  • 8/13/2019 Qu uso se le da al participio


    Qu uso se le da al participio presente (gerundio) en los

    siguientes casos: Verbo? Sustantivo? Adjetivo?

    Unidad 5

    1. It is Australias largest-sellingnewspaper, which brashly called on the public to kick out the

    last government and whose support.

    Note: cuando se le agrega el sufijoest a un adjetivo estamos comparando a algo o alguien en un

    grupo. Esta forma se llama superlativo. Por ejemplo, The Bugatti is the fastestcar in the world (De

    todos los carros, el Bugatti es el ms rpido).

    2. this Sunday the theme was the amazinganimalsof Indonesia, from Sumatran tigers to

    Komodo dragons

    Nota: Sumatra= una isla al oeste de Indonesia.

    3. Bogan is an insult that has lost all meaning.

    Nota: Bogan= es trmino pejorative para referirse a Australiano o Neozelands a alguien ordinario,

    de poca educacin.

    4. Barack Obama thanks South Africans 'for sharingNelson Mandela with us' in Soweto stadium


    5. We shall never forget Mandela's movinghomage to our common struggle, when he visited in


    6. A spokesman for the UK Department for Transport said its biofuel approach would avoid

    "displacingcosts on to consumers".

    Nota: UK= United Kingdom (Reino Unido)

    7. How can the population be convinced that public transport and cyclingis the direction we need

    to go IF we want to become as carbon neutral and as 'efficient' as possible

    8. Its members are trying to turn an honest penny and must plan ahead.

    Nota: penny= penique (moneda britnica). Frase: turn an honest penny= obtener algn beneficio.

    Source: The Guardian (

    Adapted by Miguel Mendoza
