Download ppt - Presentación Redes

  • p. 1 REDES

  • Qu es una red?

    Diferentes tipos de redes

    Caractersticas y beneficios de redes

    Cmo se conectan e interactan las computadoras con una red?

  • "Una red es una manera de interconectar computadores de tal forma que estn conscientes unas de otras y puedan unir y compartir sus recursos". p. 3

  • Ejemplo de una red

    Pg 9Objective 1.1.10Spend some time discussing how information can only be shared via a network; otherwise it requires users to copy information to a device that then has to be transported to the other computer(s).Discuss how the centralized system terminology is very applicable to a network as most information must flow from and to the network through the requests made by users connected to the network. Provide examples of this including a simple one of sending e-mail back and forth, to multiple users processing information on a network requesting past insurance data or entering new or renewed accounts to someone who is creating a presentation on increased accounts.Open a class discussion to see how many people are aware of networks and how they can be a combination of different machines, e.g., the tellers computer and ATMs are smart terminals, the financial advisors in that bank may have a desktop machine for processing letters to customers and are also connected to the mainframe system to pull up information about a customers accounts, the network used in the bank may be a Windows-based system but it is connected to the banks mainframe system that contains all archival information about every customer for all branches, etc.

  • Tipos de RedesLANRed de rea local Es una red de computadores de cualquier variedad que estn ubicadas relativamente cerca una de otras y conectadas por un cable contiguo (o por enlace inalmbrico). Una LAN puede estar por slo dos o tres computadores interconectados para compartir recursos, o puede incluir varios cientos de ellos. Cualquier red que resida dentro de una sola edificacin, edificaciones contiguas, o incluso un campus se considera una LAN.

    Pg 9Discuss the different types of network.It isnt necessary to discuss the different types of network software or hardware that need to be installed prior to setting up one of these network types.

  • MAN (Red de rea metropolitana)

  • HAN (Red de rea domstica )

  • WAN (Red de rea extensa)

  • WAN. Una WAN (Red de Area Extendida) es comnmente dos o ms LAN interconectadas, generalmente a travs de una amplia zona geogrfica, por ejemplo un banco con sucursales en diferentes zonas del pas. Cada sucursal necesita recursos, informacin y programas a nivel local, pero tambin necesita compartir informacin con las otras sucursales o con la oficina central, para poder llevar con eficacia sus operaciones a nivel nacional.

  • CAN (Red de rea Campus)



  • Tipos de Conexin.Existen tres tipos de conexin a una red: la conexin punto a punto, la conexin multipunto y la conexin inalmbrica.

    Punto a Punto. Es una conexin de dos dispositivos entre ellos y nadie ms. Por ejemplo, una conexin de dos computadores mediante fibra ptica o un cable paralelo.

  • Tipos de ConexinMultipunto. Utiliza un slo cable para conectar ms de dos dispositivos. Por ejemplo, un cable coaxial, que tiene varios dispositivos conectados al mismo.

  • Tipos de ConexinInalmbrica. Como su nombre lo indica es una red que casi no utiliza cables. Bsicamente, las redes inalmbricas se basan en el uso de dos tecnologas: Ondas de radio y Luz infrarroja, que tienen sus pros y contras, especficamente en trminos de la velocidad de transmisin, compatibilidad y medio en el cual se instala.

  • Tipos de RedesCada computadora necesita de una tarjeta de red (NIC) y los cables apropiados para conectarla a una computadora llamada servidor.

    Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.

  • Accesorios de Redes

    Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.

  • Accesorios de Redes

    Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.


    Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.

  • Tipos de Redes

    Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.

  • Ejemplos de Topologas de Redes

  • Conectarse a una RedTarjeta de red La conexin puede ser por cable o inalmbricaLa tecnologa inalmbrica tambin necesita un router para conectarse a la redNecesita algn tipo de software de red

    Pg 10Begin to briefly discuss what hardware requirements are needed in order to connect to a network. This is discussed further in Living Online Module C so you dont need to go into a lot of detail here. The main point is that they need a network card and a cable/wireless connection of some sort.The network card shown here is an example only. Let students know that there are numerous types of cards that can be used, depending on the type of connection and type of computer.

  • Conectarse a una Red

    Pg 10Begin to briefly discuss what hardware requirements are needed in order to connect to a network. This is discussed further in Living Online Module C so you dont need to go into a lot of detail here. The main point is that they need a network card and a cable/wireless connection of some sort.The network card shown here is an example only. Let students know that there are numerous types of cards that can be used, depending on the type of connection and type of computer.

  • Funcionalidad de las Redes

    Transmiten informacin Las redes Ethernet y Fast Ethernet utilizan un protocolo llamado CSMA/CD (Acceso Mltiple del Sentido de Portadora con Deteccin de Colisin). Cuando dos dispositivos se comunican

    Pg 11Objective 1.1.11This topic addresses why the questions that students sometimes have regarding why they dont see or have the same things on their computer as someone else, or why the network seems slow. People tend to blame the computer for not being fast enough but sometimes the delay occurs in other areas that they dont consider such as illustrated in the last point. This is also true for Internet connections. Many people dont realize or recognize that the Internet is also a network and the speed at which they get information depends on the connection speed, the number of other users online, etc.

  • p. 4

    Cabe anotar que esta comunicacin es lograda gracias a los Protocolos, que son "un conjunto de normas o procedimientos necesarios para iniciar y mantener una comunicacin. Los principales protocolos son, TCP/IP, SNA, NetBEUI, IPX/SPX".

  • p. 4 Ventajas o beneficiosAcceso simultaneo. Una realidad de las empresas con computadores es que la mayora de sus empleados de oficina utilizan los mismos programas. Con una red, las empresas pueden ahorrar bastante dinero al comprar versiones especiales para red de los programas ms comnmente utilizados, en lugar de reproducciones por separado de la informacin en diferentes discos duros. Esto mismo sucede con la informacin en si. La informacin que cada empleado necesita, estar disponible siempre, sin la antigua necesidad de tener que trasladar constantemente los archivos con informacin de un equipo a otro.

  • p. 4 Ventajas o beneficiosDispositivos Perifricos Compartidos. Compartir dispositivos, especialmente como las impresoras lser o el escner, con una red es relativamente fcil. Esto al igual que el acceso simultaneo trae consigo beneficios muy importantes en el ahorro de costos.

    Respaldo ms fcil. En las empresas, la informacin puede ser extremadamente valiosa, de tal forma que es imperativo asegurarse de que los empleados respalden su informacin. Una forma de dar solucin a este problema es manteniendo toda la informacin de valor en un dispositivo de almacenamiento compartido al cual los empleados tienen acceso mediante la red.

  • Redes Privadas

    p. 8

    Que es una VPN?Es una red privada que se extiende, mediante un proceso de encapsulacin y en su caso de encriptacin, de los paquetes de datos a distintos puntos remotos mediante el uso de unas infraestructuras pblicas de transporte.Los paquetes de datos de la red privada viajan por medio de un "tnel" definido en la red pblica.

  • p. 9Las VPN pueden enlazar mis oficinas corporativas con los socios, con usuarios mviles, con oficinas remotas mediante los protocolos como internet, IP.

  • Ventajas de las redes

    Buenas caractersticas de desempeo Resistencia a la interferencia externa Seguridad Bajos costos de operacin Facilidad de instalacin Facilidad de mantenimiento y deteccin de fallas Menor tiempo de instalacin Buen nivel de integracin con redes tradicionales existentes

  • Limitaciones de las redesPotencia y distancia limitada Velocidad de transmisin limitada Alto costo por unidad

  • BibliografaStephen Grossberg. "Teora de Resonancia Adaptada". Disponible [Consulta 2004, febrero 12]Microsoft Corporation. (1993-1998). Redes de Comunicacin, Enciclopedia Microsoft Encarta 99.


    Pg 9Objective 1.1.10Spend some time discussing how information can only be shared via a network; otherwise it requires users to copy information to a device that then has to be transported to the other computer(s).Discuss how the centralized system terminology is very applicable to a network as most information must flow from and to the network through the requests made by users connected to the network. Provide examples of this including a simple one of sending e-mail back and forth, to multiple users processing information on a network requesting past insurance data or entering new or renewed accounts to someone who is creating a presentation on increased accounts.Open a class discussion to see how many people are aware of networks and how they can be a combination of different machines, e.g., the tellers computer and ATMs are smart terminals, the financial advisors in that bank may have a desktop machine for processing letters to customers and are also connected to the mainframe system to pull up information about a customers accounts, the network used in the bank may be a Windows-based system but it is connected to the banks mainframe system that contains all archival information about every customer for all branches, etc.Pg 9Discuss the different types of network.It isnt necessary to discuss the different types of network software or hardware that need to be installed prior to setting up one of these network types.Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.Pg 9You can begin to introduce how computers are connected to a network and discuss a brief history of how they used to be set up (central system for information with no storage capacity at the users end) to individual systems that can be connected or used as stand-alone systems.

    Pg 10Begin to briefly discuss what hardware requirements are needed in order to connect to a network. This is discussed further in Living Online Module C so you dont need to go into a lot of detail here. The main point is that they need a network card and a cable/wireless connection of some sort.The network card shown here is an example only. Let students know that there are numerous types of cards that can be used, depending on the type of connection and type of computer.Pg 10Begin to briefly discuss what hardware requirements are needed in order to connect to a network. This is discussed further in Living Online Module C so you dont need to go into a lot of detail here. The main point is that they need a network card and a cable/wireless connection of some sort.The network card shown here is an example only. Let students know that there are numerous types of cards that can be used, depending on the type of connection and type of computer.Pg 11Objective 1.1.11This topic addresses why the questions that students sometimes have regarding why they dont see or have the same things on their computer as someone else, or why the network seems slow. People tend to blame the computer for not being fast enough but sometimes the delay occurs in other areas that they dont consider such as illustrated in the last point. This is also true for Internet connections. Many people dont realize or recognize that the Internet is also a network and the speed at which they get information depends on the connection speed, the number of other users online, etc.