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Would prefer - Would rather Roberto me pregunta sobre las expresiones: “would prefer” and “would rather”.

En principio la pregunta parece fácil.

“Would prefer” y la forma condicional del verbo “prefer”, preferir, por tanto, es “preferiría”

Por otro lado, “would rather” [gud rader] es igual que “would prefer” [gud prefer] y, por tanto, también significa “preferiría”.

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

Ejemplo 1: I would prefer to go out. [ai gud pref tugouaut]Preferiría salir.

Ejemplo 2: I'd rather stay here. [aid rader steihiir]Yo preferiría quedarme.

Ejemplo 3: She'd prefer dancing. [shid prefer dansing] Ella preferiría bailar.

Ejemplo 4: Would you rather sleep or stay awake? [gud iu rader sslip or stei agüeik] ¿Preferirías dormir o permanecer despierto?

Diferencia importante entre "would prefer" y “would rather”: El verbo que sigue a “would rather” va en infinitivo sin “to”. Otra vez, para que se te quede grabado: “el verbo que sigue a “would rather” va en infinitivo sin “to”. En cambio, el verbo que sigue a “would prefer” puede ir seguido de un verbo en infinitivo con “to” o en "-ing"; no hay mucha diferencia de significado entre una u otra opción. Aquí puedes ver lo que dijimos en su día sobre los verbos seguidos por -ing o infinitivo. Busca “prefer” en la lista.

Nota: “Would rather like” no es lo mismo que “would rather”. “I would rather like” significa “Me gustaría mucho”. No expresa preferencia y tiene un uso similar a "quite" [kuait] bastante. No obstante, -creo- que esta expresión es más británica que americana.

Ejemplo: I'd rather like a cold beer. Me gustaría mucho una cerveza fría.

Algo más sobre “would rather”:

Podemos decir:

Ejemplo 1 : I'd rather you spoke in English. Preferiría que hablases (o hablaras) en inglés.

Ejemplo 2: My brother would rather we didn't go home. Mi hermano preferiría que no fuésemos (o fuéramos) a casa.

Fíjate cómo esta estructura contiene dos oraciones (una principal y otra subordinada) y expresa las preferencias de una persona:

(1)sujeto +“would rather” + (2) sujeto + past tense

Ejemplo 3: She'd rather you worked. Ella preferiría que tú trabajases.

Observa además como en esta estructura traducimos el “past tense” por el “pretérito imperfecto del subjuntivo” (no por el pasado).

Por ejemplo decimos:(worked) trabajara/trabajases, (slept) durmieras/durmieses, (told) contara/contases, etc. Igual ocurre en el condicional de segundo tipo (el improbable), con el “past tense” que va después de “if”. Por ejemplo decimos: “If I were rich, I wouldn't work.” “Si yo fuera/fuese rico, no trabajaría.”

1.  I would  rather eat traditional Cuban food than a burger. 

2. You would  prefer  to go to the beach than to go shopping.

3. She would  rather  travel to Miami than New York.

4. They would  prefer  to eat at a nice restaurant on the beach. 

5.  Rachel  prefers  shopping at boutiques to shopping at a mall.

I prefer... .Italian food to Cuban food.

I'd prefer not.....to go to the movies.  Let's watch a movie at home.

I'd rather you......didn't smoke.  I don't like smoking.

I'd rather... ...eat Cuban food than hamburgers.

1. Maya   would prefer to  take her friend to a nice restaurant on the beach than to a fast food restaurant.

2. Maya   would rather  go to the beach than go shopping.

3. Both of them   would prefer  to go to Key Biscayne than Miami Beach.

4. Maya likes Cuban food, but Rachel  prefers   burgers.

5.  What would you  rather  do?

6.  Rachel  would rather not  to go to Miami beach. 

General preferences

Maya prefers going shopping to going to the beach.

Rachel prefers Italian food to Cuban food.

Preferences for this weekend

Rachel would rather go to Key Biscayne than Miami Beach.

Maya would much prefer to eat Cuban food tomorrow.

Maya's preferences:

1.  Maya  prefers   reading a book to watching a movie.

2.  She  'd prefer  to go shopping at the mall this weekend.

3.  She  'd rather  eat spicy food.

Rachel's preferences:

4.  Rachel  prefers   tacos to pizza.

5.  She usually  'd prefer  to go to the beach on weekends.

6.  She  ´d rather  go to Miami Beach.



Una vez que realices todos los ejercicios y hagas click en "Submit" podrás avanzar a la siguiente página con el botón "Next Page".

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Movie Genres | Géneros Cinematográficos

We call types of movies 'genres.'  Match the type of movie to the name of the genre.Ver instrucciones en español.

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a romantic movie


an action movie


a horror movie


a sci-fi movie


a children's movie


a drama


a comedy

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Movies: What Does Rachel Prefer? | Películas: ¿Qué Película Prefiere Rachel?Which movies does Rachel prefer?  Match her preferences on the left to the type of movie on the right.Ver instrucciones en español.

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 Score: 3 out of 3 (100.00%)

Rachel prefers romantic movies.

She would rather watch a comedy.

She prefers watching sci-fi movies to horror movies.

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In My Opinion... | En Mi OpiniónTo express agreement or disagreement we use several different phrases.  Look at the chart below to learn more.  Then complete the exercises that follow.Ver instrucciones en español.

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Expressing an opinion

As far as I'm concerned...In my opinion...The way I see it...


I completely agree.I totally agree.I absolutely agree.I am in agreement with...


I completely disagree.I am in disagreement with...I absolutely disagree.I totally disagree.

1.  As far as concerned /  As far as I'm concerned , action movies are better than romantic comedies. 

2.  My opinion /  In my opinion , Sean Connery is the best actor ever. 

3.   The way I see it  /I see it, sci-fi movies are more entertaining than horror movies.

4.  Brad loves horror movies.   As far as I'm concerned  / I'm concerned, horror movies are terrible.

Clear all answers

Reordering Opinions | Reordena OpinionesReorder the statements giving opinions about movies 

In my opinion, comedies are the best for dates.


As far as I'm concerned, horror movies are terrible.


The way I see it, Star Wars is the best movie in the world.

Clear all answers

Give an opinion

1.  The way   I see it , Indiana Jones is the best action series.

2.  As   far as I'm concerned , romantic comedies are the best kinds of date movies.

3.  In   my opinion , Avatar was much better than Titanic. 

Clear all answers

Agreeing and Disagreeing | Estar de Acuerdo y No Estar de Acuerdo

1.  Maya:  I think Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's action movies are the best.

     Maya's Mom:  Oh, I  totally agree .  Jackie Chan movies are my favorites!

2.  Robbie:  I really don't like long romantic movies.  I thought You've Got Mail was boring.  

     Emma:  I  completely disagree .  I like romantic movies.  Love stories are my favorites, especially with

Meg Ryan.

3.  Rachel:  I'd rather watch a thriller movie than a horror movie.

     Maya:  I  completely agree .  I prefer thrillers to horror movies, too.

4.  Rachel:  I really prefer watching sci-fi movies to dramas.  Star Wars is the greatest!

     Rachel's brother:  Sorry, but I  absolutely disagree .  Schindler's List is so much more realistic

than Star Wars.Clear all answers

Giving Opinions: Choosing A Movie | Dar Opiniones: Escoger una Película

I completely agree I totally agree

In my opinion I completely disagree

As far as I'm concerned

1.  Maya:   in my opinion , Pierce Brosnan is the best James Bond.

     Rachel:   Really?   I completely disagree  that Pierce Brosnan is the best Bond.  I'd rather watch Sean


2. Rachel:  What would you rather see, an action movie or a drama?

    Brian:   I'd rather see an action movie than a drama.  

    Maya:    I totally agree !  Let's see the new Jackie Chan movie.

3.  Brian:  Which would you prefer to watch, Avatar or Bridges Over Madison County?

     Maya:    as far as I'm concerned , romantic movies are the best date movies. 

     Brian:    I completely agree .  Let's watch Bridges Over Madison County.  What a great

Write It Out: Your Opinion | Escríbelo: Tu Opinión

"In my opinion, Star Wars is a really great movie."  

Agree or disagree?     I totally agree . 

"Twilight is the best movie ever made."

Agree or disagree?    I totally disagree .

"As far as I'm concerned, romantic movies are the best."

Agree or disagree?    I totally disagree . 

"Comedies are much better than horror movies."

Agree or disagree?    I agree .

A: So, we have to decide between two suggestions: the computer skills course and the time-management course. What do you think?

B: I think a computer course is best. The market for computer skills is very big, because all businesses use computers these days.

A: I see what you mean, but a lot of people can already use them, so they don’t need a training course. If you ask me, a timemanagement course is best. Employees can use those skills in every part of their job, and it’s very good for their company, too.

B: Mmm, I suppose so, but I don’t think employees will think it’s very useful.

A: Good point – I didn’t think of that. Well, as part of the course, we should try to help them see the benefits. This is a difficult decision – perhaps we should ask the trainers for their views.

B: Yes, I agree. Let’s see what they think.

Giving an opinion

If you ask me, a time-management course is best.

I think a computer course is best.

Agreeing completely

Good point - I didn't think of that.

Yes, I agree. Let's see what they think.

Agreeing, but not completely

I see what you mean, but a lot of people can already use them.

I suppose so, but I don't think employees will think it's very useful.

Hi Rachel,

I'm so happy that you're coming to visit me in Miami next month!  Since this is your first time in

Miami, I'm excited to show you around.  I have some good ideas about places to go, but I

want to know what you'd like to do.

Would you prefer to go to the beach right away?  Or would you rather do some shopping

around town first?  There is a great beach not far from my house, and we could go there if

you'd like that.  I'd like to take you to Key Biscayne.

Also, I want to make reservations for a nice restaurant on the beach.  Would you prefer 

traditional Cuban food or someplace with nice cocktails?

Let me know what you think.

See you soon,


Maya:   Would you rather have  tacos or pizza for lunch, Rachel?

Rachel:  Actually,  I'd rather have  a salad for lunch.  I hope you don't mind.

Maya:  Ok.  They have salad at La Azteca and at Pizza Palace.   Which do you prefer?

Rachel:   I prefer  La Azteca.   In my opinion , their salads are the best.  Let's go there.

Maya:  Do you like going to the movies, Sam?

Sam:  I do, but I  prefer seeing movies  at home.   If you ask me, it's easier  to rent them at home.

Maya:  I totally agree .  You know,  I'd sooner watch  movies at home, too.

Unit 7 QuizRevisa las respuestas correctas

Puedes ver tu nota en el cuadro de la derecha. Te invitamos a revisar todas tus respuestas corregidas

para saber en qué te equivocaste y asi aprender aún más.

Pregunta 1Correcta1 de 1 punto

For questions 1-4, listen to the conversation and mark the statements below as true or false.

Para las preguntas 1 a 4, escucha la conversación y marca los enunciados de abajo como verdaderos o


The man doesn't ask what the woman thinks about the course.

Selecciona tu respuesta:A)FalsoB)Verdadero

 La alternativa correcta es: Falso

Review the activity "Categorize: Giving Opinions and Agreeing | Categoriza: Dar Opiniones y Estar de Acuerdo" on the Business Workshop: What Do You Think? | Taller de Negocios: ¿Qué Opinas? page.

Pregunta 2Correcta1 de 1 punto

Listen to the conversation and mark the statement below as true or false.

Escucha la conversación y marca el enunciado de abajo como verdadero o falso.

The woman believes that a computer course is the best idea

Selecciona tu respuesta:A)FalsoB)Verdadero

 La alternativa correcta es: Verdadero

Review the activity "Categorize: Giving Opinions and Agreeing | Categoriza: Dar Opiniones y Estar de Acuerdo" on the Business Workshop: What Do You Think? | Taller de Negocios: ¿Qué Opinas? page.

Pregunta 3Correcta1 de 1 punto

Listen to the conversation and mark the statement below as true or false.

Escucha la conversación y marca el enunciado de abajo como verdadero o falso.

The man disagrees with the woman and believes that the time management course is best.

Selecciona tu respuesta:A)FalsoB)Verdadero

 La alternativa correcta es: Verdadero

Review the activity "Categorize: Giving Opinions and Agreeing | Categoriza: Dar Opiniones y Estar de Acuerdo" on the Business Workshop: What Do You Think? | Taller de Negocios: ¿Qué Opinas? page.

Pregunta 4Correcta1 de 1 punto

Listen to the conversation and mark the statement below as true or false.

Escucha la conversación y marca el enunciado de abajo como verdadero o falso.

Both the woman and the man agree that they should not ask the trainers for their opinion.

Selecciona tu respuesta:A)FalsoB)Verdadero

 La alternativa correcta es: Falso

Review the activity "Categorize: Giving Opinions and Agreeing | Categoriza: Dar Opiniones y Estar de Acuerdo" on the Business Workshop: What Do You Think? | Taller de Negocios: ¿Qué Opinas? page.

Pregunta 5Correcta1 de 1 punto

Select the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Selecciona la palabra o frase correcta para completar la oración.

I ____________ go to a movie than watch one at home.

Selecciona tu respuesta:


would rather 

 La alternativa correcta es: would rather

Pregunta 6Correcta1 de 1 punto

w ould rather

Select the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Selecciona la palabra o frase correcta para completar la oración.

David _______ playing basketball to running

Selecciona tu respuesta:



 La alternativa correcta es: prefers

Pregunta 7Incorrecta0 de 1 punto


Select the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Selecciona la palabra o frase correcta para completar la oración.

My friends _________ not take the subway.

Selecciona tu respuesta:


would prefer 

 La alternativa correcta es: would rather

Pregunta 8Correcta1 de 1 punto

w ould prefer

Select the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Selecciona la palabra o frase correcta para completar la oración.

___________ go to a concert than a movie, right?

Selecciona tu respuesta:


You would rather 

 La alternativa correcta es: You would rather

Pregunta 9Incorrecta0 de 1 punto

You w ould rather

Complete the sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase to express


Completa la oración rellenando el espacio con una palabra o frase apropiada para expresar preferencia.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

I   using a laptop.

 El orden correcto es:


Pregunta 10Incorrecta0 de 1 punto

Complete the sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase to express


Completa la oración rellenando el espacio con una palabra o frase apropiada para expresar preferencia.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

I prefer

We  cheeseburgers to empanadas.

 El orden correcto es:

'd prefer / would prefer / prefer

Pregunta 11Correcta1 de 1 punto

Complete the sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase to express


Completa la oración rellenando el espacio con una palabra o frase apropiada para expresar preferencia.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

She   see a movie than go to a concert.

 El orden correcto es:

'd rather / would rather / 'd sooner / would sooner / prefers to / 'd prefer to / would prefer to

w ould rather

w ould rather

Pregunta 12Correcta1 de 1 punto

Complete the sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase to express


Completa la oración rellenando el espacio con una palabra o frase apropiada para expresar preferencia.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

We   running to biking.

 El orden correcto es:



Pregunta 13Correcta1 de 1 punto

For questions 14-17, write the correct phrase in the blank in order to complete the conversation.

Write the phrase in the box exactly as you see it. Use each phrase only once.

Para las preguntas 14 a 17, escribe la frase correcta en los espacios para completar la conversación.

Escribe la frase de la caja exactamente como la ves. Usa cada frase solo una vez.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

A: What do you think we should have for dinner?

B: , we should have Peruvian food for dinner.

As far as I m c

 El orden correcto es:

As far as I'm concerned / As far as I am concerned

Pregunta 14Correcta1 de 1 punto

Write the correct phrase in the blank in order to complete the conversation. Write the phrase in the

box exactly as you see it. Use each phrase only once

Escribe la frase correcta en los espacios para completar la conversación. Escribe la frase de la caja

exactamente como la ves. Usa cada frase solo una vez.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

A: No.  . It's too spicy. I don't like spicy food.

 El orden correcto es:

I completely disagree

I completely di

Pregunta 15Correcta1 de 1 punto

Write the correct phrase in the blank in order to complete the conversation. Write the phrase in the

box exactly as you see it. Use each phrase only once.

Escribe la frase correcta en los espacios para completar la conversación. Escribe la frase de la caja

exactamente como la ves. Usa cada frase solo una vez.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

B: Well, what about Italian food?   that's spicy, and it's really good.

 El orden correcto es:

I don't think / I do not think

Pregunta 16Correcta1 de 1 punto

I don't think

Write the correct phrase in the blank in order to complete the conversation. Write the phrase in the

box exactly as you see it. Use each phrase only once.

Escribe la frase correcta en los espacios para completar la conversación. Escribe la frase de la caja

exactamente como la ves. Usa cada frase solo una vez.

Asegúrate de escribir correctamente las palabras:

A:  . I would rather have spaghetti than ceviche.

 El orden correcto es:

I agree

Pregunta 17Correcta1 de 1 punto

Select the correct expression to complete the sentence.

Selecciona la expresión correcta para completar la frase.

___________, he's a terrible actor.

Phrases to express opinion

Selecciona tu respuesta:


As far as I'm concerned 

I agree

As far as I'm concerned

 La alternativa correcta es: As far as I'm concerned

Pregunta 18Incorrecta0 de 1 punto

Select all the expressions that belong to the category.

Selecciona todas las expresiones que pertenecen a la categoría.

Phrases to agree

Selecciona tu respuesta:I completely agreeI believe that you're correctI don't think that you're rightAs far as

I'm concernedI am in disagreement withI think that you're rightIn my opinionI totally disagreeThe way I see


 Las alternativas correctas son: I completely agree, I believe that you're correct, I think that you're right

Pregunta 19Correcta1 de 1 punto

Select all the expressions that belong to the category.

Selecciona todas las expresiones que pertenecen a la categoría.

Phrases to disagree

Selecciona tu respuesta:I completely agreeI believe that you're correctI don't think that you're rightAs far as

I'm concernedI am in disagreement withI think that you're rightIn my opinionI totally disagreeThe way I see


 Las alternativas correctas son: I don't think that you're right, I am in disagreement with, I totally disagree

Pregunta 20Correcta1 de 1 punto

Read the article and select all the statements that are true.

If you prefer...

Selecciona tu respuesta:Cuban food, you have to go to La Carreta.hamburgers, don't go to Miami.to be

alone, go to Key Biscaine.shopping to going to the beach, go to Lincoln Road.mojitos to beer, go to


 Las alternativas correctas son: Cuban food, you have to go to La Carreta., to be alone, go to Key Biscaine., shopping to going to the beach, go to Lincoln Road.