Tpd restivo- lesson plan 4


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Alumno Residente: Restivo Gisela

Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario.

Institución: Colegio Salesiano Deán Funes

Dirección: Don Bosco 350- Comodoro Rivadavia

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4to año

Cantidad de alumnos: 25

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Pre Intermediate

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Haciendo planes y predicciones!

Clase Nº: 4

Fecha: 19 de Septiembre

Hora: 10.30 a 11.10 hs.

Duración de la clase: 40 minutos

Teaching points: Future tense

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Review vocabulary of food.

Make instant decisions.

Develop their reading skills by reading dialogues

Develop their speaking and listening skills by acting some dialogues out.

Language focus:




fruit, chicken,










I am going to


Julio and Carmen

are coming...

/ˈɡəʊ ɪŋ/

NEW Pineapple,


Making instant


I will help you.

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the communicative approach.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: There is no use of ICT. Materials: 25 photocopies of the activity of the dialogue, 25 photocopies worksheet 1, 13 sheets of paper with different situations Seating arrangement: During the first part, students will work individually. Then, they will be asked to work in pairs. Cooperative work: Students will work in pairs nearly the whole class. They will cooperate with each other to complete the dialogues and then act them out. Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may be reluctant to act the dialogues out. I will insist on the importance of using L2 and also having fun while learning. In addition, I will name first those students who I know are not so shy, so that they break the ice. Potential problems students may have with the language: I do not think there might be problems with language. Both structures were introduced previously, now they are shown a new use of the structure “will”. Assessment: what will be assessed and how: During the lesson, I will pay attention to students ‘participation and their performance in class. I will also pay attention to their pronunciation when they read the dialogues, and I will focus on the correct use of the target structures.

Routine: (5min)

I will walk into the class and say: Hello. How are you today? After students greet me, I will ask if

they could finish their productions (writing) at home and if they have any doubts to revise before

handing the assignment in. If there are no doubts, I will collect all the worksheets and take them

home in order to correct them. On the contrary, if there are some students who need help, I will

provide it and if it is necessary, I will ask them to revise the production and hand it in next class.

Warm up: (5 min)

I will make three columns on the blackboard as it follows:


Then, I will show them some cards with words and ask them if it is meat, fruit or vegetable. I will

say: Chicken (while showing the word) “is it meat, fruit or vegetable?” EA: I expect students to say

“meat”. So, I will say: Good. Chicken is a kind of meat. Come here, Emiliano. Stick the word under

the correct column. I will repeat the action with rest of the words. The words will be:



Then, I will ask: “Do vegetarian people eat meat?” EA: no. T: Of course not, they only eat

vegetables. Then, I will add: Do you know vegetarian people? At this stage I expect students to

share their ideas, whether they know someone and who that person is.

Presentation (9min)

In order to present the target structure and lexis, I will give them a photocopy of the following

dialogue and I will say: Mike and Lisa are going to invite some friends. Let´s see what happens.

To read the dialogue, I will invite a student to play the role of Mike and I will be Lisa.


M: I am going to invite Carmen and Julio to eat at home next Saturday.

L: The Argentineans? Great plan!

M: Yes! I am going to cook for you and for them.

L: Really? I can´t believe it! What are you going to cook?

M: We are going to start with salads.

L: Good. I´ll help you. I´ll make tomatoes salad and fruit salad for dessert.

M: Perfect! So, I´ll buy bananas and strawberries.

L: Delicious!!! But... wait! Aren´t Carmen and Julio vegetarians?

M: Oh no! You are right. I´ll make a vegetable soup instead!

Extracted and adapted from Language to go- Pre intermediate- Longman.

After we have finished reading, I will call students´ attention to the underlined phrases. I will write

them on the blackboard “I am going to invite Carmen and Julio next Saturday” and “Good. I´ll help


After that, I will say: Can you see the difference between both sentences? I expect students to say

something related to the grammar of the sentence, so I will add: Good. Both of them have

different structures. I will follow: We use “will” for instant decisions and “going to” for intentions

and decisions made before the moment of speaking” T: Do you understand? EA: Yes. T: So, now,

let´s go to the dialogue again. You will have to underline in the dialogue all the examples of instant


After some minutes, I will elicit their findings and I will write them down on the blackboard. As

they say them, I will use phrases such as: well done, good or perfect.

Then, I will challenge them to find sentences that express intentions or decisions made before the

moment of speaking. I expect students to say phrases such as: “we are going to start with salads”

or “what are you going to cook?” As students read their findings, I will write them on the

blackboard. In addition, after each sentence is read, I will comment something about it. For

example if students say: “we are going to start with salads”, I will say: “good. He has decided to

prepare salads before he says it.

After all the sentences have been said, I will make sure they can see the difference. I will repeat:

So, can you see the difference? We use “will” when we deicide at the moment of speaking”(by

pointing to the sentences with “will”). I expect students to say whether they understand or not.

Transition: Good work boys! Now you are going to work in pairs.

Practice: (11 min)

In order to practise the use of “will” for instant decisions and the use of “going to” for intentions, I

will give students the following worksheet. I will explain: Now, I am going to give you some

dialogues. You have to complete them using the correct form of the verb.

As they are working, I will go through the desks providing help if necessary. I will use a tick for

correct dialogues and I will use a cross when dialogues are wrong. I will encourage them to revise

their mistakes.

Instant or planned decision?

Complete the dialogues with the appropriate form of the verbs.

1- Mike: Lisa, (wear) for the dinner?

Lisa: I...................................... (wear) my white dress.

Mike: A dress? It is an informal dinner, Lisa!

Lisa: Ok Mike. I............................(wear) my new jeans instead.

2- Mike: Carmen and Julio............................... (come) for dinner next Saturday night

John: Really? I haven´t seen them for a long time. I......................................( go), too! I

......................(take ) ice cream for the dessert.

3- Lisa: Mary this evening?

Mike: Yes! I...................................................(visit) her around 6 o´clock.

Lisa: Great! So, if you go, I..................................., (go), too.

4- Lisa: Carmen for her birthday?

Julio: As she loves flowers, I....................................(buy) some red roses.

Lisa: Good idea! So, I...............................(choose) a pretty vase for her.



1- Mike: Lisa, What are you going to wear (wear) for the dinner?

Lisa: I am going to wear (wear) my white dress.

Mike: A dress? It is an informal dinner, Lisa!

Lisa: Ok Mike. I´ll wear (wear) my new jeans instead.

2- Mike: Carmen and Julio are going to come (come) for dinner next Saturday night

John: Really? I haven´t seen them for a long time. I´ll go ( go), too! I ´ll take (take) ice

cream for the dessert.

3- Lisa: Are you going to visit (visit) Mary this evening?

Mike: Yes! I am going to visit (visit) her around 6 o´clock.

Lisa: Great! So, if you go, I´ll go (go), too.

4- Lisa: What are you going to buy (buy) Carmen for her birthday?

Julio: As she loves flowers, I am going to buy (buy) some red roses.

Lisa: Good idea! So, I´ll choose (choose) a pretty vase for her.

After students have finished and in order to check their productions in an engaging way, I will say:

Now, we are going to act! So, who is so brave to come here and act the first dialogue? I will insist

on the idea of coming to the front and acting the dialogues. However, if there is no one who

wants, I will ask students to say two numbers from 1 to 26 and I will look for those numbers in my

class list. The students who are named have to go to the front. If they are still reluctant, I will allow

them to read from where they are sitting.

At this stage, I will check the correct use of grammar and pronunciation. I will also encourage the

rest of the class to check their worksheets. I will repeat the same with the following dialogues.

Transition: Fantastic! You are as actors from Hollywood!

Activity 2: (5min)

In order to go on practising, I will give each pair of students a situation and they will have to think

on an instant decision using the target structure. I will explain: Now, I will give you a situation, and

you will have to create a short dialogue. For example, if I say: It is cold in this room. What will you

decide to do? I expect students to say: I will close the window or I will give you my jacket. T: Good.

Here you have the situations. I will give them a sheet of paper, with different situations. They will

only have a few minutes. As they are making dialogues, I will walk through the desks monitoring

their productions and providing my help if necessary.

Then, in order to check, I will call different groups to role play.

The situations will be:

It is hot in this classroom.

I have no money and I need to take some photocopies

I am going to the cinema tonight.

My bag is too heavy.

I do not understand my math homework.

Closure (6 min)

In order to wrap up the lesson, I will invite students to play a game.

I will divide the class in two groups by tracing an imaginary line. One half of the class will be part of

the red group and the other half will be the blue group. I will explain: “Each group will have only

10 seconds to discover mistakes of the sentence I write. T: “ Group red starts. What is the mistake

in this sentence?”

I will write a wrong sentence on the blackboard and give each group just 10 seconds to discover

the mistake and provide the correct sentence. If they do it correctly, I will give them a point. Then,

it will be the turn of the other group.

The sentences will be:

That looks heavy. I help you

I´ll play at the music festival this weekend.

I meet Ann next Sunday.

I´ll start Piano lessons next Monday.

This t- shirt really suits me. I am going to take it.

Next year, I travel more than this year.

I won´t go to the concert. It is my mother´s birthday

You look really bad. Take this medicine. You feel better soon.

Expected answers:

That looks heavy. I´ll help you

I am going to play at the music festival this weekend

I am going to meet/ am meeting Ann next Sunday.

I am going to start Piano lessons next year.

This t- shirt really suits me. I ´ll take it.

Next year, I am going to travel more than this year.

I am not going to go to the concert. It is my mother´s birthday

You look really bad. Take this medicine. You´ll feel better soon.

Transition: And the winner is.... Good boys! See you next class!

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard 1

Visual organization x

Learning aims x

Variety of resources – Learning styles


Stages and activities x

Teaching strategies x

Class. management strategies


Language accuracy x

Observations Score: __20__ /35 = 6 Dear Gisela, You have improved several aspects of the lesson plan. Including a game at the end of the lesson is a nice idea. Well done! Pay attention to the expected answers – you want students to focus on will and going to, right? If you want them to work with Present Continuous as well, you might have to change the presentation stage. Be coherent and consistent. Do encourage students to use L2. Get ready to explain the difference in use of both structures, and try to provide as meaningful examples as possible. Have a nice lesson! Your tutors