

Resumen por Iván Vera @ivanveramFundador & Presidente del Club de Innovación

15 a 20 de marzo de 2015


54 empresas asociadas

CLUB DE INNOVACIÓN: 54 corporaciones acelerando su innovación

2004 -2015

Acelerar la Innovación Mediante la Colaboración

Propósito  del  Club  de  Innovación

28 ejecutivos de 17 empresas asociadas al Club de Innovación

fuimos a Silicon Valley a descubrir oportunidades

Misión  del  Club  de  Innovación  a  Silicon  Valley  

(marzo  2015)

Conectar a las empresas del Club de Innovación con Stanford

Research Institute, fuente mundial de descubrimiento tecnológico


ObjeCvos  de  la  Misión  a  Silicon  Valley

Conocer el estado de desarrollo del Corporate Venture Capital

de California, en el nodo central de la industria: Silicon Valley Bank


ObjeCvos  de  la  Misión  a  Silicon  Valley

8Martes 17; Primera Visita: Conferencia “La Cultura de Innovación en Google”

Google Chile invitó a la delegación del Club de Innovación a una conferencia sobre la cultura de innovación en Google (Mountain View)


- Google's Mission: Organize global information and make it accessible and useful for the people.- A mission that matters. Why it matters to me?- Create an environment where “smart creatives” can thrive. Give people the opportunity to thrive.


- Set the bar very high; resist good enough.- Don't compromise our values.- Once you have the best people, Give them the freedom to take risks, a license to pursue dreams, individuals and teams can have a massive impact, they can create new ideas, experiment, fail and try again…. - Launch and iterate. Chrome: Every six weeks we iterate. Build, Launch, Measure, Iterate.


- Transparency is VERY recomendable. A very deep survey in Google every year: very detailed and very transparent. How they are feeling the company. Every year, since the foundation. Open results for every employee. Very brave!...Upper feedback: Every employee assess their boss.. Even Larry Page is assessed.


Cultura  de  Innovación  Google

Cultura  de  Innovación  GoogleOBJECTIVES AND RESULTS:

- OKR: Objectives and Key Results. OKRs are very aspirational. You work for that and try to achieve it. Today Larry Page: Extreme focus on mobile.- Think 10x. Astro Teller, Engineering Director, Google X. If you want cars to run at 50 miles per gallon, you may only improve a bit. If you try the car to run on a gallon of gas for 500 miles, you have to start over.- Set unattainable goals and then “fail well”.


- Share everything you can. Sergey and Larry talk to all Google every week, after week, after week.


- 1st question: "Is this good for our users?", - 2nd question: "Is this good for our partners?" - 3rd question: "How could we do money out of this?”

- We want to be there when you need it, before you need it, even before you notice you need it.

DECISIONS & DATA:- “Use data and not only opinions. Data beats opinions!” 10

11 Martes 17: Google Campus, Mountain View


Martes 17: Google Campus, Mountain View

Adolfo ErrázurizGerente de eCommerce & Servicios de SODIMAC Chile

Miércoles 18;Segunda Visita:Silicon Valley Bank

SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  EconomyKRISTEN DURNHAM, SVB:

- Exclusively in innovation markets- Technology investments and company creations- Loans: US$ 13 Bill in 2009 - US$ 39 Bill in 2014- Bank No. 42 in the US. - Increasing interest in LATAM. Exits: Mercado Libre  & Globant 2014- Brazil: Mkt Opp +++ / Sources of Cap +++ / Entrepreneurship Culture ++.  - México: Mkt Opp +++ / Sources of Cap ++ / Entrepreneurship Culture +  - Argentina: Mkt Opp na / Sources of Cap na / Entrepreneurship Culture +++- CVC in LATAM: Amerigo (Movistar); Intel Capital; Qualcomm Capital; ... FEMSA exploring.- 10% of Loans = early startups lending- In LATAM our interest is in Growth Stage companies. Less risks. Mainly Brazil.


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  EconomyVICENTE GOETTEN (TOTVS, BRAZIL):


- 2011 to Stanford University for a research.- TOTVS is the 6th largest software company in the world; 98% incomes from Brazil. Nobody knows us......CEO wanted to go global.- Why don't we establish TOTVS Labs? Emerging companies. I pitched the idea to the CEO and VPs. They liked the idea. What should we do then?


- Vicente encontró un problema de los clientes de TOTVS: "Recordar las claves”; Identity management. 2015: 200 customers and 300.000 payed users. - 2nd problem "To find talent in the company". Identity problem. One year dating the founder!


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  EconomyVICENTE GOETTEN (TOTVS, BRAZIL):


1) Is it a global problem?2) can we have our special sauce to solve the problem?3) Can we scale up the solution?


- Inside a large Corp we cannot move as fast as in the Lab.- We are here IN the Valley because of the talent you can find here. I am involved in every hiring. I want to sell them the dream! Now I have to deliver the dream!. :)


- I had a third problem from Retailers in Brazil….InStore product recommendations for two big retailers in Brazil. ....One whole year dating Roman (CEO of GoodData, the startup that already had the solution) and then we lead the Series D. TOTUS Ventures was born.

- A corporate whatsapp is a new solution of Totus.- You have to be like hunting!!!!! Tons of help from Stanford U., and Silicon Valley Bank.- We work on a nice problem now. InStore user's experience to “Better Knowing The User”.- InLab for corporations in Totus Lab! 16

FERNANDO FRANCO (LatinSF): - 11 meses LatinSF. Representing SF in LATAM.- ChinaSF exists since some years. representing SF in China.- Companies from LATAM looking to establish and invest in SF- Network, professional services, inmigration support letters, VCs, early adopters for traction, lease an office, hire people. (Globant has a big office in SF). - SF is known by technology. But SF is much more than that: Art Gallery for example. technology, entertainment, art, food & beverage, innovation, design, etc.- Any size is Ok for us. Startups with two people is ok.- Partners: ApexBrazil, BayBrazil, Council Chile_California, ProMexico, ProColombia.- What's special about SF? Collaboration! People will listen to you.


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  Economy

FERNANDO FRANCO (LatinSF): - ZenDesk, three guys from Denmark came to SF. Now they are 1.000 people.- Toyota, Samsung, CocaCola, McDonalds established innovation accelerators or Labs in SF. “We are big, we don't move so fast”. We need to establish an accelerator, in SF, where the flow of ideas, technologies and talents are.- Challenges in LATAM for SF: Cost of living, Visa, traction, Cost of services, ....Cost of living.- VISA for Chile and México have it easy. In a couple of weeks you guys get a visa for 18 months and can renew it for another 18 months.- No direct flights except from Salvador and Guadalajara. People of Globant buy 400 to 500 air tickets every year.- NearSoft has 120 employees in México. 1 employee in SF. 15 clientes in SF. He invite an american to be co-founder (cuban-american)- My best wish for LATAM companies is loosing fear to compete with the best!


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  Economy


- Telefónica is a 91 years company. You have to keep growing. The only way to do that is keeping innovating. - Last 5 to 10 years Telcom companies have confronted many challenges. Infraestructure investments. Costs of developing products. We have many people developing new solutions, But that' not enough.- 2007, someone in Telefónica thought we have to work WITH startups. Let's open innovation.- Let's identify new business models, new trends, new talent. 130.000 employees, But there is a different kínd of talent in SF that we can reach through CVC.- Along The last 5 to 7 years. TELEFÓNICA OPENED THE FUTURE.


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  Economy


- WAYRA is a Global Network of Accelerators. 1st) Social responsability value, 2) Great opportunity to be part of the new Googles or Facebooks.- Access to capital: AMERIGO (Inversur in Chile). Also in Spain, Colombia, Brasil, etc. Country funds in which Telefónica has up to 30%. Managed by professional partners. Telefónica preserves some distance,- Since 2011 TELEFÓNICA VENTURES. A sniper gun. We invest in companies that we believe will disrupt and grow. In SF you find a Culture of startups. In Israel also. A terrible competitive landscape. Ideas get much faster and better validated than in any other place.- In the US there are 350 million people. In Spain there are 45 million people. 8 times more market. In the US there are much more early adopters. And people is more willing to meet with you and give you feedback.- Since 2011 we moved from making 2 to 3 investments a year to 5 and with more impact.- At the end of the year what does Telefónica ask you?… First was number of deals, then it was "doing the right things" (this was wrong); - The conviction behind is "A lot of value is being created there outside and we have been loosing value inside".- Corporate Culture is completely adverse to Venture Capital. Startups have available a lot of sources of capital. A challenge is to put "real smart money" over the table.


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  Economy


SVB:  Serving  The  InnovaCon  Economy

Miércoles 18: Silicon Valley Bank, Mountain View

22Miércoles 18; Tercera Visita: Stanford University


MeetUp  in  Stanford  University  Chile_California  Council

• Chile_California  Council  .  Network  of  some  400  chilean  ex-­‐pats  in  California,  living  the  Entrepreneurship  &  InnovaCon  lifestyle.  

• Some  80  people  in  this  MeetUp,  just  to  meet  &  talk  …and  discover  opportuniCes.  

• Design  School´s  workshop:  “How  to  empower  the  innovaCon  culture  in  Chile”.


MeetUp  in  Stanford  University  Chile_California  Council


Meet  Up  in  Stanford  University  Chile_California  CouncilDesign  School´s  workshop:  “How  to  empower  the  innovaCon  culture  in  Chile”.

26Jueves 19; Cuarta Visita: Stanford Research Institute


• 2.300  invesCgadores  

• 40  Laboratorios  

• US$  500  millones  Presupuesto  

• 90%  DARPA


Stanford  Research  InsCtute  


Primer “Mouse” para computador, desarrollado en 1968 por el investigador de SRI

Douglas Engelbart

Primer “Robot Cirujano” para realizar cirugía a distancia a soldados

norteamericanos heridos en batalla



Stanford  Research  InsCtute  Jueves  19  de  marzo


Stanford  Research  InsCtute  

CompuCng  Science  Lab  Jueves  19  de  marzo

Plataformas Tecnológicas desarrolladas por CS Lab de SRI


Stanford  Research  InsCtute  

Taller de desarrollo de robot “Taurus” para la manipulación de explosivos con precisión en destreza manual


Video en Robotics Lab - guiada por el investigador

Pablo García - acerca desafíos de desarrollo de

robots humanoides.


Aeropuerto SCL, domingo 15

Contacto por Twitter con Leo Soto, ingeniero chileno,

Data Scientist trabajando en Amazon. Ex Apple por cuatro años.

SCL 15.03.15


Apple  Campus  Viernes  20  de  marzo

Visita a Apple Campus, conseguida durante esa semana por Leo Soto, chileno desarrollador de innovaciones en Apple

Leo SotoAmazon

Iván VeraClub de Innovación

Renzo Pruzzo,Club de Innovación


Apple  Campus  Viernes  20  de  marzo

Renzo Pruzzo,Club de Innovación

Adolfo Errázuriz,Sodimac Chile

José A. Riquelme,Sodimac Chile

Carla Sánchez,Revista Capital


Cinco Aprendizajes Principales (entre decenas):

1 El desafío está en auto-imponernos propósitos más desafiantes y con impacto global. La diferencia entre Chile y Silicon Valley está en su cultura de propósitos, creencias, actitudes y voluntades de ir por grandes desafíos de impacto global.

2Los grandes problemas pueden dar lugar a grandes innovaciones, si cuya solución - que aún no existe - la abordamos con los mejores talentos globales. Convocar talento de clase mundial para construir nuestras innovaciones es fundamental.

3 El talento atrae al talento. Los ingenieros, científicos, investigadores, desarrolladores y diseñadores más competitivos del mundo llegan a Silicon Valley; porque allí encuentran los ambientes más desafiantes para desarrollarse.

5 Solo un muy fuerte liderazgo del más alto nivel de una empresa puede construir una cultura de talentos que permanentemente desafíen el Status Quo. La obediencia es el peor enemigo en la construcción de una cultura de innovación.

4 El orgullo de pertenecer a una entidad exitosa como Stanford Research Institute, Google o Apple está en ser parte de una organización con grandes logros y una cultura desafiante que atrae talento extremo desde todo el mundo.


Resumen por Iván Vera @ivanveramFundador & Presidente del Club de Innovación

15 a 20 de marzo de 2015
