Download pdf - Berliner Theatertreffen


Berliner Theatertreffen busca las propuestas teatrales ms innovadoras de EuropaLa convocatoria est abierta a textos dramticos y propuestas escnicas, con especial inters por la innovacin y los nuevos lenguajes, de creadores europeos de hasta 37 aos de edad. El comit seleccionar cinco obras o propuestas, que sern presentadas en la sede del teatro. El plazo de admisin de propuestas finaliza el 1 de diciembre de 2015.Ms informacin en:

Stckemarkt: OpenCall2016The Stckemarkt of the Berliner Theatertreffen is looking for innovative theatre languages and diverse forms of authorship. We would like to invite theatre makers from all parts of Europe to apply by submitting their latest plays. Theatre texts and finished productions can be submitted, the medium of language should be a main aspect of the work. We particularly encourage the submission of projects that deal with the political dimension of narration, question the power structures in our society and open up alternative world views.The Stckemarkts jury of artists will select a total of five works from among the submissions. These plays will be presented within the programme of the Theatertreffen, in a format that corresponds with their form as staged readings, performances, lectures, site-specific formats etc.In cooperation with the Bundeszentrale fr politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education), the Stckemarkt will bestow a commission of work to one of the invited artists or groups. This comes with prize money in the amount of 7000.- Euro and includes the production of a new work at a theatre in Germany.
