BOLETÍN de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica CTUALIDAD NALÍTICA A Número 34, Junio 2011

D A CD I TL BOLETÍN Í de la Sociedad Española de Química

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BOLETÍNde la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica



AA Número 34, Junio 2011

Page 2: D A CD I TL BOLETÍN Í de la Sociedad Española de Química




Estamos enfilando el mes de junio que es habitualmente uno de los meses de más trabajo de todo el año y donde parece que todo tiene que quedar terminado, comenzando por la docencia -final de clases, presentación de trabajos, calificaciones-, siguiendo por la investigación –tesis, envío de artículos, congresos- y terminando por gestión –organización del próximo curso, peticiones varias, justificaciones. A pesar de todo esperamos que saques tiempo para echar una ojeada a este nuevo número de Actualidad Analítica. Con él te queremos animar a asistir a las Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental que tendrán lugar en Barcelona el próximo noviembre. Para ello, el tema que hemos elegido en esta ocasión ha sido precisamente las JAI y aquí vas a encontrar, además del programa del congreso, un resumen de las conferencias que allí vas a poder escuchar. Conferencias que abarcan temas muy diversos aunque con el denominador común de la alta calidad de las conferencias plenarias (R. Graham Cooks, Luis Liz-Marzan, Richard M. Crooks, Giorgio Righetti y Stephen R. Leone) y de las comunicaciones orales invitadas (Joan Albaigés, Francisca Mulero, Cristina Nerín, Manuel Fuentes y Jordi Segura). A todo ello hay que sumar las distintas sesiones que ya hemos comentado en otros números: docencia, jóvenes, ETBs-CDTI-Empresas etc. etc. Y en esta edición, sin subida de cuotas y con la inclusión de las comidas.

Por otro lado, como supongo que sabéis, la Junta Directiva de la SEQA ha organizado una reunión de un día acerca de la situación actual y futuro de los másteres y doctorados a celebrar el próximo 30 de junio en Madrid. En este número os presentamos el programa elaborado en el que se van a tratar en ponencias cortas los temas que creemos de mayor interés, para concluir con una mesa redonda. Os animamos a participar en esta iniciativa que puede servir no solo para debatir y señalar problemas sino también, quizás, para estructurar másteres entre universidades.

La sección de reseñas bibliográficas incluye en esta ocasión dos publicaciones, siempre bien acogidas, sobre docencia práctica; una de Mª Luisa Fernández de Córdova, Luis Ballesteros y Antonio Ruiz, todos de la Universidad de Jaén, relativa a un cuaderno de prácticas de laboratorio de análisis de aceite y otra titulada Laboratorio de Análisis Instrumental de Adela Mauri, María Llobat y Rosa Herráez de la Universidad de Valencia.

Por el Comité Editoria


María Teresa Galcerán Luis Fermín Capitán(Univ. Barcelona) (Univ. Granada)

Arántzazu Narváez Rosa Puchades(Univ. Alcalá de Henares) (Univ. Politécnica Valencia)

Soledad Muniategui Encarnación Lorenzo(Univ. La Coruña) (Univ. Autónoma Madrid)

Alfredo Sanz-Medel Manuel Hdez. Córdoba(Univ. Oviedo) (Univ. Murcia)

Vicente Ferreira José Miguel Vadillo (Univ. Zaragoza) (Univ. Málaga)

Sociedad Española de Química Analítica(SEQA)


Elena Domínguez(Univ. Alcalá)


Enrique Barrado(Univ. Valladolid)


José Luis Pérez Pavón(Univ. Salamanca)


La SEQA no asume responsabilidad sobre las ideas u opiniones de las colaboraciones reflejadas en sus páginas.

D.L.: MA-1883-2007

Comité editorial de ACTUALIDAD ANALÍTICA

Luis Fermín Capitán(Univ. Granada)

Enrique Barrado(Univ. Valladolid)

Encarnación Lorenzo(Univ. Autónoma Madrid)


José Miguel Vadillo(Univ. Málaga)

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CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 3


La Junta Directiva de la SEQA ha organizado una 10:00 Presentac ión: Elena Domínguez, jornada acerca de la situación actual y futuro de los Presidenta SEQAmásteres y doctorados a celebrar el próximo 30 de 10:15 Juan José Moreno Navarro, Director junio en Madrid. Como os anunciamos en el boletín General de Política Universitaria. pasado nos parece que es de interés la puesta en Ministerio de Educación. Visión del común de experiencias y la reflexión en voz alta Ministeriosobre estudios de máster y doctorado en los 10:45 Manuel Silva Rodríguez, UCO. Evaluación diferentes ámbitos donde concurre la química de Másteres. Visión de la ANECA.analítica. Esta jornada está abierta a socios de la 11:15 José Barbosa Torralbo, UB. Escuelas SEQA, aunque aceptamos muy gustosamente a Doctorales.compañeros no pertenecientes a la SEQA o de 11:45 Caféotras áreas que nos quieran acompañar. Para ello 12:155 Antonio Macho Senra, Colegio Oficial de hemos preparado un programa que nos permita Qu ím icos de Ga l i c i a . Más te res asistir casi desde cualquier punto de la geografía. profesionales. Con objeto de facilitar la asistencia la SEQA correrá 12:45 Miquel Esteban Cortada, UB. Erasmus con los gastos de desplazamiento de un M u n d u . C o o p e r a c i ó n e representante por Universidad socio de la SEQA. internacionalización en Másteres y

Doctorado.Tras una presentación de nuestra Presidenta Elena 13:15 Luis Cuadros Rodríguez, UGR. Evaluación Domínguez tendremos desde la visión del en másteres. Problemática de la Ministerio (Juan José Moreno Navarro, Director presencialidad.General de Política Universitaria), a la de los 13:45 Jorge Ruiz Encinar (UNIOVI) y Bartolomé colegios de Químicos (Másteres profesionales S i m o n e t ( U C O ) . M á s t e r e s y (Antonio Macho, Colegio Oficial de Químicos de contenidos en Química Analítica.Galicia) y de compañeros que han estado en 14:15 Comidaprimera línea del tema, que tratarán diversos 15:15 Mesa redonda. Moderador: Miguel aspectos, desde la Evaluación de Másteres Valcárcel. Intervienen: Pilar Campins (UV), (Manuel Silva, UCO), las Escuelas Doctorales Ángel Ríos (UCLM), Víctor Cerdá (UIB), ( J o s é B a r b o s a , U B ) ; C o o p e r a c i ó n e Antonio Zapardiel (UNED) y Tina Gómez internacionalización en Másteres y Doctorado Hens (UCO).(Erasmus Mundus, Miquel Esteban), o los 16:45 Conclusiones y despedidaproblemas de la presencialidad y la evaluación, sin olvidarnos, evidentemente de los contenidos en Os animamos a asistir y exponer y debatir los Química analítica. problemas e indefiniciones que, a nadie se nos

escapa, presentan estos nuevos másteres y, muy El programa completo de la jornada, ya distribuido especialmente, doctorados. Para inscribirte, por e-mail es el que sigue c o n t a c t a c o n L u i s F e r m í n C a p i t á n

([email protected])

Dentro de las actividades de 2011 Año presentarán el panorama actual de la investigación Internacional de la Química , la RSEQ ha española en Química Analítica.programado en su reunión de Julio en Valencia un simposio de dos días sobre Química Analítica. En Una excelente oportunidad de reencontrarse con estas sesiones, además de la conferencia general los amigos y conocer a algunos de los del Prof Gary M Hieftje, están programadas las investigadores mas prestigiosos del momento. En conferencias específicas de la Prof Elena las direcciones se Domínguez (UAL) y del Prof Mikel Koel pueden consultar todos los detalles. Las sesiones (Universidad Técnica de Tallin, Estonia), además tendrán lugar en el palacio de congresos y algunas de las conferencias de los investigadores de las actividades en la ciudad de las ciencias; con premiados por la RSEQ el año pasado y este año lo que los participantes se podrán hacer una buena Prof J Javier Laserna (UMA) y Prof Mª Cruz Moreno idea de los cambios producidos en la ciudad de Bondi (UCM). El programa se completará con una Valencia para adaptarse al siglo XXI.serie de comunicaciones flash y pósters que



Miguel de la Guardia (UV)

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Hora Sala 4.1 Sala 4.2

8.30-9.00 Recogida de documentación

9.00-9.30 Ceremonia de apertura


CONFERENCIA PLENARIA: "Miniature mass spectometers and ambient ionization: Instrumentation and

applications in tissue imaging, disease diagnostics, food & public safety" Prof. R. GrahamCooks

Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA

10.30-11.00 Colocación de pósters



Oral invitada: Medioambiente "Oilspillfingerprinting: A challengeissuefortheAnalyticalChemistry"

Dr. Joan Albaigés Profesor de Investigación en el Departamento de Química Medioambiental del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas—CSIC. Barcelona, España.

11.30-13.00 Medio Ambiente (orales cortas)

Automatización Miniaturización Nanotecnología (orales cortas)

13.00-14.00 COMIDA

14.00-15.00 Visita pósters: Medio ambiente. Automatización.

Miniaturización. Nanotecnología


CONFERENCIA PLENARIA: "Ultrasensitiveanalysisusing metal nanoparticles"

Prof. Luis M. Liz-Marzan Dep. de Química Física y Unidad Asociada CSIC-Universidad de Vigo


Oral invitada: PET (Positron Emision Tomography) "PET-CT in preclinical cancer research"

Dra. Francisca Mulero Responsable Unidad de la imagen molecular. Programa Biotecnológico Centro Nacional Español de Investigación del Cáncer (CNIO) Madrid

16.30-17.30 Medio Ambiente (orales cortas)

Desarrollos en Instrumentación (orales cortas)

17.30-18.00 CAFÉ


Discusión de Pósters Medio Ambiente Automatización

Miniaturización Instrumentración Nanotecnología



CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA4 - Año 2011, Número 34

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CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 5


Hora Sala 4.1 Sala 4.2


Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria I(orales cortas)

Biosensores (orales cortas)


CONFERENCIA PLENARIA: Sesión “in Memoriam” del Prof. Lucas Hernández

"Bipolar electrodes: fundamentals, sensing, and concentration enrichment in microelectrochemical systems"

Prof. Richard M. Crooks Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. TheUniversity of Texas at Austin.





Oral invitada: Calidad y seguridadalimentaria "Influence of packaging on food safety: Analytical challenges"

Profa. Cristina Nerín Catedrática de Química Analítica. Departamento de Química Analítica

Universidad de Zaragoza


Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria II(orales cortas)





Visita pósters: Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria. Biosensores

Asamblea del Grupo de Especiación de la SEQA


CONFERENCIA PLENARIA: "Advanced light sources for analytical spectroscopy: From X-rays to

attoseconds" Prof. Stephen R. Leone

Department of Chemistry, University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. USA


SEQA: Hitos y Retos Sesión de docencia

Sesión jóvenes investigadores





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Hora Sala 4.1 Sala 4.2


Análisis Clínicos y Productos Farmacéuticos

(orales cortas)

Especiación Quimiometría (orales cortas)


CONFERENCIA PLENARIA: “The proteome Argonauts: conquering the “golden fleece” of alcoholic

beverages and soft drinks via combinatorial peptide ligands Prof. Pier Giorgio Righetti

Department of Cemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering. Poltecnico di Milano, Italy

11.00-11.30 CAFÉ


Oral invitada: "Protein chips in biomarker&drugdiscovery"

Dr. Manuel Fuentes García Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CIC-IBMCC). Salamanca

12.00-13.00 Proteómica, Genómica etc.

(orales cortas)ETBs

13.00-14.00 COMIDA

14.00-15.00 Visita pósters


Oral invitada: "Antidoping control, crossroadbetweenChemistry and otherLifeSciences"

Dr. Jordi Segura Noguera IMIM - Instituto de Investigación del Hospital del Mar, Barcelona

15.30-17.30 Discusión de pósters Discusión de pósters

17.30-18.30 Ceremonia de clausura

Entrega de Premios

CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA6 - Año 2011, Número 34


Antes del


Después del


Cuota general 500 565

SEQA, Socios de Sociedades Organizadoras 375 445

Expositores de Expoquimia 375 445

Estudiantes (Cuota reducida)* 170 185

IVA incluido (18%)


*La cuota reducida está dirigida a estudiantes de tercer ciclo y jóvenes investigadores.

Para poder acogerse a esta cuota deberán ser miembros de alguna de las sociedades


La cuota de inscripción incluye:

• Derecho a presentar una comunicación (previa aceptación por el Comité Científico)

• Acceso a las sesiones (conferencias, comunicaciones, carteles)

• Comidas

• Cafés

• Portafolios conteniendo programa científico, resúmenes de las contribuciones

científicas, y lista de participantes

• Libre acceso a EXPOQUIMIA


Fira de Barcelona, junto con las sociedades organizadoras de las 13as JAI, SEQA, SECYTA,

SEA, SEEM y SEPROT concederán Becas para la participación de estudiantes de tercer ciclo

y jóvenes investigadores en las 13 Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental.

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Department of Chemistry & Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907

P r o f . R . G r a h a m C o o k s spectrometers have been constructed in Prof.

( C o o k s ' l a b o r a t o r y, i n c l u d i n g h y b r i d

) is the sector/quadrupole instruments and advanced ion

Henry B. Hass Dist inguished trap instruments. The Prof. Cook´s group has made

Professor in Analytical Chemistry at significant contributions to the development of

the Department of Chemistry of desorption ionization and tandem mass

Purdue University. spectrometry as methods of analysis of complex

mixtures.Mass spectrometry is of interest to the

group of Graham Cooks, including Among many other, he is the recipient of the

f u n d a m e n t a l p h e n o m e n a , following recognitions: Fellow of the American

instrumentation and analytical Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010; Ralph N.

applications. They study collisions of Adams Award, the Pittsburgh Conference, 2010;

ions in the gas phase and at surfaces. Robert Boyle Medal in Analytical Chemistry, Royal

The latter experiment aims at new Society of Chemistry, 2008; Award for a

methods of molecular surface Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry,

analysis. In addition to reactive American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2006;

scattering, soft-landing of ions at Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecturer, Gordon

su r faces has recen t l y been Research Conferences, 2005; Outstanding

discovered. Development of the Paul Commercialization Award for Purdue University

ion trap and the construction of Faculty, 2005; Fisher Award (ACS Award for

miniature ion trap arrays is the focus of Analytical Chemistry) , 1997; Honorary Member,

an instrumentation effort, the practical Ukrainian Chemical Society, 1995; Frank H. Field &

aims of which include in-situ on-line Joe L. Franklin Award, (ACS Award for Mass

analysis. Ion motion simulations and laser tomography experiments facilitate the Spectrometry), 1991; Herbert Newby McCoy

ion trap effort. They are currently employing ion/molecule reactions to recognize Award, 1990; Honorary Member of Chinese Mass

functional groups in polyfunctional compounds. Fundamental thermochemical Spectrometry Society, 1987; Sigma Xi Faculty

properties such as proton affinities are being measured using the kinetic method, Research Award, 1986; Thomson Medal,

which was developed from their earlier interest in ion structure and fragmentation International Mass Spectrometry Society, 1985;

mechanism. Their interests also include ion mobilities and other physical Analyt ical Division, Award in Chemical

properties of biological molecules, trace environmental analysis and Instrumentation, 1984; Purdue Cancer Research

atmospherically relevant ion/molecule reactions. Several new types of mass Award, Indiana Lions Club, 1983.



The recent development of ambient ionization another application, whole blood analysis for methods is transforming the applications of mass therapeutics is achieved in a few seconds using spectrometry allowing virtually any sample to be another new method, paper spray. LTP examined in air, rather than being introduced into applications in food safety and bacterial the mass spectrometer vacuum system. Ambient identification will be described. ionization methods include the spray method, Other examples of applications include desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) in which transportation security, forensic applications and the sample is impacted by charged microdroplets cleaning validation as well as natural products which pick up analyte by dissolution and carry it to characterization. the MS; plasma-based methods among them low

The talk will conclude with information on the temperature plasma (LTP) and the new paper spray combination of ambient ionization methods with (PS) ionization method. The physical and handheld miniature mass spectrometers, a tool that mechanistic basis of each of these experiments will has great potential for the discovery chemist as well be described. as in practical applications in industry and

DESI finds application in disease diagnosis by medicine. tissue imaging and examples of human bladder, liver and brain cancer diagnostics will be given. In


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 7

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Departamento de Química Física and Unidad Asociada CSIC-Universidade de Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain, [email protected].

Prof. Luis M. Liz-Marzán belongs response of plasmonic metal nanoparticles and to the Departamento de Química nanomaterials; and iv) The exploitation of the Física y Unidad Asociada CSIC- plasmonic properties of the nanoparticles and their Universidad de Vigo. Spain assemblies for useful applications, mainly related to (http://webs.uvigo.es/coloides/na sensing for detection and diagnostics. In this respect, no/). various types of nanostructured substrates have been

recently devised and fabricated in the group for ultrasensitive detection based on surface enhanced

Dr. Liz-Marzán´s research group Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy.

has been at the forefront of the colloidal plasmonic nanoparticles area during more than fifteen Additionally, the group has also contributed to the years, making key contributions study of magnetic nanoparticles, semiconductor and opening new horizons in this quantum dots, carbon nanotubes and nanocatalysis.area. The main topics on which Significant recognitions of his scientific career are the relevant contributions have been E R C A d v a n c e d G r a n t , 2 0 1 1 ; D u P o n t made are the following: i) The use AwardforScience, 2010; Wilsmore Fellowship in of colloid chemistry techniques to Chemistry (University of Melbourne), 2010; A. v.-control of metal nanoparticles Humboldt-J. C.Mutis Research Award, 2009; Physical morphology and tuning of their Chemistry Award of the Spanish Royal Society of optical response; ii) The ability to Chemistry, 2009; Fellow of the Royal Society of tailor the nanoparticles' surface Chemistry since 2008; President of the Colloid and chemistry through capping ligand Interface Division of the Spanish Royal Society of exchange and inorganic coatings Chemistry, 2010; Senior Editor of Langmuir (ACS

(a variety of core-shell systems were devised, with a broad range of journal devoted to colloid and interface science), properties); iii) The ability to organize colloidal nanoparticles into well-defined 2009; Editorial board member of several chemistry nanoparticle assemblies in two and three dimensions, both on solid and materials science journals.substrates and on colloidal templates, often leading to multifunctional colloidal composites; iv) Detailed characterization and modelling of the optical

Metal nanoparticles display very interesting optical to the metallic surface. In this communication, we properties, related to localized surface plasmon present several examples of novel strategies based resonances (LSPR), which give rise to well-defined on colloid chemistry, to fabricate highly efficient absorption and scattering peaks in the visible and nanostructured SERS substrates that overcome near-IR spectral range. Such resonances can be some of the drawbacks of the technique. Shape tuned through the size and shape of the control, directed nanoparticle assembly, and nanoparticles, but are also extremely sensitive different types of responsive polymer substrates towards dielectric changes in the near proximity of have been shown to yield ultrasensitive detection of the part ic les surface. Therefore, metal a wide variety of analytes, including environmental nanoparticles have been proposed as ideal contaminants such as dioxins or DDT, as well as candidates for biosensing applications, on the basis infectious proteins such as scrambled prions. of concepts similar to those applied in commercial

References:SPR biosensors. Additionally, localized surface plasmon resonances are characterized by large 1. L. Rodríguez-Lorenzo et al., Zeptomol detection through electric fields at the surface, which are responsible controlled ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering, J.

Am. Chem. Soc.2009, 131, 4616-4618for the so-called surface enhanced spectroscopies, 2. R.A. Álvarez-Puebla et al., Au@pNIPAM colloids as molecular and in particular for surface enhanced Raman traps for surface-enhanced, spectroscopic, ultra-sensitive

scattering (SERS). Since the Raman scattering analysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2009, 48, 138-143cross sections can be enhanced up to 12 orders of 3. S. Abalde-Cela et al., Loading of Exponentially Grown LBL

Films with Silver Nanoparticles and their Application for magnitude, very small amounts of analyte can be Generalized SERS Detection, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2009, 48, detected and thus the SERS effect has rendered 5326-5329

Raman scattering spectroscopy a powerful 4. A. Sánchez-Iglesias et al., Chemical Growth of Ag Nanopillars on Au Nanoparticle Arrays and Application as Reproducible analytical technique that allows ultrasensitive SERS Substrates, Nano Today2010, 5, 21-27chemical or biochemical analysis. However, 5. M. Yang et al., SERS-Active Gold Lace Nanoshells withBuilt-in

practical application of SERS is hindered by Hotspots, Nano Lett.2010, 10, 4013-4019problems related to optimization and reproducibility 6. R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al., Real-Time Detection of Scrambled

Prions on 3D Supercrystals of Gold Nanorods, Proc. Natl. Acad. of the enhancement factors, uniformity of the Sci. USA, in press. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1016530108substrates and proximity of the analyte molecules


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA8 - Año 2011, Número 34

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SYSTEMSRichard M. Crooks, Stephen Fosdick, Robbyn Perdue, Eoin Sheridan

University of Texas at Austin, Dept. Chemistry and Biochem., Austin, Texas, 78712-0165, USA

Dzmitry Hlushkou and Ulrich TallarekDept. Chemistry, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Hans-Meerwein-Strasse, 35032 Marburg, Germany

Prof. Richard M. Crooks holds the that each consists of thousands of electrodes and that A. Welch Chair in Materials Chemistry at the have limits of detection and sensitivities approaching Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry those of fluorescence-based sensors. Such at the University of Texas at Austin, USA miniaturized devices have applications as point-of-( ) care testing systems for genetic and infectious . disease states. Finally, they recently discovered a

method for replicating the types of DNA microarrays The interests of Prof. Crooks research that are currently the workhorse of genomic testing. At g r o u p i n c l u d e e l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y, present such arrays are usually made by spotting one nanomaterials, catalysis, chemical and test site at a time, but they can be expensive because biological sensing, and microanalytical each array can consist of >1.000 000 test sites. Their systems. For example, they are interested approach results in replication of an entire array in in learning how the physical and chemical parallel, which could result is a substantial reduction in properties of catalysts affect their selectivity cost. The chemistry underlying the replication and efficiency. Nanoscale catalysts in the 1-principle is fascinating in its own right and is also under 3 nm size range are of particular interest, study.because very slight changes to materials in

this size range materials can dramatically Among different recognitions, he is the recipient of the affect their catalytic properties. Accordingly, their group recently developed a C. N. Reilley Award of the Society of Electroanalytical new template-based approach for preparing multimetallic catalysts that have Chemistry, 2010; ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry a high degree of compositional and structural uniformity. These materials Award in Electrochemistry, 2008; Carl Wagner provide the means for quantitatively understanding the relationship between Memorial Award of the Electrochemical Society, 2003; catalyst structure and function. A conclusion of their studies is that there are National Science Foundation Young Investigator not many good analytical methods for studying the properties of nanoparticles Award, 1993; Office of Naval Research Young smaller than about 3 nm, and therefore they are also inventing new analytical Investigator Award, 1991; Society for Analytical methods to better understand these materials. The group of Prof. Crooks also Chemists of Pittsburgh Starter Grant Award, 1990; has a long-standing interest in chemical and biological sensors. The objective Gilbert H. Ayres Award, The University of Texas at of these studies is to design, build, and understand electrochemical sensors Austin, 1984.



This presentation focuses on the fundamental electrochemical process, such as silver principles of bipolar electrochemisty and how electrodissolution, as an indirect measure of the systems based on these principles can be used for current associated with a sensing event at the chemical sensing and concentration enrichment of cathodic pole of the BPE. Because silver analytes present at low concentration. An important dissolution can be observed visually, it is possible to aspect of bipolar electrodes (BPEs) is that they do s i m p l y a n d s i m u l t a n e o u s l y r e a d - o u t not require a direct external electrical connection, electrochemical array sensors consisting of and this means they are well-suited for both thousands of electrodes.nanoscale electrochemistry applications, where it Bipolar electrodes can also be configured to might be difficult to make such connections, and for modulate the local electric field within a microfluidic high-density electrode arrays, where it would be channel. This means it is possible to balance the impractical to make thousands or millions of electroosmotic and electrophoretic velocity of an individual electrode connections. analyte at a particular location in a channel. We will The talk will begin with a comparison of traditional discuss the fundamental principles of this process three-electrode electrochemisty and bipolar in the context of both high-level simulations and electrochemistry. The key point here is that both experiments, and then demonstrate an application methods rely on exerting control over the potential that leads to analyte concentration enrichment by a difference at the electrode/solution interface, but in factor of 500 000, and a second application in which bipolar electrochemisty it is the potential of the the BPE enables simultaneous enrichment and solution that is modulated rather than the electrode separation. BPEs can also be used to bring two potential. Another important aspect of bipolar separated microfluidic channels into electrical electrochemistry is that the rates of faradaic contact, and this provides a means for processes at the anodic and cathodic poles of a implementing a method we call faradaic ion BPE must be identical to ensure charge neutrality. concentration polarizationAccordingly, it is possible to use an observable


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 9

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Stephen R. LeoneDepartments of Chemistry and Physics, Chemical Sciences DivisionUniversity of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley, CA 94720 USA

Prof. Stephen R. Leone is ranging from atoms to small molecules to metal Professor of Chemistry and clusters. Phase-shaping of the high order harmonics Physics at the University of has been investigated. Transient X-ray absorption is California at Berkeley where he used to probe alignment and molecular fragmentation holds the John R. Thomas pathways through core level spectroscopy. By using Endowed Chair in Physical few cycle carrier-envelope phase-stabilized laser Chemistry. Prof. Leone also acts pulses, isolated attosecond pulses are generated to as Director of the study electronic timescales in molecules and clusters

and by ejecting inner shell electrons on attosecond timescales. An apparatus to probe photoelectron

Lawrence Berkeley National angular images with time-resolved high order Laboratory harmonics is used to study outgoing electron waves

and phases. Research also investigates the ultralow temperature gas phase kinetics for the atmospheres

Professor Leone's research of Titan and Saturn, as well as to probe combustion

interests include ultrafast laser dynamics through radical reactions. Heterogeneous

investigations of soft X-ray probing chemistry is a significant new area of investigation,

of valence and core levels, with applications to fuel droplet combustion and

attosecond physics, state-resolved aerosol aging in the atmosphere.

collision processes and kinetics investigations, coherent processes and wave packets, dynamics of Several recognitions must be highlighted as the recent nanoparticles, nanoscale probing for 2011;

with near field optical microscopy, CARS microscopy, and neutrals imaging Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics, American ( ). Physical Society, 2011; National Security Science and Current projects are grouped along several main themes: Ultrafast laser Engineering Faculty Fellowship, Department of molecular dynamics, including X-ray probing and attosecond pulse Defense, 2010; Miller Professorship, Miller Research production and investigations; chemical dynamics of molecules, Institute, 2010; Polanyi Medal of the Gas Kinetics nanoparticles, and clusters; nanostructured materials investigations with Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, 2010; scanned probe microscopies. Morris Belkin Visiting Professorship, Weizmann

Institute, 2009; JILA Fellow Adjoint (2006-2011); Ultrafast lasers are used to probe the dynamics of molecular motion on the American Chemical Society Peter Debye Prize, 2005; time scales of vibrational, rotational, or electronic periods. The Leone group Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, investigates coherent properties. The study of molecular photodissociation by 2000; Centennial Speaker, American Physical soft X-ray laser techniques has opened the way to analyze the simple Society, 1999; Member of the National Academy of breaking of molecular bonds in greater detail. High order harmonics are Sciences, 1995; Bourke Medal of the Faraday Division produced by high fields in a rare gas and used to probe valence shell of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1995photoelectron spectra and core level spectroscopy of time-evolving systems,

Chemical Sciences Division Chemical Dynamics Beamline at the


Chemical Society Review Lecture Award

Novel light sources, available from synchrotron and gas phase reactions that produce multiple storage rings in the vacuum ultraviolet, infrared, isomer branches, analyzed by the method of and x-ray regions, as well as laser-produced x-rays tunable threshold photoionization. In reactions on ultrashort timescales, even down to 100 relevant to Titan, chemical processes that produce attosecond time durations, provide a wide array of ring or linear forms of compounds with the same new chemical and analytical spectroscopy tools. overall chemical composition are analyzed with Each spectral region has its own unique capability precision for the first time. Laser-produced high for analysis, such as the measurement of chemical order harmonic radiation provides x-ray chemical shifts and bonding configurations in the x-ray, or composition, allowing new dynamics experiments very short time durations to analyze electronic to be performed on photochemical processes. At motions. In the laboratories at Berkeley, x-rays are the shortest possible timescales, electronic wave used to write patterns in polymer photoresists and packet motion is measured with attosecond probe to subsequently measure the polymer cross linking pulses in direct absorption for the first time. The and spreading of the reaction zone. Infrared basics of the production methods of these novel synchrotron radiation is also used to probe cross light sources are presented along with select linking. Tunable vacuum ultraviolet light is used to examples that emphasize the chemical analysis measure the reactive chemistry of aerosol particles advantages.


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA10 - Año 2011, Número 34

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Politecnico di Milano, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta", Via Mancinelli 7, Milano 20131, Italy

Prof. Pier Giorgio Righetti belongs to the Politecnico done in isocratic electrophoresis; the mutants can only di Milano, Department of Chemistry, Materials and be resolved in an electrophoretic run in presence of a Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta", Via Mancinelli thermal gradient, along the separation axis. Since it 7 , M i l a n o 2 0 1 3 1 , I t a l y was impossible to obtain in CZE a thermal gradient in ( space, we have developed thermal gradients in time.

) In the latest years, starting from 2000, he has published a series of works, both methodological and His scientific career has been involved (1970-1980) applied to biological problems, in proteome analysis in the development of isoelectric focusing in soluble, as the use of mass spectrometry for monitoring amphoteric buffers. This research has been applied accidental protein modifications in proteome analysis, to a number of biomedical and clinical problems, with linked to the use of current electrophoretic methods on particular emphasis on the characterization and gels; the reduction and alkylation of proteins in 2-D analysis of genetic mutants of hemoglobin. For maps; the modelling of resolution in proteome about another ten years (1980-1990) he has developed isoelectric focusing in analysis; new statistical and quantitative approaches immobilized pH gradients. Already in the early eighties, his group has in proteome analysis; and novel, dilute gel matrices in developed a novel system for 2-D map analysis, that utilizes as first proteome analysis. Most of his research efforts, in the dimension immobilized pH gradients (IPG) Starting from 1987, he has been last few years, have been dedicated to cancer involved with the development of novel equipment for large-scale purification research, along four main lines: a) pancreatic of recombinant DNA proteins. The outcome of this project has been a most tumours ; b ) mant le ce l l l ymphomas; c ) powerful machine, called multicompartment electrolyzer (MCE) with neuroblastomas; d) mechanisms of chemoresistance isoelectric membranes, based on the revolutionary principle of trapping of tumour cells to drugs.proteins in between sets of amphoteric, buffering membranes. MCE has been

used in several projects for extreme purification of proteins, also in view of Numerous recognition do laureate his career as the their crystallization, as well as an enzyme reactor. Recently, the same Csaba Horvath Medal award, by the Connecticut instrument, miniaturized, has been adopted for pre-fractionation in proteome Separation Science Council; CaSSS (California analysis. Separation Science Society) award (October 2006);

Veneto Innovation: first prize for studies on Proteome. One project he has undertaken during the decade 1990-2000 has been the 2001; Hirai Prize award for outstanding research in development of the field of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). In CZE, he Separation Science (Tokyo, Japan). 1999; Milano has developed a novel thermal theory, able to predict with accuracy the real Award: price awarded for advanced genetic research temperature inside the capillary during an electrophoretic run. This has in mutational analysis, November-1997; Prize of the allowed the setting of a novel, revolutionary technique: separation of DNA English Electrophoresis Society, 1997; Prize fragments, carrying a point mutation, for the screening of genetic diseases. Consorzio Italiano di Biotecnologie for the Separation of PCR-amplified fragments carrying a point mutation cannot be "Biotechnologist of the year, 1995


Proteomic science has been vastly exploited in the can detect well over 100 residual grape proteins past ten years for biomarker discovery in sera, in present in wines, this suggesting the possibility of search of panels of proteins able to warn about the proteo-typing grand crus against counterfeited onset of various diseases. According to Mitchell products invading the market. We will additionally (Nature Biotech. 28, 2010, 665-670), this has been report proteo-typing of beers as well as different the biggest “fiasco” in this arena, with billions of carbonated soft beverages. One could thus easily dollars wasted. Completely different results have distinguish among artificial beverages, made only been obtained by us when analyzing a “fiasco” (a with synthetic additives and flavours (Coca Cola 1.5 liter jug) of white or red wine, with the being a classical example) vs. genuine products combinatorial peptide ligand library (CPLL) made with plant extracts. Examples will be given on technology. It turns out that most wine producers proteome analysis of, e.g., almond milk, orgeat, treat white wines with casein (and red wines with Cola beverages and the like. Regulatory agencies egg albumen) in order to eliminate residual grape and customers would thus have a new, formidable proteins that would flocculate upon long term tool for protection against adulterated and storage. Although required by EC rulers, no counterfeited foodstuff and beverages. producer has ever stated the residual amount of

References:these allergenic additives in their product. With the 1. Cereda A et al., Proteomics of wine additives: Mining for the

CPLL technology, we were able to detect as little as invisible via combinatorial peptide ligand libraries. J. Proteomics 1 µg casein/L, an extremely high detection 2010, 73, 1732-1739.

2. D'Amato et al., Noah's nectar: The proteome content of a glass sensitivity, unreported up to the present (the official of red wine. J. Proteomics 2010, 73, 2370-2377.ELISA test of the EC reached barely down to 200 3. Fasoli E et al., Les Mai tres de l'Orge: The Proteome Content

µg/L). However, if untreated wines are analyzed, we of Your Beer Mug J. Proteome Res. 2010, 9, 5262-5269.


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Joan AlbaigésDepartment of Environmental Chemistry. CSICJordi Girona, 18-36. 08034-Barcelona, España

[email protected]

El Prof. Albaigés es Profesor de de capacitación técnica en países en vías desarrollo. Investigación del CSIC, en el que En 2002 fue nombrado vice-presidente del Comité d e s a r r o l l a s u s l í n e a s d e Científico Asesor sobre el accidente del Prestige, en investigación en biogeoquímica de 2004, coordinador de la European Network on contaminantes orgánicos en aguas Accidental Marine Pollution (AMPERA) y, desde 2010, c o n t i n e n t a l e s y m a r i n a s ; de la ERA-Net “Towards integrated European marine ecotoxicología de contaminantes research strategy and programmes” (SEAS-ERA), orgánicos y en gestión regional de que agrupa a 20 países. Es miembro del International la contaminación marina. En 1970 Oil Spill Identification Network of Experts (OSINET).estableció, en Barcelona, el

Ha ocupado diversos cargos de responsabilidad en la Depar tamento de Química

gestión pública de la investigación (Director del Ambiental, en el que se han llevado

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo, Delegado del a cabo estudios de investigación

CSIC en Cataluña y Director General de pioneros, fruto de los cuáles se han

Investigación) y de la política universitaria publicado más de 250 trabajos en

(Comisionado para Universidades e Investigación de revistas internacionales sobre

la Generalitat de Catalunya). Es miembro de la temas de Medio Ambiente y Geoquímica Orgánica y se han dirigido 20 Tesis

Academia Europaea, de la Academia Scientarum et Doctorales. En la actualidad, actúa como editor de la Revista Internat. J.

Artium Europea y de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Environ. Anal. Chem.

Artes. Es vice-presidente de la International Ha llevado a cabo una extensa actividad internacional como Asesor y Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry colaborador de UNEP, para el establecimiento de programas de vigilancia (IAEAC).ambiental en países de América Latina y como evaluador final de proyectos

Marine pollution by oil is a well known problem that chromatographic profile and the hydrocarbon has become particularly evident at the time of families associated. To this end, a number of source massive accidental spills, such as the Prestige or, and weathering indices, based on molecular more recently, the Deepwater Horizon platform in markers have been proposed for comparison of the Gulf of Mexico. However, operational samples, and multivariate statistical methods are discharges in coastal areas or offshore (e.g. urban applied to improve the diagnostic capabilities. The effluents or oil tank washings) are more widespread effects of the processes of evaporation, dissolution, and become confused with the accidental spills, photooxidation and biodegradation on the spilled when the acute phase is gone. In order to address samples need to be taken into account for the the issues that such discharges pose, including adequate interpretation of the results. their early detection and the precise determination The samples are considered to match to a high of the sources, in the last decade significant degree of scientific certainty when the differences in advances have been taking place thanks to the the chromatographic patterns and diagnostic ratios contributions, among others, of the Instrumental of samples submitted for comparison are lower than Analysis. the variability of the method or can be explained The presentation will show the approach taken in unequivocally, for example by weathering. These Europe to establish a surveillance system of oil criteria are illustrated with examples of accidental spills, from remote sensing to the collection of and operational discharges.samples and their final identification. Efficient and Among the operational discharges, the most unambiguous analytical methods are assesed by common are those related to washing tanks or the Oil Spill Identification Network of Experts bilges. In this case, the identification of such (OSINET). residues is particularly difficult because its Sampling from both the spill and the suspected composition, a mixture of products used in a vessel source(s) is crucial to any forensic program. (fuel oils and lubricating oils), is very variable. The Sampling at sea is carried out with special devices lack of homogeneity of the samples stored in the for collecting surface oil, patches, slicks or sheens. bilge is the main difficulty. The difficulties are even Sampling of tanks on the vessels must be more important when spills occur in ports, where comprehensive and representative. The chain of potential sources are numerous. In this case, we custody of the samples is essential. present two cases of spills occurred in fishing ports, The identification is carried out by GC-MS, where the cause of the spill among four potential c o n s i d e r i n g d i f f e r e n t s e c t o r s o f t h e sources should be identified.


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA12 - Año 2011, Número 34

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Head of the Molecular Imaging UnitCNIO (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre)

Dra.Francisca Mulero, M.D. Ph.D. is the “Haematological neoplasias: molecular diagnostics Head of the Molecular Imaging Unit at the supported therapy”, an AECC*-funded research National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) project in which the employment of molecular imaging in Madrid ( techniques is fundamental for validating therapy

effectiveness in the treatment of haematological Francisca Mulero is broadly experienced in neoplasias. As CNIO Faculty, Francisca is also a the clinical molecular imaging field. She is member of the CDTI**-funded CENIT*** Consortium an active nuclear medicine specialist MD “Advanced Molecular Imaging Technologies (AMIT)” since 1994, focusing since 2004 on last whose aim is to assess the feasibility of building up a generation imaging techniques, such as minicyclotron and a lab for the synthesis of radio-clinical PET-CT.compounds that could be located in any hospital

She obtained her First Class Honours PhD and/or research centre.

degree from the Universidad de Murcia for She obtained a Dupont Fellowship (1999 – 2000) for her thesis that focused on the differential the study Tc-99m SestamibiScintimammography in diagnosis of breast injuries with MIBITc-the evaluation of response of breast carcinoma to 99m Scintigraphy.chemotherapy and was awarded the following

During the recent last years she has rallied degrees in 2004: Positron Emission Tomography

her efforts into preclinical molecular imaging research at CNIO, with an (PET) Scanning in Breast Cancer, PET in the

especial emphasis to empowering preclinical molecular imaging techniques evaluation of Alzheimer and Dual modality PET/CT.

as a key supporting tool in cancer research. She participates in


In the field of molecular imaging, in-vivo preclinical uptake of radiolabelled probes. The use of this imaging has become increasingly important to technology in mice is of moderate spatial resolution academic researchers and especially to those (~1 mm) but compensated by its unparallel involved in the drug development process. Recent sensitivity in detecting tumours. Standard PET improvements in the Molecular Imaging technology exploits the high glucose avidity of technologies employed to image small animals are cancer masses using labelled glucose analogs. helping to generate better data, and at a more PET capabilities are rapidly expanding to measure prodigious rate than ever. other functional properties of tumours, such as In the past, mouse & rat models of Human Disease cellular proliferation, hypoxia and apoptosis. are usually studied using invasive techniques, CT allows visualization of anatomical structures which sacrifice the animal. Although these with high resolution (~50 µm) but the ability to techniques are well established, there are several identify tumours greatly depends on the differential major disadvantages that have been overcome by absorption of radiation between the tumour and its in vivo Imaging Systems applied to small animal as: surrounding tissue. The combination of PET and CT X-ray micro CT (computed tomography); MRI overcomes the intrinsic limitations of each (magneticresonanceimaging); Ultrasound; Micro- technology, combining the high sensitivity of PET PET (positron emission tomography); Micro- and high resolution of CT and offering an SPECT (single photon emission computed unprecedented ability to identify tumours, their tomography), or Optical (luminescence & functional status and dynamics.fluorescence). Of these technologies, only the These modalities greatly facilitate the translation of Nuclear Imaging Modalities (PET & SPECT) can preclinical studies to applications in the clinic.provide the sensitivities required to obtain the same Overall, cancer researchers investigating a wide physiological imaging acuity in small animals as variety of targets and mechanisms of action will can be obtained from humans. These modalities likely want access to both of these technologies to greatly facilitate the translation of preclinical studies evaluate candidate absorption, distribution, to applications in the clinic! me tabo l i sm, exc re t i on and tox i co logy

characteristics.Tumour imaging in live mice has opened new The results obtained so far from leading avenues for research and the ability to perform researchers around the world prove that we're longitudinal studies in combination with therapeutic taking preclinical molecular imaging to a new level interventions using a wide range of techniques. of performance.In our group we have assessed the In our group we have developed methods to importance of parameters that are critical when optimisevisualisation of murine tumours using 18F- imaging cancer in mice using CT, PET and FDG, F18-MISO, Gallium 68 etc PET, CT and Combined PET-CT. multimodal PET-CT. PET detects mouse tumour


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 13

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Cristina Nerín de la PuertaI3A (Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón), Depto. Química Analítica,Universidad de Zaragoza, Campus Rio Ebro, Mª de Luna 3, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain

Cristina Nerín es Catedrática de 28Tesis Doctorales (6 más en curso). Química Analítica en el Centro Hasta la fecha ha sido participante en más de 100 Politécnico Superior de Ingenieros de la Conferencias Internacionales y Profesora de varios Universidad de Zaragoza. Es la cursos Internacionales. En el plano de la gestión, es Fundadora y Directora del Grupo de evaluadora de Proyectos de I+D+I a escala Nacional I n v e s t i g a c i ó n G U I A ( G r u p o e Internacional (EU-VII FrameProgram, Chile, Brasil, Universitario de Investigación Analítica, etc.). Tiene en su haber la propiedad de invención de

), tres patentes Internacionales sobre nuevos reconocido como Grupo Consolidado materiales activos y en una patente PCT (mundial) de Investigación por el Gobierno de sobre envase inteligente, y ha sido galardonada con el Aragón. Directora del Master en Primer Premio de Transferencia de Conocimientos a Ingeniería del Medio Ambiente de la la Empresa en 2008, otorgado por el Consejo Social, Univ. de Zaragoza desde 1989 hasta la CREA y CEPYME.actualidad.

En el año 2008 fue nombrada HEROINA (Defensora M i e m b r o d e l Wo r k i n g G r o u p de Zaragoza) y medalla de plata de la ciudad de “Recycling” en EFSA, del Comité Zaragoza por la trayectoria investigadora. El Científico de AESAN, y consultora de Gobierno de Aragón le otorgó en el año 1990 el primer varios Comités y paneles científicos premio de Medio Ambiente. Atesora además, tres internacionales (ILSI, Food Safety, premios de investigación a las mejores contribuciones etc.). En la actualidad es autora de casi en foros internacionales.

200 publicaciones científicas incluidas en el Citation Index, y ha dirigido


Food contact materials have been recognized as concentration level, initially in the packaging potential source of contaminants for food, as it has material and further in the food. Sometimes the been admitted that most of the compounds having migration takes place from an unexpected layer, molecular weight below 1000 amu can migrate from which is not designed for being in direct contact with the material to the food in contact with them. To the food, as happens for example with the printing guaranty the food safety, the legislation either in inks, adhesives or secondary packaging. There are Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Japan, also likely interactions between different Australia, Mercosur and European Union (EU) components of the given formula, for example in regulate the chemical substances that could be adhesives, printing inks and varnishes, which result used to produce the materials in contact with food in new and unexpected migrants in the final and limit the maximum concentration that they packaging. This fact is sometimes even unknown could have either in the material or in the food. Most by the producers of the materials. This situation materials are regulated, including any kind of opens another issue, such as the presence of Non plastics, glass, ceramic, metals, regenerated Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS), which has cellulose as well as those currently used for specific been included as well in the EU legislation and it applications such as the gaskets or lids for hermetic poses an even more challenging task.glass jars or the lacquers used to cover the internal

The aim is not only to identify and quantify the side of cans, among others. Although there is a long

migrants in the food, but also to know where they list of chemical substances and consequently a

are coming from in order to remove them from the wide series of compounds to be checked in both the

packaging material. As the maximum established materials and the food in contact with them, the

limits of specific migration are often very low, of only control of the materials in contact with food is still a

some ng g-1 in food, it is essential to be sure that challenge, as new materials, new compounds to

there is not crossed contamination or analytical provide new functionalities as well as the current

artifacts, which would invalidate the final results.changes in the competitive market of food packaging materials add many difficulties to this It is clear that all these problems require analytical kind of job. procedures, able to detect and quantify many

different compounds in difficult matrices. The The first problem to point out is the lack of

strategies and several approaches to cope with knowledge about the composition of the materials,

them will be shown and discussed with the help of as it is not declared by the manufacturers. Thus,

some illustrative examples.screening procedures are required at very low


CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA14 - Año 2011, Número 34

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Centro de Investigación del Cáncer. Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC.Campus Miguel de Unamuno s/n. 37007 Salamanca

El Dr. Manuel Fuentes se Licenció en CC. trabajo en el desarrollo de técnicas proteómica Químicas y CC. Biológicas por la funcional para el descubrimiento de biomarcadores o Universidad de Salamanca. Realizó sus nuevos fármacos útiles para medicina personalizada. estudios de postgrado en Biotecnología en En la actualidad, Manuel Fuentes se ha incorporado al la Universidad de Bielefeld . Posteriormente Departamento de Medicina de la Universidad de se doctoró en Bioquímica y Biología Salamanca y como investigador del Centro de Molecular por la Universidad Autónoma de Investigación del Cáncer (Universidad de Salamanca-Madrid. CSIC). Su tesis doctoral se centro en el diseño y Manuel Fuentes es co-autor de más de 55 desarrollo de nuevos métodos de publicaciones en revistas internacionales de con jugac ión e inmov i l i zac ión de prestigio, 8 capítulos de libros y 9 patentes biomolecular para sistemas de diagnóstico i n t e r n a c i o n a l e s , a s í c o m o n u m e r o s a s útiles en genomica y proteomica. En el año comunicaciones en congresos tanto nacionales como 2004, se incorporó como investigador en el internacionales.Instituto de Proteómica de la Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) donde

Now that the human genome has largely been character izat ion. We use Nucleic Acid

sequenced, one of the most important pursuits is to Programmable Protein Arrays (NAPPA), as a

understand the function of proteins it encodes. method for producing the microarrays, because

Despite immense progress in molecular biology they replace the complex process of spotting

and genetics, only a small fraction of the proteome purified proteins with the simpler process of

is understood at the biochemical level. spotting plasmid DNA. The proteins can then be

simultaneously transcribed/translated in situ at the Systems biology and proteomics strive to create time of the assay.detailed predictive models for molecular pathways

based upon the quantitative behavior of proteins. The second technology is a surface plasmon

Understanding these dynamic networks provides resonance imaging (SPRi) device that has been

clues into the consequence of aberrant interactions adapted to multiplexed binding events from a planar

and why they lead to diseases like cancer. surface and is compatible with the protein

However, collecting biochemical data about protein microarray. In addition this technique is sensitive,

behavior at scale has been daunting. accurate and provides real-time date for both the

equilibrium and the interaction kinetics.Historically, methods capable of collecting

quantitative data on biochemical interactions could The project is focused at coupling NAPPA protein

only be used for one or a few proteins at the time. array technology to multiplexed realtime label-free

Here, we show the combination of two technologies SPRi-based detection system (which allows

that together could lead to the ability to measure thousands of binding events to be monitored in real-

binding events in real time for many protein time without any loss in sensitivity). By SPRiwe

interactions simultaneously using a label free were able to detect binary interactions using

technology. NAPPA format. The combination of both

technologies allows us to generate detailed kinetic This could revolutionize the study of protein data of interaction pathways.interactions networks by enabling quantitative

comparisons of binding affinities across many

molecular species, as well determining the kinetics

rates of binding and release.

The first technology is protein microarrays, which

display thousands of proteins in high density and

enable the i r s imul taneous b iochemical


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Jordi SeguraIMIM-Hospital del Mar Research Institute, Barcelona

Department CEXS, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Prof. Jordi Segura (born in 1949 in Barcelona, antidoping control at all Olympic Games in the last 22 Spain) is Chemical Engineer by the “Instituto years. He is also member of the Doping Control Químico Sarria” (1971), Bachelor of Science by the Review Board of the International Swimming “Universitat de Barcelona”(1972) and Ph.D. in Federation (FINA) and of several anti-doping Science by the “Universitat Autònoma de commissions.Barcelona” (UAB, 1977). From 1974 till 1984 he At present he is permanent Professor of Chemistry at worked for the “Laboratorios Almirall” in Barcelona, the ”Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y de la Vida”, progressing from Director of the Biopharmacy UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). He has participated Department (till 1981) to Deputy Head of the in numerous key lectures in the area of analytical Research Department. chemistry and biochemistry, in national and In 1985 he joined the “Institut Municipal international meetings and congresses. Prof. Segura d'Investigació Mèdica” (IMIM-Hospital del Mar, has permanent contact for chemical-biological

Barcelona) as co-ordinator of its Pharmacology Research Unit, initiating a methodologies with international organisations, and is laboratory of biochemical analysis, which in 1985 was accredited by the a frequent consultant in matters concerning International Olympic Committee (IOC) and later by the World Antidoping biochemical analysis of medicines and drugs. Agency (WADA) for antidoping control. He was the Director of the Olympic Prof. Segura is author of around 300 scientific Laboratory at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona and of the Panamerican publications related to the chemical and biological Games Laboratory in Cuba in 1991 and in Argentina in 1995. At present at determination of drugs, medicines and their IMIM-Hospital del Mar Research Institute he is the Co-ordinator of the metabolites in biological fluids as well as several Bioanalytical and Analytical Services Research Group. complementary areas. Recently he has received the In 1991 he joined the IOC Medical Commission as a standing member and in 2011 XIII Spanish National Award on Research in 1995 he was nominated Secretary of the Subcommission of Doping and Sports Medicine and has been elected as President of Biochemistry of Medical Commission of the IOC. Now is a member of the IOC the World Association of Antidoping Scientists Medical Commission Games Group. On behalf of the IOC has also supervised (WAADS) for the period 2013-2014.

Most compounds prohibited in human and animal sports between isoforms should be altered through the are low molecular weight compounds. The detection of administration of a single recombinant pharmaceutical, their misuse is performed through the analysis in differential immunoassays have been succesfully biological samples (mainly urine) of the parent developed. In this approach where the ratio between the compounds or their metabolites. The metabolism of the 22 kDa and all pituitary variants is determined, precise compounds has to be known in order to identify the best knowledge on the relative avidity and affinity of each markers to detect their administration. In antidoping antibody to different isoforms was established by means control, chemical screening methods addressing groups of surface plasmon resonance, thus facilitating the of compounds with similar physicochemical properties precise interpretation of immunoassays results. Also are applied to all samples to eliminate "true negative" related with GH, the synthetic growth hormone specimens. For first-round suspicious samples, a Secretagogues (ghrelin analogs and mimetics) which confirmation method based on mass spectrometry (MS), target the GHS-1a receptor have been studied. A protocol specific for the compound detected, is applied. Gas or based on the displacement of labeled ghrelin from liquid chromatography coupled to MS are the most used incubations with receptor expressing cells is being techniques. Due to the stringent requirements in developed. This time, the analytical protocol will be in sensit ivity and specif icity, high performance place even before any doping attempt by those chromatography coupled to high resolution MS or tandem compounds.MS (MS-MS) is applied for some compounds. As evident from the above paragraphs, challenges in However, another relevant challenge nowadays is to sports drug testing come from different areas, and detect those doping substances available thanks to science will need to cope with them. For instance, the use biotechnological advances that bear the same (or nearly of blood transfusion, especially the so-called autologous the same) structure than the endogenous counterparts. transfusion. In this regards, indirect markers, such as the To face this issue requires a deep overlapping between unexpectedly high concentrations of phthalates in urine chemistry and other established methodologies in life (leaking from the plastic materials of the bags containing sciences. blood) are becoming useful to identify potential cheaters. In this regards, erythropoietin is one of the most powerful New analytical advances shall be implemented, mainly doping agents although its detection by differentiating the on MS and nanotechnologies. Also permanent recombinant variants from the endogenously produced surveillance of pharmaceutical developments that may hormone is one of the most demanding challenges. An be misused in sport, is mandatory. However, the biggest important focus was set on the structural elucidation of challenge for the next decade may come probably from the variability of the protein structure with particular the application of the so-called gene doping, which gives attention to the glycans. rise to the in vivo expression of a performance enhancing Growth hormone (GH) is also an active playground for the hormone in commonly non-expressing human tissues. anti-doping research. Over the last decade substantial Next years will also see an increment in the longitudinal efforts were put into the development of analytical follow-up of individual athletes (biological passport) to protocols for this family of compounds. Based on the rapidly identify any unnatural deviation of key philosophy that the relatively stable endogenous ratio biochemical parameters.


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CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 17


El Grupo Regional Andaluz de la Andaluzas sobre Avances en Análisis Sociedad Española de Química Químico” en donde se imparten conferencias, Analítica (GRASEQA), nace se desarrollan grupos de trabajo para tratar como grupo especializado dentro problemas analíticos relevantes planteados de la Sociedad Española de por el mundo universitario y profesional, y se Química Analítica (SEQA), con dan a conocer los trabajos que vienen

el fin de desarrollar y divulgar la Química Analítica desarrollando cada grupo de investigación con tratando de aglutinar no solo al sector universitario sino la presentación de comunicaciones orales o en también al profesional. forma de pósters, implicando e incentivando a Los objetivos marcados por el GRASEQA podrían los investigadores mas jóvenes, que pueden orientarse, fundamentalmente, en dos direcciones: por optar a conseguir el PREMIO GRASEQA una parte en el marco universitario, para potenciar y dotado con 600€. Sobre este último aspecto desarrollar tanto la investigación, como los habría que resaltar que se ha pasado de 36 conocimientos analíticos que deben poseer los alumnos comunicaciones, presentadas por primera vez que cursan las asignaturas del área de Química Analítica. en las IV Jornadas celebradas en Córdoba en Por otra parte en el marco profesional, para potenciar el 1994, a 18 comunicaciones orales y 105 en trasvase de conocimientos y experiencia de los forma de carteles presentadas en la última Departamentos universitarios para su aprovechamiento reunión celebrada también en Córdoba dentro en las industrias y laboratorios andaluces, además del de las XII Jornadas.uso del potencial humano e instrumental de los Desde la creación del grupo se han laboratorios universitarios, para auxiliar a los laboratorios celebrado12 reuniones: Granada (1990), andaluces asesorando y/o resolviendo problemáticas se Sevilla-Huelva (1991), Cádiz (1992), Córdoba interés. (1994), Málaga (1996), Jaén (1998), Almería Para lograr estos objetivos, el GRASEQA, ha venido (2000), Granada (2002), Sevilla (2004), Cádiz realizando, periódicamente, reuniones de carácter (2006), Huelva (2008) y Córdoba (2010).científico y docente, bajo el nombre de “Jornadas

Tras el éxito de las cuatro ediciones precedentes Se puede obtener información completa sobre (Córdoba, Tarragona, Oviedo y Zaragoza), esta nueva el workshop en la siguiente dirección edición tiene lugar Toledo, organizado por el área de electrónica:Química Analítica de la UCLM.

El congreso persigue presentar los avances en las distintas áreas de la Nanociencia y Nanotecnologías

FECHAS LÍMITES:analíticas; reunir a los grupos de investigación nacionales

- Para la solicitud de becas y ayudas: 30 de dedicados a estas temáticas para intercambiar junio de 2011.experiencias y promover posibles colaboraciones;

propiciar la participación de jóvenes investigadores en la - Para la recepción de los resúmenes de los presentación de sus trabajos; e invitar a investigadores posters: 15 de julio de 2011.extranjeros de relevancia en el campo de la nanociencia / - Para la inscripción: 31 de julio de 2011.nanotecnología analítica.

Las sesiones estarán dedicadas principalmente al S e c r e t a r í a : D r . M . Z o u g a g h ,

desarrollo y caracterización de nuevos materiales; a las nuevas herramientas analí t icas basadas en nanoestructuras; las aplicaciones (bio)analíticas de nuevos nanomateriales; la nanofabricación y nanoprocesado, o la nanociencia y nanotecnología ambiental.


[email protected]


Page 18: D A CD I TL BOLETÍN Í de la Sociedad Española de Química

CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA18 - Año 2011, Número 34


(Julio Ballesta-Claver. Universidad de Granada)

La realización de un que recoja los datos obtenidos tras el análisis; análisis químico implica 2) Prevención de riesgos, en donde se tratan hoy en día el conocimiento aspectos como la manipulación de productos d e l a s t é c n i c a s peligrosos, materiales y equipos y 3) i n s t r u m e n t a l e s m á s Minimización y gestión de residuos. Esta obra arraigadas dentro de la se complementa al final con la introducción de Química Analítica. Su tres anexos, siendo el primero de ellos un estudio y empleo necesita compendio de frases H, R y pictogramas. El d e u n a e x p e r i e n c i a segundo trata sobre las líneas de Rayos X de práctica en este campo, los distintos elementos y el tercero enumera aspecto que puede ser los límites de error del material volumétrico y adquirido si se tienen los las concentraciones de reactivos comerciales materiales adecuados más comunes. También cabe destacar el para su aprendizaje. Esto último capítulo del libro que trata sobre el es lo que se pretende en el análisis de contaminantes atmosféricos en l ibro “Laborator io de tiempo real, describiéndose los tubos Análisis Instrumental” de colorimétricos y los chips. Es de agradecer que

las autoras Adela Mauri, María Llobat y Rosa Herráez, el libro venga acompañado de un CD-Rom que libro que ha sido fruto de las experiencias acumuladas contiene material multimedia que completa el durante años de docencia en la Universidad de Valencia. manual a través de una serie de ejercicios de Presenta el aval de ser publicado por la Editorial Reverté. autoevaluación sobre conceptos relativos a las La premisa que esta obra lleva implícita queda reflejada técnicas instrumentales, la optimización de al comienzo del libro con la siguiente cita de Confucio: parámetros, calibración o tratamiento de la Estudiar sin pensar es engañoso. Pensar sin estudiar es muestra. Además se incluyen videos que peligroso. Este texto está construido a partir de una serie muestran tanto aspectos teóricos como los de experiencias de laboratorio que se encuentran procedimientos empleados para realizar las clasificadas a través de los diferentes métodos medidas experimentales. Las obras actuales empleados para el análisis: ópticos, electroanalíticos, sobre análisis instrumental están muy cromatográficos y electroforéticos, incluyéndose para orientadas al estudio interno de los equipos y a cada método un conjunto de experiencias, sumando un los fundamentos teóricos de las técnicas, total de 47 en todo el libro. Al comienzo de cada sección faltando un enfoque más práctico, por lo que se indican explicaciones esquemáticas de los principios esta obra es el complemento que suple las fundamentales de los diferentes métodos. A modo de deficiencias de los textos tradicionales. Sin ejemplo podemos destacar de entre las diferentes embargo hay que tener en cuenta que esta experiencias, la determinación de cumarina en vainilla obra presenta una limitación en cuanto a adulterada a través de la comparación de resultados material teórico en el cual fundamentarse. Por mediante espectroscopia derivada y regresión lineal lo que se puede concluir que es una iniciativa múltiple; la optimización de variables en fluorescencia plausible para ser empleada como docencia sincrónica o la experiencia que trata sobre la optimización experimental formativa en Laboratorios y y validación de un método analítico para la determinación Universidades. de cafeína en refrescos utilizando para ello un método cromatográfico. Cada experiencia viene estructurada con una introducción teórica, una parte experimental, una planificación del trabajo experimental, una bibliografía específica y un ejemplo realizado en el laboratorio que incluye los resultados que se obtienen tras realizarla. La forma de presentación es muy ilustrativa, incluyendo tablas, estructuras químicas, fotografías, espectros de las propias moléculas y esquemas de los montajes. La obra en sí no consiste solamente en un compendio de experiencias de laboratorio, ya que incluye algunos capítulos introductorios al inicio del libro como 1) “El proceso Analítico”, indicándose de forma esquemática el muestreo, la calibración, la obtención de resultados e incluso las pautas para la elaboración de un informe final

Laboratorio de análisis instrumentalAutores: A. Mauri; M. Llobat; R. HerráezEdita: Reverte EditorialISBN: 978-84-291-7395-6

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CTUA L I DADN A L Í T I C AA Número 34, Año 2011 - 19


(Luis Cuadros Rodríguez, UGR)

Nos encontramos con generalmente no está disponible además de u n c u a d e r n o d e un entrenamiento previo. prácticas, cuya finalidad Dichas determinaciones han sido sustituidas es su utilización directa por otros métodos volumétricos (índice de en el laboratorio por yodo, índice de saponificación) que hoy en día p a r t e t a n t o d e ya no se utilizan en el control de calidad del e s t u d i a n t e s c o m o aceite de oliva pero sí de otros aceites p ro feso res , y que vegetales. Se añade la determinación p r e s e n t a d o s gravimétrica del porcentaje de humedad y i m p o r t a n t e s materias volátiles que sigue aplicándose como innovac iones. La parámetro para fijar el precio en las primera estriba en la transacciones económicas, sobre todo en propia ed ic ión, en aquellas que implican grandes volúmenes de formato electrónico, aceite. a p r o v e c h a n d o l a s El cuaderno recoge, además de los posibilidades de las procedimientos de todas las metodologías versiones más recientes analíticas, nueve hojas de cálculo (diseñadas (de la 9 en adelante) de sobre Excel) muy útiles para realizar de forma un programa de amplia automática los cálculos requeridos en cada

distribución y uso como es Adobe Acrobat. Este formato una de las determinaciones. Además, es atractivo y cómodo y ofrece una enorme facilidad de también aparecen lúcidamente descritos, en acceso y utilización por parte de los estudiantes. forma de sendos diagramas de flujo, los La segunda, posiblemente la más significativa desde el diferentes esquemas de decisiones que hay punto de vista analítico, radica en la forma en la que está que aplicar. descrito el proceso analítico correspondiente a los Quizás echo en falta, tanto en los diferentes métodos analít icos contemplados. procedimientos como en las hojas de cálculo, Descubrimos con gran sorpresa y satisfacción que cada un apartado dedicado a la estimación de la una de las prácticas, en total ocho, está escrita en forma incertidumbre de los resultados. Dicho de procedimiento normalizado (PNT). La utilización de parámetro resulta hoy en día ineludible a la este esquema, el único que actualmente es utilizado por hora de tomar decisiones, sobre la calidad de todos los laboratorios de análisis químico (curiosamente un producto, basadas en la comparación con con la excepción de la mayoría de los laboratorios límites o umbrales legales. Ello requeriría universitarios de prácticas o de investigación), ha además contemplar un programa de supuesto para los autores un esfuerzo notable que, calibración/verificación de los equipos indudablemente, se ve recompensado por la formación utilizados en la medida de masas, volúmenes, que ofrece a los estudiantes que lo utilicen. temperaturas y absorbancias, ya que sus Como declaran los autores, se recoge un conjunto de características metrológicas son necesarias métodos analíticos que permiten verificar la categoría para la estimación de dicha incertidumbre. declarada de un aceite de oliva (virgen extra, virgen y En resumen, nos hallamos frente a un mezcla de refinado y virgen) fundamentándose para ello excelente y, en cierto modo, pionero cuaderno en una serie de requisitos de calidad y pureza de prácticas analíticas de enorme utilidad que establecidos por el único organismo internacional con acerca a los estudiantes a las actividades competencias para ello, como es el Consejo Oleícola propias de los laboratorios externos, y que Internacional (COI). La caracterización de cada una de esperamos anime a nuevas iniciativas en la las categorías se hace en base a un doble esquema de misma dirección por parte del profesorado y decisiones diseñado por los autores que recoge, al otros formadores de Química Analítica.menos en su primera parte, la legislación europea actual. Así se describen los métodos analíticos para el establecimiento del grado de acidez, índice de peróxidos, y medida de la absorbancia UV.Seguramente, con buen criterio, los autores han obviado los métodos analíticos basados en determinaciones cromatográficas, con excepción de la caracterización del perfil de ácidos grasos mediante GC a partir de los derivados metílicos (FAME) que, por su complejidad, requieren para su realización un tiempo que

Análisis de Aceite de Oliva. Cuaderno de Prácticas Normalizado Autores: Luis Ballesteros García, Mª Luisa Fernández de Córdoba y Antonio Ruiz Medina Edita: Ayuda a la Enseñanza S.L., Jaén, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-937483-5-7

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Número 34, Junio 2011




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