Consejo Ejecutivo 106ª reunión Chengdu (China), 12 de septiembre de 2017 Punto 2 f) del orden del día provisional CE/106/2(f) Madrid, 11 de agosto de 2017 Original: inglés Se ruega reciclar Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org Asuntos administrativos y estatutarios f) Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la Secretaría I. Introducción 1. El Programa de TIC es un área clave de apoyo en la OMT, responsable de la utilización de las tecnologías para facilitar el desempeño de sus funciones básicas, incluida la infraestructura del servicio de web. El Programa proporciona además uno de los principales cauces de comunicación con interlocutores internos y externos. El presente documento ofrece un informe de coyuntura sobre la ejecución del plan de trabajo sobre TIC y una descripción de los planes e iniciativas para el futuro. 2. El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura interna de 42 servidores, más de 260 ordenadores en red, la gestión de la plataforma interna de colaboración e información (INTRANET/EXTRANET), el desarrollo y el mantenimiento de los sistemas de información, y la integración de aplicaciones tecnológicas estándar, así como apoyo al personal y formación en relación con los sistemas. El Programa de TIC también se encarga de la gestión del acceso institucional y el mantenimiento de ordenadores personales, equipos portátiles (incluidos ordenadores y periféricos), así como tabletas y otros dispositivos móviles. 3. Los avances y los continuos cambios tecnológicos, el incremento del riesgo vinculado a la seguridad de los datos y los sistemas, y la mayor exigencia de fiabilidad en la prestación de los servicios hacen que la gestión de esta área resulte sumamente compleja, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que los recursos se limitan a 4 funcionarios, 2 colaboradores y un estudiante en prácticas. 4. En su decisión 13(XCIV), el Consejo Ejecutivo acogió con satisfacción la iniciativa del Secretario General de informar con regularidad a este órgano sobre la estrategia y la evolución del programa de trabajo sobre TIC. El presente informe se ha elaborado para responder a esos objetivos con información sobre 2016-2017 y un resumen de las actividades en curso y futuras en materia de TIC. 5. Como ya se mencionó en el informe de la 96ª reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo, el Secretario General aprobó la propuesta del Programa de TIC de llevar a cabo una auditoría tecnológica global de seguimiento en 2014. El resultado de esta auditoría, que realizó Microsoft, y cuyo resumen y conclusiones se adjuntan (Anexo I), puede proporcionar una dirección clara para la formulación de un plan estratégico de TIC durante el año 2017.

Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura

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Page 1: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura

Consejo Ejecutivo 106ª reunión Chengdu (China), 12 de septiembre de 2017 Punto 2 f) del orden del día provisional


Madrid, 11 de agosto de 2017 Original: inglés

Se ruega reciclar

Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org

Asuntos administrativos y estatutarios

f) Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la Secretaría

I. Introducción

1. El Programa de TIC es un área clave de apoyo en la OMT, responsable de la utilización de las tecnologías para facilitar el desempeño de sus funciones básicas, incluida la infraestructura del servicio de web. El Programa proporciona además uno de los principales cauces de comunicación con interlocutores internos y externos. El presente documento ofrece un informe de coyuntura sobre la ejecución del plan de trabajo sobre TIC y una descripción de los planes e iniciativas para el futuro.

2. El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura interna de 42 servidores, más de 260 ordenadores en red, la gestión de la plataforma interna de colaboración e información (INTRANET/EXTRANET), el desarrollo y el mantenimiento de los sistemas de información, y la integración de aplicaciones tecnológicas estándar, así como apoyo al personal y formación en relación con los sistemas. El Programa de TIC también se encarga de la gestión del acceso institucional y el mantenimiento de ordenadores personales, equipos portátiles (incluidos ordenadores y periféricos), así como tabletas y otros dispositivos móviles.

3. Los avances y los continuos cambios tecnológicos, el incremento del riesgo vinculado a la seguridad de los datos y los sistemas, y la mayor exigencia de fiabilidad en la prestación de los servicios hacen que la gestión de esta área resulte sumamente compleja, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que los recursos se limitan a 4 funcionarios, 2 colaboradores y un estudiante en prácticas.

4. En su decisión 13(XCIV), el Consejo Ejecutivo acogió con satisfacción la iniciativa del Secretario General de informar con regularidad a este órgano sobre la estrategia y la evolución del programa de trabajo sobre TIC. El presente informe se ha elaborado para responder a esos objetivos con información sobre 2016-2017 y un resumen de las actividades en curso y futuras en materia de TIC.

5. Como ya se mencionó en el informe de la 96ª reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo, el Secretario General aprobó la propuesta del Programa de TIC de llevar a cabo una auditoría tecnológica global de seguimiento en 2014. El resultado de esta auditoría, que realizó Microsoft, y cuyo resumen y conclusiones se adjuntan (Anexo I), puede proporcionar una dirección clara para la formulación de un plan estratégico de TIC durante el año 2017.

Page 2: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 2

II. Plan de trabajo en TIC completado hasta la fecha

6. Los proyectos específicos llevados a cabo hasta la fecha, desde el informe presentado a la 104ª reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo (octubre de 2016) figuran en el cuadro del Anexo II.

III. Plan de TIC en curso (2017-2018)

7. La situación actual de los proyectos en curso, de la que se informó ya en la 104ª reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo (octubre de 2016), se incluye en el cuadro del Anexo III. Se indican también los resultados previstos, teniendo en cuenta la actual auditoría de TIC llevada a cabo por Microsoft y sus recomendaciones.

IV. Estrategia sobre TIC para 2017-2018

8. El informe de auditoría ofrece más detalles sobre todas las capacidades y cargas de trabajo del modelo de optimización de infraestructuras, fundamento en que se asientan las constataciones clave. Es importante subrayar que muchas de estas constataciones van más allá de la responsabilidad exclusiva del Programa de TIC y las decisiones para tomar medidas respecto a algunas de ellas deben tomarse al nivel del Equipo de Alta Dirección.

9. Como se mencionó en el anterior informe, la plataforma de aplicaciones es el área en la que ha habido menos avances desde la anterior auditoría, y aunque se ha diseñado un nuevo sistema de información financiera basado en las metodologías formales de desarrollo, hay muchas aplicaciones relacionadas que deben aún reconvertirse y hace falta definir un modelo de desarrollo de aplicaciones para la organización en su conjunto.

10. La OMT debería estudiar la posibilidad de promover una cultura de gestión de proyectos en todas las actividades, iniciativas y proyectos que emprenda. Ello ayudaría a seguir los avances de los proyectos y a la gestión global de los recursos.

11. El Programa de TIC se ha centrado en la necesidad de crear un modelo de datos para todos los datos gestionados y para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en toda la Organización. En la actualidad, se están evaluando varias alternativas para decidir cuál es la mejor estrategia de TIC, haciendo especial hincapié en la necesidad de hacer que la Organización se centre en el entorno de transformación digital. Se llevó a cabo una licitación pública para introducir un sistema de gestión de la información institucional en la OMT. Lamentablemente, los resultados de esta actividad no proporcionaron una opción financiera viable. Por consiguiente, estamos en vías de buscar otras organizaciones de las Naciones Unidas que hayan llevado a cabo ya esta tarea, para que podamos adherirnos a sus servicios de licitaciones públicas y contratos directamente con un proveedor. Si esto no fuera factible, el Programa de TIC se vería ante la necesidad de llevar a cabo una segunda licitación pública con unos requisitos técnicos modificados.

12. En un entorno tecnológico en rápida evolución, hay un número importante de cuestiones que también deben abordarse en relación con el marco de seguridad necesario para preservar la integridad de los equipos y sistemas de información de la OMT, a la vez que se sigue avanzando en cuanto a la conformidad con los mandatos de las Naciones Unidas y la aplicación de buenas prácticas. Está previsto hacer una auditoría de la actual infraestructura de TIC en la segunda mitad de 2017.

13. La función y la estructura del Programa de TIC siguen adaptándose en función de los cambios en la estructura institucional de la OMT y la aparición de nuevas tecnologías, a fin de optimizar la

Page 3: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 3

prestación de servicios y garantizar la satisfacción de los usuarios. Mejoras importantes en el centro de procesamiento de datos para un rendimiento óptimo, así como la conformidad con los estándares de seguridad mediante actualizaciones en el alojamiento físico han aportado una mayor seguridad, han mejorado la disponibilidad de los equipos y han permitido un crecimiento potencial capaz de acomodar las futuras necesidades de la Organización.

14. El Programa de TIC ha tenido que ajustar con regularidad su programa de trabajo para abordar las cuestiones anteriormente mencionadas a fin de suministrar el marco apropiado para los continuos cambios, el cumplimiento y la planificación. La hoja de ruta bienal revisada para dar seguimiento a las constataciones y recomendaciones de la auditoría de Microsoft, que se había previsto elaborar inicialmente en 2017, ha sido aplazada a 2018 debido a una reducción del 25% del personal disponible durante el periodo 2016-2017. El Programa de TIC cuenta con disponer de todo su personal durante la parte restante de 2017.

15. La formulación del plan de trabajo de TIC hasta 2015 -2018 gira en torno a las constataciones clave de la auditoría y las recomendaciones de Microsoft. Las propuestas a alcanzar se resumen en el cuadro del Anexo IV.

V. Actuaciones propuestas al Consejo Ejecutivo

16. Se invita al Consejo Ejecutivo a que:

a) Tome nota de los informes de auditoría sobre el estado en que se encuentran las actividades relativas a las TIC presentados en el presente documento; y

b) Tome nota de los progresos en la infraestructura tecnológica que ha alcanzado ya la Organización, reconociendo que la rapidez con que evoluciona el entorno tecnológico y las restricciones presupuestarias plantean una serie de retos singulares en un futuro inmediato.

Page 4: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 4

Annex I. Executive Summary of the Microsoft Audit on Infrastructure Optimization Assessment on UNWTO

As part of the Partnership between Microsoft and the United Nations World Tourism Organization

(UNWTO), on June 30th and July 1st 2009, Microsoft conducted an Infrastructure Optimization

Assessment on UNWTO’s Information & Communication Technology (ICT) area.

As part of the continued evolution of UNWTO’s IT assets, ICT requested again that Microsoft ran a new

assessment to compare progress against the maturity levels of 2009, focusing again on all three IO


Core Infrastructure Optimization (Core IO)

Business Productivity Infrastructure Optimization (BP IO)

Application Platform Optimization (APO)

This analysis, conducted between the days of May 7th and June 27th of 2014, also identifies, jointly in

consensus with ICT, the future desired state of all capabilities and workloads of each IO model. This

will help UNWTO in defining the future initiatives it must work on in order to reach a state where it is

comparable to the desired maturity levels defined.

The results of the IO assessment look forward to helping UNWTO in:

Aligning IT strategies to Business strategies.

Identifying and structuring key initiatives for UNWTO’s maturity evolution moving forward.

Guarantee that the maximum benefits on UNWTO’s technologies investment are being realized.

Guarantee that a common approach to initiative development is followed in order to avoid effort

duplication and that any solution provided is based on the knowledge of all the initiatives taking

place and the strategy defined.

Guarantee that the future development, deployment and operation of the solutions respond

correctly UNWTO’s business needs and its user needs.

Additionally, a special mention has to be made regarding the IO model itself, which has evolved from

the previous assessment due to the appearance of the new megatrends in the industry like Cloud,

Social Computing, Enterprise Mobility, etc. which didn’t exist or weren’t as relevant as today. This

report also intends to help UNWTO understand their current state on these new trends and provide

guidance on how to move forward in their adoption.

This report goes into greater detail on all the capabilities and workloads of the IO Model, to support the

key findings below. It is important to highlight that many of these findings go beyond the sole

responsibility of ICT and decisions need to be made at the Senior Management Team level to

take action on some of these findings.

Key Findings:

General Improvement in Core IO and BPIO: There has been positive improvement from the previous

2009 audit in many of the capabilities and workloads of the Core IO Model and the Business

Productivity IO Model as it is shown in the report. The Application Platform is still very much in the same

Basic state as in the previous audit, and although a new financial information system has been

developed based on formal development methodologies, still many surrounding applications need to be

reconverted and an organization-wide application development model needs to be defined.

Page 5: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 5

In the area of Core Infrastructure, the main findings are:

Virtualization. UNWTO has clearly embraced virtualization of all its workloads and implemented to an

acceptable degree of monitoring, management and reporting of deployed systems. The Public Web is

completely virtualized as well. This has helped UNWTO in consolidating into fewer physical servers the

server footprint that existed in 2009, which in terms have help provide better availability and disaster

recovery to the overall infrastructure.

Public Web Assets totally decoupled from ICT governance. The fact that ICT’s infrastructure and

the Public Web are deployed and managed by different entities (the former by ICT and the latter by an

external provider not linked with ICT), makes it harder to maintain a total control of the server

infrastructure regarding compliance, monitoring and reporting to upper management on the health

status of services, as well as additional solution, administration and support costs. Moreover, it

represents a risk to UNWTO, as these assets are not governed at all by the organization’s policies. The

recommendation is to move and consolidate the infrastructure governance under ICT as well as the

future development needs of this infrastructure, while the content publishing responsibility remaining

with the Corporate Communications department. This means that all Public Web services would

become ICT services and the Corporate Communications department would be its main customer.

Additional findings are a direct consequence or have a direct relationship with the previous finding:

Myriad of solutions for same purposes (no standardization) and use of commercial open

source software. It comes to our attention that UNWTO’s has chosen many different

virtualization, monitoring & management solutions, with apparently no interoperability /

communications between them, based on commercial open source and/or community software,

with no formal roadmap regarding their evolution and where additional services need to be

purchased to get access to newer versions or support. This is aggravated by the fact that

different solutions are in place to do the same thing whether on-premises or on the Public Web

infrastructure, adding up to admin & support costs, as well as licensing costs. This represents

both a risk and a high cost component, as it requires a lot of effort to build a consolidated view

of the platform. A TCO study around the true cost of these solutions (HW, SW, Administration,

Support, etc.) against a centralized and unified platform should be done in order to validate

whether a change of strategy is necessary. UNWTO should definitely work in consolidating and

standardizing its Internal and Public Web assets.

Identity consolidation, synchronization and federation. UNWTO should look into

consolidating identities and using SSO for all of their IT assets be it internal or Public. This will

require defining a directory synchronization and federation strategy between them in order to

provide a true identity solution for cloud-based services.

No Cloud culture. Although virtualization has been embraced at the core of the IT organization, there is

no cloud culture or cloud awareness in terms of private, public and/or hybrid cloud, which is an area of

opportunity UNWTO needs to move towards for many additional benefits to be gained in terms of

flexibility, elasticity, scalability, disaster recovery, lower TCO, while at the same time enabling the

organization to determine the real costs per UNWTO’s department, which could eventually be used to

create a chargeback model if desired.

Page 6: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 6

Architecture design based on traditional architecture principles. The new cloud world has created

newer architecture principles that UNWTO needs to be aware of with regards to Enterprise Architecture

(for instance, multiple cheap storage pools vs. traditional SAN based storage), and which will need to be

reflected on and decide on whether a strategy change is in order. These include changes in the

following architectural areas:

Infrastructure Architecture (Server, Network, Storage, Clients, etc.)

Information Architecture (Collaboration, Social, Search, etc.)

Solution Architecture (Application Infrastructure and Framework, Development Lifecycle, etc.)

Device mind-set to User mind-set. UNWTO has made important efforts in keeping its client platform

updated, focusing principally on the device. A modern approach to client platform deployment puts the

user in the centre as the subject to manage, instead of the device. This impacts many traditional

strategies around client platform management, including operating system deployment, software

distribution, application virtualization, user state, roaming, etc. that need to be looked into by UNWTO.

(Refer to the Persona Analysis suggestion mentioned in the “What’s Next” chapter).

IT Processes & Compliance. Although work has been done in order to define ICT’s Service Catalogue

and several policies have been put in place, there is still much work to do in this area, starting with the

definition of clear Service Level Agreements and Operation Level Agreements, better Security

monitoring, Problem, Change & Configuration Management and finally with Self-Service capabilities for


In the area of Business Productivity Infrastructure, the main findings are:

Lack of true Enterprise Mobility. In today’s cloud and devices world, it is uncommon for employees to

request access to corporate assets from their devices to be able to keep up to speed with work at any

time and from anywhere they are. UNWTO needs to improve its Remote Access Services and define a

clear “Bring Your Own Device” strategy that will enable the majority of the organization (no only selected

users) to be able to be more productive. Some work is under way on this area, but additional

improvements are required to achieve this vision.

Moving Commodity based IT to Cloud based solutions. A lot of infrastructure has been deployed

over the years, which has been deemed Commodity IT by the industry for some time now. UNWTO

should look into the benefits (TCO comparison) of Commoditizing IT Services to Hybrid Cloud solutions

which can be operated by less that might be costing to have those services still on-premises. This

applies mainly to Business Productivity Infrastructure solutions such as Messaging, Unified

Communications, and Collaboration & Content Management. If this is not the case, UNWTO should still

look into upgrading its Business Productivity Infrastructure to the latest versions as many new trends

and technologies have been incorporated. Some work is already under way in the latter, as recent

projects being implemented go to towards achieving this (i.e. SharePoint 2013 upgrade)

No Social Computing Culture. In today’s world, the ability to share information in a “social manner”

has crawled beyond the public social networks into the enterprise. Creating a true social culture in

UNWTO will bring benefits in user productivity, innovation management, knowledge retention and

subject matter experts’ identification.

Project Management & Portfolio Planning: A lack of formal project management and portfolio

planning has been identified.

Page 7: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 7

UNWTO should look promoting a project management culture in the organization around all the

activities, initiatives and projects it undertakes. This will help in a much better resource management

and project following for all the organization. Additionally, UNWTO should look into implementing a

project portfolio management infrastructure, once a project management culture has been established,

as this will help define priorities within the organization, based on UNWTO’s resources and returned

value delivered by the projects.

In the area of Application Platform, the main findings are:

No Data Culture. This area represents one of the biggest areas of risk and improvement for UNWTO.

There isn’t a comprehensive understanding of all the data existing in the organization. No organization-

wide data model exists for all UNWTO’s managed data. UNWTO needs to improve its data

classification, indexing, publishing, protection (encryption, rights management) and auditing strategies

for the organizational data. This will add value to the organization as will make users more “aware” of

the data they can use and how to use it.

No Business Intelligence or Big Data culture: In today’s competitive landscape, it is of utmost

importance to be able to gather & process data almost in real time in order to take informed decisions

on company strategy. UNWTO should look into creating a Business Intelligence platform and a Big

Data platform that will take all the organization information as well as unstructured information found in

the web to provide business analysts with better information on which to build UNWTO’s publications

and any other information assets it might need to build.

No Custom Development Framework and Lifecycle. UNWTO’s current Application Infrastructure is

based on siloed/monolithic applications with no interaction or communications between them. UNWTO

should look into creating an organization wide Application Infrastructure & Development framework to

work towards creating a more cohesive application environment, providing maximum value to the


21 July 2014

Following is an extract of the report entitled “United Nations World Tourism Organization Infrastructure Optimization Assessment” carried out by Microsoft Auditors whose original text is available in: http://lmd.unwto.org/event/executive-council-ninety-ninth-session

Page 8: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 8

Core Infrastructure Optimization Profiles for UNWTO

Current Profile for ICT (AS IS)

Workload Elements

Capabilities Workloads Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Total

Datacenter Management & Virtualization

Datacenter Management & Virtualization

2 9 1 12

Server Security 1 4 5

Networking 3 2 1 6

Storage 1 3 4 8

Device Deployment & Management

Device Management & Virtualization

6 10 16

Device Security 1 3 4

Identity & Security Services

Identity & Access 2 3 5

Information Protection & Control

5 5

IT Process & Compliance

IT Process & Compliance 4 11 1 16

Total 25 45 7 77

Current Maturity Peer Review Comparison (ICT)

Comparison of current infrastructure optimization versus peer average performers in Non-profit, from EMEA. The peer data is collected and aggregated from all participants using this tool. This data is maintained according to privacy policies and only presented in aggregate

form: Basic - 1, Standardized - 2, Rationalized - 3, Dynamic – 4






Datacenter Management &Virtualization

Server Security



Device Management &Virtualization

Device Security

Identity & Access

Information Protection &Control

IT Process & Compliance

Core IO

UNWTO Peer Average

Page 9: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 9

Current Profile for Public Web (AS IS)

Workload Elements

Capabilities Workloads Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Total

Datacenter Management & Virtualization

Datacenter Management & Virtualization

4 8 12

Server Security 1 4 5

Networking 3 3 6

Storage 2 5 1 8

Device Deployment & Management

Device Management & Virtualization


Device Security N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Identity & Security Services

Identity & Access 5 5

Information Protection & Control

5 5

IT Process & Compliance

IT Process & Compliance 8 8 16

Total 28 28 1 57

Current Maturity Peer Review Comparison (Web)

Comparison of current infrastructure optimization versus peer average performers in Non-profit, from EMEA. The peer data is collected and aggregated from all participants using this tool. This data is maintained according to privacy policies and only presented in aggregate

form: Basic - 1, Standardized - 2, Rationalized - 3, Dynamic - 4






Datacenter Management &Virtualization

Server Security



Device Management &Virtualization

Device Security

Identity & Access

Information Protection &Control

IT Process & Compliance

Core IO

UNWTO Peer Average

Page 10: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 10

Business Productivity Infrastructure Optimization Profiles for UNWTO

Current Profile for ICT (AS IS)

Workload Elements

Capabilities Workloads Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Total


Workspaces 1 1 1 3

Portals 1 2 1 4

Social Computing 2 1 3

Project Management 2 1 3

Information Access 3 3

Interactive Experience & Navigation

1 1

Messaging Messaging 2 2 2 6

Unified Communications

IM/Presence 3 3

Conferencing 3 3

Voice 3 2 5

Content Creation & Management

Information Management 1 3 4

Process Efficiency 3 3

Compliance 2 2

Authoring 2 1 3

Multi-Device Support 2 1 3

Interoperability 1 1

User Accessibility 2 2

Total 19 27 6 52

Current Maturity Peer Review Comparison (ICT)

Comparison of current infrastructure optimization versus peer average performers in Non-profit, from EMEA. The peer data is collected and aggregated from all participants using this tool. This data is maintained according to privacy policies and only presented in aggregate

form: Basic - 1, Standardized - 2, Rationalized - 3, Dynamic - 4







Social Computing







Process Efficiency





User Accessibility

Business Productivity IO

UNWTO Peer Average

Page 11: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 11

Current Profile for Public Web (AS IS)

Workload Elements

Capabilities Workloads Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Total


Workspaces N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Portals 1 1 2 4

Social Computing 2 1 3

Project Management 3 3

Information Access 2 1 3

Interactive Experience & Navigation

1 1

Messaging Messaging 2 1 3

Unified Communications

IM/Presence 3 3

Conferencing 3 3

Voice N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Content Creation & Management

Information Management

2 1 1 4

Process Efficiency 1 2 3

Compliance 1 1 2

Authoring 2 1 3

Multi-Device Support 2 1 3

Interoperability 1 1

User Accessibility 2 2

Total 26 10 5 41

Current Maturity Peer Review Comparison (Web)

Comparison of current infrastructure optimization versus peer average performers in Non-profit, from EMEA. The peer data is collected and aggregated from all participants using this tool. This data is maintained according to privacy policies and only presented in aggregate form:

Basic - 1, Standardized - 2, Rationalized - 3, Dynamic - 4







Social Computing







Process Efficiency





User Accessibility

Business Productivity IO

UNWTO Peer Average

Page 12: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 12

Application Platform Optimization Profiles for UNWTO

Current Profile for ICT (AS IS)

Workload Elements

Capabilities Workloads Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Total

BI & Analytics Platform

Business Intelligence 6 6

Data Warehouse Management

6 6

Big Data 3 3

Information Services & Marketplaces

4 4

Database and LOB Platform

Transaction Processing 2 2 4

Data Management 2 1 3

Application Infrastructure 5 1 6

Custom Development

Internet Applications 3 3

Component & Service Composition

5 5

Enterprise Integration 2 2

Development Platform 1 1 2

Application Lifecycle Management

5 1 6

Total 44 6 50

Current Profile for Public Web (AS IS)

Workload Elements

Capabilities Workloads Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Total

BI & Analytics Platform

Business Intelligence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Data Warehouse Management


Big Data N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Information Services & Marketplaces


Database and LOB Platform

Transaction Processing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Data Management N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application Infrastructure

1 2 3

Custom Development

Internet Applications 1 1 1 3

Component & Service Composition


Enterprise Integration N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Development Platform 1 1 2

Application Lifecycle Management


Total 3 4 1 8

Page 13: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 13

Annex II. ICT work plan completed to date


Business Productivity Infrastructure / Enterprise Mobility

Mobility Services Improved security procedures

Define & Implement data protection policies

ShareFile Service implemented

Completed 2016

Core infrastructure / Data Centre

ICT Infrastructure Consolidation & Services

Migration to Exchange 2013

SQL Server upgrade 2016

CPD Room upgrade / optimization

Acquisition of 45 desktop computers and 20 laptops (renewal plan 2016)

Expansion of storage capacity of the server cabin

Enargement of the mail server hardware

Optimization of the virtual server of Antispam

Expand of telephony service due to users necessities

Improvement in network security: Firewall upgrade (including users recognition, content and malware filtering)

Upgrade the wifi system for security improvements and new functionalities

Completed 2016-2017

Core infrastructure Data Centre Management

Business continuity planning

Updated contingency plan

Conducted a disaster recovery drill exercise

Strategic rethinking of backup copy outsourcing

Consolidated procedures, controls, reports and monitoring of security backups

Optimization of the backups system

Completed 2016-2017

Core infrastructure / Data Centre

Web Services infrastructure

Changed cloud service provider.

Introduction of a new external technical support company, new requirement definition 12x7

Software updated

Improved security procedures

Completed 2016

Business Productivity / Content Creation & Management

Collaborative Platform INTRANET/EXTRANET platform

Improved and extended structures and sections

Provided a infopath new capabilities and SQLdata connection

Completed 2016-2017

Application Platform / Enterprise Information Management

Enterprise Information Management System

Analysis & market research for the selection of the Enterprise Information Management tool.

Conduct a competitive bidding process to hire a company to develop a new platform

Completed 2016

Core Infrastructure / IT Process & Compliance

Help Desk Platform Implemented a centralized request service to maximize the use of ICT resources to the Organization. – Phase I.

Improved security, productivity and reduced IT overhead

Completed 2016

Core Organizational approval Updated documents in both operations Target completion 2016

Page 14: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 14

Infrastructure / IT Process & Compliance

of document standards, document procedures to establish polices and guidelines

and services areas: standards, document procedures, and proposed polices and guidelines

Creation of new procedures of ICT internal controls

ICT Priorities ICT Training annual plan 2016

Continued to enhance technical competency of ICT staff through external training and certification

Completed 2016

Page 15: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 15

Annex III. ICT work plan in progress (2017-2018)



Application Platform/ Information Systems

Enhancement of Athena Requirements in collaboration with Budget & Finance

Developments of modules of the UNWTO Financial Management IT System (Athena II plan) which comprises: a) purchase management , b) accountable payables

Maintenance of Athena I

Integration of Athena with the new Enterprise Information Management System

Target completion 2018 / On-going

Core infrastructure / Data Centre / cloud based solutions

ICT infrastructure consolidation

Migration of Oracle 11 to Oracle 12

Conduct a cost benefit analysis and feasibility study on commoditizing Oracle services to hybrid cloud solutions

Target completion 2017

Core infrastructure / Data Centre / cloud based solutions

ICT infrastructure consolidation

Conduct a cost benefit analysis and feasibility study on commoditizing Exchange services to hybrid cloud solutions

Conduct a cost benefit analysis and feasibility study on commoditizing MSOffice services to hybrid cloud solutions (MS365)

Target completion 2018

Core infrastructure Data Centre Management

Business continuity planning

Conducted a disaster recovery drill exercise

Target completion 2017

Core infrastructure Data Centre / Identity & security services

Security Plan Security audit of the ICT Infrastructure, Services & Information

Implementation of good practices

Target completion 2017

Core Infrastructure/ IT Services & Compliance

Printing services project Close bidding process

Consolidation of printing services

Provide management control, accessibility and control over confidentiality of printed material

Reduce printing costs

Support greening policies

Target completion 2017 Ongoing

Core Infrastructure / Device Deployment & Management

Telephony Services & mobility

Close bidding process on Fix telephony service

Network improvements in security, devices management and quality of services

Use of best technology practices

Traget completion 2017 / Ongoing

Business Productivity Infrastructure / Enterprise Mobility

Mobility services Migration to a new MDM system with more functionalities (the initial system has lack of user functionalities)

Improve security procedures

Define & Implement data protection policies

Target completion 2017 / Ongoing

Core Infrastructure / IT Process & Compliance

Help Desk Platform Implemented a centralized request service to maximize the use of ICT resources to the Organization. – Phase II.

Improved security, productivity and reduced IT overhead

Target completion 2017 / Ongoing

Core Infrastructure / Data centre Management & Virtualization

ICT Consolidation & services

Improved maintenance procedures, expansion and standardization

Improved core server availability average (99.998%)

Conducted performance optimization,

Target completion 2017 / Ongoing

Page 16: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 16



operation and management of the virtualization platform

Core infrastructure / Data Centre Management

Web Services infrastructure

Conduct a competitive bidding to hire a company to develop a new Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)

Develop and implement a new CRM

Target completion 2018 / Ongoing

Application Platform /Enterprise Information Management

Enterprise Information Management System

Develop and implementation of a new Enterprise Information Management platform with Opentext. Fase I

Target Completed 2017 / Ongoing

Application Platform / BI & Analytics Platform

Enterprise Data Model / Organization-wide Data Consolidation

Create an organization-wide data model for all UNWTO’s managed data.

Improve data classification, indexing, and publishing.

Improve data protection (encryption, rights management, etc.)

Define policies & procedures to data management

Design auditing strategies for the organizational data

Target completion 2017-2018 / Ongoing

Core Infrastructure / Device deployment & Management

Desktop Virtualization project

Implement a client platform deployment that puts the user in the centre as the subject to manage, instead of the device

Define policies and procedures to implement client platform management, including operating system deployment, software distribution, application virtualization, user state, etc.

Conduct a competitive bidding process

Target completion 2017-2018

Business Productivity / Collaboration

Collaborative Platform INTRANET/ EXTRANET Platform

Improve and extend structures

Develop a knowledge management platform, self-service and reporting

Improve search facilities

Develop of new services

Conduct a competitive bidding process if necessary

Target completion 2017-2018 / Ongoing

Business Productivity

New UNWTO WebSite & enhancing current Social Media strategy

Conduct a competitive bidding process to hire a company to develop a new Web page.

Develop and Implement a new UNWTO institutional WEB page

Target completion 2017-2018 / Ongoing

Business Productivity / Collaboration

Digital signature project Encourage the use of digital signature to support greening polices

Streamline administrative processes

Reduce costs

Target completion 2018

Core Infrastructure / IT Process & Compliance

ICT Service Catalogue Review of the ICT services policies

Implement services policies organization-wide

Improve ICT’s Service Catalogue with the definition of clear Service Level Agreements and Operation Level Agreements

Improve security monitoring and problem & incidents management

Design and define change & configuration

Target completion 2017 / Ongoing

Page 17: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 17




Create self-service capabilities for users

ICT priorities ICT Training annual plan 2017

Continue to enhance technical competency of ICT staff through external training and certification

Target Completion 2017 / Ongoing

Page 18: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 18

Annex IV. ICT work plan for 2015-2018

KEY FINDING Action to be taken PRE - Requirements Priority

1.- Public Web Assets totally decoupled from ICT governance. Direct consequences: - Myriad of solutions for same purposes, no standardization. - No Identity consolidation, synchronization and federation

Move and consolidate the infrastructure governance under ICT as well as the future development needs of this infrastructure.

Executive Management decision

Business vision

Very High

2.- No Data Culture One of the biggest areas of risk. UNWTO needs to improve its data classification, indexing, publishing, protection (encryption, rights management) and auditing strategies for the organizational data

Design & Implement an organization-wide data model for all UNWTO’s managed data. (Enterprise Managed Data Model ) to add value to the organization as will make users more “aware” of the data they can use and how to use it.

Executive Management decision

Business vision

Data classification, Definitions, metrics

Information Governance

Organization and Roles

Information Life Cycle

Polices, Procedures

Very High

3.- No Business Intelligence or Big Data Culture

Deploy a central data warehouse solution that can extract data from multiple operational or departamental databases and external sources using transactional systems and present multidimensional views of data to a variety of front-end BI tools. Implement a reporting platform and infrastructure. Design and deploy a BI infrastructure that simplifies the IT burden.

Executive Management decision

Business vision


Project scope

Roles, Responsibilities

Very High

4.- No Custom Development Framework and Lifecycle

Implement an organization wide application infrastructure and development framework to work towards creating a more cohesive application environment, providing maximum value to the business.

Executive Management

Business vision

Project scope


5.- Lack of Project Management & Portfolio Planning Culture

Promote a project management culture around all the activities, initiatives and projects it undertakes. Implement an integrated solution,

Executive Management decision

Business vision


Page 19: Consejo Ejecutivo CE/106/2(f)...El Programa de TIC presta servicios a más de 200 usuarios internos, así como a los Estados Miembros. Las funciones básicas de TIC incluyen una infraestructura


Organización Mundial del Turismo (UNWTO) – Organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas

Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid (España). Tel.: (34) 91 567 81 00 / Fax: (34) 91 571 37 33 – [email protected] / unwto.org 19

KEY FINDING Action to be taken PRE - Requirements Priority

which is flexible and web-based approach to project management.

Project scope



6.- No Social Computing Culture

Promote social computing behavior inside UNWTO, which will help identify subject matter experts, while promoting better interactions between employees. This will impact in innovation and help retain knowledge inside the Organization.

Executive Management decision

Business vision

Project scope


7.- Lack of true Enterprise Mobility. UNWTO needs to improve its Remote Access Services.

Improve Remote Access Services and define a clear “Bring Your Own Device” strategy that will enable the majority of the Organization to be able to be more productive.

Business vision




8.- Moving Commodity based IT to cloud based solutions

UNWTO should conduct a cost benefit analysis on Commoditizing IT services to Hybrid Cloud solutions

Business vision

Project scope




9.- Need to change from a Device mindset to user mindset

UNWTO must change its focus to offer a modern approach to client platform deployment puts the user in the center as the subject to manage, instead of the device. Desktop Virtualization project

Business vision

Project scope





10.- Need improvements on IT Processes & Compliance

Improve ICT’s Services Catalog with clear definition of Service level Agreements (SLA’s) and Operation Level Agreements (OLA’s) Improve security monitoring, problem, change & configuration management. Implement Self-service capabilities for users.

Business vision






11.- No Cloud culture UNWTO needs to implement cloud culture or cloud awareness in terms of private, public and/or hybrid cloud. UNWTO should conduct a cost benefit analysis of this strategy.

Business vision

Project scope


12.- Architectural design based on traditional architecture principles

The new cloud world has created newer architecture principles that UNWTO needs to be aware of with regards to Enterprise Architecture, and which will need to be reflected on and decide on whether a strategy change is in order.

Business vision

Project scope

