs shp o, the ol/press& a*the god be pleased

55c& that & lve as Ct05t  lves

@tterance 22#&

5Na& 7o sa*: >o beaut,ul s+ the sght o, &+ adorned th the horns o, @UV+

5Nb& hs apron on hm l;e >athor+ hs ,eather l;e the ,eather o, a ,alcon+

5Nc& hen (or+ as" he ascends to heaven among hs brothers+ the gods

@tterance 224 &

5Oa& 7o sa*: ?reetng to thee+ ox o, the oxen+ hen thou ma;est the ascenson&

5Ob& & sees thee b* th* tal & ta;es thee b* th* buttoc;s&

5Oc& Bhen thou ma;est the ascenson+ a ?reat Jne s behnd thee+ a ?reat Jne s be,orethee&

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5Ma& ?reetngs to thee+ ?reat Jne among the gods+ ta;e & to thee+ he belongs to thee&

5Mb& 7h* heart s hole as to the parts o, the corpse o, &+ the* are *oung&

@tterance 22; &

59a& 7o sa*: >eaven spea;s+ the earth qua;es on account o, th* ,ear+ Jsrs+

59b& hen thou ma;est the ascenson&

55La& J *e ml;/cos there+ J *e nurse/cos there+

55Lb& go around hm+ eep ,or hm+ prase hm+ lament ,or hm+

55Lc& hen he ma;es the ascenson& >e goes ,orth to heaven among hs brothers+ the gods&

 ext: 15& J,,erngs ,or the 6eceased Ang+ Gtterances 44M/49

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 


@tterance 226&

551 a& 7o sa*: >unger+ come not to &+

551b& go aa* to un+ be o,, (beggng" to the  gbi ȝ /,lood&

551c& & s sated

 p& 115

551d& & hungers not b* reason o, that bread o, >orus hch he has eaten+

551e& hch hs head/mad made ,or hm+ th hch he s sats,ed+ (and" hereb* he ns bac; hs (normal" condton&

552a& & thrsts not b* reason o, hu & hungers not b* reason o, 7e,nut&

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552b& Ḥ pi+ D 9)5t5f  ȝ + bḲ ḥ9Jn55f + /-)J5ti+

552c& the* ll expel ths hunger+ hch s n the bod* o, &+

552d& and ths thrst hch s on the lps o, &

@tterance 22"&

554a& 7o sa*: 7he hunger o, & s ,rom the hand o, hu the thrst o, & s ,rom the hand o,7e,nut&

554b& & lves on the mornng bread+ hch comes at ts (apponted" tme&

554c& & lves on that on hch hu lves

554d& & eats+ that hch 7e,nut eats&

@tterance 237&

55a& & comes to thee+ H ḫḫ

55b& ma*est thou ,all bac; be,ore &+ as the east nd ,alls bac; be,ore (behnd" the estnd

55c& ma*est thou come behnd &+ as the north nd comes behnd the south nd&

55d& 7o sa*: 6epost (an o,,erng"&

@tterance 23!&

555a& 7o sa*: 7he ,ace o, >orus s opened b* 0r  ȝ the ,ace o, 0r  ȝ  s opened b* >orus&

555b& Fbundance has extended her arm to &

555c& 7he arms o, & have embraced ,olng&

555d& Fll hch the marsh produces belongs to her son+ Ḥ b ȝ &

555e& & has eaten th hm to/da*&@tterance 23$&

55Na& 7o sa*: It s &+ J Iss t s &+ J  Jb5t  ȝ t s &+ J ephth*s&

55Nb& Come+ see th* son&

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55Nc& >e has passed through the nome o, Fthrbs+ a,ter he has passed through the (regono, the" rr5t /cron&

55Oa& 7he handbag o, & s o, tn/plant

 p& 11N

55Oc& & comes he brngs hat s desred and hat s gven&

55Ob& the bas;et o, & s o, nn5t /plant&

@tterance 232&

55Ma& 7o sa*: 8d5t  comes the ,re/pan burns&

55Mb& 7hose th (read*" hands stand to gve an o,,erng to &

@tterance 233&

559a& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee+ J ?reat Dlood (  gb9r  ȝ "+

559b& cup/bearer o, the gods+ leader o, men+

559c& ma*est thou ma;e men and gods ,avourable to &+ that the* ma* gve an o,,erng tohm&

@tterance 23#&

5NLa& 7o sa*: J Wr90 5f   ȝ +

5NLb& cup/bearer o, >orus+ che, o, the dnng/pavllon o, @UV+ che, o, 3ta ḥ+

5NLc& gve generousl* to & & eats as much as thou gvest&

@tterance 234 &

5N1a& 7o sa*: Aas are n uto 0as ere n uto as o, old&

5N1b& Aas ll be n uto the 0a o, & s n uto+

5N1c& red as a ,lame+ lvng as Ahepr&

5N1d& e cheer,ul+ be cheer,ul& F meal (,t" ,or butchers&

5N2a& It s no thou gvest+ m* lad*+ love to &+ veneraton to &

5N2b& t s no thou gvest+ m* lad*+ veneraton to &+ l;ng to &+

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5N2c& n the bod* o, all gods&

@tterance 23; &

5N4a& 7o sa*: 7he mouth o, & s n ncense the lps o, & are n m*rrh&

5N4b& 6escend+ J &+ ,rom the ,eld o, th* 0a to the arsh o, J,,erngs&

5N4c& o, & s ,rom the nLr5t  the meal o, & s l;e (that o," the dvne boat&

5Na& 7he l,e o, & ll be more than that o, Knp5t  the ,ood o, & ll be more than (thato," Ḥ pi (the nundaton"&

5Nb& J 0a o, &+ brng (,ood" that & ma* eat th thee&

 p& 11O

@tterance 236&

5N5a& 7o sa*: ?reetng to thee+ J ?reat Dlood+

5N5b& cup/bearer o, the gods+ leader o, men+

5N5c& ma*est thou ma;e the gods ,avourable to &+ that the* ma* & re,resh &+

5N5d& that the* ma* love &+ that the* ma* render & ell&

@tterance 23"&

5NNa& 7o sa*: J Wr90 5f   ȝ &

5NNb& cup/bearer o, >orus+ che, o, the dnng/pavllon o, @UV+ che, o, 3ta ḥ+

5NNc& gve generousl* to & & eats as much as thou gvest+ a generous porton o, hs meat&

 ext: 1N& scellaneous Gtterances on the >erea,ter+ 45L/4O

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 

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@tterance 2#7&

5NOa& 7o sa*: J thou ho strdest ver* de+

5NOb& as she sos the emerald+ the malachte+ the turquose (as" stars+

5NOc& , thou art green (ell"+ & ll be green+ green as lvng plants ("&

@tterance 2#!&

5NMa& 7o sa*: F vulture s become pregnant th & n the nght

5NMb& (he s" on th* horn+ J pregnant co&

5NMc& I, thou art green (ell"+ & ll be green+ green as lvng plants ("&

@tterance 2#$&

5N9a& 7o sa*: F vulture has become pregnant th & n the nght

5N9b& (he s" on th* horn+ J pregnant co&

5N9c& (>e s" th* pap*rus/sprout+ green as the turquose o, stars th* green pap*rus/sprouts &

5N9d& (>e s" green as lvng plants (" & s green th thee&

@tterance 2#2&

5OL& 7o sa*: & has come out o, uto+ red as ,re+ lvng as Ahepr&

 p& 11M

@tterance 2#3&

5O1a& 7o sa*: Fn o,,erng o, the butcher an o,,erng o, the cupbearer+ [ /in9n5t5f ]

5O1b& [cup/bearer]+ brng the ater //////////////

@tterance 2##&

5O2a& 7he double doors o, heaven open&

5O2b& J &+

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5O2c& th* head s %oned ,or thee to th* bones th* bones are %oned ,or thee to th* head&

5O2d& 7he double doors o, heaven are open ,or thee the great bolts are dran bac; ,or thee

5O2e& a brc; s dran out o, the great tomb ,or thee&

5O4a& 7h* ,ace s that o, a %ac;al th* tal s that o, a lon

5O4b& thou sttest upon ths th* throne thou commandest the sprts&

5O4c& 7hou comest to me+ thou comest to me+ thou comest ndeed to me+

5O4d& l;e (to" >orus a,ter he had avenged hs ,ather+ Jsrs&

5Oa& I am thne Fnubs/prest&

5Ob& 7hou puttest th* hand on the land th* arror/arm s over the great regon+5Oc& heren thou goest (or+ passest through" among the sprts&

#;3d5 Kise, lift up th&self li0e (siris5

@tterance 2#4 &

5O5a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ >orus has come that he ma* see; thee&

5O5b& >e has caused that 7hot turn bac; ,or thee the Dolloers o, et+

5O5c& and that he brng them to thee all together&

5ONa& >e has made the heart o, et tmd& 7hou art greater (or+ elder" than he

5ONb& thou ddst come ,orth (,rom the omb" be,ore hm th* qual,catons are better thanhs&

5ON,& ?eb has seen th* qual,catons he has put thee n th* place&

5OOa& ?eb has brought to thee th* to ssters+ to th* sde+ Iss and ephth*s&

5OOb& >orus has caused the gods to unte th thee+

 p& 119

5OOc& to ,raterne th thee n th* name o, Q>e o, the to Jn5t /palaces+Q

5OOd& but not to re%ect thee n th* name o, Q>e o, the to /itr5t /palaces&Q

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5OMa& >e has caused the gods to avenge thee&

5OMb& ?eb has put the sole o, hs ,oot on the head o, thne enem*+ ho s a,rad o, thee&

5OMc& 7h* son >orus has smtten hm

5OMd& he has snatched bac; hs e*e ,rom hm he has gven t to thee+

5O9a& that thou ma*est become glorous thereb*+ that thou ma*est become mght* be,orethe sprts&

5O9b& >orus has caused thee to see thne enem*+ that there should be none escapngamong them ,rom thee&

5MLa& >orus as ndeed ngenous n that be recogned n thee hs ,ather+ n th* name o,b 9/iti9rp5t  ȝ &

5MLb& ut has establshed thee as god+ n spte o, et+ n th* name o, QgodQ

5MLc& th* mother ut has+ spread hersel, over thee n her name o, Qhe o, Tt9p5t &Q

5M1a& >orus has seed et he has placed hm under thee

5M1b& that be ma* carr* thee and that he ma* qua;e under thee l;e the qua;ng o, the earth+

5M1c& ,or thou art more exalted than he+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the exalted land&Q

5M2a& >orus has caused that thou recogne hm (et" n hmsel, thout hs gettng aa*,rom thee

5M2b& he has caused that thou see hm th th* hand thout hs escapng ,rom thee&

5M2c& J Jsrs &+ >orus has avenged thee

5M2d& he has done (t" ,or hs 0a n thee+ that thou ma*est be sats,ed n th* name o,Qats,ed 0a&Q

@tterance 2#; &

5M4a& 7o sa* b* >orus: a* ?eb ma;e an o,,erng to Jsrs &+ J Jsrs &+

5M4b& ?eb has gven to thee th* to e*es that thou ma*est be sats,ed& 7a;e n thee the toe*es o, ths ?reat Jne&

5M4c& ?eb has caused >orus to gve them to thee that thou ma*est be sats,ed th them&

 p& 12L

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5Ma& Iss and ephth*s have seen thee the* have ,ound thee&

5Mb& >orus has ta;en care o, thee >orus has caused Iss and ephth*s to protect thee&

5Mc& 7he* have gven thee to >orus that he ma* be sats,ed th thee&

5M5a& It s pleasng to >orus (to be" th thee n th* name o, Q>e o, the horon+ hence@UV goes ,orth+Q

5M5b& n thne arms n th* name o, Q>e ,rom thn the palace&Q

5M5c& 7hou hast closed thne arms about hm+ about hm+

5M5d& so that hs bones stretch and he become proud&

5MNa& J Jsrs &+ beta;e th*sel, to >orus+

5MNb& approach th*sel, to hm+ do not go ,ar ,rom hm&

5MOa& >orus has come+ he recognes thee

5MOb& he has smtten (and" bound et ,or thee+ ,or thou art hs 0a&

5MOc& >orus has made hm a,rad o, thee+ ,or thou art greater than he

5MMa& he sms under thee he carres n thee one greater than he&

5MMb& >s ,olloers have notced thee ho th* strength s greater 5MMc& so that the* dare not resst thee& than hs+

5M9a& >orus comes he recognes hs ,ather n thee+ ,or thou art *oung n th* name o, Q>eo, the ,resh ater&Q

5M9b& >orus has opened ,or thee th* mouth&

59La& J Jsrs &+ be not n dstress+ groan not&

59Lb& ?eb has brought >orus to thee+ that he ma* count ,or thee ther hearts&59Lc& >e has brought to thee all the gods together there s not one among them hoescapes hm&

591a& >orus has avenged thee t as not long tll he avenged thee&

591b& >orus has snatched bac; hs e*e ,rom et he has gven t to thee&

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591c& 7hs hs e*e+ the seet one+ cause t to sta* th thee+ reclam t ,or th*sel,& J ma* t be pleasng to thee&

592a& Iss has ta;en care o, thee&

592b& 7he heart o, >orus s glad because o, thee n th* name o, Q>e ho s Drst o, theBesterners&Q

592c& It s >orus ho ll avenge hat et has done to thee&

@tterance 2#6&

594a& 7o sa*: & thou art the eldest (son" o, hu&

 p& 121

594b& 7h* ,etters are loosed b* the to lords o, un&

@tterance 2#"&

59a& 7o sa*: >orus has moaned because o, hs e*e et has moaned because o, hstestcles&

59b& 7he e*e o, >orus sprang up as he ,ell on *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse+

59c& to protect tsel, aganst (or+ ,ree tsel, ,rom" et&

59d& 7hot sa t on *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse&

59e& 7he e*e o, >orus sprang up on *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse+

59,& and ,ell upon the ng o, 7hot on *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse&

595a& J *e gods+ *e ho ,err* over on the ng o, 7hot

595b& to *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse+ to the eastern sde o, heaven+

595c& to spea; th et about that e*e o, >orus+

59Na& ma* & ,err* over th *ou on the ng o, 7hot

59Nb& to *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse+ to the eastern sde o, heaven+

59Nc& that he+ &+ ma* spea; th et about that e*e o, >orus&

59Oa& a*est thou aa;e n peace+ thou Q,ace/behndQ+ n peace

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59Ob& ma*est thou aa;e n peace+ thou ho art thn ut+ n peace+ ,err*man o, theBndng Batercourse&

59Oc& pea; the name o, & to @UV announce & to @UV&

59Ma& & s on the a* to *onder ,ar/o,, palace o, the lords o, 0as+59Mb& here @UV s adored n the mornng n the regons o, >orus and n the regons o, et+

59Mc& as the god o, those ho are gone to ther 0as&

599a& @UV recommends & to the Q,ace/behnd+Q the ,err*man o, the Bndng Batercourse+

599b& that he ma* brng to & that ,err* o, the Bndng Batercourse+

599c& n hch he ,erres the gods

599d& to *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse+ to the eastern sde o, heaven+

NLLa& and ,err* &

NLLb& to *onder sde o, the Bndng Batercourse+ to the eastern sde o, heaven&

NLLe& & s n search o, the e*e o, >orus hch s n%ured&

 p& 122

NL1a& & s on the a* to the numberng o, ,ngers&

NL1b& 7he ,ace o, & s ashed b* the gods+ male as ell as ,emale

NL1c& /-)J5t + Ḥ p5i+ D 9)u5t5f  ȝ + bḲ ḥ9Jn55f +

NL1d& at the rght sde o, &+ hch s >orus+

NL1e& Ḥ9dndr5+ nti9Ḫ ȝd5i5f + ephth*s+ M ḫnti9n9/irti+

NL1,& at the le,t sde o, &+ hch s et&

NL2a& & s ;non b* hs seat hs helm remembers hm&

NL2b& & has ,ound hs seat empt*+

NL2c& n the bottom (hold" o, the boat o, gold+ o, @UV&

@tterance 247&

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NLMa& I, thou stretchest out thne arm toards the Best+ so lt thou stretch out thne arm to &

NLMb& , thou stretchest out thne arm toard the $ast+ so lt thou & stretch out thne arm to &+

NLMc& as that hch thou hast done to the bnti (/ape"+ thne eldest son&

@tterance 243&

NL9a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ arse&

NL9b& >orus comes he reclams thee ,rom the gods& >orus has loved thee+

NL9c& he has equpped thee th hs e*e >orus has adapted to thee hs e*e&

N1La& >orus has opened ,or thee thne e*e that thou ma*est see th t&N1Lb& 7he gods have bound to thee th* ,ace the* have loved thee&

N1Lc& Iss and ephth*s have healed thee&

N1Ld& >orus s not ,ar ,rom thee thou art hs 0a&

N11a& 7h* ,ace s gracous unto hm hasten+ accept the ord o, >orus and be sats,ed tht&

N11b& >ear;en unto >orus+ t ll not be harm,ul to thee he has caused the gods to ,ollothee&

N12a& Jsrs &+ aa;e& ?eb has brought >orus to thee+ and he recognes thee

N12b& >orus has ,ound thee he re%oces over thee&

N14a& >orus has caused the gods to ascend to thee he has gven them to thee that the* ma*llumnate th* ,ace (cheer thee"&

N14b& >orus has placed thee at the head o, the gods he has caused thee to ta;e the rr5t /

cron+ the lad*&N14c& >orus has accustomed hmsel, to thee he cannot part ,rom thee&

Na& >orus has caused thee to lve n ths th* name o, Lnd5ti&

N1b& >orus has gven thee hs e*e+ the hard (one"

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N1c& (he" has placed t to thee (&e& n th* hand"+ that thou ma*est be strong+ and that allthne enemes ma* ,ear thee&

N1d& >orus has completel* ,lled thee th hs e*e+ n ths ts name o, QDullness o, god&Q

 p& 12

N15a& >orus has corralled the gods ,or thee+

N15b& so that the* cannot get aa* ,rom thee+ ,rom the place here thou hast gone&

N15c& >orus has counted the gods ,or thee+

N15d& so that the* cannot get aa* ,rom thee+ ,rom the place here thou ast droned&

N1Na& ephth*s has assembled ,or thee all th* lmbs+

N1Nb& n her name o, QOT 5t   ȝ + lad* o, bulders&Q

N1Nc& he has made them ell ,or thee&

N1Nd& 7hou art gven over to th* mother ut+ n her name o, Q?raveQ

N1Ne& she has embraced thee+ n her name o, Q?raveQ

N1N,& thou art brought to her+ n her name o, aṣṭaba&Q

N1Oa& >orus has unted ,or thee th* lmbs and does not allo thee to be sc;

N1Ob& he has put thee together+ so that there s no dsorder n thee (or+ thout an*thng beng dsordered n thee"&

N1Oc& >orus has set thee up thout staggerng&

N1Ma& J Jsrs &+ let th* heart be glad ,or hm (>orus" th* heart s great+ th* mouth sopened&

N1Mb& >orus has avenged thee t as not long tll he avenged thee&

N19a& J Jsrs &+ thou art the mghtest god there s no god l;e thee&

N19b& >orus has gven to thee hs chldren+ that the* ma* carr* thee

N2La& he has gven to thee all gods that the* ma* ,ollo thee and that thou ma*est have poer over them&

N2Lb& >orus has set thee up+ n hs name o, QḤn/boatQ

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N2Lc& he carres thee+ n th* name o, Qe;er&Q

N21a& 7hou lvest thou movest ever* da*

N21b& thou art glorous+ n th* name o, Q>oron hence @UV goes ,orthQ

N21c& thou art honoured+ thou art pre/emnent+ thou art a soul+ thou art mght* ,or ever andever&

@tterance 24#&

N22a& 7o sa*: #,t th*sel, up &+ hurr*+ thou great o, poer

N22b& st at the head o, the gods and do hat Jsrs dd n the prncel* house+ hch s n>elopols+

N22c& a,ter thou hast receved th* dgnt*& p& 125

N22d& 7h* ,oot (step" ll not be hndered n heaven thou shalt not be restraned on earth+

N24a& ,or thou art verl* a sprt+ born o, ut+ nursed b* ephth*s

N24b& the* unte th thee&

N24c& 7hou shalt stand n th* place+ that thou ma*est do hat thou & ast accustomed to do be,ore&

N2a& 7hou shalt be sprt more than all sprts&

N2b& 7hou goest to uto thou ,ndest hm there hom thou hast to resst

N2c& thou comest to >era;onpols thou ,ndest hm there hom thou hast to resst&

N25a& 7hou doest hat Jsrs does+ ,or thou art he ho s on hs throne+

N25b& ho stands there (as" ths great and mght* sprt+ &+ bedec;ed as the great ld/bull&

N25c& 7hou lt not be ressted at an* place here thou goest

N25d& th* ,oot ll not be hndered at an* place here thou desrest (to be"&

@tterance 244 &

N2Na& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ stand up+ l,t th*sel, up

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N2Nb& th* mother ut has brought thee ,orth ?eb has ped th* mouth ,or thee&

N2Nc& 7he ?reat $nnead avenge thee

N2Nd& the* put ,or thee thne enem* under thee&

N2Oa& Carr* thou (hm ho s" greater than thou+ sad the* to hm+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the?reat a 3alace&Q

N2Ob& #,t (hm up ho s" greater than thou+ sad the*+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the ?reat#and ome&Q

N2Ma& 7h* to ssters Iss and ephth*s come to thee the* heal thee

N2Mb& complete and great+ n th* name o, Q?reat lac;+Q

N2Mc& ,resh and great+ n th* name o, Q?reat ?reen&QN29a& ehold+ thou art great and round l;e the Q?reat @oundQ

N29b& behold+ thou are bent around+ and art round l;e the QCrcle hch encrcles thenb5t Q

N29c& behold+ thou art round and great l;e the Q?reat Crcle hch sets&Q

N4La& Iss and ephth*s protected thee n Xt+

N4Lb& even ther lord n thee+ n th* name o, Q#ord o, XtQ p& 12N

N4Lc& even ther god n thee+ n th* name o, Q?od&Q

N41 a& 7he* adore thee+ so that thou shalt not (agan" thdra ,rom them+ n th* name o,Q D 9n ȝ tr Q (or+ Qdvne D ȝQ"

N41b& the* ta;e care o, thee+ so that thou ma*est not (agan" be angr*+ n th* name o,Q Dndr5/boat&Q

N42a& 7h* sster comes to thee+ re%ocng ,or love o, thee&

N42b& 7hou hast placed her on th* phallus+

N42c& that th* seed ma* go nto her+ (hle" t s ponted l;e oths&

N42d& >orus the ponted has come ,orth ,rom thee as >orus ho as n oths&

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N44a& 7hou art pleased th hm+ n hs name o, Qprt ho as n the Dndr5/boatQ

N44b& he avenges thee+ n hs name o, Q>orus+ the son+ ho avenges hs ,ather&Q

@tterance 24; &

N4a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ ?eb has brought >orus to thee that he ma* avenge thee

N4b& and brng the hearts o, the gods to thee+

N4c& that thou ma*est not be n need+ that thou ma*est not groan&

N4d& >orus has gven hs e*e to thee+ that thou ma*est ta;e b* t the rr5t /cron be,orethe gods (&e& as che, o, the gods"&

N45a& >orus has collected th* lmbs ,or thee he has put thee together+

N45b& thout an* dsorder n thee (or+ thout an*thng beng dsordered n thee"&

N45c& 7hot has seed thne enem* ,or thee so that he s beheaded th hs ,olloers

N45d& there s not one hom he has spared&

@tterance 246&

N4Na& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ ths s >orus ho s n thne arms

N4Nb& he ll avenge thee&N4Nc& It s pleasng to hm to be agan th thee+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the horon hence@UV goes ,orth&Q

N4Nd& 7hou hast closed thne arms round and round hm+ he ll not depart ,rom thee&

 p& 12O

N4Oa& >orus does not allo thee to be sc; >orus+ has placed thne enem* under th* ,eet+

N4Ob& that thou ma*est lve& >orus has gven hs chldren to thee+

N4Oc& that the* ma* put themselves under thee+ thout one o, them thdrang+ and thatthe* ma* carr* thee&

N4Md& 7h* mother ut has spread hersel, over thee+ n her name o, Qhe o, Tt9p5t Q

N4Mb& she has caused thee to be as a god+ n spte o, thee+ n th* name o, Q?odQ+

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N4Mc& she protects thee aganst all evl thngs+ n her name o, Q?reat eveQ (protectress"&

N4Md& 7hou art the greatest among her chldren&

N49a& ?eb s sats,ed th thee he has loved thee he has protected thee

N49b& he has gven (bac;" to thee th* head he has caused 7hot to ta;e care o, thee+ so thathat as aganst thee ceased&

@tterance 24"&

NLa& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ stand up& >orus has caused thee to stand up&

NLb& ?eb has caused >orus to see hs ,ather n thee+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the ro*alcastle&Q

N1a& >orus has gven the gods to thee he has brought them to thee+ so that the* ma*llumnate th* ,ace&

N1b& >orus has gven hs e*e to thee+ that thou ma*est see th t&

N2a& >orus has placed thne enem* under thee+

N2b& that he ma* carr* thee+ that thou be not ,ar ,rom hm+

N2c& and that thou ma*est come (agan" n th* (,ormer" state& 7he gods have bound (agan"th* ,ace to thee&

N4a& >orus has opened thne e*e ,or thee+ that thou ma*est see th t+ n her (the e*e"name o, QJpener o, the a*&Q

N4b& 7hne enem* s smtten b* the chldren o, >orus the* made hs smtng red (blood*"

N4c& the* have punshed hm he s severel* punshed+ so that hs smell s evl&

Na& >orus has ,tted th* mouth to thee he has ad%usted ,or thee th* mouth to th* bones&

Nb& >orus has opened th* mouth ,or thee

Nc& th* beloved son has re/nstated th* to e*es ,or thee&

 p& 12M

Nd& >orus does not permt th* ,ace to be thout the poer to see+

Ne& n th* name o, Q>orus che, o, hs sub%ects&Q

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@tterance 2;7&

N5a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ >orus has caused the gods to unte th thee+

N5b& to ,raterne th thee+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the to Jn5t /palaces&Q

N5c& eta;e th*sel, to >orus+ repar to hm

N5d& thdra not th*sel, ,rom hm+ n th* name o, Q>e o, heaven&Q

NNa& >orus has accustomed hmsel, to thee he cannot part ,rom thee

NNb& he has caused thee to lve&

NNc& >asten+ accept hs ord and be sats,ed th t&

NNd& >ear;en to hm t ll not be harm,ul to thee&NOa& >e has brought to thee the gods together there s not one among them ho escapeshm&

NOb& >orus has accustomed hmsel, to hs chldren thou hast unted th*sel, th those o,hs bod* (hs chldren"

NOc& the* have loved thee&

NOd& >orus has done t ,or hs 0a n thee+ that thou ma*est be sats,ed+ n th* name o,

Qats,ed 0a&Q@tterance 2;!&

NMa& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ >orus has placed thee n the heart o, the gods

NMb& he has caused thee to ta;e the hte cron+ the lad*&

NMc& >orus has ,ound thee he re%oces over thee&

NMd& ?o ,orth aganst thne enem* thou art greater than he+ n th* name o, Q>e o, the

great house+ the /itr5t /palace&QN9a& >orus has caused hm to carr* thee+ n th* name o, Q?reat carred one&Q

N9b& >e has delvered thee ,rom thne enem*&

N9c& >e has avenged thee+ as Q>e ho s avenged n hs tme&Q

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N9d& ?eb has seen th* character he has put thee n th* place&

N5La& >orus has stretched thne enem* under thee thou art older than he+ ,or thou ast born be,ore hm&

 p& 129

N5Lh& 7hou art the ,ather o, >orus+ ho begat hm+ n th* name o, Qrd/begetter&Q

N5Lc& 7he heart o, >orus s glad because o, thee+ n th* name o, QDrst o, the Besterners&Q

@tterances 2;$&

N51a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ aa;e&

N51b& >orus has caused 7hot to brng thne enem* to thee

N51c& he has placed thee upon hs bac;+ so that he dare not resst thee&

N51d& t don upon hm&

N52a& ount st upon hm+ so that he ma* not escape thee&

N52b& 6smount+ ,or thou art mghter than he do thou evl to hm&

N54a& >orus has loosed the hps (legs" o, thne enemes

N54b& >orus has brought them to thee+ cut up&

N54c& >orus has chased ther 0a ,rom them&

N54d& (o then" thou ma*est be poer,ul b* means o, that hch th* heart ll do to them+n th* name o, Q3oer,ul over the seaQ (as bull god"&

@tterance 2;2&

N5a& 7o sa*: J+ J+ rase th*sel, up+ &

N5b& receve th* head+ unte th* bones to thee+

N5c& collect th* lmbs+

N5d& sha;e the earth (dust o, the earth" ,rom th* ,lesh&

N55a& @eceve th* bread hch cannot mould+ th* beer hch cannot sour&

N55b& 7hou standest at the doors+ hch hold people bac;&

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 ext: 1O& Con%uratons and Charms+ Gtterances 4O5/LL

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 


@tterance 2;#&

NNLa& 7o sa*: & s he hom 7B ll protect & s he hom *ii ll delver&

NNLb& rng th* message+ messenger o, *ii brng th* message hle t s ,resh+ messengero, *ii&

NNLc& a*est thou not come aganst &+ son o, a ?reat Jne+ (as" a ;n,e hch castrates&

@tterance 2;4 &

NN1a& 7o sa*: 7he ;n,e hch castrates

NN1b& rllant+ brllant trumphant+ trumphant&

NN1c& #et the seaman cast o,, hs garments (as a sal" ,or the boat o, the sun

@tterance 2;; &

NN2a& 7o sa*: 7hou shalt land+ n th* name o, QDortressQ

NN2b& thou shalt capse+ n th* name o, Q/-g i ȝ +Q

NN2c& ,or thou art ndeed the pi5/serpent+ hch s on hs bell*+

 p& 141

NN2d& ho lves on the hearts o, those gods ho are n >elopols&

NN2e& ?ve a* also+ go aa*&

@tterance 2;6&

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NN4a& 7o sa*: 7he uraeus/serpent belongs to heaven the centpede o, >orus belongs n theearth&

NN4b& It s the sandal (or+ sole o, the ,oot" o, >orus hch has trod upon the (dangerous"serpent+

NN4c& the serpent (dangerous" ,or >orus+ a *oung chld+ hs ,nger n hs mouth&

NNa& & s also a >orus+ a lttle chld+ hs ,nger n hs mouth&

NNb& I, t s dangerous ,or &+ he ll tread upon thee (serpent"

NNc& be se ,or &+ so ll he not tread upon thee+

NN5a& ,or thou art ndeed the m*sterous+ the hdden+ as the gods call thee+

NN5b& because thou hast no legs+ because thou hast no arms+NN5c& th hch thou ma*est go n the ,ollong o, th* brothers+ th* gods&

NNNa& J *e both ho are unluc;*+ J *e both ho are unluc;* J *e both ho arse+ J *e both ho arse+

NNNb& *e ho ma;e the )ti/;not o, the god+ protect & that he ma* protect *ou&

@tterance 2;"&

NNO& 7o sa*: 7h* ater s n heaven th* thousands are on earth J /iJii9ḥȝ@tterance 267&

NNMa& 7o sa*: 6oer+ doer passer+ passer

NNMb& th* ,oot+ behnd thee guard th*sel, aganst the Qgreat ?reat+Q

@tterance 26!&

NN9a& 7o sa*: 7he great centpede descends a,ter he has charmed the householder

NN9b& the householder s charmed b* the centpede&

@tterance 26$&

NOLa& 7o sa*: /- ḳ r5/serpent or /iḳ r5t /serpent+ go aa* ,rom & ho s n the dVVm&

 p& 142

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NOLb& >orus crculates behnd hs e*e&

NOLc& @everse/serpent+ ma;e run (n" the earth (deca* (n" the earth"&

@tterance 262&

NO1a& 7o sa*: *t5/serpent+ tt5/serpent+ here to+ here lt thou go

NO1b& tand b* & he s the dLL)i+ should th* ,ather+ the dLL)i+ de

NO1c& F servant (hol* person"+ ho belonged to the $nnead (pelcan"+ (once" ,ell nto ths le& 7hou ho art n hpnn+ come here&

@tterance 263&

NO2a& 7o sa*: 7hs hand o, &+ hch s come aganst thee+

NO2b& s the hand o, tt5t + the great+ ho s n the Qhouse o, l,e&Q

NO2c& >e ho as seed b* her has lved no longer he ho as struc; b* her has not,astened on hs head (agan"&

NO2d& Dall+ glde aa*&

@tterance 26#&

NO4a& 7o sa*: @UV dans aganst thee

NO4b& >orus bends hs ne os aganst ths sprt hch comes out o, the earth+

NO4c& th severed head and clpped tal&

NO4d& DJr /serpent+ Ddi+ son o, Or ḳ 5t9ḥt+

NOa& turn around+ turn over+ that one ma* ,orgve (" thee n respect o, hm (the dead"&

NOb& Ḥ fn5/serpent+ ḥ fnn5t /serpent+

NO5a& pa* attenton to hm+ pa* attenton to the earth+ pa* attenton to th* ,ather ?eb&NO5b& I, thou pa*est not attenton to hm+ hs& brandng/ron hch s on (over" th* head ll pa* attenton to thee&

NO5c& Ori5/serpent+ le don&

NONa& prng up+ 0r  ȝ  (earth"+ see hm >ole/n/the/earth+ straghten th* tal&

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NONb& I, & moves hs arm aganst thee thou shalt de

NONc& , the arm o, & lets thee go thou shalt not lve&

NOOa& 7he (m*" atercourse s th* atercourse+ sa*s hu&

NOOb& hu stands on th* ,etters&

 p& 144

NOOc& 7urn around+ turn over&

NOOd& 7he ,ngers o, & hch are upon thee are the ,ngers o, the ) fd5t   ȝ /l*nx+ ho lves nthe Qhouse o, l,e+Q

NOMa& that thou ma*est spt out& Dall+ ,lee+ turn over&

NOMb& >orus ould have struc; thee don+ and thou ouldst not be alve

NOMc& et ould have cut thee to peces+ and thou ouldst not rse (agan"&

@tterance 264 &

NO9a& 7o sa*: & comes to thee+ /iti5&

NO9b& a*est thou let & pass b* through Qthe dvded openng&Q

NO9c& I, thou drvest & bac;+ he ll drve thee+ bac;&

NO9d& >orus ,ell because o, hs e*e et su,,ered because o, hs testcles&

NO9e& erpent th rased head (dJr9tp"+ ho s n the n 5t   ȝ /bush+ ,all+ glde aa*&

@tterance 26; &

NMLa& 7o sa*: F ?reat Jne s ,allen: a servant (hol* person" ho belongs to the $nnead(pelcan" s ,allen&

NMLb& onster (beast"+ le don&

@tterance 266&

NM1a& 7o sa*: >orus s rsen he escaped the combat/serpent& ehold &+

NM1b& & s >orus+ ho escaped the combat/serpent& >urr*

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NM1c& //(as" no messenger s gven to hm+ (and" hs Qbo*Q s ta;en aa* ,rom hm//(andsa*":

NM1d& 7he serpent+ QDolng/th/the/phallus+Q

NM1e& >orus has smashed ts mouth th hs ,oot (or+ sole o, hs ,oot"&@tterance 26"&

NM2a& 7o sa*: F ,ace s upon thee+ thou ho art n hs (th*" hole&

NM2b& #a* thee on th* bac;+ thou god+ ho art n t (the hole"+ be,ore &

NM2c& & s the great mstress (or+ damsel"&

NM2d& >e hom & sees ll not lve

 p& 14

NM2e& upon hom the ,ace o, & ,alls+ hs head ll not (agan" be attached&

NM2,& Ori5/serpent+ glde aa*+ thou ho art n the n 5t   ȝ /bush+ turn over&

@tterance 2"7&

NM4a& 7o sa*: & s pure+ hs 0a s pure&

NM4b& >o ell s &+ ho ell s &//the bodl* health o, >orus

NM4c& >o ell s &+ ho ell s+ &//the bodl* health o, et

NM4d& 7he bodl* health o, & s (to be" beteen *ou&

NMa& It s & ho stretched the cord (o, a bo" as >orus+ ho dra the strng as Jsrs&

NMb& It s that one (the dead" ho has gone t s ths one (Jsrs" ho comes (agan"&

NM5a& Frt thou >orus F ,ace s upon thee thou shalt be set on th* head&

NM5b& Frt thou et F ,ace s upon thee thou shalt be lad on th* bac;&

NM5c& 7hs ,oot o, & [hch he has placed upon thee s the] ,oot o,  M fd5t  ȝ

NM5d& [that] hand o, &+ hch he has placed upon thee+ s the hand o,  M fd5t  ȝ + ho lves nthe Qhouse o, l,e&Q

NMNa& & str;es thee n th* ,ace+

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NMNb& so that th* salva runs aa*& [>e /////// so that] th* chee; ///&

NMNc& Oi/serpent+ le don nL/serpent+ glde aa*&

@tterance 2"!&

NMOa& 7o sa* tce: Jn [th*] sde 7hou shalt le don&

NMOb& $scape+ escape hence+ hence //////////////

NMOc& [6elv]er & protect &

NMOd& 7h* message s read* th* testament s receved that hch s be,ore thee s rest,ul&

@tterance 2"$&

NMM& 7o sa*: 7he ater o, & s n heaven the people o, & are on earth& 7he heart s sad (" p& 145

@tterance 2"2&

NM9a& 7o sa*: 7h* protectve /s*camore s th* corn th* corn s th* protectve/s*camore&

NM9b& 7h* tal shall be n th* mouth+ combat/serpent& 7urn th*sel, & around th* turnng+great bull&

NN9c& ///// hs (" /// the ?reat escaped ,rom hm hom he had charmed&

NM9d& ' 9t  ȝ ȝ/serpent+ protect th*sel, aganst the earth s 9t  ȝ ȝ/serpent+ protect th*sel, aganst?eb

@tterance 2"3&

N9L& 7o sa*: F lon s behnd a lon because o, l,e& 7o bulls are n (nsde" the bs&

@tterance 2"#&

N91a& 7o sa* tce: $arth+ protect th*sel, aganst the earth s 9t 9 ȝ ȝ serpent+ protect th*sel,

aganst ?eb ("&

N91b& 3rotect th*sel, aganst th* ,ather ho begat Jsrs s 9t 9 ȝ ȝ serpent+ protect th*sel,aganst ?eb

@tterance 2"4 &

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N92a& 7o sa*: *irf /serpent+ (there s a" smell o, the drang (o, the plough through" theearth&

@tterance 2"; &

N92b& 7o sa*: Frt thou the dLL) ///////////N92c& >e s e,,ervescent he s e,,ervescent hu+ let th* arms be about &

@tterance 2"6&

N94a& 7o sa*: >oer+ thou ho hoest the earth+ hoe not the earth&

N94b& 3rotect th*sel, ,rom the enem*&

N94c& & s conceved o, dLL) & s born to dLL)&

N94d& It s dLL) ho ent to hs mother th hm&

@tterance 2""&

N9& 7o sa*: 7h* ater s n heaven th* people are on earth J /isii9hii

 p& 14N

@tterance 377&

N95a& 7o sa*: 7he e*e o, >orus drps on the tu,t o, the dn5/plant&

N95b& 8e to >oruses ho are che, o, the houses+ great lord o, ,ood n >elopols+

N95c& ma*est thou gve bread to &+ ma*est thou gve beer to & ma*est thou re,resh &+

N9Na& hle thou re,reshest the dnng/table (" o, &+

N9Nb& hle thou re,reshest the slaughterng/bench o, &

N9Nc& I, & s hungr*+ so ll the to lons hunger

N9Nd& , & s thrst*+ so ll she o, el/APb thrst&

N9Ne& dn5t + dn5t +

N9N,& brng not the smell o, th* hdn to &

N9Ng& thou shalt not brng the smell o, th* hdn to &

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 ext: 1M& Gtterances Concernng Bell/eng+ $specall* Dood and Clothes+ L1/2N

acred 7exts  $g*pt  Index  3revous  ext 


@tterance 37!&

N9Oa& 7o sa*: & s come ,rom uto+ red as a ,lame+ lvng as Ahepr&

N9Ob& & has seen the great uraeus/serpent & has perceved the great uraeus/serpent&

N9Oc& 7he ,ace o, & s ,allen upon the great uraeus/serpent&

N9Od& Ḥ boed hs temples to &+

N9Oe& hen & ,erred over hs la;e+ hs uraeus/serpent n hs ,ollong&

@tterance 37$&

N9Ma& 7o sa*: 7he place o, & th ?eb s enlarged

N9Mb& the Jḥd /star o, & th @UV ll be made hgh+

N9Mc& that & ma* promenade n the arshes o, J,,erng&

N9Md& & s the e*e o, @UV+ hch as conceved n the nght and born each da*&

@tterance 372&

N99a& 7o sa*: J thou hose L b ȝ /tree becomes green+ ho s over hs ,eld

N99b& J thou ,loer/opener+ ho s on hs s*camore

N99c& J thou th the green lands+ ho s over hs /i ) ȝ /tree

 p& 14O

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OLLa& J lord o, the green ,elds+ re%oce to/da*&

OLLb& & ll hence,orth be among *ou & ll go ,orth n *our neghbourhood

OLLc& & ll lve on that on hch *ou lve&

OL1a& J bulls o, Ftum+

OL1b& ma;e & ,resh+ re,resh & more than the red cron hch s upon hs head

OL1c& more than the nundaton hch s up to hs breast (or+ lap+ or ;nee"+ more than thedates+ hch are n hs ,st&

@tterance 373&

OL2a& 7o sa*: & %uggles about th thee+ J %uggler//,urther (to sa*" ,our tmes//he ho

as over the o,,cals o, uto&OL2b& & s greater than the >orus adorned th red+ the red cron hch as (once" on thehead o, @UV&

OL2c& 7he green e*e/pant o, & conssts n the pap*rus/umbel o, thne e*e+ hch sa,lame

OL2d& & s green (,resh" th (or+ l;e" thee&

@tterance 37#&

OL4a& 7o sa*: J @UV+ J  ȝḫ9ti+ J  ȝḫ9ti+ J pnd5ti+ J pnd5ti+

OL4b& & s thou+ thou art &

OLa& 3rase be to & prase be to the 0a o, &

OLb& Cause & to be ell+ , or & causes thee to be ell

OLc& cause & to be ell+ ,or & causes thee to be ell&

OLd& Cause & to be re,reshed+ ,or & causes thee to be re,reshed&OL5a& & s that e*e o, thne hch as on the horn o, >athor+

OL5b& hch repeats the repeatng (successve" *ears ,or (or+ upon" &+

OL5c& hle & s conceved n the nght and born ever* da*&

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@tterance 374 &

OLNa& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee @UV n th* beaut*+ n th* beautes+

OLNb& n th* places+ n th* to/thrds gold&

OLOa& a*est thou brng the ml; o, Iss to &+ and the ,lood o, ephth*s+

OLOb& the sshng o, the la;e+ the prmaeval ,lood o, the ocean+

OLOc& l,e+ prospert*+ health+ happness+

OLOd& bread+ beer+ clothng+ ,ood+ that & ma* lve thereo,&

OLMa& a* the breers lsten to (come to terms th" hm

 p& 14M

OLMb& Fs the* are long n da*s (patent at or;"+ as the* are sats,ed n the nghts+

OLMc& so he (the deceased" ta;es hs place at the table (parta;es o, hs meal"+ snce the* aresats,ed th ther nourshment (contentment"&

OL9a& a* & behold thee hen thou goest ,orth as 7hot+

OL9b& hen the course s set ,or the boat o, @UV+

OL9c& to hs ,elds hch are n the /i J5 ȝ /part o, heaven+

OL9d& and hen thou stormest ,orth as he ho s at the head o, hs ḥi/carrers&

@tterance 37; &

O1La& 7o sa*: & s pure+ so that he can receve ,or hmsel, hs pure place hch s nheaven&

O1Lb& & ll reman+ the beaut,ul places+ o, & ll reman&

O1Lc& & receves ,or hmsel, hs pure place hch s n the bo o, the boat o, @UV&

O11a& Fnd the salors ho ro @UV+

O11b& the* also ll ro &

O11c& and the salors ll ta;e @UV round about the horon&+

O11d& the* also ll ta;e & round about the horon&

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O12a& &'s mouth s opened ,or hm+ &'s nose s opened ,or hm+

O12b& &'s ears are opened ,or hm+

O12c& that & ma* %udge ords+ that he ma* separate the to contenders+

O14a& that he ma* command ords to hm ho s greater than he&

O14b& @UV pur,es & @UV protects & aganst the evl hch s done aganst hm&

@tterance 376&

O1a& 7o sa*: Qorn/n/the/nght+Q come *e & s born&

O1b& 8e to omen+ *e ho conceved b* da*+ that *e ma* be patent and bear hm hodells n the egg/ct*+

O15a& snce *e have gven brth to &+ *e must also noursh &

O15b& 7he heart o, & s glad as he ho s che, o, the  D 5t  ȝ

O15c& the heart o, the gods re%oces over &+ as soon as the* see & ho re%uvenated he s&

O1Na& o the banquet o, the sxth da* o, the month shall be ,or the brea;,ast o, &

 p& 149

O1Nb& the banquet o, the seventh da* o, the month shall be ,or the supper o, &

O1Nc& Cos shall be slaughtered ,or & (at" the g  ȝ /,east&

O1Nd& 7he desderatum+ that hch s gven o, t+ that s the g,t ,or &+

O1Ne& ,or & s ndeed the bull o, >elopols&

@tterance 37"&

O1Oa& 7o sa*: & s the bull o, the $nnead+

O1Ob& lord o, the ,ve meals+ three n heaven+ to on earth&

O1Oc& It s the boat o, the evenng sun and the boat o, the mornng sun+

O1Od& hch conve* ths to & ,rom the nḫn/house o, the god&

O1Ma& 7he abomnaton o, & s o,,al he re%ects urne

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O1Mb& he drn;s t not&

O1Mc& & lves on seet/ood (&e& seets"+ and ,rom ,umgatons hch are n the earth&

@tterance 3!7&

O19a& 7o sa*: J usrte+ thou dd + he ho s n hs Nrg59b 5f  ȝ +

O19b& & s a r5t50  & ll be a r5t50 &

O19c& & ,nds thee+ sttng on that ,ortress o, tiḪȝ +

O19d& n hch the gods st (lve"+ to hch the lords o, 0as are dran&

O19e& Comes //////////////////

@tterance 3!!&O2La& ////////////////////////////////

O2Lb& brng t to & put & [on that sde o, l,e and %o*]&

@tterance 3!$&

O21a& 7o sa*: 7he ?reat Jne s ,allen on hs sde

O21b& he ho s n Hdi5t  strs

O21c& hs head s l,ted up b* @UV

O21d& hs abomnaton s to sleep+ he hates to be tred&

O22a& Dlesh o, &+

O22b& rot not+ deca* not+ let not th* smell be bad&

O22c& 7h* ,oot shall not pass over+ th* step shall not strde through+

O22d& thou shalt not tread upon the (corpse"/secreton o, Jsrs& p& 1L

O24a& 7hou shalt tptoe heaven l;e O  ȝḥ (the toe/star" th* soul shall be ponted l;e oths(the ponted/star"&

O24b& oul shalt thou be and soul thou art honoured shalt thou be and honoured thou art&

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O4Lb& 7h* places among the gods ll reman+ hle @UV leans upon thee th hs arm

 p& 11

O4Lc& th* ,ragrance s as ther ,ragrance

O4Ld& th* seetness s as the seetness o, the 7o $nneads&

O41a& 7hou appearest+ &+ n the ro*al head/dress (the thngs o, the ,orehead"+

O41b& th* hand sees the >orus/eapon ( )J ȝ "+ th* ,st grasps the ḥd /mace+

O41c& thou standest+ &+ as he ho s n (or+ ho s che, o," the to /itr5t /palaces+ ho %udges the ords o, the gods&

O42a& 7hou belongest to the nḫḫ5 (/stars"+ the servants+ o, @UV+ ho are be,ore themornng star&

O42b& 7hou lt be born (agan" at th* ne moons (,easts" l;e the moon

O42c& hle @UV leans upon thee n the horon+ &+

O44a& and the mpershable stars serve (,ollo" thee&

O44b& Command th*sel, untl @UV comes+ &

O44c& pur,* th*sel, ascend to @UV&

O44d& >eaven ll not be empt* o, thee+ &+ ,or ever&

@tterance 3!2&

O4a& 7o sa*: @ase th*sel, up+ J ;ng& 7h* ater belongs to thee&+ thne abundance belongs to thee+

O4b& th* ml; belongs to thee+ hch s n the breasts o, th* mother+ Iss&

O4c& 7he chldren o, >orus rase thee up the chldren o, hm ho s n  DbL5t9P  (uto"+

O4d& l;e et ho s n Ḥn5t  (>*psels+ or Jmbos"&

O45a& 7hs ?reat Jne slept+ a,ter he had ,allen to sleep&

O45b& Fa;e+ &+ rase th*sel, up+ ta;e to thee th* head

O45c& unte to thee th* bones sha;e o,, th* dust&

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O4Na& t thou upon th* ,rm throne+

O4Nb& that thou ma*est eat the leg o, meat+ that thou ma*est pass the cutlet (over th*mouth"+

O4Nc& that thou ma*est noursh th*sel, th th* double/rb pece n heaven among the gods&@tterance 3!3&

O4Oa& 7o sa*: J &+

O4Ob& ta;e th* garment o, lght+ ta;e th* vel upon thee+

O4Oc& clothe th*sel, th the e*e o, >orus+ hch as n * i5t   ȝ +

 p& 12

O4Od& that t ma* gan th* respect among the gods+ that t ma;e ,or thee a sgn o,recognton among the gods+

O4Oe& that thou ma*est ta;e the rr5t /cron b* means o, t among the gods+

O4O,& that thou ma*est ta;e the rr5t /cron b* means o, t th >orus lord o, men&

@tterance 3!#&

O4Ma& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee * i5t   ȝ +

O4Mb& thou ast on the edge o, the great nest hch unted the god th hs brother&

O4Mc& 7hou lt be or not be thou lt be or not be&

O49a& 3rotect the head o, &+ that t ma* not detach tsel,

O49b& collect the bones o, &+ that the* ma* not separate&

O49c& a*est thou put the love ,or & n the bod* o, ever* god ho ll see hm&

@tterance 3!4 &

OL& 7o sa*: 7hs s a sound garment hch >orus has made ,or hs ,ather+ Jsrs&

@tterance 3!; &

O1a& 7o sa*: F ?reat Jne slept on hs mother+ ut&

O1b& 7h* mother * i5t   ȝ  clothed thee

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O1c& she carred thee to heaven+ n her name o, QAte+Q

O1d& the ,ondlng hom she ,ound+ her >orus&

O1e& 7h* >orus s ths one+ J Iss ma*est thou brng hs cert,cate (lt& arm" to @UV+ to the

horon&@tterance 3!6&

O2a& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee+ Dne Jl&

O2b& ?reetngs to thee hch as on the bro o, >orus+ hch >orus put on the head(horns" o, hs ,ather+ Jsrs&

O2c& & put thee on hs head (horns"+ as >orus put thee on the head (horns" o, hs ,ather+Jsrs&

@tterance 3!"&

O4a& 7o sa*: ?reetngs to thee+ &+ on ths th* da*+

O4b& as thou standest be,ore @UV+ hen he arseth n the east+

 p& 14

O4c& adorned th ths th* dgnt* among the sprts&

O4d& 7he arms nterlace ,or thee the ,eet agtate ,or thee the hands ave ,or thee&

Oa& Iss lad hold o, thne arm she caused thee to enter nto the )in5&

Ob& 7he earth s adorned th* mourners lament&

O5a& a* Fnubs Drst o, the Besterners gve an o,,erng:

O5b& th* thousands o, loaves o, bread+ th* thousands o, mugs o, beer+ th* thousands o, %ars o, ontment+

O5c& th* thousands o, alabaster vases (o, per,ume"+ th* thousands o, garments+

O5d& th* thousands o, heads o, oxen&

ONa& 7he J)n/goose ll be beheaded ,or thee the trp/goose ll be ;lled ,or thee&

ONb& >orus has extermnated the evl hch as n & n hs ,our da* (term"

ONc& et has annulled that hch he dd aganst & n hs eght da* (term"&

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OOa& 7he doors are open ,or those n secret places&

OOb& tand up+ remove th* earth+ sha;e o,, th* dust+ rase th*sel, up+

OMa& vo*age thou th the sprts&

OMb& 7h* ngs are those o, a ,alcon th* brghtness s that o, a star&

OMc& o enem* (" ll bend over &

OMd& the heart o, & ll not be ta;en hs heart ll not be carred o,,&

O9a& & s a great one th an unn%ured rr5t /cron&

O9b& & equps hmsel, th hs ,rm (or+ ron+ shnng" lmbs&

O9c& & vo*ages+ over the s;* to the arsh o, @eeds29d& & ma;es hs abode n the arsh o, J,,erngs+

O9e& among the mpershable stars n the ,ollong o, Jsrs&

@tterance 3$7&

O5La& 7o sa*: J &+ be pure+ cense th*sel, ,or @UV&

O5Lb& >o beaut,ul s th* purt* to/da*

O5Lc& 7o/da*+ establsh th*sel, among the gods+ to/da*&

O5Ld& 7o/da*+ establsh th*sel, among those ho are n the  sḥ9ntr + to/da*&

 p& 1

@tterance 3$!&

O51a& 7o sa*: &+ thou clmbest up+ thou reachest the radance&

O51b& 7hou art the brllance hch s upon the eastern("/quarter o, the s;*&

@tterance 3$$&

O52a& 7o sa*: J &+

O52b& thou art departed that thou ma*est become a sprt+ that thou ma*est become mght*as a god+ an enthroned one l;e Jsrs+

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O54a& snce thou hast th* soul n th* bod*+ snce thou hast th* mght behnd thee+

O54b& snce thou hast th* rr5t /cron on th* head+ snce thou hast th* )is5t /cron be,orethee (at hand"&

O54c& 7h* ,ace s be,ore thee+ th* homage s be,ore theeO5a& the ,olloers o, a god are behnd thee+ the nobles o, a god are be,ore thee

O5b& the* recte: QF god comes+ a god comes+ & comes (ho shall be" on the throne o,Jsrs+

O5c& that sprt comes ho s n Hdi5t + that poer hch s n the 7hnte nome&Q

O55a& Iss spea;s to thee ephth*s laments ,or thee&

O55b& 7he sprts come to thee+ bong don the* ;ss the earth at th* ,eet+O55c& because the terror o, thee+ &+ s n the ctes o, Oi ȝ&

O5Na& 7hou ascendest to th* mother ut she la*s hold o, thne arm

O5Nb& she shos thee the a* to the horon+ to the place here @UV s&

O5Nc& 7he double doors o, heaven are opened ,or thee+ the double doors o, ḳ bḥ5 areopened ,or thee&

O5Oa& 7hou ,ndest @UV standng+ hle he ats ,or thee&O5Ob& >e la*s hold o, th* hand+ he leads thee nto the double /itr5t /palace o, heaven+

O5Oc& he places thee on the throne o, Jsrs&

O5Ma& J &+ the e*e o, >orus comes to thee+ t addresses thee:

O5Mb& Q7h* soul hch s among the gods comes to thee th* mght hch s among thesprts comes to thee&

O5Mc& F son has avenged hs ,ather >orus has avenged Jsrs&Q p& 15

O5Md& >orus has avenged & on hs enemes&

O59a& 7hou standest+ &+ avenged+ equpped as a god+

O59b& endued th the ,orm o, Jsrs on the throne o, hm ho s Drst o, the Besterners+

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O59c& and doest hat he as accustomed to do among the sprts+ the mpershable stars&

ONLa& 7h* son stands on th* throne endued th th* ,orm

ONLb& he does hat thou ast accustomed to do ,ormerl* at the head o, the lvng

ONLc& b* the command o, @UV+ the ?reat ?od&

ON1& >e tlls barle*+ he tlls spelt+ that he ma* present thee thereth&

ON2a& J &+ all l,e and health are gven to thee+ eternt* s thne+ sath @UV to thee+

ON2b& that thou th*sel, ma*est spea; a,ter thou hast ta;en the ,orm o, a god+

ON2c& hereth thou shalt be great among the gods ho are over the la;e (ḫnti59 "&

ON4a& J &+ th* soul& stands among the gods+ among the sprts+ON4b& t s thus that th* ,ear s n ther hearts&

ON4c& J &+ & stands upon th* throne at the head o, the lvng+

ON4d& t s thus that th* terror s n ther hearts&

ONa& 7h* name hch s upon the earth lves th* name hch s upon the earth endures

ONb& thou lt not persh thou lt not pass+ aa* ,or ever and ever&

@tterance 3$2&

ON5a& 7o sa*: J Jsrs &+ ta;e to th*sel, ths th* lbaton+ hch s o,,ered to thee b*>orus+

ON5b& n th* name o, Q>e ho s come ,rom the cataractQ ta;e to th*sel, th* natron thatthou ma*est be dvne&

ON5c& 7h* mother ut has made thee to be as a god to thne enem* (or+ n spte o, thee"+ nth* name o, Q?od&Q

ONNa& 7a;e to th*sel, the e,,lux hch goes ,orth ,rom thee&

ONNb& >orus has made me assemble ,or thee the gods ,rom ever* place to hch thou hastgone&

ONNc& 7a;e to th*sel, the e,,lux hch goes ,orth ,rom thee&

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ONNd& >orus has made me count ,or thee hs chldren even to the place here thou astdroned&

 p& 1N

ONOa& Ḥr9rnp5i recognes thee+ ,or thou art made *oung agan+ ll ths th* name o, QDresh


ONOb& >orus s ndeed a soul+ ,or he recognes hs ,ather n thee+ n hs name o, Q Ḥr9b 9/iti9rp5t  ȝ &Q

@tterance 3$3&

ONMa& 7o sa*: J &+ ths th* gong+ these th* gongs

ONMb& s that gong o, >orus+ b* ths hs gong+ b* these hs gongs+

ON9a& as hs runners hastened+ so hs envo*s rushed on behnd+

ON9b& so that the* mght announce hm to hm ho l,ts up the arm n the $ast&

ON9c& @e%oce+ &+

ON9d& thne arms are l;e those o, Wpi5+ th* ,ace l;e that o, Wp9 9t  ȝ &

OOLa& J &+ ma* the ;ng ma;e an o,,erng+

OOLb& that thou ma*est occup* th* >orte regons+ that thou ma*est pass through th* ette


OOLc& 7hou sttest on th* ,rm throne+

OOLd& thou drectest ther ords to hm ho s at the head o, the ?reat $nnead+ ho are n>elopols&

OO1a& J &+ M ḫnti9n9/irti protects thee+

OO1b& th* herdsman+ ho s behnd th* calves&

OO1c& J &+ Lr /// protects thee aganst the sprts&

OO2a& J &+ ;no

OO2b& that thou shalt ta;e ,or th*sel, ths th* dvne o,,erng+ that thou ma*est be sats,edth t ever* da*:

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OO4a& thousands o, loaves o, bread+ thousands o, mugs o, beer+ thousands o, heads o, oxen+thousands o, geese+

OO4b& thousands o, all seet thngs+ thousands o, all textures&

O Oa& J &+ th* ater belongs to thee+ th* abundance belongs to thee+OOb& th* natron belongs to thee+ (all" hch s brought to thee b* th* brother+  H ḫḫ&

@tterance 3$#&

OO5a& 7o sa*: Jsrs &+ thou art avenged I have gven all gods to thee+

OO5b& together th ther nhertance+ together th ther ,ood+

OO5c& together th all ther thngs& 7hou shalt not de&

 p& 1O

@tterance 3$4 &

OONa 7o sa*: Jsrs thou hast daned as ;ng o, Gpper and #oer $g*pt