BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim

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Page 1: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim




Page 2: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim


This was a special year for the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao following the celebrations and events in 2007 that marked the museum’s tenth anniversary.

Our art program successfully combined presentations from the Guggenheim collection with special exhibitions, such

as the retrospectives devoted to Juan Muñoz and Cy Twombly, both in collaboration with the Tate Modern, London; Surreal Things, an extraordinary overview of the influence of Surrealism on various aspects of design, developed in collaboration with the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; and All the Histories of Art: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, a journey through some of the most important holdings of this museum, a strategic ally of the Guggenheim network. Such different shows not only enriched the experience of our audiences, but also proved the versatility of the museum spaces to adapt and become the best context for each new exhibition. During this period, the Bilbao Collection grew to more than 100 works with the most recent acquisitions of 12 pieces by contemporary Basque artists.

Our attendance once again neared our standing goal of attracting one million visitors annually. Many benefited from the 50 educational programs offered at the museum. Our daily operations received the crucial support of our corporate and individual members, whose commitment and engagement means a great deal to the museum.

This year saw the conclusion of our Strategic Plan 2005–08. As part of a strategic initiative, we embarked on the process of revisiting the mission statement, vision, new guidelines, and objectives to be met in the upcoming years with a view to maintain a leading position among European institutions in museum experience and managerial excellence. The new Strategic Plan 2009–12 and its more far-reaching vision for 2020 were approved in December 2008 by the board of trustees.

We thus regard the balance of the past year in a very positive light, although there are clouds on the horizon, which would be imprudent not to acknowledge. The data from the last quarter confirms the current global crisis, and this is likely to become more acute as time moves on. As a result, we have to be able to achieve a delicate balance, so that the necessary caution that must govern our operations does not drain the energy required to face the new challenges that await us.

Juan Ignacio Vidarte Director General, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Chief Officer for Global Strategies, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation



Page 3: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim





Installations: Selections from the Guggenheim CollectionsApril 29, 2008–February 8, 2009Curated by Nat Trotman, Assistant Curator, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Borderline May 20–October 5, 2008Curated by Carmen Giménez, Curator of 20th-Century Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

Learning Through Art 2008June 17–August 24, 2008Sponsored by BBK

Laboratories. Insights into thePermanent Collection: Miquel NavarroSeptember 16, 2008–January 11, 2009

temporary exhibitions

Surreal Things February 29–September 7, 2008Curated by Ghislaine Wood, Member of the Research Department of the Victoria and Albert Museum

Sponsored by BBVA

Exhibition organized by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and co-produced by the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Juan Muñoz: A RetrospectiveMay 27–October 5, 2008Curated by Sheena Wagstaff, Chief Curator, Tate Modern, London

Exhibition organized by Tate Modern, London, in association with the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

All the histories of Art: Kunsthistorisches Museum of ViennaOctober 3, 2008–January 18, 2009Curated by Carmen Giménez, Curator of 20th-Century Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and Francisco Calvo Serraller

Sponsored by Iberdrola

Cy Twombly October 28, 2008–February 15, 2009Curated by Carmen Giménez, Curator of 20th-Century Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

opposite, from top Salvador Dalí and Edward James, White Aphrodisiac Telephone, 1938. Telephone with synthetic material, 18 x 30.5 x 12.5 cm. The Trustees of The Edward James Foundation; Cy Twombly, Untitled, New York, 1959. Wood, plastic leaf, plaster, red pigment, and house paint, 71 x 34 x 39.5 cm. Collection of the artist; Giorgio de Chirico, Costume for a Male Guest, 1929. Painted cotton, 158 cm high; Giorgio de Chirico, Costume for a Sylph, 1929. Silk and cotton, with a metal frame, 103 cm high; Giorgio de Chirico, Costume for a Male Guest (a General), 1929. Wool, cotton and silk, 144 cm high; Giorgio de Chirico, Costume for a Male Guest, 1929. Painted wool and cotton, with braid, 147 cm high above David Altmejd, The University 2, 2004. Wood, paint, plaster, resin, mirrored glass, plexiglass, wire, glue, plastic, cloth, synthetic hair, jewelry, glitter, minerals, paper, beads, synthetic flowers, electricity, and light bulbs, 271.8 x 546.1 x 640.1 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members: Ruth Baum, Edythe Broad, Elaine Terner Cooper, Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Harry David, Gail Mary Engelberg, Shirley Fiterman, Nicki Harris, Dakis Joannou, Rachel Lehmann, Linda Macklowe, Peter Norton, Tonino Pernam Elizabeth Richebourg Rea, Mortimer D. A. Sackler, Simonetta Seragnoli, David Teiger, Ginny Williams, and Elliot K. Wolk and Sustaining Members: Tiqui Atencio, Linda Fischbach, Beatrice Habermann, Miryam Knutson, and Cargill and Donna MacMillan, with additional funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council 2004.126

Page 4: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim


Matthew Ritchie, The Hierarchy Problem, 2003 (detail). Multi-part installation comprising acrylic wall drawing, rubber, and Tyvek carpet, photographic light box, and oil and marker painting, dimensions variable. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members: Ruth Baum, Edythe Broad, Elaine Terner Cooper, Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Harry David, Gail May Engelberg, Shirley Fiterman, Nicki Harris, Dakis Joannou, Rachel Lehmann, Linda Macklowe, Peter Norton, Tonino Perna, Elizabeth Richebourg Rea, Mortimer D. A. Sackler, Simonetta Seragnoli, David Teiger, Ginny Williams, and Elliot K. Wolk, and Sustaining Members: Tiqui Atencio, Linda Fischbach, Beatrice Habermann, Miryam Knutson, and Cargill and Donna MacMillan 2004.75

Page 5: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim





Cosas del SurrealismoExh. cat. Edited by Ghislaine Wood with texts by Dilys Blum, Krzysztof Fijalkowski, Paul Greenhalgh, Alexander Klar, Sharon-Michi Kusunoki, Ulrich Lehmann, Alyce Mahon, Pierre-Emmanuel Martin-Vivier, Jennifer Mundy, Georges Roque, Thimo Te Duits, and Wood. Edited by Ghislaine Wood. 364 pages with 383 illustrations.

Cy TwomblyExh. cat. Edited by Carmen Giménez with texts by Giménez, Francisco Calvo Serraller, and Nicholas Serota, and conversation with Cy Twombly by David Sylvester. 265 pages, 112 illustrations.

Juan Muñoz: RetrospectivaExh. cat. Edited by Sheena Wagstaff with texts by John Berger, Gavin Bryars, Alberto Iglesias, Manuela Mena, Juan Muñoz, Alex Potts, Adrian Searle, Richard Serra, Wagstaff, Michael Wood, and interview with Juan Muñoz by James Lingwood. 202 pages with 128 illustrations.

Todas las historias del arte: Kunsthistorisches Museum VienaExh. cat. Texts by Carmen Giménez, Franz Pichorner, and Francisco Calvo Serraller. Entries by various authors. 374 pages with 167 illustrations. elssie Ansareo

The Dance of the Flâneuses (La danse des flâneuses), 200712 digital chromogenic prints, 180 x 200 cm each, edition 1/3 Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Ibon AranberriHorizons (Horizontes), 2001–07500 banners, 70 x 50 cm each Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Manu Arregui Disarmingly Cute (Irresistiblemente bonito), 2007Two-channel HD video screening, with sound, approximately 3 min., 27 sec. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Clemente Bernad Untitled, Madrid. Carabanchel Prison. Background for prison card identification photos (Sin título, Madrid. Cárcel de Carabanchel. Fondo para las fotografías de las fichas de ingreso), 1998Chromogenic print mounted on Dibond, 160 x 200 cmGuggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Abigail lazkoz130,000 Years of Last Tendencies (130.000 años de últimas tendencias), 2007Acrylic on wall, dimensions variableGuggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Clemente Bernad, Untitled, Madrid. Carabanchel Prison. Background for prison card identification photos (Sin título, Madrid. Cárcel de Carabanchel. Fondo para las fotografías de las fichas de ingreso), 1998. Chromogenic print mounted on Dibond, 160 x 200 cm. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Page 6: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim


Page 7: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim


previous Maider López (San Sebastián, 1975), AdosAdos, 2007. 16 photographs on Fujicolor professional paper. Photographs 1, 9: 150 x 150 cm; 2, 4, 10, 11, 13: 67 x 100 cm; 3: 100 x 150 cm; 5, 6, 8: 100 x 67 cm; 6: 100 x 67 cm; 7: 50 x 70 cm; 12, 14: 67 x 45 cm; 15: 125 x 168 cm; 16: 125 x 85 cm, edition 1/5. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa left, from top Manu Arregui, Disarmingly Cute (Irresistiblemente Bonito), 2007. Two-channel HD video screening, with sound, approximately 3 min., 27 sec. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa; Asier Mendizabal (Ordizia, 1973), Nom de guerre, 2007. Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa opposite Ibon Aranberri, Horizons (Horizontes), 2001–07. 500 banners, 70 x 50 cm each. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Maider lópezAdosAdos, 200716 photographs on Fujicolor professional paper Photographs 1, 9: 150 x 150 cm; 2, 4, 10, 11, 13: 67 x 100 cm; 3: 100 x 150 cm; 5, 6, 8: 100 x 67 cm; 6: 100 x 67 cm; 7: 50 x 70 cm; 12, 14: 67 x 45 cm; 15: 125 x 168 cm; 16: 125 x 85 cm, edition 1/5 Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Asier MendizabalNom de guerre, 2007Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cmGuggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Itziar okariz Irrintzi, 2007Single-channel DVD projection, with sound, on free-standing screenGuggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Aitor ortiz Light Walls 011 (Muros de luz 011), 2005Digital photograph on aluminum, 251 x 397 cm, edition 1/7 Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Juan pérez AgirregoikoaProject Turned into Installation (Proyecto convertido en instalación), 2007Metal structure and acrylic on fabric, 500 x 840 cmGuggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Sergio pregoSequence of Dihedrals (Secuencia de diedros), 2007Pneumatic mechanism and aluminum panels, number of panels and dimensions variable Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa

Ixone SádabaPoetics of Disappearance (Poétique de la disparition), 2006Five digital color prints, 100 x 150 cm each, edition 1/3 Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa






Page 8: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim




for Youthspre-School Workshops & VisitsFridays during the school year

primary School Workshops & VisitsTuesday–Friday during the school year

Secondary and High School toursTuesday–Friday during the school year

free Self-Guided toursTuesday–Friday during the school year

programs for School Students with DisabilitiesOn demand during the school year

learning through ArtThroughout the school year

for educatorsfree AdmissionMarch 4 and 6Surreal Things

June 3 and 5Juan Muñoz

October 21 and 23All the Histories of Art: The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

November 18 and 20Cy Twombly

orientation SessionsMarch 10, 11, 12, and 13Surreal Things

October 14 and 16All the Histories of Art: The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

November 11 and 13Cy Twombly

educational MaterialsMini-Guides and Curriculum Guides on the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions for Pre-School, Primary, Secondary, and High School teachers.

Annual eventOctober 8Presentation of educational programs for 2008–09 school year

for familiesJanuary 2–4Children’s film cycle Made in the uSA

January 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, and 27express Yourself!

January 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, and 27the power of Words

January 12, 19, and 26Storytelling

January 13, 20, and 27free theme tours

February 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, and 24leave your Mark

February 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, and 24the language of Colors

February 2, 9, 16, and 23Storytelling

February 3, 10, 17, and 24free theme tours

March 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 16pop Art

March 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 16We’re publicists

March 2, 9, and 16 free theme tours

April 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, and 27everything’s possible

April 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, and 27photomontage

April 5 and 6Spider Workshops

April 6, 13, 20 and 27free theme tours

May 17, 18, 24, 25, and 31Create an Imaginary World

May 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, and 31Impossible nature

May 3, 4, 10, and 11 puppy Workshops

May 18the Musicians of Bremen, teatro paraiso May 4, 11, 18, and 25free theme tours

June 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, and 29protagonists

June 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, and 29Get into a Work of Art

June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29free theme tours

September 20, 21, 27, and 28protagonist

September 20, 21, 27, and 28Get into a Work of Art

September 21 and 28free theme tours

October 18, 19, 25, and 26puppy Workshops

October 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, and 26Juan Muñoz

October 5, 12, 19, and 26free theme tours

November 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, and 30the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30free theme tours

November 22, 23, 29, and 30Spider Workshops

December 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, and 21the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

December 7, 14, 21, and 28free theme tours

December 23Ara Malikian Musical Workshop and Concert for families: My first four Seasons

December 30, 2008–January 4, 2009Children’s film Series

programs for Children in Basurto and Cruces HospitalsWorkshopsStorytellingOrientation Sessions

Learning Through Art, 2008

below, from top Tai Chi Lessons in the gallery near Rirkrit Tiravanija’s Untitled 2002 [he promised], 2002. Chrome and stainless steel, approximately 294.6 x 1198.9 x 599.4 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members: Ruth Baum, Edythe Broad, Elaine Terner Cooper, Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Harry David, Gail May Engelberg, Shirley Fiterman, Nicki Harris, Dakis Joannou, Linda Macklowe, Peter Norton, Tonino Perna, Elizabeth Richebourg Rea, Mortimer D. A. Sackler, Simonetta Seragnoli, David Teiger, Ginny Williams, and Elliot K. Wolk, and Sustaining Members: Tiqui Atencio, Linda Fischbach, Beatrice Habermann, Miryam Knutson, and Cargill and Donna MacMillan; with additional funds contributed by American Express 2004.124; Moon Water by Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, 2008

Page 9: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim


General public & MuseumMembersGuided toursFor adults, seniors, and visitors with disabilities

Audio GuidesFree with museum admission

January 9–10In transit: 300 Years of Art in the uSA SymposiumElisabeth Glassman, Susan Davidson, Sheldon Nodelman, Alexander Nemerov, Elizabeth Kennedy, David Lubin, Nancy Mowll Mathews, and Francisco Calvo Serraller

January 17forum of Contemporary Art in the Basque CountryJuan Luis Moraza, Javier San Martin, Txomin Badiola, and Beatriz Herráez

February 21forum of Contemporary Art in the Basque CountryJuan Luis Moraza, Santi Eraso, Javier González de Durana, Alberto Lomas, and Asier Pérez

April 24themed talks: Surrealism and Design Ghislaine WoodSurrealism and ArchitectureJuan Antonio RamírezMagritte and AdvertisingGeorges Roque

May 28A Conversation: Juan MuñozAdrian Searle and Lynne Cooke

October 1lecture: the Kunsthistorisches Museum ViennaWilfried Seipel

October 9lecture: from Genre to transgender in ArtFrancisco Calvo Serraller

Curatorial VisionMarch 12Surreal Things

April 16Art in the USA

June 4Juan Muñoz

June 18permanent Collection

October 18 All the Histories of Art: the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

November 12Cy Twombly

Key ConceptsFebruary 27Art in the USA

April 2Surreal Things

June 11Juan Muñoz

June 25Learning Through Art

October 22All the Histories of Art: the Kunsthistorisches Museum ViennaNovember 19Cy Twombly

December 17permanent Collection

ConcertsAugust 19–22Aste nagusia Bilbao festival Week Art & Jazz program: the Guggenheim nights

December 4ensemble Kuraia Creative process

May 24Moon Water Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan

Creative process and WorkshopDecember 16paper folding Art Logela Multimedia and Circle of Trustla fundicIon’s Dantzaldia festival of Contemporary Dance

film & Video SeriesApril 1–6film fortnight: Cycle of Documentaries on Architecture DoCfeSt

April 8–12film fortnight: Animation Cycle the life of objects

September 22–27film fortnight: Japan in blackIn collaboration with the San Sebastian International Film Festival

Volunteer programExternal Workshops for seniors, immigrants, and drug rehabilitation centers

educational SpacesRichard Serra: The Matter of Time and Art in the USA: 300 Years of InnovationSurreal ThingsJuan MuñozMiquel Navarro: LaboratoriesAll the Histories of Art: The KunsthistorischesMuseum ViennaCy Twombly

participative Activities:Rirkrit tiravanija’s untitled 2002 [he promised] April 29–January 11 launch your Message to the World

Puppy Workshops, 2008

Page 10: BILBAO - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum · Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Asier Mendizabal. Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion, container: 56 x 80 x 38 cm Guggenheim





Installation process of Juan Muñoz’s Many Times, 1999. Polyester and resin, dimensions variable. Private Collection X.8938

works from the guggenheim museum bilbao were sent to the following institutions:Hamburger Bahnjof Nationalgalerie Staatliche Museen Zu, BerlinTate Modern, London

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sponsorship of exhibitions and activitiesSurreal ThingsBBVABilbaoCentroJuan Muñoz: A RetrospectiveArmstrong Floor ProductsMasterpieces of the Kunsthistorisches Museum of ViennaIberdrolaeducational ActivitiesBBKFundación Vizcaína AguirreResearch GrantsBBKVolunteers ProgramBBKInternship program BBKDFB/BFA–Empleo WikiDocentsBBKBusiness Cinema forum“la Caixa”Adecco

Marqués de Arienzo (pernodRicard)Ysios (Bodegas Domecq)the Guggenheim nightsBBKGrupo Eulenopen House DayIberiaIllycaffèNorbegaOficina de Turismo de VienaDrawing ContestEl CorreoDFB/BFADisneyPapynduxfounder trusteesBizkaiko Foru Aldundia-

Diputación Foral de BizkaiaEusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno VascoSolomon R. Guggenheim

Foundationstrategic trusteesBilbao Bizkaia KutxaIberdrolaBBVAArcelorMittal

Corporate event in the museum auditorium

Illycaffè tasting space in the museum atrium

Lecture in the museum auditorium

Banner outside the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

trusteesBanco Santander Bilboko Udala / Ayuntamiento de

BilbaoBolsa de BilbaoCorporación IBVDeiaEITBEuskaltelFundación “la Caixa”Fundación Vizcaína AguirreFundación Vodafone EspañaGrupo EulenGrupo UrvascoIberiaIpar KutxaITPNaturgas EnergiaMetro BilbaoMondragónNatixisPetronorPricewaterhouseCoopersSeguros BilbaoSidenorTelefónicaTubacexTubos ReunidosUnileverVocento – El Correobenefactor companiesAceros Inoxidables OlarraAthletic ClubBahía de Bizkaia

Bizkaia EnergíaBusiness & Media AdvisorsConstrucciones y Auxiliar de

FerrocarrilesDeloitteFerroserFundación AXAGrupo SPRIIDOM, Ingeniería y ConsultoríaillycaffèNorbega, S.A. / Fundación Coca-

Cola EspañaSURNE, Seguros & PensionesUrazcamedia benefactorsCadena SerDeiaDiario ABCDiario El CorreoDiario MontañésDiario La RiojaDiario VascoEstrategia EmpresarialExpansiónGaramasdearte.comEl MundoNorte de CastillaPunto RadioRonda Iberia – Excelenteassociate companiesAB Initio Software CorporationAccentureAcciona

AENA - Aeropuerto de BilbaoAonAurtenetxea, S.A.Autopista Vasco-Aragonesa,

C.E.S.A.Autoridad Portuaria de BilbaoBanco Espírito SantoBarceló Hotel NerviónBBGRBest Western Hotel Conde DuqueBizkaia:xedeBNP Paribas EspañaBodegas de los Herederos del

Marqués de RiscalBTI Biotechnology InstituteBuenos Días / Buenas NochesCaja NavarraCámara de Comercio de BilbaoCementos RezolacercleCespaCompañía de Bebidas PepsicoComposites GureaConectaConsorcio de Transportes de

BizkaiaConsorcio ESS-BilbaoConstrucciones Adolfo SobrinoConstrucciones Navales del NorteCuatrecasasDomecq BodegasEurovia ManagementEvizaldeFAES FarmaFormica

Fundación Cultural BenestoGAIKER Centro TecnológicoGiroaGran Hotel Domine BilbaoGrupo ErakusGrupo ErhardtGrupo FinecoGrupo Martín BerasateguiGrupo OrmazabalGrupo TamoinGrupo ULMAHotel AbandoHotel CarltonHotel Golf ArtxandaHotel Hesperia BilbaoHotel Sheraton BilbaoHotel Spa Husa Jardines de AlbiaImprenta BerekintzaIndustrias ImarIntel CorporationLantegi BatuakLomsaLópez de Heredia Viña TondoniaMapfreMBA GrupoMcDonald’s Europe LimitedMedical DomMiróhotelMLP Finanzdienstleistungen AGMontegrappa ItaliaMutualiaNorbolsa Novotel Bilbao BarakaldoPernod Ricard EspañaPrevisora Bilbaína Seguros

PQC Power Quality ControlProductos de Fundición, S.A.RenfeSaint-Gobain Placo Ibérica, S.A.Sanofi-AventisTecnalia Corporación TecnológicaTúneles de ArtxandaUniqueUniversidad de DeustoViviendas de VizcayaVizcaína de Edificaciones honorary membersDavid Álvarez Plácido Arango Antonio AriasMª de los Ángeles Aristrain José Antonio ArdanzaPilar Aresti

José Mª ArriolaAlejandro AznarGuillermo BarandiaranAlfonso BasagoitiEduardo BecerrilJosu BergaraGuillermo Caballero de LujánMario FernándezJosé Antonio IsusiJosé María JuncadellaAlicia Koplowitz Federico LipperheideJuan Manuel MarchRafael OrbegozoJuan Torres PiñónLeopoldo RodésFernando Zugaz