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ÍndicePresentación Educación, Cultura y Participación CiudadanaResidentes ExtranjerosFiestas y TradicionesDeporteJuventudBienestar y calidad de vidaSalud, Integración y VoluntariadoCalidad de vidaUrbanismo, Servicios Técnicos y Escena UrbanaTráfico y Seguridad CiudadanaEconomía, Empresa, Consumo y Comercio LocalTurismoFormación y empleo Medio Ambiente y Agricultura


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Queridos vecinos y vecinas de l´AlfàsEs para mí un honor dirigirme a ustedes como candidata a la Alcaldía por AIDDA, y pedirles su confianza en las elecciones municipales del próximo 22 de mayo. Nos presentamos con nuestro trabajo y compromiso con nuestro pueblo como aval. AIDDA es una formación política independiente de carácter local que nace en 1999 con un único objetivo, defender los intereses de l´Alfàs del Pi y de los que aquí vivimos. Nuestro programa es austero como lo son las circunstancias económicas que atravesamos pero no por ello deja fuera la creatividad y la ilusión de la que nunca, ni en los tiempos más difíciles, debemos prescindir. Es un Programa basado en lo que entendemos necesario. • Impulso de la empresa y comercio en nuestra localidad• Plan de Formación y Empleo Local• Consejos Locales de Participación Ciudadana• Guía de Recursos y Voluntariado Internacional para nuestros Residentes• Dotación de Cámaras de Seguridad y Retén en Playa Albir por Seguridad. no sólo para los que aquí vivimos, también por nuestra

condición de municipio turístico • Segundo Hospital para nuestra comarca, Residencia 3ª Edad, Servicios de Atención Integral en Recursos Sociales y Sanitarios• Planificación urbanística respetuosa con los vecinos y con el medio ambiente, recuperación de espacios, eliminación de barreras, asfaltado de calles, limpieza viaria, zonas

peatonales para el disfrute de todos• Regeneración del Bulevar de los Músicos • Albergue Medioambiental• Centro Juvenil• Centro Cultural, Sede Universitaria y Archivo Histórico en Finca Roca Un Programa en el que muchos de ustedes han participado y que podrán obtener en nuestra página web, en castellano, inglés, noruego y holandés y en nues-tras sedes de C/ Palmera (centro urbano) y Bulevar de los Músicos esquina Avda. del Albir así como en los actos públicos de Campaña, podrán obtener un ejemplar en cualquiera de estos idiomas. Les agradezco en nombre de toda la candidatura de AIDDA, su tiempo e interés y espero contar con su voto el próximo 22 de mayo. Por un Alfàs para todos, ¡Todos juntos por Alfàs!

Maribel Torres Limiñana - Candidata a la Alcaldía

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PARTICIPATION FOR EVERYONE An ideal town is where neighbours are actively involved in the actions they take andassume their share of responsibility in its management, the result being a dynamic town,renewed, in which, as one, they fight and defend their interests.

•This is how we of AIDDA see l’Alfàs ; engaged and alive. To achieve this we will promote, among other things, local Councils of Citizen Participation.

•Other Proposals in Education, Culture and Participation

• NurserySchools• Request a University branch for L’Alfas• Create a School Workshop. • Seek recognition and approval of our schools of music, dance and theater. • Create training for professional .s• Establishment of several classrooms or courses. -. Nature Classroom. Raise

awareness in the young of the importance of caring for the environment and raise awareness of the flora and fauna; Food Classroom . Aimed at raising awareness at an early age the importance of a balanced diet. Through games, workshops and activities to teach children what foods are beneficial and which are most harmful to our body. . The purpose of this classroom is to help prevent problems of both overweight and eating disorders.

• Reading groups. Creating a Drawing and Painting Competition Quick inspired landscapes and views of Alfas.

• Create Days of coexistence of different nationalities living in the area, especially targeting young people.

• Twinning with municipalities representing our residents • A Book-Bank • Literacy workshops • Extending the hours of the library in the Casa de Cultura. • Consolidation of the musical art forms: jazz, Mozartmania, Classical. • Support groups and associations of social and cultural interest • Film Festival create a special award for young directors. Enhancing the Role of the

short film competition and film festival taking it into to the streets. . Give greater prominence to the restauranteurs of the municipality to offer alternatives to menjars film programme, placing value on the local cuisine.

• Provide information about the history of the Jubilee Celebrations of the Christ of Great Wisdom, Creating an historical archive. We will celebrate April 16, claiming it as a local festival for giving greater prominence to the schools.

• Giving recognition to Don Pascual Baldo, with a street, plaza or public building in the town named after him in to be awarded to coincide with the award on April 16 of a posthumous prize.

• To promote the studies of Tablet, Dolçaina and Dances that support our local traditions. • Continue to support the lira, among others, for their great contribution to the musical

education l’Alfas. • Recognition of our Coral Canta L’Alfas and collective cultural integration. • Supporting Associations as the backbone of participation. • Development of a group of international volunteers.

Education, Culture and Citizenship

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Other accents. In any of our streets, parks or schools, in our markets,

shops, banks, medical or administrative offices every day we hear the voices of our neighbours, voices with different accents and cadences that reflect our reality . Ours is a municipality in which different roots, traditions and cultures intermingle in remarkable coexistence.

In AIDDA we are convinced that the key word is respect. Respect for the difference whether, language, religion or traditions showing that above all we are a people that want to grow, as the pine tree is a symbol of independence, with strong and well established roots in the land.

• So that language is never a barrier we will bring information about our administration and services to our neighbours of other nationalities by producing a Resource Guide in several Community languages that will be updated annually.

• Participate and promote cultural exchange activities encouraging participation in the various manifestations representative of our different cultures and traditions.

• Offer the opportunity to pracice alternative leisure activities in several languages.• Provide an area of attention for our residents and development of social and

cultural volunteering as a bridge between cultures. • Promote residents participation in activities promoting their integration into

groups and associations.

Foreign Residents

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In AIDDA we are convinced that to feel connected to the roots of a people, to love and respect them you have to know why it seems so important that our roots are not lost and why we will make an effort to keep our traditions alive by incorporating them into the realm of everyday . Acknowledging the selfless efforts of many of our neighbors, collectives and associations, is a fair reward and our duty. . Our proposal is to offer the municipality an historical archive, a place that recreates L’Alfas of our ancestors, a place where all residents can contribute photos, farm tools, articles and items that were in common use in earlier days - some

real family jewels. A place to appreciate the value of our traditions, festivals, music. TO SHOW WHO WE ARE A Fiesta House in which representations of all the Feasts of L’Alfas have their place (San Nicolas, Immaculate Conception, Epiphany, San Jose, San Vicente, Creueta, Corpus Christi, Festes de Albir, Jubilee in honor of the Blessed Sacrament and Christ of Wisdom...) a place also for meetings and archives With the fiestas there are no first and second categories, without exception they are equally important as they reflect our feelings, our joy, our devotion.This will be a place where other accents, holidays, traditions and cultures are also present.

. Small pavillions where our musical tradition can be enjoyed outdoors with all our neighbors. Open spaces to recover the traditions for children, Puppets and marionettes and story-telling. . An Exhibition Centre to accommodate all the festive events and trade shows held in

L’Alfas during the year. We will bring attention to the gastronomy of L’Alfas amplified by the other cultures, as part of our cultural heritage and giving added value to our tourism.

Fiestas and Traditions

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Sports in L’Alfas • Like athletes, we will all benefit from sport. . We are fervent advocates of sport in all

disciplines and believe that it not only improves our physical form, but also our social interaction, our way of life.

•. The practice of sports is recommended at any age and for good physical condition in childhood practice is vital. Maybe that’s why we are committed in Aidda to Sport in schools and aim to encourage a wide range of

sports so that each of us can find the sport that makes us feel better not only to enjoy the exercise, but also the environment as an important element to their practice.

• INDOOR POOL AND SPA. Therapy and rehabilitation for all. • MultiSport PARK. Cycling, skating, motocross, minicars. Organisation of competitions. • SCHOOL SPORTS AND WINTER-SUMMER CAMPS. with sports tournaments and



AND OUR COASTS AND BEACHES (hiking, rafting, canoeing, paragliding, sky, watersports etc.).

• EASY ACCESS TO SPORTS FACILITIES, gym and pool, free of charge for members of school sports

• TO KEEP existing facilities of the golf driving range and cricket pitch as part of our tourism and sports.


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Sometimes, youth is treated too lightly . Sometimes not knowing anything about us they give us up for lost as if we can do nothing for ourselves.The youthful members of AIDDA want to be seen as what we are, young people committed to wanting to change things but above all make those changes.The creation of a Youth Center that offers us our own space is a just demand that we make. A Youth Centre where recreational tournaments are organized, providing rehearsal areas for our theatre groups, dance, music, and for school activities. We want to promote intergenerational relationships and we will offer training alternatives. A many of us, the young L’Alfasinos, would like to participate in its planning, its organization, why through Aidda we intend to drive the Local Youth Council supported by the youth association movement. Do not forget that our participation is important. • YOUTH CENTER preparing a local house for that purpose. • TOURNAMENT ORGANIZATION FOR LEISURE. Installation at the Youth Social Centre

of playrooms, organized tournaments, table football, darts, chess. • TOURNAMENTS game consoles (PLAY-STATION, WII, ETC) promoting NON-

AGGRESSIVE games, sports, skill, and so on. Providing at the same time fun and learning, with prizes to participants in collaboration with local trade

• PROVISION OF REHEARSAL ROOMS FOR GROUPS OF DRAMA AND MUSIC, giving our youth the opportunity to learn and improve.

• COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOL WORK, all children should have equal opportunities to study.. Those who for whatever reason have no computer can use the Youth Center to study, and in exchange will be allowed one hour for their own use provided they have complied with their homework, thus encouraging them to study.

• GOING OUT IN FAMILY GROUPS TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Our older people teaching young people to learn about our rural environment.

• Classroom-Workshop. Arrange practical training courses in mechanical-repair workshops and other trades.

• YOUTH CARD offering Discounts on transportation, travel, movies, hotels, shops etc • More information on cultural and sports activities • Youth volunteering • Expansion of the municipal library hours during exam periods and unlimited internet

usage for students from their own computers to do their work.


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OUR ELDERLY RESIDENTS With medical advances and more care life expectancy is increasing, but it is of no use living longer, if it is not accompanied by an improvement in the quality of life.

The high percentage of population aged over 65 years generates a great need for attention, which may not always be available from the traditional caregivers: the family. Therefore the administration has to take the responsibility of organizing the material and human resources necessary so that our seniors can have a decent life. In AIDDA we

propose comprehensive domestic health care services that will combine two of our major concerns; -The welfare of our neighbors and the generation of local employment.

We give seniors the opportunity to make their own decisions and choose their own way of life, as long as their health permits. By providing an enhanced network of services and activities we can make this happen and help our senior citizens to be as independent as possible.Older people are an added value for our society. Aidda is aware of the wisdom and experience that the years can bring and their active participation in society is important, useful and necessary, strengthening local councils for citizen participation where they will have a presence and participation. We in Aidda know it’s our responsibility to procure the highest quality of life, to meet

concerns of any kind and provide the necessary help and care and space for leisure.. A Home of the 3 rd Age that address the needs for space and recreation areas will be our main objective in both the Town Centre and Playa Albir. In the program that, we have together developed we include the following proposals:

• Sheltered Housing Development, which will enable independence and autonomy to those who, for reasons of age or health, are not advised to live alone.

• Return rates to residents over 65, unemployed and disabled people according to their income.

• Subsidised local transport. • Decentralized social care services.

Well-being and Quality of Life

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• Personal empowerment. Strengthen activities aimed at maintaining physical and intellectual capacity.

• Memory Workshops • New technologies • Exercise and physical activity • Handicrafts

• Guidance and support on specific issues (troubled youths, including special situations of unemployment, diverse and unforeseen situations that impact on family balance)

• Diversification care services (personal care programs in different areas of the municipality)

• Elimination of barriers to the insertion in the labour market of persons with disabilities.

• Promote a volunteer program with specific training. • Companionship and help• Control of the crossings at the entrances and exits of the schools • Information programme aimed at the promotion of good health and healthy habits

and controlling addicitve behavior and advising about common diseases or those that pose a particular risk

• Support and collaboration with associations of patients and relatives. . Special attention to families of Alzheimer patients.

• Therapies for improving physical and mental disabilities (with dolphins, horsesfor instance)

Health, Integration and Volunteering

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• Promotion of public accommodation, also rented and sheltered housing• Implementation of a mixed system of public transport throughout the

municipality. • To meet the demand for Child Care 0 to 3 years, we will implement the childcare

voucher depending on the economic situation of the family. • We will support free schooling from 0 to 3 years. • Introduction of a school breakfast service (08.00 hrs.) for 3 to 12 year olds• We will support initiatives to cancel the mortgage debt with repayment of the

housing. • Return rates for those over 65, pensioners, unemployed and disabled. • Create a University headquarters, archive, recovery of our roots. • To create a competent department that will manage the socio-sanitary • needs of our neighbours (3rd-age homes, health centres and land for a second

hospital).• Information points in different areas and neighbourhoods in the municipality. • Promote an administration “open” and decentralized. • Organise competent authorities in the municipality to take on the administrative

procedures for the issuing of ID card, passport,and official paperwork .• Opening of an administrative extension in Albir, where citizens can realise their

official documents without the need for travel.

Welfare = Quality of service, quality of life for our neighbours

Quality of life

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A place to live. L’Alfas should be above all a good place in which to live, a place in which the people are important, without barriers to full integration of all without any distinction of age or physical condition; with wide open spaces and sidewalks, pedestrian areas and places where our children can play. Safe, clean, and bright, with shopping areas

and spaces for commercial and business development. To grow moderately so that traffic or cement does not prevent us from enjoying it.In Aidda we have the same concerns as you, so this program we formed together with you.Town Planning, Engineering and Urban Scene.• Respectful, orderly urban growth and integrating with the environment. • Street cleaning services and waste collection according to the real needs of the

municipality. • Promotion of renewable energies involving higher savings and better performance. • Agility in administrative proceedings. • Recovery of native species in gardens and public spaces with drip irrigation and re-

cycling of water • Support for the liberalization of the AP-7 as it passes through our region thus avoiding

costs and impact on areas of the municipality. • Unlock the revision of the General Plan. • A passage at the crossroads Camí de la Mar - Avenida del Albir on its way through

the NL-332. • Cleaning, maintenance and marking of pathways• In Albir Playa providing a multifunctional building that will house the administrative

extension and other services. • Growth means that a new town planning in the main access routes: Nac 332 - País

Valencià. Carbonera-Albir / Altea, Rotonda de San Rafael, bike access Camí de les Coves, Camí dels Alquers, new Romeral Avenue Extension-Arabi easing traffic

• Comprehensive Plan of urban accessibility (barrier removal) • Maintenance of Parks, gardens and green areas. . Study of tree species suitable for

planting in public gardens to maintain beauty, cleanliness and safety in our streets. Drip Irrigation with re-cycled water.

• Plan the repair of sidewalks and roads in the municipality. • Urge the administration responsible for level crossings so that they are not an obstacle

to safety and traffic flow requesting possible elevation or move underground. • Urge the competent authority to proceed with the refurbishment and restoration of

access to town centre and beach. • New location of a service area and a zone for non-polluting light industry• Promote actions to improve the width of major urban roads. • Urge the administration responsible for the peparation of bridge near Consum. • Create local housing management for public promotions and lease-ing • Bylaws to include responsibility to maintain the security, public health and appearance

of buildings to preserve the image of the municipality. • Periodic review of the network of sewage and stormwater drainage.

Planning, Engineering and Urban Scene.

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Safety, added value Do not forget the importance of security in our largest industry, tourism. Would you have your home or travel with your family on holiday to a place where they do not feel safe?

In the interests of Traffic and Public Safety, we will work towards: • The establishment of cameras and security

systems. • An office of the Local Police in Playa Albir. • Close policing• Location and marking of public parking • Study the main road traffic lights. • Replace the current projections to prevent noise and damage to vehicles and people. • A study of the redistribution of traffic in the municipality. • Planning and commissioning of a mixed public transport linking the urban centers

and beach developments.

Traffic and Public Safety

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To Protect local business is to protect our future. Whether public or private, the economy of a people is vital for their development. It is not for the public authority to invade areas of private and business initiative. . Our function is simply to promote and support the actions of our entrepreneurs, and to offer them the widest range of information. Our local business, our trade is the economic fabric of the municipality. The self-employed men and

women of our people who provide jobs and generate turnover. Without them we would be no more than a ghost town, a dormitory town. In the public sphere if we are more likely to intervene, to provide guidelines for management policies and that is where we can influence social policies and better allocation of our resources to devote to things that are important. AIDDA propose the reduction of employed personnel as well as economic perceptions of mayor and council, a plan of saving energy and commitment to promote l’Alfàs as an Opportunity Center and support to businessmen, among others. .We believe that now is the time to offer basic support and promote the local economy and employment as at regional and national level there is not an appropriate response. . We have to encourage and facilitate ideas and proposals of the entrepreneurs. Consumption WE must be aware of the importance and impact of consumerism in the local economy, and strengthen the centrality of users and consumers through their participation in the local council, represented by the Association of Housewives and Consumers of the municipality. Pursue policies to promote local trade and business, from the commitment to the consumer. Trade and Business • Competitiveness Plan, to foster a society of knowledge and networking. • Fairs and other events to promote local business and social networks. • Plan for urban areas such as commercial centres to open , making them attractive for

economic activity, leisure and recreation for visitors and local residents

• Support entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Creating the conditions for installation companies with low environmental impact and added value. Support for new forms of work and enterprise.

• Provide Points of accessible information about the shopping and business in strategic areas of the municipality.

• And boost business incubator “Alfàs Opportunity Center.” • Encourage the renovation of the commercial face Alfaz de Pi to facilitate and adapt the

current supply to the demand for commercial premises. • Promote and coordinate a systematic training plan for people of working age, both

unemployed and employed, to facilitate its development in the labour market. • Promote the creation of a Local Development Agency coordinated from the Department for

Business, Enterprise and Local Development. • Develop an ordinance regulating the weekly markets, times, places, location, projected

image, etc.. • Full development of a Business Action Plan. Local Economy: • Reduction to a minimum the number of positions of trust and advisers. • 20% reduction in the salary received by the Councillors. • Eliminate wasteful spending and advertising image. • Local television proximity band to be truly a public service available to everyone. • Support an energy saving plan of the municipality, both public and private. • Optimise Resources• Review of Fees and taxes. With goodfinancial planning we can distribute our resources so they can be spent on what it really necessary for our people.

Economics, Business, Consumer and Trade Local

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Promotion of the values that make us differentWe can not afford to be “more of the same.” Our environmental and cultural resources, our rich and varied cuisine and a wide range of complementary assets needs to be put before the public. We needs to meet changes in tourism demand and the needs of our potential visitors. Tourism, whether cultural, green, conferences or for health, are safe bets for

a quality modern Alfas, able to face changes in the industry. We must care for our beach and our most emblematic sites, recover the jewels in our young history such as the chapels and mills, rehabilitate the Finca Roca as a cultural center, build an environmental shelter, regenerate areas for walking and the bike lane of the Boulevard of Musicians, a cool green path that will lead to a renewed Paseo de las Estrellas Not only is it important to open areas , we must know how to keep and protect what we have, our parks and recreation areas are also a tourist attraction for families who visit us. Our wide range of cuisine, indigenous and international; wines from the alfasino winery make the emblematic name L’Alfas known around the world, artisans, a world of crafts ranging from preparation of traditional recipes and pastry, to silver , ceramics, silk and skins that are on show in the Rincon del Albir every summer. L’Alfas has great facilities, first class in both public and private sectors in which to develop artistic potential We can exemplify the potential of our people, sculpture gardens, museums , foundations, galleries, cultural house, outdoor stages and a host of possibilities that will allow us, with good management, to be more competitive. Replace an expensive and useless system of trustees for a dynamic economic and Local Tourism Council in which area technicians and businessmen can address the image and projection of L’Alfas as a tourist centre in Spain and in international markets. . Attending fairs can no longer be a “landing stage” of public office or a weekend municipal budget.

An industry so necessary for our economy deserves respect, attention and serious work. L’Alfas must be present in all places to promote the tourism image of our municipality in International Guides & specialist journals to support those who are our emissaries.Do not forget that Tourism is our main industry: sustainable with the added value of our traditional qualities; a clean industry, non-polluting and generating employment.


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The workforce must adapt to changes and this requires trained professionals to develop their work. . The proposed project, PROFOREM, is designed to professionally train both unemployed and workers on active municipality wishing to enter or adapt to the demands of a constantly evolving world of work. Our main goal is to adjust training to employment, to meet equally the needs of the

company and the need for providing employment for unemployed people This will promote the employability of people with difficulties in accessing the labour market, and will incorporate a business, technical staff training, skills and attitudes suited to your needs. •WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING

COURSES, Aimed at unemployed 25 or more years of age. Participants gain practical training and employment, enabling subsequent job placement both paid employment through the creation of business projects or social economy.

• SCHOOL WORKSHOP, For training of unemployed young people under 25 who are registered as jobseekers and consist of a training stage and a professional practice, from conducting a real paid job

• JOB OPPORTUNITIES, To meet the demand for those unemployed in our town, create an employment office that will give priority in situations of disadvantage

• There will be a job rotation among companies with requests for jobs and our office.

Nurture the business practices agreements with universities, vocational training centers and groups with integration difficulties at work.


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Our landscape, the air we breathe, our fields are part of our heritage. To know, respect and care for our environment is everyone’s business.

• Environmental volunteer support • Replace the burning of crop residues for its transformation to a natural fertilizer. • Study landscape and natural resources

• Regenerate walkways • In public spaces we will promote the planting of

trees and ornamental plants of native species. • In collaboration with relevant agencies to

implement campaigns for clearing of ditches and similar

• Promote the creation of an ordinance to protect the agricultural environment and establish collaborative agreements with supra-municipal entities for the purpose.

• Avoid wastage of drinking water and reduce the excessive economic cost through drip irrigation with re-cycled water in gardens and municipal plots.

• We will support partnerships with universities, the Consortium and Canal Bajo Algar to allow us to continue improving water quality and agricultural production in the municipality.

• We will encourage the full participation of our neighbors, of all ages, in the management of Agenda 21.

• We will support the protection of animals through vaccination campaigns, care and protection associations will coordinate with animal shelters.

• Will conduct regular campaigns in the entire municipality, the elimination of plagues of pests.

• We will pursue an ordinance regulating the installation of mobile telephone masts and their location.

Environment and Agriculture

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Fotografias de Elisabeth Gonzalez Garcia y Joan Pérez TorresDiseño de Joan Pérez Torres

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