+ Call Of Duty : Black Ops Donkey Kong Joshua Rafferty

Presentation Joshua R

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Call Of Duty : Black OpsDonkey KongJoshua Rafferty

Page 2: Presentation Joshua R

+Call Of Duty

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The genre of this game is an FPS (First Person Shooter). Most triple A titles out there utilize this genre.

-This is because they have straight forward gameplay and have grown massive fan bases over the years.

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The plot of the game is based upon the cold war of the late 1960’s and early 70’s.

Through out the game you are constantly jumping in and out different points of time during the main characters interrogation.

The storyline is non-linear. Its inspired by the experiences of Veterans from

both the US and Russia to radically improve on AI and also bring a more immersive experience with the cold war.

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+Production Process

The game was designed by a large studio; Treyarch and published by Activision.

The team consisted of about of animators and designers to create levels and the AI but used motion capture for characters similar to the film Avatar.

The engine was a modified World At War engine and ran at 20 – 30 frames on consoles and ran 60+ on PC.

It also had streaming feature technology. Developing the game was hard because of it being

complex, 3D and required a lot of coding.

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A wide range of characters are featured through out the game but the main ones are: Alex Mason – Lead character who is interrogated through

out the entire game. Frank Woods – Supporting character who is by Masons side

at all times Joseph Bowman – Another supporting character who, again,

is at the others sides at all times.

They all use clear, sharp, photo-realistic graphics and rendering to provide a more visual look on both their appearance and nature.

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Progressing through the game is simple; shoot and run. The game sometimes offers a different objective. The player uses a controller to play the game.

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+Target Audience

The target audience of the game are 20+ year olds because of the game content containing blood and gore.

The gender is mainly aimed at males but females can also aimed at too.

The socio-economic grouping is aimed at E

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The game is on all seventh generation consoles. This is an easy way to boost sales of the game. It is also because of Call Of Duty being a universally

loved game.

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+Donkey Kong

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It is a early example of a 2D platform, action-adventure game.

This was because of it being early on in the games industry.

This is because of it focusing on moving left and right and jumping barrels and other obstacles to reach the top.

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A giant ape called Donkey Kong has kidnapped a damsel in distress named Pauline.

Mario then must rescue his girlfriend by scaling the structure Donkey Kong has climbed.

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+Production Process

It was produced and published by Nintendo, a games company.

It was directed by Shigeru Miyamoto. It was designed by three designers; Shigeru Miyamoto,

Yoshiaki Koizumi and Gregg Mayles. Developing the game was simple, it only consisted of

simple coding and design elements because of it being a 2D, pixelated game.

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Mario: Originally named Mr. Video then Jumpman, he is the main protagonist.

Donkey Kong: The de facto villain, he resides at the top throwing barrels down to stop Mario.

Pauline: Originally named as Lady, she is Mario’s girlfriend in which the player must rescue.

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The gameplay consists of climbing a structure to reach the top and rescue Pauline.

Donkey Kong throws barrels a lot of the time and fire balls are hurled down.

After reaching the top, the player goes up a level and the layout is different.

The player uses a joystick and a button to move and jump.

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+Target Audience

It is aimed at 10 to 20 year olds because of it being an 80’s game.

The gender is mainly males because it was at a time where video games weren’t looked at as normal.

The socio-economic grouping is E because of it being a game created when games were first being produced.

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Donkey Kong was released on the Radar Scope and later packaged as part of the arcade titles on the game Super Smash Bro’s for Wii U.

Because of this, it limits sales but keeps the exclusivity with Nintendo platforms.

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Donkey Kong and Call Of Duty are completely different; one being platform while the other is a FPS.

The gameplays are also different; one having to kill then progress while the other has to scale the structure and jump. Also the plots are dissimilar,

The socio-economic groups are similar but for different reasons. The target audiences although are different.

The platforms they were released on are different, Donkey Kong on first generation and Call Of Duty on the seventh generation.