ORACIONES SIMPLES, Y CONTI- NUAS EN PRESENTE, PASADO Y FUTURO Estudiante: Giovanny S. Marín G. Curso: 10-01 Docente: Eliana López Área: Lenguas extranjeras

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Estudiante: Giovanny S. Marín G.Curso: 10-01

Docente: Eliana López Área: Lenguas extranjeras

Oración presente simple y continuo

SIMPLE• The plane leaves from the airport at 8 o’clock.• I drive to work every morning.• He works in the third floor.• You always come to class late. • He lives in Boston.• I understand everything in the book. • She wants to visit London. • He plays in the park every afternoon. • I go to class twice a week. • He does a lot favors to Kelly.

CONTINUO• I am returning to my country when the semester ends. • You are leaving for Rome next week. • I am going to visit my brother next week. • My mother is leaving for France next month. • My husband is coming in a bus which arrives at six

o’clock. • We are going to California next weekend. • My friends are coming tonight.• They are sailing for Miami next week. • My lawyer is arriving on American Airlines Flight 301

tomorrow.• He is coming only to talk with you.

Oración pasado simple y continuoSIMPLE

• Happened to all the test questions.• She sold all her toys.• I bought many games. • He was in France.• He played all night.• She had to go to his cousin.• We went to where some friends.• She cleaned her house.• I broke the window.• He lost the keys.

CONTINUO• He was sleeping. • She was cleaning the room. • She was looking for the book which she lost. • He was taking a bath. • I was fixing the machine. • We were planning a party. • They were eating in the restaurant on the corner. • She was traveling to Europe. • I was having my dance lesson. • He was watching his favorite television program.

Oraciones en futuro y presente perfecto

SIMPLE• She will do the work of two people. • The dog will chase the cat all around the house.• Mr. Green will work with my uncle. • They will play tennis next Sunday. • He will study for his English class. • We will eat together tomorrow. • She will attend church next Saturday. • I will speak several foreign languages. • She will eat in the cafeteria today. • She will go there twice a week.

PERFECTO• I have gone• You have gone • I have worked • You have worked • He has worked • She has worked • It has worked • We have worked • You have worked • They have worked