  • 8/14/2019 Nick Pope Interview Nuestro Pasado Extraterrestre


    Nick Pope: Author, journalist and TV personality Nick Pope, who used to run

    the British Government's UFO Project and is now recognised as one of the

    world's leading experts on UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories.


    I have placed my answers under your questions, below.

    I look forward to meeting you in Mexico.

    Best wishes,

    Nick Pope

    1. Mr. Pope, what do you think will be that in recent months all over the world have been

    declassifying UFO contact files from their governmental institutions, where Russia, France,

    Denmark, Sweden, Brazil to name a few? You think that is because it follows the line of his

    country in England?

    I think that when one country releases its UFO files, this puts pressure on other countries to

    do the same thing, because a precedent has been set. This is particularly true where the

    countries concerned have laws about open government and freedom of information.

    Journalists, UFO researchers and the public can say to the authorities "all these countries

    have released their files, so why can't you?"

    2. Why do you think USA does not release the UFO files that you contact her?

    The Americans say that they have already released their UFO files, i.e. the material from the

    United States Air Force Project Blue Book, which was closed in 1969. Of course, many

    people believe that America has been investigating UFOs secretly, even after Blue Book was

    closed, so these are the files that people really want to see.

    3. You think that attitude is justified by the Government of England to close the office of UFO

    research in England? Why?

    This decision was taken to save money and to allow the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to

    disengage from a subject that was causing a lot of work. I think this is a mistake. However,

    sightings from pilots and UFOs tracked on radar will almost certainly still be looked at, so all

    that has really happened is that the public will no longer be able to report sightings or askthe MoD questions on the subject.

    4. How do you see the global picture in coming months on the issue of declassification and

    confirmation of extraterrestrial contact?

    The British Government will continue its programme to declassify and release its archive of

    UFO files. This process started in 2008 and is expected to be completed in 2011. I do not

    know what will happen in other countries, but as I have said before, the more countries that

  • 8/14/2019 Nick Pope Interview Nuestro Pasado Extraterrestre


    release their UFO files, the more pressure that puts on countries who have yet to release

    their files.

    5. You consider as fundamental and far-reaching impact of this issue, the UFO subject, in

    contexts as we live, ie summits on global warming, global crisis, war, virus and awards


    I believe the UFO issue is important, because resolution of the issue would answer two of

    the biggest questions we can ask: "are we alone in the Universe?" and "are we being

    visited?". If these questions could be answered with 100% certainty, this would be a

    profound revelation.

    6. Finally what are the next steps for you and your research group on the UFO subject from

    his country and the world.

    As someone who investigated UFOs for the British Government, I am often asked to write

    about the subject in newspapers and discuss it on television. I will continue to do this, to

    keep the subject in the public eye. And although I no longer work for the government, I

    will continue to help the MoD and the National Archives by discussing the release of theBritish UFO files in the media.

    Dec17, 2009.