2/29/16 1 Biomedical Treatments for Autism Dr. Suzette Mailloux ND Holistic Medical Clinic 222 Front Street Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907)451-7100 Biomedical treatments DO NOT cure autism, however they can greatly improve quality of life Individuals on the autism spectrum have different contributing factors, and different levels of functioning. ASD is composed of multiple disease processes presenting as similar symptoms, therefore different treatments will work for different individuals Genetics Environmental exposures Allergies No single treatment will be effective for everyone on the autism spectrum. Many times it takes both testing and trial and error to determine what will help

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Page 1: Biomedical Treatments for Autism talk.pdf · Avoid additives- preservatives, artificial colors Low Phenol diet/ Feingold diet Naturally occurring phenols are present in all foods



Biomedical Treatments for Autism Dr. Suzette Mailloux ND Holistic Medical Clinic

222 Front Street Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907)451-7100

�  Biomedical treatments DO NOT cure autism, however they can greatly improve quality of life

�  Individuals on the autism spectrum have different contributing factors, and different levels of functioning. ASD is composed of multiple disease processes presenting as similar symptoms, therefore different treatments will work for different individuals �  Genetics �  Environmental exposures �  Allergies

�  No single treatment will be effective for everyone on the autism spectrum. Many times it takes both testing and trial and error to determine what will help

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Environmental exposure

Immunological triggers


Overview �  Diets

�  GFCF �  Food allergies and sensitivities �  SCD/ GAPS �  Improved diet- low glycemic index/ nutrient dense �  Low phenol diet

�  Digestion

�  Sleep

�  Nutritional therapies �  B6, Mg, EFA’s, zinc, probiotics…

�  Methylation support

�  Environmental toxins �  Avoidance, testing, chelation

�  Labwork

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Possible benefits of special diets

�  Increased speech and/ or language �  Efforts to speak, vocabulary, complexity of


�  Improved social interaction �  Increased interest in peers, initiation of play, group


�  Decreased self stimulation or injurious behaviors

�  Improved digestion

�  Improved sleep and immune function

GFCF- Gluten free casein free �  Whey and casein are the 2 main proteins in dairy

�  Gluten- large protein made up of many different proteins including gliadin. Found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt �  Contained in many other substances- including personal

care products, stickers

�  Casomorphin/ gliadorphin

�  Many kids also benefit from removing soy due to gluten- cross reactivity

�  Takes time to notice the benefit. For ASD individuals I suggest removing foods for minimum of 6-8 months

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Food allergies and sensitivities

�  Very common among individuals with ASD �  Family history of allergies

�  Food sensitivity testing �  ELISA- genova, great plains, US


�  IgG/ IgA/ IgE

�  MRT- mediator release testing

�  Elimination diets- more work, more information

�  For individuals with autism duration is much longer

�  Symptoms- rashes, headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, joint pain, irritability, distractability


SCD/ GAPS/ Paleo �  Specific carbohydrate diet: Developed to address

ulcerative colitis. Book- Breaking the Vicious Cycle. �  GAPS developed more specifically for neurological issues

�  “Specific carbohydrates” are easier to digest, leaving less for the microbes �  Diet consists mainly of meat, vegetables, healthy fats and

certain fruits

�  Based on the theory that imbalance in microflora along with genetic predisposition causes ASD. �  Incompletely digested carbohydrates stay in the GI tract and

become food for microbes

�  Paleo diet- Grain/ dairy/ legume free

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Improved Diet �  Low glycemic index,

nutrient dense �  High protein breakfast

�  Vegetables 3-4 servings/ day

�  Fruits 1-2 servings/ day

�  2-3 servings of protein

�  2-3 servings of whole grains

�  Reduce or avoid added sugars/ junk food/ fried foods and other trans fats

�  Avoid additives- preservatives, artificial colors

Low Phenol diet/ Feingold diet �  Naturally occurring phenols are present in all foods

�  Avoid synthetic phenols and reduce natural �  Dose dependent- some kids benefit from partial reduction

�  Limiting phenols (ie: salicylates) food dyes/ additives, tomatoes, apples, peanuts, banana, oranges, cocoa, red grapes, milk �  Many alternative fruits and vegetables are lower in phenols

�  Helps when there is limited sulfation in the liver- supporting sulfation also helps �  Epsom salt baths, molybdenum �  Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-phosphate) can exacerbate symptoms if

used alone

�  Symptoms: dark circles under the eyes, red face and ears, hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, headache, self- stimming or injurious behavior, insomnia, night waking, inappropriate laughter, poor urinary control

�  If self injurious behavior is present try implementing a low phenol diet, especially if GFCF has not offered relief

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Digestion �  Constipation- aim for 1-2 bowel

movements daily �  Fiber (ground flax seed or chia

seed for EFA’s), water, magnesium citrate, vitamin C

�  Probiotics

�  Food intolerances- Dairy? �  Enema or colonic hydrotherapy

to retrain bowel

�  Diarrhea �  Identify food intolerances �  Probiotics �  Stress- fight, flight, or freeze

Digestion �  Reflux/ heartburn

�  Symptoms can include: Insomnia, fussiness, gas and bloating

�  Stomach acid support- Betaine HCl, bitters, enzymes

�  Demulcents- slippery elm, marshmallow, throat coat tea, DGL, aloe juice

�  Avoid acid blocking medications- reduced absorption of nutrients

�  Stool analysis- culture for bacteria and yeast, enzyme levels, inflammation, blood

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Sleep disturbances �  Investigate possible contributors

�  Sources of pain- digestive tract, headaches, sinus pressure

�  Thyroid function

�  Distinguish between difficulty falling and staying asleep

�  Sleep aids- epsom salt baths, melatonin, magnesium citrate (natural calm drink), herbs (valerian, passiflora, skullcap, chamomile, avena)

�  Weighted blanket or multiple blankets

�  Prescription sleep aids as a last resort- side effects, long term effect on the brain

Sleep Hygiene �  Set sleep schedule that allows for

adequate sleep time for age. Avoid oversleeping, it interferes with the next night’s sleep.

�  Go to bed and get up at the same time each day (including weekends!).

�  The last 1-2 hours before bed is quiet time: reading, calm play, bath. No electronics- tv, phone, ipad, computer.

�  Bedroom should be cave-like. Quiet, dark, cool. Temperature 60-65 degrees is best.

�  Keep pets out of the bedroom

�  If you have problems with waking in the middle of the night have a small protein snack just before bed. This keeps blood sugar steady.

Make a consistent bedtime routine. Bath, book, pajamas, song. Brief enough to be performed nightly. Each step should progress towards the bedroom/ bed.

During the day:

�  No caffeine after noon (or at any time). Remember chocolate has caffeine.

�  Avoid naps for adults and older children

�  Exercise regularly. This decreases the time needed to fall asleep. Most people do better avoiding exercise in the late evening. Relaxing exercise such as yoga can be performed before bed.

�  Aim for light exposure in the early morning. Natural light if possible, or happy light during the winter. Melatonin is suppressed by light and secreted during the darkness.

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Nutritional therapies �  Iron- test ferritin for iron stores

�  B6

�  folate

�  Zinc

�  Magnesium

�  Omega 3

�  Vitamin C

�  Melatonin


Vitamin B6 �  Pyridoxal-5-phosphate- active form

�  Required to form several neurotransmitters. People with autism may have inability to make active form of B6

�  Relatively high dose is most effective- up to 8 mg/ pound bodyweight (ie: 320 mg for 40 lb child)

�  Potential side effects- irritability, sound and light sensitivity. Side effects can be avoided/ eliminated by adding in magnesium. Peripheral neuropathy at very high doses if other b vitamins are not supplied- take with B complex

�  Researched improvements- improved focus, better eye contact, less self stimulatory behavior, more speech, less hyperactivity

�  Expect improvement within a few days. If no benefit by 4 weeks discontinue or add cofactors

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Essential Fatty Acids �  Children with autism have lower levels of omega 3 fats than the

general population

�  The 2 major omega 3 fats are EPA and DHA �  Best sources are fish oil and cod liver oil. DHA is important for brain

development, EPA is more anti-inflammatory

�  Cod liver oil is a good choice for children- naturally higher in DHA

�  Fish is preferable to flax oil, as flax oil is in the form of ALA and must be converted to EPA/DHA

�  Get as much as possible from diet! Fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, grass fed beef, pasture raised chickens/ eggs

Methylation �  Many biomedical treatments you may have tried or

heard of are supporting methylation. If you are using B12 injections or supplements you are supporting methylation.

�  Many children diagnosed with autism have demonstrated methylation impairment �  Lead and mercury can further damage the ability to

methylate DNA �  Heavy methylation leads to healthy nervous systems �  Impaired methylation- tongue ties, birth defects,

speech delay, autism, ADHD among many others

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Methylation support �  What is methylation? Adding methyl group (CH3)

�  Necessary for DNA repair, neurotransmitter functioning, detoxification, immune function, regulating inflammation, producing melatonin/ CoQ10, carnitine, and GLUTATHIONE

�  Requires methyl donors and cofactors: methyl B12/ folate, SAMe, TMG (betaine), DMG, zinc, selenium

�  MTHFR c677t/ a1298c �  Genetic test- standard labs or 23&me

�  Homocysteine (blood test) can help to track methylation status

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Environmental toxins �  Toxic metals (will go over shortly)

�  Plastics- Avoid #3,6,7. Store food/ water in glass when possible. �  Phthalates- softener. Avoid cling wrap, plastic bags, use

cloth shower curtain �  BPA- receipts, canned food

�  Personal care/ cleaning products �  Fragrance free. No fabric softener/ dryer sheets �  Make your own if possible

�  Organic- does it matter? �  Dirty dozen/ clean fifteen

�  Air quality- forest fires, woodstoves, automobile exhaust (detached garage, pumping gas, etc)

Heavy metal exposure

�  Mercury- amalgam fillings, seafood

�  Lead- paint in older houses, soils near highways/ gas stations exposed to leaded gasoline

�  Antimony- flame retardant clothing and furniture

�  Cadmium- cigarette smoke

�  Uranium- occurs naturally in rock, arms industry

�  Arsenic- shellfish, chicken feed, pressure treated wood (playground equipment/ decks)

�  Reducing exposure is much easier than chelation!

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Chelation �  Removal of toxic metals. Most important step is to remove

source of exposure!

�  Follows testing levels of stored body metals through the urine. Blood is only useful for acute exposure. Best is pre and post provocation.

�  DMSA, DMPS, EDTA: IV or oral as directed by specially trained practitioner

�  Chlorella- increases mercury elimination via stool. Watch for GI upset

�  Cilantro- food based is very safe, use caution with supplementation

�  Boosting glutathione activity- Diet- cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions, brightly pigmented fruits and vegetables

�  Sauna therapy


�  Safest: #2, 4

�  Safer: #1,5

�  Least Safe #3 (PVC), 6 (polystyrene), 7 (misc)

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�  Phthalates- softener �  Toys, gels, cosmetics, paints, detergents, pesticides,

fertilizers �  Leaches easily into air and water, higher release with

heat and moisture �  Xenoestrogen, lowers thyroid function, increases risk

of obesity

�  Polystyrene- harder plastics, styrofoam �  Releases PAH’s, carbon monoxide, styrene

�  BPA- hard plastics, dental composites/ sealants, food and beverage cans, thermal receipts (very high levels) �  Xenoestrogen, can affect behavior in children

Air Filters �  HEPA- high efficiency particulate air filter

�  Captures 99.97% of particulates �  Filter needs to be changed every 6-12 months �  Affordable option for filtering indoor air

�  Plants! �  Areca palm, lady palm, rubber plant (ficus), dracaena,

phildendron, dwarf date palm, boston fern, peace lily, aloe, spider plant, snake plant, golden pothos, chrysanthemum, rhododendron

•  Proven to remove formaldehyde, benzene, CO, among many others

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Pesticide exposure �  Produce wash

�  Environne

�  Homemade �  Soak: In sink full of water add ½ cup vinegar, 2 tbsp

salt. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse and pat dry

�  Spray: 1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar, 2 tbsp baking soda, 2 tbsp lemon juice: mix ingredients and put into spray bottle. Spray fresh fruits and vegetables generously, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off well.

Potential labwork �  Complete blood count

�  Liver enzymes

�  Kidney function

�  IgG food sensitivity

�  Organic acid testing

�  Heavy metal assessment

�  Amino acids

�  Vitamin D

�  Stool analysis

�  Urinary peptides (assess gliadin and casein breakdown)

�  Methylmalonic acid/ B12

�  Ferritin, iron function studies

�  Thyroid including antibodies

�  Plasma zinc and copper

�  Cholesterol panel

�  Detoxification panel