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1. BUSINESSIDEA ……………………32. WHYSHIPPINGMARKET ……………………43. FIRSTSTEPSANDGOALS ……………………54. BRANDSTRATEGY ……………………65. FINANCIAL ……………………76. THETEAM ……………………10

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Reverse Container is the firstworldwide online outlet thatprovidesbusiness to businesssalesservices in thecontainer-shippingindustry.Asaliaison,weprovidea solution for failed transactions,improving efficiency, transparency andeffectivenessintheshippingmarkets.

Weareacompanyspecializedinfailed transactions managementthroughout the shippingmarkets, focusedon goods transported in containers. Weact as an intermediary, helping thosesellers, whose counterparty has not livedup to its contractual obligations, findingpotentialbuyersforthosegoods.

Through our clients willbe able to sell and also buy all types ofcontainerswiththeirgoodsatfairprices.

We try to find a solution for thosecompanies dealing with containers thatbecome stuck in any of the transitionalstatuses.

Weareconvincedthat thecompany isgoing to be profitable since the first year. Inthis way, we will become one of the mostimportantcompanies in thesectorwithinthenext3years.

Considering relatively lowlevels offunding requirements, the big size of theshipping industry and its growth potential,after 5 years we will have been able todevelop a sustainable and innovativebusiness,capableofleadingthemarket.

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Our business activity

is directly related to theglobal shipping market. Theworld relies on ships to moveits international trade. In factaround 80% of allinternationally traded goodsare carried by a ship. Shippingbyseaisthemostcosteffective,efficient and environmentallyfriendly option formost cargo.Thereareapproximately 6.000ships carrying more than 20million containers every day.Annuallyover10billiontonnesof cargo are shippedworldwide, with an estimatedtrading volume of $14 billion.In order to understandReverse’sBusiness,itshouldbepointed out that failedtransactions in goodstransported in containersconstitute roughly 11% of thetotal –based on informationprovided by the agentsinvolved in this industry-.Therearemanydifferent typesof problems that can cause anissue in a shipping trade andthat’s the main reason whyReversewasestablished.

Frequently the source isnot reliable and the differentagents invloved in the sectorcanspreadbiasedinformationto protect their interests in anon-regulated market. Inaddition, there are differentkinds of commissions,depending on the context,whichmakethesituationevenmore complicated. Due tothese inefficiencies, the clientwho is trying to sell back thegoods in the market, neverknowswithcertaintytheexactsellingprice.Therefore callingattentiontotheseller’slackofcontrolofthetrade.

Our principal purpose is


1. Clearandtransparent

information2. AccessibleandVisible

prices3. Fixedfeesand


Reverse providesinnovation to the maritimecommerce as we use anonline marketplace toaddress the failedtransactions problem.Technology allows us toenhance transparency,efficiency and effectivenessof such operations. Ourcombining technology andcontentwillallowustoplaceour services as the mostsuitable marketplace whereboth exporters andimporters trade on a dailybasis.

The BusinnesIntelligence Development aswell as our offer ofadditional services,make usthe cheapest, fastest andmost efficient option forcustomers Our maincompetitive advantage isfocused on informationmanagement. With thecurrent market conditions,the information flow relatedtofailedtransactionsdoesn’tworkasitshould.


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Thebusinessideaproposedbyour company will be subject to avalidationprocessduringthesecondhalf of 2016. In thisperiodwewillbelaunchingthewebsitewhichconstitutesthe cornerstone of the project, whereour customers will be able to tradetheirgoodsandalsobenefitfromothervalue-added services we will offer(logistics,legaladvice,etc). After this period, we willmeasure and reconsider the initialbusiness idea based on customersfeedback and their requirements, then,in January 2017 a second commercialimpactwilltakeplacesothatnewgoalswill be explained and external fundingvianewpartnerswillbeconsider.


As we aim to work hard tofurther strengthen our businessrelationshipwithothercompanies,newagreementswillbeencouraged,therebyprogressively, building a new range ofclients in our portfolio. Subsequentlywewillbeabletooffercontainersonadailybasis. Eventually, our company willfocus on setting up a board, accessibleforalltheagentsinthesector(brokers,traders,importers,exporters,insurancecompanies,customsagents,ports,etc). As such, we will provideconfidence and accuracy in thetransactions during the whole saleprocessthroughoutthewebsite.

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Initially, our business is based onstrategic alliances. These alliances willprovetobethequickestwaytoexpandourcompany into the market. At present wehave achieved enough alliances to launchour digital platform full of contents. Inaddition, we are currently working tostrengthen thesepartnershipsand lookingforpotentialnewaffiliations.

The first public presentation of tisprojecttookplaceinMarch2016inSeville.Furthereventswilltakeplace inAlgeciras,Valencia, Gibraltar and Hamburg aroundMayandJune2016.

As a digital company, it is essentialto build a strong social-media networkpresence.Wewillfocusmostofoureffortson LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, etc… inordertocoverthefollowingfeaturesofthecompany:

Marketing and branding, externalcommunication,mailingcampaigns,eventsdivulgation,shareusefulknowledgeofthesector and relevant news to the media,offers, promotions, networking andwebsitevisibility.

These channels are themost directway to connect with professionals of thesector and build a powerful network. Wewillupload explainer videos showing howthewebsiteworksand howeasy is to usetheplatform.


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During the business validationperiod(secondhalfof2016)fundingwillbe provided by the founding members.Not only an initial investment of 30,000euros,butalsotheirskills,abilitiesandalleffortswillbe investedasa requirementtotrytobuildasuccessfulcompany.

Thanks to the different andsuitable profiles of the team, it is ourintentiontobeinchargeofthefollowingareasasearlyas the initialstagesof thisproyect. B2B website management,Institutional Relations, Marketing &Branding,OperationsandLegalarea.


Ourmain purpose is to buildupa

business with relatively low financingneedsandbeingabletoreachaninternal rate of return for investors close to30%(IRR)ina4-yearshorttermperiod.

In the first sixmonths, during thevalidation period, the company isexpected to be able to generate positiveeconomic outcomes and also build astablecustomerportfolio.Inthisway,andaccording to our forecasts, in 2017, theinitial amount of funding requiredwould be 120,000€. Revenues for thefirst year are estimated to be 665,000€,with a net income of aproximately100,000€.

These figures are expected toincrease in the following years as showninthetablebelow.


5,000,000,000€ (11%oftotal)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Marketshare 0,25% 0,50% 0,70% 0,90% 1,20% Fee 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Revenues 665,000€ 1,330,000€ 1,860,000€ 2,400,000€ 3,000,000€

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Revenue calculations are based on a geographical and Industrial segmentation. (5%commissionwillapplypertransaction)Geographical:AlgecirasandValenciaasthemostrepresentativeportsinSpain.Industrial: Semi-manufacturedgoods, capitalgoodsandfoodasExport Industrieswithhighestturnoverrates.



EBIT Revenues(Thousandsof€)

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Investment: Mainly in Marketing & Branding during the first year as well as indevelopment and maintenance of the website. Then, Investments in technology willdecrease,whileonlinemarketingcostswillgrowgradually.Debt:Externalfinancingisneededthefirsttwoyears.Thereafter,willnotbeessential,asrevenueswillbetheonlysourceoffunding.

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Executive MBA at EOI BusinessSchool, Bachelor's degree inhumanities and law from theUniversity of Seville, entrepreneurand lecturer. Itcombinesextensiveexperience in the public andprivate sector to develop businessprojects with high economicperformance. Interested indisruptive business models andLean manufacturing, is a foundingpartner of Reverse Container,developing institutional andcommercial relations of thecompanyaswellastraceabilityandplanningongrowingit.



Bachelor’s degree in BusinessManagementandAdministrationatPablodeOlavideUniversity,Seville,Master in Finance CUNEF, Madrid.Hisworkexperienceinthebankingsector has helped him developdifferentabilitiesandskills.Hehasworked as customer advisor inTriodos Bank, Risk Analyst atBanco Popular and as Broker inLondon, where he currently lives.Proactive and self-motivated, hisfinancial profile and knowledge ofbrokerageservices,makehimakeyplayerinReverse.

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PhD Telecommunications Engineer atStanford University. Dedicated to thedevelopment of digital businesses,particularly focused on applying Leanmethodologies. At present CEO at BeLean Up and partner at Kolokium.Additionally, professor of subjectsrelated to digital economy such astechnology, development ofproducts/services, customerdevelopment, digital marketing ,SEO/SEM, etc, at EOI, InternationalUniversity of Andalusia, UniversityAlfonso X El Sabio and speaker atseveral institutions. Involved activelyor through the Board of Directors atseveralstartupsandnewcompaniesofdifferent sectors. Director of theregional chapter of TED initiative atSeville, Spain (TEDxSevilla) and VP ofAndalusianchapterofKeiretsuForum.



Telecommunications Engineer atUniversity of Seville and ExecutiveMBA at EOI Business School, hasfocused his career in theconsultancy, sales and marketingdomain.HisexperienceindifferentTIC companies as BusinessDevelopment Manager provide adeep understanding on howorganizations can use Technologyas a key differentiator in themarket. His main role will be theSales and Marketing Directorassuringapropermarketapproachandasolidsalesgrowth.



Bachelor´s degree in Law atUniversity of Oviedo and Masterdegree in Tax Law, Jorge is theinternational tax director at areputable law firm. He is anspecialist in international taxadviceand taxplanning, aswell asinbusinessrestructuring forMNEsgroups. He is the co-author ofbooks and manuals on advancepricingagreements,andonSpanishholding companies. Jorge is aregular columnist on internationaltax and EU law issues for Spanishnewspapersandmagazines,aswellas a frequent lecturer onconferences both in Spain andabroad.

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