Kindergarten - Lesson Plan 3


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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co – tutoras: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – First Period

I.F.D.C. Lenguas Vivas

Taller de Práctica Docente

ALUMNA PRACTICANTE: Myriam Beatriz Tielve

Período de Practica: Primero – Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Instituto Juana de Ibarbourou

Dirección: Avenida Gral. Rojo 4415 – Gregorio de Laferrere – Buenos Aires

Sala/ Grado/ Año – Sección: Sala de 5 – Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel Lingüistico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Nos identificamos

Clase N°: 3

Fecha: 11/05/2015

Hora: 10:50 – 11:20

Duración de la clase: 30´

Fecha de la primera entrega: 6/05/2015

Teaching Points: Items of clothes (t-shirt/ skirt/ shoes/ tie/ necklace)


During this lesson, learners will be able to…

Identify and name different items of clothes for boys and girls. Identify and follow simple commands while getting organized to work.

Interact with the teacher and peers while listening to a story. Understand and follow instructions to work on their books.

Language focus:


Hello! Goodbye!

The imperativeSit down! Stand up!

ColoursRed, pink, blue, black

PeopleBoy, girl

Phrasal VerbsPut on; take off.

-Greeting other people.

-Giving commands and instructions.

-Identifying and naming colours.

-Naming kids.

-Wh questions in the simple present

-How are you today? I´m fine.

-What colour are the boy´s pants? They are…

-What´s the boy´s/girl´s name? It´s…

-Polite requests

-Let´s sit down…

-Let´s put on/ take off

Recognition and use of the sounds of |ɜː| Girl

|ɔɪ| Boy

NEW -ClothesT-shirt; skirt; shoes; tie; necklace.

-Identifying and naming clothes.

-Yes/no questions

-Are these shoes or ties? They are…- Is it a t-shirt or a skirt? It´s a…

Wh- Questions?

How do you say this in English?

Recognition and use of the sounds

|ɜː| Skirt


Teaching approach: Natural approach and Total Physical Response method. In this lesson a final task is included.

Integrating skills: Listening and speaking will be integrated as the students will listen to a story accompanied by background sounds.

Materials and resources: A computer, a video, flaschcards, crayons and the book provided by the institution. It is not a commercial book, they are different photocopies taken from different commercial books. I cannot name the source as the teacher does not know where the copies have been taken from.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson I will use my computer and my speakers in the warm-up period as the institution provides me neither with a projector nor a television all the times I ask for them. There is only one television and other teachers need it on that day.I will also use the computer to play an mp3 file with some sounds which I will use to create suspense and the right atmosphere to tell the story to the students.

Seating arrangement: In a semicircle on a carpet to facilitate eye contact and interaction with the teacher and peers. During the lesson students will be invited to stand up and sing a song (warm up period). Later the students will sit in groups of five at different tables. The teacher usually lets them choose their own seat and table so I will do the same.

Cooperative work: As learners at this age are in a social play stage, they will play together but following the teacher´s instructions. As I have observed in previous lessons, students like interacting among them when they are working at their tables. Therefore, I will go round the room encouraging them to use the target language and prompting any word or chunk they do not remember.

Possible problems / difficulties and their solutions during the class: Children may get bored and misbehave if an activity lasts longer than it is expected. In this case I will stop it for a while and encourage them to change their seating arrangement or sing a song in order to follow with the next stage of the lesson. Another possible problem will be the use of Spanish while they are working in their books. I will encourage them to repeat and produce the same words or chunks in English.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Although this is the third class, students are not used to being given instructions and using the target

language during the lesson so probably it will demand my use of more gestures, repetition and modelling to help their understanding. It is also possible that they have problems with the pronunciation of the words “girl, t-shirt and skirt” so I will highlight the correct vowel sound when I pronounce these words. If it is possible I will ask the students to repeat these words after me.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I will assess students´ comprehension while performing the activities and give them encouraging and positive feedback. I will encourage them to repeat and produce chunks instead of isolated words. At the time of working in groups, I will go round the classroom prompting new words or chunks and giving positive and encouraging feedback on their productions.

Routine: 3´

Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson

I will get into the classroom and pick up the box with their books on my desk to create suspense and anticipate what will be the final task in this lesson.

Then I will greet students: “Hello!” (waving my hand at the same time) EA: “Hello!”: Then I will ask the students “How are you today?” and with my thumbs up I will say “I´m fine!” EA: I´m fine (as it is the third class with the same routine).

Then I will encourage students to sing the Greeting Song:

This is the way I say Hello!

Say Hello! Say Hello!

This is the way I say Hello to you, and you, and you!

Source : Adapted from

After the song I will encourage students to sing and follow my movements so as to organize them to start working.

T: Great, kids! Let´s sing the song to organize ourselves and start working. I will be the model in the song:

This is the way I clap my hands, clap my hands, clap my hands;

this is the way I clap my hands, in the English class!

This is the way I say shh! Say shh! Say shh!

this is the way I say shh! In my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

Transition: Well done, kids! Now let´s see what you remember from the last lesson!

Warm up: 5´

Purpose: to revisit vocabulary and structures presented in the previous lesson.

T: Last class we played “the teacher says”, do you remember it? (pointing with my thumb up) EA: Yes! If students can´t produce the correct answer I will go on like this:

T: No problem! Let´s play the game again! (I will model the actions first and then I will encourage the students to play). I will act as a prompter so that they can imitate my movements.

The teacher says: “Put on your pants. One leg to the right, one leg to the left”

The teacher says: “Jump into your pants”

The teacher says: “Take your pants off”

The teacher says: “Put on your jumper. One arm to the left, one arm to the right”

The teacher says: “Jump into you jumper”

The teacher says: “Take you jumper off”

T: Well done, kids! Let´s sing the song with the video

(I will play the video and sing the song with them only once not to be short of time and not to let them get bored):

Put on your clothes

Every morning I wake up, I take off my pyjamas.

Then I found my favourite pants,

one leg to the right, one leg to the left.

Jump into my pants all right!

Then I have a look around, to see where my red jumper is.

One arm to the right, one arm to the left.

Ready for the day so bright!

Put, put, put on your clothes; right after you wake up!

Put, put, put on your clothes; straight after you take a bath!

Put, put, put on your clothes; where you are going to step aside!

Put, put, put on your clothes; just before you jump in bed!

If there is any problem with the electricity or the computer I will perform the song as a chant clapping with my hands and encouraging the students to follow me.

Transition: Excellent, kids! Let´s sit down and listen to a nice story!

I will sing this song to help them sit down and keep in silence!

This is the way I say sit down! Say sit down! Say sit down!

this is the way I say sit down! In my English class!

This is the way I say Sh! Say Sh! Say Sh!

This is the way I say Sh! In my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

I will arrange the students in a semi-circle on the floor to foster eye contact and interaction among them and the teacher.

Presentation : 10´

Purpose: to present new items of clothes for boys and girls in a context of a story.

T: Ok, kids! Let´s listen to a story of a girl and a boy! Are you ready? EA: Yes! Or only thumbs up!

T: Great! (I will play background sounds of people snoring on my computer)

Once upon a time there was a boy, called Jack, and a girl, called Pam who were sleeping in their beds. Pam was smiling happily. (At this point I will stop the story and encourage the students to smile imitating my gestures) Yes, kids! Pam was smiling! But Jack was not smiling, he was snoring! Listen! Jack was snoring loudly! Can you snore kids! EA: the students will start snoring.

T: Well done, kids! Jack snored and you snored as well! Let´s go on! At that moment something happened! (I will play the sound of an alarm ringing in my computer) Wow! Listen! The alarm is ringing! Can you listen to the alarm? EA: Yes!

T: Well done, kids! The alarm was ringing! At that moment Jack and Mary´s mum appeared and told them: “Wake up and put on your clothes, kids!” “Wake up and put on your clothes, kids!” (I will change my voice imitating a mother). How does the mother say?

EA: “Wake up and put on your clothes, kids!” (I´ll repeat twice with them).

T: Then Jack and Mary woke up and looked for their clothes in the wardrobe! Jack put on a t- shirt, a tie, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes! Ok, kids! What colour is Jack´s t-shirt? EA: blue! T: Yes! It´s a blue t-shirt! (I will go on in the same way with the other items of clothes).

T: “Then Mary put on a pink t-shirt, a red skirt, black shoes and a necklace! Well done, Mary!” I will encourage the students to repeat after me. “Mary put on a pink…”

T: Later Jack´s and Mary´s mother appeared again. Mum said: Jack and Mary, are you ready? Yes, mum I am. (imitating Jack´s voice) Yes, mum I am. (imitating Mary´s voice) Come on kids! How does mum say? EA: Jack and Mary, are you ready? I will use the same procedure with Jack and Mary´s answers changing my voice.

T: Then Mum´s said: Jack , Mary, it´s sunny today! Let´s go to the park now!! And then Jack, Mary and their mum went to the park to enjoy the sunny day!

I do not know how much the children will interact with me and if they will not misbehave during the story. However, if I have the possibility I would like to change the story and put some wrong items of clothes to Jack and Mary to elicit the new vocabulary from the students.

While telling the story I will use the following sequence of flashcards that I will stick on the board (I will colour the pictures):

I will add to this image the picture of the girl.

I will use at the end of the story the flashcards of the “sun and the park” that I used in lesson number one.

Transition: Nice story! Did you like it kids! Time to work in our books!

I will sing the following song to organize them at their tables!

This is the way I sit at the table! Sit at the table! Sit at the table!

This is the way I sit at the table! In my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

Sit down, please!

Development: 10´

Purpose : to identify items of clothes for boys and girls while colouring them in different colours.

Dictation : I will follow the same procedure as their teacher always does to hand in the books. I will choose two helpers at random who will help me to distribute the books and some crayons (blue, black, red and pink- these are the colours the teacher wants the students to paint the items of clothes). Then I will proceed like this:

T: Ok, kids! Open your books on this page, please! (pointing to the poster) Open your books on this page, please!

I will draw a poster on white paper identical to the one the students have on the page in their books. I will hold it up so all of them can see the poster while I give them the instructions:

T: “Look here, please!” (Pointing to the boy) “This is Jack! Is Jack a boy or a girl?” EA: A boy!

T: “Well, done kids! Now, how do you say this in English? (pointing to the t-shirt with the ball) EA: A t-shirt! If the expected answer is not given I will follow like this: “Is it a t-shirt or a tie? EA: A t-shirt!

T: Well done, kids! It´s a t-shirt! Jack´s t- shirt is blue! Pick up a blue crayon and paint Jack´s t-shirt blue! I will go round the tables to check understanding and repeating the instruction to make sure the students are painting it blue.

Then I will follow with the other items of clothes with the same procedure. I do not expect to finish with this dictation in this lesson so I will prepare another presentation for the next lesson to finish with the task on this page.¨

Transition: Well done, kids! (Looking at the clock on the wall) I´m sorry, but time is up!

Closure: 5

Purpose: to put all the material and the books in the right place and greet students goodbye.

T: Time flew away! Let´s put the crayons and books in the box and we will go on in the next lesson! While helping students to put the things in order I will sing this song:

“This is the way I tidy my room! Tidy my room! Tidy my room!

This is the way I tidy my room! In my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

Well done, kids! Goodbye! See you next class! EA: Goodbye!