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What is Phobia?Definition: From the Greek word Phobos meaning fear Is a type of anxiety disorder Defined as a exxagerated fear of an object or situation or even an animal Begin in childhood or adolescenceA persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it. A phobia is an irrational or excessive fear of an object, situation or activity.

PHOBIA FACTS / STATSPhobias afflict more than 6 million people in the United States.Women tend to be twice as likely to suffer from phobia as compared to men.The average age of onset for social phobia is between 15 and 20 years of age, although it can often begin in childhood.Many people are suffering from different kinds of phobias in Pakistan.Approximately 4 to 5 percent of the U.S. population has one or more clinically significant phobias in a given year.

Social PhobiaClaustrophobiaAcrophobiaCoulrophobiaBlood PhobiaAqua phobiaZoophobiaAerophobiaAgoraphobiaCatoptrophbia

Types Of Phobias


Social phobia is an excessive fear of embarrassment in social situations that is extremely disturbing and can have devastating effects on personal and professional relationships.

Social Phobia

BlushingSweatingTrembling Rapid heartbeat Muscle tensionNausea or other stomach discomfortLightheadednessOther symptoms of anxiety

The symptoms and signs of social phobias include

Claustrophobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of closed spaces, as in elevators, tunnels, or any other confined space.

This type of fear is very excessive and quite common among people.


Claustrophobia is typically thought to have two key symptoms: fear of restriction fear ofsuffocation.


Acrophobia is an abnormally excessive and persistent fear of heights.

Sufferers experience severe anxiety even though they usually realize that, as a rule, heights pose no real threat to them.



Acrophobia sufferers can experience apanic attackin a high place and become too agitated to get themselves down safely. Between 2 and 5 percent of the general population suffer from acrophobia, with twice as many women affected as men.

Coulrophobia is an abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well.Dr. Penny Curtis, a researcher, stated "We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found the clown images to be quite frightening and unknowable.


Blood phobia consist of several specific phobias including Fear of bloodInjury phobiaFear of receiving an injection

Blood-Injection-Injury Phobias

Aqua Phobia

Aqua phobiais a persistent and abnormal fear of water.

Aqua phobia is aspecific phobia that involves a level of fear that is beyond the patient's control or that may interfere with daily life.

People suffer aqua phobia in many ways and may experience it even though they realize the water in an ocean, a river, or even a bathtub poses no imminent threat.


They may avoid such activities as boating and swimming, or they may avoid swimming in the deep ocean despite having mastered basic swimming skills.


Zoophobia is a term that encompasses fears of specific types of animals such as,

Spiders (Arachnophobia)

Snakes (Ophidiophobia)

Birds (Ornithophobia)

Bees (Apiphobia).

An abnormal and persistent fear of flying is called aerophobia. This phobia generally develops after a person witnesses a plane crash or loses a family member in a plane crash or accident.


Agoraphobia is a fear of being outside or otherwise being in a situation from which one either cannot escape or from which escaping would be difficult or humiliating. Although agoraphobia is caused by a number of factors, some time it has genetic effect too.


Catoptrophbia (also known as Eisoptrophobia) is a special kind of fear in which people start to fear looking into mirrors. They are afraid of looking straight eye to eye in large mirrors.



The people suffering from Catoptrophbia avoid passing in front of mirrorsThey also avoid looking at themselves in mirrors, many times because of an extremely low self esteem level.

Why am I so afraid of myself? They make me feel watched and followed. I also never liked the idea of me looking into my own eyes. It is creepy! MIRRORS ARE THE WORST THINGS EVER.

Symptoms of phobias often involve:Having a panic attack -- in that they include feelings of panic, dread, or terror, despite recognition that those feelings are excessive in relationship to any real danger.As well as physical symptoms like shakingsweatingrapid heartbeattrouble breathingAnd an overwhelming desire to escape the situation that is causing the phobic reaction.Signs and Symptoms of Phobias

It causes intense and disabling fear, anxiety, and panic.

You recognize that your fear is excessive and unreasonable.

You avoid certain situations and places because of your phobia.

Your avoidance interferes with your normal routine or causes significant distress.Causes of Phobia

Helping those who suffer from phobias by supportively and gradually exposing them to circumstances that are increasingly close to the one they are phobic about (desensitization) is one way phobias are treated.

How Are Phobias Treated?

Treatment can include medication or psychotherapy, but in the long run, psychotherapy has shown more consistent results.A second method is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which has been found to significantly decrease phobic symptoms by helping the phobia sufferer change his or her way of thinking. CBT uses different techniques to accomplish this goal:

Treatment of Phobia

Didactic componentThis phase helps to set up positive expectations for therapy and promote the phobia sufferer's cooperation.

Cognitive component: It helps to identify the thoughts and assumptions that influence the person's behavior, particularly those that may predispose him or her to being phobic.

Technique of cognitive behavioral therapy

If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions, eating and sleeping disorders, you should visit Psychiatrist.

When relationships and work is affected because awareness of oneself and surroundings is defective.

When behavior is bizarre or uncontrollable.

When treatment fails.

When You Should Visit Psychiatrist?

When distress is triggered by an external event like loss or trauma, or is caused by another persons behavior.

And ultimately to lead a happy life.
