Page 1: Toastmasters. Políticas de la Sede acerca de Concursos

Certificación de Jueces. Segundo Semestre

Poíticas Sede Internacional

International Speech Contest

(inglés y español)Evaluación



Page 2: Toastmasters. Políticas de la Sede acerca de Concursos

Políticas y Protocolo


Page 3: Toastmasters. Políticas de la Sede acerca de Concursos

Bylaws of ToastmastersInternational Article II: Office

 Section 2 In order to carry out this mission, Toastmasters International shall:

Provide private training at all levels of its organization to improve people’s ability to listen, think, speak, and lead. For this purpose, Toastmasters International shall establish, encourage, and supervise meetings, conventions, seminars, speech contests and such appropriate activities in the furtherance of its educational objectives as will stimulate interest, participation, and personal improvement of all individual members of its clubs.

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Article VIII: Duties of Officers

(c) Lieutenant Governor Education and Training

The supervising and coordinating of district-wide speech contests

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Section 4

Inactive individual membership is provided for as follows: Inactive individual members shall have no voting privileges, shall not hold office, shall not be counted toward a quorum of the club membership, and shall not participate in International Speech Contests.

Article II: MembershipHonorary individual members have no voting privileges, shall not hold office, shall not be counted toward a quorum of the club membership, and shall not participate in speech contests.

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Protocol 5.0 Corporate and Community Activities

Unauthorized activities include, but are not limited to, fundraising in cooperation with other organizations; establishing or promoting scholarships and foundations; sponsoring or endorsing a non Toastmasters speaking contest without permission from the Executive Director;

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Policy 6.0 Speech Contests 1 Toastmasters International recognizes and supports the following official speech

contests: International, Evaluation, Humorous, Table Topics, Tall Tales, and recorded speech contests for members of undistricted clubs or of clubs in provisional districts.

1 Speech contest competitors must meet all eligibility requirements as outlined in the Speech Contest Rulebook.

1 Districts conduct the International Speech Contest and may conduct up to three additional official speech contests.

1 Contests must originate at the club level and proceed through the area, division, and district levels respectively; only contests following this progression are permitted at each level.

1 Toastmasters International pays the travel expenses of each contestant who participates in the International Speech Contest at the semifinal level at the International Convention. The travel allowance is computed in the same manner and subject to the same restrictions as that of district leaders.

1 The Speech Contest Rulebook is protocol and applies to all official Toastmasters speech contests. Modifications to rules are only made through the administrative protocol review process. Exceptions are not permitted.


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Division Council Meetings

The division council manages division activities; facilitates the achievement of club, area, division, and district goals; and helps with administrative activities, such as division contests, meetings, and training.

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District Conferences

1.Unless noted, the following events occur at the district conference: I. The district council meeting is held. II.The International Speech Contest takes

place at the conference in conjunction with the district council annual meeting.

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Protocol 8.2 Fundraising

  Guidelines All revenue and residual funds raised in connection with a district

event or activity (such as a contest, conference or training) sponsored by a club, area or division, belong to the district. If the event or activity results in a loss, it is assumed by the district.

  3. General District Leader Expense Provisions Districts do not provide any expense payments to speech

contestants attending the International Convention.

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District budget expenses…

Shall be limited as follows:

Speech contests and awards Maximum 10 percent of total budget

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6.-District Meetings

At district non-election meetings, such as area and division speech contests, candidates may distribute campaign materials, display campaign materials in a Candidates’ Corner where each candidate has equal access, and be introduced as long as all candidates present are introduced.

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Policy 2.0 Club and Membership Eligibility   3.-Good Standing of Individual Members

  An individual member in good standing is one whose dues have been paid

by the club and received at World Headquarters by May 31 for the period of April through September and by November 30 for the period of October through March.

  An individual member whose dues have not been paid and received at

World Headquarters is considered delinquent after the due date and remains so until dues have been paid and received by World Headquarters, at which time the individual member is reactivated.

An individual new member is in good standing as soon as the new member application and appropriate fees and dues are received at World Headquarters.

  A person must be an individual member in good standing to be nominated

for or to serve in any office or leadership role in Toastmasters International.

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District Conferences

1.Unless noted, the following events occur at the district conference: I. The district council meeting is held. II.The International Speech Contest takes

place at the conference in conjunction with the district council annual meeting.


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Good standing of clubs A club is in good standing when it has paid its dues to World

Headquarters for a minimum of six members—at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period—by May 31 for the period of April through September and by November 30 for the period of October through March.

A club whose dues have not been paid and received at World Headquarters is considered delinquent after the due date and remains so until dues have been paid. If dues are not paid prior to the following renewal period, the club is

suspended from active status, which means that all services and membership status for the club and its members are discontinued.

If dues are paid prior to the following renewal period, the club returns to good standing.

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Excepción a la Regla de 6 proyectos

Respuesta de la sede internacional: If the membership application for the member was not included in the

charter paperwork for the club they would not be recognized as a charter member. This means that they would be required to complete at least six speeches from their CC manual.

Charter members have helped establish the new club and their hard work and dedication affords them the privilege of competing under the charter member provision. If this provision was not in place, a member who wishes to compete in speech contests without following the Toastmasters educational program could continuously join a newly chartered to avoid having to complete the six manual speeches while still being able to compete.

