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The population of Nicaragua, approximately 6 million, is multiethnic.

The biological diversity, warm tropical climate, and active volcanoes

make Nicaragua an increasingly popular tourist destination. Exactly

41% of the population lives in rural areas, with 59% living in urban

areas. There is a large sense of pride from the people of Nicaragua.

Their national anthem starts with “Hail to thee, Nicaragua” which

celebrates its victory of independence from the powers that controlled

them for multiple centuries. The nation of Nicaragua was and still is

suffering from the aftermath of the Civil War of 1980 and Hurricane

Mitch, which left them in devastation and extreme poverty.


In October of 1998, Hurricane Mitch was recognized as the second

deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record. After the hurricane struck there


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were an estimated 3,800 dead, 7,000 missing, 2 million directly

affected, and 500,000-800,000 left homeless. Thousands of people

now live in shelters only made of scrap metal, plastic bags, sticks, and

whatever else they can find in the garbage that surrounds them. With

no other place to go their home became a garbage heap locally known

as the ‘circle of death,’ an area between the dump, a cemetery, and a

sewerage plant. Diseases like bacterial diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis A,

and typhoid fever have arisen because of unsanitary conditions and

lack of clean water and medical help. There is approximately 1 doctor

for every 3,000 people in the country. There is approximately only one

hospital bed per 1,000 people. The people are still waiting and

pleading for help from the government since the hurricane, but help

still hasn’t arrived.


OEW needs increased brand awareness through social media and

fundraising campaigns to sustain and expand their current programs.

Social media is a must have for all non-profit organizations. It helps

them get noticed and sustain a loyal following. Social media can let

fans or supporters know what the organization is up to. The ministry

could better reach its full potential if it were to increase the number of

social media platforms they are using, post to the social media

platforms that they have more regularly, and increase the amount of

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emotionally grabbing posts they make. This will ultimately enable the

launching of multiple campaigns that spread awareness of the cause

and selling of brand products; this will translate into increased

amounts of steady funders and people willing to get involved. Team

Nicaragua designed t-shirts and a mug which can be used as a

fundraising method for the organization. Brochures were also designed

in order to increase organizational awareness and to put information in

the hands of potential donors and volunteers. Finally, donor levels

were created with different sponsorship levels and benefits. This will

encourage individual and group partnership and open up opportunities

for more funding.


The suggested budget provided in this segment is for: Social Media,

the construction of houses in Nicaragua, Brochures for congregational

fundraising, and T-shirts for their individual donor based fundraising.

The cost for social media is usually small to non-existent. In the case of

On Eagles Wings, the social media budget needed and allotted is zero

dollars. In-kind budget may be inclusive in the plan, but will not

matriculate any cost. One of On Eagles Wings Ministries is the

construction ministry. Concrete and brick homes are made for people

in need within the community. The typical cost of building a home for

On Eagle’s Wings is $5,500.00 with the estimated cost of materials

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being $5,496.60. Labor is in-kind. Brochures will enable On Eagle’s

Wings to put information in the hands of potential donors and partners.

Team Nicaragua suggests ordering 1,000 brochures to begin, which

will cost $311.99 and includes free shipping. Brochures can be sent

upon request and more can be ordered as supplies run low; free

shipping is included on orders over $39.99. Team Nicaragua designed

two t-shirt logos. This t-shirt campaign will fund the medical team

prescription program; the cost is $5 per prescription. We will charge

$20 per-shirt the average cost of production for a shirt is $3.24 when

ordered in bulk. Each t-shirt purchase will provide the cost for a

minimum of 3 prescriptions.

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Nicaragua, officially the Republic of Nicaragua, is the largest

country in the Central American isthmus, bordering Honduras to the

North and Costa Rica to the South. The Pacific Ocean lies to the West

and the Caribbean Sea to the East. The country's physical geography

divides it into three major zones: Pacific lowlands; wet, cooler central

highlands; and the Caribbean lowlands. On the Pacific side of the

country are the two largest fresh water lakes in Central America—Lake

Managua and Lake Nicaragua. Surrounding these lakes and extending

to their northwest along the rift valley of the Gulf of Fonseca are fertile

lowland plains, with soil highly enriched by ash from nearby volcanoes

of the central highlands.

The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century.

Nicaragua achieved its independence from Spain in 1821. Since its

independence, Nicaragua has undergone periods of political unrest,

dictatorship, and fiscal crisis—the most notable causes that led to the

Nicaraguan Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Nicaragua is a


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representative democratic republic, and has experienced economic

growth and political stability in recent years.

The population of Nicaragua, approximately 6 million, is multiethnic.

Its capital, Managua, is the third-largest city in Central America.

Segments of the population include indigenous native tribes from the

Mosquito Coast, Europeans, Africans, Asians, and people of Middle

Eastern origin. The main language is Spanish, although native tribes on

the eastern coast speak their native languages, such as Miskito, Sumo,

and Rama, as well as English Creole. The mixture of cultural traditions

has generated substantial diversity in art and literature, particularly

the latter given the various literary contributions of Nicaraguan poets

and writers. The biological diversity, warm tropical climate, and active

volcanoes make Nicaragua an increasingly popular tourist destination.

Life in the rural areas of Nicaragua is not always as good as life in

the cities. According to the CIA World Factbook (2013), nearly half of

the population lives in rural areas. To be exact, 41% of the population

lives in rural areas, with 59% living in urban areas (“Nicaragua: Poverty

Assessment”). Due to poor political and economic structure, Nicaragua

has not performed a national census since 1971, which disables it from

being able to accurately release demographics. Spanish, English, and

various indigenous languages are spoken throughout the country. The

western side of Nicaragua is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, while the

Eastern side is bordered by the Caribbean Sea. This has made the

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country susceptible to hurricanes, heavy rains, and flooding. Nicaragua

also frequently experiences earthquakes and volcanic eruptions


This country has been marked by inconsistency, natural disaster,

and war. Between the 1500s and 1800s, Nicaragua’s political structure

shifted from Spaniard, Mexican, and Provinces of Central American

control. In 1838, they became independent. There is a vast sense of

pride from the people of Nicaragua. Their national anthem starts with

“Hail to thee, Nicaragua” which celebrates its victory of independence

from the powers that controlled them for multiple centuries (“Countries

and Their Cultures”). Within the past thirty years, the people of

Nicaragua have had to face two separate civil wars, governmental

dictatorships, and political unrest (“Nicaragua”). It was previously

stated that the nation of Nicaragua was and still is suffering from the

aftermaths of civil war and natural disaster; the Civil War of 1980 and

Hurricane Mitch.

In November of 1998, Hurricane Mitch hit the country causing massive

destruction and many lives lost. Parts of Nicaragua have yet to fully

recover from the environmental disaster; roads, electricity, and water

are extremely limited. A study in 2001 found that only one in five

homes located in the rural area had electricity. Because of these

limitations, employment became scarce. Due to the lack of

employment, necessities such as: food, shelter and medical care were

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not accessible to the impoverished people of Nicaragua. In this nation

there is a three-tier health care system that defines the class system.

The Upper class have private healthcare and will travel outside the

country for special treatments if necessary. Health care clinics are

located in the largely populated areas leaving the rural regions (the

regions that house the impoverished people of Nicaragua) neglected.

Only sixteen percent of the health budget is spent on rural health

services ( This is a problem that has been left

unsolved by the Nicaraguan government and tended to by the hands

of foreign aid. From social programs to organizations who provide basic

needs for the people of Nicaragua, there is only so much to go around.

According to “Countries & Their Cultures" Nicaragua has received

substantial foreign aid from: the United States, the former USSR, and

Canada, all of whom have been concerned about stabilizing Nicaragua

because of its geopolitical positioning.

Throughout several decades, the United States has invested over

$983 million in economic assistance. United States for International

Development (USAID) was created in the early 1960’s; and it funded

local programs aimed at improving regional infrastructure. Even with

the support of other nations, Nicaragua is still in a state of poverty and

exceptional need. Nicaragua has been marked with a hard past. The

struggles for independence, internal civil war, many natural disasters,

foreign dependence, and a high level of poverty have left many of the

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people feeling hopeless. Despite the odds and factors stacked against

them, many Nicaraguans have continued to push towards progress and

reform. Family still remains to be the center of the culture, creating a

willingness to always continue to provide and nurture. A majority of the

children are not presented with the same opportunities as the children

living in Western countries, but they make the most of what they do

have. There is a need for various freedoms to begin sweeping over the

country. This is the key to the problems that are present and the

resources that have been absent. Although there is still a lot to be

done, Nicaragua has come a long way and with the right assistance

and innovation, will continue to make progress over the next decades.

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In the last decade Nicaragua has become a hub for tourism. Even

with the recent boom in tourism, Nicaragua is still one of the poorest

countries in Central America. Due to the poverty, Nicaragua’s residents

encounter many problems such as: poor economy, lack of proper

housing and shelter, lack of clean water, deadly diseases, and lack of

medical care.

Economy is one of the most important factors that contribute to

whether or not a group of people or a nation becomes impoverished.

Following economy, other important factors are employment rates,

cost of living and cost of medical care/availability. In the nation of

Nicaragua the economy has suffered many hits via the elements of

natural disaster and civil war. Due to unfulfilled promises to the lower

class people of Nicaragua concerning homes being rebuilt and funds

being rationed out to help families bounce back after disaster and war;

poverty has increased tremendously. When individuals do not have


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funds or jobs to provide a steady income, their problems increase.

They are unable to afford necessities such as: food, shelter, clothing,

medical care, etc. Being unable to afford basic necessities forces

people to live in unfit areas, eat foods that are not healthy, and neglect

sicknesses or wounds that need to be attended to medically. Without a

strong economy and a strong employment rate the people of

Nicaragua stand are in dire need of assistance.

In October of 1998, Hurricane Mitch landed on the shores or

Nicaragua. It was recognized as the second deadliest Atlantic hurricane

on record. Thousands of people were left with nothing and still have

nothing living on the margins on the city of Chinandega, Nicaragua in

what is locally known as the ‘circle of death,’ living between the dump,

a cemetery, and a sewerage plant. Thousands of people live in shelters

only made of scrap metal, plastic bags, sticks, and whatever else they

can find in the garbage that surrounds them. The people are still

waiting and pleading for help from the government since the

hurricane, but help still hasn’t arrived. After the hurricane struck there

were an estimated 3,800 dead, 7,000 missing, 2 million directly

affected, and 500,000-800,000 left homeless.

Water is considered one of the most valuable natural resources

in the world. In an ideal world, everyone would have equal access to an

unlimited source or safe and clean drinking water.

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“Waterborne illness is caused by recreational or drinking water

contaminated by disease-causing microbes or pathogens. Of

note, many waterborne pathogens can also be acquired by

consuming contaminated food or beverages, from contact with

animals or their environment, or through person-to-person

spread” (Causes and Symptoms of Waterborne Illness).

According to the CIA fact book, the degree of risk for infectious

diseases in Nicaragua is very high. Waterborne illnesses include:

bacterial diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever. Infectious

diseases carried throughout water supply can be linked back to two

things, poor water sanitation and lack of education on hygienic

practices. 15% of the population of Nicaragua still does not have

access to an improved drinking water source, with 32.2% of rural

populations having little to no access. 47.9% of the population does

not have access to sanitation facilities (The World Factbook:

Nicaragua). This continues to add to the risk of contact with

waterborne infectious diseases. With the degree of risk being high for

the residents of Nicaragua, especially in rural communities where

access to clean drinking water is not as prevalent. There is a need for

better education on proper drinking, hygiene, and sanitation practices

in order to eliminate the root of the problem.

Many dangerous diseases threaten the people of Nicaragua. The

Infant mortality rate is extremely high in the poorer reigns of the

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country. The high death rate is largely due to respiratory diseases such

as neonatal sepsis, congenital malformations, and diarrhea (World

Health Organization: Nicaragua). Malaria spreads quickly in the small,

indigenous populated villages and tuberculosis is common in the

poorest, medically unreachable areas. Due to the inadequate housing

in poorer regions, Denque, a mosquito-born disease affects many

people. This particular mosquito thrives in the trash-ridden zones

where people are already weak from dehydration and without

protective necessities. The disease will induce symptoms of vomiting

and a high fever (

Current medical care in Nicaragua is inadequate. There is

approximately 1 doctor for every 3,000 people in the country. There is

approximately only one hospital bed per 1,000 people. Nicaragua is

also prone to natural disasters. With lack of facilities and doctors,

death and extent of injury increases in these times.

Due to the poverty, Nicaragua’s residents encounter many

problems such as: poor economy, lack of proper housing and shelter,

lack of clean water, deadly diseases, and lack of medical care. These

are the bigger problems that citizens can and do encounter in their

day-to-day life. In order to make the lives of Nicaraguans better, these

problems are the ones that will need to be addressed and taken care of


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The people of Nicaragua are facing many injustices including:

extreme poverty, malnutrition, lack of housing, and inadequate

medical care. On Eagle’s Wings Ministry has committed to meetings

the needs of the people through child feeding programs, home

construction and medical clinics. In order to effectively and continually

serve the people of Nicaragua, OEW needs increased brand awareness

through social media and fundraising campaigns to sustain and expand

their current programs.

Social media is a must-have for all non-profit organizations. It

helps them get noticed and sustain a loyal following. Social media can

let fans or supporters know what the organization is up to. On Eagles

Wings Ministry currently has a Facebook page as their only social

media outlet. The ministry could reach its full potential better if it were

to increase the number of social platforms they are using, post to the

social media platforms that they have more regularly, and increase the

amount of emotionally grabbing posts they make.


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Having a presence on more than just one social media domain is

important because different sites have different age demographics. For

example, younger people in the 16-25-age range tend to spend more

time on social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram; where as,

Facebook tends to be used by an older audience in the 25-40-age

range (Marketing Charts and Business Insider). Adding new social

media platforms would help reach out to a younger demographic.

According to an article by the Stanford Sire Review, “Millennials are

consistent in having a desire to see time, talent, and dollars translate

into people helped.” Increasing social media avenues can generate

new opportunities for organizational fundraising, advocacy, and

volunteer opportunities.

Posting regularly is also a vital component to any organization’s

social media plan. Posting updates regularly will help fans, supporters,

and followers know what is going on and what happens within the

organization. It also gives an audience something to look forward to

and can continually keep attention on the organization. Currently

OEW’s Facebook updates are posted on average about 3 times a

month. Posting at least once a day, whether it is an organizational

update or just a thought-of-the-day message, will help to keep the

organization on the forefront of the audience’s mind. If more posts are

made there is a greater chance that those posts will be shared by the

fans and seen by more potential supporters.

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The HootSuite application is highly recommended for the

organization to use when implementing the plan of posting regularly

and would collaborate all social media avenues on one easy-to-use

dashboard. It will allow OEW to schedule posts throughout the week,

link all social media, and update all sites from one application. It also

will produce a weekly report giving feedback and data on how OEW is

doing through social media. Outside applications can also by synced if

created (blogs, YouTube, etc.) which will allow for easy access sharing

of blog posts, videos, and updates. To help OEW execute a social

media plan, our team has created a timetable of events for the

organization to use:

Month 1: Create an account on all social media platforms such

as: Twitter, Instagram, BlogSpot, etc. Add friends and followers

and maintain build great rapport so that all accounts can


Month 2: Implement interactive campaigns for the social media

networks and make sure that each campaign caters to the

mission of the organization. Use outlets that will post on behalf of

the organization on every social media outlet. Be sure to monitor

every social media platform and count likes, post, shares, tweets,

and followers weekly.

Month 3: Once campaigns have been implemented or

introduced to the organization’s social media world, make sure

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that the campaigns are functioning and getting an appropriate

response. Analyze responses and strategize on how to improve

the campaigns that are not working.

Month 4: In the event that everything is going as planned, do an

analysis on your followers/target audience. Attempt to cater to

the audience to benefit the organizations social media platforms.

Create contests or ideas that highlight members, make them feel

like they are part of the mission. This will increase shares of

certain posts.

Month 5: As you receive more shares and likes and re-tweets and

followers, make sure your brand is known and very unique. Start

doing posts with your organizational logo at the end of the post.

Do a distribution of shirts with the logo at popular public places

within your group’s industry.

Month 6: Once you have created social media and brand

awareness and made your organization prominent in your area of

work; start branching out. Like, follower, and tweet with other

organizations in the same realm of work. Create relationships

this will enlarge your target audience and increase your brand

awareness. It will also give the perception that your group is into


In the event that the plan for the On Eagles Wings organization fails to

be successful at reaching individuals, a backup plan must be created.

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Essentially, Plan “B" must be able to not only clean up the mess that

the original plan was supposed to take care of but clean up the failure

of the original plan as well. If creating mini campaigns and promoting

On Eagles Wings doesn’t work then a strategy will be implemented as

follows: A SWAT analysis will be created, tactics will be developed from

the analysis, those tactics will then be implemented, and the backup

plan evaluated. The SWAT analysis is a report that includes the

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that this particular

ministry has to deal with. Everything all be looked at with great detail

and used for the benefit of the company.

Should the social media campaigns fail to bring brand awareness

to On Eagles Wings, the SWAT analysis will give a large amount of

information to help the campaign get back on track. Using the

information, we will take the strengths and highlight them through a

channel of publicity ideas. All of the programs that OEW offers will be

broadcasted to a plethora of church groups, Christian universities, and

television channels or networks owned by Christian families or groups.

Once the demographics of people between the ages of 17-55 are

reached, the problem of brand awareness will be tended to. The next

thing to do will be to reintroduce this organization to the social media


Through the social media networks and platforms, the

weaknesses of OEW will be polished and presented at a different angle.

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The needs for volunteers, financial support and other materials will be

presented as different opportunities. The need for volunteers will be

posted to the social media networks and platforms as internships that

pay with experience or as medical missions where students are able to

put into practice the different things they have learned. The financial

needs will be presented as fundraisers that are fun and beneficial to

both OEW and those who wish to donate or take part in the

organizations programs. As word of these exciting events are spread,

the campaign’s mission will be heard by the right people who fit into

the target audience of On Eagles Wing. This will reestablish a following

and strengthen the image of this group. Once all of these things have

come into play and rebuilt the organization’s brand awareness and

social media progress, OEW can repeat the timetable strategies and

keep the social media platforms that have been created up-to-date and

current. The most important thing that the On Eagles Wings ministry

should do is make sure that the audience of the social media groups

they have are directly interacting.

A way this strategy of direct interaction will be performed is

through questions and responses on the social media platforms.

Questions will be created so that the audience can share their thoughts

and opinions. Once the interactions begin on the social media outlets,

OEW’s job is to respond and to do so in a timely manner. The more the

organization responds and creates conversation with an audience, the

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better the statistics for donor relations will be. This has to be done in

social media as well as outside of social media so that On Eagle’s

Wings can maintain a consistent and increasing audience and donor


In order to help increase organizational awareness and financial

contributions, Team Nicaragua will be compiling multiple potential

fundraising campaigns, each with a different focus. OEW will have the

ability to distribute these to a multitude of possibilities depending on

factors such as: age, income, and interest level. One of the main

suggested campaigns will be a tee shirt sale. Team Nicaragua will

come up with several logos specific to the different programs OEW

runs (medical clinic, child sponsorship, and feeding) and each shirt will

have a set price in order to guarantee a set amount of money back to

each program. For example, a tee shirt designed for the medical clinic

will cost $20, but will pay for prescriptions for three people living in

poverty in Nicaragua. Tee shirts can be sold through the OEW website,

social media, on-site for volunteers, and at churches and other

supporting organizations.

Another avenue for the ministry to grow support is by connecting

with more like-minded organizations. They can connect with more

churches that give to international religious nonprofits. OEW can also

connect with religious schools by making it a credited internship or a

short mission trip experience to help work with the organization. They

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can join with interested companies that are not Christian affiliated as

well. Speaking with medical organizations about the health care

ministry offered can be beneficial in raising funds; as is talking to

construction companies for their home building ministry; meeting with

farms or grocery stores in assisting the feeding ministries is also a

possibility. To keep these ideas growing and getting more connections

there needs to be a full-time resource manager position. It can be

someone already in the organization or bringing someone new in

whose job is strictly organizing and connecting OEW with various other

organizations, churches, and companies that would benefit their


T-Shirts and mugs were designed by the Campaign team in order

to reach a donor pool that may only want to make a one-time

donation. There is a male and female design of shirt and each will be

sold for twenty dollars. Depending on the quantity of shirt ordered,

three to five dollars will go towards production of the shirt with the

remainder of the money going to fund OEW programs. Mugs will be

sold for fifteen dollars, with three to five dollars going toward

production. The sale of one shirt can fund a minimum of three

prescriptions and the sale of a mug can fund one child for the feeding

program for a month. The website can add a shop section for people to

browse, links can be posted on social media, and shirts and mugs can

be brought to churches and other events that OEW is speaking at.

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Team Nicaragua also created a brochure on the organization that can

be handed out at events, churches, or to potential partners.

Team Nicaragua also put together a list of donor levels that OEW

can implement. Each level funds specific programs that OEW does and

also gives incentive for individuals or groups to give to the

organization. The first level is the “Eagle Donor” which is $100 per

month or $1,200 annually. This donor level sponsors ten kids for the

feeding program for the entire year. The benefits for the donor include:

pictures and updates on sponsored children and a t-shirt. The second

donor level is the “Crown Eagle Donor” which is $300 per month or

$3,600 annually. This donor level sponsors 15 community water wells

and 120 prescriptions. The benefits for the donor include: choice of

dedication plaques on each well, picture updates of communities with

completed wells, and a t-shirt. The third and highest donor level is the

“Golden Eagle Donor” which is $500 per month or $6,000 annually.

This donor level builds a home for a family, builds a wells, sponsors two

children through the feeding program for a year, and provides twelve

prescriptions. The benefits for the donor include: pictures and updates

on each children, well, and home, choice of dedication plaques on the

well and home, a t-shirt, and a mug.

The goal in the end is to help On Eagles Wings Ministry with their

mission of continuing to provide services for those suffering in poverty-

stricken Nicaragua. The nonprofit organization’s many programs

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depend on donations from people and volunteers to work with them. It

is imperative that those are needs be targeted with this brand

awareness campaign in order for a continually successful ministry


On Eagles Wings Ministry, like any other organization has a budget that

needs to be followed strictly in order for the ministry to remain

functional. The suggested budget provided in this segment is for:

Social Media, the construction of houses in Nicaragua, Brochures for

congregational fundraising, and T-shirts for their individual donor

based fundraising.

As far as budget is concerned the cost for social media is usually

small to non-existent. The use of Internet depending upon services

varies, however budget for social media is non-existent unless, On

Eagles Wings is boosting their Facebook posts or promoting their page


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or purchasing likes or followers. Since this is not the case for On Eagles

Wings, the social media budget needed and allotted is zero dollars. In

kind budget may be inclusive in the plan, but will not matriculate a

particular number or amount of money or cost for anything. In Kind is

known as a type of payment where compensation is made in the form

of goods and services, rather than cash. Payments in kind are often

made in the form of a concession or special privileges. In the plans and

solutions internships and opportunities were mentioned. These

opportunities or services are examples of in kind payment. As far as

budget is concerned in the area of the social media plan, all that is

needed is computer maintenance and upkeep. In the nation of

Nicaragua technology is hard to come by and therefore many foreign

programs are providing technology for the natives of this country. The

upkeep and maintenance of Nicaragua varies based on the areas of

the nation, due to this there is not a specified budget for this type of


One of On Eagles Wings Ministries most important programs is

the construction ministry. Concrete and brick homes are made for

deserving people in the community. The typical cost of building a

home in Nicaragua is $5,500.00, and the estimated cost of materials is

$5,496.60. The following materials are required in order to build a

home: cement blocks, steel support beams, entry door, metal roof

panel, concrete bricks, and windows (2).

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Construction of homes through Home Depot pricing.

Materials Cost

Materials Cost

Cement – 60 lb. mix blocks $2,435.00

Steel Support Beams $1,297.00

Premium Steel Slab Entry Door $97.00

Metal Roof Panel $899.60

Concrete Bricks $498.00

Windows (2) $270.00

Total $5,496.60

The On Eagle’s Wings organization can use the fundraising

brochure template distributed by Team Nicaragua to distribute to

churches, organizations, and individuals. The brochures will be color

and laminated. The more brochures that are purchased, the cheaper

the price will be. Utilizing this material will put all fundraising

information in the hands of potential donors/church congregations and

increase incoming funds. Team Nicaragua suggests ordering 1,000

brochures to begin, which will cost $311.99 and includes free shipping.

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Brochures can be sent upon request and more can be ordered as

supplies run low. Free shipping on orders over $39.99

Brochures (for fundraising) Pricing from Staples

Quantity Price

25 $34.99

100 $119.99

250 $179.99

500 $179.99

1,000 $311.99

1,500 $335.49

2,000 $389.99

2,500 $467.99

Team Nicaragua is doing a t-shirt campaign for on Eagles Wings.

This t-shirt campaign will fund the medical team prescription program;

the cost is $5 per prescription. We will charge $20 per-shirt the

average cost of production for a shirt is $3.24. Each t-shirt purchase

will provide the cost for 3 prescriptions.

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T-shirts Fundraisers

Quantity Price (Per shirt)

36+ $3.67

72+ $3.46

144+ $3.42

288+ $3.29

576+ $3.24

1008+ $3.00

2016+ $2.85

T-Shirt Designs:

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Mug Design:

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The suggested budget provided in this segment is for: Social

Media, the construction of houses in Nicaragua, Brochures for

congregational fundraising, and T-shirts for their individual donor

based fundraising. The budget shown in this segment is for keeping up

with current costs of projects and for new projects that will help

increase OEWM’s following and fundraising abilities.