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Alumno Residente: Restivo Gisela

Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario.

Institución: Colegio Salesiano Deán Funes

Dirección: Don Bosco 350- Comodoro Rivadavia

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4to año

Cantidad de alumnos: 25

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Pre Intermediate

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Haciendo planes y predicciones!

Clase Nº: 5

Fecha: 22 de Septiembre

Hora: 9:00 a 10:00 hs. Al ser esta la semana del estudiante, los alumnos estarán

abocados a actividades recreativas y religiosas durante los días jueves y viernes a

partir de las 10 de la mañana.

Duración de la clase: 60 minutos

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Teaching points: Future tense

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Review future tenses in context.

Work in a collaborative way.

Develop their speaking and listening skills by listening and watching to a video,

discussing with classmates and bidding during the game.

Language focus:




Making plans

and instant



future events

I´m meeting

I am going to...

I will....

/ˈɡəʊ ɪŋ/


NEW Auction,



Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the communicative approach.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: The lesson plan includes a video which is available at the following

link I will download the video to my

computer just in case there is no internet connection.

Materials: image for the warm up section, video, computer, projector, loudspeakers, 6 photocopies of sentences (1 per group and one for me), cards as money, poster, cards with headings. Seating arrangement: During the first part, students will sit individually. Then, they will work in groups of five. Cooperative work: Students will work cooperatively nearly the whole class. They will have to agree on which sentences are correct and then they will have to decide how much they can spend in each sentence. Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may become excited when working in groups. I will call their attention if they

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shout and explain that if they do not participate in an appropriate way, we cannot go on playing. Potential problems students may have with the language: I do not think there might be problems with language. The structures have been introduced previously. In addition, working in groups may be positive for students who find it difficult to understand the game or the sentences. Assessment: what will be assessed and how: During the game, I will assess their participation. Then when explaining the sentences, I will check if they have understood the structures presented the previous classes by paying attention to their comments. In this opportunity I will not take register of their production, except that they do not work in class.

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Routine: (2min)

I will go into the class and greet my students as I always do. Hello, Good morning!

Warm up (3 min)

I will show students the following image and say: “I have never attended an auction. What about you? And you parents?”

The photo will help students to understand the concept. I expect students to say if

they or someone they know have ever been at one.

Transition: Well, now, let´s see a funny video!

Presentation: (5min) I will invite students to watch the video in order to clarify the concept of auction.

Now, you are going to watch a video! Pay attention to see which the object being sold is.

Immediately after that, I will show students a hilarious video which is available at the following


Note: I will stop the video after 30 seconds.


Next item. A Ming vase. Starting at 500.000 Euros. Please start bidding. 600.00 from the

gentleman at the back row. 700.000 on the phone. 800.000 lady in the front. 900.000 on the

phone. One million! Any other bidding? No? One million for the first, the second, the third time.


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After the video finishes, I will say: “That was an auction. So, what did the man wanted to sell?” EA:

a vest. T: “Good! And what was the highest bid?” I expect students to say “one million” T: Right!

Finally, I will ask: “Could he sell it?” EA: no! T: “Right! The man could not sell it because he broke


Transition: Now, let´s play a sorry! Let´s go to the auction!

Activity 1:

Auction – (23 min) Part 1 (GAME)

I will write on the blackboard “Sentences Auction!” Then I will explain: Now, we are going to

participate in an auction. I will sell sentences and you will have to bid only for correct sentences.

The group who buys more correct sentences is the winner! Then, I will ask students to form groups

of 5 students. As they are 25 students, there will be 5 groups.

After they form groups, I will give them a list of sentences and some minutes to analyze them and

decide which of the sentences are correct. I will explain: “There are 12 sentences. Study them and

decide which of them you want to buy because you are sure that they are correct. Careful! Do not

tell the rest of the class. Talk and decide with the members of your group”

The sentences will be:

1- I’m eating at Paul´s house on Saturday at ten.

2. Look at that man on the roof. He’ll fall!

3. These black clouds tell me it’s going to rain.

4. Next year, I am going to study law

5. I will play tennis with Jamie, my best friend, next Sunday at 10.

6. Italy will win the World Cup in 2018.

7. I’m going to the concert tonight.

8. Next year I’m going to do more exercise.

9. What will you do tonight?

10. Robots will replace teachers in 2050

11. I am going to go the dentist next Monday at 16.15.

12. Those bags are too heavy! I’ll help you!

Correct sentences: 1, 3, 4, 6,7,8,10,12

Activity taken and adapted from:

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After a few minutes, I will allocate $10.000 to each team. For this purpose, I will prepare cards

with numbers as it follows. I will repeat that they should not attempt to buy incorrect sentences

and that bids increase in $500.

After instructions have been explained, I will read any of the sentences from the list. For this

purpose, I will have the sentences cut as individual items. I will say. “Let´s start! I´m eating at

Paul´s house on Saturday at ten. $500. Who bids more??” I will repeat the sentence and wait until

somebody offers and I will shout: $500 at 1, $500 at 2. $500 at 3 . Sold! When the sentence is sold,

I will give them the sentence and they will have to pay for it.

I will do the same with all the sentences until they are sold.

Transition: I am a perfect auctioneer! I have sold all the sentences! Now, let´s see who the winner


Part 2: Correction.(20 min)

In order to check which sentences are correct and to see who the winner is I will take a poster to

the class with the following columns:






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I will stick the poster on the blackboard and I will read the first sentence, T: I´m eating at Paul´s house on Saturday at ten. Is this a correct sentence? EA: yes! T: Very good! It is an arrangement, therefore we use Present continuous. After that, I will ask which group has bought the sentence and ask one member of that group to come and stick the sentence on the poster. I will repeat the same with all the sentences. However, if the sentence is incorrect we will not stick it on the poster. After all sentences have been explained and before deciding who the winner is, I will show them these cards:

While showing the card “arrangements” I will ask: “Where should I stick this heading?” I expect

students to say under the third column. I will do that and repeat the same with the following


After the poster is finished, I will ask two students, to display the poster where all of them are able

to see it. The poster will help visual learners to remember the correct use of the target structures

since it summarises the use of future tenses.

Finally, we will count how many correct sentences could buy each of the groups. I will say: “so, the

winners are...Claps for them!” In case that there are two or more groups with the same number of

sentences, the winner will be the one who has got more money.






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Wrap up (4min)

In order to close the lesson, I will do the following activity to make students reflect about their

own learning process.

I will explain: “Think about things that you can or cannot do. If you are able to do it really well,

circle number 1. If you can do it with difficulty, circle number 2. Finally, if you cannot do it, circle

number 3.

When they finish, I will collect the papers and take them home in order to see how they feel with

the topic being taught.

Closure: (3min)

I will encourage students to tidy the room and to put their things into their bags. I will greet

students and wish them a nice Student´s Day!

English Traffic Light

1. I can predict the future.

2. I can make instant decisions.

3. I can talk about my plans and intentions

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Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard 1

Visual organization x

Learning aims x

Variety of resources – Learning styles


Stages and activities x

Teaching strategies x

Class. management strategies


Language accuracy x

Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __29__ /35 = 8.5 Dear Gisela, What a creative lesson! Great job. Hope your students enjoy the lesson. Pay attention to some comments we have made. Best, Your tutors