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  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki


    Traduccin de Alejandra Ramos

  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki


    A los empresarios de ahora, que luchan, prosperan y tienen xito,

    y a los empresarios del maana, quienes vern oportunidades

    donde otros slo ven obstculos

    A los visionarios que actan con audacia y dejan su huella y su toque de

    Midas en el panorama econmico de nuestro mundo.

  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki


  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki



    Los empresarios

    son distintos

    Este libro trata acerca de los empresarios y de lo que los hace distintos a losdems. Est dirigido tanto a quienes ya lo son, como a quienes les gusta-ra llegar a serlo.

    No se trata de un libro de texto escrito por profesores de una escuelade negocios. Aqu no se ofrece una visin color de rosa, ni se muestra pasoa paso el camino para alcanzar el xito, porque ambos enfoques son pocorealistas. No, este libro, al contrario, es muy realista. Por eso lo escribieron

    empresarios que han ganado, fracasado y vuelto a levantarse para volver aganar una y otra vez. En l narramos nuestras historias.

    A menudo, a esa capacidad que tiene el empresario de soar, ganar,perder y volver a ganar, una y otra vez, se le llama espritu empresarial. Es loque separa al empresario de todos los dems en el mundo de los negocios.Tambin es lo que marca la diferencia entre quienes desean ser empresariosy quienes de verdad pueden llegar a serlo.

    Hemos estado escribiendo este libro durante tres aos. Nos empeamosen hacerlo porque ambos creemos que slo los empresarios pueden crearempleos reales. Y ahora que el mundo atraviesa niveles sin precedente dedesempleo, lo que ms se necesita es subsanar el problema.

    El desempleo crnico provoca malestar social, y eso puede conducir auna revolucin. Los disturbios que se produjeron durante 2011 en Oriente

    Medio, son buenos ejemplos de ello. Estas revueltas las avivaron personasdispuestas, capaces y ansiosas por trabajar, que no tienen la oportunidad de

  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki


    aterradora. El gobierno de Estados Unidos tiene preocupaciones simila-

    res y gasta miles de millones de dlares con el objetivo de crear empleos

    a travs de la legislacin y los programas gubernamentales.

    El problema es que ningn gobierno, ni el nuestro ni el chino,puede crear empleos reales. Los nicos que pueden hacerlo son los em-

    presarios. Porque slo ellos ven al futuro y le inyectan vida, una y otra

    vez, por medio de sus riesgos, prdidas y ganancias. Y por si fuera poco,

    en ese proceso logran crear industrias nuevas y oportunidades para la

    gente de todo el mundo.

    Otro problema importante es que las escuelas no crean empresarios,

    slo estn diseadas para producir empleados. Por eso la gente con fre-cuencia dice: Ve a la escuela para que puedas obtener un buen empleo.

    La mayora de los estudiantes, incluso los que tienen un mster, termi-

    nan siendo empleados, no empresarios. Debido a los prstamos, millo-

    nes de jvenes se gradan ao con ao, cargando una enorme deuda, y,

    para colmo, luego salen y descubren que no hay empleos para ellos. En

    la actualidad hay demasiada gente, joven y mayor, en busca de empleo. Y

    quienes ya tienen uno, viven con el temor de perderlo. Por eso necesita-mos ms empresarios que puedan generar negocios y fuentes de trabajo.

    A la cada del mercado, que comenz en 2007, se le considera el

    mayor descalabro econmico desde la Gran Depresin. Mucha gente

    sigue esperando que la economa se recupere y, aunque eso s llegar a

    suceder, estoy seguro de que no se volvern a presentar las mismas con-

    diciones. La vieja economa de la Era Industrial (la que implicaba un

    empleo seguro de por vida, pensiones, prestaciones y sindicatos), notendr cabida en la nueva Era de la Informacin.

    Muchos negocios de la lista de Fortune 5001, surgieron en la Era

    Industrial y, por lo tanto, desaparecern. Las compaas del maana

    que van a formar parte de Fortune 500, surgirn en medio de la crisis y

    estarn dirigidas por empresarios con visiones avanzadas y un espritu

    empresarial moderno.

    Este libro se escribi precisamente para dichos empresarios y para lagente que desea formar parte de ese grupo. Debemos aclarar que no es

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    un texto de negocios, sino un compendio sobre lo que se necesita para

    tener xito en este mbito.Compartiremos contigo los pensamientos, creencias, logros y fra-

    casos que hemos acumulado en varias dcadas como empresarios. Aquaprenders lo que nos hizo alcanzar el xito a pesar de que nueve decada diez fracasan. Asimismo, te brindaremos la informacin acercade cmo logramos ir ms all del xito y la riqueza, y conseguimos loque muchos suean, pero jams logran: convertir nuestros negocios enmarcas internacionales. Lo ms importante es que te hablaremos de loque nos mantiene luchando cuando otros renuncian, y sobre las razo-nes por las que siempre buscamos desafos mayores.

    En ste, nuestro segundo libro escrito en conjunto, no slo te dire-mos lo que nos brinda el toque de Midas: la habilidad de transformarlo que tocamos en oro; tambin compartiremos contigo lo necesariopara que t puedas hacerlo.

    Dividimos el libro en cinco captulos. Cada uno de ellos representalos cinco dedos de la mano con el toque de Midas. Despus de narrarnuestras historias de manera individual en cada captulo, incluimos la

    seccin llamada Desglose, en la que se ofrece una revisin objetivade los puntos clave. Con la seccin Puntos a recordar | Acciones parallevar a cabo se completa cada captulo y se ofrece una lista de accio-nes que puedes aplicar en tu propia vida.

    Los cinco dedos representan los cinco factores clave de todo empre-sario que suea con el xito y debe llegar a dominar; pero te advertimosque estos conceptos no se ensean en las escuelas.

    La mano del toque de Midas es la metfora perfecta para represen-tar los atributos esenciales requeridos para el xito empresarial. Si llegasa dominar todos los dedos, descubrirs la magia que ha hecho incre-blemente ricos a algunos empresarios, aunque no a la gran mayora.

    El pulgar representa la fuerza de carcter. Sin ella, los empresariosno podran soportar los inevitables fracasos y desilusiones que conllevacrear algo de la nada. Los territorios no explorados siempre estn lle-

    nos de peligros.El dedo ndice representa el enfoque. Los empresarios deben contar

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    disposicin para hacer que todo el mundo se entere, no podrs desa-

    rrollar el toque de Midas.

    El dedo anular es el que tiene que ver con las relaciones: cmo en-

    contrar un buen socio, cmo ser un buen socio, y cmo construir dis-tintos tipos de sociedades para lograr el xito.

    Finalmente, el dedo meique se relaciona con lo pequeo. Sin em-

    bargo, no slo se vincula con el dominio sobre los detalles. Muy pronto

    descubrirs que los detalles pueden convertirse en factores de gran im-

    portancia, y lanzarte en una direccin de logros exponenciales. Apren-

    ders a detectar ese pequeo elemento que puede convertirse en algo

    grande para tus clientes y para tu negocio.Cada uno de estos factores tiene su propia importancia. Pero ya

    en conjunto, cuando toda la atencin, habilidad, aprendizaje y cono-

    cimiento se encuentran en tus manos, entonces el poder del toque de

    Midas comienza a brillar de verdad. Y ciertamente, nuestro mundo se

    beneficiara bastante con algo de brillo empresarial. De hecho, lo que

    el mundo necesita para resolver los problemas globales del desempleo y

    la falta de seguridad en cuanto a trabajo y recursos financieros, es msempresarios. Necesitamos, en particular, ms empresarios que se hayan

    vuelto increblemente exitosos gracias al toque de Midas.

    Donald J. Trump Robert T. Kiyosaki

  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki


    5 KeysTo Increase Your Wealth in 2012


  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki

    9/22 2012 Professional Education Institute and CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.2

    5 Keys to Increase Your Wealth in 2012

    5 Keys to Increase Your Wealth in 2012

    While the pundits may differ on what the future of real estate holds, you can make 2012

    one of your best investing years by simply understanding and practicing a few key prin-ciples. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, applying the ideas dis-

    cussed in this article can give you a distinct advantage this year and in the years to come.

    Key #1 Understand Your Markets EconomyThe real estate bubble burst over five years ago, but were still feeling its effects today.

    While the Nations poor economic health has created problems we all share, local areas

    also have their own economies. Understanding the local economy and how it influences

    the real estate market is essential to your success.

    What is the economic climate for the areas in which you are investing? For example, arecent look at the seasonally adjusted unemployment rates for each of the states sees

    a swing of more than 9%. In other words, while things are tough, theyre not tough all

    over. What is the job market like in your area? Are people having a hard time making ends

    meet and needing to find affordable housing? Or, have people weathered the storm and

    are now ready to get back into home ownership?

    From unemployment to the amount of foreclosure activity, the circumstances across the

    country can be as different as night and day. Your job is to understand your markets

    economy in detail and conclude why it is what it is. Only by understanding the economy

    in your market will you be able to understand why things are the way they are and have

    a plan in place to capitalize on it.

    Key #2 Recognize InfluencersIf Key #1 is looking back at what has happened and what is, then Key #2 is looking

    forward and predicting what will be. Identifying influencers that affect your market posi-

    tively or negatively coupled with your economic research can help you see opportunities

    before others do.

    While store closings have made the headlines in the past, the truth is many businesses

    are poised to expand in 2012. New shopping centers can be extremely attractive to

    home buyers. Finding these new developments is often as simple as taking a different

    route to your regular destinations and taking note of what you see out the car window as

    you drive by. If you see signs of land being cleared, surveying or the beginnings of con-

    struction in and around major roadways, it is a pretty safe bet that a new influx is coming

    into the community. Any changes designed to handle increased traffic flow can tip you

    off to new developments, too. Widening traffic lanes and installing new traffic lights are

    just a couple of telltale signs.

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    5 Keys to Increase Your Wealth in 2012

    Also, getting to know those who work in the road and building departments for your city

    or countyor at the very least, attending city planning meetings can make you aware

    of significant projects being proposed or scheduled to begin.

    Key #3 Know What Realistic Pricing IsMost real estate agents will tell you one of the biggest frustrations they face is people

    thinking their home is worth more than it actually is. Perhaps it is people not wanting to

    come to grips with the equity lost in the downturn or just being naive. Whatever the case

    may be, it doesnt matter. You need to know what a realistic price is for 2012. Not what

    their home appraised at a few years ago, when they took out a second mortgage, but

    what it is today.

    As you begin, youll want to be sure that you are comparing apples to apples. In other

    words, year built, square footage, number of bedrooms, lot size, etc. Should all be com-parable. Take special note if home prices are accelerating faster in one area than in oth-

    ers. What might be the cause for this? Is there anything from your research in Keys #1

    or #2 that could provide a clue? Also, you will want to check the average home price in

    neighboring communities to see whether it is higher or lower. Doing so will provide you

    an idea of where the biggest demand is.

    The more you study pricing, the quicker youll be able to recognize a bargain or when a

    seller has lost touch with reality. Realtors and real estate agents are a terrific source for

    pricing trends given their access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Also, the Internet

    and local newspapers can be helpful in your search.

    Key #4 Determine an After-Repair ValueAll your efforts to determine a realistic price for your market will be for naught if you pay a

    price that causes you to lose money once everything is said and done. You need to know

    what a reasonable offer for the seller is while still allowing yourself to create an acceptable

    return for your time and effort. This amount will be your Maximum Allowable Offer (MAO).

    If the seller cannot meet you at or below the MAO, then the deal does not make sense

    and you should walk away.

    A simple formula to determine your MAO price is found below:

    ARV (After Repair Value or market value)

    x .7 (20% Profit and 10% for Closing & Holding Costs)- RCE (Repair Cost Estimate)

    = MAO (Maximum Allowable Offer to your seller)

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    11/22 2012 Professional Education Institute and CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.4

    5 Keys to Increase Your Wealth in 2012

    For example:

    $100,000 (After Repair Value or market value)x .7 (20% Profit and 10% for Closing & Holding Costs)

    = $70,000

    $70,000- $5,000 (Repair Cost Estimate)

    = $65,000 (Maximum Allowable Offer to your seller)

    When you determine the MAO, make your offer 3% - 5% below that to give yourself

    negotiating room. You never want to pay more than your MAO allows. The better your

    negotiation skillsyour work with Keys #1-3 will help herethe more money you stand

    to make. However, dont take advantage of the seller. Make sure they benefit from the

    transaction too. Doing so will build good word-of-mouth and a positive reputation.

    A good rule of thumb to estimate repairs on a property is:

    Bad = $10 per square foot.

    House needs cosmetic repairs; such as, kitchen or baths redone, floor-

    ing, paint, fixtures replaced, minor electrical or plumbing, minor landscape


    Worse = $15 per square foot.

    House needs all of the above repairs plus major heating and airconditioning work or replacement, roof repair or replacement, major

    interior repairs, such as, walls & ceilings.

    Worst = $20 per square foot.

    House needs all of the above repairs plus replacing windows, doors,

    siding, foundation or structural issues, major wood rot, re-wire, re-

    plumb, major landscaping. In older houses wiring may not be up to

    code or may use the old screw-in fuses instead of modern circuit break-

    ers. Plumbing may be cast iron instead of copper. Cast iron plumbing

    will corrode over time and close itself off much like a blocked artery.

    If the property is less than 900 square feet add 50% more to your repair estimate be-cause there is a limit to how far repair costs will drop due to size.

    Key #5 Use Tax Benefits to Your AdvantageOver the last few years, the U.S. Government has gone to great lengths to help jump

    start the economy. By changing the tax code, the Government incentivises people to

    do what the Government thinks will help the economy grow. (Well save the debate on

    how well these incentives work for the upcoming Presidential election.) Because of these

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    12/22 2012 Professional Education Institute and CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.5

    5 Keys to Increase Your Wealth in 2012

    incentives, real estate investing can create tremendous tax advantages. In fact, even be-

    fore the downturn, several provisions of the U.S. tax code were written with the specific

    purpose of encouraging real estate development and investing. Government legislators

    know that America needs an ever-expanding supply of decent and affordable housing,and that the government itself is poorly equipped to provide it.

    You have to know how to play the game. Youll need to hire a savvy tax accountant or

    other real estate investment advisors. They will introduce you to the concepts and calcu-

    lations that you need to know to begin asking the right questions.

    The Bottom LineAs you can see, none of these keys are actually new in the truest sense of the word,

    but each of them has and will take on new meaning as the economy turns itself around.

    And even if it doesnt, you now have an arsenal of tools that will help you be profitableregardless of the ever-changing economy.

    Special Offer:

    Work with a Rich Dad Coach in 2012 and Receive 6 months of Coaching Absolutely Free!

    Discover the power of working with your own certified Rich Dad Coach to speed up

    your progress in 2012. As a special offer, Rich Dad Coaching is providing a bonus

    6-month extension with every new coaching program. Receive your free introduc-

    tion and 6 months free bonus offer by clicking hereor by calling 1-800-240-0434

    and mention extension 2095 to receive the special offer.
  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki


  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki

    14/22 2013 Professional Education Institute2

    5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Outlook

    5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Outlook

    If you quit working today, how long could you sustain yourself and your family?

    How long would it take before all of your accounts dried up? A few months? A coupleof weeks? A day?

    If you dont know, you are not alone. Most people are in the dark when it comes totheir finances and how they will get ahead. As a result, their financial outlook is far fromoptimistic and in some cases, it is downright grim.

    Your financial outlook is largely determined by two things. The first is whether you havea financial plana way to get from point A to point B. The second is the strength ofyour financial planhow effectively and efficiently the plan helps you make the jour-ney. While some claim to have a financial plan, it is usually nothing more than hopes,wishes, and estimates stored in their head. That is not a plan at all.

    For those who do have a written plan, it is typically just a dollar amount they hope tohave that will last them from retirement until they die. It is only a plan to survive insteadof a plan to thrive.

    In this special report, we will share with you five ways to boost your financial outlook byfixingor creatinga financial plan that can help you get control of your financial futureand realize the life of your dreams.

    Set or Re-evaluate Your GoalsMost financial plans do not work because people do not put much thought into con-structing the plan.

    People pick a number out of thin air; tie it to an investment vehicle, and think that istheir plan. For example, they will say, I want to have $2 million in my stock portfoliowhen I am 65. Ask them how much they need to invest and at what the rate of returnis in order to achieve that goal and they will tell you that they do not know.

    If you are serious about obtaining financial freedom, then you must set goals with

    clearly defined steps and milestones along the way. If you have not set your goalsalready, breakout the spreadsheets and the calculator and determine how much yourideal lifestyle will cost. Do you need $3,000 per month? $10,000 per month? $50,000per month? Whatever you decide, that dollar amount is how much passive income youwill need to generate.

    With a definitive dollar amount in mind, you are ready to begin identifying investmentvehicles and assigning milestones to your plan. This is the difficult part and where most

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    5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Outlook

    people give up. You will need to look at what you have or what you can leverage forinvesting, the needed rate of return, and what investment vehicle would provide thedesired rate. In other words, if you are hoping a $2,000 investment in a mutual fund will

    yield a 40% return, you had better go back to the drawing board.

    Application Questions

    How much money do I want to have in 3 years? 5 years? 25 years?

    What are realistic rates of returns for the investments that interest me?

    Are there other investment vehicles I should be investigating?

    What changes do I need to make in myself today to reach my goals?

    Generate Passive IncomeMost people think they understand the difference between working hard for their mon-ey and having their money work hard for them, but the number of people still trapped inthe rat race shows something different.

    Creating passive income is the ONLY way out of the rat race. Period.

    Most people think that monthly expenses hold them hostage to their jobs. They tellthemselves, I have bills to pay and mouths to feed. That is why I have to go to work.

    That is why the mantra of live below your means spewed by many financial gurus isso enticing to many people. They think that if they can keep their expenses down, then

    they can save more, which in turn will lead to freedom. Ask those people how muchthey would need to save to get out of the rat race and most will not have even thoughtthat far. They are not even sure how much their scrimping and cost cutting is savingthem. All they know is that that is what they were told to do.

    It is not your monthly expenses holding you hostage to your job, it is your way of think-ing. All throughout school, teachers taught us to study hard, get good grades, and geta safe secure joba job that provides earned income.

    The rich understand that it is assets that make you financially free, not jobs. Assets arethose items that put money in your pocket. Things like rental real estate with positivemonthly cash flow. If you can begin thinking about covering your expenses and newpurchases by buying assets instead of working more hours at your job, then you are onyour way to financial freedom.

    Application Questions

    What are my total monthly expenses?

    How much passive income do I need to get out of the rat race?

    How can I begin generating passive income?

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    16/22 2013 Professional Education Institute4

    5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Outlook

    Understand the Difference Between Good and Bad DebtOnce you have your financial plan, the quickest way to derail it is to burden it with baddebt. You create bad debt anytime you purchase something on credit that does notcreate passive income for you. That brand new flat screen television? Bad debt. Thatweek-long vacation? Bad debt. Rich Dad calls these doodads and they are all deadends on the path to financial freedom.

    Now, this is not to say that you cannot have any fun. In fact, you should live the lifeyou want. Just do not take on more bad debt to get it. You should be thinking insteadabout how to buy assets to fund the purchase of these items.

    The great thing about this approach is that if you buy assets to fund your purchases,once you have paid for the purchase, you will still have the asset producing positivecash flow. If you acquire more and more assets, you will be well on your way to gener-

    ating the passive income needed to reach the milestones you established when you setyour goals.

    Application Questions

    How can I leverage debt into reaching my nancial objectives?

    If I have already burdened my nancial statement with bad debt, what can I do to

    help eliminate it?

    Diversify Your Investments (the Right Way)Sit down with any financial planner and they will tell you to diversify. They will then goon to talk about small-cap and large-cap funds. They will explain why you will needfunds that focus on this sector and a few from that sector. They will also encourage youto invest internationally too.

    There is only one problem with this diversification strategy. It is not diversification!

    If you follow this advice, all you will do is spread your money across one investmentvehicle. While it is better than investing 100% of your money is one companys stock,this type of diversification strategy is the strategy of the poor and the middle-class. True

    diversification comes from investing across different investment vehicles.

    No one investment is free from risk. All have strengths and weaknesses, but if you onlydiversify within one asset class, you are exposing yourself completely to the weak-nesses of that asset class.

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    5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Outlook

    The rich understand that true diversification comes from investing in real estate,commodities, businesses, and paper assets. They understand how each market af-fects the other. They know when to get in and when to get out. They can move their

    money from the asset classes that might be struggling at the moment to one that ispoised for huge gains.

    Application Questions

    Of my current investment portfolio, what percentage have I invested in paper assets?

    In real estate? In commodities? In business(es)? How well do I understand the strengths and weaknesses of each asset class? What

    can I do to better my understanding? What investment vehicles are producing the highest returns presently?

    Can I explain why?

    Educate YourselfThe final way to fix your financial planas well as the firstis investing in your ownfinancial education.

    The problem is that most people have not received any financial education at all in theirlives. The educational system does not teach people how to invest let alone where to in-vest. As a result, most people just hand their money over to someone who sounds like heknows what he is doing. Unfortunately, too many people pray on the naivet of individualsand sell them a bill of goods that will not take them any closer to exiting the rat race.

    People with a financial education know what to look for and what questions to ask.By listening carefully to the words people use, they are able to discern whether some-one has a poor or middle class mentality or whether he or she understands how therich think about money. They also understand that part of the education process issurrounding themselves with team members like an accountant, real estate agent, orcoach that can help them learn along the way.

    Application Questions

    What ways can I further my nancial education?

    What team members do I need to surround myself with in order to further my nancial

    education? Do these team members think like the rich? How would I benet from having my own rich dad in my life?

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    5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Outlook

    The Bottom Line

    These five ways to fixing your financial plan will pay off instantly and in the years tocome. With a solid financial plan, you will be on your way to achieving financial freedom.

    Remember to take the time to revisit and revise your financial plan on a regular basis,too. As you continue to educate yourself and gain experience from your investing, youwill find that you may be able to accomplish more or achieve your dreams sooner byadvancing your game. Consider your financial plan a living, breathing document thatwill evolve as you do too.

    Special Offer:

    Increase your 2013 Cash Flow by Working with a certied Rich Dad Coach ACT NOW and Receive 6 months of Coaching Absolutely Free!

    Discover the power of working one-on-one with your own certified Rich Dad Coach tohelp you invest smarter, build and protect your wealth, and create the cash flow youneed to live the life you desire. Remember, Roberts Rich Dad was his first coach andhelped him become successful by teaching him how to make his money work for him,whos helping you? Get your free introduction to Rich Dad Coaching and learn how aRich Dad Coach can help you do the same.

    Call 1-800-240-0434and mention extension 4782to receive your FREE introductionto Rich Dad Coaching and to get 6-months of FREE Coaching with any new program.

  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki



  • 8/12/2019 Varios Kiyosaki

    20/22 2012 Professional Education Institute2

    25 Consejos para lograr la independencia financiera

    25 Consejos para lograr la independencia financiera

    Si algo nos ense la ltima recesin econmica, es que cada uno es responsable

    de su propio bienestar financiero. Y adems, puesto que la tasa de desempleo essuperior a lo que a todos nos gustara, muchas personas llegaron a la conclusin de

    que un empleo de 9 a 17 h. en una empresa no ofrece a su futuro ms seguridad

    que invertir en un plan de jubilacin 401(k).

    Hay muchas personas que ven al mbito empresarial como el camino hacia la

    verdadera seguridad financiera. Pese a que los riesgos son muchos, tambin son

    muchas las recompensas. Por eso, si usted est pensando en dar el siguiente gran

    paso en su vida o si ya depende de s mismo, le ofrecemos 25 consejos que le

    ayudarn a mejorar sus probabilidades de xito.

    1.Haga lo que le gusta.Si usted no siente pasin por su propio negocio, quin lasentir? Sentir una gran devocin por lo que hace le ayudar durante esas largas

    noches de trabajo, y el gran esfuerzo que realice pasar rapidamente y le traer ms

    satisfaccin y gozo que cualquier trabajo de 9 a 17 h.

    2. Suee en grande.Establecer un negocio exitoso requiere un gran esfuerzo.

    Pero hay un secreto muy poco conocido: seguramente se requiera tanto tiempo y

    esfuerzo para establecer un negocio pequeo como uno grande. Permtase soar

    en grande.

    3.Aplique sus puntos fuertes.Nadie es bueno en todo, y usted ser mejor en algo

    que otras personas. Identifique sus puntos fuertes y aprovchelos.

    4. Sea persistente y exible.A menudo, si usted no hace que las cosas se hagan

    realidad, nadie lo har. Sin embargo, a veces nos concentramos demasiado ennuestra solucin y, en el proceso, nos cerramos a posibilidades y oportunidades

    mejores. Siga adelante, pero qutese la venda de los ojos.

    5. Rena al equipo correcto.Una de las decisiones empresariales ms fundamen-

    tales consiste en saber a quien permitir incorporarse a su equipo. Aunque sienta la

    tentacin de contratar a un clon de s mismo. Si sigua el Consejo N 3, sabr cules

    son sus puntos dbiles y contratar a la persona necesaria.

    6. Cultive el talento.Una vez que haya incorporado a las personas correctas, co-

    menzar el verdadero trabajo. Conozca a su gente a fondo y no solo su currculum.

    Ayude a su personal a fortalecerse. Ofrzcales los recursos, la autoridad y los me-

    dios para lograr sus objetivos exitosamente, y acte como mentor conforme a sus


    7. Genere una cultura de responsabilidad.Al principio, usted solo tendr que

    responder a s mismo. As que aprenda a asumir y mantener sus compromisos. Si

    aprende a hacerse responsable, usted podr incorporar esta caracterstica en el

    ADN de su empresa.

    8. Mantngase conectado a su producto. Si no tiene cuidado, el vacio entre usted

    y su producto aumentar a medida que la empresa crece. Haga el esfuerzo consci-

    ente de mantener su vnculo con el producto. Esto le proporcionar conocimientos

    relevantes sobre el producto y los clientes, y le ayudar a distinguir las buenas ideas

    de las malas.

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    25 Consejos para lograr la independencia financiera

    9. Sepa distinguir transformacin de transaccin.Puede tratar la relacin con los

    clientes como algo perteneciente al mbito de las transacciones (nosotros le damos

    esto y usted nos da aquello) o puede generar relaciones transformativas en las que

    usted complazca las necesidades del cliente en lugar de simplemente reaccionarante estas. Esto servir para ganarse su lealtad. Y dicho esto

    10. Sepa cundo despedir a sus clientes. No todos los clientes son iguales. A veces

    lo que se obtiene en retorno no justifica el esfuerzo que se hace para mantener con-

    tento a alguien. Aprenda a distinguir esto y mantngase dispuesto a dejar ir a esas


    11. Equivquese rpido y a menudo.Aprenda rpido de sus errores. Con frecuencia,

    esto incluye admitir que se equivoc. Pese a que admitirlo es difcil, cuanto antes lo

    haga y pase al Plan B (o al Plan C o D, llegado el caso), mas rpidamente descu-

    brir qu es lo que funciona y que no. Y hoy en dia, la rapidez es importante.

    12. No confunda perfeccionismo con estndares altos.Nadie estar ms inte-resado en su empresa que usted mismo. Querr que todo vaya bien. No permita

    que su bsqueda de algo ideal siembre confucin y no le deje ver lo que ya es

    suficiente. No saque al mercado productos que no sirven, pero tampoco retrase

    el lanzamiento de su producto por buscar eternamente un detalle ms que se le

    haya escapado.

    13. Entregue el liderazgo.No piense que toda decisin tiene que pasar por usted.

    Cuando entregue el liderazgo a personas expertas en un rea determinada, ver

    que su poder aumentar a medida que esas personas encuentren la motivacin

    para presentarle las mejores y ms brillantes ideas.

    14. La ganacia a largo plazo siempre supera a las ganancias a corto plazo.

    Cuando d los primeros pasos con su empresa, siempre lo tentar la posibilidadde aprovechar todas las situaciones que prometan un incrementorpido de dinero.

    Sin embargo, si usted hace esto a costa de la sostenibilidad de su modelo empre-

    sarial, en poco tiempo descubrir que perdi la empresa.

    15. Haga planes para todo.Planifique todo lo que har, desde su visin en los proxi-

    mos 5 aos hasta lo que har maana entre las 9 a.m. y las 10 a.m. Tener un plan

    le permitir elegir la mejor opcin entre lo que tenga planeado y lo que surja. Si

    no hay un plan, terminar reaccionando a cada cosa que le pase por delante, sin

    importar su valor.

    16.Asuma la venta.Tal vez no tenga tanta confianza en su producto como debera.

    Quizs dude si el cl iente puede costearlo. O posiblemente no quiera parecer

    agresivo. Simplemente asuma y pida la venta y luego deje de preguntar.17.Establezca su propia red. Piense en quines sern necesarios para el xito de

    su empresa y vaya en busca de esas personas. Recuerde que una red de trabajo

    debera proporcionar beneficios mutuos. Sepa lo que tendr que ofrecer a cambio.

    18. Promocinese a s mismo.Si usted no lo hace, quin lo har?

    19.Invierta en s mismo.Cuando dedica todas sus energas a su empresa, es muy

    frecuente que uno se olvide de su desarrollo personal. Pero si usted no invierte en

    s mismo, se estar aislando de las nuevas ideas, de las nuevas metodologas para

    mejorar y de las oportunidades para crecer como persona. Si comienza a estan-

    carse, su empresa tambin se estancar en poco tiempo.

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    25 Consejos para lograr la independencia financiera

    20. Convirtase en un experto.Las personas deberan pensar en usted cuando pi-

    ensen en [coloque aqu el nombre de su producto]. Identifquese como experto en

    esa rea. Utilice los medios de comunicacin sociales. Presntese como invitado

    en los programas matutinos de radio. Su pasin y conocimientos resplandecerncomo un faro, y las personas tomarn nota de lo que usted diga.

    21. Disee un lugar de trabajo para alcanzar el xito.Cuando uno disfruta de su

    lugar de trabajo, quiere pasar el tiempo ah. Cuando su medio ambiente le provoca

    estrs, siempre encuentra otra cosa que hacer o se va tan pronto como puede.

    Incluso si trabaja desde su casa, asegrese de disear un rea atrayente desde la

    que lleva a cabo su trabajo. Si logra esto, su productividad y enfoque mejorarn.

    22.Tmese un descanso.Este punto puede ser difcil de implementar, especial-

    mente cuando usted es la empresa. Pero aunque ese sea el caso, disponga de

    tiempo para desconectarse del trabajo. Esto le ayudar a volver al trabajo con la

    cabeza despejada y un enfoque renovado. Tmese un descanso aunque sea por

    un par de horas.

    23. Mantngase enfocado y no deje las cosas por terminar.Por lo general, los

    empresarios son fuentes de energa creativa. Pese a que esto suele ser til para

    evitar que las cosas queden estticas y ponerlas en marcha, tambin puede llevar

    a un cementerio de buenas intenciones y proyectos inconclusos. Enfquese en el

    proyecto ms inmediato y participe en l hasta su implementacin, o encrgue-

    selo a alguien que lo pueda hacer.

    24.Aumente sus habilidades.Ser un empresario lo obliga a cumplir varias funciones

    distintas. Pese a que no es necesario que sea un experto en todo, debe contar

    con un amplio abanico de conocimientos. Invertir en sus habilidades y aumentar-

    las lo ayudar a ser un mejor lder, a tomar decisiones ms informadas y a brindar

    respaldo a los empleados.

    25. Rompa las reglas.Ninguno de estos consejos est escrito en piedra. Si usted

    se convirti en empresario, es porque no quera que nadie le diga lo que tiene que

    hacer. Aunque cada uno de estos consejos tiene su lugar, si todos siguieran las

    reglas todo el tiempo no existiran las personas como Steve Jobs ni Robert Kiyosaki.

    Y eso es todo. Veinticinco consejos para lograr la independencia financiera. Tme-

    los e incorprelos. Decida cul es la mejor manera de aplicar cada uno de ellos en

    su bsqueda del xito empresarial. Descubrir que comenzar a comprenderlos y

    apreciarlos ms y ms con solo hacer algo muy simple: usarlos! Vayan y concreten

    grandes cosas.

    Para alcanzar el xito, contamos con un equipo de coaches de Rich Dad que le

    ayudarn a aplicar estos consejos y as convertir sus sueos en realidad. Para saber

    cmo trabajar de con un coach acreditado de Rich Dad, simplementehaga clic aqu,

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