  • Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoProfesorRolando Salgado Estrada

    Profesor de Tiempo CompletoDr. Ingeniera (Estructuras)Correo-e: [email protected]: 22 91 24 53 44

    Boca del Ro, Veracruz, 1 de agosto 2011

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Organizacin del Curso1Introduccin2. Temario3. Criterios de Evaluacin4. Trabajos5. Bibliografa

  • Introduccin Perfil del alumno Calendario de clases Antecedentes

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Cul es el perfil del Ingeniero Civil?El Ingeniero Civil es el profesional capaz de resolver los problemas relacionados con las obras civiles, abordando dichas problemticas en cuestin de: planeacin, proyecto, construccin, supervisin, rehabilitacin, gestin as como la investigacin de nuevos mtodos de resolver estas problemticas y la enseanza. Buscando en la realizacin de tales actividades, la seguridad de las obras de ingeniera encomendadas, su funcionalidad, buena calidad y economa.Que se pretende que el alumno aprenda al aprobar el curso?El alumno ser capaz de proponer soluciones estructurales basadas en el concreto reforzado aplicando e interpretando la normatividad vigente y su juicio ingenieril para la solucin de problemas no comunes, pudiendo adems interpretar y revisar proyectos estructurales en esta rea. Curso

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Calendario de clasesLunes a Viernes de 16:00 a 16:59Aulas del 1/ago/2011 al 18/nov/2011Feriados: 16 de septiembre1 y 2 de noviembreProbables das sin claseForo estatal de Posgrado UV: 31/ago a 2/sep/2011Congreso Nacional Ingeniera Ssmica26/oct al 28/oct/2011

    Curso 1er examen parcialLunes 12 de septiembre del 2011

    2o examen parcialLunes 24 de octubre del 2011

    Exmenes Ordinario22 de nov. al 2 de dic. del 2011

    Entrega final del proyectoDa del examen ordinarioExmenes y Evaluaciones

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Antecedentes del alumnoAntes de cursar esta EE, se sugiere que el alumno haya acreditado las siguientes EEs:Anlisis EstructuralIntroduccin a la Mecnica del Medio ContinuoMecnica de MaterialesEstructuras IsostticasDibujo de IngenieraLenguajes de ProgramacinMecnica de Suelos Curso Si no ha cursado una o varias de estas EEs, o pretende cursarlas al mismo tiempo que este EE, tenga presente que algunos conceptos de estas EEs se aplican en la solucin de problemas en esta EE, por lo cual el alumno deber estudiarlos por su cuenta.Aclaracin

  • TemarioProgramacin tentativa de contenido y horas/clase

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    TEMARIO1. Generalidades y propiedades de materiales(4) horas1.1Filosofas de diseo y seguridad estructural1.2Propiedades mecnicas del concreto y acero de refuerzo1.3Curva esfuerzo deformacin del concreto

    Diseo de elementos a flexin(15) horas2.1Relaciones momento-curvatura 2.2Diseo de vigas por resistencia ltima3.Elementos sujetos a carga axial (12) horas3.1Efecto de confinamiento3.2Efectos de esbeltez3.3Diagramas de interaccin N-M

    4. Cortante (8) horas4.1Teora tradicional (reglamento ACI-08 y NTC-04) 4.2Procedimiento basado en la Teora del Campo de Compresin Temario

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    TEMARIO Temario5.Adherencia y anclaje(8) horas5.1Longitud de anclaje5.2Desarrollo de acero positivo y puntos de inflexin

    6.Diseo de losas (13) horas6.1Losas planas6.2Losas perimetralmente apoyadas6.3Losas encasetonadas6.4Vigueta y bovedilla6.5Diseo de elementos de seccin compuesta

    7.Torsin(6) horas7.1Teora de los elementos a torsin7.2Resistencia de elementos de concreto a torsin

    8Deflexiones en miembros de concreto reforzado(5) horas8.1Estado lmite de servicio y estado lmite de falla8.2Ductilidad, capacidad a deformacin y efectos de esbeltez

  • Criterios de EvaluacinInstrumentos de EvaluacinAclaracionesSugerencias

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Criterios de Evaluacin Evaluacin

    Tarea. Resolver problemas de diseo de elementos de concreto reforzado en forma individual.Objetivos dedesempeoCriterios evaluacinExcelenteMuy buenoBuenoNo suficienteQue el alumno comprenda el comportamiento de los elementos de concreto reforzado siendo capaz de proponer un dimensiona-miento de los ele-mentos acorde a las cargas actuan-tes.Tareas y ejercicios del diseo de elementos principales de concreto reforzado.Buena presentacin, llega a los resultados correctos sin errores numricos. Presenta informacin adicional analizando el tema, proporciona sus puntos de vista y recomendaciones sobre los problemas resueltos.Buena presentacin, llega a los resultados correctos sin errores numricos graves. Proporciona sus puntos de vista y recomendaciones sobre los problemas resueltos.Presenta comentarios sobre el desarrollo del problema, pero no profundiza en el tema. Presenta errores numricos no graves. El procedimiento es el correcto pero no llega a los resultados correctosMala presentacin escrita, no presenta comentarios sobre el desarrollo del problema, no profundiza en el tema. Presenta errores numricos graves. El procedimiento es incorrecto, no presenta orden en la solucin del problema.

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Criterios de Evaluacin Evaluacin

    Tarea. Resolver problemas de diseo estructural de elementos de concreto reforzado mediante el uso de programas de cmputo.Objetivos dedesempeoCriterios evaluacinExcelenteMuy buenoBuenoNo suficienteQue el alumno sea capaz de desarrollar pro-gramas de cmputo para disear elementos de concreto reforzado y los aplique en la solucin de pro-blemas prcticos.Comprobar los programas de cmputo mediante tareas y ejercicios de diseo estructuralEl(Los) programas de cmputo llega(n) a la solucin correcta, existe una interface grfica amigable para la introduccin de datos; se presentan los resultados de forma grfica y se muestran los resulta-dos numricos en base de datos orde-nadas.El(Los) progra-ma(s) de cmputo llegan a la solucin correcta, la pre-sentacin visual de los resulta-dos es buena, pero no hay una interface visual amigable. Se muestran los resultados en base de datos ordenadas.El(Los) progra-ma(s) de cmputo llegan a la solucin correcta. No hay una interface visual y los re-sultados no se muestran en forma grfica. Los resultados se muestran en base de datos ordenadas.El(Los) programa(s) de cmputo no llegan a la solucin correcta. No hay una interface visual y los resulta-dos no se muestran en forma grfica. Los resultados no se muestran en base de datos or-denadas.

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Criterios de Evaluacin Evaluacin

    Tarea. Realizar un proyecto estructural de un edificio de concreto reforzado de 4 niveles en el cual se abarcar el diseo y dimensionamiento de los elementos estructurales ms comunes.Objetivos desempeoCriterios evaluacinExcelenteMuy buenoBuenoNo suficienteQue el alumno realice, de manera independien-te, el proyecto estructural de un edificio de concreto re-forzado, estando al final capacitado para realizar proyectos estructurales de concreto reforzado en cualquier obra civil.Entrega del proyecto estructural del edificio de concreto reforzado en forma elec-trnica a travs de la plataforma ms.Buena presentacin del proyecto, redaccin clara y concisa, presenta todos los pun-tos acordados, el alumno da conclusiones de los resultados obtenidos, presenta sugerencias al proceso constructivo, no muestra errores de clculo o de conceptos, las dimensiones de los elementos estructurales son correctas para resistir las cargas. Presenta informacin adicional que ayuda a com-plementar el trabajo.Buena presenta-cin del proyecto, redaccin clara y concisa, presenta todos los puntos acordados, da conclusiones de los resultados obtenidos, no pre-senta sugerencias al proceso constructivo, no muestra errores de clculo o de con-ceptos, las dimen-siones de los ele-mentos estructura-les son correctas para resistir las cargas.Buena presenta-cin del proyecto, redaccin confu-sa, presenta to-dos los puntos acordados, no se muestran conclu-siones de los re-sultados obteni-dos, muestra errores de clculo o de con-ceptos pero no son graves, las dimensiones de los elementos estructurales son adecuadas para resistir las car-gas. Mala presenta-cin del proyecto, redaccin confusa, no presenta todos los puntos acordados, no da conclusio-nes, tiene errores de clculo y/o de conceptos, las dimensiones de los elementos es-tructurales no son correctas.

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Criterios de Evaluacin finalLa participacin en clase tambin se evala. Responder a las preguntas abiertas que hace el profesor en las clases, realizar preguntas, sugerencias y comentarios en forma continua y adecuada se considera con un puntaje de 10% sobre la calificacin final del curso. Evaluacin

    Criterios de evaluacinCriterios desempeoPuntaje (%)Exmenes ParcialesResponder acertadamente las preguntas y problemas planteados15 % c/uTareas y trabajos de investigacinRedaccin adecuada, respaldada con bibliografa, presentacin oral fluida y clara. Problemas bien realizados con resultados correctos.10 %Programas de cmputoCdigo correcto, se llega al resultado adecuado, de fcil uso, interface grfica.15 %Proyecto finalRedaccin buena, presentacin excelente, resultados correctos, comentarios, su-gerencias, puntos de vista, dibujo estructural y secciones transversales adecua-das. Cumple con todos los puntos establecidos.25 %Examen ordinarioResponder acertadamente las preguntas y problemas planteados20 %TOTAL100 %

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Todos tienen derecho a presentar los exmenes sin importar el nmero de asistencias.

    Los exmenes slo se aplicarn, sin excepcin, en las fechas indicadas. En caso de tener una razn justificada, presentar los documentos que as lo comprueben.

    Cualquier intento de copiar durante las evaluaciones se sancionar con la anulacin del examen.Aclaraciones de los criterios de evaluacinSi no presenta un examen, tendr una calificacin de UNO, no cinco.

    Si se presenta al examen y desiste sin contestar nada tendr una calificacin de UNO.

    Para aprobar el curso deber cumplirse con los criterios mnimos de evaluacin.


    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    En las evaluaciones de los exmenes, el llegar a la respuesta cierta no se considera suficiente sino se presenta el desarrollo lgico y adecuado del problema.

    Cualquier resultado numrico de un problema no tiene validez si no se expresa en las unidades correctas.Aclaraciones de los criterios de evaluacin

    El problema se considera resuelto satisfactoriamente cuando:

    Se llega al resulta correcto,Se presenta el adecuado desarrollo del problemaSe presentan los comentarios y conclusiones pertinentes. Evaluacin

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Un error numrico en la solucin de un problema reduce la calificacin final del examen en un 5%. Ms de 3 errores numricos en un problema lo anulan completamente.

    Un error en el planteamiento para la solucin del problema, se considera una falta grave resultando en la anulacin del problema.Aclaraciones de los criterios de evaluacinEstudie continuamente, realice ejercicios y pregunte al profesor aunque la respuesta sea obvia.

    NO SE CONFE. Si estudia hasta las fechas indicadas para las evaluaciones no tendr tiempo para estudiar todas sus EEs.Sugerencias para aprobar el curso Evaluacin

  • Trabajos TareasProyecto final

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Se encargarn 3 trabajos durante el curso:Trabajo 1: agosto-septiembreTrabajo 2: septiembre-octubreTrabajo 3: octubre-noviembreTrabajos y tareasTrabajo 1Realizar un programa para disear un elemento con acero a tensin y compresin.Trabajo 2Realizar un programa para realizar el diagrama de interaccin de una columna rectangular.Trabajo 3Disear una viga sometida a cargas transversales.Descripcin de los trabajosTrabajos AclaracionesSe reciben trabajos hasta 3 das despus de la fecha estipulada. No obstante, su calificacin tendr 2 puntos menos.

    Despus de 3 das no se reciben trabajos y su calificacin se considera nula.

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    Consistir en el diseo de un edificio de 4 niveles ubicado en diferentes lugares de la Repblica Mexicana. El proyecto se revisar en 3 etapas:

    1 etapa:Revisin del clculo de las acciones sobre la estructura. Deber entregarse: memoria de las cargas, dibujo con cortes y alzados del edificio. Fecha de entrega: 30/sep/2011

    Proyecto Final2 etapa:Revisin del anlisis estructural. Deber entregarse: memoria del clculo estructural. Fecha de entrega: 21/oct/20113 etapa:Dimensionamiento de la estructura. Deber entregarse: Archivo excel con resultados, memoria pormenorizada, dibujo con cortes y alzados del edificio. Fecha de entrega: 11/nov/2011Descripcin de los trabajosTrabajos

  • BibliografaBsicaComplementaria

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    BibliografaBibliografa BsicaAspectos Fundamentales del Concreto Reforzado, O.M. Gonzlez C. y F. Robles F.B., Editorial Limusa, quinta reimpresin, 1994Estructuras de Concreto Reforzado, R. Park y T. Paulay, Editorial Limusa, tercera reimpresin, 1984.ComplementariaConcreto Reforzado: Un Enfoque Bsico, E.G. Nawy, Editorial Prentice-Hall, 1988.Diseo de Estructuras de Concreto, A.H. Nilson, Editorial McGraw-Hill, 11 reimpresin, 1994.Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, J.G. MacGregor, Editorial Prentice-Hall, 1997.

    Facultad de Ingeniera, Veracruz *|Miembros de Concreto ReforzadoRolando Salgado EstradaUniversidad Veracruzana Curso Temario Evaluacin Trabajos Bibliografa01/agosto/2011

    BibliografaBibliografa ReglamentacinNormas Tcnicas Complementarias del Reglamento de Construcciones para el D.F., Diseo y Construccin de Estructuras de Concreto, 2004.Comentarios, Ayudas de Diseo y Ejemplos de las Normas Tcnicas Complementarias para el Diseo y Construccin de Estructuras de Concreto, DDF, S. Loera y C.J. Mendoza, Series del Instituto de Ingeniera, ES-2, 1991.Reglamento de las Construcciones de Concreto Reforzado (ACI 318-83) y Comentarios, IMCYC, Editorial Limusa, 3 reimpresin, 1990.

    ArtculoTowards a Rational Theory for RC Members in Shear, Collins, M.P., Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, Abril 1978, pp. 649-666.Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Veracruzana

  • No dudes en comunicar al Profesor cualquier duda y/o comentario

    Thank you People of the Jury and all the audience for being here to attend my defences named Damage detection methods in bridges through vibration monitoring: Evaluation and Application. This thesis was under the supervision of Professor Paulo Cruz at the University of Minho in Guimares, Portugal and Professor Gustavo Ayala from the National Autonomous University of Mxico.

    This research is divided in 5 main parts: Firstly is given a short introduction, the selected damage detection methods are evaluated under data acquired from simulation of the dynamic response of cracked bridges, Moreover, methods are also evaluated from data acquired from beam specimens tested in the laboratory. In the main part of this thesis, the methods were evaluated using the dynamic response calculated from bridges. Finally, it is drawn some conclusions and are given recommendations.

    We can start asking the question why damage detection in bridges is so important? Firstly because if damage can be detected in the first steps, it would be possible to plan the maintenance and rehabilitation of the bridge with more detail saving money. Moreover, the current and traditional methods to evaluate bridges are based on visual inspection which several times fail to detect inner damage or these located in not accessible places.For these reasons, the scientific community was encouraged to propose more advanced techniques to detect damage in structures. From the vast number of proposed methods proposed in the last 20 years, those based on the monitoring of the vibration parameters of the structure are considered suitable for their application to big structures like bridges.

    These methods compared the vibration parameters determined from two different structural conditions of the bridges. Furthermore, there are methods able to detect damage just with the information provided from the damaged vibration parameters like those based on wavelet analysis.Unfortunately, the application of the vibration based damage detection methods to bridges is not a straightforward procedure. Several problems have to be addressed. For instance, the change of the vibration parameters of the structure after some damage appeared is very small. For this reason, advanced mathematical methods have been proposed to highlight this small difference. However, there are other factors that also can provoke changes in the vibration parameters of structures like gradient of temperatures, humidity among others. Finally, we would like to say that these advanced damage detection methods have not been evaluated under the same structure and kind of damage, therefore a comparative performance evaluation cannot be done.

    After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.In the first part of the development of this research it was done a numerical model of a composite bridge (steel I beams with concrete deck) with the dimensions shown in the figure. The bridge was modelled as two-dimensional numerical model and the severity of damage was represented by three cases. The first one represents the undamaged condition of the bridge called as D0, the second one, an open vertical crack was introduced along all the bottom flange of the steel I beam, in the most severe damage scenario called D2, the crack grows until half of the web of the beam. The location of the damage was represented by 4 different cases in the internal and external beam each one.

    In the first part of the development of this research it was done a numerical model of a composite bridge (steel I beams with concrete deck) with the dimensions shown in the figure. The bridge was modelled as two-dimensional numerical model and the severity of damage was represented by three cases. The first one represents the undamaged condition of the bridge called as D0, the second one, an open vertical crack was introduced along all the bottom flange of the steel I beam, in the most severe damage scenario called D2, the crack grows until half of the web of the beam. The location of the damage was represented by 4 different cases in the internal and external beam each one.

    After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.After a exhaustive literature review of the most important vibration-based damage detection methods, it was determined that the most promising techniques are:

    Methods based on Wavelet Analysis: we can mention in this category the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Analysis (DWA), the Wavelet Packet Signature (WPS) and the combined method (CWT-DI) method;

    Furthermore, It was considered methods based on curvatures of the mode shapes, it means, its second derivative. In this category fails the curvature and the well-known Damage Index (DI) method.It was also considered methods based on changes in the stiffness matrix of the structure: the stiffness and flexibility change matrix methods are included in this category;All the before mentioned methods can detect and locate the position of the damage in the structure. (methods of level II). Into the category of those methods able to detect damage are included the change of frequency method and the Modal Assurance Criterion method and its derivatives as the Normalized Modal Difference (NMD) method.Thank you
