Page 1: Nanha Jasoos - Vani Balaraman

Story : Nanha Jaasoos ( Little Detective)


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Chintoo was the son of the auto driver in the village. He was a curious little boy that helped solve every

problems in the village – like getting back buffaloes that strayed, to solving the case of missing chappatis in the tiffin box to solving the case of stolen marbles.

His eagerness and clever ways to solve problems helped him earn the name of Nanha Jasoos in the village

Chintoo believed being a jasoos was easy because his belief was that every thief always left behind a clue that helped solve the case quicky


Rajamma was the poor vegetable vendor who lived with her son in their little farm.Rajamma and her son were extremely honest

They worked hard in their farm, the produce from the farm was sold in the Tuesday market in a near by town every week

One evening, while tilling his land , Rajamma’s son found two idols underneath the ground

Soon the entire village got to know that Rajamma’s land had some hidden treasure.

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The news spread like wild fire

In the night, Rajamma and her son sat wondering what could be done. Where could they keep the idols safely.

The next day was Tuesday and they had to leave for town for the Tuesday market

“Amma ! don’t worry. I have placed the idols safely under the bed” . No one would know where we placed them. Once we are back from the market, we will meet the municipal authorities and hand over the idols , said Gangaiyaa her son

Little did Rajamma and her son know that Periyasamy, the village moneylender was over hearing their conversation

Periyasamy was greedy and wanted to steal the idols, so that he could sell it in town and make some quick money

Rajamma and her son left for the Tuesday market. It was very important for them to sell their produce in the town market.

Rajamma and her son returned the next day.

They found that the main door was open and some one had done a thorough search of their little hut

Gangaiyaa rushed in to find the idols missing

Rajamma and her son were stunned and nervous

What would they say the villagers ?

The villagers would suspect that Rajamma was lying about the idols and hidden it on her own

Rajamma had to solve the mystery quick , but whom could she confide in ?

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There was only one person that she trusted and it was Nanha Jasoos

She explained the problem to Chintoo

Chintoo felt sorry for Rajamma. She loved him dearly like her own grand son and here she was in deep trouble

Chintoo was determined to help her.

But where could he begin his search . It is very unlikely that the thief would leave the idols in Rajamma’s home.

He searched in the cup boards, behind doors , in the attic and in the boxes . He even searched in the kitchen and in the big urulis that stored rice and dal

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There was only one place left and it was the piece of land where Rajamma grew her vegetables

Chintoo rushed to the garden with his pet Heera in tow

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Chintoo began searching in the garden. He had to be quick because it was dusk and soon it would be dark .

Chintoo began checking every possible nook and corner,under the plants, in the shrubs .

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Chintoo was engrossed in his thoughts . Little did he know that Heera had slipped away from him

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Chintoo woke up from his reverie , he realized that Heera was missing

Oh no silly dog ! Where did you disappear

Heera . Heera , he shouted.

“This is not the time for hide and seek “ Heera, said Chintoo

We have less time. We need to help Rajamma as soon as possible

He heard a bark , an eager bark and it grew louder by the minute

Bow Bow Bow ...barked Heera

Chintoo found Heera , under a shrub.

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Chintoo tried to take away Heera from the shrub

Heera kept barking excitedly and refused to move away from the place

Heera kept digging the ground under his feet.

Chintoo realized Heera was saying something

… and then he noticed

The land beneath their feet was freshly dug up , it seemed and they also saw fresh foot marks.Foot marks of some one big and huge !

Who dug up this land, Chintoo wondered , because Rajamma and Gangaiyaa were not in town

Without losing much time, Chintoo and Heera began digging the ground

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..and lo and behold . They found the hidden idols neatly hidden amongst the potatoes growing in the garden

..and Chintoo also found a gold bracelet with Periyasamy’s intials inscribed on it

Chintoo put two and two together and came to the conclusion that the greedy money lender was the thief and in a hurry must not have noticed his bracelet fall into the pit.

Not only did he steal something that didn’t belong to him. He also hid the treasure in Rajamma’s garden and tried to frame her and mislead the case

Periyasamy was soon handed over to the municipal authorities

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Rajamma was extremely happy and relieved . She hugged little Chintoo for his bravery

And what do you think Chintoo got in return from Rajamma, a cycle! A brand new cycle! As a reward for his bravery !

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..and Chintoo chuckled – that his Nanha Jasoos work just got easier – with Heera and his new cycle for help

